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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Irish Republican Army: An Examination of Imperialism, Terror, and Just War Theory

Barboza, Avery R 01 June 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Analysis of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and their actions in the 1970s and 1980s offer insight into their use of just war theory in their conflict with the British government and ultra-loyalist Protestant forces in Northern Ireland. The historiography of Irish history is defined by its phases of nationalism, revisionism, and anti-revisionism that cloud the historical narrative of imperialism and insurgency in the North. Applying just war theory to this history offers a more nuanced understanding of the conflict of the Troubles and the I.R.A.’s usage of this framework in their ideology that guided their terrorism in the latter half of the twentieth century. The murders of influential members of British society and the I.R.A.’s statements on these events further posit just war theory as a guiding force of this group. In 1980-1981 the I.R.A. staged hunger strikes in the H Block of Long Kesh Prison and the writings of their leader Bobby Sands continued their use of just war theory in their efforts to be granted Special Category Status. This work concludes that the I.R.A. utilized just war theory throughout this period and that it was a guiding force of their ideology. It contributes a more nuanced analysis of just war theory and its applications to the I.R.A.’s struggles against the British. Ultimately, it demonstrates how this theory was used by this insurgent movement to claim legitimacy, defend their actions, and frame their anti-imperialist movement as a necessary means to combatting British forces.

Moralizing violence?: social psychology, peace research, and just war theory

Trosky, Abram Jonas 12 March 2016 (has links)
States regularly use fear of terrorist threats to gain support for domestic political agendas and promote geostrategic interests. Consecutive U.S. presidents have cited the theory of the just war to defend these policies and particular violations of national sovereignty. Those doubtful of whether existing threats justify violations of privacy and territorial integrity also use fear -- of corruption, mission creep, and unintended consequences -- claiming that such interventions are a cure worse than the disease, yet one about which domestic audiences are easily misled. To combat abuse of moral arguments for the use of force, some in peace and conflict studies advocate military force be restricted to self-defense, per strict interpretation of the United Nations Charter (as in international legal positivism), or restricted completely (as in pacifism). Because the goal of reducing violent conflict is nearly universally acceptable, these varieties of noninterventionism are rarely scrutinized. In social psychological peace research (SPPR) on public opinion, however, positivism and prescriptive pacifism mask the diversity of opinion on whether and when intervention is necessary to curb aggression, prevent atrocity, and/or restore stability in failed states. This project critically examines SPPR's positivistic premises and the political implications of moral skepticism generally. In an intellectual history of the discipline, I contrast scientific emphasis on certainty in the formulation of threat and risk-avoidance with the humanities' appreciation of the ethical implications of uncertainty, also at the heart of just war theory. Taking Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory (SCT) of moral dis/engagement as a case study, I argue that SPPR skepticism of individual citizens' moral judgment implicitly endorses elite or consensus-driven models of social and political change. The determinism, consequentialism, and institutional gradualism of SPPR approaches, I argue, contradict stated progressive aims and the egalitarian individualism behind liberal conceptions of the rule of law and international human rights regime. Using just war's ethical framework and a non-consequentialist Kantian theory of moral judgment, I construct a reasoning model and coding manual for use in public opinion research on international conflict. These instruments operationalize moral dis/engagement in a manner consistent with political liberalism and humanitarian law, including the Responsibility to Protect.

Religion and military culture: narratives of trauma and moral agency among white Christian post-9/11 veterans

Suitt, Thomas Howard, III 05 November 2021 (has links)
Serving in the military is often a disruptive event in the lives of those who join, precipitating a reassessment of the service member’s ethical sensibilities or, tragically, resulting in lasting moral injury and trauma. The military experience compels them to navigate multiple identities, from citizen to warrior and back. Their religious identity, sometimes rooted in a civilian religious community, can be altered by military participation. Those who find faith during service often adopt one rooted in military culture. Still others find faith after leaving the service, providing a salve for the disruption of military experience. In many cases, religious cultural toolkits provide necessary meaning-making frameworks to make sense of war; however, these same frameworks can exacerbate trauma when moral expectations do not reflect reality, resulting in moral injury. Drawing on a series of inductive, in-depth qualitative interviews with forty-eight veterans and six military chaplains, this dissertation explores how varied religious resources and potentially traumatic events affect the lives of post-9/11 veterans who once or currently identified as Christian. Adding to existing research on moral injury, it traces how military chaplains, ethics education, just war theory rhetoric, and formal religious practice supplied by the military alter the course of service members’ moral lives. As these resources aim and re-aim them at the military’s institutional strategic goals, service members come to inhabit the warrior identity. Amid this new identity and the realities of modern warfare, trauma is likely, and service members must navigate an interruption to their deeply held moral beliefs, narratives, and expectations. After service, lasting moral wounds, traumatic experiences, and a loss of identity can make reintegrating to the civilian sector challenging, thus precipitating or exacerbating trauma. These narrative trajectories reveal how veterans use Christian faith or other systems of meaning-making to understand war and their identities as service members and veterans. Drawing on post-traumatic theologies and feminist and womanist ethics, this dissertation argues that these stories uncover tainted theological frameworks and a military culture in need of redemption. / 2023-11-04T00:00:00Z

Evaluating Renewable Energy Employment Impacts from Renewable Energy Policies

Frey, Noah 10 November 2022 (has links)
No description available.

