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Från hopplöshet till möjlighet : Berättelser om vägen ut ur ett självskadande beteendeFastén, Emma, Söderström, Linda January 2009 (has links)
Uppsatsen belyser vägen ur ett självskadande beteende där tre kvalitativa intervjuer har gjorts för att närma sig vändpunktsprocesserna. Även en självbiografisk bok har använts som empiriskt stöd. Syftet är att kunna urskilja hur vägen ut ur ett självskadande beteende kan se ut för olika personer. Det empiriska materialet belyses även utifrån Antonovskys teori om KASAM, Ebaugh Fuchs teori om exitprocesser samt tidigare forskning. De frågeställningar som ligger till grund för uppsatsen är följande: är det möjligt att kunna urskilja en vändpunkt (yttre och inre faktorer)? Vilken betydelse har personer i individens omgivning haft för vägen ut ur ett självskadande beteende? Hur har samhällets insatser hjälpt individen att ta sig ur sitt beteende? De slutsatser som kan konstateras är att det för samtliga intervjudeltagare samt i den självbiografiska boken går att urskilja någon form av vändpunkt. Utifrån de berättelser vi tagit del av kan vi konstatera att vändpunkter kan se väldigt olika ut. Ytterligare en slutsats är att samtliga kvinnor är eniga om att vårdinsatserna är för denna patientgrupp bristfällig eller ibland helt lyser med sin frånvaro. Det viktigaste i intervjudeltagarnas tillfrisknande är deras egen jagstyrka och motivation. Samtliga kvinnor har i dag nya hanteringsstrategier för att klara av livets motgångar och svårigheter. / This thesis highlights self-harming behavior and the journey to recovery. To approach the turning point and the following process three qualitative interviews has been done. An autobiographical book has been used as an empirical data. The purpose is to distinguish how the journey to recovery can differ between diverse people. The empirical data has been illustrated by using Antonovskys theory sence of coherence, Ebaugh Fuchs process of roll exit and current research. The issued questions grounding the thesis are: is it possible to distinguish a turning point (outer and inner factors)? How important were the people surrounding the individual to find the way out? And how did society's efforts help the individual out of its behavior? The conclusions that are determined are that with all of the interviewed and the autobiographical book, a turning point can be discerned. From the stories given to us we can determine that the turning points can differ considerably. Yet another conclusion is that all of the women agree that the care effort towards these types of patients is insufficient or even non-existent. The most important part in the recovery of the interviewed is their own strength and motivation. All of these women today have new strategies on how to handle life's adversity and difficulties.
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Vägen ut har ju inte direkt varit rak : en narrativ studie om upplevelser av utträde ur långvarig hemlöshetDragon, Jenny, Andersson, Marlene January 2013 (has links)
Undersökningar visar att 34 000 människor i Sverige är hemlösa. Detta trots att kommunerna har ett lagstadgat ansvar att tillhandahålla dess innevånare stöd och hjälp. Syftet med studien var att identifiera och beskriva upplevelser av hindrande respektive underlättande faktorer vid utträde ur hemlöshet samt erfarenheter av samhälleligt stöd kopplat till detta. Narrativa intervjuer genomfördes med två personer vilka tagit sig ur långvarig hemlöshet. Resultatet, som analyserades med stämplingsteorin och exitteorin, visade att missbruk var det mest framträdande hindret tillsammans med exempelvis svaga nätverk, skam, att ej vara berättigad till försörjningsstöd samt psykiska problem. Underlättande faktorer beskrevs bland annat som; stödjande nätverk, undvikande av tidigare umgänge samt andlig upplevelse. Socialtjänstens stöd framställdes som bristfälligt och en djup frustration uttrycktes över motkraven på drogfrihet. Merparten av resultatet gick i linje med tidigare forskning, men studiens resultat påvisade även nya påverkansfaktorer såsom ”att ej vara berättigad till försörjningsstöd” samt ”andliga upplevelser”.
