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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dirty Work - Ett jobb som alla andra? : Att arbeta på ett företag inom alkoholbranschen / Dirty Work - Just a regular job? : To work at a company within the alcohol business

Grapne, Marcus, Hagström, Mattias January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att förstå och analysera hur anställda upplever sinverksamhet och anställning på ett företag i alkoholbranschen, vilket även kallas förDirty Work. Vi vill även studera de anställdas uppfattningar om företaget och hur HR-avdelningen kan arbeta mot de anställda. För att få svar på syftet och frågeställningarna genomfördes fokusgruppsintervjuer bland anställda på det studerade företaget. Resultaten visar att de anställda uppfattar sin anställning som vilket jobb som helst och känslan att arbeta för ett företag inom alkoholbranschen är positiv. Den känslan och normaliseringen av branschen skiljer sig från den forskning som finns sedan tidigare och har troligen sin grund i samhällets förändrade syn på alkohol.För HR-avdelningen är det viktigt med intern kommunikation om branschens påverkan i samhället för att ge anställda verktyg för att skapa en ökad arbetstillfredsställelse och kunna försvara den potentiella stigmatisering som föreligger i arbetet.

They look at it as dirty: Components of female exotic dancers 'dirty work' stigma

Chalkley, Katherine Marie 29 August 2005 (has links)
The present study explored the stigmatization experiences of dirty workers in one dirty work job-female exotic dancers-in an effort to understand the components of dirty work stigma. The framework presented here is based on the integration of existing theory regarding the components of stigma and dirty work. Grounded theory was used to guide the collection and analysis of interviews from 18 participants. Five dirty work stigma components were identified in the participant accounts (i.e., awareness of negative perceptions, type of stigma, visibility, controllability, and type of taint). These components were centrally organized around the moral taint of the dirty work job of exotic dancing.

They look at it as dirty: Components of female exotic dancers 'dirty work' stigma

Chalkley, Katherine Marie 29 August 2005 (has links)
The present study explored the stigmatization experiences of dirty workers in one dirty work job-female exotic dancers-in an effort to understand the components of dirty work stigma. The framework presented here is based on the integration of existing theory regarding the components of stigma and dirty work. Grounded theory was used to guide the collection and analysis of interviews from 18 participants. Five dirty work stigma components were identified in the participant accounts (i.e., awareness of negative perceptions, type of stigma, visibility, controllability, and type of taint). These components were centrally organized around the moral taint of the dirty work job of exotic dancing.

The Dirty Work of Poker: Impression Management and Identity

Vines, Marcus 24 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Polisstudenters reflektioner kring våld inom polisyrket : En kvalitativ studie

Lindmark, Camilla January 2013 (has links)
I tidigare forskning som gjorts inom ämnet dirty work osynliggörs mentala förberedelser för individer som ska äntra ett sådant yrke. Därtill osynliggörs också i forskning kring polisstudenter och våld i relation till polisyrket hur polisstudenter själva reflekterar och känner inför att kanske bruka och utsättas för våld i sitt framtida yrke. Syftet med denna uppsats har därför varit att belysa hur polisstudenter, som står inför en karriär inom ett dirty work, reflekterar över att de kan komma att bruka och själva utsättas för våld i framtiden, samt hur de upplever att de förbereds inför detta. Studien är gjord genom kvalitativ metod och semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts. Sex polisstudenter har intervjuats, samtliga vid två tillfällen. Resultatet visar att polisstudenterna socialiseras till att kunna bruka våld, dels genom lärare, men också genom sina kurskamrater. Att våld kan komma att bli en stor del av deras yrkesvardag är de mycket medvetna om, även om våld, menar polisstudenterna, inte är att prioritera framför kommunikation. Genom att anta en roll kan polisstudenterna härleda ett möjligt våldsamt ingripande till organisationen. Detta skapar en risk för distans till ett handlande. I samband med våldsamma situationer finns känslor som inte är önskvärda att visa upp då de kan leda till en presentation av yrkesrollen som inte är till en polis fördel. Polisstudenterna visar till största del en trygghet inför sina arbetsuppgifter som många gånger innefattar våldsamma ingripanden. Utbildningen verkar där med, på ett bra sätt, förbereda sina studenter inför polisyrkets eventuella våldsanvändning.

