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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Häng med på picknick! : En mobilapplikation för personer med kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar

Joakim, Danielsson January 2016 (has links)
Jag har under min tid på Blekinges Tekniska Högskola jobbat som timvikarie på ett LSS-boende för personer med olika funktionsnedsättningar på Olofströms kommun i Blekinge. Där kom min tanke fram att jag ville slå ihop mitt jobb och skolarbete för att skapa något för en väldigt specifik men ändå bred målgrupp. Det har alltid funnits ett intresse hos mig i att skapa applikationer till handhållna enheter såsom surfplattor och smartphones, och att de inte bara används till saker som att ringa och skicka sms utan att de även används som hjälpmedel och läromedel. Jag har använt mig utav metodologin deltagande design, där jag har jobbat tillsammans personer som har kognitiv funktionsnedsättning vilket innebär att man har någon form utav funktionsnedsättning i hjärnan. Under utvecklingen har dessa personer varit med ända från början till idé ända fram till prototyp, då jag behövde ha deras erfarenheter jag själv inte besatt för att veta hur jag skulle forma applikationen runt just deras behov. Med all erfarenhet som dessa personer gett mig i arbetet så har jag skapat en mobilapplikations-prototyp utifrån deras känslor och idéer. Idéer som har kommit upp under våra workshops, där vi diskuterade vilka vardagliga aktiviteter de själva tyckte var roliga att göra utomhus samt inomhus, och hur hade man kunnat göra dessa vardagliga aktiviteter roligare? Två idéer som vi sedan slog ihop till en vilket var promenader och picknick. En applikation där det är tänkt att de ska ha möjligheten att kunna bjuda sina vänner och familj på picknick, genom att göra en slags lista över vad de vill ha med sig på picknicken och göra ett evenemang av det hela / During my time at Blekinge Institute of Technology I’ve worked at a LSS housing facility in Olofström, Blekinge. It was there I got the idea to merge my job and schoolwork to create something for a very specific target group. I have always been interested in creating applications for hand-held devices such as tablets and smartphones that are used as aids and teaching materials. I’m using the methodology participatory design, and along with people that lives with cognitive disabilities, meaning they have some form of disability in their brain, I developed a prototype. I needed their experience and knowledge because I don’t know how I would shape the application to fit their needs otherwise. With all the experience these people gave me, I created a prototype based on their feelings and ideas, ideas that have been brought up in our workshops. In the workshops we discussed the everyday activities they thought were fun, outdoors as well as indoors, and what could make those activities even more enjoyable. The two ideas that we emerged with, and later merged, were walking 4 and picknicking. The idea is for an application where you have the opportunity to invite your friends and family to a picknick. You make a list of what you want to include on the picknick and then create an event.

Tratamiento de copolímeros EVA mediante descarga corona: influencia de la naturaleza y contenido de diferentes cargas

Martínez García, Asunción 07 June 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Electrostatic charging of water sprays by corona and induction for dust suppression

