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Transportní, šumové a strukturální vlastnosti detektorů vysokoenergetického záření na bázi CdTe / Noise, Transport and Structural Properties of High Energy Radiation Detectors Based on CdTeŠik, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
Poptávka ze strany vesmírného výzkumu, zdravotnictví a bezpečnostního průmyslu způsobila v posledních letech zvýšený zájem o vývoj materiálů pro detekci a zobrazování vysokoenergetického záření. CdTe a jeho slitina CdZnTe. jsou polovodiče umožnují detekci záření o energiích v rozsahu 10 keV až 500 keV. Šířka zakázaného pásma u CdTe / CdZnTe je 1.46 -1.6 eV, což umožňuje produkci krystalů o vysoké rezistivitě (10^10-10^11 cm), která je dostačující pro použití CdTe / CdZnTe při pokojové teplotě. V mé práci byly zkoumány detektory CdTe/CdZnTe v různých stádiích jejich poruchovosti. Byly použity velmi kvalitní spektroskopické detektory, materiál s nižší rezistivitou a výraznou polarizací, detektory s asymetrií elektrických parametrů kontaktů a teplotně degenerované vzorky. Z výsledků analýzy nízkofrekvenčního šumu je patrný obecný závěr, že zvýšená koncentrace defektů způsobí změnu povahy původně monotónního spektra typu 1/f na spektrum s výrazným vlivem generačně-rekombinačních procesů. Další výrazná vlastnost degenerovaných detektorů a detektorů nižší kvality je nárůst spektrální hustoty šumu typu 1/f se vzrůstajícím napájecím napětí se směrnicí výrazně vyšší než 2. Strukturální a chemické analýzy poukázaly, že teplotní generace detektorů způsobuje difuzi kovu použitého při kontaktování a stopových prvků hlouběji do objemu krystalu. Část mé práce je věnována modifikaci povrchu svazkem argonových iontů a jejímu vlivu na chemické složení a morfologii povrchu.
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Counter-flow Ion Mobility Analysis: Design, Instrumentation, and CharacterizationAgbonkonkon, Nosa 14 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The quest to achieve high resolution in ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) has continued to challenge scientist and engineers in the field of separation science. The low resolution presently attainable in IMS has continued to negatively impact its utility and acceptance. Until now, efforts to improve the resolution have mainly focused on better instrumentation and detection methods. However, since the resolution of IMS is diffusion limited, it makes sense to address this limitation in order to attain high resolution. This dissertation presents a new IMS technique, which utilizes a high electric field and opposing high gas flow velocity with the aim to improve resolution. This approach essentially reduces the residence time of ions in the analyzer. This new technique is called "counter-flow ion mobility analysis" (CIMA). Theoretical modeling of this new technique predicted that a resolution of over 1000 is possible, which is over one order of magnitude better than that of conventional IMS techniques currently used. A wind tunnel was designed and constructed to produce a plug gas flow profile that is needed for CIMA. The test region of the wind tunnel was used as the CIMA analyzer region and was constructed from power circuit boards, PCBs, (top and bottom walls) and conductive plastic side walls. An inclined electric field was created by applying suitable voltages to multiple electrode traces on the PCBs. This inclined field, when resolved into its x- and y-components, was used to oppose the counter-gas flow and transport the ions to the detector, respectively. The results obtained did not show an improvement over conventional IMS techniques because of a limitation in the voltage that could be applied to the analyzer region. However, the results predict that high resolution is possible if (1) the ratio of the electric fields in the horizontal (x direction) to the vertical (y direction) is within the range of 2--0.5, (2) very high electric field and high gas flow velocities are applied, and (3) wall effects in the counter-flow gas profile are eliminated. While the resolution obtained using the present instrumentation is far from what was predicted, the foundation for ultimately achieving high resolution has been laid. The use of a wind tunnel has made the instrumentation possible. As far as the author knows, this is the first time a wind tunnel has been used in chemical measurement instrumentation. Chapter 5 of this dissertation, reports a method developed for predicting the reduced mobility constants, of chemical compounds. This method uses a purely statistical regression analysis for a wide range of compounds which is different from similar methods that use a neural network. The calculated value for this method was 87.4% when calculated values were plotted against experimental K0 values, which was close to the value for the neural network method (i.e., 88.7%).
