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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

DIRT & The Prison of Stained Acceptance

Makara, Viktor January 2022 (has links)
Studying the societal and spatial implications of dirt and its inherent out-of-placeness brought forth a heuristic exploration of heterotopic spatial qualities within the realm of architecture. Taking on the metaphorical role of dirt, the prison is juxtaposed with its societally defined counterpart, the museum. An architectural form began to take place via the implementation of interpretations and a general ambiguity derived from the strange merger of the two ‘counterparts’. The Prison of Stained Acceptance questions and tests boundaries of acceptance within societal stigmatization of otherness, furthermore, inquires the efficacy of out-of-placeness on humanity indoctrinated into a defined good/clean and bad/dirty. With a focus on humaneness and egality, the prison tests the possible outcomes within the occurrence of power shift – from a governing/guarding body to the inmates and architecture. The heterotopic nature of the proposal perhaps raises more questions than it answers, however, it became imperative to sprout a debate within its eclecticism. Rather than defending a direct conclusion this thesis focuses on provocation and thought.


Spalink, Angenette 10 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Narativy a náboženství: specifika a funkce příběhů v náboženských kontextech / Narratives and Religion: Particularities and Functions of Narration in Religious Context

Širl, Radim January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse certain aspects connecting religion and narration (which is understood here as a common human faculty to think and express oneself in the form of narratives). The first part of the thesis is concerned with methodology; first of all, the issues of defining narrative are introduced and a more elaborate definition is presented. A complete methodology is then formulated with a help of several authors (mainly James W. Pennebaker and Mary Douglas) in order to distinguish particularities and functions of creating narratives in religious contexts. Two main points are stressed here: that the content of the narratives is often concerned with problematic aspects of experience and that the expression of these narratives is beneficial for their creators. The second part focuses on several religious institutions concerned with creation of narratives which are interpreted with the outlined methodology. In this manner, the act of confession in Catholicism, prayer in Christianity and certain healing rituals are described and interpreted. Conclusions of this thesis should help the reader get a basic idea of the way created narratives in religious contexts affect their authors.

Clean Clothes

Cáceres Yañez, Alan Pierre, Chávez Paucar, Randy César, Orellana Atachagua, Franz Lony, Quiroz Herrera, Joselyn Jasmin 11 December 2018 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación analiza los aspectos más importantes de las madres actuales respecto al cuidado de sus hijos en edades pequeñas. Principalmente, por el cuidado y protección que los niños necesitan en su ropa. Diferentes estudios demuestran que padres con hijos entre las edades de 0 a 5 años invierten mucho dinero en la vestimenta, es ahí donde se encontró una necesidad insatisfecha y nuestra propuesta es ofrecerles un producto innovador y de más alta calidad sin dejar de lado la protección a los niños antes las caídas y suciedades que están expuestos. Al mismo tiempo que contribuimos con la economía familiar y el cuidado del medio ambiente. Se han realizado estudios de mercado y entrevistas a los clientes con la finalidad de conocer los factores determinantes que influyen en la decisión de compra de ropa para niños. Así mismo, se analizó el mercado y determinó con claridad el nicho al cual queremos llegar. Finalmente se realizó un estudio del plan de marketing que permitirá constituir la empresa, además de diseñar el plan de operaciones, estrategias y financiamiento del proyecto. / This research work analyzes the most important aspects of current mothers regarding the care of their children at young ages. Mainly, for the care and protection that children need in their clothes. Different studies show that parents with children between the ages of 0 to 5 years invest a lot of money in clothing, this is where an unmet need was found and our proposal is to offer them an innovative and higher quality product without neglecting the protection children before the falls and dirt that are exposed. At the same time we contribute to the family economy and the care of the environment. Market studies and interviews with clients have been conducted in order to know the determining factors that influence the decision to purchase children's clothing. Likewise, the market was analyzed and clearly determined the niche we want to reach. Finally, a marketing plan study was carried out that will allow the company to be established, as well as designing the project's operations, strategies and financing plan. / Trabajo de investigación

La gestion patrimoniale et l'usage des chemins à l'ère du numérique / Dirt roads management and usage into the digital era

