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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'accessibilité et l'intelligibilité de la loi en droit constitutionnel : étude du discours sur la "qualité de la loi"

Rrapi, Patricia 23 November 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de valeur constitutionnelle d'accessibilité et d'intelligibilité de la loi, largement inspiré du discours sur la « qualité de la loi », semble consister, dans la jurisprudence du Conseil constitutionnel, en deux exigences différentes : la capacité de la loi à avertir le citoyen et la soumission de l'administration et du juge au respect de la loi. Cette étude propose une dissociation de ces deux exigences, qui renvoient à deux « qualités » distinctes de la loi : celle ex ante et celle ex post. Alors que la « qualité » ex post concerne la prédétermination de l'utilisation du texte par les autorités chargées d'appliquer la loi, la « qualité » ex ante renvoie à l'information du citoyen sur la législation en vigueur et implique un renouvellement du rapport préjuridique du citoyen au droit. Cette étude propose également une comparaison entre la jurisprudence de la Cour suprême des États-Unis – « Vagueness doctrine » – et la jurisprudence du Conseil constitutionnel relative à la « qualité de la loi » / The « Quality of law » doctrine, as found in the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Council, has two functions. First it means that a citizen must have notice of a law before it is applied to him; and second that a statute's text must be sufficiently « clear » in order to avoid arbitrary enforcement. This thesis proposes a distinction between these two functions of the « Quality of Law » doctrine; the first reflecting an ex ante principle and the latter an ex post principle. Whereas the ex post « quality » deals with misuse of the statute's text by authorities charged with enforcement, the ex ante function – fair notice of laws in force – requires a more modern meaning as the nature of law changes and its delivery becomes more fractured and unpredictable. This thesis includes a comparison of the French doctrine with a parallel doctrine in American Constitutional Law – the « Vagueness doctrine »

Subordinate but equal : the intra-Trinitarian subordination of the Son to the Father in the theologies of P. T. Forsyth and Jürgen Moltmann

Sanders, Matthew Lee January 2010 (has links)
In the New Testament and in the early church fathers’ writings, the Son is understood to be ontologically equal to the Father and subordinate to him. Whether understood as ingenerate-generate, sender-sent, commanded-obedient, subordination shows the distinction between the Father and Son. As seen in church history, minimizing these distinctions can lead to modalism and pressing them too far leads to Arianism. In the Bible, obedience or subordination does not mean ontologically inferior. Rather, obedience results from faith and love. Although some fathers connected obedience to Christ’s humanity, they were doing so while rejecting the Arian argument that the Son’s obedience meant he was ontologically inferior. They affirmed the voluntary obedience of the Son as an expression of his love for the Father and rejected any sense of coercion or determinism. The doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son from the Father’s ousia held together the equality and subordination of the Son to the Father. Beginning with Christ’s atoning work rather than metaphysics, P. T. Forsyth and Jürgen Moltmann believe that the Son’s obedience is crucial for the atonement to be the free act of grace of the Sovereign God. Because of this, the Son’s obedience must be divine, and thus eternal. Otherwise, the obedience would be from Christ’s humanity, and humanity would contribute in inappropriate ways to the atonement. They also believe that subordination, obedience, humility, and servanthood complete the understanding of divine love. The unity provided by the same divine love is expressed according to the particularity of the Person. In the Trinitarian relationship, the Son’s eternal obedience is his free response to the Father. Here subordination is not oppression, but perfect love freely given to the perfect Lover. This fuller conception of divine love that a proper emphasis on obedience affords has great potential to help Trinitarain theology contribute to the elimination of oppression and the improvement of human relationships and to do so in a manner consistent with the biblical witness.

L'administré : essai sur une légende du droit administratif / L'administré : essay on a legend of administrative law