At the Heart of the Transition? Making Sense of Agency, Policy, and Post-Politics within Just Transition in Scotland

Marklund, Josefina January 2023 (has links)
Since the establishment of Scotland’s Climate Change Act, principles of just transition have been statutory and guiding the implementation of several policies on the area. Such policies have laid the foundation for collaborative governance efforts, that invites state and non-state partners to engage on the political arena. Critiques towards such collective governance approaches argue that it promotes a post-political condition, guided by values of consensus and cohesion, that moves democratic issues to the periphery of political inquiry. By analysing key just transition policies within Scotland, and conducting interviews with non-state actors with different relations to the Scottish policy process, I seek to gain greater understanding of how the discursive positioning of agents of change could be understood through post-politics. Thus, this thesis explores how agents of change, and their agency, is made sense of, and how this sense-making reflects contradictory and challenging dynamics such as power struggles, conflicts of interest, and collective action problems, within just transition. I identify four key agents of change – workers, communities, industries, and the government – and discover that the policy material and my interviewees position these agents differently in relation to the problems of just transition. Further, I also identify challenging dynamics within sense-making of agents of change, such as contradictory transition narratives, tensions regarding how the relationship between labour and nature is made sense of, as well context-bound relationships between the change agents. I conclude that the strive for social consensus within the collaborative sphere neglects these challenging and contradictory dynamics, and fails to reflect the democratic pluralism of how agents of change are made sense of in the Scottish context.

Phainesthai : Auditory Processes as Tools for Musical Composition

Aron, Luka January 2023 (has links)
The human auditory system can become an active agent in the production of sound when stimulated with specific tone combinations. The resulting auditory distortion products can be amplified and drawn attention to by employing certain just intonation practices – a compositional technique that may serve as a powerful catalyst for reaching different states of mind in listeners. In this thesis, those psychoacoustic phenomena critical to the act of tuning are explored. An experiential tuning protocol is introduced and supported by insights from physiology and neuroscience research. Based on the tuneability of musical intervals, a harmonic framework involving harmonic and subharmonic relationships is analyzed and exemplified via the accompanying composition XV XXVII III XXI IX: Variations. From a phenomenological perspective, the research extends to broader contexts, investigating potential social, ethical, cultural, and political implications of such a practice. / <p><em>XV XXVII III XXI IX: Variations</em> by Luka Aron is a work in 5 parts in which a selected acoustic instrumentation, consisting of bass clarinet, contrabass, euphonium, foghorn organ, harpsichord, serpent, shō, and trumpet coalesces with analog as well as digital synthesis, into one unified mass of sound. By tuning sustained tones towards precision upon occupying the same pitch space, the various timbresare as much canceled out as reinforced, resulting in flux states of spectral fusion. This effect is further achieved through traversing a labyrinth of multiple closely related overtone series, serving as a harmonic framework for the piece’s ever-shifting bedrock. A careful selection of partials is presented, stimulating additional tones in the perception of the listener, making use of a psychoacoustic phenomenon, commonly referred to as otoacoustic emissions, or combination tones. Heavy distortion is then applied to the source signal, allowing the combination tones to materialize in the physical space. Through this, a secondary structure (that, in fact, exposes theundertone series) is gradually unveiled: like light rays meeting the surface of water, partially reflecting back to air, and refracting at once, as they pass from one medium to the other. On a structural plane, the piece stems from complex multi-layered golden mean relationships that permeate to all levels of the composition, ranging from the overall arc to the formal as well as rhythmical aspects of each individual variation, where every sound event is spiraling out of the previous one, and the endpoint is determined right at the initial stroke, before ever unfolding over the total playtime of 43 minutes. With Aron operating the Buchla 200 and EMS VCS3 synthesizers, in addition to the SuperCollider andPure Data coding environments, the cast of musicians includes an array of Stockholm-based artists, such as Mattias Hållsten on shō–a japanese mouth organ–and Susana Santos Silva on trumpet (both members of CC Hennix’ Kamigaku ensemble), just intonation contrabassist Vilhelm Bromander, along with Amina Hocine and her unique self-built foghorn organ. Frequent collaborators Fabian Willmann on bass clarinet and Raphaël Rossé on serpent and euphonium join from the electroacoustic group MINUA, which Aron co-founded. For this occasion, the piece will be diffused on an arrangement of 31 speakers.</p><p><strong>Den klingande delen är arkiverad.</strong></p><p><strong>Luka Aron är artistnam för Luca Aaron Pusch.</strong></p>