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"Att känna att man är en deltagare och inte en åskådare" : En kvalitativ studie om hur vägen ut ur hemlöshet kan se ut och upplevas samt hur personer med erfarenhet av att vara hemlösa kan se på samhällets lösningar kring hemlöshet.Norman-Häggström, Micaela, Blom, Olivia January 2011 (has links)
This study aims to find out how the way out of homelessness can look and be experienced and in what way persons with experience of being homeless might think about our society´s different solutions to this problem. The study is based on five half-structured qualitative interviews with persons who have experience of being homeless. The theoretical perspectives used to analyze the empirism are “Stages of Change” and “The Process of Role Exit”, both dealing with changing processes. Our results show that the way out of homelessness can be long and very hard to achieve, and the change in housing situation can be either a process towards a more and more stable housing or through an opportunity that suddenly appears. Another result shows that people with the experience of being homeless can be negative to the solutions offered by our society but be positive to the idea of Housing First. One conclusion is that a housing of your own can mean more for the individual than just somewhere to sleep. To have a housing of your own can lead to personal development such as trying to get rid of one´s addiction or get better relations with one´s family.
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Marktaustrittsverfahren in Litauens Übergang von der Befehls- zur MarktwirtschaftSaupe, Simone 04 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Marktaustrittsprozesse und förmliche Konkurs- und Sanierungsverfahren gelten als grundlegende Elemente funktionsfähiger Marktwirtschaften und können in diesem Sinne als Indikatoren eines erfolgreichen Transformationsprozesses interpretiert werden. Diese Arbeit untersucht, unter welchen Bedingungen sie sich im litauischen Übergang von der Befehls- zur Marktwirtschaft herausbildeten. Es wird gezeigt, dass bereits die frühen Reformen der Liberalisierung und makroökonomischen Stabilisierung Marktaustritte hervorriefen. Diese waren fast ausschließlich informeller Natur. Angesicht seiner mangelhaften institutionellen Voraussetzungen war das Konkursrecht in der Frühphase der litauischen Transformation nicht in der Lage die Funktionen zu erfüllen, die ihm in reifen Marktwirtschaften zukommt. Seine strikte Anwendung hätte daher die wirtschaftliche Krise verstärken können. Erst als diese überwunden schien und sich zunehmend alle Elemente einer Wettbewerbsordnung etablierten, konnte und musste auch das Insolvenzsystem an Bedeutung und Funktionalität gewinnen.
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Exit charts based analysis and design of rateless codes for the erasure and Gaussian channelsMothi Venkatesan, Sabaresan 02 June 2009 (has links)
Luby Transform Codes were the first class of universal erasure codes introduced
to fully realize the concept of scalable and fault‐tolerant distribution of data over
computer networks, also called Digital Fountain. Later Raptor codes, a generalization of
the LT codes were introduced to trade off complexity with performance. In this work,
we show that an even broader class of codes exists that are near optimal for the
erasure channel and that the Raptor codes form a special case. More precisely, Raptorlike
codes can be designed based on an iterative (joint) decoding schedule wherein
information is transferred between the LT decoder and an outer decoder in an iterative
manner. The design of these codes can be formulated as a LP problem using EXIT Charts
and density evolution. In our work, we show the existence of codes, other than the
Raptor codes, that perform as good as the existing ones.
We extend this framework of joint decoding of the component codes to the
additive white Gaussian noise channels and introduce the design of Rateless codes for
these channels. Under this setting, for asymptotic lengths, it is possible to design codes
that work for a class of channels defined by the signal‐to‐noise ratio. In our work, we
show that good profiles can be designed using density evolution and Gaussian
approximation. EXIT charts prove to be an intuitive tool and aid in formulating the code
design problem as a LP problem. EXIT charts are not exact because of the inherent
approximations. Therefore, we use density evolution to analyze the performance of these codes. In the Gaussian case, we show that for asymptotic lengths, a range of
designs of Rateless codes exists to choose from based on the required complexity and
the overhead.
Moreover, under this framework, we can design incrementally redundant
schemes for already existing outer codes to make the communication system more
robust to channel noise variations.
