Spelling suggestions: "subject:"diseases 3prevention"" "subject:"diseases b.prevention""
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Mathematical modelling of the effectiveness of two training interventions on infectious diseases in UgandaSsebuliba, Doreen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Nurses, midwives and clinical officers referred to as Mid-level Practioners (MLPs) play
an important role in the health care system especially in rural Africa. With particular
reference to rural Uganda, due to the large shortage of doctors, MLPs handle most of
the duties usually meant for doctors, at health centre IV(s). From 2009 to 2011, two
training interventions of MLPs were performed at 36 sites in Uganda by the Integrated
Infectious Disease Capacity Building Evaluation (IDCAP). The two interventions were:
Integrated Management of Infectious Diseases (IMID) and On-site Support Services (OSS)
which aimed at improving MLPs’ case management for four diseases: HIV, TB, pneumonia
and malaria. In this thesis, we have developed three mathematical models to investigate
the effect of the two training interventions on these infectious diseases. All the models
are formulated using systems of ordinary differential equations which are structured in
three age groups: [0, 5), [5, 14) and [14, 50). We explored the effect of the two training
interventions in the context of malaria-pneumonia, HIV-TB co-infections and the four
diseases together. Our analysis shows that: i) For malaria-pneumonia, both IMID and
the combination of IMID and OSS reduce the number of cases, deaths and prevalence of
disease but have no effect on the incident episodes of disease. ii) Results from the HIVTB
model propose that HIV and TB testing are important steps in quality of health care
and are capable of offsetting slightly negative effects of reduction in ART enrollment and
provision of treatment. iii) The HIV-TB-malaria-pneumonia (HTMP) model concurs with
the results of the first two models and its results demonstrate that high coverage levels
of the training interventions increase the positive effects that the interventions have on
mortality and morbidity. Overall, our results suggest that training of MLPs is much more
effective for the short term duration diseases such as malaria and pneumonia, where the
baseline values for most of the performance indicators are ≥ 0.6, but not so much for
long term duration diseases such as HIV and TB, whose baseline values for most of the
performance indicators are < 0.6. The results further highlight that problems such as case
detection and drug stock-outs need to be addressed in order for training to have substantial
impact, especially in instances where the performance indicator proportions are low. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verpleegsters, vroedvroue en kliniese beamptes wat gesamentlik na verwys word as midvlak
praktisyns (MVPs) , speel n belangrike rol in die gesondheidsorg sisteem, veral in
landelike dele van Afrika. Met spesifieke verwysing na gesondheid sentrums in Uganda,
waar daar te min dokters is, hanteer MVPs die meeste van die pligte wat eintlik deur
dokters verrig moet word. Vanaf 2009 tot 2011 is twee opleidingsprogramme vir MVPs by
36 fasiliteite in Uganda deur die Integrated Infectious Disease Capacity Building Evaluation
(IDCAP) organisasie aangebied. Die twee programme staan bekend as: Integrated
Management of Infectious Diseases (IMID) and On-site Support Services (OSS). Beide die
programme stel ten doel om die MVPs se pasint bestuur vir die siektes MIV, tuberkulose
(TB), longontsteking en malaria te verbeter. Drie wiskundige modelle word in hierdie tesis
ontwikkel om die effek van die opleidingsprogramme op hierdie oordraagbare siektes te
ondersoek. Al die modelle word geformuleer deur gebruik te maak van stelsels van gewone
differensiaal vergelykings wat gestruktureer is in drie ouderdomsgroepe: [0, 5), [5, 14) en
[14, 50). Die effek van die opleidings programme word in die konteks van longontstekingmalaria
mede-infeksie, MIV- TB mede-infeksie en al vier siektes gelyk, ondersoek. Die
analise wys dat: i) Vir longontsteking-malaria mede-infeksie het beide IMID en die kombinasie
van IMID en OSS die aantal siekte-gevalle, sterftes en die prevalensie van die siektes
verminder, maar het geen effek op die insidensie van siekte-gevalle nie. ii) Resultate van
die MIV-TB model dui aan dat MIV en TB toetsing n belangrike aspek van die gehalte
van sorg is en dat dit die effense negatiewe effek van die afname in ART inskrywing en
voorsiening van behandeling, teenstaan. iii) Die MIV-TB-longontsteking-malaria model
(HTMP) stem ooreen met die resultate van die bogenoemde twee modelle en demonstreer
dat ho dekking van die opleidingsprogramme die positiewe effek van die programme op
mortaliteit en morbiditeit verhoog. In geheel stel die resultate van hierdie studie voor
dat die opleiding van MVPs baie meer effektief is vir die korttermyn siektes soos malaria
en longontsteking waarvoor die meeste van die beginwaardes van die prestasie-aanwysers
≥ 0.6 is, maar nie soveel vir lang-termyn siektes soos MIV en TB waarvoor die meeste
van die beginwaarde van die prestasie-aanwysers < 0.6 is. Die resultate dui verder aan dat
opleiding nie voldoende is wanneer die prestasie-aanwysers < 0.6 is nie en dat probleme
soos die opsporing van siekte-gevalle en n gebrek aan medisyne by die klinieke aangespreek
moet word vir opleiding om aansienlike impak te hê.