And just like that… - Sex and the City och normer, stereotyper samt identitet : En medie- och kommunikationsvetenskaplig komparativ, kvalitativ studie av TV-serierna Sex and the City och And Just Like That

Korzh, Anastasia, Bergman, Ronia January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att jämföra Sex and the City med And just like that för att se om kvinnors representation har förändrats över tid men också för att se hur kvinnorna i uppföljaren förhåller sig till dagens normer. Med hjälp av Roland Barthes (1964/2016) semiotiska begrepp som index och symbol och Barthes (Hall 2013) läran om tecken, genomfördes en semiotisk analys för att få en djupare förståelse för de olika karaktärerna och deras representation. Studiens teoretiska ramverk innefattar Richard Dyers (2009) teori om stereotyper, Stuart Halls (2013) representationsteori samt Rosalind Gills (2007) och Angela McRobbies (2004) teori om postfeminismen. Resultatet av studien visar att Sex and the City gestaltar kvinnorna utifrån tydliga stereotyper. Samtidigt framgår det att serien är från en tid då postfeminismen är dominerande i samhället, där frågor som självständighet och sexuelltfrigörande är framträdande. I And just like that, visar resultatet att serien har anpassat sig mot dagens normer. Exempelvis har skaparen av serierna Darren Star (HBO Max u.å) lyckats anpassa kvinnorna mot de normer som råder, genom att plocka in karaktären Che för att få Miranda att utforska sin sexualitet och Carrie för att använda nya termer som “hen”.

Effektivisering av logistik och leveranser till byggarbetsplats med hjälp av digitala verktyg / Streamlining logistics and deliveries to the construction site using digital tools

Andlöw, Jacob, Berg, Ludvig January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion (och mål) – Denna rapport är utförd av två byggingenjörsstudenter vid Tekniska Högskolan i Jönköping. Studien genomförs tillsammans med Peab Sverige AB och rapportens mål är att undersöka hur det är möjligt att med hjälp av digitala verktyg undvika att flertalet leveranser ankommer till en byggarbetsplats vid samma tidpunkt men även hur det är möjligt att få kontroll över när leveranser ankommer. Det kommer även att undersökas hur det är möjligt att mindre leveranser kan tas emot utan att platsledningen behöver avbryta sitt pågående arbete. Metod – Studien är genomförd som en fallstudie med datainsamlingsteknikerna intervju, enkät och observation. Studien består av en kombination av en kvalitativ metod och en kvantitativ metod. Intervjuer kommer att ge data som har kvalitativa egenskaper. Med kvalitativa egenskaper menas att data har en låg standardiseringsgrad men att flexibiliteten är hög. Enkäten ger data som har både kvalitativa och kvantitativa egenskaper. Den data från enkäten som är kvalitativ är de frågor där respondenten själv får skriva medan den kvantitativa data kommer från de frågor som är flervalsfrågor där resultatet går att presentera i tabeller och diagram. Resultat – Utifrån resultatet går det att utläsa att det enbart är fem av 33 personer som aldrig upplever problem med att resurskrävande leveranser ankommer vid samma tidpunkt medan sex personer svarar att de upplever problem flera gånger i veckan. Anledningen till att flera resurskrävande leveranser ankommer vid samma tidpunkt är att tid inte anges vid beställning eller att leveranserna inte ankommer vid angiven tid. Analys – Utifrån empirin går det att utläsa att det används en digital eller analog leveranskalender för att hantera leveranser. Det visar tydligt vikten av att alla i projektet är med och arbetar med någon form av kalender för att leveranser ska fungera. Det går också att utläsa att anledningen till att leveranscontainer inte används i så stor utsträckning beror på att det tar mycket plats, det kostar för mycket och leverantörerna tycker inte om att arbeta på det sättet. Diskussion – Det som diskuteras i diskussionen är de starka och de svagare delarna från resultatet men även huruvida de valda metoder som använts i undersökningen fungerade för att ge svar på de frågeställningar som ställts. En av rapportens svaga delar är att det inte ges något svar på varför leveranser inte kommer vid angiven tid trots att det är en av de stora anledningarna till att leveranskrockar uppstår. De svagheter som finns i datainsamlingsteknikerna stärks av varandra då rapporten innehåller triangulering.

The Influence of High Solids Loading and Scale on Coal Slurry Just-Suspended Agitation

Liu, Hong 26 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Creating Space: Drones, Just War, and Jus ad Vim

Marx, Ryan Matthew January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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