Spelling suggestions: "subject:"downconversion"" "subject:"andconversion""
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Étude de semiconducteurs par des techniques de spectroscopie quantiqueLeroux, Jimmy 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigações de perdas por Down-Conversion e Upconversion em materiais laser dopados com Nd3+ usando a técnica de lente térmica / Investigations of losses by Down-Conversion end Upconversion in laser material doped with Nd3+ using thermal lens techniqueSantos, Weslley Queiroz 28 February 2011 (has links)
In this work, we have investigated the thermal properties (diffusivity (D), conductivity (K), temperature coefficient of the optical path length change (ds/dT), etc) and loss processes owing to the ion-ion interactions, in Nd3+ doped laser materials, specifically YAG ceramic and CGGG crystal. Since the fluorescence quantum efficiency, , is directly related to these mechanisms that lead to luminescence quenching, the studies were carried out mainly observing the effects of these processes on . To this goal we used mainly the thermal lens technique and conventional spectroscopy. In Nd:YAG ceramic, we have investigated the losses due to down-conversion or, as they are well known, concentration quenching that are basically cross relaxation (CR) and energy migration (EM). From these results, it was concluded that the main source of luminescence quenching is CR and that the small ds/dT value together with the high optimum concentration put this material as candidate for several applications. In Nd:CGGG crystal, we have studied the loss processes owing to upconversion or, as is better known, upconversion Auger (UA) or energy transfer upconversion, which are important in laser systems of high. / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Neste trabalho investigamos as propriedades térmicas (difusividade (D), condutividade (K), variação do caminho óptico com a temperatura (ds/dT), etc) e processos de perdas devido a interações entre íons, em materiais lasers dopados com Nd3+, especificamente cerâmica de YAG e cristal CGGG. Desde que a eficiência quântica de fluorescência, , está diretamente relacionada com esses mecanismos que levam a supressão da luminescência, os estudos foram realizados principalmente observando os efeitos desses agentes sobre . Para esse propósito, usamos principalmente a técnica de lente térmica e espectroscopia convencional. Na cerâmica de Nd:YAG investigamos as perdas por down-conversion ou, como é melhor conhecidas, quenching de concentração que são basicamente relaxação cruzada (RC) e migração de energia (ME). Nesses resultados concluímos que a principal fonte de supressão da luminescência é RC e que o valor de ds/dT baixo juntamente com a concentração ótima alta apresentam esse material com boas perspectivas de aplicações. No cristal Nd:CGGG estudamos os processos de perdas por upconversion ou, como é melhor conhecido, conversão ascendente Auger (CAA) ou conversão ascendente por transferência de energia, os quais são importantes em sistemas lasers de alta potência e/ou altas concentrações de íons dopantes. Com a presença dos processos de CAA é adicionado mais um canal de decaimento não radiativo. E como resultado foi observado uma diminuição de η e consequentemente um aumento da carga térmica (φ). O conhecimento dos processos investigados nesta dissertação é de importância fundamental para a engenharia e caracterização de matérias lasers.
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Investigation of up and down-converting rare earth ions doped ZnTiO3 for photovoltaic applicationsMofokeng, Sefako John 10 1900 (has links)
We are living in an age where the demand for energy is growing rapidly. This means that
supplies to easily accessible oil and natural gas is unlikely to keep up with the demand as times
goes on. The world will have to use energy more efficiently and increase its use of other
sources of energy. This study is aiming at developing materials that will improve the power
conversion efficiency of photovoltaic cells by using up and down-converting phosphor
materials. ZnTiO3-Zn2TiO4 composite and ZnTiO3 phosphors doped with Er3+,Yb3+, Eu3+ and
Al3+, which display up and down-converted luminescence were synthesized by a simple high
temperature conventional solid state reaction method. The structure, particle morphology,
absorption, photoluminescent properties and elemental distribution were analyzed using X-ray
diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), UV-Vis-NIR absorption
spectrometer, photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy and time of flight secondary ion mass
spectroscopy (TOF-SIMS), respectively.