Merey, Melanie 10 November 2017 (has links)
Les chemins sont un support de travail et de loisir pour les agriculteurs, les sylviculteurs et maintes usagers qui souhaitent se ressourcer, se défouler ou partager un moment convivial. lis constituent un vecteur de rencontre et de lien entre l'homme et la nature.Cette multiplicité d'usages et d'usagers permet de faire vivre ce patrimoine qui a tôt fait de disparaitre sans intervention humaine. Cependant, la circulation des véhicules utilisés pour l'exploitation ou la randonnée, ainsi que la sur-fréquentation de certains sites touristiques accentuent l'érosion du sol de ces voies non revêtues. La plupart des plaintes transmises aux gestionnaires sont liées à ces dégradations ainsi qu'aux pratiques nuisant à la naturalité des milieux, à la sécurité du public et à [a tranquillité des riverains.Le laboratoire de géographie de l'Université Jean Monnet et le Parc Naturel Régional du Pilat ont souhaité mettre en place un dispositif d'analyse multicritère cartographique décisionnel dans le but d'objectiver et de traiter efficacement les problèmes d'entretien et de conflits signalés sur !es chemins. ·L'implication des acteurs du territoire dans la conception de ce dispositif a permis de formuler des solutions acceptables répondant aux situations concrètes insatisfaisantes localisées dans le cadre d'un diagnostic cartographique participatif sur Géo Web.Par ailleurs, des cartes de sensibilité ont été modélisées grâce à un logiciel d'analyse multicritère cartographique afin de mieux prendre en compte les risques liés à l'érosion des chemins et à la circulation des randonneurs motorisés.Le dispositif final repose sur !'utilisation de solutions Géo Web permettant d'assurer un suivi numérique et de communiquer sur l'état des sentiers. / Dirt roads constitute both a work and a !eisure support for farrners, foresters and a lot of users who wish to unwind, to spend their energy or to sharc a convivial moment. They represent a vector of encounter and link between man and nature.This multiplicity of dirt roads usages and users witling to use them make it possible to keep a live this heritage, which quickly disappears without anthropogenic interventions. However, the circulation of vehicle~ used for farming or hiking, as well a~ the overcrowdîng of certain tourist sites, accentuate the soil erosion of these unpaved roads.Most of the complaints submitted to road managers are linked to these degradations as well as to practices that harm the natural environrnent, public safety and the tranquilily of local residents. The University of Jean Monnet (Saint-Etienne) and the Regional Nature Park of Pilat decided to set-up a multi-criteria decision analysis {MCDA) system in order to objectify and deal effectively with maintenance problems and conflicts arising between users.The invo!vement of territorial actors in the design of this device has made it possible to formulate acceptable solutions that respond to the unsatisfactory local situations found during a participatory cartographie diagnosis on Geo Web. Furthermore, sensitivity maps were modeled using a multi~criteria mapping software to integrate the risks associated with road erosion and the traffic of motorized hikers.The final MCDA procedure uses Geo Web solutions to provide digital tracking and information on !rails' state.

La représentation du souillé et de l’impur dans la littérature française narrative des XIIe et XIIIe siècles : idéologie, anthropologie, poétique / Representing the soiled and the impure in French narrative literature of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries : Ideology, anthropology and poetics

