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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resekuritizace Ruska: analýza asertivního posunu v norské bezpečnostní politice po ruské anexi Krymu / The re-securitization of Russia: an analysis of the assertive shift in Norwegian security policy in the aftermath of the Russian annexation of Crimea

Syberg, Louise Savalov January 2020 (has links)
The relationship between Russia and Norway is one dictated by the asymmetric nature and ideological differences among the two states. Ever since the Cold War, the relationship has been one of cooperation and communication, characterized by Norway's dual policy and constant balancing between assertiveness and reassurance. After the Russian annexation of Crimea, the Norwegian security policy seemingly shifted in an assertive direction. Russia was once again lifted from the politics of normal to the politics of extra through a securitization. This thesis aims to demonstrate how Russia became resecuritized after the Russian annexation of Crimea. The empirical evidence presented in this thesis demonstrates that this assertive shift that came after the resecuritization of Russia is a result of the Russian demonstration of its modernized military, rather than a natural consequence of the hostile act the annexation was. It seeks to demonstrate that the changing security climate with Russia's new ways of war, or so-called hybrid warfare, coupled with a diminishing US interest in the Alliance, is the reason for this change in Norwegian security policy.

Laufradschaufeln und Saugkrümmer. Die Plansammlung des Erfinders Viktor Kaplan

Camilleri, Carla, Herles, Karin 13 June 2022 (has links)
Das Archiv des Technischen Museums Wien verwahrt den umfangreichen Nachlass von Viktor Kaplan (1876-1934). Er gehört zu den bedeutendsten österreichischen Ingenieuren des 20. Jahrhunderts und ist der Erfinder der nach ihm benannten Turbine. Die vor rund 100 Jahren entwickelte Kaplan- Turbine ist bis heute weltweit in Verwendung. Sie hat den Einsatz von Wasserkraft als erneuerbare Energie wesentlich erweitert. Der Nachlass von Viktor Kaplan wurde 2014 in das österreichische Dokumentenregister der UNESCO aufgenommen und zählt damit zu jenen Beständen, die von herausragender Bedeutung für das kulturelle Gedächtnis Österreichs sind. Rund 1.400 technische Zeichnungen aus dem Nachlass des Technikers werden aktuell im Zuge eines mehrjährigen Projekts konservatorisch versorgt und wissenschaftlich bearbeitet. Im Rahmen des Vortrages wird das aufwändige Konservierungsprojekt sowie die wissenschaftliche Erschließung des Bestandes präsentiert. Der Bestand steht für Recherchen im Online-Katalog zur Verfügung unter: https://www.technischesmuseum.at/museum/online- sammlung#sammlung/ui//browseExhibition/14622 / The archive of the Vienna Museum of Technology holds the extensive estate of Viktor Kaplan (1876-1934). He is one of the most important Austrian engineers of the 20th century and the inventor of the turbine named after him. The Kaplan turbine, developed around 100 years ago, is still in use worldwide today. It has significantly expanded the use of hydropower as a renewable energy source. Viktor Kaplan's estate was included in UNESCO's „Memory of Austria“ in 2014, making it one of those holdings that are of outstanding importance to Austria's cultural memory. Around 1,400 technical drawings from the estate of the technician are currently being conserved and scientifically processed in the course of a project lasting several years. The lecture will present the complex conservation project and the scientific indexing of the collection. The collection is available for research in the online catalogue at: https://www.technischesmuseum.at/museum/online- sammlung#sammlung/ui//browseExhibition/14622

Hållbarhetsredovisning inom finansbranschen : en studie om legitimitetsstrategier i svenska bankers hållbarhetsrapporter / Sustainability reporting in the finance sector : a study of sustainability reports in Swedish banks

Abdi, Najib, Lemmetty, Fredrik January 2020 (has links)
This study examines annual and sustainability reports from Swedish banks in the pursuit of legitimacy strategies. The study applies content analysis on the annual and sustainability reports from four banks from the period 2013-2018. Keywords for the study were extracted from an anti-corruption report. After which an interpretive analysis is done to classify the banks different legitimacy strategies for the period. The study found that there was an increase in anti-corruption related CSR in line with earlier studies in the banks SEB, Swedbank, Handelsbanken and Nordea. Several different legitimacy strategies were detected and the shift between them could be identified. / Denna studie granskar års och hållbarhetsrapporter i sökandet efter legitimeringsstrategier hos svenska banker. Studien använder sig av innehållsanalyser på fyra bankers års- och hållbarhetsrapporter för perioden 2013–2018. Studiens nyckelord är sammanställda utifrån en rapport om anti-korruptionsarbete. Varvid tolkande analys utförts för att identifiera bankernas olika legitimeringsstrategier under perioden. Studien fann en ökning av anti-korruptionsrelaterad CSR i linje med tidigare forskninghos bankerna SEB, Swedbank, Handelsbanken och Nordea. Dessutom kunde olika legitimeringsstrategier skönjas och övergångar dem emellan identifieras.