ZnTiO3-Zn2TiO4 composite doped with different concentration of Er3+ ions was synthesized
via solid state chemical reaction method at 1100 ℃. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) confirmed
the crystallization of both the hexagonal ZnTiO3 and cubic spinel Zn2TiO4 phases of the
composite. The SEM images of ZnTiO3-Zn2TiO4:Er3+ composite showed that the particle
morphology was made up of faceted hexagons. Furthermore, the ZnTiO3-Zn2TiO4:Er3+
phosphors were excited in the near-infrared (NIR) region using a laser diode with a wavelength
of 980 nm and displayed both green and red up-conversion emission bands in the visible range
at 543, 553, 650 – 670 nm. These emission bands correspond to 2H11/2,
4S1/2→ 4
I15/2 and 4F9/2→
I15/2 transitions of Er3+ ions. However, the interaction mechanisms involved in the upconversion process of ZnTiO3-Zn2TiO4:Er3+ phosphor is discussed with the help of an energylevel schematic diagram and the number of the photons involved in the up-conversion
luminescence process were of a double photon mechanism. The decay lifetimes were studied
by fitting the luminescence decay curve with a single-component exponential decay.
Er3+ and Yb3+ incorporated zinc titanate (ZnTiO3) phosphor powders were synthesized using
conventional solid-state reaction method at 800 ℃. A ZnTiO3:Er3+,Yb3+ phosphor that
resembled an ecandrewsite single phase with space group R-3 (148) was obtained, as proven by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The SEM image showed a surface morphology composed of
agglomerated irregular shaped particles. The energy band gap of ZnTiO3 was engineered by
incorporating different concentration of the dopant ions. After irradiating ZnTiO3:Er3+with a
980 nm laser beam, the phosphor up-converted the photon energy to display green and red
emissions in the visible range that were positioned at 527, 545 and 665 nm. Enhancement of
the luminescence intensity of ZnTiO3:Er3+ phosphor was achieved by variation of Er3+
concentration. Co-doping with Yb3+ ions proved to be effective in enhancing the luminescence
intensity of the optimized Er3+ ion emission and new emission bands at 410 and 480 nm,
through an energy transfer mechanism were observed. The enhancement of the lifetime of the
up-conversion luminescence was also achieved by co-doping ZnTiO3:Er3+ phosphor with Yb3+
ion. The energy transfer mechanisms involved in Er3+
- Yb3+ co-doped ZnTiO3 phosphor was
illustrated and discussed in detail.
The ZnTiO3:Er3+, Yb3+ thin films were successfully deposited by pulsed laser deposition (PLD)
by varying the silicon (100) substrate temperature. The distribution of the ions in the films was
investigated and the TOF-SIMS showed that the ions were homogeneously distributed
throughout the ZnTiO3 host lattice which indicated a successful incorporation of the Er3+ and
Yb3+ ions. The optical response of the phosphors revealed that the reflectance percentages of
the ZnTiO3:Er3+, Yb3+ vary with the silicon substrate temperature due to the differences in the
thickness and morphological roughness of the thin films. The ZnTiO3:Er3+, Yb3+ thin films also
exhibited up-conversion emission from Er3+ electronic transitions, with violet, blue, green and
red emission lines at 410, 480, 525, 545 and 660 nm from 2H9/2 → 4
4F7/2 → 4
→ 4
4S3/2 → 4
I15/2 and 4F9/2 → 4
I15/2 transitions, respectively. These up-conversion
emissions were enhanced by increasing the silicon substrate temperature during the deposition.
ZnTiO3 host co-doped with Eu3+ and Al3+ was synthesized by solid state reaction to convert
the UV photons to visible photons. Charge compensation effects of Al3+ incorporated
ZnTiO3:Eu3+ as a co-dopant ion was reported in detail. The structural and morphological
characterization show that the addition of Eu3+ and Al3+ does not affect the phase formation
and the surface morphology of the host. The visible emission intensity of Eu3+ ions for an
optimal concentration of 2 mol% under 395 nm excitation, was enhanced by incorporating
Al3+. The energy level diagram showing the charge compensation mechanism was proposed
for the co-doped system. / College of Engineering, Science and Technology
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Demonstrating quantum entanglement and Hong-Ou-Mandel effect, using type-II spontaneous parametric down conversion with C programming for data collectionSvanberg, Erik, Johannisson Lundquist, Johan January 2022 (has links)
Spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) is used to generate quantum entangled photons through a non-linear crystal. The entanglement of photons is demonstrated by observing the effects of indistinguishability on photons, first through time and energy, then by polarization. The Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) effect was also demonstrated. A theoretical derivation of the effect of a non 50/50 beam splitter (BS) is also investigated. The energy of the photons was changed by varying the temperature of the crystal whilst the time difference was changed by varying the relative position of two mirrors. Results showed a clear effect from indistinguishability on both energy and time.
