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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Validating User Engagement and Effectiveness of Training Simulations : A mixed-methods approach informed by embodied cognition and psychophysiological measures / Validering av användarengagemang och effektivitet hos träningssimulatorer : En kombinerad metodansats informerad av kroppslig kognition och psyko-fysiologiska mått

Ekanayake, Hiran B. January 2015 (has links)
Simulation-based training has gained widespread attention recently as a response to drawbacks associated with traditional training approaches, such as high training costs (instructors, equipment, etc.), high risks (e.g. pilot training), and ethical issues (e.g. medical training), as well as a lack of availability of certain training environments (e.g. space exploration). Apart from their target training domains, many of aspects of simulations differ, such as their degree of physical realism (fidelity), scenarios (e.g. story), and pedagogical aspects (e.g. after-action reviews and collaborative learning). Among those aspects, designers have mostly focused on developing high-fidelity simulations with the expectation of increasing the effectiveness of training. However, some authors suggest that the above belief is a myth as researchers have failed to identify a linear relationship between the (physical) fidelity and training effectiveness of simulations.  Most researchers have therefore evaluated the correspondence between the behaviours of trainees in both real world and simulated contexts, however, the existing methods of simulation validation using behavioural measures have a number of drawbacks, such as the fact that they do not address certain complex phenomena of skills acquisition. Bridging the above knowledge gap, this research reports on empirical investigations using an improved methodology for validating training simulations. This research includes an investigation of the user experience of trainees, with respect to the acceptance of virtual scenarios provoking a similar psychophysiological response as in real world scenarios, and the training potential of simulations with respect to the positive transfer of training from a simulator to real world operational contexts. The most prominent features of the proposed methodology include the use of psychophysiological measures in addition to traditional behavioural measures and the use of natural (quasi-) experiments. Moreover, its conceptual framework was influenced by contemporary theories in cognitive science (e.g. constructivism and embodied cognition). The results of this research have several important theoretical and methodological implications, involving, for example, the dependency of the effectiveness of simulations on the perceived realism of trainees, which is more embodied than has been predicted by previous researchers, and the requirement of several different types/levels of adaptive training experience, depending on the type of trainee. / Träning i simulatorer har på senare år fått ökad uppmärksamhet som en respons på problem och svårigheter förknippade med traditionella träningsansatser, såsom höga kostnader (instruktörer och utrustning, etc.), hög risk (t.ex. träning av piloter), och etiska aspekter (t.ex. träning av kirurger), likaväl som avsaknaden av träningsmöjligheter och miljöer (t.ex. forskning om rymden). Bortsett från vad som specifikt tränas så skiljer sig simuleringar åt i ett flertal olika aspekter såsom fysisk realism (eng. fidelity), scenarier (handling) och pedagogiska aspekter (t.ex. genomgång efter övning och kollaborativt lärande).  Bland dessa aspekter så har designers ofta fokuserat att utveckla simuleringar med hög realism med förväntningen att detta ska göra träningen mer effektiv. Litteraturen antyder dock att denna föreställning inte stämmer och att de flesta simuleringar med hög realism inte har lyckats uppnå denna målsättning. En slutsats är därför att det finns ett behov av metoder som kan validera potentialen hos simuleringar avsedda att stödja träning – redan innan dessa används. Enligt litteraturen så är utbildningspotentialen hos en simulering starkt kopplad till hur väl den psykologiska effekten en simulering har, stämmer överens med en verklig upplevelse. Forskning har emellertid identifierat ett flertal svagheter hos existerande ansatser för att validera simuleringar; de är oftast baserade på prestations- och/eller subjektiva mätningar; de har fokuserat en eller ett fåtal psykologiska aspekter; och de bygger på traditionella teorier. Baserat på resultat från studier av en kör-simulator presenteras och föreslås i denna avhandling ett förbättrat ramverk för utvärdering. De mest centrala egenskaperna hos det föreslagna ramverket inbegriper användandet av psyko-fysiologiska mått tillsammans med mer traditionella mått; det konceptuella ramverket bygger på samtida teoretiska ansatser (tex konstruktivism och kroppslig kognition); samt användandet av fält (kvasi-) experiment. Utöver uppnåendet av uppsatta mål för forskningen så har resultaten ett flertal teoretiska och metodologiska implikationer. Bland dessa återfinns beroendet mellan effektiviteten hos en simulering och den upplevelse av realitet som de tränade har, vilken är mer grundläggande än vad som rapporterats i tidigare forskning, samt kravet på flera och olika typer av anpassning av träningsupplevelse för den tränade för att förhöja potentialen hos träningssimulatorer. / SIDA Funded National e-Learning Centre Project at the University of Colombo School of Computing, Sri Lanka

