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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study of the subjects treated in Ebony Magazine 1955-1960

Parker, Louise Miller 01 January 1963 (has links)
No description available.

La déclinaison au Vietnam de la presse magazine féminine internationale haut de gamme, dans le contexte politico-économique du Doi Moi et de l’ouverture du pays aux industries créatives européennes de la filière Mode : L’exemple du déploiement stratégique de la marque Elle Vietnam / High-end international women’s magazine diversification in Vietnam, within the Doi Moi public context and beyond, following the business friendly attitude of the country towards European creative industries dedicated to fashion. : The case of Elle

Pham, Thi Lan 10 December 2018 (has links)
Avec l'arrivée du magazine Elle Vietnam en 2010, une nouvelle figure internationale de la presse magazine féminine haut-de-gamme apparaît au Vietnam. Avec la politique du Đổi Mới (Renouveau) lancée dans les années 1980, le Vietnam se tourne vers la « modernité». Elle, créé dans les années 1950 en France, se tourne vers les femmes modernes, tournées vers l'international, le luxe, la beauté. C'est cet objectif de déploiement de la marque internationale Elle au sein de ce contexte politico-économique que nous avons questionné. Comment les acteurs locaux du magazine Elle Vietnam adaptent-ils la marque du magazine Elle dans le marché local ? Nous avons inscrit notre réflexion dans la compréhension de ce « réservoir mythologique » cher à Roland Barthes, mais cette fois-ci, à la lumière des producteurs et référentiels vietnamiens. / With the new Doi Moi policy launched in the eighties in Vietnam, Vietnam created a new environment geared towards modernity. In 2010, Elle Vietnam stepped up in Vietnam as a new women's magazine international leader, as a branch of Elle, a French women's magazine dedicated to modern, international, beautiful women as well as luxury. We will focus our developments on the framework that led to "modernity" in Vietnam, as well as the international brand designed by Elle Vietnam. Also, how do the Vietnamese producers adapt to the global brand Elle expansion? With the point of view of Vietnamese producers, we will focus our developments on the understanding of what Roland Barthes once called a “mythological tank”.

文訊雜誌研究 / magazine

張桂珠 Unknown Date (has links)

Typografins gränsland : Om genusnormer i förändring / The Borderland of Typography : About Gender Norms in Change

Grevsjö, Maria, Kanmert, Victor January 2013 (has links)
The earlier studies of how gender is visually constructed in lifestyle magazines have mainly been done on photographs. But, photographs are only one part of the entire magazine Therefor3, we saw the importance in examining one of the other big parts, typography. We have been studying if gender can be constructed in lifestyle magazines through the shape and color of typography and the color context. It is important to point out that we have not been studying the written word but only the shape and color of the typography. The study has been conducted through a qualitative content analysis with a comparative process of the selected magazines. The analysis began with a semiotic analysis of selected parts of the magazines. The result was then analyzed with a feminist theoretical approach. The result of the study shows that gender can be constructed through typography in a number of different ways. This depends on what feminist approach it is looked upon. In one way gender is constructed in a traditional perspective where the boundaries of masculinity and femininity is constrained to stereotypes. In another way it is constructed through a modern perspective where the boundaries of gender is no longer fixed.

KLASSISK RETORIK I REKLAM : en analys av reklambilder för whiskey / Classic rhetoric in advertising : a study of ads for whiskey

Tannerfalk, Joel January 2008 (has links)
I uppsatsen behandlas tre reklambilder för whiskey utifrån teorier om klassisk retorik, visuell retorik och semiotik. Hypotesen för whiskeyn och dess reklam är att avsändaren måste övertyga betraktaren om att åsidosätta en viss typ av negativa associationer som finns i samband med alkohol för att den ska få en önskad effekt.  I uppsatsen undersöks begreppen ethos, logos och pathos i samband med bildernas retoriska utgångspunkter. Här hävdas att det finns mönster eller olika strategier och tendenser i bildernas uttryck. Dessa mönster är intressanta eftersom de positionerar whiskeyn som produkt och övertygar betraktaren om hur whiskey ska uppfattas.  Retorikens utveckling beskrivs tillsammans med semiotiken och en analys presenteras i en avslutande del inspirerad av Bo Renbergs modell för retorikanalys.  Generellt framhåller författaren att reklambilderna byggs upp på ett liknande sätt eftersom de tillhör samma produktkategori. Denna kategori distanserar sig i sitt budskap från andra typer av alkohol.