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Narrow-band single photons as carriers of quantum informationHöckel, David 13 January 2011 (has links)
Die Nutzung von Quanteneigenschaften für die Informationsverarbeitung, die sogenannte Quanteninformationsverarbeitung (QIP), ist ein seit zwei Jahrzehnten zunehmend populäres Forschungsfeld. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass Einzelphotonen die am besten geeigneten Träger für den Transport von Quanteninformation über weite Strecken sind. Obwohl viele Methoden zur Erzeugung von Einzelphotonen existieren, wurde bisher nur wenig Forschungsarbeit an schmalbandigen Einzelphotonen, d.h. mit spektralen Breiten im MHz-Bereich geleistet. Allerdings sind solche Einzelphotonen besonders wichtig, wenn Kopplungen zwischen Einzelphotonen und atomaren Systemen, die oft als Verarbeitungseinheiten in der QIP genutzt werden, realisiert werden sollen. Diese Doktorarbeit befasst sich mit mehreren Forschungsaspekten zu schmalbandigen Einzelphotonen, die von Bedeutung sind, wenn solche Photonen als Informationsträger genutzt werden sollen. Zunächst wird eine Quelle von schmalbandigen Einzelphotonen vorgestellt, die auf dem Konzept der parametrischen Fluoreszenz innerhalb eines optischen Resonators basiert und die einen konstanten Strom von Photonenpaaren emittiert. Eine statistische Beschreibung dieser Photonenpaare wird vorgestellt und erstmals direkt gemessen. Um Emission in nur eine einzelne Mode zu erreichen, wurde der Photonenstrom mit Hilfe eines speziell entwickelten Mehrpass-Fabry-Perot-Etalons mit geringem Durchlassbereich und sehr hohem Kontrast gefiltert. Photon-Atom-Wechselwirkungen werden im zweiten Teil der Arbeit gezeigt. Der Effekt der elektromagnetisch induzierten Transparenz (EIT) wird vorgestellt und experimentell demonstriert. Die ersten EIT Experimente in Cäsiumgaszellen bei Raumtemperatur mit Probepulsen, die nur ein einzelnes Photon enthalten, werden demonstriert. Schließlich zeigt ein umfassender Ausblick wie die entwickelten experimentellen Bausteine erweitert werden können, um Einzelphotonenspeicherung zu erlauben und die Technologie für Quantenrepeater zu demonstrieren. / The use of quantum mechanical properties for information processing, so-called quantum information processing (QIP) has become an increasingly popular research field in the last two decades. It turned out that single photons are the most reliable long distance carriers of quantum information, e.g., tools to connect different processing nodes in QIP. While several methods exist to produce single photons, only little research has been performed so far on narrow-band single photons with spectral bandwidths in the MHz regime. Such photons are, however, of particular importance when coupling of single photons to atomic systems, which are often used in QIP as processing nodes, shall be realized. This thesis covers several research aspects on narrow-band single photons, all of which are important if such photons should be used as quantum information carriers. At first, a source for narrow-band single photons is introduced. This source is based on the concept of parametric down-conversion inside an optical resonator. It emits a constant stream of photon pairs. One of the two photons from the pair can be detected heralding the presence of the other photon. A statistical description of these photon pairs is introduced and for the first time also directly measured. In order to reach single-mode single-photon emission, the stream of photons was filtered with a specifically developed multi-pass Fabry-Perot etalon. This filter has a passband FWHM of only 165 MHz and particularly high contrast.
