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L'architecture domestique dans l'Alexandrie gréco-romaine : spécificités et influences / Domestic architecture in the Greco-Roman Alexandria : specificities and influencesDubourg, Sandrine 26 November 2015 (has links)
Basé sur l’analyse de plusieurs ensembles archéologiques, ce travail propose une étude de l’habitat urbain d’Alexandrie, en Égypte, depuis sa fondation par Alexandre le Grand (331 av. J. -C.) jusqu'à la fin du Haut Empire. La thématique de l'architecture domestique dans la cité antique est à replacer dans un contexte méditerranéen plus étendu, cette ville étant enracinée dans la tradition grecque et romaine. Il est également essentiel de comprendre quelle a été l'influence de la civilisation égyptienne sur les modèles importés. Ces dernières années, des avancées considérables, grâce aux fouilles effectuées au cœur d'Alexandrie, ont élargi de manière substantielle la documentation archéologique disponible pour l'étude de l'architecture domestique de la cité. Une étude globale visant à proposer une définition de l'espace privé dans l'Alexandrie gréco-romaine nécessite l'analyse de la structuration de l'espace privé et de l’espace public, qui sont des entités complémentaires et indissociables formant une unité : « la ville ». Les questions de mise en œuvre, d'organisation fonctionnelle et symbolique de l'espace privé, en relation directe avec l'organisation, tout autant fonctionnelle et symbolique, de l'espace urbain seront abordées afin de mettre en évidence d'éventuelles affinités avec les schémas d'habitat domestique connus ailleurs en Méditerranée. L'objectif visé est la réalisation d'une étude du cas alexandrin incluant l'analyse des transformations et de l'évolution d'espaces d'habitat ainsi que l'explicitation des démarches de projets architecturaux et urbains qui ont régi, dans le temps, à travers de multiples ajustements, les évolutions de la ville antique d'Alexandrie. / Developed through the analysis of several archaeological sites, this research project focuses on the urban housing of the city of Alexandria in Egypt, from its foundation by Alexander the Great (331 B.C.) until the end of the High Empire. The theme of domestic architecture in ancient Alexandria has to be seen in a wider Mediterranean context, this city being rooted in the Greek and Roman tradition. It is also important to understand what the influence of Egyptian civilization was on imported models. In recent years, considerable progress achieved thanks to the excavations performed in the heart of Alexandria, has led to a substantial increase of the archaeological documentation available for the study of the domestic architecture of the city. A comprehensive study proposing a definition of private space in the Greco-Roman Alexandria requires the analysis of the structuring of private and public spaces, which are complementary and inseparable components of a single entity: "the city". Issues of implementation, functional and symbolic organization of private space in direct contact with the urban space organization, also functional and symbolic, will be discussed to highlight possible affinities with domestic housing schemes known elsewhere in the Mediterranean. The objective is to achieve a study of the Alexandrian case including the analysis of transformations and evolutions of habitat areas as well as the explanation of architectural and urban projects that have governed in time, through multiple adjustments, changes in the ancient city of Alexandria.
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Regional Famine Patterns of The Last Millennium as Influenced by Aggregated Climate TeleconnectionsJanuary 2017 (has links)
abstract: ABSTRACT
Famine is the result of a complex set of environmental and social factors. Climate conditions are established as environmental factors contributing to famine occurrence, often through teleconnective patterns. This dissertation is designed to investigate the combined influence on world famine patterns of teleconnections, specifically the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Southern Oscillation (SO), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), or regional climate variations such as the South Asian Summer Monsoon (SASM). The investigation is three regional case studies of famine patterns specifically, Egypt, the British Isles, and India.
The first study (published in Holocene) employs the results of a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) yielding a SO-NAO eigenvector to predict major Egyptian famines between AD 1049-1921. The SO-NAO eigenvector (1) successfully discriminates between the 5-10 years preceding a famine and the other years, (2) predicts eight of ten major famines, and (3) correctly identifies fifty out of eighty events (63%) of food availability decline leading up to major famines.
