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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diritti naturali e Diritti Umani / Droits naturels et droits humains / Human Rights and Natural Rights

Pagano, Dario 09 March 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but de comprendre si les droits humains contemporains sont les équivalents des droits naturels affirmés à l’époque moderne. En un premier temps, les conceptions contemporaines sur la nature des droits humains sont étudiées, en particulier les conceptions qui reconstruisent le sens des droits de l’homme à partir des positions ontologiques. En un second temps, une reconstruction de cette comparaison est mise en évidence sous trois perspectives : l’idée des droits naturels, le concept des droits naturels et les théories des droits naturels. Enfin, une fois mis en évidence les aspects significatifs de ces catégories, on procède à leur comparaison, en soulignant les points de continuité entre droits humains et droits naturels et les différences qui séparent leur chemin. / The aim of this work concerns the relation between human rights and natural rights, in order to understand if human rights are those natural rights affirmed in the modern age. First of all, we analyse the contemporary conceptions about human rights nature, especially those which find their meaning from ontological positions. Secondly, we reconstruct the term of this comparison from three perspectives : the idea of natural rights, the concept of natural rights, the theories of natural rights. At last, after the individuation of relevants aspects between both categories, we compare them, highlighting the common points and the differences that separate their path.

Prolegomena to a theological theory of justice : a comparative study of Catholic and Protestant anthropological foundations for political-economic justice with special reference to Karol Wojtyla

Smith, Stephanie January 2003 (has links)
This work proposes that the foundation for justice in society begins with an understanding of personhood that begins with Christian theology. While ethical stances such as the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights are helpful in articulating the bounds of justice in society, such humanistic declarations and programs may reach an impasse if they do not incorporate the depth and complexity of human personhood revealed in Jesus Christ. I will make this argument by comparing the Christian anthropologies of two prominent advocates for social justice in the Catholic and Protestant traditions: Karol Wojytla/Pope John Paul II and Karl Barth. Parts One and Two of this thesis will examine the strong critique which both of these men offered within their own historical context toward systems which denied the vital connection between Christian theology and persons in society. These parts will outline the distinctly Christian anthropologies that each theologian proposed as a basis for social justice. The final part of this thesis will set these two anthropologies in critical interaction with one another in the key area of divergence: the ontology of human personhood and the methodological issues integral to it. While John Paul has raised critical issues which are central to social ethics and has articulated many of the complexities of human action, Karl Barth's Christological anthropology proposes an ontological construct of being which critically critiques human motivation and behaviour while also providing a social starting point for personal ethics.

La doctrine administrative de la commande publique / The administrative of public contracts

Di Francesco, Dimitri 26 June 2018 (has links)
Contrairement à la doctrine fiscale, la doctrine administrative de la commande publique, quand bien même son assise est ancienne, n’a constitué que récemment un objet d’étude. Cependant, étant un outil essentiel pour les administrations, la doctrine administrative démontre à nouveau l’unilatéralité de l’action publique au motif qu’elle est l’instrumentum par lequel la direction des affaires juridiques des ministères économiques et financiers (DAJ) propose une interprétation de ce droit technique. Une étude empirique et prospective de cette doctrine administrative doit conduire à mettre en lumière toutes ces sources souterraines du droit de la commande publique sur lesquelles l’ensemble des acteurs s’appuie. / Contrary to the tax doctrine, the administrative doctrine of public contracts, even though its foundation is old, has only recently been an object of study. However, being an essential tool for the administrations, the administrative doctrine demonstrates the unilateral nature of the public action because it is the instrumentum by which the Direction of Legal Affairs of the economic and financial ministries (DAJ) gives an interpretation of this technical law field. An empirical and prospective study of this administrative doctrine should lead to highlighting all these underground sources of public contrats on which all the actors relies.

Desconsideração da personalidade jurídica: limitações e aplicação no direito da família e sucessões / Disregard of legal entity: limitations and application on family and inheritance law.