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A System Level Approach to D-Fiber Electric Field SensingKvavle, Joshua Monroe 11 August 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation presents the novel creation of a hybrid D-fiber electro-optic polymer electric field sensor. The sensor is made by removing a portion of the cladding from a D-shaped optical fiber, thus exposing the core to interaction with external stimulus. Then, an electro-optic polymer is deposited, partially replacing the core of the fiber. Next, the polymer is poled to endow it with electro-optic properties. This sensor is packaged in order to restore its mechanical strength. Because D-fiber is not intrinsically compatible with standard optical equipment it is fusion spliced to standard polarization maintaining fiber. Finally the sensor is tested for electro-optic sensitivity. The hybrid D-fiber electric field sensors designed and fabricated in this work meet the requirements of mechanical strength, temporal stability, minimal perturbation of the electric field by the sensor, and a small and flexible cross-sectional area so that it can be embedded into the device under test. A fully packaged hybrid electro-optic polymer D-fiber electric field sensor which is capable of detecting electric fields of 50 V/m at a frequency of 6 GHz is produced. The sensor's electro-optic response is shown to be temporally stable. Additionally, the sensor is physically robust, and physically and electrically non-intrusive. This work also adds a thorough understanding of the design and fabrication of D-fiber waveguides with a polymer material deposited in the core. Several new fabrication techniques are developed and presented. A path to greater electric field sensitivity is outlined for future research.
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Active dielectrophoretic trapping for deterministic single-cell encapsulation in droplet microfluidicsSurana, Prasanna January 2023 (has links)
The research work focuses on optimizing various parameters for controlling cells using negative dielectrophoresis and entrapping them in droplet microfluidics. This is achieved by developing a conductivity medium, combining CytoRecovery, BSA, and EDTA, to maintain a steady count of single cells with good viability over an extended period. The study involves the optimization of frequency and voltage applied to the electrodes to achieve the desired dielectrophoretic forces for long-term cell manipulation. The optimization is based on simulations performed using myDEP and COMSOL software. Additionally, the stability of the conductivity medium is tested during prolonged electric field applications. Considering the significance of working with cells, ensuring the temperature inside the channels remains within physiological limits is vital. Both COMSOL simulations and physical experiments using Rhodamine B dye are conducted to achieve this objective. Moreover, a well-designed process flow is proposed for performing cellular entrapment in droplets. Finally, a novel microfluidic cleaning protocol has been developed to efficiently eliminate both non-biological and biological contaminants from the microfluidic chamber. This innovative protocol has the potential to enable the reuse of any microfluidic chip that does not possess a functionalized surface. / Forskningsarbetet fokuserar på att optimera olika parametrar för att kontrollera celler med hjälp av negativ dielektrofores och fånga in dem i droppmikrofluidik. Detta uppnås genom att utveckla ett konduktivitetsmedium, som kombinerar CytoRecovery, BSA och EDTA, för att upprätthålla ett jämnt antal enstaka celler med god livsduglighet under en längre period. Studien involverar optimering av frekvens och spänning som appliceras på elektroderna för att uppnå de önskade dielektroforetiska krafterna för långvarig cellmanipulation. Optimeringen är baserad på simuleringar utförda med mjukvaran myDEP och COMSOL. Dessutom testas konduktivitetsmediets stabilitet under långvariga elektriska fälttillämpningar. Med tanke på betydelsen av att arbeta med celler är det viktigt att se till att temperaturen inuti kanalerna håller sig inom fysiologiska gränser. Både COMSOL-simuleringar och fysiska experiment med Rhodamine B-färgämne genomförs för att uppnå detta mål. Dessutom föreslås ett väldesignat processflöde för att utföra cellulär infångning i droppar. Slutligen har ett nytt mikrofluidrengöringsprotokoll utvecklats för att effektivt eliminera både icke-biologiska och biologiska föroreningar från mikrofluidkammaren. Detta innovativa protokoll har potential att möjliggöra återanvändning av alla mikrofluidiska chip som inte har en funktionaliserad yta.