Dirty Work and Courtesy Stigma: Stigma Management Techniques among Professionals who Work with Juvenile Sex Offenders

Asher, Jeff A. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

"Giving Dignity to Suffering": 'Dirty Work' and Emotion Management among Frontline Caseworkers

Torelli, Julian January 2018 (has links)
Grounded theory research was conducted with twenty-four male and female emergency shelter operators (alternatively known as caseworkers) from three different shelters in a large Canadian city: The Open Arms, Good Samaritan and Rescue Mission. Drawing on the experiences of those working in non-profit ‘homeless’ shelters, and based on the sociological concept of ‘dirty work,’ this study describes why caseworkers take on this kind of work, how they make sense of it, and what they themselves get out of it. This research reveals a complex picture of frontline emergency casework that others see as objectionable, dangerous and tainted is described by informants with a sense of job satisfaction, dignity, collective esteem and pride. Moreover, it illuminates the ways in which individuals and occupational groups reframe and subjectively construct meanings about what it means to be involved in ‘dirty work’ such that it is regarded positively and as ‘good work’. Because caseworkers deal in difficult emotions, they must learn to perform a balancing act between professional decorum and expressed concern. The ways that caseworkers are supposed to perceive their roles are governed by a set of unwritten norms and rules that normalize and renarrate disruptive and abnormal situations of a caseworker being humiliated, berated, verbally and physically attacked and by which they accept this as normal and therefore morally acceptable. It was typical for frontline caseworkers, working in non-profit shelters, to emphasize the relational and affectual rewards of the job as a compensation for its low pay and dirty ‘particulars,’ which meets the expectations, self-conceptions and values they hold themselves to be as caring and compassionate workers. They accomplish this by redirecting attention to the more dignifying aspects of their jobs and by identifying strongly with both their occupations and the collective identity of their occupational culture. This research further underscores both the importance of understanding the interpretive processes of meaning-making and the social construction of ‘dirt’. / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA)

Análise da atividade de trabalho dos necrotomistas

Silva, Frankleudo Luan de Lima 04 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T13:16:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2122259 bytes, checksum: 515653a397ba4d6c352ec4c43726401c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This dissertation aims at analyzing the work activity of necrotomists Department of Forensic Medicine (DMF) of a capital of the Brazilian Northeast. This goal unfolds in the following specific objectives: to know the organization and the working conditions of necrotomists; understand how stigma affects the lives of these professionals, detect traces of cooperation and solidarity manifested in their work activity; shed light about the risks present in such activity; know the strategies they develop to cope with death in their daily work; evidence if they feel recognized or not in his work. The study included six necrotomists that currently make up the cadre of that DMF, being all male, aged between 32 and 48 years and length of service ranging from four to 23 years. From a theoretical standpoint, the psychodynamics of work was the main approach used, although other clinical approaches to work have also been summoned. As for the method, this research is characterized by a field study of a qualitative nature, in which he sought to combine individual semi-structured interviews and systematic observations at necropsy room. For data analysis, the perspective adopted was content analysis by clipping issues. It was found that the actual organization of the work of necrotomists is marked by the existence of some common rules, built in exercise activity. Highlights the precariousness of working conditions, which represents a state investment incompatible with the demands of the organ. These conditions, combined with a representation of the negative social work necrotomists, which situates the list of those activities graded dirty work, disgusting, degrading, produce additional suffering, requiring these workers, in addition to physical exertion own this activity, psychic maneuvers to avoid slipping on the grounds of mental illness. It was found that the relationship of necrotomists with the various risks of their activity is mediated by individual and collective defensive strategies, without which the experience of suffering and fear would be much felt. It is emphasized, too, that work daily with violent deaths is a potentially destabilizing for these professionals, which arouses the need for building emotional defenses and elaborations subjective, urging the production of possible ways of experiencing the world of work and recreate itself as subject. It was noted, finally, that if on one hand the necrotomistas perceive their work recognized by the direction of DMF, by experts, by themselves, and less frequently by the families of the victims, on the other, the indifference of the State, expressed in underinvestment in technical conditions and low wages, shows a depreciation of the category. / A presente dissertação tem como objetivo geral analisar a atividade de trabalho dos necrotomistas do Departamento de Medicina Legal (DML) de uma capital do Nordeste brasileiro. Tal objetivo se desdobra nos seguintes objetivos específicos: conhecer a organização e as condições de trabalho dos necrotomistas; compreender de que maneira a estigmatização interfere na vida desses profissionais; detectar os traços de cooperação e solidariedade que se manifestam em sua atividade de trabalho; lançar luz sobre os riscos presentes nessa atividade; conhecer as estratégias que desenvolvem para lidar com a morte no seu cotidiano de trabalho; evidenciar se eles se sentem reconhecidos ou não no seu trabalho. Participaram deste estudo os seis necrotomistas que atualmente compõem o quadro de profissionais do referido DML, sendo todos do sexo masculino, com idades variando entre 32 e 48 anos e tempo de serviço oscilando entre quatro e 23 anos. Do ponto de vista teórico, a Psicodinâmica do trabalho foi a principal abordagem utilizada, embora outras abordagens clínicas do trabalho tenham sido também convocadas. Quanto ao método, esta pesquisa se caracteriza por ser um estudo de campo, de natureza qualitativa, em que procurou-se combinar entrevistas semiestruturadas individuais e observações sistemáticas na sala de necrópsias. Para a análise dos dados, a perspectiva adotada foi a análise de conteúdo por recorte de temas. Constatou-se que a organização real do trabalho dos necrotomistas é marcada pela existência de algumas regras comuns, construídas no exercício da atividade. Destaca-se a precariedade das condições de trabalho, o que traduz um investimento estatal incompatível com as demandas desse órgão. Tais condições, associadas a uma representação social negativa do trabalho dos necrotomistas, que o situa no rol daquelas atividades tipificadas como trabalho sujo, repugnante, degradante, são produtoras de um sofrimento adicional, que exigem desses trabalhadores, para além dos esforços físicos próprios dessa atividade, manobras psíquicas para evitar resvalar no terreno do adoecimento psíquico. Identificou-se que a relação dos necrotomistas com os diversos riscos de sua atividade está mediada por estratégias defensivas individuais e coletivas, sem as quais a vivência do sofrimento e do medo se faria muito mais sentida. Sublinha-se, também, que trabalhar cotidianamente com mortes violentas constitui uma situação potencialmente desestabilizante para esses profissionais, o que desperta a necessidade de construção de defesas emocionais e de elaborações subjetivas, incitando a produção de formas possíveis de vivenciar o mundo do trabalho e de recriar-se enquanto sujeito. Constatou-se, por fim, que se por um lado os necrotomistas percebem seu trabalho reconhecido pela direção do DML, pelos peritos, por eles mesmos e, menos frequentemente pelos familiares das vítimas, por outro, o descaso do Estado, expresso em subinvestimentos em condições técnicas e em baixos salários, evidencia uma desvalorização da categoria.