The second study investigates the impact of the NAO, PDO, SO, and AMO on 63 British Isle famines between AD 1049 and 1914 attributed to climate causes in historical texts. Stepwise Regression Analysis demonstrates that the 5-year lagged NAO is the primary teleconnective influence on famine patterns; it successfully discriminates 73.8% of weather-related famines in the British Isles from 1049 to 1914.
The final study identifies the aggregated influence of the NAO, SO, PDO, and SASM on 70 Indian famines from AD 1049 to 1955. PCA results in a NAO-SOI vector and SASM vector that predicts famine conditions with a positive NAO and negative SO, distinct from the secondary SASM influence. The NAO-famine relationship is consistently the strongest; 181 of 220 (82%) of all famines occurred during positive NAO years.
Ultimately, the causes of famine are complex and involve many factors including societal and climatic. This dissertation demonstrates that climate teleconnections impact famine patterns and often the aggregates of multiple climate variables hold the most significant climatic impact. These results will increase the understanding of famine patterns and will help to better allocate resources to alleviate future famines. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Geography 2017
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De la morale au politique : médias, public et scandalisation en Egypte / rom Moral to Politics : Media, Public and Scandalisation in EgyptKlaus, Enrique 22 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le giron des études en ethnométhodologie et porte sur les scandales, en tant que phénomènes sociaux à part entière, et sur leur relation à la politique. Á travers l'analyse détaillée de deux cas de scandale survenus en Égypte en 2005 et 2006, la démarche consiste à observer en contexte et en action les mécanismes de constitution spécifiques aux scandales dans l'espace public égyptien de la fin du règne de Hosni Moubarak. Il s'agit de décrire et d'analyser la manière dont un phénomène public tel qu'un scandale se produit et, ce faisant, de voir comment celui-ci peut revêtir ou non une pertinence politique, quels que soient les « faits » dénoncés au cours de son déroulement. Cette thèse est donc consacrée à une double clarification. D'une part, à partir de l'examen des pratiques méthodiques qui en sont constitutives, elle vise à jeter un peu de clarté sur la « nature » des scandales. D'autre part, en comparant un cas acquérant une coloration politique au cours de son déploiement avec un cas qui en est totalement dénué, il s'agit de sortir du « tout politique » et de voir comment la politisation peut survenir de manière contingente. Cette clarification vise en somme à bien délimiter, à partir du scandale, le domaine de compétence de la science politique quant aux phénomènes donnant « matière » à l'espace public en Égypte. / This thesis grounds in ethnomethodology and it tackles with the issue of scandals, as social phenomena in its own right, and with its relationship to politics. Through a detailed analysis of two cases of scandal that broke out in Egypt in 2005 and 2006, my approach consists in taking the scandal in consideration in itself and for itself, in order to observe in context and in action its specific mechanisms of unfolding in the Egyptian public space under the rule of Hosni Mubarak. In other words, I am concerned with describing and analyzing the method through which a public phenomenon such as a scandal occurs. On this basis, I consider how this latter can achieve a political relevancy, whatever the “facts” which are denounced in the course of its unfolding. This thesis is thus dedicated to a double clarification. On the one hand, it aims at clarifying the “nature” of scandals, through the examination of the methodological practices which are constitutive of it. On the other hand, by way of comparing a case taking on a political relevancy in the course of its unfolding with another case which is apolitical, it aims at taking it out of an all-encompassing-political-explanation and at analyzing how politization can occur in a contingent fashion. In sum, this clarification aims at delimiting political sciences' domain of competency with regards to phenomena giving “flesh” to public space in Egypt, through the analysis of scandals.
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A palette of cultural traces : A sample study of Predynastic animal depictions on palettes and D-ware potteryÅkerman-Engström, Linus January 2018 (has links)
There are no written sources are available from the Predynastic period, but an array of art decorated artefacts has been found. This essay will take a closer look at one type of these artefact; the animal shaped stone palette to see what art of this artefact can tell us about the culture that made them. I will do so by looking at the animal depictions found on the palettes, to allow comparison I will include D-wear, a decorated Predynastic pottery type. I have put together two data sets for the respective artefact that forms the base for this study. My theoretical perspective is that the art depictions of artefact as traces of the culture that made them. The palettes show a variety of patterns that can be seen as such traces in which type of animals are most common, how the animals can be connected by habitat and which animal depiction gets decorated features. My look at the D-ware data set is only brief but shows that animals are quite rare on the pottery and includes only three different kinds of animals. These still correlates with the animal palettes by both artefacts having birds as the most common. The bovids has an almost equal occurrence on the palettes and D-ware in my data sets. Other than this the animal depictions differ notably between the two artefacts. As the traces of culture does not provide any details, this study has given new questions that can be studied further in greater depth.