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Modellering och simulering av Multiantennsystem avsett för litet fartygAnnerstål, Viktor, Ottosson, Peter January 2016 (has links)
Within the military there is great need for reliable communication between vehicles. During the planning and construction of a military RIB, Rigid-hulled Inflatable Boat, it is important to design an efficient antenna system that does not deteriorate out of disorder. It must also be ensured that the antennas transmitted power does not stay in the RIB boat. We have been given assignment to model and simulate a proposed antenna system and assess which tool is best suitable for the task. To analyze the antenna system we will look at the radiated electrical field together with the reflectionand EMC properties. The tool that we choose to use is a software called EMPro produced by Keysight Technologies. In this program we will create 3Dstructures for each individual object, the boat, the three antennas and the seawater. It’s also important to include each objects properties concerning material, so that they correctly reflect the reality. We are covering a broad spectrum with our antennas reaching from 1.6-30MHz, 30-88MHz and 100512MHz. The resulting simulation verifies that electromagnetic field would be powerful enough and that the antennas would not affect each other with the proposed placement. We could also confirm that our antennas reflected an inordinate amount of power but with cause that our models were not an exact replica of the antenna. The software EMPro is a suitable tool for this kind of projects concerning modeling and simulating antenna systems.Within the military there is great need for reliable communication between vehicles. During the planning and construction of a military RIB, Rigid-hulled Inflatable Boat, it is important to design an efficient antenna system that does not deteriorate out of disorder. It must also be ensured that the antennas transmitted power does not stay in the RIB boat. We have been given assignment to model and simulate a proposed antenna system and assess which tool is best suitable for the task. To analyze the antenna system we will look at the radiated electrical field together with the reflectionand EMC properties. The tool that we choose to use is a software called EMPro produced by Keysight Technologies. In this program we will create 3Dstructures for each individual object, the boat, the three antennas and the seawater. It’s also important to include each objects properties concerning material, so that they correctly reflect the reality. We are covering a broad spectrum with our antennas reaching from 1.6-30MHz, 30-88MHz and 100512MHz. The resulting simulation verifies that electromagnetic field would be powerful enough and that the antennas would not affect each other with the proposed placement. We could also confirm that our antennas reflected an inordinate amount of power but with cause that our models were not an exact replica of the antenna. The software EMPro is a suitable tool for this kind of projects concerning modeling and simulating antenna systems. / Inom militären finns stort behov av pålitlig kommunikation mellan fordon. Vid konstruktion av ett småfartyg i militärtoch bevakningssyfte är det viktigt att designa ett välfungerande antennsystem som inte försämras utav störningar, det ska även ses till att antennernas utsända effekt inte fastnar i småfartyget. Vi har fått en ritning av hur antennplaceringen är planerad, denna rapport går ut på att verifiera dess funktionalitet samt hitta en mjukvara som kan användas för att verifiera olika antennsystem. För att bedöma antennsystemet kommer denna rapport att undersöka att dess elektriska fält samt reflektionsoch EMC egenskaper, en uppgift som kan lösas med programvaran EMPro (Keysight). I programvaran skapas en 3Dstruktur som innehåller småfartyget, dess 3 stycken antenner samt omfattande havsvatten. Här tas hänsyn till objektens materialegenskaper, antennernas jordning samt de frekvenser antennerna arbetar på, 1.6-30MHz, 30-88MHz samt 100-512MHz. Simulering av systemet gav positiva resultat kring antennsystemets elektromagnetiskafält, antennerna kommer inte heller att störa varandra. Antennerna som vi har modellerat reflekterar orimligt mycket effekt, detta bortser vi från då vi inte haft tillgång till exakt avbildning av antennerna. EMPro är ett verktyg som är lämpligt att använda i detta samt liknande projekt. Dock krävs det att en kraftig dator finns tillgänglig då simuleringar av stora antennsystem baseras på stora uträkningar, som generellt tar lång tid.