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Dietary red palm oil-supplementation offers cardioprotection against Ischaemia/Reperfusion injury : possible cellular mechanisms involvedEsterhuyse, Adriaan Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Activation of the NO-cGMP pathway is associated with myocardial protection
against ischaemia/reperfusion injury. However, high-cholesterol diets alter
function of this pathway and these alterations have been implicated in both
ischaemic/reperfusion injury and the development of ischaemic heart disease.
Little is known about the effects of supplements such as Red Palm Oil (RPO)
on the myocardial NO-cGMP-signalling pathway. RPO consists of saturated,
mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fatty acids and is rich in antioxidants
such as β-carotene and Vitamin E (tocopherols and tocotrienols). The aims of
this study were: 1) to determine whether dietary RPO-supplemention protects
against ischaemia/reperfusion injury in rats fed a standard rat chow (control)
and cholesterol-enriched diets and 2) if so, to investigate possible mechanisms
for this protection.
Male Long-Evans rats were fed a standard rat chow or a standard rat chow
plus cholesterol and/or RPO-supplementation for 6 weeks. Myocardial
functional recovery was measured and hearts were freeze-clamped for
determination of myocardial phospholipid, cAMP/cGMP concentrations, total
myocardial nitric oxide concentrations, lipid hydroperoxide production and
superoxide dismutase- and nitric oxide synthase activity in isolated rat hearts
subjected to 25 minutes of normothermic total global ischaemia. In addition,
the degree of phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK),
p38, c-Jun N-terminal protein kinase (JNK) and protein kinase B (PKB/Akt)
was investigated. Furthermore, the effect of RPO-supplementation on
caspase-3 activation and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP)-cleavage in
hearts subjected to ischaemia and reperfusion was also investigated. Our data show that dietary RPO-supplementation protects the hearts of rats on
a standard rat chow (control) and hypercholesterolaemic diet against
ischaemia/reperfusion injury as reflected by improved aortic output recovery.
Increased intracellular cardiomyocyte NO concentrations as observed in
control hearts supplemented with RPO after 120 minutes hypoxia may
contribute to the elevated cGMP concentration and may confer some of the
cardioprotection to the ischaemic/reperfused heart. Although improved
functional recovery with RPO-supplementation of a high-cholesterol diet was
also associated with an increase in intracellular cardiomyocyte NO production
after hypoxia compared to the non-hypoxic conditions, it could not be linked to
increased NO-cGMP signalling. These data are in agreement with other
studies, which showed that high-cholesterol diet impairs NO-cGMP signalling
and confirms our hypothesis that elevated cGMP concentrations may not be
the only mechanism of protection. We have also shown that RPOsupplementation
caused increased phosphorylation of p38 and PKB, reduced
phosphorylation of JNK and attenuation of PARP cleavage, which may
contribute to the protection of the cell against apoptosis.
Based on our results we propose that the myocardial protection offered by
RPO-supplementation of rats on a normal and hypercholesterolaemic diet may
be associated with either its antioxidant characteristics and/or changes in the
fatty acid composition of the myocardium during ischaemia/reperfusion.
Furthermore, we demonstrated for the first time that RPO-supplementation
protects the isolated perfused working rat heart during reperfusion from
ischaemia/reperfusion-induced injury through a MAPK-dependent pathway. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Aktivering van die NO-cGMP sein transduksie pad word geassosieer met
miokardiale beskerming teen isgemie/herperfusie skade. Hoë cholesterol diëte
verander egter die funksie van die pad en hierdie veranderings speel ‘n rol in
beide isgemie/herperfusie besering en die ontwikkeling van isgemiese
Daar is egter min inligting beskikbaar oor die uitwerking van aanvullings soos
rooi palm olie (RPO) op die miokardiale NO-cGMP sein transduksie pad. RPO
bevat versadigde, mono-onversadigde en poli-onversadigde vetsure en is ryk
aan anti-oksidante nl. β-karotene en vitamien E (tokoferole en tokotriënole).
Die doelwitte van hierdie studie was: 1) om vas te stel of ‘n RPO-aanvulling
beskerming bied teen isgemie/herperfusie besering in rotte wat gevoed is met
‘n standaard rotmengsel (kontrole) en cholesterol-verrykte dieet en 2) indien
wel, om moontlike meganismes van beskerming te ondersoek.