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Représentations et fonctions du sang en Egypte pharaonique / Representation and function of blood in pharaonic EgyptAudouit, Clémentine 30 June 2017 (has links)
Vecteur de vie, signe de mort, le sang raconte ici une histoire singulière de l’hommeégyptien. Sang des sacrifices, sang des blessures et de la maladie, sang des femmes ou sang rituel :si ce liquide a toujours fasciné, intrigué, l’Égypte ancienne ne semble pas échapper à la règle. Vitalou dangereux, il est la source de multiples interrogations depuis les époques les plus anciennes. Cetravail de doctorat se propose d’étudier les multiples façons dont l’Egyptien ancien perçoit,comprend ou encore manipule le sang. Ses représentations et ses fonctions sont alors changeantesselon les époques, les lieux et les contextes. Il trouve sa place dans les recueils de médecine maisaussi dans la pratique funéraire et rituelle ou encore dans la sphère sociale et politique. Le proposs’organise en trois grands thèmes. Le premier d’entre eux est consacré à la manière d’« écrire lesang » et donne des clés de compréhension lexicographique au travers du riche vocabulaireemployé pour parler de cette substance. Les deux parties suivantes sont au coeur de la penséeégyptienne, une pensée duelle où se répondent deux systèmes : monde de l’humain et monde dudivin. Il s’agit alors de suivre les traces du sang au travers de deux univers complémentaires et dedistinguer par quel procédé celui-ci circule de l’un à l’autre. Bien que ses représentations puissenten être modifiées, les fonctions du sang resteront toujours associées à la notion égyptiennefondamentale de liaison et de dissolution, d’assemblage et de démembrement. / As a vector of life or sign of death, the blood tells us here a particular story of theEgyptian man. Sacrificial blood, from wounds or diseases, women’s blood or ritual blood: thisliquid has always fascinated and intrigued people, ancient Egypt hasn’t escaped the rule. Vital ordangerous, blood is the source of multiple interrogations since the earliest times. This doctoralresearch intends to examine the many different ways in which the ancient Egyptian perceives,understands or manipulates blood. Its representations and functions have changed with the times,places and contexts. Blood appears in medical texts but also in funerary and ritual practices, or inthe social and political spheres. The subject is organized into three main themes. The first one isdedicated to the "writing of blood" and gives some keys to lexicographical understandings throughthe rich vocabulary used to talk about this substance. The two following parts give an insight intothe Egyptian thought, a dual thought in which two systems respond one another: the human worldand the divine sphere. The question then is to follow the marks of blood through twocomplementary worlds and to distinguish by which process this liquid circulates from one toanother. Although its representations can be modified, blood remains attached to the basic Egyptiannotions of connection and dissolution, assembly and dismemberment.
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Os filhos da Núbia : cultura e deslocamentos na África antiga sob a XVIII dinastia egípcia (1550-1307 a. C) / The children of Nubia: Culture and displacements in Ancient Africa under the Egyptian Eighteenth Dynasty (1550-1307 a. C)Vieira, Fábio Amorim January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho objetiva analisar alguns reflexos em torno das relações tecidas entre o Egito faraônico e a Núbia na antiguidade africana, focando especificamente na política expansionista faraônica no período da XVIII dinastia, prelúdio do recorte denominado pela egiptologia de Reino Novo, em relação à Núbia, vizinha do Egito a sul e composta por reinos e chefaturas heterogêneos. Neste contexto, marcado pelo avanço egípcio a áreas geograficamente adjacentes sob desígnios de expansão e controle político, tanto o Egito quanto as áreas núbias viram-se imersas em novas realidades a partir da presença de egípcios nos territórios núbios bem como de núbios no espaço egípcio no período em questão. Foco desta análise, um exemplo destes reflexos de expansão faraônica na Núbia e presença núbia no Egito deu-se a partir da política egípcia de apresamento de filhos de chefes núbios na corte, com o intuito de educa-los aos moldes egípcios para que retornassem a seus locais de origem para governar de acordo com o faraó, sob conexões administrativas de convívio social. A partir de aportes que busquem compreender os limites e porosidades da imposição do domínio faraônico sobre a Núbia, almeja-se investigar na cultura material concernente a estes herdeiros núbios reflexos dos interstícios entre diferenças e engajamentos destes sujeitos sob deslocamentos em um cenário de movimentação cultural nas fronteiras do espaço núbio/egípcio da antiguidade africana.