Morio, Camille 25 June 2018 (has links)
Le droit administratif ne semble pas pouvoir être pensé sans les administrés. « Administré » figure en effet parmi les termes les plus employés tant dans les discours politiques ou administratifs que dans la doctrine juridique. Or, il n’en existe aucune définition. L’on ignore en outre s’il constitue une notion juridique, c’est-à-dire une qualification obéissant à des critères juridiques déterminés et emportant des effets de droit. C’est à ces incertitudes que la thèse entend répondre. L’analyse du droit positif montre que, contre toute attente, l’« administré » n’a jamais eu et n’a toujours pas d’existence en droit : il ne correspond ni à une catégorie déterminée, ni à des droits ou des obligations qui lui seraient propres. L’époque actuelle, où le droit administratif prend de plus en plus en considération les intérêts des individus et leur octroie davantage de droits, aurait pu constituer l’occasion idoine pour la transformation de l’administré en véritable notion juridique. La technique montre qu’il en va autrement. Cette dernière s’appuie en effet sur d’autres catégories pour se subjectiviser. Surtout, le droit positif tend aujourd’hui à s’organiser autour de la notion juridique de « personne », qui transcende toutes les autres catégories. La possibilité pour l’administré d’être réhabilité d’une quelconque manière dans le futur constitue, en raison des influences nombreuses que le droit administratif connaît, une perspective dont la réalisation s’avère peu probable. Absent du droit positif, l’administré est au contraire omniprésent dans les discours sur le droit administratif. Pour les producteurs du droit positif issus de la joute démocratique (pouvoir législatif et pouvoir exécutif), il constitue un vocable parmi d’autres dont la valeur en termes de communication est scrupuleusement sous-pesée. Mais, pour les spécialistes de l’étude du droit administratif, et notamment la doctrine universitaire, il remplit une fonction proprement fondatrice. Bien qu’il existe différentes conceptions de l’administré et que ces conceptions soient profondément antagonistes, l’idée même d’administré constitue un pôle structurant de la pensée majoritaire sur le droit administratif : l’« administré » correspond à l’individu qui entretient des relations avec l’« administration », et l’encadrement de ces relations constitue l’objet d’un « droit administratif » disposant de sa propre identité. Ainsi, plus qu’au monde du droit positif, l’administré se révèle appartenir aux légendes du droit administratif, tels d’autres mythes qui structurent son récit. C’est le constat qui découle naturellement de son inévitable déconstruction et de son improbable reconstruction. / « “Administré” » is a word that is frequently used in administrative law research. At first  glance, in the French language, it refers to any person who is in relation with an administration. The dissertation undertakes an inquiry into inquires into its legal meaning definition: in law, to which conditions one can be qualified as an « administré » ? what requirements must one meet to qualify as an “administré”? What rights and obligations stem from this qualification ? Inspection of substanpositive law as well as the legal doctrine shows that it cannot be qualified as a genuine legal notion. Indeed, on the one hand, its key lines are not firmly determined. On the other hand, no juridical legal effect stems from it. To On the contrary, the word is linked to a tradition in French administrative law research, which has never  been made explicit.   As part of legal lingojargon, it contributes to the identification of a professional community as well as it has a legitimation functionpurpose of legitimation for it. Besides, it conveys a French administrative tradition, which lies on a political history. According to this tradition,  in France, « “administration »” and « “administrés »” are two opposite sides that do no’t  communicate with each other : the “« administration”, », as an extension of the State, cares for  the public interest while “administrés” play an ancillary role in that and are only concerned by their ownprivate interests.  For these reasons, the word “administré” is legally insignificant meaningless but symbolically of first utmost importance.  Furthermore, tThe evolutions of administrative law during the last five decades furthermore point towards a decline of the « “administréadministré” » on both plans. Legally, the legal order undergoes an  orientation towards the notion of “person”, notably because of the European Union law,  but not only. Politically, the  distance between civil society and administration in determination of collective subjects tends to reduceshrink, especially at the local level. Under those circumstancesIn these conditions, the French legal order can less and less be read as a bipolar system opposing an « “administration” » to “« administrésadministrés” ».  EventuallyFinally, the « “administréadministré” » can be qualified as a legend not only because it means nothing in law, but also because, from a political point of view, it is doomedestined to be part of the past.

Les bases administratives du droit constitutionnel français / Administrative foundations of french constitutionnal law