Long-Evans manlike rotte is vir 6 weke gevoer met ‘n standaard rotmengsel of
‘n standaard rotmengsel plus cholesterol en/of RPO-aanvulling. Miokardiale
funksionele herstel is gemeet en harte is gevriesklamp vir die bepaling van
miokardiale fosfolipied, cAMP/cGMP, totale stikstofoksied, lipied
hidroperoksied, superoksied dismutase en stikstofoksied sintase in
geïsoleerde rotharte wat vir 25 minute onderwerp was aan normotermiese
totale globale isgemie. Hiermee saam is die graad van fosforilering van
ekstrasellulêre sein gereguleerde kinase (ERK), p38 mitogeen-geaktiveerde
proteïen kinase (p38 MAPK), c-Jun-N-terminale proteïenkinase (JNK) en proteïen kinase B (PKB/Akt) ondersoek, asook kaspase-3 aktivering en poli
(ADP-ribose) polimerase (PARP) kliewing in harte blootgestel aan isgemie en
Ons resultate toon dat RPO-aanvulling van rotte op ‘n normale en
hipercholesterolemiese dieet die hart beskerm soos getoon deur verbeterde
herstel van aortiese uitset. Verhoogde intrasellulêre miokardiale NO vlakke in
kontrole harte met ‘n RPO-aanvulling wat blootgestel was aan 120 minute
hipoksie, mag bygedra het tot die verhoogde cGMP vlakke en beskerming van
die hart tydens isgemie en herperfusie. Alhoewel verbeterde funksionele
herstel met RPO-aanvulling van ‘n hoë cholesterol dieet ook geassosieer is
met ‘n toename in intrasellulêre miokardiale NO produksie ná hipoksiese
toestande, kon dit nie verbind word met verhoogde aktivering van die NOcGMP
sein transduksie pad nie. Hierdie resultate stem ooreen met ander
studies wat aangetoon het dat hoë-cholesterol diëte die NO-cGMP seinpad
onderdruk. Hierdie bevinding bevestig ons hipotese dat verhoogde cGMP
vlakke moontlik nie die enigste beskermingsmeganisme is nie. Ons resultate
het ook gewys dat RPO-aanvulling fosforilering van p38 en PKB/Akt verhoog,
fosforilering van JNK verminder en PARP kliewing onderdruk. Dit dui op
beskerming van die sel teen apoptose.
Ons resultate dui aan dat die miokardiale beskerming wat RPO-dieet
aanvulling bied moontlik geassosieer kan word met sy anti-oksidant eienskap
en/of veranderinge in die vetsuur samestelling van die miokardium tydens
isgemie/herperfusie. Ons het ook vir die eerste keer bewys dat RPO-aanvulling die geïsoleerde geperfuseerde werkende rothart gedurende herperfusie
beskerm teen isgemie/herperfusie besering deur die aktivering en/of
deaktivering van die MAPK afhanklike pad.
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Evaluating the quality of care for sexually transmitted infections (STI) in 14 primary health care (PHC) facilities in Umjindi local municipality, Mpumalanga Province.Ntayiya, Witness Sakumzi January 2004 (has links)
The overall aim of this study was to evaluate quality of STI services in Umjindi local municipality. A concrete objective was to investigate the health system issues that may have a negative impact in the provision of quality STI service in the local municipality. These include accessibility of the STI services to the community, training of health workers in syndromic management, availability of necessary equipment and supplies for STI management, turn-around time for blood results and infrastructure of the facilities.