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Construtos de gênero no Egito Ptolomaico: uma proposta de leitura das cartas gregas e demóticas / Constructs of gender in Ptolemaic Egypt: a reading proposal of Greek and demotic lettersThais Rocha da Silva 04 November 2013 (has links)
Parte significativa da historiografia sobre o Egito antigo ainda tem usado os termos gênero e mulheres como sinônimos. O estudo das cartas gregas e demóticas foi feito em grande parte com foco nas análises formais dos textos e na filologia. São raros os estudos de epistolografia que privilegiam o aspecto relacional e social das fontes. Se, por um lado, os autores interessados no gênero no Egito usam as cartas como um documento que pode dar acesso às mulheres, a historiografia sobre essas cartas parece negligenciar as mulheres e o gênero como temas relevantes. No período ptolomaico, as relações entre homens e mulheres foram constituídas por processos intrínsecos e específicos que operavam diferentes categorias de gênero simultaneamente, combinando uma multiplicidade de tradições e valores, muito além de nossas percepções do que é masculino e feminino, ou grego e egípcio. A proposta da dissertação é analisar a historiografia sobre gênero no Egito ptolomaico e como ela se apropriou de determinados grupos de papiros, em especial as cartas. A discussão sobre os estudos de gênero com base na epistolografia grega e demótica do Egito ptolomaico articula diferentes disciplinas que expõe os enquadramentos teóricos enviesados de leitura das cartas. / A significant part of the historiography on ancient Egypt has used the terms gender and women synonymously. The study of Greek and demotic letters focused mainly on formal textual analysis and philology, disregarding the understanding that letters are relational sources.. Studies of epistolography rarely emphasize the relational and social aspects of sources. If, on one hand, authors interested in gender in Egypt use letters as documents that can give access to the understanding about women in the period, the historiography of these letters appears to neglect women and gender issues as relevant. In the Ptolemaic period, relations between men and women were constituted by intrinsic and specific processes that operated different gender categories simultaneously, combining a multiplicity of traditions and values, far beyond our perceptions of what is masculine and feminine, or is Greek and Egyptian. The purpose of the dissertation is to analyze the historiography of gender in Ptolemaic Egypt and how it has appropriated certain groups of papyri, especially the letters. The discussion about gender studies based on Greek and demotic epistolography of Ptolemaic Egypt articulates different disciplines which exposes the biased theoretical frameworks imposed to the interpretation of letters.