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The Impact of the Family on Entrepreneurial Outcomes : The Role of Social EmbeddednessBird, Miriam January 2014 (has links)
Most entrepreneurs have families that highly influence their business activities. However, scholars have paid limited attention to how the family as a specific social context impacts entrepreneurial outcomes, such as new venture creation, firm growth, and exit from entrepreneurship. This thesis investigates how the family influences such outcomes at different levels of analysis: the individual level, the firm level, and the regional level. The theoretical framework is developed by integrating the theory of social embeddedness with literature on family business and entrepreneurship. Empirical evidence is based on a unique multi-level Swedish database combining individual-, firm-, and regional-level data. By providing an in-depth understanding of whether the family influence pertains to the whole entrepreneurial process or only to particular entrepreneurial outcomes, this thesis contributes to a new understanding of the family’s role in entrepreneurship. / <p>Diss. Stockholm : Stockholm School of Economics, 2014.</p>
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Efficiency, Leverage and Exit: The Role of Information Asymmetry in Concentrated Industries Human Capital Investment and the Completion of Risky R&D Projects Migration Options for Skilled Labor and Optimal Investment in Human CapitalSiyahhan, Baran 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Efficiency, Leverage and Exit: The Role of Information Asymmetry in Concentrated Industries This paper develops a real options model of imperfect competition with asymmetric information that analyzes firms' exit decisions. Optimal exit decision is linked to firm characteristics such as financial leverage and efficiency. The model shows that informational asymmetries can lead more efficient and less leveraged firms to leave the product market prematurely. It also demonstrates how firm efficiency can increase debt capacity relative to rival firms. The model also has implications for firm risk and asset returns. Specifically, the paper shows that, when there is information asymmetry among rivals, rival actions can have a "news effect" that change a firm's dynamic risk structure. Human Capital Investment and the Completion of Risky R&D Projects We consider a firm that employs human capital to make a technological breakthrough. Since the probability of success of the breakthrough depends on the current stock of human capital the firm has an incentive to expand its human capital stock. The present value of the patent is stochastic but can be observed during the R\&D phase of the project. The exogenous value of the patent determines the firm's decisions to invest in human capital, to abandon the project if necessary, and to invest in marketing the new product. We study the corresponding optimal stopping times, determine their value and risk consequences, and derive optimal investment in the stock of human capital. While optimal investment in human capital is very sensitive to its productivity do increase the probability of a breakthrough it is insensitive to changes in the volatility of the present value of the patent. The value of the firm is driven by fixed labor costs that occur until the breakthrough is made, the call option to invest in human capital and market the product, and the put option to abandon the project. These options together with labor costs' based operating leverage determine the risk dynamics. Risk varies non-monotonically with the stochastic value of the patent and is U-shaped. Migration Options for Skilled Labor and Optimal Investment in Human Capital This paper develops a model of optimal education choice of an agent who has an option to emigrate. Using a real options framework, we analyze the time evolution of human capital in the country of origin and investigate the role of migration possibilities in the accumulation of different types of human capital. The analysis shows that the accumulation of human capital depends crucially on the level of uncertainty and the transferability of human capital across countries. Government subsidies are an important determinant of the composition of different types of human capital and can be crucial in alleviating the brain drain problem. (author's abstract)
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Role Of Locus Of Control And Critical Thinking In Handling Dissatisfactions In Romantic Relationships Of University StudentsCirakoglu, Okan Cem 01 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In the present study, the role of locus of control and critical thinking in handling dissatisfactions in the romantic relationships of university students was examined. Five hundred and eighty university students (373 females, 207 males) from different faculties of five universities located in Ankara voluntarily participated in the study. Convenient sampling procedure was used in all phases of the study. A pilot study was conducted to adapt My Responses to Relationship Problems Scale (MRRPS) into Turkish. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) were utilized to assess factorial and dimensional structure of MRRPS. Results revealed MRRPS to be psychometrically satisfactory. In the main study, four separate, moderated regression analyses were conducted to assess the predictive role of locus of control, critical thinking, and their interaction on exit, voice, loyalty and neglect responses. Results revealed that locus of control significantly predicted exit, voice and neglect responses. Participants with external locus of control had significantly higher exit and neglect scores whereas participants with internal locus of control had significantly higher voice scores. In addition, critical thinking significantly predicted exit and voice scores. Participants with lower levels of critical thinking disposition had higher exit scores whereas participants with higher levels of critical thinking had significantly higher voice scores. Findings of the present study were discussed in the framework of locus of control, critical thinking and close relationships.
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No Child Left Behind Leaves Behind English Language LearnersCanas Baena, Daniela A 01 January 2016 (has links)
Goals 2000 and No Child Left behind have developed a new timeline for language acquisition, have promoted the practice of teaching to the test rather than the understanding of content, and High School Exit Exams have led to the widening of the achievement gap between ELL students and their Non-ELL counterparts. In additions, the policies’ narrow definition of success leads to federal sanctions that penalize schools with ELL student populations further contributing to the widening of the gap.