Renato Luiz Franco de Campos 12 February 2015 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação foi o estudo do instituto da desconsideração da personalidade jurídica, em sua modalidade inversa, e sua aplicabilidade no direito de família e sucessões, principalmente na partilha de bens - efetivada no divórcio ou dissolução de união estável -, na execução de alimentos e na sucessão legítima. A escolha do tema decorreu da necessidade do estabelecimento de pressupostos e requisitos objetivos para a aplicação da disregard na seara do direito de família e sucessões. A utilidade e adequação da abordagem da matéria se justifica pela instabilidade jurídica provocada pela acriteriosa aplicação da desconsideração da personalidade jurídica nas relações familiares. Por outro lado, o enfoque crítico desenvolvido no presente trabalho se justifica pela existência de corrente doutrinária que defende a aplicação da desconsideração em inúmeras situações familiares nas quais outros remédios, já seculares, de direito material ou processual seriam igualmente eficazes, sem que fosse necessária a drástica declaração de ineficácia da separação patrimonial entre a pessoa jurídica e seu sócio. Buscou-se apontar, desta forma, os meios existentes para se alcançar o mesmo resultado prático apresentado pela disregard, mas com a utilização de outras figuras, tais como a simulação, a fraude contra credores e a fraude à execução, ficando, por via de consequência, a aplicação da desconsideração da personalidade jurídica, restrita às hipóteses em que não há quaisquer outros meios para se evitar ou buscar a reparação dos prejuízos advindos da utilização das pessoas jurídicas com abuso da personalidade jurídica, desvio de finalidade ou confusão patrimonial. / The aim of this dissertation was the study of the doctrine of the disregard of legal entity, but in its inverted form, as well as its application to family law, particularly in the division of assets usually enforced in divorces and dissolution of stable union in alimony claims and inheritance law, specifically the forced heirship - legitimacy. The choice of this topic resulted from the necessity of stablishing objective assumptions and requirements for the application of the disregard doctrine to family and inheritance law. The utility and adequacy of the approach to this dissertation title is the legal instability generated by the inaccurate application of the disregard doctrine in family relationships. On the other hand, the critic approach developed over this dissertation is justified by the existence of positions sustained by renowned lawyers in the sense that the disregard doctrine may be applicable to family situations that should be, in fact, subjected to other existing remedies, without the Court interference declaring the void of the splitting of assets of the company and the assets of the shareholder. This dissertation intended to demonstrate the existing ways to have the same practical result eventually reached with the application of the disregard doctrine, using other figures such as sham, disguising and fraud, what makes the disregard doctrine restricted to cases in which there is no alternative other that its application to compensate damages resulted from the misuse or the abuse of legal entities.

Contribution à l'analyse de la doctrine administrative fiscale au Maroc / Contribution to the analysis of the tax administrative doctrine in Morocco

Katir, El Hassane 09 November 2016 (has links)
Véritable phénomène marquant le champ fiscal, la doctrine administrative constitue une manifestation du pouvoir, aussi bien de l'administration que de ses concepteurs, au point qu'elle se substitue largement à la norme fiscale. Se pose alors la question du respect de la hiérarchie des normes juridiques et de la protection du contribuable contre les débordements d'interprétation de l'administration fiscale. La doctrine administrative n'a aucune valeur juridique mais, souvent, les agents du fisc vont surtout se référer à l'instruction administrative au détriment, parfois, de la sécurité juridique et des droits et garanties des contribuables. Ce pouvoir de la doctrine nous interpelle sur son statut de manière à ne pas être placée dans un rang hiérarchique supérieur au texte fiscal. L'administration fiscale au Maroc n'échappe pas à ce phénomène qui devrait normalement solliciter l'intervention du pouvoir judiciaire. Or, les contribuables sont très réticents à recourir au juge administratif pour contester une doctrine illégale et préfèrent formuler à l'administration des demandes individuelles d'interprétation de la loi. Aussi, pour maîtriser et contrôler la doctrine administrative, est-il nécessaire de repenser l'élaboration de cette doctrine dans le sens d'une plus grande efficience en adoptant une démarche de conception collective. Et, pour pallier les éventuels abus, le recours pour excès de pouvoir doit avoir toute l'importance qu'il mérite en la matière afin de faire valoir la suprématie de la loi et consolider l’État de droit. / As an effective phenomenon marking the tax area, the tax administrative doctrine is a show of power of the tax administration and of their writers as well, to the point that it substitutes widely to the tax norm. This raises question of respect for the hierarchy of legal standards and taxpayer protection against the excesses of the tax administration interpretation. The tax administrative doctrine has no juridical value but, often, tax inspectors apply the administrativ circulars, bargaining and risking sometimes the juridical and law security and the taxpayers' guaranties. Thi power force of the tax administrative doctrine calls us on its status so as not to be placed on a hierarchical ran superior to the fiscal text. The tax administration in Morocco is not immune against this phenomenon which should normally seek th intervention of the juridical authority. However, taxpayers are reluctant to resort to administrative courts to challenge illegal doctrine and prefer to express individual requests to the administration for the interpretation of the law. Also, to monitor and contrai the administrative doctrine, it is necessary to rethink the elaboration of this doctrin in the order of greater efficiency by adopting an approach of collective conception. And to mitigate the possibl abuse, the appeal of abuse of power must have the importance it deserves in the field to assert the supremacy of the law and to consolidate the state of right.

The Reverend Carl D. McIntire v. the Fairness Doctrine

Townsend, Larry A. (Larry Allan) 05 1900 (has links)
This study explored the development of the Federal Communications Commission's Fairness Doctrine policy from its beginnings in the 1920's until the FCC eliminated most of its requirements in 1987. The chapters discuss the Reverend Carl D. McIntire's battle with the FCC concerning the policy's impact on free speech in broadcasting. McIntire lost his battle with the FCC and became the first broadcaster to lose his license for Fairness Doctrine violations. The problem in this study focused on the difficulty of reconciling government regulation of broadcasting with the rights of licensees to speak freely and be heard by their listeners. The study concluded that today the FCC advocates First Amendment protection for broadcasters but it remains questionable whether present policy will continue.