Le travail des déchets : regards croisés sur une activité industrielle et environnementale / Waste management : diverses perspectives on an industrial and environmental activity

Chay, Claire 02 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse appréhende le travail des déchets par l’usage de méthodes mixtes en sociologie : l’analyse du discours assistée par ordinateur et l’observation participante dans les usines chargées de l’élimination et de la valorisation des déchets. Elle vise à saisir le périmètre du travail dans le secteur du traitement et le contenu de l’activité du tri professionnel des déchets ménagers. En s’appuyant sur une sociologie de l’interaction, de la régulation sociale et du travail d’organisation, cette thèse montre les tensions qui existent entre la finalité environnementale de l’activité (emploi vert) et les conditions du travail industriel. La première partie souligne des éléments qui définissent ce type d’opposition. D’abord, nous avons observé une forte division du travail, notamment parce que la conception apparaît fort éloignée des activités manuelles qui s’exercent au sein des usines. Ensuite, la coexistence du secteur public et privé marque d’autres enjeux socio-économiques liés au type de gestion des activités. Enfin, travailler dans le milieu des déchets, c’est également prendre en compte la question des risques professionnels et pour l’environnement, qui ne recouvrent pas la même signification en fonction du contexte du travail. La seconde partie de la thèse vise à comprendre comment les travailleurs du tri vivent ces contradictions et comment ils arrivent à se mouvoir dans cet univers industriel contraignant. Cette thèse montre le passage du novice pour « devenir » un travailleur en intégrant un collectif et en s’appropriant le travail. Cela permet de souligner l’importance des relations sociales et de l’activité langagière dans ce milieu de travail a priori hostile aux interactions. Enfin, le poids des représentations du métier de trieur, le risque de souillure, et l’appréhension du travail à la chaîne amènent le travailleur à négocier ce très sale boulot pour le/se rendre plus viable et digne. / This dissertation explores the work of waste management by the use sociological mixed methods: computer-assisted discourse analysis and participant observation in waste industries. This research aims at showing the scope of work in waste industry as well as the content of the professional household waste sorting activity. The research focuses on interaction, social regulation and organizational work. This PhD dissertation shows the tensions between environment (green jobs) and the conditions of industrial work. The first part emphasizes on the elements that define this type of opposition. We observed a strong division of labor, particularly because the conception appears very far from the actual manual activities occurring in factories. Then the coexistence of public and private showcase other socio-economic issues related to the type of management. Finally, work in the waste sector, it is also considering the issue of risks at work and environmental hazards, which meanings are subject to the work context. The second part of the dissertation research aims at understanding how the workers live these contradictions and how they manage to move in this constraining industrial world. The research shows the importance and the difficulties for a novice to "become" a worker through the integration of a work collective and the appropriation of work. This will highlight the importance of social relationships and language activity in a workplace “a priori” hostile to interactions. Finally, the weight of waste sorter job’s representations, the risk of soiling and the apprehension of line work bring the worker to negotiate this “very dirty work” in order to change the working conditions and representations to be more viable and decent.

