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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studentų savarankiško mokymosi organizavimas / The organization of student independent learning

Gylienė, Oksana 09 July 2011 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Oksana Gylienė Studentų savarankiško mokymosi organizavimas Magistro darbas Magistro darbe iškelta problema, jog studentai nesugeba savarankiškai organizuoti mokymosi veiklos, t.y. neturi pagrindinių mokymosi kompetencijų Tyrime remiamasi dviem teorijomis: kognityviąja mokymosi teorija, kuri į žmogų žvelgia kaip į aktyvų, tikslo siekiantį, gaunantį, apdorojantį ir kuriantį informaciją; ir humanistine asmenybės teorija, kurios atstovai teigia, jog individai yra laisvi ir autonomiški ir todėl gali savarankiškai apsispręsti; asmenybė nuolat auga ir vystosi, siekdama savirealizacijos. Sukurtas vadybinių mokymosi kompetencijų modelis, kuris padėjo atskleisti, kokias mokymosi kompetencijas turi VU dieninio skyriaus studentai. Patvirtintos iškeltos mokslinio tyrimo hipotezės, kad 1) studentų amžius ir lytis turi įtakos savarankiško mokymosi organizavimui; 2) skirtingų fakultetų studentai turi nevienodas mokymosi kompetencijas. / SUMMARY Oksana Gylienė The Organization of Students’ Discretionary Learning Master’s degree work This Master dissertation raises the issue that students are incapable to organize learning activities independently, i.e. they lack main competences of learning. The research has been based on two theories: a) Cognitive learning theory, according to which a person is considered active, ambitious, receiving, processing and creating information; and b) Humanist personality theory, which claims that students are free and autonomous, and thus can make independent decisions, which personalities are constantly developing in search of fulfilling one’s potential. A model of managerial learning competences has been created and empirically tested the learning competences of full-time students in Vilnius University. The hypothesis of the scientific research has been confirmed: 1) student age and sex have impact on organizing discretionary learning; 2) the students’ learning competences differ from one faculty to another.

Bedarbių mokymosi poreikių ir gebėjimo ypatumai / The pecularities of educational needs of unemployed

Stasiukynienė, Albina 15 June 2005 (has links)
In the process of writing this research paper "The pecularities of educational needs of uneployed", we have raised the aim to investigate educational needs of unemployed and the accordance of their opportunitiess with theory and practice.

Globos namų auklėtinių mokymosi sunkumai / Learning peculiuarities of foster home pupils

Grikpėdienė, Viktorija 15 June 2005 (has links)
Documents regulating care institutions indicate, that foster home – is not only a social institution, but also an important part of education system, wherein a specific attention is dedicated to the child’s upbringing, creation of his value system, inward world, preparation for career and adults’ life. Orphans, children left without parental care and children, whose families do not secure appropriate life and upbringing conditions for them, are housed in children’s foster homes. Accordingly these homes seek to provide and secure appropriate living and developing conditions for their residents considering their individuality. Scientists and practitioners reasonably demonstrated, that because of deprive of the parental care foster home children totally or partly lose possibility to get first basis and principles of socialization through positive identification with their parents, brothers, sisters, close relatives in their biological family. The loss of parental care substantially violate the natural psychosocial development of child’s personality, he misses the possibility of natural socialization in society. Foster homes appears to be the very important (sometimes the only) link in child’s socialization process. Significant place in the process of socialization is taken by school. Through its main activity – training and self cultivation – children gain the basis of literacy and reach general education standards. Within the training process with the guidance of pedagogues... [to full text]

Profesijos pedagogų mokymo interaktyvumo prielaidų tyrimas / Assumptions research of teaching interaction of vocal pedagogues

