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Média a předvolební výzkumy: kvantitativní obsahová analýza vybraných českých deníků před volbami do PSP ČR v roce 2010 / Media and pre-election polls:quantitative analysis of the Czech major daily newspapers before parliamentary elections in 2010Kálalová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
The thesis titled Media and Pre-Election Polls: Quantitative Analysis of the Czech Major Daily Newspapers before Parliamentary Elections in 2010, deals with the manner in which the media grasp and process the results of opinion polls focused on the theme of elections, namely pre-election polls. The attitude of the author toward this topic is based on the agenda setting theory, which assumes that the media can, to some extent, set the topics and thus determine how (and that) the audience think about them. In the case of publication of pre- election surveys can therefore media, to some, but hardly detectable extent, influence the citizens-voters. For this reason it is important to focus on how exactly the mass media work with the statistic data and how they make them available to the wide public. Media coverage of these data should be complete and clear in order to prevent misinterpretation and for the data to be correctly handled. Through the quantitative content analysis of media outputs (in total 74 articles) from the five most popular Czech daily newspapers in the period January to May 2010 it was researched if the media work with pre-election polls results properly. Based on the analysis and its results, the recommendations were concluded for the situation to be improved.
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An Analysis of Tennessee Gateway Exams and the Variables Related to Student Results.Webb, Judy W. 17 December 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the variables that are associated with the percentage of students who pass Tennessee's Gateway exams in high school. Associations were examined between the Gateway exams and variables such as: socioeconomic status, ethnicity, dropout rate, graduation rate, attendance, average daily membership, per-pupil expenditure, teachers' salary, and elementary-school reading scores.
Pearson correlations between school characteristics and pass rates of three Gateway exams were calculated. Schools were divided into quartiles based upon socioeconomic status and ethnicity in order to examine pass rates of the Gateway exams among different quartiles. Independent samples t tests were performed to determine if differences were statistically significant. Variables that exhibited strong association with pass rates of Gateway exams were used as predictor variables and pass rates of Gateway exams were used as dependent variables in multivariable linear regressions.
The findings indicated that the graduation rate and percentage of Caucasian students were most positively associated with Gateway pass rates. Dropout rates and percentage of students who qualified for free/reduced-priced meals were most negatively associated with Gateway pass rates. It was discovered that the Algebra I Gateway exam was by far the most difficult for students to pass. Almost half of the students in high schools serving poor, minority students failed the Algebra I Gateway exam in 2004.
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Prescribing patterns of antiretroviral drugs in the private health care sector in South Africa : a drug utilisation review / Daniël Jacobus ScholtzScholtz, Daniël Jacobus January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.Pharm. (Pharmacy Practice))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.
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Bidrag till familjens ekonomiska historia : Inflytande över konsumtionen inom svenska hushåll under 1900-taletSimonsson, Per January 2005 (has links)
This dissertation deals with consumption in Swedish households between 1913 and 2001. More specifically, it asks whose resources matter most in determining consumption patterns. As a second question, the dissertation also attempts to establish whether the fact that simple covariance between a spouse’s background variables implies that the spouse has any influence at all over the household’s consumption decisions. The theoretical background is mostly drawn from literature regarding intra-household allocations: on the one hand cooperative game theory and on the other hand sociological theory. Cooperative game theory establishes influence, say or power within the household as a function of the marriage’s or cohabitation’s alternative cost, i.e., the difference between the utility level for a married or cohabiting person as opposed to a single person. Sociological theory considers the contribution one makes to the total level of utility in the household, whether in the form of monetary income, household work or as something else. This is in part conceptualized as a difference between exit and voice. The dissertation’s statistical analysis uses three surveys of household expenditure conducted in 1913, 1952 and 1999-2001. They give us an excellent picture of what they actually purchased during that year. The sample sizes are 552, 596 and 3,501, respectively. The dissertation’s main result is that human capital is a previously underestimated determinant of influence in consumption decisions. As the female stock of human capital increases, so does her influence over the household’s consumption decisions. In an attempt to determine the level of democracy within households, the dissertation uses a complementary data source: a questionnaire called “The Swedish People 1955”. Here, one of the questions directed to females was whether they checked with their husbands before deciding on a purchase, as a measure of intra-household democracy. This was then regressed upon the female share of total income, ideological position and two forms of human capital, one general and one for household work. Both forms of human capital lead to democratic households, which is taken to mean that human capital is important not only because it increases labor opportunities in the event of divorce (exit) but also because it increases female voice.