Haplós : towards technologies for, and applications of, somaesthetics

Maranan, Diego Silang January 2017 (has links)
How can vibrotactile stimuli be used to create a technology-mediated somatic learning experience? This question motivates this practice-based research, which explores how the Feldenkrais Method and cognate neuroscience research can be applied to technology design. Supported by somaesthetic philosophy, soma-based design theories, and a critical acknowledgement of the socially-inflected body, the research develops a systematic method grounded in first- and third-person accounts of embodied experience to inform the creation and evaluation of design of Haplós, a wearable, user-customisable, remote-controlled technology that plays methodically composed vibrotactile patterns on the skin in order to facilitate body awareness—the major outcome of this research and a significant contribution to soma-based creative work. The research also contributes to design theory and somatic practice by developing the notion of a somatic learning affordance, which emerged during course of the research and which describes the capacity of a material object to facilitate somatic learning. Two interdisciplinary collaborations involving Haplós contribute to additional fields and disciplines. In partnership with experimental psychologists, Haplós was used in a randomised controlled study that contributes to cognitive psychology by showing that vibrotactile compositions can reduce, with statistical significance, intrusive food-related thoughts. Haplós was also used in Bisensorial, an award-winning, collaboratively developed proof-of-concept of a neuroadaptive vibroacoustic therapeutic device that uses music and vibrotactile stimuli to induce desired mental states. Finally, this research contributes to cognitive science and embodied philosophy by advancing a neuroscientific understanding of vibrotactile somaesthetics, a novel extension of somaesthetic philosophy.

Formation transdisciplinaire, trajet anthropologique et tradition tibétaine : Recherche sur l'ingenium de la pratique du débat dans l'Ecole Gelugpa / Transdisciplinary learning, anthropological route and tibetan tradition : Research on the ingenium of the practice of the debate in the School Gelugpa

Carmona, Bernard 18 June 2012 (has links)
Notre recherche porte sur l’analyse d’un processus spécifique d’apprentissage par le concept d’ingegno du philosophe napolitain Giambattista Vico : La pratique du débat de l’Ecole Gelugpa du bouddhisme tibétain. Dans une première partie, à travers une anthropologie de son geste et de son imaginaire, nous présentons le déploiement de l’ingegno et la dimension transdisciplinaire de cette pratique traditionnelle de formation. Dans une deuxième partie, nous utilisons l’outil AT9 pour faire une lecture herméneutique de l’imaginaire de moines tibétains pratiquant le débat. A travers les projections de soi que constituent les AT9 réalisés, nous cherchons les traces des projections des apprentissages et leur dimension transdisciplinaire. Nous concluons ou plutôt offrons aux praticiens transdisciplinaires, la mise en débat d’un outil transdisciplinaire transformateur des pratiques de formation telles que les nôtres se sont métamorphosées au long cours de notre apprentissage de chercheur / Our research focuses on the analysis of a specific process of learning: The concept of ingegno by the Neapolitan philosopher Giambattista Vico: The practice of the debate of the Gelugpa School of Tibetan Buddhism. In the first section, through an anthropology of its gesture and its imagination, we present the deployment of ingegno and transdisciplinary dimension of this traditional practice of education. In the second section, we use the tool AT9 to do a hermeneutic reading from the imagination of the Tibetan monks in the process of discussions. Through the projections themselves, that constitute the AT9 realized, we looked for traces of projections of learning and their transdisciplinary dimension. It is concluded, or rather offered to the transdisciplinary practitioners, the debate of a transforming tool of the transdisciplinary training practices, such as ours have been transformed during the course of our learning researcher