Xiao, Fuchun, Safety Science, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2000 (has links)
Dust control is a very significant issue in underground coal mining. The benefits of reducing dust levels will be a lesser risk of lung disease to coal miners, improved working conditions and a reduced risk of dust explosions. Coal dust is commonly suppressed by water sprays but suppression efficiency is not high because dust tends to travel in the air flow round the water droplets rather than being captured by them. If water sprays are electrostatically charged, then a significant improvement in dust suppression efficiency may be achieved. Of the three principal droplet charging mechanisms, i.e. corona charging, induction charging and contact charging, corona charging is the most widely used in many industrial fields including dust suppression, However, it requires a high applied voltage, ranging from thousands to more than a hundred thousand volts, depending on the geometry of the charging equipment. Induction charging has been used in agricultural spraying since Law (1978) developed an embedded-electrode induction charging spraying nozzle. This nozzle provides a compact, inexpensively fabricated droplet charger and, reduces design requirements on size and output voltage (of the order of 1000 volts). It also reduces the potential for mechanical damage, misalignment and personnel hazard. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of dust suppression, either the charge on individual droplets or the charge-to-mass ratio of water sprays needs to be known. However, the parameters which control the charge applied to water and the charging rate have been unsolved theoretically for any charging mechanism. The existing theories for the induction-charged and air-atomising a liquid jet have been found to be inadequate. And there is no theory available for corona charging of the droplets produced with a pneumatic nozzle in order to predict the spray charge level or the spray charge-to-mass ratio. In view of this situation, mathematical models have been developed in this thesis for both the corona and induction charging mechanisms. During the development of the theories, it has been assumed that for corona charging, that the jet is disintegrated into droplets and the droplets are then charged; for induction charging, that the jet is first charged and the charged jet is then disintegrated into charged droplets. The Sauter mean diameter of the sprays, D32 , plays an important role in linking the individual droplet charge to the spray charge-to-mass ratio for both charging mechanisms. The developed theories are general models suitable for any liquid with both corona and induction charging. Theoretical calculations for the spray charge-to-mass ratio, individual droplet charge and the ratio of droplet charge to the Rayleigh charge limit have been presented for almost all of the influencing electrical and mechanical parameters such as applied voltage, air flowrate, liquid flowrate, liquid conductivity, liquid dielectric constant, nozzle dimensions, cylindrical electrode dimensions, and fluid parameters, for example, density, viscosity and surface tension. In the calculation for corona charging of droplets, the effect of the droplets on corona current and corona-onset voltage has been assessed for first time. The introduction of the Sauter mean diameter of the sprays, D32 , makes the assessment possible. Theoretical calculations for induction charging of liquid jets have shown that provided liquids have a conductivity value higher than the critical value, s = - 10 4 S/m, then they can be charged satisfactorily by the induction charging method. Among all of the influencing parameters, the electrical and mechanical parameters determine the charging rate and the water spray charge level. The suitability of employing these two charging mechanisms to dust suppression in coal mine has been evaluated based on the spray charge level, safety issues and the simplicity or otherwise of the equipment. The induction charging method was considered to have advantages over its corona charging counterpart, and has been chosen for charging the water sprays in the experiment program. Water has a conductivity of s = - 10 2 S/m, higher than the critical value, s = - 10 4 S/m. Based upon theoretical considerations, it is concluded that water is an appropriate liquid for corona charging, based on its dielectric constant, and for induction charging, based on its conductivity. In order to facilitate the testing of electrostatically charged water spray cloud parameters, a spray charger/collector was designed and constructed by others and a computerised data acquisition system has been employed. According to the theory developed for induction charging, the optimum length of the charging electrode has been analysed based upon the assumption that water jet is first charged and then the charged jet is disintegrated into charged droplets by the high pressure air. An experimental program examined the dependence of spray current upon four parameters: air flowrate, water flowrate, applied voltage and jet diameter. The experiments have shown that the induction-charged air-atomising nozzle used in the experiment is able to impart a significant charge into the water sprays. The spray charge-to-mass ratio calculated based upon the measured spray current demonstrates the same characteristics as predicted by theory: increasing with air flowrate, decreasing with water flowrate, increasing with applied voltage to a peak value then decreasing with further increase in the voltage, and increasing with jet diameter. A successful interpretation of an important phenomenon in the inductioncharged air-atomising a water jet, that spray charge-to-mass ratio and spray current increase with air pressure (or air flowrate) and decrease with increasing water flowrate, has been achieved based on the theories developed in this thesis. This phenomenon occurs because increasing air flowrate and/or decreasing water flowrate leads to a higher velocity of jet flowing through the induction electrode. However, when water flowrate becomes very small, a decrease in spray current with increasing air pressure (or flowrate) may be caused both by jet breakup inside the electrode and by contraction of the jet. In order to verify the theory, a preliminary comparison of experimental data with theoretical predictions employing a constant kic in the air-jet interaction coefficient a which was assumed to be 0.7 has shown a general agreement. However, the value of kic appears to be related to jet diameter, air/water mass ratio and applied voltage. An empirical equation for kic has then been formulated based on the experimental data for the spray charge-to-mass ratio. Finally a comparison of experimental results with theoretical predictions using the formulated kic shows an improved agreement. It is concluded that the induction-charged air-atomising nozzle has a potential application in dust suppression in coal mines, as the voltage required to charge water sprays is only 1000 ~ 1200 volts, and that the theory developed for induction charging of water sprays can be used to guide laboratory investigations and design processes for dust suppression and other industrial applications which might employ the electrostatic charging of liquid sprays.