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Triply-Resonant Cavity-Enhanced Spontaneous Parametric Down-ConversionAhlrichs, Andreas 22 July 2019 (has links)
Die verlässliche Erzeugung einzelner Photonen mit wohldefinierten Eigenschaften in allen Freiheitsgraden ist entscheidend für die Entwicklung photonischer Quantentechnologien. Derzeit basieren die wichtigsten Einzelphotonenquellen auf dem Prozess der spontanen parameterischen Fluoreszenz (SPF), bei dem ein Pumpphoton in einem nichtlinearen Medium spontan in ein Paar aus Signal und Idlerphotonen zerfällt. Resonator-überhöhte SPF, also das Plazieren des nichtlinearen Mediums in einem optischen Resonator, ist ein weit verbreitetes Verfahren, um Einzelphotonenquellen mit erhöhter Helligkeit und angepassten spektralen Eigenschaften zu konstruieren. Das Anpassen der spektralen Eigenschaften durch gezielte Auswahl der Resonatoreigenschaften ist besonders für hybride Quantentechnologienvon Bedeutung, welche darauf abzielen, unterschiedliche Quntensysteme so zu kombinieren, dass sich deren Vorteile ergänzen. Diese Arbeit stellt eine umfassende theoretische und experimentelle Analyse der dreifach resonanten SPF vor. Das aus der Literatur bekannte theoretische Modell wird diesbezüglich verbessert, dass der Einfluss sämtlicher Eigenschaften des Resonators auf die wichtigen experimentellen Größen (z.B. die Erzeugungsrate) gezielt ausgewertet werden kann. Dieses verbesserte und hoch genaue Modell stellt eine wichtige Grundlage für die Entwicklung und Optimierung neuartiger Photonenpaarquellen dar. Im experimentellen Teil dieser Arbeit wird der Aufbau und die Charakterisierung einer dreifach resonanten Photonenpaarquellen präsentiert. Die neu entwickelte digitale Regelelektronik sowie ein hochstabiler, schmalbandiger Monochromator welcher auf monolitischen, polarisationsunabhängigen Fabry-Pérot Resonatoren basiert, werden vorgestellt. Indem diese temperaturstabilisierten Resonatoren als Spetrumanalysator verwendet werden, wird zum ersten Mal die Frequenzkammstruktur des Spektrums der erzeugten Signal- und Idlerphotonen nachgewiesen. Des Weiteren wird der Einfluss der Pumpresonanz auf die Korrelationsfunktion und die Zweiphotoneninterferenz von Signal- und Idlerphotonen simuliert und vermessen. Abschließend werden Experimente aus dem Bereich der hybriden Quantennetzwerke präsentiert, in welchen Quantenfrequenzkonversion verwendet wird um die erzeugten Signalphotonen in das Telekommunikationsband zu transferieren. Dabei wird nachgewiesen, dass das temporale Wellenpaket durch die Konversion nicht beeinflusst wird und aufgezeigt, wie Quantennetzwerke von kommerziellen Telekommunikationstechnologien profitieren können. / The consistent generation of single photons with well-defined properties in all degrees of freedom is crucial for the development of photonic quantum technologies. Today, the most prominent sources of single photons are based on the process of spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) where a pump photon spontaneously decays into a pair of signal and idler photons inside a nonlinear medium. Cavity-enhanced SPDC, i.e., placing the nonlinear medium inside an optical cavity, is widely used to build photon-pair sources with increased brightness and tailored spectral properties. This spectral tailoring by selective adjustment of the cavity parameters is of particular importance for hybrid quantum technologies which seek to combine dissimilar quantum systems in a way that their advantages complement each other. This thesis provides a comprehensive theoretical and experimental analysis of triply-resonant cavity-enhanced SPDC. We improve the theoretical model found in the literature such that the influence of all resonator properties on the important experimental parameters (e.g., the generation rate) can be analyzed in detail. This convenient and highly accurate model of cavity-enhanced SPDC represents an important basis for the design and optimization of novel photonpair sources. The experimental part of this thesis presents the setup and characterization of a triply-resonant photon-pair source. We describe the digital control system used to operate this source over days without manual intervention, and we present a highly stable, narrow-linewidth monochromator based on cascaded, polarization-independent monolithic Fabry-Pérot cavities. Utilizing these temperature-stabilized cavities as a spectrum analyzer, we verify, for the first time, the frequency comb spectral structure of photons generated by cavity-enhanced SPDC. We further simulate and measure the impact of the pump resonance on the temporal wave-packets and the two-photon interference of signal and idler photons. Finally, we present a series of experiments in the context of hybrid quantum networks where we employ quantum frequency conversion (QFC) to transfer the generated signal photons into the telecommunication band. We verify the preservation of the temporal wave-packet upon QFC and highlight how quantum networks can benefit from advanced commercial telecommunication technologies.