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Efeito do tratamento clínico sobre os índices de risco cardiovascular em indivíduos infectados pelo HIV / Effect of clinical treatment on cardiovascular score risk indexes in patients with HIV infectionLima, Enéas Martins de Oliveira 22 August 2008 (has links)
Embora o tratamento anti-retroviral (HAART highly active antiretroviral therapy) tenha reduzido a morbi-mortalidade da AIDS, ele está associado a distúrbios metabólicos e aumento do perfil de risco cardiovascular. Os escores de risco cardiovascular são freqüentemente usados para direcionar os programas de intervenções na redução do risco cardiovascular. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar o efeito de um programa de prevenção primária sobre o risco cardiovascular estimado por três diferentes escores de risco cardiovascular. Analisamos prospectivamente 87 pacientes HIV+ encaminhados ambulatório de cardiologia, com risco cardiovascular elevado. Foram aplicados três escores de risco cardiovascular: Framingham (FR), PROCAM (PR) e ATP III do NCEP (ATP-III) em 4 etapas: Inicial e trinta dias, três meses e seis meses após intervenção por meio de um programa de prevenção. Adotamos para este estudo o conceito de baixo risco os indivíduos que apresentaram valores dos escores abaixo de 10%, para as complicações cardiovasculares nos próximos 10 anos, e risco elevado se os valores dos escores fossem acima de 10%. Todos os pacientes receberam orientações para adoção de estilo de vida saudável (atividade física, combate ao tabagismo, uso de alimentos saudáveis) e terapêutica farmacológica, quando indicado (hipolipemiantes e anti-hipertensivos). A nossa população teve como média das idades 52 anos, 92% eram do sexo masculino, 39,1% tabagistas, 70,1% com hipertensão arterial sistêmica e 18,4% com diabetes mellitus. Todos os pacientes usaram HAART, e 56,3% faziam uso dos inibidores de protease, e nenhum paciente teve sua terapia trocada (switched). O perfil lipídico analisado na fase inicial apresentou os seguintes valores: triglicérides = 298,70 mg/dL ± 242,30 , colesterol total = 224,6 mg/dL ± 47,6 , LDL-colesterol = 129,50 mg/dL ± 44,50 , HDL-colesterol = 43,10 mg/dL ± 12,60. Seis meses após intervenção o perfil lipídico apresentou as seguintes alterações: triglicérides=206,20 mg/dL + 135.3 (p<0,05), colesterol total = 189.8 mg/dL + 38.0 (p<0,001), LDL-colesterol = 109.10 mg/dL + 30.30 (p<0,001), HDL-colesterol = 45.20 mg/dL + 13.30 (p=NS). Observamos uma redução da freqüência de indivíduos com risco cardiovascular elevado segundo o escore de FR, de 92,0% para 27,6% após a intervenção (p<0,0001), com escore ATP-III de 80,5% para 50,6% (p<0,0002) e com o escore PROCAM de 25,3% para 14,9%, (p=NS). O programa de intervenção proposto associou-se a uma redução do risco cardiovascular estimado. Todos os escores, com exceção do PROCAM mostraram-se úteis na prática clinica e para triagem e acompanhamento dos pacientes com risco cardiovascular elevado. Entretanto o escore de Framingham se mostrou como o mais sensível que os outros escores e detectou pequenas variações no risco cardiovascular em curto espaço de tempo, devendo este ser o escore de escolha para esta população / Although HAART therapy has reduced AIDS morbid-mortality, it is associated to metabolic disturbances and increased cardiac risk profile. It is well established in clinical cardiology that cardiac risk scores can predict cardiovascular complications with great accuracy and are useful to guide interventions toward risk reduction. We designed this study to analyze the effect of a primary prevention intervention program on the estimated cardiovascular risk and to compare the power of three different risk scores to detect risk reduction in a short time window. Methods: We prospectively evaluated 87 HIV + patients referred for cardiologic consultation for primary prevention and we assessed their cardiac risk applying 3 risk scores: Framingham (FR), PROCAM (PR) and National Cholesterol Education Program (ATP-III) in four steps: before and 30 days, 3 months and 6 months after intervention. For this study cardiovascular risk was classified as low if it was predicted less than 10% risk of cardiac complications for the next 10 years, or elevated, if it was higher than 10%. All patients were included in a cardiovascular prevention program and received non-pharmacological concealing (diet, physical activity prescription, smoking cessation advice) and pharmacological therapy, when appropriate (hypolipidemic and anti-hypertensive medications). Deviations in risk scores were compared using Fisher`s exact test at a p < .05 significance level. In our population, the mean age was 52 yrs, 92% were male, 39.1% were smokers, 70.1% had hypertension, 18.4% had diabetes. All patients were under HAART therapy, 56.3 % were receiving protease inhibitors, and no patient had his therapy switched. Lipid profile analysis before interventions revealed triglycerides = 298.70 mg/dL + 242.30, totalcholesterol= 224.6 mg/dL + 47.60, LDL-cholesterol = 129.50 mg/dL + 44.50, HDLcholesterol = 43.10 mg/dL + 12.60. Six months after intervention lipid profile change to: triglycerides = 206.20 mg/dL + 135.3 (p<.05), total-cholesterol = 189.8 mg/dL + 38.0 (p<.001), LDL-cholesterol = 109.10 mg/dL + 30.30 (p<.001), HDL-cholesterol = 45.20 mg/dL + 13.30 (p=NS). According to FR score, elevated cardiac risk before and 6 months after intervention was estimated in 92% x 27.6% of our patients, respectively (P = .0001). According to PROCAM score, it was 25.3% x 14.9%, respectively (P = NS). As for ATP-III, it was 80.5% x 50.6%, respectively (P= .0002). The proposed cardiovascular prevention program was associated with a reduction in the estimated cardiovascular risk in patients with HIV infection. All score risk indexes, except PROCAM are useful to the initial and follow-up evaluation of the cardiac risk in HIV infected patients, but the Framingham Risk score performance showed greater sensitivity than the others to detect small variations in a short time window, so it should be the score of choice
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Influência de programas de prevenção da doença cardiovascular na concepção e prática de docentes em escolas públicas de ensino fundamental do ciclo II / The influence of cardiovascular disease prevention programs in the conception and practices of teachers from public elementary schools of cicle IIBortolozzo, Maria Silvia Sanchez 30 March 2009 (has links)