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Är tioårsregeln i 3 kap. 19 § Inkomstskattelagen förenlig med EG-rätten? : Vad blir konsekvenserna av den nya lydelsen? / Is the ten-year-rule in chapter 3 section 19 of the Income Tax Law in compliance with EC-Law? : What are the consequences of the new wording?Buhre, Anna, Mörck, Elisabeth January 2009 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att utreda huruvida tioårsregeln i 3 kap. 19 § IL strider mot EG-rätten. Vidare undersöks konsekvenserna utav den utvidgade regeln i förhållande till den internationella skatteavtalsrätten. Avsaknad av total harmonisering inom skatteområdet i EU resulterar i att praxis från EGD är vägledande och av stor vikt för medlemsstaterna. Skatteregler i intern rätt får inte utformas på ett sätt att de strider mot någon av de grundläggande rörelsefriheterna i EG-fördraget. Tioårsregeln innebär i grova drag att kapitalvinster som uppstår vid avyttring av tillgångar, skall beskattas i Sverige under de tio nästföljande åren efter utflyttning från Sverige. Tioårsregeln i dess tidigare lydelse har inte fungerat ändamålsenligt. Numera omfattar tioårsregeln utländska andelar och delägarrätter om dessa förvärvades under tiden den skattskyldige var obegränsat skattskyldig i Sverige. Tioårsregelns syfte är att hindra skattskyldiga att undandraga den svenska staten skatteintäkter vid utflyttning. Exitbeskattning är en synonym till utflyttningsbeskattning. Exitskatt avseende kapital innebär att beskattning sker på en orealiserad latent vinst på grund av att den skattskyldige flyttar ut från staten. Tioårsregeln kan sägas vara en typ av exitskatteregel eftersom den grundas på en utsträckt hemvistprincip. Bestämmelser om exitskatter avseende kapitalvinster är generellt sett svåra att rättfärdiga eftersom en mängd krav ställs för att sådana regler skall betraktas förenliga med EG-rätten. EGD har genom praxis stadgat vissa krav avseende utformning av exitskatteregler. Exitskatter i sig har inte ansetts strida mot EG-rätten, vilket kan utläsas från Lasteyrie-domen. I det senare avgjorda N-målet konstaterades att regler om exitskatt i form av uppskovsbeskattning måste anses godkända av EGD, i alla fall då de inte är förenade med alltför hårda krav för den skattskyldige. För att inte strida mot EG-rätten bör värdenedgångar efter utflyttning beaktas samtidigt som krav på säkerhet och dylikt inte får ställas på den skattskyldige. Artikel 13 i OECD:s modellavtal gällande kapitalvinster reglerar inte problematiken kring olika staters bestämmelser om kapitalskatt skall tas ut eller på vilket sätt kapitalvinst skall beskattas. Artikeln reglerar i stället hur skatteanspråket avseende kapitalvinst skall fördelas mellan staterna. Det är inte alltför ovanligt att de svenska skatteavtalen skiljer sig från OECD:s modellavtal i vissa avseenden. Begränsningarna i Sveriges beskattningsrätt innebär ofta en inskränkning i de antal år som Sverige har rätt att beskatta kapitalvinster och/eller att svenska delägarrätter samt andelar endast omfattas av den svenska beskattningsrätten. Utvidgningen av tioårsregeln är verkningslös eftersom de svenska skatteavtalen är formulerade på ett sätt som leder till att Sverige förhindras att utöva sin beskattningsrätt enligt tioårsregeln, som avtalen föreskriver. Tioårsregeln har inte effektiviserats med hjälp av utvidgningen till att även omfatta utländska andelar på grund av skatteavtalens neutraliserande effekt. Skatteavtalen leder till att tioårsregeln är verkningslös och för att syftet med den utvidgade tioårsregeln skall uppnås måste Sverige omförhandla sina skatteavtal. Om en skattskyldig person vid utflyttning behandlas negativt av tioårsregeln i jämförelse med en skattskyldig person som fortsätter vara bosatt i Sverige, kan regeln fungera hindrande. Eftersom beskattning av kapitalvinst enligt tioårsregeln sker på samma sätt för den utflyttade personen som för den i Sverige kvarvarande personen föreligger ingen negativ särbehandling, vilket innebär att regeln är förenlig med EG-rätten. Tioårsregeln bör ersättas av ett system bestående av exitbeskattning med möjlighet till uppskov, vilket vi betraktar som en mer ändamålsenlig lösning. Vår utredning påvisar att förslaget uppnår samma syfte som tioårsregeln strävar efter samtidigt som det framstår förenligt med EG-rätten. Problematiken avseende skatteflykt och skatteundandragande som tioårsregeln kan medföra är dock inte löst i sin helhet i och med det framställda förslaget. Problematiken med skatteflykt och skatteundandragande vid