Chalumeau, Chloé 04 July 2016 (has links)
L’étude interroge les représentations du souillé et de l’impur à travers les œuvres littéraires des XIIe et XIIIe siècles. Présent dans tous les genres narratifs profanes (chansons de geste, romans arthuriens, fabliaux, théâtre, Roman de Renart) le goût – ou le dégoût – médiéval pour le répugnant revêt de multiples facettes dont la prolixité et la diversité interpellent. De la boue aux excrétions du corps, de la lèpre aux tabous du sang, de la macule de la honte à celle du péché, l’expression de la souillure oscille entre sens propre et sens figuré pour énoncer et penser, en les ancrant dans la matérialité la plus concrète, des systèmes de valeur. Servant à établir des frontières, à définir des champs d’inclusion et d’exclusion, les manifestations de l’immonde révèlent, autant qu’elles contribuent à les forger et à les concilier, les ordres idéologiques imbriqués de la société médiévale. Par la place accordée à l’abjection, la littérature expérimente ainsi la manière de dire et de représenter le désordre – pour mieux le circonscrire. Les poétiques contrastées de la souillure élaborées par les différents genres montrent alors combien la mise en scène de l’impur rejoint une interrogation littéraire sur les pouvoirs du langage et la capacité des textes à exprimer le monde : idéologique, esthétique, la question de la souillure est aussi sémiotique. Tendues entre le concret et l’abstrait, le mot et la chose, le rire et l’horreur, les représentations du souillé et de l’impur dévoilent ainsi un univers où le rapport à la souillure, loin de la simple éviction, peut aussi aller dans le sens d’une réappropriation et d’une réhabilitation – voire, même, d’une rédemption. / This study explores the representations of the soiled and the impure through literary works of the 12th and 13th centuries. Present in all profane narrative genres (chansons de geste, Arthurian novels, fabliaux, drama, Roman de Renart), the medieval taste – or distaste – for what is repulsive manifests itself in a startling multiplicity of ways. From mud to body fluids, from leprosy to blood-related taboos, from the stigma of shame to the stigma of sin, the designation of what is soiled oscillates between the literal and the figurative in order to articulate and process value systems by anchoring them in the most tangible materiality. The manifestations of what is vile and squalid are instrumental in drawing boundaries and defining fields of inclusion and exclusion; they also reveal, shape and reconcile the different ideological orders built into medieval society. By giving abjection pride of place, literature experiments with the expression and representation of disorder – the better to circumscribe it. This contrasted poetics of what is soiled took shape across the different genres, which shows the extent to which the staging of what is impure corresponds to a literary attempt to question the powers of language and the capacity of texts to express the world: an exploration of what is soiled has ideological, aesthetical, but also semiotic implications. Between the tangible and the abstract, the word and the thing, laughter and horror, these representations unveil a medieval universe where the relationship with what is soiled goes far beyond mere rejection and can also lead to a form of reappropriation, rehabilitation, and even redemption.

Towards simplified deinking systems:a study of the effects of ageing, pre-wetting and alternative pulping strategy on ink behaviour in pulping