Faye, Antoine 23 March 2016 (has links)
Le droit constitutionnel français a la particularité de laisser une large place au droit administratif. Tandis que le Conseil constitutionnel s’approprie des notions, des techniques et des modes de pensée issus du droit administratif, les normes constitutionnelles font appel à des institutions et des constructions administratives. Parallèlement, le Conseil d’État dispose de compétences formellement et matériellement constitutionnelles. Les conseillers d’État sont omniprésents dans l’élaboration des textes, notamment législatifs, et effectuent un pré-contrôle de constitutionnalité. Enfin, la doctrine de droit constitutionnel, formée en droit administratif, exploite des concepts de contentieux administratif pour analyser la jurisprudence constitutionnelle. Ainsi, poser la question des bases administratives du droit constitutionnel français implique de réfléchir sur l’existence, au sein du droit constitutionnel, d’une culture administrative de la discipline. Cette dernière provient alors, à la fois de l’histoire particulière du droit public français, qui, depuis la Révolution, a nécessité une jurisprudence administrative pléthorique pour pallier la discontinuité du droit constitutionnel, et de la construction particulière de l’État et de la nation, depuis la monarchie absolue. Le droit administratif français apparaît alors, singulièrement, comme la première et principale source d’effectivité du droit constitutionnel jusqu’en 1958. Cette pérennité interroge sur la relation entre État et citoyen, entre libéralisme et démocratie, au sein d’un ordre juridique français singulier. / The distinguishing feature of the French constitutional law is the fact that it uses extensively the administrative law. The Constitutional Council acquire notions, tools and ways of thinking from administrative law, whereas constitutional rules make use of administrative institutions or constructs. Meanwhile, the Council of State has both formal and material constitutional abilities. Councillors of State are ubiquitous in rules redaction, notably about the laws, where they perform a constitutional pre-control. Finally, constitutional authors, instructed in administrative law, study the constitutional rulings with administrative litigation concepts. Thus, inquiring into the administrative foundations of constitutional law involve reflecting on the existence of an administrative culture in this field. This culture comes from the singular history of French public law, which required a strong jurisprudence to compensate the constitutional unsteadiness of the 19th century. Also, it comes from the unusual building of the State and nation since absolute monarchy. French administrative law then appears especially like the first and primary source of constitutional law effectiveness until 1958. This permanence brings up questions about the relation between State and citizen, or liberalism and democracy, in an atypical French legal order.

Desconsideração da personalidade jurídica: limitações e aplicação no direito da família e sucessões / Disregard of legal entity: limitations and application on family and inheritance law.

Campos, Renato Luiz Franco de 12 February 2015 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação foi o estudo do instituto da desconsideração da personalidade jurídica, em sua modalidade inversa, e sua aplicabilidade no direito de família e sucessões, principalmente na partilha de bens - efetivada no divórcio ou dissolução de união estável -, na execução de alimentos e na sucessão legítima. A escolha do tema decorreu da necessidade do estabelecimento de pressupostos e requisitos objetivos para a aplicação da disregard na seara do direito de família e sucessões. A utilidade e adequação da abordagem da matéria se justifica pela instabilidade jurídica provocada pela acriteriosa aplicação da desconsideração da personalidade jurídica nas relações familiares. Por outro lado, o enfoque crítico desenvolvido no presente trabalho se justifica pela existência de corrente doutrinária que defende a aplicação da desconsideração em inúmeras situações familiares nas quais outros remédios, já seculares, de direito material ou processual seriam igualmente eficazes, sem que fosse necessária a drástica declaração de ineficácia da separação patrimonial entre a pessoa jurídica e seu sócio. Buscou-se apontar, desta forma, os meios existentes para se alcançar o mesmo resultado prático apresentado pela disregard, mas com a utilização de outras figuras, tais como a simulação, a fraude contra credores e a fraude à execução, ficando, por via de consequência, a aplicação da desconsideração da personalidade jurídica, restrita às hipóteses em que não há quaisquer outros meios para se evitar ou buscar a reparação dos prejuízos advindos da utilização das pessoas jurídicas com abuso da personalidade jurídica, desvio de finalidade ou confusão patrimonial. / The aim of this dissertation was the study of the doctrine of the disregard of legal entity, but in its inverted form, as well as its application to family law, particularly in the division of assets usually enforced in divorces and dissolution of stable union in alimony claims and inheritance law, specifically the forced heirship - legitimacy. The choice of this topic resulted from the necessity of stablishing objective assumptions and requirements for the application of the disregard doctrine to family and inheritance law. The utility and adequacy of the approach to this dissertation title is the legal instability generated by the inaccurate application of the disregard doctrine in family relationships. On the other hand, the critic approach developed over this dissertation is justified by the existence of positions sustained by renowned lawyers in the sense that the disregard doctrine may be applicable to family situations that should be, in fact, subjected to other existing remedies, without the Court interference declaring the void of the splitting of assets of the company and the assets of the shareholder. This dissertation intended to demonstrate the existing ways to have the same practical result eventually reached with the application of the disregard doctrine, using other figures such as sham, disguising and fraud, what makes the disregard doctrine restricted to cases in which there is no alternative other that its application to compensate damages resulted from the misuse or the abuse of legal entities.