The coronal heating problem

Gudiksen, Boris V. January 2004 (has links)
<p>The heating of the solar corona has been investigated during four of decades and several mechanisms able to produce heating have been proposed. It has until now not been possible to produce quantitative estimates that would establish any of these heating mechanism as the most important in the solar corona. In order to investigate which heating mechanism is the most important, a more detailed approach is needed.</p><p>In this thesis, the heating problem is approached ”ab initio”, using well observed facts and including realistic physics in a 3D magneto-hydrodynamic simulation of a small part of the solar atmosphere. The ”engine” of the heating mechanism is the solar photospheric velocity field, that braids the magnetic field into a configuration where energy has to be dissipated. The initial magnetic field is taken from an observation of a typical magnetic active region scaled down to fit inside the computational domain. The driving velocity field is generated by an algorithm that reproduces the statistical and geometrical fingerprints of solar granulation. Using a standard model atmosphere as the thermal initial condition, the simulation goes through a short startup phase, where the initial thermal stratification is quickly forgotten, after which the simulation stabilizes in statistical equilibrium. In this state, the magnetic field is able to dissipate the same amount of energy as is estimated to be lost through radiation, which is the main energy loss mechanism in the solar corona.</p><p>The simulation produces heating that is intermittent on the smallest resolved scales and hot loops similar to those observed through narrow band filters in the ultra violet. Other observed characteristics of the heating are reproduced, as well as a coronal temperature of roughly one million K. Because of the ab initio approach, the amount of heating produced in these simulations represents a lower limit to coronal heating and the conclusion is that such heating of the corona is unavoidable.</p>

Koronabehandling av polymerbelagd kartong :  Inverkan av process och lagringstid på ytegenskaper och ytkemi hos koronabehandlat polymerbelagt kartong material / Corona treating of polymer covered paperboard : Impact of process and storage time at surface chemistry and surface properties for corona treated polymer covered paperboards

enqvist, johanna January 2009 (has links)
<p>Det här arbetet har utförts som ett 30 hp examensarbete för kemiingenjörsutbildning på Karlstads universitet åt Stora Enso, Forshaga. Syftet var att undersöka koronabehandlingens effekt på plastbelagda kartongytor. Frågor som hur effekten minskar under lagringstid, om effekten påverkas av materialets bredd, tjocklek, pigment i plasten samt kylvalsarnas påverkan skulle undersökas.</p><p> </p><p>Största delen i arbetet var att undersöka hur ytenergin på behandlad plastbelagd kartong minskar med tiden och om detta varierar beroende på behandlingsgraden. Resultaten visade som väntat att ytenergin sjunker med tiden och ju högre ytenergin var direkt efter behandlingen desto fortare sjunker den. Direkt efter behandlingen varierade värdena ganska mycket men efter ca en vecka så verkade ytan ha "lugnat sig" (antagligen hade antalet laddningar som fanns på ytan direkt efter behandlingen då minskat). Ytenergin sjunker snabbast under den första månaden och sedan börjar kurvan plana ut. Efter ca två månader är nivån ganska stabil. Vid jämförelse av olika bredder gick det att se små skillnader som visade att breda rullar kräver mindre effekt för att nå ett visst dyntal än vad en smalare rulle gör. Samtidigt gick det att se att rullarna tycks ha något lägre ytenergi i kanten av rullarna än vad de har i mitten, men inte heller här handlar det om några stora skillnader.</p><p> </p><p>Arbetet innefattade även ett test för jämförelse av olika ytvikter på kartongen och det visade sig att ett tjockt material kräver mer energi vid behandlingen än ett tunnare, men skillnaden är liten. Det gick även att se skillnader vid jämförelsen av rullar som belagts med pigmenterad plast och de som belagts med transparent. Polyetylen med pigment i kräver lite högre effekt vid behandlingen för att kunna nå upp till lika hög ytenergi som samma material belagd med transparent plast.</p><p> </p><p>Det sista testet som skulle visa om det finns skillnader mellan matt och blank kylvals visade att olika kylvalsar gav olika ytråhet, men skillnaden mellan valsarna blir större på en ytrå yta än på en slät yta. Det var stora skillnader mellan valsarna om de jämfördes på dekorsidan, men på mer ytråa insidan verkade inte kylvalsen ha lika stor inverkan.</p><p> </p>