utflyttningssituationer kvarstår så länge Sveriges skatteavtal inte omförhandlas. / The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether the ten-year-rule in chapter 3 section 19 of the Income Tax Law is contrary to EC-law. The consequences of the extended rule in connection with international contract law regarding taxation agreement are furthermore investigated. The lack of complete harmonization within tax law in the EU brings case law from the European Court of Justice into a position of great importance since it serves as guidance for the member states. Tax rules in national law may not be constructed in a way that is contrary to the right of free movement in the EC-treaty. A general explanation of the ten-year-rule is that capital gains which arise from disposal of assets shall be subject to Swedish tax during a ten-year period following emigration from Sweden. The former wording of the ten-year-rule has not been working appropriately. The present outline of the ten-year-rule also comprises foreign shares if they were acquired during a period when the taxpayer was liable to unlimited taxation in Sweden. The aim of the ten-year-rule is to hinder taxpayers avoiding paying governmental taxes after emigration. Exit tax is a synonym for emigration tax. Exit tax regarding capital leads to taxation of gains that has not yet been subject to realization due to the taxpayer’s emigration. The ten-year-rule can be regarded as an exit tax since it is based on an extended domicile principle. Rules regarding exit tax of capital gains are generally difficult to justify because of the various requirements to be fulfilled in order to comply with EC-law. ECJ has through case law enacted certain requirements regarding construction of exit tax rules in national law. From the judgment of the Lasteyrie-case it can be understood that exit taxes per se is not contrary to EC-law. The later ruled N-case established that exit tax rules supplemented with a possibility of tax deferral has to be considered approved by ECJ, at least when not combined with far too strict requirements for the taxpayer. In order for exit tax rules in national law not to be contrary to EC-law shall rate decrease be considered after emigration and security requirements cannot be demanded. Article 13 of the OECD's Model Tax Convention regarding capital gains does not regulate if capital gains shall be taxed or in what way capital gains shall be taxed. Instead the article regulates how the tax claim regarding capital gains shall be divided between the contractual parties. It is not uncommon that the Swedish taxation agreements are in some aspects different from the Model Tax Convention. Limitations of the Swedish tax claim often leads to restriction in the time period in which Sweden has the right to confer taxation of capital gains and/or that Swedish shares only are included in the Swedish tax claim. The extension of the ten-year-rule is ineffective since the Swedish taxation agreements are constructed in a way that leads to Sweden being prevented from practicing the tax claim according to the ten-year-rule which the agreement prescribes. The extension to also include foreign shares in the ten-year-rule has not made the rule more efficient due to the neutralizing effect of the taxation agreements. The Swedish taxation agreements affect the ten-year-rule to become inoperative and in order for the extended rule to be effective, Sweden has to renegotiate the agreements. If an emigrating taxpayer is treated in a less favorable manner in comparison with a taxpayer keeping its residence in Sweden due to the ten-year-rule, the rule can be considered as a hindrance. Since taxation of capital gains in accordance with the ten-year-rule is conducted in the same manner for the emigrating person as for the person remaining in Sweden, no derogatory treatment exists which means that the rule is compatible with EC-law. The ten-year-rule should be replaced by a system consistent of exit tax rules combined with an opportunity for tax deferral, which we consider to be an appropriate solution. Our investigation demonstrates that this solution achieves the same purpose as the ten-year-rule is striving for at the same time as it seems to be in compliance with EC-law. The difficulty regarding tax avoidance and tax evasion that the ten-year-rule might contribute to is however not completely solved by this presented solution. The problem regarding tax avoidance and tax evasion remains as long as Swedish taxation agreements are not renegotiated.