Trata-se de investigação qualitativa para conhecer a Concepção e Prática de Docentes, da cidade de São Paulo, sob a Influência de Programas de Prevenção da Doença Cardiovascular. Foram comparados grupos de professores que passaram pela formação e outros que não passaram, para verificar o que sabiam e como ensinavam o tema transversal saúde, quanto aos fatores de risco à doença cardiovascular, nos aspectos, alimentação, sedentarismo, tabagismo e uso do álcool. A entrevista como diagnóstico inicial demonstrou que existiam professores receptivos a participações inovadoras e outros resistentes a mudanças de qualquer natureza. O grupo focal confirmou esse resultado, pois, mesmo não tendo participado dos Programas, um número significativo de professores destacou-se como inovador e preocupado com as questões de saúde. A vantagem desta técnica sobre a anterior é ter permitido evidenciar na reflexão conjunta, os professores que passaram pela formação demonstraram avanço nas formas de intervenção em relação à prática de saúde em sala de aula e em todos os espaços escolares. A análise documental reforçou os resultados e identificou obstáculos internos e externos apresentados pelos professores. Os dois grupos apresentaram diferentes níveis de informações conceituais e de práticas em prevenção de doenças crônico-degenerativas, os passaram pela formação valorizaram o enfoque transversal e investigativo, relacionados ao desenvolvimento de hábitos, comportamentos, atitudes e valores. Por meio da triangulação dos dados, ficou confirmada a existência de obstáculos internos e externos à atuação docente, que interferem na evolução da concepção e prática, manifestada nas atitudes pelas simplificações do saber, que os conduzem a pensamentos dicotômicos e fragmentados. Conclui-se que a grande maioria dos professores não está informada quanto ao impacto da morbi-mortalidade por doença cardiovascular, e o valor atribuído se faz por conhecimento pessoal. Programas de capacitação devem considerar prioritariamente a forma de abordagem, em vez da extensão e profundidade dos conteúdos. O conhecimento do professor pode evoluir se houver formação continuada que o coloque em situação de diálogo e reflexão sobre sua concepção e prática. Os docentes capacitados adotam mais facilmente em sua práxis, a metodologia dialógica atuando como agente formador de atitudes e valores em estilo de vida saudável para a prevenção da doença cardiovascular. Os programas informam, motivam, promovem ações, mas não alcançam o último estágio de manutenção e empoderamento. Os professores necessitam da presença da universidade para que o conhecimento novo, em termos de ação, possa se manter e se consolidar de forma adequada a cada realidade. Para a implementação de programas o cenário ideal deve mesclar o conhecimento específico do educador com os conhecimentos das experiências dos especialistas em saúde, pondo em discussão os obstáculos de formação didático-pedagógicos que o impede de evoluir. / This is a qualitative investigation to learn the conception and practices of teachers in different curriculum subjects, at the city of São Paulo under the influence of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Programs. Groups of teachers who went through the training given by Programs and others who did not, were compared to verify what they knew and how the taught the theme transversal health, related to risk factors of cardiovascular disease, in aspects such as nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, tobaccoism and alcohol intake.The interview as initial diagnostic showed that there were teachers receptive to innovative participations and others resistant to changes of any kind. The focal group confirmed this result because, even as participant of the Programs, a significant number of teachers distinguished as innovator and concerned with health matters. The advantage of this technique over the previous one is that it allows accentuating the collective reflection that teachers who went through the training showed concerns and ways of intervention related to the students health in all school spaces. The documental analysis performed strengthened the results and identified internal and external obstacles presented by the teachers. The two researched groups presented different levels of conceptual and practical information in prevention of chronic-degenerative diseases, and the ones who went through the training valued the transversal and investigative approach, related to the development of habits, behaviors, attitudes and values. By the triangulation of data the existence of internal and external obstacles to the teacher performance was confirmed, which interfere with the evolution of the conception and practice, revealed by attitudes of simplification of the knowledge, which leads them to dichotomous and fragmented thoughts. The conclusion is that the majority of the teachers, is not aware of the impact of mortality due to cardiovascular disease and the value imputed is made by personal knowledge. Capacitating programs must consider, primarily, the approach instead of the range and depth of their contents. For the methodological matrixes it was established an analogy among them as of how the teachers behave themselves concerning health programs presented in schools. The teachers education is important and may evolve if there is continuous education which places them in a dialogue and reflection situation about their conception and practice. The qualified teachers adopt in their praxis the dialogical methodology acting as moulder agent of attitudes and values in healthy lifestyle for the prevention of the cardiovascular disease, more easily. The programs inform, motivate, promote actions, but do not achieve the last stage of maintenance and empowerment. The teachers need support, the presence of the university so that the new knowledge in terms of action may stay and create bonds. The ideal scene to implement the programs should mix the specific knowledge of the educator, the didactic-pedagogical obstacles which restrain them from evolving and the knowledge resulted from the health specialists experiences
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Cardioprotective effects of Chinese medicinal materials in rat model systems. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 2004 (has links)
Woo Yiu Ho Anthony. / "August 2004." / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 176-198). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese.