The coronal heating problem

Gudiksen, Boris V. January 2004 (has links)
The heating of the solar corona has been investigated during four of decades and several mechanisms able to produce heating have been proposed. It has until now not been possible to produce quantitative estimates that would establish any of these heating mechanism as the most important in the solar corona. In order to investigate which heating mechanism is the most important, a more detailed approach is needed. In this thesis, the heating problem is approached ”ab initio”, using well observed facts and including realistic physics in a 3D magneto-hydrodynamic simulation of a small part of the solar atmosphere. The ”engine” of the heating mechanism is the solar photospheric velocity field, that braids the magnetic field into a configuration where energy has to be dissipated. The initial magnetic field is taken from an observation of a typical magnetic active region scaled down to fit inside the computational domain. The driving velocity field is generated by an algorithm that reproduces the statistical and geometrical fingerprints of solar granulation. Using a standard model atmosphere as the thermal initial condition, the simulation goes through a short startup phase, where the initial thermal stratification is quickly forgotten, after which the simulation stabilizes in statistical equilibrium. In this state, the magnetic field is able to dissipate the same amount of energy as is estimated to be lost through radiation, which is the main energy loss mechanism in the solar corona. The simulation produces heating that is intermittent on the smallest resolved scales and hot loops similar to those observed through narrow band filters in the ultra violet. Other observed characteristics of the heating are reproduced, as well as a coronal temperature of roughly one million K. Because of the ab initio approach, the amount of heating produced in these simulations represents a lower limit to coronal heating and the conclusion is that such heating of the corona is unavoidable.

Ideals finitament generats i decreixement de funcions analítiques i acotades

Pau Plana, Jordi 19 June 2001 (has links)
No description available.

La imagen de la justicia divina. La retribución del comportamiento humano en el más allá en el arte medieval de la Corona de Aragón