La doctrine stratégique et diplomatique de l'islam politique turc (2002-2016) / The strategic and diplomatic doctrine of Turkish political Islam (2002-2016)

Denizeau, Aurélien 05 July 2019 (has links)
Issu de l’islam politique turc, le Parti de la Justice et du Développement [Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi, AKP], arrivé au pouvoir en 2002, a suscité l’intérêt des observateurs internationaux par une politique étrangère active. Si celle-ci semble répondre à une certaine cohérence, elle a aussi connu, entre 2002 et 2016, de nombreuses évolutions. L’AKP tire sa vision stratégique et diplomatique des expériences de gouvernement antérieures, des idéologies conservatrices qui ont marqué le pays au XXe siècle et de la pensée de plusieurs intellectuels, dont le plus influent est Ahmet Davutoğlu, conseiller du Premier ministre puis ministre des Affaires étrangères (2009-2014). Le premier mandat de l’AKP (2002-2007) voit ce parti explorer différentes options stratégiques. Puis se met en place une doctrine qui s’appuie sur quelques grands principes, comme la pacification des relations de voisinage, une diplomatie pro-active et l’utilisation de tous les outils à disposition pour rayonner à l’échelle régionale puis globale. L’objectif est de mettre la Turquie au cœur des échanges commerciaux locaux, en s’appuyant sur son influence grandissante au Moyen-Orient pour peser auprès de ses partenaires internationaux. Les révolutions arabes de 2011 poussent l’AKP à repenser sa doctrine. Le pays se veut désormais un exemple au sein duquel valeurs traditionnelles et démocratie conservatrice peuvent cohabiter, ainsi qu’un soutien des Frères Musulmans, qui portent cette vision dans le monde arabe. Mais en 2013, plusieurs crises fragilisent cette vision et poussent la Turquie à renoncer à la doctrine élaborée par l’AKP. / The Justice and Development Party [Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi, AKP], which emerged from the Turkish political Islam in 2002, has aroused the interest of international observers through an active foreign policy. While this seems to be consistent, it also underwent many changes between 2002 and 2016. The AKP's strategic and diplomatic vision derives from past government experiences, the conservative ideologies that marked the country in the 20th century and the thoughts of several intellectuals, with Ahmet Davutoğlu, advisor to the Prime Minister and later Minister of Foreign Affairs (2009-2014) being the most influential of them. The first mandate of the AKP (2002-2007) witnessed a series of strategic options being explored within the party. This was followed by the establishment of a doctrine based on a few major principles, such as the pacification of neighbourly relations, pro-active diplomacy and the use of all the tools at hand to influence the regional and subsequently the global level. The objective was to put Turkey at the heart of local trade, using its growing influence in the Middle East to influence its international partners. The Arab revolutions of 2011 pushed the AKP to rethink its doctrine. The country yearns now for being an example within which traditional values and conservative democracy can coexist, as well as support from the Muslim Brotherhood, which brings this vision to the Arab world. But in 2013, several crises weakened this vision and forced Turkey to renounce the doctrine developed by the AKP.

L'influence dans la doctrine militaire britannique : émergence et institutionnalisation d'un concept (2009-2015) / Influence in British military doctrine : the emergence and institutionalisation of a concept (2009-2015)

Dybman, Jennifer 20 November 2015 (has links)
Pour faire face au nouvel environnement stratégique, opérationnel et médiatique né de la fin de la Guerre froide et surtout pour tenir compte des leçons de leur engagement en Irak et en Afghanistan, les militaires britanniques ont fait de l'influence le concept majeur de leurs opérations. En 2009, ils publient ainsi trois doctrines (stabilisation, contre-insurrection et exécution des opérations) qui font de l' « influence » le principe directeur de toute opération militaire, voire leur objectif même. En s'appuyant sur la théorie du changement dans les organisations, cette thèse retrace les raisons (qu'elles soient politiques, qu’elles relèvent de l'opinion publique ou qu’elles proviennent des militaires eux-mêmes) qui expliquent pourquoil'institution militaire à dû innover. À travers les changements introduits dans la doctrine puis dans la formation des militaires et dans le renforcement voire dans la création de nouvelles unités, elle montre l'institutionnalisation de la transformation engagée en 2009. Enfin, elle s'interroge sur les défis que les militaires britanniques doivent encore relever afin de concrétiser cette nouvelle approche des opérations. / To face up to the new strategic, operational and media environments that emerged after the end of the Cold War, and above all to take into account the lessons of their involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, the British military have turned “influence” into the major concept of their operations. Thus, in 2009, they published three doctrines (stabilisation, counterinsurgency and campaign execution) which establish “influence” as the guiding principle of any military operation, or even as its objective. Through the use of the theory of organisational change, this thesis traces the reasons (whether they are political or stem from the attitudes of public opinion or from the military themselves) that explain why the military had to change. Through the changes introduced in doctrine and then in the formation and training of the military and in the strengthening and even the creation of specialised units, itshows the institutionalisation of the transformation initiated in 2009. Eventually, it focuses on the challenges the British military must still take up so as to make this new approach to operations concrete.