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Evaluating the quality of care for sexually transmitted infections (STI) in 14 primary health care (PHC) facilities in Umjindi local municipality, Mpumalanga Province.Ntayiya, Witness Sakumzi January 2004 (has links)
The overall aim of this study was to evaluate quality of STI services in Umjindi local municipality. A concrete objective was to investigate the health system issues that may have a negative impact in the provision of quality STI service in the local municipality. These include accessibility of the STI services to the community, training of health workers in syndromic management, availability of necessary equipment and supplies for STI management, turn-around time for blood results and infrastructure of the facilities.
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Potencialidades e limites do ensino das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis: um estudo qualitativo na perspectiva socioantropológicaCicco, Roberta Ribeiro de January 2012 (has links)
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Roberta_De_Cicco.pdf: 4498323 bytes, checksum: 319d5139fb190dd433ffe95be1553e8e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-04-04T12:55:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. / O ensino das DST no contexto escolar apresenta potencialidades e limites resultantes de ações dos campos da saúde e da educação, principalmente de professores de biologia e das diferentes perspectivas culturais e sociais que repercutem nas atitudes e decisões dos sujeitos sobre sua sexualidade. No que tange as ações educativas voltadas à sexualidade, as práticas sociais de informação, educação e comunicação são importantes para a promoção da saúde no ensino. Entretanto, estudos sobre o impacto de programas de educação sexual direcionados a adolescentes vêm mostrando que estratégias de prevenção inspiradas em atividades ou programas não são suficientes para promover mudança nas práticas sexuais dos indivíduos. O objetivo deste trabalho é compreender as potencialidades e os limites do ensino das DST a partir da abordagem socioantropológica. O estudo inclui análise de documentos oficiais da saúde e da educação (incluindo o livro didático, a partir das Coleções de Biologia do Catálogo do PNLEM/2009), observação direta e entrevistas com alunos de 17 a 19 anos, e professores de biologia na faixa etária de 43 a 50 anos, de uma escola estadual da região metropolitana do RJ. Os resultados apontam que as DST nos livros didáticos estão em sua maioria associadas a aspectos estritamente biológico com maior ênfase na AIDS e encontrados sob a forma de textos complementares e/ou associado à reprodução humana. Contudo, o posicionamento e concepções dos jovens acerca da iniciação sexual trazem questionamentos relativos às atitudes e cuidados voltados a este evento que vão além do conteúdo biológico, indicam diferença de gênero a respeito das concepções de sexualidade, do processo saúde/doença, dos cuidados do corpo e as decisões que envolvem a iniciação sexual. Assinalam também as dificuldades práticas do ensino e nas estratégias de abordagem no contexto escolar. Apontamos, portanto, como relevante, a necessidade de se considerar os aspectos assinalados quando estivermos discutindo diferentes estratégias e possibilidades de abordagem do tema das DST no contexto do ensino. / STD education in the school environment presents potential and boundaries as a consequence of activities on health and education areas, especially from teachers of biology and from different cultural and social perspectives that have an effect on the attitude and decision of individuals about their sexuality. Regarding the educational activities about sexuality, social activities of information, education and communication are important for health promotion at school. However, studies about the impact of sex education programs focused on teenagers have shown that warning strategies inspired by activities or programs are not sufficient to make changes in the individual’s sexual attitude. The objective of this study is to understand the possibilities and limitations of the teaching of DST from the anthropological approach. The study includes analysis of official documents in health and education areas (including the textbook of the Collections Catalogue of PNLEM/2009 Biology), direct observation and interviews with students age between 17 to 19 and teachers of biology who are 43-50 years old, both study and work at a school in the metropolitan region of the state of Rio de Janeiro, respectively. The results indicate that DST, in the textbooks, are mostly associated to biological aspects only, emphasizing AIDS and are shown as complementary texts and / or associated with human reproduction. However, the young people’s behavior and point of view about the start of sexual life bring doubts concerning attitudes and care to this event beyond the organic content, indicate gender differences regarding the sexuality concept, health / disease process, the care about body and the decisions involving the start of sexual life. The young people also point out the difficulties of the teaching methods and strategies of approach in the school environment. We, therefore, highlight the need of considering the aspects emphasized in this study while discussing different strategies and possibilities for addressing the issue of STDs in the education context.