Rodríguez Barral, Paulino 28 May 2003 (has links)
Centrado en el ámbito geopolítico de la Corona de Aragón, este trabajo se plantea el estudio de la evolución, a lo largo de la Baja Edad Media, de la iconografía relativa a la retribución de las acciones humanas en el más allá. El papel que el juicio del alma post mortem y el Juicio Final desempeñan en la configuración visual de la retribución de las acciones morales se aborda a partir del análisis de la evolución de las concepciones acerca de la funcionalidad del más allá desde una perspectiva penal. Desde este punto de vista el camino que conduce de la bipolaridad penal románica (basada en la contraposición cielo/infierno) al más allá multifuncional que, a partir de la irrupción del purgatorio, se perfila con el gótico, se constituye en uno de sus ejes dominantes. Igualmente la caracterización de los lugares del más allá, particularmente purgatorio e infierno: su morfología, sistema penal, sociología de los condenados, etc. Todo ello en una perspectiva atenta a otros medios que como la homilética (exempla relacionados con los mecanismos de la salvación y la condenación; predicación de san Vicente Ferrer), las visiones del otro mundo, o el drama sacro, contribuirán a configurar el imaginario del más allá en la mentalidad del hombre medieval.Se aborda también el estudio de la literatura de carácter apocalíptico que circuló abundantemente en la Confederación catalano-aragonesa a lo largo de los siglos XIV y XV y que, al hacer de la inminencia de la venida del Anticristo y del consiguiente Juicio Final uno de sus temas preferentes, contribuirá a la instalación en el entorno catalano-aragonés de una mentalidad de espera escatológica. En un trabajo de las características de éste, tan directamente relacionado con los cuatro novísimos (muerte, juicio, infierno y gloria) difícilmente podría pasarse por alto al primero de ellos. Si bien no se entra en el análisis de la iconografía de la muerte, es indudable que la percepción del momento final, antesala del juicio en el que se decidirá el destino ultraterreno de cada alma, es un elemento a tener en cuenta. La progresiva importancia otorgada por la literatura eclesiástica al momento de la muerte en el trance de la salvación, y su vulgarización a través del Ars moriendi es en consecuencia motivo de atención específica. En los otros tres novísimos radica, sin embargo, su objetivo fundamental. También en el purgatorio que irrumpe, a partir del siglo XII en el ámbito de lo teológico y, aproximadamente un siglo más tarde, en el iconográfico, haciendo entrar en crisis la estructura bipolar del más allá vigente hasta entonces. Importante elemento a tener en cuenta a la hora de evaluar la permeabilización de la nueva estructura funcional del más allá en los esquemas mentales de los fieles es la práctica testamentaria. Su difusión discurre en paralelo a la del culto por las ánimas del purgatorio. El estado mental de ubicación en la perspectiva del destino del alma post mortem que supone la redacción de las últimas voluntades y mandas, arroja indudablemente una luz importante respecto a lo que de ese tránsito se espera. El recurso al testamento permite constatar la coincidencia de las últimas voluntades de los creyentes, particularmente en lo que atañe a los sufragios (sobre todo la misa), con el discurso de la predicación y de la imagen, en línea con el sistema de reducción de penas que se instituye en relación con los nuevos cultos organizados en torno a ese nuevo tercer lugar del más allá. / This study, which concentrates on the geopolitical field of the Crown of Aragon in the later Middle Ages, examines the evolution of the iconography of the retribution of human actions in the otherworld.This work addresses the artistic portrayal of the Last Judgment and the judgment of post mortem souls in the retribution. These judgments reveal the evolution of the concept of penal functionality in the otherworld. The evolution from a penal Romanesque bipolarity (based on the contrast hell/heaven) into a multifunctional (where Purgatory is introduced), is one of the predominant themes. Another common theme is the representation of places in the otherworld, particularly purgatory and hell: their morphology, penal system, sociology of the dammed, etc. The study also analyzes other media such as preaching (exempla related to the mechanisms of salvation and damnation; sermons of Saint Vincent Ferrer), the visions of the other world (the literary genre of ecstatic otherworld voyages), or the mystery plays that would contribute to shape the imaginary of the otherworld in the mentality of the medieval man.The study also deals with the abundant apocalyptic literature that circulated the Kingdom of Aragon throughout the 14th and 15th centuries. This literature would contribute to the creation of an eschatological waiting mentality by making the imminence of the arrival of both the Antichrist and the Last Judgement one of its main topics. Although this study does not analyze the iconography of death separately, but rather its relation to the other Last Three Things (judgment, hell and heaven), it is unquestionable that the perception of the last moment is an element the study bears in mind, since death is the threshold of the judgment when the afterlife destiny of every soul will be decided. The progressive importance that the ecclesiastical literature gives to the moment of death in the interim of salvation and its spread by means of the Ars moriendi is consequently a reason to pay it specific attention. Nevertheless, the main objective of the study lies in the other Three Last Things and the Purgatory. The appearance of purgatory in the theological circles in the 12th century and in the iconography about a century later would make the then current bipolar structure of the otherworld undergo a crisis.Wills and testaments are important to evaluate the permeability of the new functional structure of the otherworld in the believers' mental schema. The popularization of creating such documents parallels the increase in worship for the souls in Purgatory. The mental state of those in their last moments of life, concerned about the destiny of their souls post mortem, wrote their last wishes regarding what is expected in this transit. The recourse to the will helps verify the agreement between the believers' last wishes, particularly regarding the suffrages (basically the mass), with the discourse of preaching and of images, in accordance with the system of remission of a sentence in relation with the new worship organized around this new third place of the otherworld.

La presencia de la ciencia en las bibliotecas de la corona de Aragón en el siglo XVI