Viganauskas, Laimis 17 June 2010 (has links)
Darbo autorius: Laimis Viganauskas Darbo tema: Profesijos pedagogų naudojamų metodikų tyrimas ugdymo tikslų ir interaktyvumo palaikymo priemonių aspektais. Darbo rengimo vieta: Lietuvos žemės ūkio universitetas. Profesinės pedagogikos ir psichologijos katedra. Akademija, 2010.05.02 Darbo apimtis: 63 psl. Literatūros šaltinių: 40. Tyrimo objektas: Kauno paslaugų verslo darbuotojų profesinio rengimo centro pedagogų naudojamos mokymo metodikos. Tyrimo metodai: 1. Literatūros šaltinių analizė; 2. Kokybinis tyrimas (interviu ir pamokų stebėsena). / Darbo autorius: Laimis Viganauskas Darbo tema: Profesijos pedagogų naudojamų metodikų tyrimas ugdymo tikslų ir interaktyvumo palaikymo priemonių aspektais. Darbo rengimo vieta: Lietuvos žemės ūkio universitetas. Profesinės pedagogikos ir psichologijos katedra. Akademija, 2010.05.02 Darbo apimtis: 63 psl. Literatūros šaltinių: 40. Tyrimo objektas: Kauno paslaugų verslo darbuotojų profesinio rengimo centro pedagogų naudojamos mokymo metodikos. Tyrimo metodai: 1. Literatūros šaltinių analizė; 2. Kokybinis tyrimas (interviu ir pamokų stebėsena).

Profesinės mokyklos mokinių bendrojo lavinimo dalykų mokymosi motyvacija / MOTIVATION OF VOCATIONAL SCHOOL STUDENTS LEARNING SECONDARY SCHOOL SUBJECTS

Bernatavičienė, Ona 09 June 2005 (has links)
In the master’s work conception of motivation problems of vocational school student is being analyzed, different theories are being introduced. Different theories of studying can be comprehended depending on teachers, the subject, methods and interests of students. The teacher himself ought to decide what psychological theories and principals of learning motivations could be the most acceptable and valuable realizing the most important tasks of education. If you want to tell what stimulates a student to study, you have to analyze the motives of learning or not learning. The analyze enables to foresee the pedagogical measures to be taken to make the process of teaching more effective. Therefore analyzes of learning motives has great importance for both theory and practice of pedagogies. Motivation of learning consists of: student’s essence of learning requirements, aims, emotions, interests. Everything changes depending on circumstances, students – students and students – teachers interrelations. These is evidence to sugest that motivation of learning changes depending on age and changes of social circumstances. Therefore the feeling of desire or unwillingness to learn is very important and urgent subject at vocational school. Not the best students enter vocational schools; therefore bad school attendance and back of motivation becomes big problems to the teachers working at these schools. Magistrate work of investigation is carried – out at Alytus vocational training... [to full text]

Psichologiniai mokymosi efektyvumo veiksniai / The psychological factors of learning efficiency