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Sociala nätverkets betydelse för vägen ur hemlöshet : En narrativ studieGustafsson, Angelica, Oskarsson, Jon January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study was to use stories from three people who previously lived in homelessness to increase the knowledge of the social network's impact on the process of exiting homelessness. In order to answer our questions, whether the social network facilitated or hindered the way out of homelessness, we have used a narrative method to take advantage of these person's life stories. As a theoretical perspective, we used the ecology of human development, based on the idea that human development occurs in interaction with their environment at different levels. Results showed those interviewees' networks had a significant impact on their path out of homelessness and that these relationships both facilitated and hindered this process. At the same time, these relationships affected our interviewees in different ways and were found in various areas of life, which indicates that there is more than one way out of homelessness. However, common patterns emerged in these stories that said that the relationships facilitated consisted of those who have supported and encouraged our interviewees in their way out of homelessness. While hindering relations consisted of those who disbelieved in the interviewees abilities and not supported when needed most.
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Euthanasia : A study of its origin, forms and aspectsRockman, Priscilla January 2012 (has links)
The death-and-dying debates, especially where they focus on euthanasia is now a global debated issue and this act (euthanasia) is now practiced in a lot of countries worldwide despite some countries have not legalized it. Some religious groups and individuals are in line with the arguments for euthanasia because it provides a way to relieve extreme pain, provides a way of relief when a person’s quality of life is low and it frees up medical funds to help other people while on the other hand, other religious groups and individual base their arguments against euthanasia because such act and practice devalues human life, and because there is a "slippery slope’ effect that has occurred where euthanasia has been first been legalized for only the terminally ill and later laws are changed to allow it for other people or to be done non-voluntarily. A current debated issue is whether effective palliative care laws are changed to allow it for other people or to b e done non-voluntarily. A current debated issue is whether effective palliative care can have an influence over people’s choices towards euthanasia.
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Perceptions of Organizational Politics Model Examination and Reform ¡ÐThe affect of ClustersYang, Chun-Ping 17 August 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to discuss and find the coincidental consequences of the organizational politics perception model by clustering organizational politics perception groups. This investigation uses the model proposed by Ferris et al. (1989) to study the relationships between the perceptions of organizational politics, organizational influences, work environment influences, personal influences, and study the relationships between the perceptions of organizational politics, job satisfaction, job stress, organizational commitment, work performance, job involvement, organization citizenship behavior, and exit intention.
The sample consisted of 2559 employee selected from 36 organizations covering 9 industrial sectors in Taiwan. The data was analyzed by applying statistical methods, including factor, reliability, correlation, regression and multiple linear regression analysis.
The different groups of perception of organizational politics were found to have been involved in the relationship between organizational influences and some personal influences. Also the different groups of perception of organizational politics were involved in the relationships between perceptions of organizational politics and employee¡¦s work performance, job involvement, job stress, organization citizenship, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment.