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A ascensão da Irmandade Muçulmana ao poder no Egito e seu impacto na política externa egípcia / The rise of the Muslim Brotherhood to power in Egypt and its impact on Egyptian foreign policyJosé Antonio Geraldes Graziani Vieira Lima 26 May 2015 (has links)
Por meio de dois artigos, um de revisão bibliográfica e outro de pesquisa empírica, este trabalho busca examinar os impactos para o Egito, e as repercussões para o Oriente Médio, da ascensão da Irmandade Muçulmana ao poder após a deposição de Hosni Mubarak, ditador egípcio durante três décadas. O caso do Egito é o objeto da pesquisa pois exemplifica de forma cristalina como as aberturas democráticas nos países árabe-muçulmanos representam um enorme desafio para essas sociedades. A atuação da Irmandade Muçulmana em um ambiente de liberdade era aguardada por observadores dentro e fora do Oriente Médio pois, como principal movimento adepto do chamado islã político, seu sucesso ou fracasso poderiam indicar a possibilidade de êxito na construção das democracias locais, uma vez que parece inevitável o islamismo, como sinônimo de islã político, ser o primordial beneficiário da ruína dos regimes despóticos que grassam na região. Como base para esta análise, o primeiro artigo busca, por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica da história e da ideologia da Irmandade Muçulmana, desde sua fundação, em 1928, as explicações para o comportamento do grupo após a queda de Mubarak. O segundo artigo, por sua vez, estuda a conduta da política externa do Egito e reconstrói a forma como a ditadura de Mubarak desempenhava suas relações exteriores, comparando esta com a política externa do Egito durante o governo de Mohamed Morsi, irmão muçulmano eleito presidente do país em junho de 2012. Por fim, o segundo artigo busca entender os impactos provocados pelo período de governo da Irmandade Muçulmana na política externa do Egito na fase seguinte, após a deposição de Morsi (julho de 2013), em que o país passou a ser liderado pelo marechal Abdel Fattah al-Sissi, cujas ações na seara internacional são manifestamente tomadas em oposição não apenas à Irmandade Muçulmana, mas a qualquer elemento que possa ser identificado com o islã político. / Through two articles, a literature review and an empirical analysis, this paper seeks to examine the impacts to Egypt, and the implications for the Middle East, of the rise to power of the Muslim Brotherhood after the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, Egyptian dictator for three decades. The case of Egypt is the object of research because it exemplifies in a crystalline way how the democratic openings in the Arab-Muslim countries represent a huge challenge for these societies. The performance of the Muslim Brotherhood in a freer environment was expected by observers inside and outside the Middle East because, as the main supporter of the movement called political Islam, its success or failure could indicate the possibility of success in the construction of local democracies, since it seems inevitable that Islamism, as synonymous with political Islam, be the primary beneficiary of the ruin of the despotic regimes that are rife in the region. As a basis for this analysis, the first article seeks, through a literature review of the history and ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood, since its founding in 1928, the explanations for the behavior of the group after the fall of Mubarak. The second article, in turn, studies the conduct of foreign policy of Egypt and reconstructs how the dictatorship of Mubarak played its foreign relations, comparing this with the foreign policy of Egypt during the reign of Mohamed Morsi, muslim brother elected president of the country in June 2012. Finally, the second article seeks to understand the impacts caused by the period of government of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt\'s foreign policy in the next stage, after the deposition of Morsi (July 2013), in which the country was led by Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sissi, whose actions in the international arena are clearly taken in opposition not only to the Muslim Brotherhood, but the elements which can be identified with political Islam.
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A Alexandria dos antigos: entre a polêmica e o encantamento / The Alexandria of ancient: between controversy and enchantmentJoana Campos Climaco 29 April 2013 (has links)
Além de Roma, nenhuma cidade no Alto Império Romano foi mais analisada, caracterizada e criticada a partir de perspectivas externas do que Alexandria no Egito. As imagens produzidas pela literatura ajudaram a elaborar a representação da cidade que a historiografia contemporânea perpetuou: uma cidade enorme, linda, rica, turbulenta e polêmica. O objetivo desta tese de doutorado é discutir as diversas representações sobre Alexandria, reforçadas e divulgadas por autores antigos entre o século I a.C. e III d.C.. Acreditamos que tais representações, associadas à grandeza e prosperidade de Alexandria que a assemelhavam à capital do Império, ilustram uma percepção da cidade como um espelho de Roma e, também, uma ameaça à sua hegemonia. Todas as ênfases nas qualidades e realizações de Alexandria por um lado, e nos seus problemas e tendência à rebelião, por outro, não eram inocentes e são indicativas de uma mentalidade que vislumbrava a cidade como um local que demandava a atenção contínua por parte dos representantes do poder romano. A intenção desta pesquisa é analisar os motivos que geraram essa dualidade nas narrativas, por meio do mapeamento das temáticas e contextos mais tratados pela tradição clássica. / Apart from Rome, no city in the early Roman Empire was more analyzed, characterized and criticized by external perspectives than Alexandria in Egypt. The images produced by the literature helped create the representation of the city that the contemporary historiography has perpetuated: an enormous, beautiful, rich, turbulent and polemic city. The aim of this doctorate thesis is to discuss the several representations about Alexandria reinforced and divulged by ancient authors between the first century BC and third century AD. We believe that theses representations associated to Alexandrias greatness and prosperity that made it similar to the capital of the Empire illustrate a perception of the city as a mirror to Rome and a threat to its hegemony. All the emphasis on Alexandrias qualities and achievements on the one hand, and on its problems and rebellious tendency on the other, were not innocent, and indicate a mentality that understood the city as a place that demanded continuous attention by the representatives of Roman power. The objective of this research is to analyze the reasons that led to this duality in the narratives by means of listing the themes and contexts mostly dealt with by the classical tradition.