Cironka, Gintas Saulius 26 June 2014 (has links)
DARBO SANTRAUKA Psichologiniai mokymosi efektyvumo veiksniai Šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje vis daugiau žmonių susiduria su dideliu informacijos kiekiu ir poreikiu ją įsisavinti. Todėl darbas su informacija, jos greitas įsisavinimas ir efektyvus panaudojimas tampa pakankamai rimta problema. Norint sumažinti dėl to atsirandančias problemas, reikia sukurti efektyvius darbo su informacija metodus ir naudojantis jais mokyti studijuojančius ir dirbančiuosius. Šio darbo tikslas yra palyginti tradicinio ir netradicinio mokymosi metodo efektyvumą žinių įsisavinimo ir atkūrimo procese. Tyrimo dalyviai – Vilniaus Universiteto Filosofijos fakulteto socialinio darbo antro kurso dieninio skyriaus studentai – 9 vyrai ir 48 merginos, kurių amžius yra 19–23 metai, bendra mokymosi trukmė – 14–16 metų. Tiriamieji buvo suskirstyti į kontrolinę ir eksperimentinę grupes. Eksperimentinė grupė buvo mokoma moderniu T. Buzan sukurtu informacijos apdorojimo metodu pagal Minčių žemėlapio sudarymo metodiką. Metodo efektyvumas buvo tiriamas testuojant ir lyginant abiejų grupių mokymosi pasiekimus. Gauti duomenys parodė, kad eksperimentinės ir kontrolinės grupių išmokimo rezultatai skyrėsi tiek pirmojo, tiek antrojo testavimo metu ( p ≤ 0,05) . Šie rezultatai nepatvirtino iškeltos prielaidos, kad inovatyvus mokymosi metodas užtikrins geresnius mokymosi rezultatus. Taip pat nustatyta, kad kontrolinė ir eksperimentinė grupės pirmojo, o ne antrojo testavimo metu parodė geresnius išmokimo rezultatus (p&#8804... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY In today‘s society more and more people come into contact with huge amount of information and need to memorize it. So work with information, ability to memorize it, becomes serious problem. In order to minimize these problems we need to invent effective methods to work with information and using them teach students and employees. The purpose of this study is to compare traditional and non- traditional learning method for process of memorizing and restoring knowledge. Paticipants of this study: Vilnius University Philosophy faculty, social work second year students: 9-males and 48 females, between age 19 to 23, duration of learning 14 to 16 years. Participants were divided into control and experiment groups. Experiment group was tought according to modern T. Buzan method of processing information using mind mapping methodics. Efficiency of the method was tested by comparing achievied knowledge of both groups. Collected data revealed that results of achieved knowledge of groups were significantly different during first and second testing ( p ≤ 0,05) cases. These results did not confirm presumption that inovative learning method guarantees better learning results. It was also established that control and experiment groups showed better learning results during first testing ( p ≤ 0,05). Collected data confirms other authors asumptions that after some time, part of information is forgoten. It was established staticly important possitive connection between... [to full text]

Studentų miego ypatumų ir mokymosi rezultatų sąsajos / Correliation between students sleep peciuliarity and studying results

Gulbinaitė, Ieva 25 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas - nustatyti Vilniaus universiteto Medicinos fakulteto studentų miego ypatumus ir jų sąsajas su studijų rezultatais. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti Vilniaus universiteto Medicinos fakulteto 1-6 kurso studentų miego trukmę ir identifikuoti miego trukmę sąlygojančius veiksnius. 2. Įvertinti Vilniaus universiteto Medicinos fakulteto 1-6 kurso studentų miego ypatumus ir jų sąsajas su studijų programa, kursu ir lytimi. 3. Įvertinti Vilniaus universiteto Medicinos fakulteto 1-6 kurso studentų miego ypatumų sąsajas su studijų rezultatais. Darbo metodai. Tiriamieji buvo apklausiami nuo 2009 metų spalio mėnesio iki 2009 metų sausio mėnesio. Buvo apklausti Vilniaus universiteto Medicinos fakulteto 1-6 k. studentai. Studentų apklausą atliko magistrantė, paduodant anketas Vilniaus universiteto Medicinos fakulteto studentų atstovybei. Išdalintas anketas studentai galėjo pildyti namuose, o užpildytas anketas surinkdavo magistrantė arba studentai jas palikdavo studentų atstovybėje. Anketą sudarė 43 klausimai, kurie yra suskirstyti į keturias grupes: bendrieji duomenys, duomenys apie miegą, duomenys apie sveikatą ir duomenys apie miego trukmę sąlygojančius veiksnius. Duomenų apdorojimui naudotos SPSS 16 versija ir Microsoft Excel 2007 programos. Darbo rezultatai ir išvados. 1. Didžioji dalis (54,2 proc.) Vilniaus Universiteto Medicinos fakulteto 1-6 kurso studentų miega 4-6 val. per parą. 2. Nustatytos sąsajos tarp miego trukmės ir respondentų: 2.1. lyties (moterų vidutinė miego... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the paper - determinate the Medical Faculty of Vilnius University students sleep characteristics and their links with the study results. The tasks of the paper: 1. Determinate Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine, 1-6 year students sleep duration and indentify factors causing. 2. To evaluate the Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine, 1-6 year students sleep characteristics and their links to the curriculum, course and gender. 3. To evaluate the Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine, 1-6 year students sleep features links to study results. The methods: Subjects were interviewed from October 2009 until January 2009. Were interviewed at Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine, 1-6 year students. Student survey carried out by graduate, submitting questionnaires to the Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine Student Representation. Distributed questionnaires to students could be completed at home and completed questionnaires were collected graduate or students could leave them at Studentu atstovybė. The questionnaire comprised 43 questions, which are divided into four groups: general data, sleep, health information and data on sleep duration leading actions. Data processing used SPSS version 16 and Microsoft Excel 2007 program. The results and conclusions: 1.The majority (54.2 percent) Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine, 1-6 year students sleeps 4-6 hours per day. 2. Fixed link between sleep duration and the respondents: 2.1. sex (women's average sleep duration 4-... [to full text]