Digitaliseringens påverkan på veckotidningsbranschen – En fallstudie på företaget Aller media

Holmstedt, Jonas, Larsson, Rebecca January 2020 (has links)
På grund av digitaliseringens uppenbara påverkan på tidningsindustrin i kombination med brist på tidigare vetenskapliga studier kring detta ämne – söker denna studie att öka kunskapen och förståelsen för hur fenomenet digitalisering påverkat företag i veckotidningsindustrin. Studiens syfte är främst att undersöka hur företaget Aller media och dess affärsmodeller påverkats av digitaliseringen. För att ta reda på detta har inledningsvis två kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med två chefer på Aller media. Intervjuerna har sedan kompletterats med en webbenkät som besvarades av Aller medias anställda. Resultatet från datainsamlingsmetoderna visar att digitaliseringen haft en påtaglig påverkan på Aller media med både positiva och negativa konsekvenser. Sammantaget har Aller media anpassat sig väl sedan digitaliseringen och har med anammandet av nya digitala affärsmodeller lagt en bra grund för att vara fortsatt relevanta i en alltmer digitaliserad framtid. / Due to the obvious impact of digitalisation on the magazine industry in combination with lack of previous scientific studies on the subject - this study seeks to increase the knowledge andunderstanding of how the phenomenon of digitalisation has affected companies in the magazine industry. The purpose of the study is primarily to investigate how the company Aller media and its business models have been affected by digitalisation. To investigate this, two qualitative interviews were initially conducted with two managers at Aller media. The interviews were then supplemented with a web survey that were answered by Aller medias employees. The results from the data collection methods show that digitalisation has had a significant impact on Aller media with both positive and negative consequences. In total, Aller media has adapted well since digitalization and with the adoption of new digital business models the company has laid a good basis for remaining relevant in an increasingly digitalized future.


DAYSON NYWTON C R DO NASCIMENTO 30 October 2023 (has links)
[pt] Neste trabalho, apresentamos um estudo sobre o fine-tuning de um LLM (Modelo de Linguagem Amplo ou Large Language Model) pré-treinado para a sumarização abstrativa de textos longos em português. Para isso, construímos um corpus contendo uma coleção de 7.450 artigos científicos na área de Ciências da Saúde em português. Utilizamos esse corpus para o fine-tuning do modelo BERT pré-treinado para o português brasileiro (BERTimbau). Em condições semelhantes, também treinamos um segundo modelo baseado em Memória de Longo Prazo e Recorrência (LSTM) do zero, para fins de comparação. Nossa avaliação mostrou que o modelo ajustado obteve pontuações ROUGE mais altas, superando o modelo baseado em LSTM em 30 pontos no F1-score. O fine-tuning do modelo pré-treinado também se destaca em uma avaliação qualitativa feita por avaliadores a ponto de gerar a percepção de que os resumos gerados poderiam ter sido criados por humanos em uma coleção de documentos específicos do domínio das Ciências da Saúde. / [en] In this work, we present a study on the fine-tuning of a pre-trained Large Language Model for abstractive summarization of long texts in Portuguese. To do so, we built a corpus gathering a collection of 7,450 public Health Sciences papers in Portuguese. We fine-tuned a pre-trained BERT model for Brazilian Portuguese (the BERTimbau) with this corpus. In a similar condition, we also trained a second model based on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) from scratch for comparison purposes. Our evaluation showed that the fine-tuned model achieved higher ROUGE scores, outperforming the LSTM based by 30 points for F1-score. The fine-tuning of the pre-trained model also stands out in a qualitative evaluation performed by assessors, to the point of generating the perception that the generated summaries could have been created by humans in a specific collection of documents in the Health Sciences domain.


Mulaka, Brahmananda Reddy 20 September 2005 (has links)
No description available.