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Constant-pH molecular dynamics simulations of an alkaline-gated ion channel / Konstant-pH simuleringar av en jonkanal aktiverad av en alkalisk miljöYgland, Ida January 2024 (has links)
Ligand-gated ion channels play an important role in electrochemical signal transduction across diverse organisms, yet their structural and functional intricacies are not fully understood. Particularly lacking is the knowledge of their response to variations in pH, an aspect necessary for understanding their physiological relevance and potential therapeutic targeting in neurological diseases. In this thesis project, I have investigated the mechanistic response of sTeLIC, a recently reported prokaryotic member of the pentameric ligand-gated ion channel family, to different environmental conditions. Using molecular dynamics simulations, a total of 16 different environmental conditions have been explored including variations in pH (neutral and alkaline), the presence and absence of calcium, and the inclusion of an electric field acting as an external driving force on charged atoms. The results reveal a comprehensive pH-sensing and gating mechanism involving key residues, notably E106 (on the β6 strand) and E160 (on loop F), and their local microenvironments. Additionally, an inhibitory mechanism for calcium is proposed, with E160 playing an important role. The simulations including an electric field has provided support for a non-conventional ion pathway through the pore. Collectively, these results offer insights into a mechanistic framework that may extend to other physiologically relevant systems, providing a foundation for further investigations and potential future therapeutic intervention. / pLGICs har en viktig roll i det elektrokemiska signalsystemet i många organismer, men detaljerna i deras struktur och framför allt funktion är fortfarande inte helt klargjorda. Särskilt är detaljerna kring deras reaktion på ändringar i pH-värde relativt okända, vilket är en viktig del i att förstå kanalernas fysiologiska roll och för att potentiellt hitta läkemedel mot neurologiska sjukdomar där dessa är inblandade. I det här arbetet har jag undersökt hur sTeLIC, som är ett nyligen publicerat bakteriellt protein i familjen pLGICs, reagerar på olika ändringar i miljön. Jag har använt molekyldynamiksimuleringar för att unders öka 16 olika miljöer med två olika pH-värden (neutralt och alkaliskt), med eller utan kalcium samt med eller utan en extern drivkraft över membranet i form av ett elektrisk fält. Arbetet har resulterat i en föreslagen mekanism förhur sTeLIC känner av pH och hur öppningen av kanalen går till. Denna mekanism involverar aminosyrorna E106, som finns på β6-strängen, och E160, som finns på F-loopen, samt deras omgivning. Dessutom har en modulatorisk mekanism föreslagits för en kalciuminhiberande effekt på sTeLIC som också involverar E160. Simuleringarna med en drivkraft över membranet har gett stöd för en ny väg för joner genom kanalen. Tillsammans ger dessa resultat insikt i en mekanism som eventuellt kan appliceras p ̊a andra system. Detta har lagt grunden för fortsatt undersökning som potentiellt kan leda till framtida läkemedelsutveckling inom området.
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トカマクプラズマにおけるプラズマ回転の動的形成過程上杉, 喜彦, 高村, 秀一, 大野, 哲靖, 叶, 民友 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(B)(2) 課題番号:11480113 研究代表者:上杉 喜彦 研究期間:1999-2001年度
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Détermination des coefficients d'ionisation de matériaux à grand gap par génération multi-photonique / Determination of the ionization rates of wide bandgap semiconductors using multi-photon generation processHamad, Hassan 28 April 2015 (has links)
L’utilisation des semi-conducteurs à large bande interdite (wide bandgap ou WBG) tels que le carbure de silicium SiC, le nitrure de gallium GaN, le diamant, etc… s’est répandue dans le domaine de l’électronique de puissance ces dernières décennies. Leurs caractéristiques électroniques et mécaniques font des WBGs des solutions alternatives pour remplacer le traditionnel silicium. Cependant, des études supplémentaires sont indispensables pour améliorer la tenue en tension, les pertes statiques et dynamiques et les performances en fonctionnement à haute température des composants WBGs. Dans ce cadre, deux bancs expérimentaux OBIC (Optical Beam Induced Current) spécifiques « en cours de développement » sont mis en place pendant cette thèse. L’OBIC consiste à éclairer avec