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Investigação espectroscópica e estudo dos processos de conversão de energia em vidros e nano-cristais co-dopados com íons Tb3+ e Yb3+ / Spectroscopic investigation and study of the processes of energy conversion in Tb3+ and Yb3+ ions co-doped glasses and nanocrystalsTerra, Idelma Aparecida Alves 05 July 2013 (has links)
A busca por alternativas viáveis de produção de energia limpa e renovável, utilizando recursos naturais, tem sido um grande desafio. Em especial, o interesse no uso da energia solar para obter energia elétrica tem aumentado. Todavia, as células solares convencionais que são confeccionadas a partir de silício cristalino (Si-c) apresentam uma eficiência de conversão limitada, principalmente, devido às perdas por incompatibilidade espectral. Sendo assim, um dos objetivos dos pesquisadores na área de fotovoltaicos tem sido converter eficientemente fótons da região do visível do espectro solar para a região do infravermelho, onde a célula solar de Si-c possui maior eficiência. A eficiência desta conversão poderia ser melhorada de 28% até 40% usando conversores de energia compostos por íons terras raras. Neste trabalho foram estudadas as propriedades espectroscópicas dos íons terras raras Térbio (Tb3+) e Itérbio (Yb3+), embebidos em três diferentes materiais: vidro aluminosilicato de cálcio com baixa concentração de sílica (7%) (LSCAS), vidro tetraborato de cálcio-lítio (Calibo) e nano-cristais de óxido de zircônia (ZrO2). Sendo assim, nossos estudos visam elucidar os mecanismos geradores dos processos de conversão ascendente e descendente de energia. No processo de conversão ascendente de energia há conversão dos fótons de excitação de baixa energia na região do infravermelho em fótons de alta energia na região do visível. Por outro lado, no processo de conversão descendente de energia ocorre a conversão dos fótons de excitação de alta energia na região do ultravioleta/visível em um ou mais fótons de baixa energia na região do infravermelho. As propriedades espectroscópicas dos materiais estudados foram discutidas a partir das medidas de absorção, luminescência, excitação, evolução temporal da luminescência, curva de potência, difração de raios-X, X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Structure e ressonância paramagnética eletrônica, em função da concentração dos íons Tb3+ e Yb3+. Os resultados mostraram que todas as amostras apresentam conversão ascendente de energia. Assim como, em todas as amostras ocorre o processo de conversão descendente de energia. Em ambos os processos foram identificados os mecanismos geradores dos mesmos. Estes resultados mostram um avanço nos estudos dos processos de conversão ascendente e descendente de energia em sistemas co-dopados com íons Tb3+ e Yb3+. Os resultados sugerem que os materiais estudados podem ser empregados para aumentar a eficiência de conversão da célula solar de Si-c via conversão descendente de energia. / The search for possible alternatives to produce clean and renewable energy using the natural resources has been a great challenge. In particular, the interest to use the solar energy to produce electricity has been increased. However, crystalline silicon-based (c-Si) conventional solar cells have limited conversion efficiency, mainly due to spectral mismatch losses. Thus, one of the goals of some researchers in the photovoltaic field has been to efficiently convert photons in the visible region of the solar spectrum to the infrared region, where the c-Si solar cell has its higher efficiency. The efficiency of this conversion could be enhanced from 28% up to 40% using energy converters based on rare-earths ions. In this work, the spectroscopic properties of rare earth ions, such as Terbium (Tb3+) and Ytterbium (Yb3+) embedded in three different materials were studied: low- silica calcium aluminosilicate glass (7%) (LSCAS), lithium calcium tetraborate glass (Calibo) and zirconium oxide nano-crystals (ZrO2). Thus, our studies aimed to elucidate the mechanisms that generate the Up-conversion and Down-conversion processes. In the Up-conversion process, there is the conversion of the low-energy excitation photons in the near-infrared to high-energy photons in the visible. On the other hand, in the Down-conversion process there is the conversion of the high-energy excitation photons in the ultraviolet/visible region to low-energy photons in the near-infrared region. The optical properties of the studied materials were discussed through absorption, luminescence, excitation, temporal evolution of the luminescence, power curve, X-ray diffraction, X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Structure and electron paramagnetic resonance measurements, as a function of the concentration of Tb3+ and Yb3+ ions. The results showed that all samples exhibit Up-conversion process. In addition, in all samples occurs the Down-conversion process. In both processes were identified the mechanisms that produce them. These results show a breakthrough in the studies of the Up-conversion and Down-conversion processes in Tb3+ and Yb3+ co-doped systems. The results suggest that the materials are applicable in enhancing the conversion efficiency of the Si-c solar cell via NIR Down-conversion.