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Saídas de emergência horizontais em locais de reunião de público. Estudo de casos na cidade de Campina Grande-PB.MARTINS, Diego de Souza. 31 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Medeiros (maria.dilva1@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-07-31T14:05:53Z
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DIEGO DE SOUZA MARTINS- DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGECA) 2016.pdf: 4124722 bytes, checksum: 88ad58b1c87addd5508922737f830fae (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-08-26 / Este trabalho realiza um estudo sobre parâmetros relativos à evacuação em locais de reunião de público e as normas atinentes a saídas de emergência e seu caráter eminentemente prescritivo, buscando avaliar sua contemporaneidade diante das mudanças advindas do processo evolutivo das construções e das mudanças sociais. Os locais de aglomeração seja com fins econômicos, religiosos, entretenimento ou outros, sempre são considerados áreas de risco elevado devido à alta densidade populacional e ao fato das pessoas não possuírem familiaridade com o ambiente. Somando-se a isso, os recentes desastres ocorridos em boates, casas de show ou similares com elevada quantidade de mortos, causados por incêndios, terrorismo ou causas diversas reforçam a preocupação para que estes locais tenham condições de permitir uma evacuação rápida e segura. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa foram selecionadas três edificações localizadas na cidade de Campina Grande e essas foram vistoriadas com vistas à verificação do cumprimento da legislação vigente e para a obtenção de dados que pudessem subsidiar uma modelagem computacional. As simulações utilizaram o software de abandono Pathfinder que propicia dois modos de simulação, o SFPE e o Steering, tendo o primeiro uma metodologia bem semelhante à utilizada pelas normas e o segundo, um modelo que se aproxima mais do comportamento esperado para as pessoas numa situação real. Para as simulações utilizou-se a arquitetura original e a real das edificações, sendo a original obtida através dos projetos de segurança contra incêndio e a real das vistorias in loco. Além disso, analisaram-se outras situações como a influência do mobiliário, posicionamento das saídas e obstrução das mesmas. Com o software obtiveram-se dados de tempo de evacuação, fluxo específico, taxa de fluxo e da dinâmica de evacuação através da visualização do movimento dos ocupantes, sendo possível identificar locais de congestionamento, gargalos e obstáculos. As conclusões mostram que o nível de segurança propiciado pelas normas de saídas de emergência não é o esperado, mesmo naquelas que passaram por recente atualização, como é o caso das normas de muitos estados, fruto de uma revisão simplesmente prescritiva, sem propiciar condições ao desenvolvimento de soluções inovadoras, econômicas e principalmente mais seguras. Associa-se a este fato, uma carência de cultura de prevenção dos responsáveis pelos estabelecimentos que realizam modificações em suas edificações sem se preocupar com a segurança dos seus ocupantes. / This paper accomplishes a study of parameters relating to the evacuation in public meeting places and norms existing concerning to emergency exits and its highly prescriptive, seeking out to evaluate their contemporary view of the changes resulting from the evolutionary process of building and social change. The agglomeration sites for economic purposes, religious, entertainment or other. Are always considered high risk areas due to the high population density and the fact that people do not have familiarity with the environment. Adding to this, the recent disasters in nightclubs, clubs or similar with high amount of deaths caused by fires, terrorism or several causes reinforce the concern that these places are able to allow rapid and safe evacuation. For the development of the research were selected three buildings located in the city of Campina Grande and these were inspected with a view to verifying compliance with current legislation and to obtain data that could support a computational modeling. The simulations used the Pathfinder abandonment software that provides two simulation modes, SFPE and the steering, having the first a very similar methodology to that used by the norms and the second, a model that is closer to the expected behavior for people in a situation real. For the simulations was used the original architecture and real of the buildings, being the original obtained through security projects against fire and the real of on-site inspections. Moreover, other conditions such as the influence of furniture were analyzed, positioning the exits and obstruction the same. With software were obtained evacuation time, specific flow, flow rate and dynamic evacuation by occupant movement of the display, and can identify congestion places obstacles and bottlenecks. The conclusions show that the level of security afforded by the emergency exit norms is not expected, even in those who have undergone recent update, such as the rules of many states, the result of a purely prescriptive revision, without providing conditions for the development of innovative solutions, economic and mainly secure. It is associated to this fact, a lack of prevention culture of responsible for the establishments performing modifications in their buildings without worrying about the safety of its occupants.
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