un faisceau laser de longueur d’onde appropriée une jonction polarisée en inverse, des porteurs de charge sont alors créés par absorption photonique. On peut alors mesurer un courant induit par faisceau optique (OBIC) lorsque les porteurs sont générés dans la zone de charge d’espace. Après une première phase de préparation et d’adaptation de l’environnement expérimental, des essais ont mené à la démonstration du principe de génération multi-photonique en éclairant une jonction SiC avec un faisceau vert (532 nm). L’analyse des différentes mesures OBIC nous a permis de construire une image du champ électrique à la surface de la diode : une analyse non destructive pour étudier l’efficacité des protections périphériques des jonctions et pour détecter les défauts dans la structure cristalline. Egalement, la durée de vie des porteurs minoritaires a été déduite par l’analyse de la décroissance du courant OBIC au bord de la jonction. Les coefficients d’ionisation sont également déterminés par la méthode OBIC, ces coefficients sont des paramètres clés pour la prévision de la tension de claquage des composants. Nous avons réalisé des mesures OBIC dans le GaN, et nous avons observé un effet d’absorption bi-photonique dans le diamant avec un faisceau UV (349 nm). / In the last few decades, the use of wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductors (silicon carbide SiC, gallium nitride GaN, diamond, etc…) has become popular in the domain of power electronics. Their electronic and mechanical characteristics made of the WBGs a good alternative to the traditional silicon. However, additional studies are mandatory to improve the breakdown voltage, static and dynamic losses, and the performance at high temperature of the WBG devices. In this context, two specific experimental benches OBIC (Optical Beam Induced Current) -under development- are set up during this thesis. OBIC method consists to generate free charge carriers in a reverse biased junction by illuminating the device with an appropriate wavelength. An OBIC signal is measured if the charge carriers are generated in the space charge region. After a first phase of preparation and adaptation of the experimental environment, OBIC measurements led to demonstrate the multi-photonic generation by illuminating a SiC junction with a green laser (532 nm). OBIC measurements allowed giving an image of the electric field at the surface of the diode: OBIC presents a non-destructive analysis to study the efficiency of the peripheral protection and to detect the defects in the semi-conductor. Minority carrier lifetime was also deduced by studying the OBIC decrease at the edge of the space charge region. Ionization rates were extracted using OBIC method; these coefficients are key parameters to predict the breakdown voltage of the devices. OBIC measurements were also realized on the GaN, and two-photon generation was highlighted by measuring an OBIC current in the diamond when illuminating it with a UV laser beam (349 nm).
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Ferromagnet-Free Magnetoelectric Thin Film ElementsKosub, Tobias 25 November 2016 (has links)
The work presented in this thesis encompasses the design, development, realization and testing of novel magnetoelectric thin film elements that do not rely on ferromagnets, but are based entirely on magnetoelectric antiferromagnets such as Cr2O3. Thin film spintronic elements, and in particular magnetoelectric transducers, are crucial building blocks of high efficiency data processing schemes that could complement conventional electronic data processing in the future. Recent developments in magnetoelectrics have revealed, that exchange biased systems are ill-suited to electric field induced switching of magnetization due to the strong coupling of their ferromagnetic layer to magnetic fields. Therefore, ferromagnet-free magnetoelectric elements are proposed here in an effort to mitigate the practical problems associated with existing exchange biased magnetoelectric elements.
This goal is achieved by establishing an all-electric read-out method for the antiferromagnetic order parameter of thin films, which allows to omit the ferromagnet from conventional exchange biased magnetoelectric elements. The resulting ferromagnet-free magnetoelectric elements show greatly reduced writing thresholds, enabled operation at room temperature and do not require a pulsed magnetic field, all of which is in contrast to state-of-the-art exchange biased magnetoelectric systems.