Alberola Carbonell, Ana 11 September 2002 (has links)
El objetivo de esta tesis es constatar la presencia de la ciencia en los territorios de la Corona de Aragón en el siglo XVI.Tras una introducción sobre los métodos utilizados en la historia de la ciencia y del libro y la justificación de estos métodos, se ha escogido como medio de análisis el examen de inventarios post mortem de poseedores de bibliotecas de la época, procedentes de protocolos notariales, publicados tanto en monografías como en revistas.Centrándose en las ciudades más relevantes de los territorios hispánicos de la Corona de Aragón (Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Valencia y Zaragoza), se han recogido 208 inventarios de bibliotecas de estas áreas. De ellos se han seleccionado las obras cuya materia fuera la ciencia.En una primera parte se han identificado con la ayuda de diversos repertorios bibliográficos, las obras científicas contenidas en estas bibliotecas, con la inclusión de los registros bibliográficos.En la segunda parte se ha hecho una interpretación de los datos, teniendo en cuenta diversos elementos: los poseedores de las bibliotecas y sus profesiones, las épocas de los autores de las obras científicas, la lengua de las distintas obras, las áreas de la cultura que estaban contenidas en cada biblioteca y las disciplinas científicas que estaban representadas.Con este material se ha llegado a las siguientes conclusiones: predominio de las clases dirigentes entre los poseedores de las bibliotecas, absoluta preponderancia de la lengua latina, mayoría en los autores de la época contemporánea a los poseedores de las bibliotecas y claro dominio de la medicina en las disciplinas científicas. También se han examinado las distintas influencias culturales de la época.Para concluir, se incluyen los siguientes anexos: índice de poseedores, autores, materias, ciudades de impresión e impresores; gráficos y tablas incluidas en la interpretación de los datos. / The objective of this study is verify the presence of the science in the Crown of Aragon during the sixteenth century so, in order to that, two hundred and eight inventories of property after the owners'death, made by notaries, published, have been analysed.The first part contains bibliographic records of the scientific works identified in bibliographic repertoires, while on the second part information related to book-owners, authors, work languages, and scientific topics is examined.Several cultural influences from that time have also been analysed.The conclusions of the study are as it follows: The majority of book-owners belonged to upper class; Latin as language used in the works; authors and book-owners were contemporaries; medicine as the main scientific topic.The annexes included are: book-owners, authors, topics, printers, and their location; index of graphics and tables are also included.

Koronabehandling av polymerbelagd kartong :  Inverkan av process och lagringstid på ytegenskaper och ytkemi hos koronabehandlat polymerbelagt kartong material / Corona treating of polymer covered paperboard : Impact of process and storage time at surface chemistry and surface properties for corona treated polymer covered paperboards

enqvist, johanna January 2009 (has links)
Det här arbetet har utförts som ett 30 hp examensarbete för kemiingenjörsutbildning på Karlstads universitet åt Stora Enso, Forshaga. Syftet var att undersöka koronabehandlingens effekt på plastbelagda kartongytor. Frågor som hur effekten minskar under lagringstid, om effekten påverkas av materialets bredd, tjocklek, pigment i plasten samt kylvalsarnas påverkan skulle undersökas.   Största delen i arbetet var att undersöka hur ytenergin på behandlad plastbelagd kartong minskar med tiden och om detta varierar beroende på behandlingsgraden. Resultaten visade som väntat att ytenergin sjunker med tiden och ju högre ytenergin var direkt efter behandlingen desto fortare sjunker den. Direkt efter behandlingen varierade värdena ganska mycket men efter ca en vecka så verkade ytan ha "lugnat sig" (antagligen hade antalet laddningar som fanns på ytan direkt efter behandlingen då minskat). Ytenergin sjunker snabbast under den första månaden och sedan börjar kurvan plana ut. Efter ca två månader är nivån ganska stabil. Vid jämförelse av olika bredder gick det att se små skillnader som visade att breda rullar kräver mindre effekt för att nå ett visst dyntal än vad en smalare rulle gör. Samtidigt gick det att se att rullarna tycks ha något lägre ytenergi i kanten av rullarna än vad de har i mitten, men inte heller här handlar det om några stora skillnader.   Arbetet innefattade även ett test för jämförelse av olika ytvikter på kartongen och det visade sig att ett tjockt material kräver mer energi vid behandlingen än ett tunnare, men skillnaden är liten. Det gick även att se skillnader vid jämförelsen av rullar som belagts med pigmenterad plast och de som belagts med transparent. Polyetylen med pigment i kräver lite högre effekt vid behandlingen för att kunna nå upp till lika hög ytenergi som samma material belagd med transparent plast.   Det sista testet som skulle visa om det finns skillnader mellan matt och blank kylvals visade att olika kylvalsar gav olika ytråhet, men skillnaden mellan valsarna blir större på en ytrå yta än på en slät yta. Det var stora skillnader mellan valsarna om de jämfördes på dekorsidan, men på mer ytråa insidan verkade inte kylvalsen ha lika stor inverkan.

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