Lietuvos administracinės teisės doktrinos kūrimas konstitucinėje jurisprudencijoje / Creation of Lithuanian administrative law doctrine in constitutional jurisprudence

Kačalinas, Andrius 05 July 2011 (has links)
Šis magistro darbas skirtas tirti konstitucinėje jurisprudencijoje kuriamą Lietuvos administracinės teisės doktriną kaip visumą. Darbe nagrinėjamos šios konstitucinės administracinės teisės doktrinos identifikavimui būtinos prielaidos: „administracinės teisės doktrinos“ ir „konstitucinės jurisprudencijos“ sampratos, administracinės teisės doktrinos prigimtis, administracinės teisės doktrinos kūrimo skirtumai konstitucinėje akademinėje ir konstitucinėje teisminėje jurisprudencijoje, administracinės teisės doktrinos identifikavimo Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucinio Teismo jurisprudencijoje kriterijai. Darbe analizuojamos administracinei teisei aktualios doktrininės nuostatos, išvestos kai kurių bendrųjų konstitucinių principų pagrindu, tiriamos jų sisteminės sąsajos su administracine teise. Atlikus tyrimą nustatyta, kad „administracinės teisės doktrinos“ ir „konstitucinės jurisprudencijos“ sampratoms būdingas dvilypiškumas, suponuojantis mokslinės ir oficialios teisminės administracinės teisės doktrinos atskyrimą. Oficialios konstitucinės administracinės teisės doktrinos kaip svarbiausios administracinės teisės srities normatyvinis turinys turi būti analizuojamas visų pirma teisės, o ne akademinės jurisprudencijos kontekste. Administracinės teisės doktrinos identifikavimo teisminėje konstitucinėje jurisprudencijoje pagrindiniu kriterijumi laikytinas konstitucinių doktrininių teiginių ryšys su administracine teise. Šis ryšys atskleidžiamas per administracinės teisės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This master‘s thesis is intended for research of administrative law doctrine, created in constitutional jurisprudence, as a whole. The paper examines these preconditions for identification of constitutional administrative law doctrine: concepts of „administrative law doctrine“ and „constitutional jurisprudence“, nature of administrative law doctrine, differences of administrative law doctrine creation in constitutional academic and constitutional judicial jurisprudence, administrative law doctrine identification criteria in the jurisprudence of Constituional Court of Republic of Lithuania. The paper examines important for administratve law doctrinal provisions, derived from some general constitutional principles, investigates their systematic linkages with administrative law. The research showed dualism of „administrative law doctrine“ and „constitutional jurisprudence“ concepts, implying separation of scietific and official judicial administrative law doctrine. Normative content of official constitutional administrative law doctrine as a key administrative law area must be analyzed primarily in the context of the law, but not in the context of academic jurisprudence. The main criterion of administrative law doctrine identification in the judicial constitutional jurisprudence should be considered linkage between constitutional doctrinal statements and administrative law. This linkage is revealed through the subject and method of administrative law. Performed analysis in the... [to full text]

Applying the Powell Doctrine

Adams, John B. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Master of Military Studies)-Marine Corps Command and Staff College, 2008. / Title from title page of PDF document (viewed on: Jan 8, 2010). Includes bibliographical references.

Lt Gen Ned Almond, USA a ground commander's conflicting view with airmen over CAS doctrine and employment /

Lewis, Michael. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis--School of Advanced Airpower Studies, 1996. / Shipping list no.: 1998-0921-M. "August 1997." Includes bibliographical references. Also available via Internet from the Air University Press web site. Address as of 10/28/03: http://aupress.au.af.mil/SAAS%5FTheses/Lewis/lewis.pdf; current access is available via PURL.

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