Estados mentais e atitudes proposicionais: abordagens filosóficas da psicologia do senso comum / Mental states and propositional attitudes: philosophical approaches to folk psychology

Guilherme Sanches de Oliveira 23 May 2014 (has links)
A literatura filosófica sobre a Psicologia do Senso Comum se estende desde a década de 1970, e abrange diversas questões sobre nosso entendimento interpessoal cotidiano, nossa capacidade de interação e coordenação de atividades, o arcabouço conceitual intuitivo que relaciona estados mentais e atitudes proposicionais a comportamentos, e os mecanismos cognitivos de leitura mental que nos permitem atribuir estados mentais a outras pessoas. Nesta dissertação eu examino o desenvolvimento histórico desta literatura, identificando dois debates distintos, o primeiro (principalmente entre Paul Churchland e Jerry Fodor dos anos 70 aos anos 90) tendo como foco a relação entre a teoria da Psicologia do Senso Comum e teorias científicas (da neurociência e das ciências cognitivas), e o segundo (o debate contemporâneo) tendo como foco os mecanismos cognitivos de leitura mental e o papel das atribuições de estados mentais e atitudes proposicionais nas teorias da cognição corporificada, situada e estendida. Além do exame histórico do que argumento serem dois debates distintos e da transição conceitual entre ambos, também apresento aqui minha crítica à abordagem eliminativista contemporânea de Matthew Ratcliffe e, como alternativa, articulo os princípios de uma abordagem pluralista que combina leitura mental e interpretação contextual situada como fundamentais para a cognição social / The philosophical literature on Folk Psychology began in the 1970s, and encompasses various questions about our everyday interpersonal understanding, our ability to interact and coordinate activities, the intuitive conceptual framework that relates mental states and propositional attitudes to behaviors, and the cognitive mechanisms of mindreading that allow us to attribute mental states to other people. In this thesis I examine the historical development of this literature, identifying two distinct debates, the first (mainly between Paul Churchland and Jerry Fodor from the 70s to the 90s) focusing on the relationship between the theory of Folk Psychology and scientific theories (in neuroscience and cognitive science), and the second (the contemporary debate) focusing on the cognitive mechanisms of mindreading and the role played by attributions of mental states and propositional attitudes in theories of embodied, situated and extended cognition. In addition to the historical examination of what I argue are two distinct debates as well as of the conceptual transition between them, here I present my criticism of Matthew Ratcliffe\'s contemporary eliminativist approach and, as an alternative to it, I articulate the principles of a pluralistic approach that combines both mindreading and situated contextual interpretation as fundamental for social cognition

The Driving Factors : Evaluating intuitive interaction with a 3D-device in a car racing game

Walden, Alice January 2017 (has links)
To investigate the topic of intuitive interaction using a 3D-device, a toy car was used as a controller with the Stylaero Board to complete one lap in a car racing game. 20 participants completed the task in 2 conditions, one using the 3D-device as a controller, and one using a standard computer keyboard. The interaction was evaluated using task completion time as a measure of learnability of the device, as well as through subjective reactions from users gathered from a tailored questionnaire with 7 statements rated on a Likert scale of 1-5, and 3 open-ended questions. The performance and attitude towards the 3D-device as a controller was compared to the performance and attitude towards using a standard keyboard. The mean task completion time was significantly lower when using the keyboard. A subscale of the enjoyability of using the device was compared between conditions indicating a significant difference where the 3D-device was rated higher than the keyboard. Furthermore, a significant correlation was found between attitude towards the control device and task completion time in the keyboard, while no significant correlation was found between the corresponding variables for the 3D-device. These results indicate a difference between what aspects are important to users when evaluating a new interface compared to a familiar one. The subjective reactions gathered from the open-ended questions were categorized and sorted into themes using thematic analysis to illustrate the various aspects that were highlighted by users for each interface. The problems faced by participants when using the 3D-device were observed and analyzed in relation to current theories of intuitive interaction to find the driving factors of interaction with a new device.

