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The impact of the symbolism and iconography of the Ankh, sun-disk and Wadjet eye on modern (“western”) societyCoetzee, Derick 02 1900 (has links)
Ancient Egypt has long been a place of intrigue and mystery, being held in high esteem during ancient times. In modern times ancient Egypt has once again risen to such a position with many ancient Egyptian-based symbols and iconology being used in modern culture since its birth in the renaissance. Three easily identifiable and commonly used symbols are identified: the ankh, sun-disk and Wadjet Eye. This study attempts to evaluate and explore the extent of the influence of ancient Egyptian symbols and iconography on modern culture as a whole. This is achieved through emic analysis and comparative studies, comparing the context of the original ancient Egyptian symbols (in terms of their symbolic form, origins and meanings/usage) to the modern usage of the same symbols. A comparison between the contexts and usage of these three symbols in ancient Egypt and modern society shows that they are part of a wider trend of “romanticising” ancient cultures to “enchant” our modern culture. / Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / M.A. (Ancient Near Eastern Studies)
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Les représentations de cavaliers en Egypte ptolémaïque et impériale et l'influence des imageries étrangères / The representations of riders in Egypt at the Ptolemaic and Roman times and the influence of foreign iconographyZaegel, Julie 27 September 2012 (has links)
Aux époques ptolémaïque et impériale, les représentations de cavaliers se multiplient et de nouveaux motifs apparaissent en Égypte. Des divinités du panthéonpharaonique peuvent être dotées d’un cheval et d’attributs militaires. Des dieux étrangers font leur apparition ainsi que des personnages cuirassés et armés dont lanature divine n’est pas avérée. Le présent travail constitue une première monographie sur l’ensemble de ces représentations. Le catalogue comporte cent quarante‐huit objets et présente une hétérogénéité importante, tant du point de vue des supports que des sites d’où proviennent les sources. Axée sur l’interdisciplinarité, la thèse repose sur deux approches, technique et iconographique. L’étude du mode de fabrication des figurines en terre cuite et les réflexions sur la question de la mise en série des objets constituent le premier champ de recherches. L’axe iconographique repose sur la comparaison systématique des motifs iconographiques avec les emblèmes visibles dans le reste du pourtour du bassin méditerranéen et traite de la signification des représentations. La confrontation des données a permis d’établir des hypothèses sur l’origine et la fonction des terres cuites et sur les raisons qui ont mené à la production des objets du corpus.Des critères de datation nouveaux ont été définis pour tenter de pallier les lacunes dues à l’absence de contexte de la majorité des sources du catalogue. Les travaux effectués dans les musées ont permis de publier des reproductions de qualité pour des objets qui pour certains n’avaient plus été observés depuis 1915. Ils ont également donné lieu à la découverte d’inédits. / During the Ptolemaic and Imperial times in Egypt we find increasing representations of horsemen, and new emblems start to appear. Divinities of the Pharaonic pantheon are sometimes endowed with a horse and military attributes. Foreign gods also begin to appear, as do cuirassed and armed characters, whose divinity is unproven. This study is a first attempt to produce a monograph encompassing all of these representations. The catalogue contains 148 objects and has a significant degree of heterogeneity, both with regard to the items themselves and to the sites from which they come from. With a strongly interdisciplinary approach, the thesis is based on two methods of investigation: the technical and the iconographic. The first area of researches comprises an examination of the method of manufacture of the terracotta figurines and some thoughts regarding the series production of the objects. The iconographic approach is based on a systematic comparison of the iconographic attributes with the emblems that can be seen around the rest of the Mediterranean, and considers the significance of these representations. By comparing data, it has been possible to make assumptions regarding the origin and purpose of the terracotta figurines, and the reasons which led to the production of the objects comprising the study. New dating criteria have been defined in an effort to bridge the gaps caused by the lack of context for the majority of sources listed in the catalogue. Work done in the museums has allowed the creation of high‐quality reproductions of the objects, some of which were last examined in 1915; it has also resulted in the discovery of previously unpublished material.