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Influência de programas de prevenção da doença cardiovascular na concepção e prática de docentes em escolas públicas de ensino fundamental do ciclo II / The influence of cardiovascular disease prevention programs in the conception and practices of teachers from public elementary schools of cicle IIMaria Silvia Sanchez Bortolozzo 30 March 2009 (has links)
Trata-se de investigação qualitativa para conhecer a Concepção e Prática de Docentes, da cidade de São Paulo, sob a Influência de Programas de Prevenção da Doença Cardiovascular. Foram comparados grupos de professores que passaram pela formação e outros que não passaram, para verificar o que sabiam e como ensinavam o tema transversal saúde, quanto aos fatores de risco à doença cardiovascular, nos aspectos, alimentação, sedentarismo, tabagismo e uso do álcool. A entrevista como diagnóstico inicial demonstrou que existiam professores receptivos a participações inovadoras e outros resistentes a mudanças de qualquer natureza. O grupo focal confirmou esse resultado, pois, mesmo não tendo participado dos Programas, um número significativo de professores destacou-se como inovador e preocupado com as questões de saúde. A vantagem desta técnica sobre a anterior é ter permitido evidenciar na reflexão conjunta, os professores que passaram pela formação demonstraram avanço nas formas de intervenção em relação à prática de saúde em sala de aula e em todos os espaços escolares. A análise documental reforçou os resultados e identificou obstáculos internos e externos apresentados pelos professores. Os dois grupos apresentaram diferentes níveis de informações conceituais e de práticas em prevenção de doenças crônico-degenerativas, os passaram pela formação valorizaram o enfoque transversal e investigativo, relacionados ao desenvolvimento de hábitos, comportamentos, atitudes e valores. Por meio da triangulação dos dados, ficou confirmada a existência de obstáculos internos e externos à atuação docente, que interferem na evolução da concepção e prática, manifestada nas atitudes pelas simplificações do saber, que os conduzem a pensamentos dicotômicos e fragmentados. Conclui-se que a grande maioria dos professores não está informada quanto ao impacto da morbi-mortalidade por doença cardiovascular, e o valor atribuído se faz por conhecimento pessoal. Programas de capacitação devem considerar prioritariamente a forma de abordagem, em vez da extensão e profundidade dos conteúdos. O conhecimento do professor pode evoluir se houver formação continuada que o coloque em situação de diálogo e reflexão sobre sua concepção e prática. Os docentes capacitados adotam mais facilmente em sua práxis, a metodologia dialógica atuando como agente formador de atitudes e valores em estilo de vida saudável para a prevenção da doença cardiovascular. Os programas informam, motivam, promovem ações, mas não alcançam o último estágio de manutenção e empoderamento. Os professores necessitam da presença da universidade para que o conhecimento novo, em termos de ação, possa se manter e se consolidar de forma adequada a cada realidade. Para a implementação de programas o cenário ideal deve mesclar o conhecimento específico do educador com os conhecimentos das experiências dos especialistas em saúde, pondo em discussão os obstáculos de formação didático-pedagógicos que o impede de evoluir. / This is a qualitative investigation to learn the conception and practices of teachers in different curriculum subjects, at the city of São Paulo under the influence of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Programs. Groups of teachers who went through the training given by Programs and others who did not, were compared to verify what they knew and how the taught the theme transversal health, related to risk factors of cardiovascular disease, in aspects such as nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, tobaccoism and alcohol intake.The interview as initial diagnostic showed that there were teachers receptive to innovative participations and others resistant to changes of any kind. The focal group confirmed this result because, even as participant of the Programs, a significant number of teachers distinguished as innovator and concerned with health matters. The advantage of this technique over the previous one is that it allows accentuating the collective reflection that teachers who went through the training showed concerns and ways of intervention related to the students health in all school spaces. The documental analysis performed strengthened the results and identified internal and external obstacles presented by the teachers. The two researched groups presented different levels of conceptual and practical information in prevention of chronic-degenerative diseases, and the ones who went through the training valued the transversal and investigative approach, related to the development of habits, behaviors, attitudes and values. By the triangulation of data the existence of internal and external obstacles to the teacher performance was confirmed, which interfere with the evolution of the conception and practice, revealed by attitudes of simplification of the knowledge, which leads them to dichotomous and fragmented thoughts. The conclusion is that the majority of the teachers, is not aware of the impact of mortality due to cardiovascular disease and the value imputed is made by personal knowledge. Capacitating programs must consider, primarily, the approach instead of the range and depth of their contents. For the methodological