I manlighetmytens hemliga tjänst : En semiotisk studie av tidskriften Cafés konstruktion av manlighetsbegreppet

Bäckman, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
I feministiska studier är man inte sen med att påpeka att olika typer av kvinnligheter bäddar olika mycket för framgång i samhället. Trots att manligheten rimligen bör vara lika komplicerad talas det sällan om mannen på samma sätt vilket har lett till att många män känt sig knutna till en mansroll de finner svår att leva upp till. Vilken är denna eftersträvansvärda mansroll och vem är egentligen kapabel att uppnå den?   Det är dessa funderingar som gjort mig nyfiken på maskulinitetsforskning och som ligger till grund för uppsatsens syfte. Jag har i uppsatsen utgått från att manlighet är en myt för att sedan studera hur denna myt kan tänkas ha konstruerats och omkonstruerats genom åren. Genom att studera tre artiklar med tio års mellanrum ur tidskriften Café har det övergripande syftet med uppsatsen varit att identifiera manlighetsmyten i de utvalda artiklarna och därför besvara frågeställningarna: -          Vilken myt ligger till grund för hur Café framställer ett allmänt accepterat manlighetsideal? Samt; -          Har manlighetsmyten i Café förändrats över tid? I sådant fall, hur och varför?   Genom att använda semiotiken och Roland Barthes mytologiteori som analysverktyg har ett flertal mytiska drag avslöjats som lett till intressanta slutsatser. Av analysen att döma använder sig tidskriften Café av en redan etablerad manlighetsmyt för att sedan tillföra nya tecken som ger sken av en ny mansroll. Den traditionella manlighetsmyten finns alltid med men med tiden har den tillåtits att fyllas med mer moderna och utmanande tecken. Det mest karaktäristiska för den traditionella myten är hårdhet och temperamentsfullhet som kommer sig av ett manlighetsideal som främst inspirerats av krigaren. Med tiden har mer sofistikerade tecken som exempelvis stil införts vilket gjort att manligheten gått från att vara endast hård till att vara mer och mer mjuk.   Tidningen har gått från att främst lyfta fram macho-mannen, via den sofistikerade krigaren till att lyfta fram den konsumerande materialisten. Detta ansåg jag ha att göra med den konsumtionsideologi som präglar den västerländska kulturen. Jag urskiljde även en tydlig individualistisk ideologi som visade sig genom att de framgångsrika männen alltid porträtterades ensamma.   En av mina viktigaste slutsatser var även att ”den riktige mannen” alltid förväntas vara oberoende. Genom detta krav blir mannen allt annat än oberoende – han förblir fast i ett krav som den omgivande kulturen kedjat fast honom vid.

The Era of Men¡¦s Looks: The Construction of Stylish Masculinity and Consumer Culture in Men¡¦s Fashion Magazine.

Yuan, Tzu-hsiang 24 March 2007 (has links)
In recent years, men¡¦s fashion magazines have become a new media genre that attracts lots of attention. The sales, advertisements, and publications of the men¡¦s fashion magazines have reached a remarkable performance. Media is an important social institution to shape gender images. Thus, this study aims to explore what kind of masculinity that men¡¦s fashion magazines in Taiwan represents? How to achieve the masculinity through consumption? Are there any differences in masculinity between transnational and local men¡¦s fashion magazines? What is the variation in men¡¦s fashion magazines in different periods? This study expects to describe the masculinity represented in men¡¦s fashion magazines of Taiwan to enrich the media and men¡¦s research resources. This study drawn on the masculinity theory based on the sociologist R.W. Connell¡¦s, and applied a methodology of quantitative content analysis. The subjects were the international Chinese edition of men¡¦s fashion magazine GQ and the local men¡¦s fashion magazine men¡¦s uno. The reason to focus the analysis on GQ and men¡¦s uno is due to the fact that they are the most popular and long-running men¡¦s fashion magazines in Taiwan respectively. By means of analyzing these two magazines published during 1997 to 2006, this research tries to understand the masculinity styles represented on the magazines¡¦ cover. The major finding revealed that the large numbers of men represented in men¡¦s fashion magazines of Taiwan were young men who aged between 18 and 35 (with 74.8% appearing in the ¡§cover figure¡¨ category and 71.2% in the ¡§featured people¡¨ category). Most of the men in the magazines were entertainment workers with appealing looks (with 90.1% appearing in the ¡§cover figure¡¨ category and 81.9% in the ¡§featured people¡¨ category). As for men¡¦s appearance types, the Trendy Cool type (43.2%) was the majority, the next types were Gentle (14.4%), Tough/Strong (11.7%), and Serious/Sophisticated (11.7%). Secondly, 60.5% of the article headlines on the magazines¡¦ covers were related to the consumption issues. The topics of the headlines were centered on fashion (39.6%) and featured people (29.8%). Furthermore, comparing the transnational with the local magazine, there were differences in men¡¦s age, occupation, appearance type, body type, and the topic and product category that the magazine emphasized. In conclusion, men¡¦s fashion magazines of Taiwan indeed appear a different kind of masculinity that I identify as ¡§stylish masculinity¡¨. This kind of masculinity focuses much attention on men¡¦s appearances, and it¡¦s achieved through a variety of ways of product consumption. The stylish masculinity overthrows some definitions of the traditional masculinity, but on the other hand, it still maintained some disciplines of traditional masculinity. Analyzing the transnational and local men¡¦s fashion magazines, we can understand even if the international men¡¦s fashion magazine, like GQ, appeared and influenced the local male in a global way. From different cultures, magazine origins and readerships, the local men¡¦s fashion magazine still can present some diverse features in many aspects. Finally, when the transnational fashion magazines introduce the international fashion information to local readers, it also conveys many global viewpoints about masculinity at the same time. However, it¡¦s still possible that the publisher takes a localized strategy in order to cater for the local life and culture.