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La représentation du désert et ses enjeux en littérature francophone contemporaine : lecture de : "Les marches de sable" d'Andrée Chédid, "Marie d'Egypte" de Jacques Lacarrière et de "Macaire Le Copte" de François Weyergans / The representation of the desert and its stakes in contemporaty Frenche-speaking literature : reading of : "Les marches de sable" d’Andrée Chédid, "Marie d’Egypte" de Jacques Lacarrière and "Macaire Le Copte" de François WeyergansIpandi, Brice 10 October 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse est une réflexion sur la vitalité de la thématique du désert dans le domaine de la littérature. Cette thématique, dans le cas présent, est indissociable de celle du monachisme primitif, puisque le corpus que nous interrogeons, constitué de : Les Marches de sable, Marie d’Égypte et Macaire Le Copte, se présente comme hagiographique. Le lien entre désert et monachisme dans ces trois romans est au centre de cette réflexion qui s’efforce de comprendre et de mettre en lumière la nécessité pour des écrivains contemporains de reprendre cette thématique. Le désert nous est tantôt apparu comme le lieu de l’expérience spirituelle dans toute son ambivalence : espace de tentation par le diable, mais aussi espace d’élévation ascétique. Tantôt, il est un prétexte qui permet aux écrivains de porter un regard lucide sur la société actuelle, en voie de réification voire tout simplement d’ores et déjà réifiée. Pour finir, le désert nous est apparu comme un moyen pour ces trois écrivains de mettre en évidence leur conception non seulement de l’espace littéraire, qui apparaît de fait comme un espace paradoxal en ce sens qu’il peut à la fois être un espace de partage et un espace de réclusion, mais aussi de l’écrivain et de son travail. Il en ressort que l’écrivain est à l’image de l’ermite, c’est-à-dire une sorte de quêteur d’absolu / This thesis is a thought about the vitality of desert thematic in literature field. In this case, this thematic is inseparable from that of primitive monasticism as the corpus in question; I mean Les Marches de sable, Marie d’Egypte and Macaire Le Copte is presented as hagiographic. Therefore, the link between desert and monasticism in these three novels has led us to identify contemporary writers’ need of keeping bringing up such thematic. The desert has appeared as the place of spiritual experience in all its ambivalence, I mean devil temptation space, but also ascetic elevation space. To the writers, it is also a way to bring a lucid eye to the current society which is being reified because one cannot say only that it is already reified. In conclusion, to these three writers, not only the desert is a way to evidence their conception of literary space which really appears as a paradoxical space as it can at the same time be a sharing and a seclusion space, but also a writer’s workplace. It appears that the writer is image of hermit, that is, he is a sort of absolute seeker
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The Sufi brotherhoods of Egypt with special reference to the Ḥāmidīya ShādhilīyaGilsenan, Michael January 1967 (has links)
No description available.
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Les relations administratives entre le clergé indigène et les autorités en Égypte romaine d'Auguste à Constantin / The administrative relations between the administration and the indigenous clergy in roman Egypt from Augustus to ConstantineMesserer, Carmen 26 April 2013 (has links)
La victoire en 30 avant J.-C. d'Octave sur Cléopâtre fit passer l'Égypte sous domination romaine et bouleversa la situation du clergé indigène, qui représentait l'élite sociale des villes et villages. Ses membres légitimaient le pouvoir en place en exécutant les rituels divins au nom du roi pour empêcher le monde de sombrer dans le chaos. Les chercheurs ont souvent présenté le pouvoir romain comme opprimant le clergé soupçonné de pouvoir contester son autorité. C'est le point de départ de la thèse, qui compte trois chapitres. Le premier traite du contrôle de l'administration sur l' accès au clergé. L'étude des règles à respecter par chaque membre constitue le deuxième chapitre. Enfin, l'attitude des Romains vis-à-vis de la religion égyptienne est étudiée. En conclusion, les autorités avaient besoin d'un clergé loyal, et celui-ci d'un souverain qui soit l'intermédiaire entre les hommes et les dieux. Comme les deux entités se soutenaient l'une l'autre, elles ont cohabité pacifiquement. / The consequences of the victory of Augustus 30 BC over Cleopatra, was that Egypt became a roman province and that the clergy's situation changed. It was a part of the social elite of the towns and villages. Its members legitimated their power because they performed divine rituals in the name of the king in order to prevent the world from going down in the chaos. Researchers have often presented a roman power which oppresses the clergy, suspected to contest its authority. That was the starting point of the PHD, which has three chapters. The first one deals with the administration's control on the access to the clergy. The rules every member of the group has to respect is treated in the second one. The attitude of the Romans to the Egyptian religion is the subject of the last chapter. The authorities needed a loyal clergy, whereas this one needed a sovereign as an intermediary between men and gods. Since the two groups needed each other, they co-existed peacefully.