Li, Ji 06 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Les élites délinquantes : études de cas sur les illégalismes fiscaux suite aux révélations des ‘Panama papers’

Mailhot, Mylène 08 1900 (has links)
Les ‘Panama papers’ (2016) représentent une fuite de 11,2 millions de documents issus de la firme panaméenne Mossack Fonseca. Les révélations exposent des conduites fiscales compromettantes relevant de la finance offshore, soulignant par le fait même l’implication d’acteurs sociaux, parmi lesquels des banques, politiciens, chefs d’entreprises, responsables politiques et économiques, fortunes familiales, etc. D’une envergure internationale, les ‘Panama papers’ ont marqué l’univers médiatique de façon importante, toutefois en référence au jeu d’interprétation entourant les conduites exposées, il est possible de souligner le pluralisme des réactions sociales. S’intéressant particulièrement aux figures politiques et économiques listées, le mémoire se présente sous la forme de trois études de cas : Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson, premier ministre de l’Islande (de 2013 à 2016), David Cameron, premier ministre du Royaume-Uni (de 2010 à 2016) et Malcom Turnbull, premier ministre de l’Australie (de 2015 à 2018). Le mémoire vise à dégager deux niveaux d’analyse. D’une part, détailler la couverture médiatique respective des cas, cela dans le but de saisir les réactions sociales suscitées, en particulier lors de la production et l’évolution des discours publics. D’autre part, il s’agit d’objectiver et discerner les prises de positions et de défenses à l’utilisation de comptes offshores, ce mémoire s’inscrivant dans le prolongement des études portant sur la résistance au stigmate. Afin de mener à terme la recherche, un corpus incluant treize références de la presse écrite a été constitué, représentant une analyse approfondie du contenu de plus de 671 documents écrits parus entre le 3 avril et le 30 septembre 2016. En s’appuyant sur les prémisses théoriques de la sociologie du scandale, la recherche illustre, dans les cas présents, différentes finalités possibles à l’épisode des ‘Panama papers’ : scandale, affaire ou non-scandale. / The Panama Papers (2016) represent a leak of 11,2 million documents from the Panamanian firm Mossack Fonseca. The revelations exposed compromising tax practices relating to offshore finance, and highlights by the same token, the involvement of the players : banks, politicians, business leaders, political and economic leaders, family fortunes, etc. Of an international scope, the 'Panama papers' have marked the media world in an important way. In reference to the interpretation game surrounding the exposed behaviors, it is possible to emphasize the pluralism of social reactions. Focusing on the listed political and economic figures, the document is presented in the form of three case studies : Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson, Iceland’ prime minister (2013-2016), David Cameron, UK’ prime minister (2010-2016) and Malcom Turnbull, Australia’ prime minister (2015-2018). The thesis aims to identify two levels of analysis. The first level of analysis details the respective media coverage of the cases. The goal is to collect the social reactions, the production and the evolution of the discourse. The second level of analysis objectifies and discerns positions and defenses used with offshore accounts, whereas the writings of the dissertation are an extension of studies on the resistance of the stigma. In order to complete the research, a corpus including thirteen references of the written press was gathered, representing a thorough analysis of the contents of more than 671 written documents published between April 3 and September 30, 2016. Based on the theoretical premises of the sociology of scandal, the research illustrates, in the present cases, different possible outcomes to the episode of the 'Panama papers' : scandal, affair, or non-scandal.

Qualitätssicherung von Datenpublikationen bei Data Journals und Forschungsdatenrepositorien