Informations vestibulaires et prise de perspective : approches comportementales, cliniques et electrophysiologiques / Vestibular infomation and perspective taking : behavioral, clinical and electrophysiological approaches

Deroualle, Diane 25 September 2017 (has links)
Ce travail a pour but de décrire les relations réciproques entre prise de perspective et informations vestibulaires. Une étude chez des patients avec un déficit vestibulaire bilatéral ancien et des sujets contrôles a montré que l’ancrage du soi sur le corps et la simulation implicite de la perspective visuo-spatiale d’autrui étaient similaires chez les deux groupes. Ainsi, une perte vestibulaire ancienne n’entraînerait pas de conflits multisensoriels, connus pour évoquer un sentiment de perspective désincarnée chez des patients avec des déficits vestibulaires aigus. Une étude chez des volontaires sains a combiné des stimulations vestibulaires naturelles sur fauteuil rotatoire à des tâches de prise de perspective dans un environnement virtuel embarqué. Les temps de prise de perspective étaient modulés en fonction de la direction de la rotation. Cette influence n’était pas présente pour la rotation mentale d’objets 3D. La contribution vestibulaire canalaire modulerait donc spécifiquement les rotations mentales du point de vue. Enfin, les modulations cognitives du traitement des informations vestibulaires ont été analysées par l’enregistrement de potentiels évoqués myogéniques vestibulaires sur les muscles sternocléidomastoïdiens et trapèzes. L’amplitude des potentiels évoqués était significativement modulée par l’angle séparant le point de vue du participant et celui d’un avatar distant. Nos travaux théoriques et les résultats de cette série d’expériences démontrent la contribution des informations vestibulaires à la prise de perspective visuo-spatiale. / This thesis aims at describing the reciprocal relations between perspective taking and the vestibular system. A study in patients with bilateral vestibular deficits and controls showed that the anchoring of the self to the body and implicit visuo-spatial perspective taking were similar in both groups. Our negative findings offer insight into the multisensory mechanisms of embodiment: only acute peripheral vestibular disorders and neurological disorders in vestibular brain areas may evoke disembodied experiences. A second study, combined natural vestibular stimulation on a rotatory chair with virtual reality to test how vestibular signals are processed to simulate the view point of a distant avatar. While they were rotated, participants tossed a ball to a virtual character from the view point of a distant avatar. Our results showed that participants were faster when their physical body rotated in the same direction as the mental rotation needed to take the avatar's viewpoint. Altogether, these data indicate that vestibular signals have a direction-specific influence on visuo-spatial perspective taking, but not a general effect on mental imagery. Finally, cognitive modulations of vestibular information processing were analyzed by recording vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials on the sternocleidomastoid and trapeze muscles. The amplitude of evoked potentials was significantly modulated by the angle separating the participant’s viewpoint to that of a distant avatar. To conclude, our theoretical work, together with results from this series of experiments, demonstrate the contribution of vestibular information to visuo-spatial perspective taking.

Measuring Cognitive Load in Embodied Learning Settings

Skulmowski, Alexander, Rey, Günter Daniel 02 August 2017 (has links)
In recent years, research on embodied cognition has inspired a number of studies on multimedia learning and instructional psychology. However, in contrast to traditional research on education and multimedia learning, studies on embodied learning (i.e., focusing on bodily action and perception in the context of education) in some cases pose new problems for the measurement of cognitive load. This review provides an overview over recent studies on embodied learning in which cognitive load was measured using surveys, behavioral data, or physiological measures. The different methods are assessed in terms of their success in finding differences of cognitive load in embodied learning scenarios. At the same time, we highlight the most important challenges for researchers aiming to include these measures into their study designs. The main issues we identified are: (1) Subjective measures must be appropriately phrased to be useful for embodied learning; (2) recent findings indicate potentials as well as problematic aspects of dual-task measures; (3) the use of physiological measures offers great potential, but may require mobile equipment in the context of embodied scenarios; (4) meta-cognitive measures can be useful extensions of cognitive load measurement for embodied learning.