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Harmonic rejection mixers for wideband receiversRafi, Aslamali Ahmed 31 October 2013 (has links)
This dissertation presents novel Harmonic Rejection (HR) Mixer architectures to obtain a high level of harmonic rejection. This is achieved by reducing the sensitivity to mismatches in devices operating at high frequencies. Consequently, the HR performance for this mixer architecture is primarily determined by resistor and capacitor matching at low intermediate frequencies (IF). Since large resistor areas can be used at relatively less power penalty in the low frequency IF section, superior HR performance is realized. A design fabricated in 110 nm CMOS process, rejects up to the fi rst 14 local oscillator (LO) harmonics and achieves 3rd, 5th and 7th HR ratios in excess of 52, 54 and 55 dB respectively, without any calibration or trimming. This mixer architecture also rejects flicker noise, has improved image rejection (IR) and second-order input-intercept-point (IIP2) performance. By using a clock N times the desired LO frequency, this scheme rejects the (N-1)th LO harmonic only by an amount of 20log(N-1) dB. A new technique is presented that enables better HR for the (N-1)th harmonic while preserving the level of rejection for other harmonics. This mixer fabricated in 55 nm standard CMOS process has a programmable number of 8, 10, 12 or 14 mixer phases and achieves an improvement of 29 dB for the (N-1)th harmonic while achieving 52 dB of rejection for the 3rd harmonic. It also rejects flicker noise and has an IIP2 performance of 68 dBm. The mixers presented in this dissertation set the state-of-the-art in HR performance for single-stage mixers with configurable number of phases without using any calibration or trimming. / text
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Room temperature caesium quantum memory for quantum information applicationsMichelberger, Patrick Steffen January 2015 (has links)
Quantum memories are key components in photonics-based quantum information processing networks. Their ability to store and retrieve information on demand makes repeat-until-success strategies scalable. Warm alkali-metal vapours are interesting candidates for the implementation of such memories, thanks to their very long storage times as well as their experimental simplicity and versatility. Operation with the Raman memory protocol enables high time-bandwidth products, which denote the number of possible storage trials within the memory lifetime. Since large time-bandwidth products enable multiple synchronisation trials of probabilistically operating quantum gates via memory-based temporal multiplexing, the Raman memory is a promising tool for such tasks. Particularly, the broad spectral bandwidth allows for direct and technologically simple interfacing with other photonic primitives, such as heralded single photon sources. Here, this kind of light-matter interface is implemented using a warm caesium vapour Raman memory. Firstly, we study the storage of polarisation-encoded quantum information, a common standard in quantum information processing. High quality polarisation preservation for bright coherent state input signals can be achieved, when operating the Raman memory in a dual-rail configuration inside a polarisation interferometer. Secondly, heralded single photons are stored in the memory. To this end, the memory is operated on-demand by feed-forward of source heralding events, which constitutes a key technological capability for applications in temporal multiplexing. Prior to storage, single photons are produced in a waveguide-based spontaneous parametric down conversion source, whose bespoke design spectrally tailors the heralded photons to the memory acceptance bandwidth. The faithful retrieval of stored single photons is found to be currently limited by noise in the memory, with a signal-to-noise ratio of approximately 0.3 in the memory output. Nevertheless, a clear influence of the quantum nature of an input photon is observed in the retrieved light by measuring the read-out signal's photon statistics via the g<sup>(2)</sup>-autocorrelation function. Here, we find a drop in g<sup>(2)</sup> by more than three standard deviations, from g<sup>(2)</sup> ~ 1.69 to g<sup>(2)</sup> ~ 1.59 upon changing the input signal from coherent states to heralded single photons. Finally, the memory noise processes and their scalings with the experimental parameters are examined in detail. Four-wave-mixing noise is determined as the sole important noise source for the Raman memory. These experimental results and their theoretical description point towards practical solutions for noise-free operation.