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Le Purgatoire dans les littératures d'Égypte et d'Afrique du Nord (Ier-IVe s. ap. J.-C.) / Purgatory in the Writings from Egypt and North Africa (lst-/Vth Century AD)Touati, Charlotte 26 September 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse entend reconsidérer la notion de purgatoire telle qu’elle a été établie et utilisée par les historiens de la fin du XXe siècle ; démontrer que le purgatoire ainsi redéfini peut être identifié dans certains écrits du christianisme ancien, qui n’ont toutefois pas tous été reconnus par l’Église majoritaire ; documenter ce purgatoire et le situer dans son contexte historique, littéraire et religieux.Le corpus considéré comprend les sources bibliques à l’origine de l’imaginaire du purgatoire mises en regard d’écrits contemporains, ainsi que des textes rédigés en Afrique du Nord et en Égypte entre les IIe et IVe siècles, en latin, grec ou copte. Les écrits retenus permettent d’apprécier les différences de doctrines entre le christianisme de l’église majoritaire et une religiosité plus marginale, mais cultivant des références communes. / This thesis intends to reconsider the concept of purgatory as it was established and used by the historians of the late twentieth century; show that this redefined purgatory can be identified in some of the writings of Early Christianity, not always recognized by the mainstream Church; document that purgatory and place it in its historical, literary and religious context.The corpus includes the biblical sources considered to ground the representation of purgatory set against contemporary writings and texts from North Africa and Egypt, written between the second and fourth centuries AD, in Latin, Greek and Coptic. The selected writings allow us to appreciate the differences between the Christian doctrine of ecclesiastical authors and a more marginal spirituality, even though both share the same references.
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Os filhos da Núbia : cultura e deslocamentos na África antiga sob a XVIII dinastia egípcia (1550-1307 a. C) / The children of Nubia: Culture and displacements in Ancient Africa under the Egyptian Eighteenth Dynasty (1550-1307 a. C)Vieira, Fábio Amorim January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho objetiva analisar alguns reflexos em torno das relações tecidas entre o Egito faraônico e a Núbia na antiguidade africana, focando especificamente na política expansionista faraônica no período da XVIII dinastia, prelúdio do recorte denominado pela egiptologia de Reino Novo, em relação à Núbia, vizinha do Egito a sul e composta por reinos e chefaturas heterogêneos. Neste contexto, marcado pelo avanço egípcio a áreas geograficamente adjacentes sob desígnios de expansão e controle político, tanto o Egito quanto as áreas núbias viram-se imersas em novas realidades a partir da presença de egípcios nos territórios núbios bem como de núbios no espaço egípcio no período em questão. Foco desta análise, um exemplo destes reflexos de expansão faraônica na Núbia e presença núbia no Egito deu-se a partir da política egípcia de apresamento de filhos de chefes núbios na corte, com o intuito de educa-los aos moldes egípcios para que retornassem a seus locais de origem para governar de acordo com o faraó, sob conexões administrativas de convívio social. A partir de aportes que busquem compreender os limites e porosidades da imposição do domínio faraônico sobre a Núbia, almeja-se investigar na cultura material concernente a estes herdeiros núbios reflexos dos interstícios entre diferenças e engajamentos destes sujeitos sob deslocamentos em um cenário de movimentação cultural nas fronteiras do espaço núbio/egípcio da antiguidade africana.
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Entre Ghawazee, Awalim e Khawals : viajantes inglesas da Era Vitoriana e a “Dança do Ventre”Assunção, Naiara Müssnich Rotta Gomes de January 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata da percepção ocidental em relação à dança oriental a partir de relatos de seis viajantes inglesas que estiveram no Egito entre os anos de 1842 e 1876, período que abrange a dominação imperialista europeia no Oriente Médio. Têm-se como referenciais teóricos o conceito de “Orientalismo”, cunhado por Edward Said, e a crítica posterior realizada por feministas pós-coloniais e decoloniais. Assim, analiso estes relatos a partir de uma perspectiva interseccional, considerando-se os recortes de gênero, raça e classe que influenciaram as representações tecidas por mulheres europeias sobre homens e, sobretudo, mulheres egípcias. Examino de que modo estas representações impactaram tanto nas identidades inglesas quanto egípcias e de que maneira elas transformaram a dança que era praticada no Egito e que, a partir do contato dado no contexto colonial, se transnascionalizou e hoje é percebida como “Dança do Ventre” (em português), “Bellydance” (em inglês), “Danse du Ventre” (em francês) e “Raqs Sharqi” (em árabe). / This research investigates the Western perception of Eastern dance based on the study of the accounts of six British women who traveled to Egypt between 1842 and 1876, a period that encompasses European imperialist domination in the Middle East. The theoretical references include the concept of "Orientalism", coined by Edward Said, and the subsequent criticism by postcolonial and decolonial feminists. Thus, I analyze these reports from an intersectional perspective, considering the categories of gender, race and class that influenced the representations made by European women about men and, above all, Egyptian women. I examine how these representations impacted both English and Egyptian identities and how they transformed the dance that was practiced in Egypt, which, from the contact given in the colonial context, became transnational and is now perceived as “Dança do Ventre” (in Portuguese) “Bellydance” (in English), “Danse du Ventre” (in French) and “Raqs Sharqi” (in Arabic).