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New contribution of paleoparasitology in the middle east and first data on the iranian plateau adjacent area / Première étude paléoparasitologique du plateau iranien et des régions adjacentes. Origine et diffusion des parasites intestinaux au Moyen Orient au cours de l'HolocèneNezamabadi, Masoud 18 December 2014 (has links)
Une étude paléoparasitologique a été menée sur des échantillons provenant de 30 sites archéologiques du Moyen-Orient afin de fournir de nouvelles données sur les parasites dans cette région. Une grande partie des échantillons étudiés se sont avérés négatifs. Cependant, le site archéologique de Chehrabad en Iran a fourni d’importants résultats. Des embryophores de Taeniidae, ainsi que des œufs d’Ascaris sp., de Trichuris sp., d’Enterobius vermicularis, et d’Oxyuris equi ont été identifiés, dans deux couches datées des périodes Achéménide et Sassanide. Ces résultats exclusifs pour la région du plateau iranien, prouvent le potentiel d’étude dans certains contextes sédimentaires de cette région du globe à dominante semi-aride. L’analyse de coprolithes humains et animaux issus du site égyptien de Hierakonpolis a également révélé une diversité parasitaire importante. Des œufs de plusieurs familles de trématodes, cestodes, nématodes, et acanthocéphales ont été mis en évidence dans 2 zones du site datées de 3700-3500 av. JC, et 3900-3600 av. JC. Ces résultats fournissent de nouvelles données sur l’Egypte ancienne, et prouvent l’importance de l’étude parasitologique des coprolithes en contextes d’hyper aridité comme les sites de la Vallée du Nil. Les résultats de cette étude complètent les données paléoparasitologiques pour le Moyen-Orient, et apportent des informations inédites sur la vie des populations anciennes, de leur alimentation, de leur maladie, ainsi que sur les échanges de pathogènes liés à leurs déplacements. Ces résultats contribuent également à mieux appréhender l’histoire des maladies parasitaires et du parasitisme dans cette région du globe. / A paleoparasitological study has been carried out on 30 archaeological sites located in the Middle East to provide new information on ancient parasites of the region. Many samples examined during our analyses were negative. However, the site of Chehrabad (Iran) provided significant positive results. Taeniids, Ascaris sp., Trichuris sp., Enterobius vermicularis, Oxyuris equi and strongyle were the identified taxa in this site dated to Achaemenid and Sassanid periods. These results showed for the first time, the potential of paleoparasitological studies on the Iranian Plateau to improve our knowledge on ancient parasitism of the oriental areas of the Middle East region. The analyses of coprolites from the site of Hierakonpolis (Egypt) also revealed a diversity of human/animal parasitic markers consisting of trematodes, cestodes, nematodes and acanthocephalan eggs. Oocysts of Eimeria sp. were also identified in this site. Findings in Hierakonpolis came from two localities at the site dated to 3700-3500 BC and 3900-3300 BC. These results provided new information on parasites in ancient Egypt and showed the importance of paleoparasitological analyses of coprolites which could be well preserved in the hyper-arid contexts. The results obtained in this work complete the previous paleoparasitological findings of the Near East. They shed a new light on several aspect of ancient human communities’ everyday life; diet and feeding practices, diseases and sanitary conditions and also on possible pathogens exchanges as a result of mobility and migration. These results contribute also to a better understanding of the history of parasitic diseases and parasitism in the Middle East region.
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