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Investigação espectroscópica e estudo dos processos de conversão de energia em vidros e nano-cristais co-dopados com íons Tb3+ e Yb3+ / Spectroscopic investigation and study of the processes of energy conversion in Tb3+ and Yb3+ ions co-doped glasses and nanocrystalsIdelma Aparecida Alves Terra 05 July 2013 (has links)
A busca por alternativas viáveis de produção de energia limpa e renovável, utilizando recursos naturais, tem sido um grande desafio. Em especial, o interesse no uso da energia solar para obter energia elétrica tem aumentado. Todavia, as células solares convencionais que são confeccionadas a partir de silício cristalino (Si-c) apresentam uma eficiência de conversão limitada, principalmente, devido às perdas por incompatibilidade espectral. Sendo assim, um dos objetivos dos pesquisadores na área de fotovoltaicos tem sido converter eficientemente fótons da região do visível do espectro solar para a região do infravermelho, onde a célula solar de Si-c possui maior eficiência. A eficiência desta conversão poderia ser melhorada de 28% até 40% usando conversores de energia compostos por íons terras raras. Neste trabalho foram estudadas as propriedades espectroscópicas dos íons terras raras Térbio (Tb3+) e Itérbio (Yb3+), embebidos em três diferentes materiais: vidro aluminosilicato de cálcio com baixa concentração de sílica (7%) (LSCAS), vidro tetraborato de cálcio-lítio (Calibo) e nano-cristais de óxido de zircônia (ZrO2). Sendo assim, nossos estudos visam elucidar os mecanismos geradores dos processos de conversão ascendente e descendente de energia. No processo de conversão ascendente de energia há conversão dos fótons de excitação de baixa energia na região do infravermelho em fótons de alta energia na região do visível. Por outro lado, no processo de conversão descendente de energia ocorre a conversão dos fótons de excitação de alta energia na região do ultravioleta/visível em um ou mais fótons de baixa energia na região do infravermelho. As propriedades espectroscópicas dos materiais estudados foram discutidas a partir das medidas de absorção, luminescência, excitação, evolução temporal da luminescência, curva de potência, difração de raios-X, X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Structure e ressonância paramagnética eletrônica, em função da concentração dos íons Tb3+ e Yb3+. Os resultados mostraram que todas as amostras apresentam conversão ascendente de energia. Assim como, em todas as amostras ocorre o processo de conversão descendente de energia. Em ambos os processos foram identificados os mecanismos geradores dos mesmos. Estes resultados mostram um avanço nos estudos dos processos de conversão ascendente e descendente de energia em sistemas co-dopados com íons Tb3+ e Yb3+. Os resultados sugerem que os materiais estudados podem ser empregados para aumentar a eficiência de conversão da célula solar de Si-c via conversão descendente de energia. / The search for possible alternatives to produce clean and renewable energy using the natural resources has been a great challenge. In particular, the interest to use the solar energy to produce electricity has been increased. However, crystalline silicon-based (c-Si) conventional solar cells have limited conversion efficiency, mainly due to spectral mismatch losses. Thus, one of the goals of some researchers in the photovoltaic field has been to efficiently convert photons in the visible region of the solar spectrum to the infrared region, where the c-Si solar cell has its higher efficiency. The efficiency of this conversion could be enhanced from 28% up to 40% using energy converters based on rare-earths ions. In this work, the spectroscopic properties of rare earth ions, such as Terbium (Tb3+) and Ytterbium (Yb3+) embedded in three different materials were studied: low- silica calcium aluminosilicate glass (7%) (LSCAS), lithium calcium tetraborate glass (Calibo) and zirconium oxide nano-crystals (ZrO2). Thus, our studies aimed to elucidate the mechanisms that generate the Up-conversion and Down-conversion processes. In the Up-conversion process, there is the conversion of the low-energy excitation photons in the near-infrared to high-energy photons in the visible. On the other hand, in the Down-conversion process there is the conversion of the high-energy excitation photons in the ultraviolet/visible region to low-energy photons in the near-infrared region. The optical properties of the studied materials were discussed through absorption, luminescence, excitation, temporal evolution of the luminescence, power curve, X-ray diffraction, X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Structure and electron paramagnetic resonance measurements, as a function of the concentration of Tb3+ and Yb3+ ions. The results showed that all samples exhibit Up-conversion process. In addition, in all samples occurs the Down-conversion process. In both processes were identified the mechanisms that produce them. These results show a breakthrough in the studies of the Up-conversion and Down-conversion processes in Tb3+ and Yb3+ co-doped systems. The results suggest that the materials are applicable in enhancing the conversion efficiency of the Si-c solar cell via NIR Down-conversion.
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