Bodies in place : enactive cognition as development of ecological norms

Sepúlveda Pedro, Miguel Ángel 12 1900 (has links)
Les partisans de l’approche énactive soutiennent que la cognition se constitue à travers l’histoire des différentes formes d'interaction (biologique, sensorimotrice, intercorporelle, linguistique, etc.) entre un vivant et son environnement. Ces interactions ne sont pas aléatoires, mais des activités obéissant à certaines normes que les énactivistes appellent sense-making. La cognition est, de ce point de vue, une forme de sense-making. Malgré les avantages indéniables que confère une telle perspective pour étudier la cognition, la présente thèse développe un point de vue critique par rapport à l’approche énactive et soutient qu'il est nécessaire d'approfondir notre compréhension de la dimension écologique du sense-making. Le but principal de la thèse est en conséquence de montrer que l'environnement joue un rôle encore plus important que l’approche énactive ne lui attribue habituellement. En m'engageant de manière critique dans le répertoire conceptuel de la cognition énactive, de la phénoménologie et des approches écologiques de la cognition, l’objectif de cette thèse consiste à poser les bases conceptuelles d'une approche énactive-écologique de la cognition. Pour ce faire, la thèse s’attèle à mettre de l’avant trois idées principales. La première consiste à redéfinir le concept du sense-making : contrairement à la conception qui s’est traditionnellement imposée dans le mouvement énactif, nous allons démontrer qu’il s’agit d’un phénomène de développement (et non de création) de normes. La rencontre du corps et du monde est toujours ancrée dans un champ normatif prédéfini, de sorte que nous devons réévaluer le rôle que joue l'environnement dans les processus de sense-making. En effet, si les agents se retrouvent toujours-déjà plongés dans un champ normatif (et non dans un environnement purement causal et physique), il faut alors reconnaître que l'environnement joue un rôle actif dans la constitution et l'auto-transformation des normes de sense-making. La deuxième idée poursuit dans cette veine et porte sur cette nouvelle conception de l'environnement, qui est ici défini comme un champ normatif actif, incarnant une tension entre le passé habituel du système agent-environnement et les contingences incessantes des événements du monde qui poussent le système vers leur auto-transformation et développement. La troisième idée principale de cette thèse consiste en une description holistique du champ d'action des agents (un lieu énactif) et des normes édictées (enacted) par des processus de sense-making sur le terrain (normes de lieu). Une esquisse générale du lieu énactif montre que les activités de sense-making sont liées à des processus écologiques qui enchevêtrent de multiples agents et localités matérielles dans un réseau écologique local. Ces réseaux écologiques forment une unité systémique et résiliente qui se déploie dans le temps avec les habitants du lieu, et fonctionne comme un champ normatif qui contraint et motive l'auto-transformation de chaque système agent-environnement / Supporters of autonomist enactivism or the enactive approach claim that cognition is a phenomenon constituted by the historical development of different forms of interaction (biological, sensorimotor, intercorporeal, and linguistic) between living bodies and their environments. For autonomist enactivists, the nature of these interactions is not entirely predetermined by general laws of causation but by norms enacted in the historical path of the agent-environment system, and thanks to processes of sense-making. Cognition is, from the enactivist standpoint, a form of sense-making. While there are multiple advantages in holding such perspective to study mind and cognition, this thesis develops a critical point of view and argues that it is necessary to deepen our understanding of the ecological dimension of sense-making. Specifically, the thesis aims to show that the environment plays a more critical role than autonomist enactivism usually attributes to it. By drawing on and critically engaging with the conceptual repertoire of enactive cognition, phenomenology, and ecological approaches to cognition, my objective is to set the conceptual foundations for an enactive-ecological approach to cognition. For this task, I propose three interrelated ideas. The first redefines sense-making as a phenomenon of norm development. The most common descriptions of sense-making involve the emergence of meaning from raw physical matter thanks to the activity of living organisms. As norm development, by contrast, sense-making refers to a constant enactment and re-enactment of norms of interaction from other pregiven norms, previously enacted in the past of the agent-environment system. I argue that the encounter of the body and the world is permanently embedded in a pregiven normative field and never in an abstract void where raw physical interactions occur. From this standpoint, we need, however, to re-evaluate the role that the environment plays in sense-making processes. If agents find themselves immersed in normative fields and not in raw physical landscapes, then the environment has a more active role for the constitution and self-transformation of sense-making norms than autonomist enactivists have acknowledged. In this vein, the second main idea of this thesis concerns the environment as an active normative field that incarnates a tension between the habitual past of the agent-environment system and the ongoing contingencies of worldly events that push the system to their self-transformation and development. The third main idea of this thesis consists of a holistic description of the field of action of agents (enactive place) and the norms enacted by processes of sense-making in the field (place-norms). A general sketch of enactive place shows that sense-making is tied to processes that entangle multiple agents and material localities into a local ecological web. An enactive place constitutes a systemic and resilient unity that unfolds in time altogether with its inhabitants, working as a normative field that constrains and motivates the self-transformation of each agent-environment system. Bodies are therefore part of wider unities of historical development: places.