Vyresniųjų (9 - 12) klasių mokinių kūrybiškumo ir mokymosi motyvacijos ypatumai bei kaita / The alternation and the conection between the senior pupil's (9 - 12) creativity and learning motivation peculiarities

Palevičienė, Danguolė 27 June 2006 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore the alternation and the connection between the senior pupils’ creativity and motivation peculiarities. Hypothesis that pupil having high creativity questionnaire indicators will have higher creative thinking indicators were formulated. The positive connection between the senior pupils’ (9-12) creative thinking, creativity and learning motivation does not exist. The connection between creativity questionnaire indicators and independent criteria such as progress, gender and age is presumable. Most of tests in use today are based on the theory of Guilford (1950). Guilford (1950) identified three components of creative thinking: fluency (the ability to find multiple solution to a problem quickly); flexibility (being able to simultaneously consider a variety of alternatives); and originality (referring to ideas that differ from those of other people). Early tests designed to assess an individual’s aptitude for divergent thinking included the Torrance (1962) tests. So Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (1974) was chosen to test senior pupils in case to explore their peculiarities of creative thinking. (IICT) the visual aids (uncompleted figure task) of creative thinking measuring method, (TTCT, B form) originality evaluation and detail evaluation criteria were used as well. The personality creativity questionnaire of V. Petrulis (1988) was also used in order to ascertain the pupils’ evaluation level of their own creativity. The pupils’... [to full text]

Nuotolinio mokymosi kurso ir jo palaikymo priemonių kūrimas ir tyrimas / Development and research of distance learning course and its support means

Kemzūra, Evaldas 28 May 2006 (has links)
These days WebCT, Learning Space, FirstClass and other learning spaces are used very wide. There is controllable content: storing, renewable, additional. Content in every learning space is released in different formats. There are widely defined tools of computer learning. Every virtual class runs in virtual learning space and only some of them have video conference mode. Hypertext creation tools are used widely. Apply to world wide web all study material is storing in study center server. All learning enviroment courses are administrated by network administrators or tutors. All virtual learning enviroments are relative directly with computer network. The most important condition of virtual learning – right selection of virtual learning enviroment.

Utenos regiono suaugusiųjų bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose mokymosi motyvai / Adults' learning motivation in secondary general education schools of Utena region

Unton, Valentina 07 June 2006 (has links)
The world we live in is extremely dynamic in terms of change. Social and economical changes in Lithuania as well as in the whole world make people encounter new requirements in their every day and working life. The development of modern technologies, creation of information society encourages them to think about their personal development. Every year more and more people, having no secondary education, come to educational institutions for adults. Therefore today the problems of adult learning are actually important for a Lithuanian society. Successful learning depends on motivation. Adult education is not compulsory. It’s a person’s own free decision. The Objective of the Research. – to analyze adults’ learning motivation in secondary schools of Utena region. Referring to pedagogical and psychological literature it was revealed that learning motivation is influenced by many factors: activity stimuli, material and cultural benefits of learning, personal goals and interests, determination, values system. Every action of a person is motivated by internal as well as by external factors. Internal learning motives are much more important than external ones, though they are achieved gradually and slowly. The research revealed that the most important motives of adults’ learning are the following: 1. Eagerness to get the Certificate of secondary education. 2. Personality development. It also depends on a respondent’s age. The older is a person and the less time he(she) has for... [to full text]

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