The novel all-electric read-out method of the magnetic field-invariant magnetization of antiferromagnets, so-called spinning-current anomalous Hall magnetometry, can be widely employed in other areas of thin film magnetism. Its high precision and its sensitivity to previously invisible phenomena make it a promising tool for various aspects of thin solid films. Based on this technique, a deep understanding could be generated as to what physical mechanisms drive the antiferromagnetic ordering in thin films of magnetoelectric antiferromagnets. As spinning-current anomalous Hall magnetometry is an integral probe of the magnetic properties in thin films, it offers no intrinsic scale sensitivity. In order to harness its great precision for scale related information, a statistical framework was developed, which links macroscopic measurements with microscopic properties such as the antiferromagnetic domain size.:TABLE OF CONTENTS
Abbreviations 9
1 Introduction 11
1.1 Motivation 11
1.2 Objectives 12
1.3 Organization of the thesis 13
2 Background 15
2.1 History of magnetoelectric coupling 15
2.2 Long range magnetic ordering 16
2.2.1 Magnetic order parameter and field susceptibility 17
2.2.2 Magnetic proximity effect 19
2.2.3 Exchange bias 20
2.3 Phenomenology of magnetoelectric coupling 21
2.3.1 The linear magnetoelectric effect 21
2.3.2 Magnetoelectric pressure on the antiferromagnetic order parameter 22
2.3.3 Switching the antiferromagnetic order parameter 23
2.4 Realized magnetoelectric thin film elements 24
2.4.1 BiFeO3/CoFe system 24
2.4.2 Cr2O3/Co/Pt system 25
3 Experimental methods 27
3.1 Development of ferromagnet free magnetoelectric elements 28
3.1.1 The substrate 29
3.1.2 The Cr2O3 bulk and top surface 31
3.1.3 The V2O3 or Pt bottom electrodes 33
3.1.4 Epitaxial relationships 34
3.1.5 The Cr2O3 bottom interface 39
3.1.6 Twinning of Cr2O3 39
3.1.7 Hall crosses and patterning processes 43
3.2 Magnetotransport measurements 44
3.2.1 Hall effects 45
3.2.2 Anomalous Hall effect 46
3.2.3 Magnetoelectric writing 47
3.2.4 All electric read out 49
3.3 The experimental setup 50
3.3.1 Temperature control 50
3.3.2 Magnetic field control 51
4 Spinning-current anomalous Hall magnetometry 53
4.1 Characteristics of the technique 53
4.1.1 Operational principle 53
4.1.2 Advantages 55
4.1.3 Magnetic hysteresis loops and field-invariant magnetization 55
4.1.4 Measurement of field-invariant magnetization 56
4.1.5 Limitations 58
4.2 Application of SCAHM to Cr2O3(0001) thin films 59
4.2.1 Criticality and distribution of the antiferromagnetic phase transition 61
4.2.2 Evaluation of the magnetic proximity effect 64
4.3 SCAHM with thin metallic antiferromagnetic IrMn films 65
4.3.1 [Pt/Co]4/IrMn exchange bias system 65
4.3.2 Isolated antiferromagnetic IrMn thin films 67
5 Magnetoelectric performance 69
5.1 Magnetoelectric field cooling 69
5.2 The gate bias voltage 71
5.3 Isothermal binary magnetoelectric writing in Cr2O3 72
6 Order parameter selection in magnetoelectric antiferromagnets 77
6.1 Uncompensated magnetic moment 77
6.2 Extrinsic causes for broken sublattice equivalence 81
6.3 The V2O3 gate electrode 83
7 Measurement of microscopic properties with an integral probe 87
7.1 Interentity magnetic exchange coupling 87
7.2 Ensemble formalism for the entity size determination 90
7.3 Estimation of the entity sizes 94
7.4 Microscopic confirmation of the ensemble model 97
8 Summary and Outlook 101
8.1 Goal-related achievements 101
8.1.1 All-electric read-out of the AF order parameter 101
8.1.2 Electric field induced writing of the AF order parameter 102
8.2 Further achievements 103
8.2.1 Foreseen impact of SCAHM on thin film magnetism 103
8.2.2 Practical optimization routes of magnetoelectric Cr2O3 systems 104
8.2.3 Theoretical work 105
8.3 Future directions 105
8.3.1 Development of Cr2O3-based magnetoelectric systems 105
8.3.2 Applications of SCAHM 106
References 107
Erklärung 113
Acknowledgements 115
Curriculum Vitae 117
Scientific publications, contributions, patents 119
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