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Determinações estratégicas e econômicas da dominação britânica no Egito (1804-1956) / Strategic and economic determinations of British domination in Egypt (1804-1956)Souza, Felipe Alexandre Silva de [UNESP] 25 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by FELIPE ALEXANDRE SILVA DE SOUZA null (felipedesouza1988@gmail.com) on 2016-03-16T16:52:48Z
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FELIPE ALEXANDRE DISSERTAÇÃO DEFINITIVA.pdf: 786756 bytes, checksum: db0a0bd965814905d442097d86a434d9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sandra Manzano de Almeida (smanzano@marilia.unesp.br) on 2016-03-16T17:29:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Esta pesquisa analisa como a Grã-Bretanha, entre 1804 e 1956, incorporou o Egito à economia mundial capitalista na condição de periferia dominada. Baseada na perspectiva da análise sistêmica, a pesquisa buscou explicitar as necessidades econômicas e estratégicas que levaram a Grã-Bretanha, centro de acumulação capitalista do século XIX, a construir relações de subordinação com o Egito; e delinear como essas relações declinaram na medida em que a supremacia mundial britânica foi substituída pela americana na primeira metade do século XX. Deste modo, explicitaremos alguns determinantes históricos essenciais para a compreensão dos conflitos que se desenrolam no mundo árabe no século XXI. / This research aims to study how Great Britain, between 1804 and 1956, incorporated Egypt into the capitalist world economy in the condition of dominated periphery. Based in the systemic analysis perspective, the research intends to explicate the economic and strategic needs which lead Great Britain, the 19th Century’s core of capital accumulation, to develop relations of subordination with Egypt; and to outline how these relations declined as British world supremacy was substituted for American supremacy in the first half of the 20th Century. This way, we will explicate some essential historical determinations to understand the conflicts which take place in the arab world in the 21st Century.
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O exercício da justiça e a prática da religião em IsraelMaria Isabel de Barros Bezerra Alves Maia 25 September 2008 (has links)
O Trabalho ora apresentado, analisa a relação entre o exercício da justiça e a prática da religião em Israel, objetivando evidenciar o que existe de comum e de particular entre as duas instituições. Examina a noção de justiça, pedra angular da vida pública e da teologia judaica, que é expressa em todos os mandamentos, na literatura rabínica, no aspecto ontológico do ser judeu, exigindo do homem um comportamento digno em todas as ações e circunstâncias da vida. Na história da humanidade, o conceito de justiça antecede a idéia da ciência do direito. Toda a Bíblia é permeada pela realidade da justiça colocada em prática pelo homem e por Deus: justiça humana, justiça divina. A Bíblia ensina que é através da revelação da justiça que encontramos um dos aspectos essenciais da relação entre Deus e o homem. A justiça de Israel se une à justiça de Deus na concretude da sua história. Quer seja de Deus, quer seja de Israel, a justiça já não se identifica com um simples sistema judiciário para regular e dirimir conflitos de interesses, pois, a realidade da aliança impõe o seu próprio código de justiça a cada uma das partes envolvidas na questão. No contexto bíblico, a justiça evoca a santidade, a adesão a Deus; o conceito de justiça é identificado com o conceito de perfeição, santidade; por isto, o perfeito, o santo é justo. Iahweh, revela-se como rei-justo de Israel, como Deusjusto Por fim, este trabalho apresenta um conjunto das leis hebraicas, estabelecendo vinculação entre
o elemento sagrado e a justiça humana / The Work, here presented analysises the relation between justices exercise and Religions practice, in Israel, aiming at demonstrating which can be found out what there is in common about and what is different between these two Institutions. It investigates, examines the notion regarding to justice, Public life and Jewish theology cornerstone, which is expressed, present in all commandments, in the rabbinical literature, in the being Jewish ontological aspect, demanding from man a worthwhile behaviour in all whole life actions and circumstances, situations. In Humanitys History, Justice concept precedes Science of Law idea. The whole Bible is pervaded by, through Justices reality, put into practice by man and
by God: human Justice, Divine justice. Bible teaches that it is, through the revelation regarding to that one we find out one of the most essential aspects of the rapport between God and man. justice in Israel Israels justice is bound up, tied to Gods justice, in its Israels
History concreteness. Either Gods One justice either Israels one, justice is no more identified with a mere, simple Judiciary System in order to rule and to nullify conflict regarding to interests, for Alliance reality inflict, imposes justices itself, own code to each
one of the parts, enveloped in the question, in the pledge. In the biblical context, justice concept implies, evokes sanctity, holiness, adhesion to God; the concept regarding to justice is identified with the perfection that one, Sanctity, holiness; therefore, the perfect one, the holly
one is just. Yahweh reveals Him self as Israels just-King, as just-God At last, finally, this Work presents, points out a Jewish Laws body, assemblage and aims at enlightening the vinculation, the bond between the sacred element and justice
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