Kemppainen, K. (Kalle) 11 March 2014 (has links)
Abstract The aim of the deinking process is to produce deinked pulp from recovered papers (RCPs) with sufficient brightness and cleanliness to fulfil the quality requirements set by the paper grade to be produced. Due to the excessive production costs and material losses of modern deinking processes, there is a need to simplify deinking lines. A prerequisite for this action is that ink content bound to fibres, dirt content and ink fragmentation are minimised in the pulping stage. Thus, it is important to recognise the factors affecting ink behaviour in pulping, to search for new ways to improve ink detachment from RCPs in pulping and to search pulping methods that could efficiently process RCPs printed with various inks. The aim of this thesis was to obtain new information on how the environmental conditions that prevail during the storage and transportation of RCPs affect ink behaviour in subsequent pulping and to find out whether there is further potential to decrease ink content bound to fibres, not only by treating recovered papers chemically before the actual pulping process, but also by removing the detached ink particles during the pulping process. The results show that if some RCPs are very moist and exposed to high temperatures for a reasonable time before the pulping process, the problems in releasing ink from the fibres in pulping become more pronounced and the pulp is dirtier compared to pulp from RCPs that are thermally aged but dry. Properly wetting some RCPs with conventional alkaline deinking chemicals in suitable conditions ahead of the pulping process reduces the ink content that remains bound to the fibres after the pulping process. The efficiency of the pre-wetting treatment in aiding ink detachment from fibres in subsequent pulping is highly dependent on the alkalinity, temperature and duration of the treatment. Semi-continuous ink removal during the pulping process offers the possibility to continue defibering, ink detachment from fibres and dirt fragmentation in pulping without fear of ink redeposition into or onto the fibres, thus resulting in fully disintegrated pulp with lower ink content bound to fibres than in conventional pulping. This enables efficiently simultaneous processing of, for example, papers printed with water-based inks and toners. / Tiivistelmä Siistausprosessin tavoitteena on tuottaa keräyspapereista valmistettua vaaleaa ja puhdasta massaa, jota voidaan käyttää uusien paperituotteiden valmistamiseen. Siistausprosesseja pyritään yksinkertaistamaan nykyisten monimutkaisten prosessien korkeiden tuotantokustannusten ja materiaalitappioiden vuoksi. Eräs edellytys siistausprosessien yksinkertaistamiselle on, että kuiduissa kiinni olevan musteen pitoisuus, massan likapitoisuus ja musteen liiallinen pilkkoutuminen minimoidaan siistausprosessin ensimmäisessä vaiheessa, pulpperoinnissa. Täten on tärkeää tunnistaa musteen käyttäytymiseen pulpperoinnissa vaikuttavat tekijät, etsiä uusia mahdollisuuksia parantaa musteen irrotusta keräyspapereista sekä kehittää pulpperointimenetelmiä, joilla voitaisiin prosessoida tehokkaasti eri painomenetelmillä painettuja papereita. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli saada uutta tietoa siitä miten ympäristöolosuhteet, joille keräyspaperit voivat altistua varastoinnin ja kuljetuksen aikana, vaikuttavat musteen käyttäytymiseen pulpperoinnissa. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli selvittää voitaisiinko kuituihin kiinni jääneen musteen pitoisuutta vähentää esiliottamalla keräyspapereita sopivissa kemiallisissa olosuhteissa ennen pulpperointia ja poistamalla irronneet mustepartikkelit massan seasta pulpperoinnin aikana. Tulokset osoittavat, että jos tietyt keräyspaperit ovat erittäin kosteita ja altistuvat korkealle lämpötilalle riittävän pitkän ajan ennen pulpperointia, tulee musteen irrottaminen kuiduista pulpperoinnissa vaikeammaksi ja tuotettu massa likaisemmaksi, kuin sellaisista keräyspapereista, jotka ovat altistuneet kuivina korkealle lämpötilalle. Kuituihin kiinnittyneen musteen pitoisuutta voidaan vähentää esiliottamalla tiettyjä keräyspapereita alkalisilla siistauskemikaaleilla sopivissa olosuhteissa ennen pulpperointia. Esiliotuksen kyky parantaa musteen irrotusta kuiduista pulpperoinnissa riippuu voimakkaasti esiliotusvaiheen alkalisuudesta, lämpötilasta ja kestosta. Kun irronneet mikroskooppiset mustepartikkelit poistetaan massasta useassa vaiheessa pulpperoinnin aikana, voidaan paperin kuidutusta, musteen irrottamista kuiduista ja likapilkkujen hajottamista jatkaa ilman että haitallista musteen takaisin kiinnittymistä kuituihin tapahtuu. Tämä mahdollistaa esimerkiksi vesipohjaisten musteiden ja lasertulosteiden samanaikaisen prosessoinnin.

Memento Mitten : Re-Collecting Human Hair as a Material

Ivarsson, Linnéa January 2020 (has links)
Memento Mitten is a project about seeing human hair from the perspective of sustainability as a viable alternative material. The project also aims to question our reluctance in Western Europe to use it in projects and innovations. It explores the process of transforming hair from waste into a functional piece (a mitten) by using traditional handicraft (hand carding, hand spinning and nålbinding) as a change agent in order to alter our perception of hair. Relating anthropologist Mary Douglas’ theory on dirt to the Freudian definition of ‘Das Unheimliche’ (The Uncanny) the project further examines and dissects the emotional aspects of Uncanniness and the anxiety we perceive when in contact with disembodied hair.  Leaning on Douglas’ theory on dirt I developed a framework for action that could potentially have the transformative ability to, when applied to creative practices, recontextualize hair from uncanny waste into an emotionally safe material. Utilizing auto-ethnographic documentation, physical exploration and participatory elements (through design interventions), four phases were identified: rejection (identifying hair as waste), re-collection (collecting hair), dissolution (taking apart the hair through acts like hand carding) and assimilation (putting the hair into a new context). These phases, which I titled The Altered Phases of Dirt, showed that they had the potential to move our inner margins of comfort beyond Uncanniness through the physical engagement found in handicraft.