Embodied Awareness, Embodied Practice: A Powerful Path to Practical Wisdom

Blake, Amanda 23 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

The Effects of Temperature on Judgment and Behavior in the Contexts of Jurisdiction, Retail, and Services / Der Einfluss von Temperatur auf Urteilen und Verhalten im Kontext von Rechtsprechung, Verkauf und Dienstleistungen

Kolb, Peter Markus 25 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Warum verwenden wir Wörter, die mit physikalischer Temperatur zu tun haben, zur Beschreibung zwischenmenschlicher Phänomene (wie zum Beispiel “eine warmherzige Person” oder “jemandem die kalte Schulter zeigen”)? Jüngere Forschung im Bereich Embodied Cognition hat in aktuellen Publikationen eine Antwort auf diese Frage geliefert: Das Erleben von physikalischer Wärme wird unbewusst mit Gefühlen interpersonaler Wärme assoziiert; physikalische Kälte hingegen wird mit Gefühlen von interpersonaler Kälte und Einsamkeit verbunden. In diesem Zusammenhang konnten beispielsweise Williams und Bargh (2008) zeigen, dass bereits das kurzzeitige Halten einer Tasse mit heißem Kaffe (verglichen mit einer Tasse Eiskaffee) dazu führt, dass die Persönlichkeit einer Zielperson als wärmer (d.h. großzügiger und fürsorglicher) eingeschätzt wird. Diese unbewusste Assoziation hat weitreichende Konsequenzen für das Urteilen und Handeln von Menschen. Die vorliegende Arbeit zielt darauf ab zu klären, ob und wie Temperatur menschliches Urteilen und Verhalten in verschiedenen Kontexten beeinflusst. Desweiteren sollen zugrundeliegende Prozesse (Mediatoren) sowie weitere Rahmenbedingungen (Moderatoren) untersucht werden. Insgesamt wurden drei Versuchsreihen in drei angewandten Kontexten durchgeführt (Rechtsprechung, Verkauf und Dienstleistungen). Diese Bereiche stehen exemplarisch für eine große Anzahl von Situationen, in denen Temperatur das Urteilen und Handeln von Menschen beeinflussen kann (insbesondere alle Situationen, in denen Menschen sich gegenseitig wahrnehmen und miteinander interagieren). Zur Manipulation von Temperatur wurden verschiedene Methoden angewandt. Dies umfasste sowohl semantische Temperaturprimings als auch die systematische Variation der Raumtemperatur. Dabei wurde die Raumtemperatur unter Berücksichtigung bauphysikalischer Gesichtspunkte erfasst und innerhalb einer Komfortzone manipuliert. Die Ergebnisse aus allen Experimenten der vorliegenden Forschungsarbeit zeigen, dass Temperatur das Urteilen und Handeln von Menschen entscheidend beeinflussen kann. Ergebnisse aus dem ersten Laborexperiment (Kontext Rechtsprechung) legen nahe, dass die Beurteilung von Verbrechern signifikant von der Raumtemperatur, die innerhalb einer Komfortzone manipuliert wurde, beeinflusst wird: In einem kühlen Raum wurden Verbrecher als kaltblütiger eingeschätzt, während sie in einem warmen Raum als hitzköpfiger eingestuft wurden. In diesem Zusammenhang schrieben die Teilnehmer bei niedriger Raumtemperatur Verbrechern mit einer höheren Wahrscheinlichkeit Kalkülverbrechen, mehr Morde und schwerere Verbrechen, die mit längeren Gefängnisstrafen verbunden sind, zu (verglichen mit Teilnehmern bei mittlerer und hoher Raumtemperatur). Bei hoher Raumtemperatur hingegen hielten es die Teilnehmehmenden für wahrscheinlicher, dass die Verbrecher ein Affektverbrechen begangen haben (verglichen mit den anderen beiden Bedingungen). Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Temperatur attributionale Prozesse beeinflusst. In der zweiten Versuchsreihe (Kontext Verkauf) gaben die Teilnehmer bei niedriger Raumtemperatur positivere Konsumentenurteile gegenüber Produkten und Verkaufspersonal ab (im Vergleich zu Teilnehmenden bei mittlerer und hoher Raumtemperatur). Zudem zeigten sie positivere Verhaltenstendenzen gegenüber Produkten und Verkäufer/innen (z.B. eine höhere Kaufwahrscheinlichkeit und eine höhere Bereitschaft, mit Verkaufspersonal ein Beratungsgespräch zu beginnen). Überdies steigerte in einer weiteren Studie ein semantisches Kältepriming den Drang der Teilnehmer, umgehend einen Einkauf zu tätigen (verglichen mit einem Priming von Wärme und einer Kontrollbedingung). In der dritten Versuchsreihe (Kontext Dienstleistungen) zeigten Personen in einem umfassenden Dienstleistungsszenario bei niedrigen Raumtemperaturen (im Vergleich zu hohen Temperaturen) eine höhere Kundenorientierung – sowohl in kritischen Service-Szenarien als auch in einem Selbstberichtsmaß. Zudem vergaben sie Kunden signfikant höhere Rabatte. Dieser Effekt wurde auch in einer Stichprobe mit erfahrenen Dienstleistern bestätigt, die nach einem semantischen Temperaturpriming eine höhere Kundenorientierung in der Kaltbedingung (im Vergleich zur Warm- und Kontrollbedingung) angaben. Mithilfe dieses Experiments konnte zudem aufgezeigt werden, dass die gefundenen Effekte unabhängig von menschlicher Routine, Erfahrung und individuellem Wissensstand stattfinden. Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit konnte als erste in der Embodied Cognition-Forschung einen Mediationseffekt zwischen Temperatur und Verhaltensvariablen (im Kontext von Konsumentenverhalten) nachweisen. Niedrige Temperaturen führen demnach zu einem erhöhten Anschlussmotiv. Dies wirkt sich wiederum auf das Verhalten von Konsumenten aus (z.B. durch eine höhere Bereitschaft, mit einem/r Verkäufer/in in Interaktion zu treten oder etwas zu kaufen.) Zudem zeigt die vorliegende Arbeit als Erste in diesem Forschungszweig einen Moderationseffekt: In der dritten Versuchsreihe konnte in einer Moderationsanalyse bestätigt werden, dass die Verträglichkeit der Teilnehmenden den Einfluss von Temperatur auf die Gewährung von Kundenrabatten moderierte. Auf diese Weise liefert die Arbeit nicht nur in verschiedenen Kontexten Erkenntnisse über die Tragweite von Temperatureffekten auf menschliches Urteilen und Handeln – sie gewährt auch wertvolle Einblicke in die zugrundeliegenden Faktoren und Rahmenbedingungen von Temperatureffekten. Abschließend werden die Ergebnisse vor dem Hintergrund theoretischer und praktischer Gesichtspunkte diskutiert sowie künftige Forschungsthemen abgeleitet.

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