Reconnaissance et usages de soi au travail : les soignantes face à des activités liées à la mort dans des contextes hospitaliers. / Self-recognition and self-agency at work : healthcare professionals dealing with death-related activities at the hospital

Guerra Gomes-Pereira, Maria Helena 12 June 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à étudier les processus de transformation du « sale boulot » en « bel ouvrage » et ce en privilégiant la problématique de la reconnaissance de soi au travail, entendue comme résultant d’une tension entre les « usages de soi ». La division morale du travail à l'hôpital ordonne les tâches, mais aussi les métiers autour d’une répartition clivant les activités au service de la vie et les activités au service de l’épuration des traces de la mort. L’ investigation part de la notion de « sale boulot » et analyse les traces de cette division morale et psychologique du travail, ici celles qui se réfèrent à des activités de confrontation à la mort.Le cadre théorique retenu articule l’éclairage anthropologique et historique du traitement de la mort dans la société et dans l’hôpital, le concept de négatif psychosocial comme analyseur de la hiérarchisation morale du travail et la reconnaissance de soi, discutée par les théories de la clinique du travail. Ici, l’activité est l’unité d’analyse fondamentale et le collectif de travail est conceptualisé comme espace transitionnel où les usages de soi sont dialectalisés. Les activités analysées et comparées sont les Interruptions Médicales de Grossesse (IMG) et les Interruptions Volontaires de Grossesse (IVG) dans une unité de gynécologie ainsi que celles d’accompagnement de la fin de vie en équipe mobile de soins palliatifs. La méthodologie s’inscrit dans la tradition de la recherche action et s’appuie sur l’observation-participante et la conduite d’entretiens semi-structurés auprès de soignants et de leur encadrement. Les résultats de cette recherche sont présentés selon trois axes : la hiérarchisation morale des unités, des professionnels et des activités est articulée aux stratégies défensives collectives, aux idéologies de métier: elles contribuent à la définition et à la délégation du « sale boulot » dans l’organisation du travail. Le deuxième axe présente les différentes configurations groupales en fonction de la sollicitation d’affects archaïques dans les activités, liant ou déliant les collectifs de travail. Des stratégies de dégagement ont été identifiées : elles ouvrent la voie à la construction des trames symboliques qui permettent de domestiquer les résonances fantasmatiques de la confrontation avec « l’objet » de travail, la mort et ses équivalents symboliques, la maladie, la vieillesse, la déficience, la perte, le manque ... La capacité d’instituer de nouvelles normes et de se reconnaître dans son travail puise dans des configurations collectives fondées sur des règles partagées. Dans les cas de défaillances du collectif de travail, le recours aux ressources trans-individuelles permet de subvertir le négatif en travail estimable : elles renvoient au travail de civilisation, dans ses différentes dimensions. / This research aimed at studying the process of transformation of “dirty work” into “commendable work”. This was done by highlighting self-recognition at work, understood as the result of self-agency tensions. Work moral division at the hospital organizes tasks as well as careers through the separation of life-preserving related activities from death-reminiscence related ones. The research focuses on the notion of “dirty work” and analyzes, through death-related activities, work’s moral and psychological division.The theoretical framework used articulates anthropological and historical views on how modern society and thereby, the hospital deals with death; intertwining theories derived from “work’s clinical psychology” with the concept of psychosocial negative, analyzer of both work’s moral hierarchy and self-recognition. Herein, activity is the fundamental unit of analysis and the “collective work arrangements” are conceptualized as transitional space for the emergence of self-agency dialectics. The activities analyzed and compared are medical termination of pregnancy, abortion at the gynecological unit and accompanying the dying at the palliative care mobile team. The method subscribes to the action-research tradition, whereby participant-observation and semi-structured interviews with healthcare workers as well as chief-nurses were used. The results of this research are presented under three main axes: Firstly, the moral hierarchization of the medical units, of the professions and of the activities is articulated to the collective defense strategies as well as to professional ideology, which contribute to the definition and to the banishment of “dirty work”, thus structuring the organization of work itself. Secondly, the different group configurations are a function of archaic affects emerging from dealing with death-related activities. These may involve, but also encumber healthcare professionals, thus disorganizing the “collective work arrangements”. Strategies to disengage were identified: they open up to symbolic resources which allow restraining fantasmatic resonance induced by the confrontation of the object of their work, i.e. death, and its symbolic equivalents, disease, old-age, deficiency, loss… Moreover, the capacity to institute new norms and to recognize oneself while working has its bearing on collective configuration founded upon shared norms. Finally, should “collective work arrangements” fail to be created, trans-individual resources are called upon to subvert negative into estimable work, based on the different dimensions of “Civilization work”.

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