Kindling, Maxi 22 February 2023 (has links)
Die Qualitätssicherung von Forschungsdaten ist im Kontext offener Wissenschaft ein wichtiges Thema. Sollen geteilte Daten dabei unterstützen, Forschungsergebnisse nachzuvollziehen und die Nachnutzung von Daten ermöglicht werden, bestehen entsprechende Anforderungen an ihre Qualität. Bei Datenqualität und Qualitätssicherung im Kontext von Datenpublikationen handelt es sich allerdings um komplexe und divers verwendete Konzepte. Bislang wird die Qualitätssicherung von Datenpublikationen punktuell ausführlich beschrieben, jedoch fehlt eine Betrachtung, die die möglichen Maßnahmen systematisch beschreibt. Darüber, wie einzelne Maßnahmen bei Repositorien verbreitet sind, ist ebenfalls kaum etwas bekannt. In der Dissertation wird herausgearbeitet, wie Qualität und Qualitätssicherung für Forschungsdaten definiert und systematisiert werden können. Auf dieser Basis wird ein theoretischer Ansatz für die Systematisierung qualitätssichernder Maßnahmen erarbeitet. Er dient als Grundstruktur für die Untersuchung von Data Journals und Repositorien. Dazu werden Guidelines von 135 Data Journals und Zertifizierungsdokumente von 99 Repositorien analysiert, die das Zertifikat CoreTrustSeal in der Version 2017–2019 erhalten haben. Die Analysen zeigen, wie Datenqualität in Data Journal Guidelines und durch Repositorien definiert wird und geben einen Einblick in die Praxis der Qualitätssicherung bei Repositorien. Die Ergebnisse bilden die Grundlage für eine Umfrage zur Verbreitung qualitätssichernder Maßnahmen, die auch offene Prozesse der Qualitätssicherung, Verantwortlichkeiten und die transparente Dokumentation der Datenqualität berücksichtigt. An der Umfrage im Jahr 2021 nahmen 332 Repositorien teil, die im Verzeichnis re3data indexiert sind. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen zeigen den Status quo der Qualitätssicherung und die Definition von Datenqualität bei Data Journals und Forschungsdatenrepositorien auf. Sie zeigen außerdem, dass Repositorien mit vielfältigen Maßnahmen zur Qualitätssicherung von Datenpublikationen beitragen. Die Ergebnisse fließen in ein Framework für die Qualitätssicherung von Datenpublikationen in Repositorien ein. / Quality assurance of research data is an important issue in open science. To enable transparency in research and data reuse, shared data have to meet quality requirements. However, the concepts of data quality and quality assurance are ubiquitous, yet elusive. Quality assurance practices have been researched for data publications in Data Journals, but not systematically for research data repositories. This dissertation elaborates how quality and quality assurance for research data can be defined and systematized. On this basis, a theoretical approach for quality assurance is developed. It is used for the analysis of quality assurance practices at data journals and research data repositories. For this purpose, guidelines of 135 data journals and certification documents of 99 repositories that have received the CoreTrustSeal certificate 2017–2019 are investigated. The analyses show how data quality is defined in data journal guidelines and by repositories and provide insight into repository quality assurance practices. The results informed a questionnaire that aims at analyzing prevalence of data quality assurance at research data repositories. The survey also covered aspects such open measures of quality assurance, responsibilities and transparent quality documentation. 332 repositories indexed in the re3data registry participated in the 2021 online survey. The results of this dissertations analyses indicate the status quo of quality assurance measures and definitions of data quality at data journals and research data repositories. Furthermore, they also show that repositories contribute to the quality assurance of data publications with a variety of measures. The results are incorporated into a framework for quality assurance of data publications at research data repositories.

An investigation into management strategies affecting performance of micro, small and medium enterpises (MSMEs) in Kenya

Wanjiku, Lily Njanja 03 1900 (has links)
This research was geared towards the investigation of management strategies (factors) that affect the performance ofMSMEs in Kenya. Many developed countries record a time in history when entrepreneurial activities led to revival of economical growth after decline. This implies MSMEs is a very vital sector especially for a developing country like Kenya. MSMEs stagnate and their performance is uncertain according to writers such as Namusonge, Management inadequacies have been suggested in several studies. The objectives of this research was to, 1. To identifY the critical management factors affecting the performance of MSMEs in Kenya; ii. To establish the process through which managerial factors affect the performance of a MSMEs in Kenya ; m. To determine the integrative effect of various management factors in the MSMES in Kenya; IV. To establish the effect of demographics and management factors on performance, v. To establish effects of external environment on internal management factors A conceptual model was formulated from the literature review showing relationships of the management strategies and the environment they operate in. These relationships became the basis for the hypotheses which were later tested. In chapter 4, a mini research (pilot study) was conducted in May 2007,whose main aim was to test the reliability and validity of the research instruments. The 36 questionnaires returned were analysed through descriptive method. Results obtained indicated the instruments were reliable and the results valid. A few corrections suggested were made. The major correction was addition of question 35 to collect financial information. The data collection was done between mid August and mid October 2007.In chapter 5, the researcher analysesd the results of the survey after receiving 180 questionnaires. Time was a constraint. In chapter 6, the hypotheses and conceptual model were analysed and the results obtained suggested that, most strategies did not affect the profitability separately but severally. The integrated effect of the management strategies and the associated factors had a higher impact on performance of the MSMES than any individual strategies. In chapter 7, the conclusions, summaries and Recommendations are given. / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management and Policy)

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