French Readings in Law Reviews : Les lectures américaines de la doctrine juridique française (1870-1945) / French Readings in Law Reviews : The American Readings of the French Legal Doctrine (1870-1945)

Decoux, Prune 19 June 2019 (has links)
Alliés et amis de longue date, la France et les États-Unis n'ont cessé d'entretenir des relations depuis la Déclaration d'Indépendance de 1776. Néanmoins, ces échanges ont toujours été réputés extérieurs au domaine juridique, considéré comme inévitablement borné au champ national. Toutefois, l'examen approfondi des revues juridiques universitaires, entre la période 1870 et 1940, démontre la présence indéniable des juristes français dans la pensée juridique américaine, au travers des notes de bas de page, de comptes rendus d'ouvrages ou de la parution d'articles originaux. Grâce à la constitution d'une base de données et à des outils relevant de la bibliométrie, de l'analyse de réseau ou encore de l'iconographie, il a été mis en avant des usages fort différenciés de la référence française. Ces derniers remettent en question la question monolithique de l"influence" pour laisser transparaître une "circulation des idées" soumise à des processus de sélection et à l'emploi de voies de communication balisées. / France and the United States, long-standing allies and friends, have maintained constant relations since the 1776 Declaration of Independence. Nevertheless, these exchanges have always been considered external to the legal field, considered inevitably limited to the national field. However, an in-depth examination of law reviews between 1870 and 1940 shows the undeniable presence of French lawyers in American legal thought, through footnotes, book reviews or the publication of original articles. Thanks to the creation of a database and tools related to bibliometrics, network analysis and iconography, it has been possible to highlight the very different uses of the French reference. The latter question the monolithic question of "influence" to reveal a "flow of ideas" subject to selection processes and the use of marked communication channels.

Lecture de la poésie de Kabīr à la lumière de la tripartie soufisme, bhakti et doctrine des Nāths yogīs

Benchaib, Sonia 08 1900 (has links)
La période pré moderne en Inde voit se développer la bhakti comme nouvelle religiosité distincte et dominer de façon quasi-totale la scène religieuse en Inde. Bien que nous n’avons pas atteint une masse critique des études qui établissent une incidence de la mystique musulmane sur la poésie dévotionnelle de Kabīr, ce papier de recherche aura pour objectif de démontrer l’existence d’un lien entre la bhakti et le soufisme indo-persan implanté depuis le sultanat de Delhi jusqu’à la fin de la période moghole en se concentrant sur une question : Dans quelle mesure les pratiques ascétiques du poète Kabīr se sont développées sous l'influence de l’idéologie et la mystique soufie? Il examine comment une figure de bhakti comme Kabīr a embrassé la conception soufie de la spiritualité dans un rapport d’emprunt et d’association intime sans modifier la généalogie hindoue de cette sensibilité dévotionnelle. Les mouvements bhakti et soufi du sous-continent n'ont pas seulement montré la quête d'un individu ou d'un groupe d'individus pour atteindre la connaissance, la grâce, ou l'unicité avec l'Être suprême, ils ont insufflé à la masse des dévots hindous et musulmans une voie unique afin de rejoindre la Réalité ultime en transcendant le phénomène des identités religieuses peu ou pas définies à cette époque d’hybridité religieuse et qui furent amplement forgées par l’idée du salut par la voie mystique indépendamment du concept de la religion tel que comprise par l’érudition moderne. / The pre-modern period in India sees the development of bhakti as a new and distinct religiosity and almost completely dominates the religious scene in India. Although we have not reached a critical mass of studies that establish an impact of Muslim mysticism on Kabīr's devotional poetry, this research paper will aim to demonstrate the existence of a link between bhakti and Indo-Persian Sufism implanted from the Delhi Sultanate to the end of the Mughal period by focusing on one question: To what extent did the ascetic practices of the poet Kabīr develop under the influence of Sufi ideology and mysticism? It examines how a bhakti figure like Kabīr embraced the Sufi conception of spirituality in a relationship of borrowing and intimate association without altering the Hindu genealogy of this devotional sensibility. The bhakti and Sufi movements of the subcontinent did not merely demonstrate the quest of an individual or group of individuals to attain knowledge, grace, or oneness with the Supreme Being, they instilled in the mass of Hindu and Muslim devotees a unique path to reach the Ultimate Reality by transcending the phenomenon of religious identities that were little or not defined in that era of religious hybridity and that were amply forged by the idea of salvation through the mystical path independently of the concept of religion as understood by modern scholarship.

The Development and Evolution for the Justification of the Use of Lethal Force in Legislation

van 't Hooft, Joseph 29 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

An Argument For Non-Delegation?

Marcum, Seth Allen 16 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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