How do advertisers influence the production of Taiwan male fashion magazine

Chen, Shao-chien 22 July 2008 (has links)
Since the Condé Nast Publications launched the first male fashion magazine GQ in Taiwan, Male fashion magazines in Taiwan have been booming for twelve years. No matter a large amount of advertising or increasing circulations, it shows that Male fashion magazines become one of resource of main fashion trades. .It is worth to know that, advertisers play an important role in the proceeding of producing magazine content. The advertisers have a great influence on the magazine content and the message which audience receive. In this research, researcher discusses how do advertisers affect the make-up of magazine to create an atmosphere for their sales growth of products? How do advertisers control the editorial decisions? How do advertisers affect the liberty in editor producing content? And how do advertisers make the commercial message as the magazine content? Two male fashion magazine publishers which can be the best examples among Taiwan male fashion magazines are selected. One is local publisher, another is international one. Researcher used ¡§In-depth interview¡¨ to collect the data for research. Seven stuff were interviewed in the research. Participant Observation is also adopted. The researcher, entered into the organization of the magazine publisher to examine the advertisers how to affect the proceeding of producing magazine content. The result shows that advertisement avenue is the major profit for Taiwan male fashion magazines, around 70% profit from advertisement. In order to maintain advertisement avenue, advertisers ask editors to arrange their commercial next to the content. By doing this, publishers create an atmosphere of sale products for advertisers to attractive more costumers. In addition, editors place a lot of products in the magazines for meeting advertisers¡¦ requirements to earn more profits. With the growing of produce placement, commercial message is turning into the content of magazine gradually. Moreover, advertisers use ¡§Invisible way¡¨ to affect how to edit the magazine content . ¡§Invisible way¡¨ means that advertisers pay editors for producing commercial content. This producing way make readers believe that the content is providing the c information which readers need; however, this content actually is a part of advertisements. Advertisers need a page of magazine for promoting product, and magazine publishers need financial support from advertisers. This interrelationship makes editors produce magazine content for advertisers. Therefore, magazine become a tool of advertisers promote product. In the proceeding of production of female fashion magazine, Earnshaw(1984¡^found out that female fashion magazines become a catalogue, and this research provide the further evidence that Taiwan male fashion magazines are the same in these days. In addition, it reflects that the ranks of sartorially self-aware males are growing compared to the past years.

KLASSISK RETORIK I REKLAM : en analys av reklambilder för whiskey / Classic rhetoric in advertising : a study of ads for whiskey

Tannerfalk, Joel January 2008 (has links)
<p>I uppsatsen behandlas tre reklambilder för whiskey utifrån teorier om klassisk retorik, visuell retorik och semiotik. Hypotesen för whiskeyn och dess reklam är att avsändaren måste övertyga betraktaren om att åsidosätta en viss typ av negativa associationer som finns i samband med alkohol för att den ska få en önskad effekt. </p><p>I uppsatsen undersöks begreppen ethos, logos och pathos i samband med bildernas retoriska utgångspunkter. Här hävdas att det finns mönster eller olika strategier och tendenser i bildernas uttryck. Dessa mönster är intressanta eftersom de positionerar whiskeyn som produkt och övertygar betraktaren om hur whiskey ska uppfattas. </p><p>Retorikens utveckling beskrivs tillsammans med semiotiken och en analys presenteras i en avslutande del inspirerad av Bo Renbergs modell för retorikanalys. </p><p>Generellt framhåller författaren att reklambilderna byggs upp på ett liknande sätt eftersom de tillhör samma produktkategori. Denna kategori distanserar sig i sitt budskap från andra typer av alkohol.</p>

The effects of priming body shape on men's selective exposure to magazine advertising featuring models with ideal and non-ideal body shapes A social comparison approach /

Romero, Joshua Paul, January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Ohio State University, 2008. / Title from first page of PDF file. Includes bibliographical references (p. 28-33).

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