matrixes it was established an analogy among them as of how the teachers behave themselves concerning health programs presented in schools. The teachers education is important and may evolve if there is continuous education which places them in a dialogue and reflection situation about their conception and practice. The qualified teachers adopt in their praxis the dialogical methodology acting as moulder agent of attitudes and values in healthy lifestyle for the prevention of the cardiovascular disease, more easily. The programs inform, motivate, promote actions, but do not achieve the last stage of maintenance and empowerment. The teachers need support, the presence of the university so that the new knowledge in terms of action may stay and create bonds. The ideal scene to implement the programs should mix the specific knowledge of the educator, the didactic-pedagogical obstacles which restrain them from evolving and the knowledge resulted from the health specialists experiences
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Hospitalizações por condições cardiovasculares sensíveis à atenção primária à saúde em municípios goianos, 2000-2008 / Hospitalizations due to primary care-sensitive cardiovascular conditions in municipalities of Central-West BrazilBatista, S. R. R. 16 December 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2016-11-10T17:27:18Z
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Dissertação - Sandro Rogério Rodrigues Batista - 2010.pdf: 4141557 bytes, checksum: d22b51b42eda2f6e73752c9d88a79f53 (MD5)
license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2016-11-10T17:27:29Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2010-12-16 / The aim of this study was to analyze rates of hospitalization due to primary care-sensitive cardiovascular conditions. This ecological study on 237 municipalities in the state of Goiás, Central-West Brazil, between 2000 and 2008, used data from the Hospital Information System and the Primary Care Information System. The hospitalization rates were calculated as the ratio between the number of hospitalizations due to cardiovascular conditions and the population over the age of 40 years. The data were evaluated over the three-year periods A (2000-2002), B (2003-2005) and C (2006-2008), according to sex, age group, population size, whether the individual belonged to the metropolitan region, healthcare macroregion, distance from the state capital, living conditions index and coverage within the Family Health Strategy. The potential population coverage of the Family Health Strategy was calculated in accordance with Ministry of Health guidelines. The variability of the rates was evaluated using the t test and ANOVA. A total of 253,254 hospitalizations (17.2%) occurred due to primary care-sensitive cardiovascular conditions. The hospitalization rates diminished between the three-year periods: A (213.5, SD = 104.6), B (199.7, SD = 96.3) and C (150.2, SD = 76.1), with differences from A to C and from B to C (p < 0.001). Municipal population size did not influence the behavior of the rates. Municipalities near the state capital and those in the metropolitan area presented higher rates (p < 0.001). At all percentiles of the Life and Health Conditions Index, there were decreases in the rates (p < 0.001), except at percentile 1. Decreases were also observed in all the macroregions except for the northeastern region of the state. The reduction in rates was independent of the Family Health Strategy coverage. The rates of hospitalization due to primary care-sensitive cardiovascular conditions decreased in these municipalities, independent of the Family Health Strategy coverage. / O obejtivo desse estudo foi analisar taxas de hospitalização por condições cardiovasculares sensíveis à atenção primária. Estudo ecológico com 237 municípios do Estado de Goiás, de 2000 a 2008, utilizando dados do Sistema de Informação Hospitalar e Sistema de Informação da Atenção Básica. As taxas de hospitalização foram calculadas pela proporção entre o número de hospitalizações por condições cardiovasculares e a população acima de 40 anos. Foram avaliadas em triênios: A (2000-2002), B (2003-2005) e C (2006-2008), segundo sexo, faixa etária, porte populacional, pertencimento à região metropolitana, macrorregião de saúde, distância da capital, Índice de Condições de Vida e Saúde e cobertura de Estratégia Saúde da Família. A cobertura populacional potencial da Saúde da Família foi calculada conforme diretrizes do Ministério da Saúde. A variabilidade das taxas foi avaliada segundo teste t e ANOVA. Ocorreram 253.254 internações (17,2% do total) por condições cardiovasculares sensíveis à atenção primária. As taxas de hospitalização diminuíram entre os triênios: A (213,5, dp = 104,6), B (199,7, dp = 96,3) e C (150,2, dp = 76,1), com diferença entre os períodos A-C e B-C (p < 0,001). Porte populacional municipal não influenciou o comportamento das taxas. Municípios próximos à capital e aqueles da região metropolitana apresentaram maiores taxas (p < 0,001). Em todos os percentis do Índice de Condições de Vida e Saúde, houve redução das taxas (p < 0,001), exceto no percentil 1. Redução foi também observada em todas as macrorregiões, exceto na região nordeste do estado. A redução das taxas ocorreu independentemente da cobertura da Saúde da Família.
As taxas de hospitalização por condições cardiovasculares sensíveis à atenção primária diminuíram nesses municípios, independentemente da cobertura da Saúde da Família.
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