Kothari, Tanvi H. January 2009 (has links)
One of the emerging phenomena of global competition is the increasing participation of firms from emerging economies in various industries and across value chain activities. These MNCs from developing and emerging economies have recently shown an unprecedented increase in numbers (from only 19 firms in 1990 featured in the Fortune 500 list to 47 in 2005) (UNCTAD, 2006). While these Emerging Nation Multinational Companies (EMCs) are gaining a strong foothold in the global economy, some evidence also suggests that their foreign direct investments are being targeted towards advanced economies in both resource industries and higher-value adding activities. On the face of it, the disadvantages of being a late entrant seem overwhelming and based on the stages model of internationalization the EMCs may not be able to compete against global giants whose dominance is rooted in their first-mover status (Bartlett & Goshal, 2000). However, the success of EMCs like the Tata Motors, Lenovo, and the like raise an important research issue as to what are the strategies these EMCs pursue as they begin to compete in the global competitive landscape? In the past, scholars have conducted substantial research on internationalization, Multinational Companies (MNCs), and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) which explain the behavior of first-mover MNCs from developed countries based on technological superiority. Those theories were developed within a specific environmental context and do an adequate job to explain a fairly specific set of observed firm behaviors. Each, within its context, may be fairly adequate at explaining those behaviors. However, the emergence of EMCs in the global economic environment highlights that times have changed and the incumbent MNCs (studied earlier) constantly face threats from these emerging giants. As the context changes, so has the ability of the prior internationalization theories to explain behaviors observed in this global economy diminished considerably. Lately, a few researchers have started a new line of research to uncover some distinct characteristics of these EMCs. However, very little is known about the foreign expansion strategies of these EMCs and warrants a need to explore this phenomenon in-depth. In order to bridge this gap in the literature this dissertation uses an inductive approach by conducting multiple case-studies to understand the foreign expansion strategies of sixteen companies that originate from two key emerging nations: India and China. This exploratory approach supported by computerized content analysis of longitudinal text data allows us to observe the significance of specific constructs, begin to detect patterns and regularities in the behavior of EMCs and compare EMCs originating from various emerging nations. Methodologically, the dissertation illustrates the usefulness of semantic network analysis tools, especially centering resonance analysis, in identifying and interpreting the concepts that provide coherence to set of textual data. Further, using factor analysis we identify some key themes that explain the foreign expansion strategies of these EMCs. The results of this study suggest that EMCs' expansion is, on one hand, based on their ability to acquire resources and absorb them to build their own advantage (supply side dynamics). On the other hand, it is also based on EMCs' ability to find some market niches, i.e., entering into markets untapped by traditional MNCs (demand side dynamics). Finally, based on our analysis of these in-depth case-studies we identify some propositions as anchors for further theory building. Specifically, we identify three major anchors, namely, EMCs' ability to `Lick the Dirt'; `Cash Rich Positions of EMCs' and `Strategic Partnerships with Developed Country Firms' that enhance their `Competitive Advantage in Developed Nations'. / Business Administration

Une analyse des rapports texte-musique dans "Digging in the dirt" de Peter Gabriel

Lacasse, Serge 19 April 2018 (has links)
L'analyse de la musique rock pose certains problèmes au plan méthodologique, particulièrement à l'égard des paramètres musicaux qui doivent être pris en compte. Ce travail vise à rendre compte de la chanson «Digging in the Dirt» de Peter Gabriel, d'abord à travers une analyse systématique du texte, des paramètres musicaux traditionnels et des paramètres musicaux technologiques. Plusieurs rapports texte-musique sont ensuite relevés, de façon à montrer comment les différents éléments musicaux (traditionnels et technologiques) interagissent pour soutenir le texte. Les interprétations issues de 1'analyse de ces rapports sont corroborées par des données externes à l'oeuvre (poïétiques et esthésiques). Le travail propose donc une méthode systématique d'analyse d'une oeuvre rock, méthode qui parvient à rendre compte des particularités de ce style musical, tout en confirmant l'intérêt que la musique populaire peut présenter du point de vue musicologique. / Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2014

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