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Är tioårsregeln i 3 kap. 19 § Inkomstskattelagen förenlig med EG-rätten? : Vad blir konsekvenserna av den nya lydelsen? / Is the ten-year-rule in chapter 3 section 19 of the Income Tax Law in compliance with EC-Law? : What are the consequences of the new wording?Buhre, Anna, Mörck, Elisabeth January 2009 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsens syfte är att utreda huruvida tioårsregeln i 3 kap. 19 § IL strider mot EG-rätten. Vidare undersöks konsekvenserna utav den utvidgade regeln i förhållande till den internationella skatteavtalsrätten.</p><p>Avsaknad av total harmonisering inom skatteområdet i EU resulterar i att praxis från EGD är vägledande och av stor vikt för medlemsstaterna. Skatteregler i intern rätt får inte utformas på ett sätt att de strider mot någon av de grundläggande rörelsefriheterna i EG-fördraget.</p><p>Tioårsregeln innebär i grova drag att kapitalvinster som uppstår vid avyttring av tillgångar, skall beskattas i Sverige under de tio nästföljande åren efter utflyttning från Sverige. Tioårsregeln i dess tidigare lydelse har inte fungerat ändamålsenligt. Numera omfattar tioårsregeln utländska andelar och delägarrätter om dessa förvärvades under tiden den skattskyldige var obegränsat skattskyldig i Sverige. Tioårsregelns syfte är att hindra skattskyldiga att undandraga den svenska staten skatteintäkter vid utflyttning.</p><p><em>Exitbeskattning</em> är en synonym till <em>utflyttningsbeskattning</em>. Exitskatt avseende kapital innebär att beskattning sker på en orealiserad latent vinst på grund av att den skattskyldige flyttar ut från staten. Tioårsregeln kan sägas vara en typ av exitskatteregel eftersom den grundas på en utsträckt hemvistprincip.</p><p>Bestämmelser om exitskatter avseende kapitalvinster är generellt sett svåra att rättfärdiga eftersom en mängd krav ställs för att sådana regler skall betraktas förenliga med EG-rätten. EGD har genom praxis stadgat vissa krav avseende utformning av exitskatteregler. Exitskatter i sig har inte ansetts strida mot EG-rätten, vilket kan utläsas från <em>Lasteyrie</em>-domen. I det senare avgjorda <em>N</em>-målet konstaterades att regler om exitskatt i form av uppskovsbeskattning måste anses godkända av EGD, i alla fall då de inte är förenade med alltför hårda krav för den skattskyldige. För att inte strida mot EG-rätten bör värdenedgångar efter utflyttning beaktas samtidigt som krav på säkerhet och dylikt inte får ställas på den skattskyldige.</p><p>Artikel 13 i OECD:s modellavtal gällande kapitalvinster reglerar inte problematiken kring olika staters bestämmelser <em>om </em>kapitalskatt skall tas ut eller på vilket <em>sätt</em> kapitalvinst skall beskattas. Artikeln reglerar i stället <em>hur</em> skatteanspråket avseende kapitalvinst skall fördelas mellan staterna. Det är inte alltför ovanligt att de svenska skatteavtalen skiljer sig från OECD:s modellavtal i vissa avseenden. Begränsningarna i Sveriges beskattningsrätt innebär ofta en inskränkning i de antal år som Sverige har rätt att beskatta kapitalvinster och/eller att svenska delägarrätter samt andelar endast omfattas av den svenska beskattningsrätten.</p><p>Utvidgningen av tioårsregeln är verkningslös eftersom de svenska skatteavtalen är formulerade på ett sätt som leder till att Sverige förhindras att utöva sin beskattningsrätt enligt tioårsregeln, som avtalen föreskriver. Tioårsregeln har inte effektiviserats med hjälp av utvidgningen till att även omfatta utländska andelar på grund av skatteavtalens neutraliserande effekt. Skatteavtalen leder till att tioårsregeln är verkningslös och för att syftet med den utvidgade tioårsregeln skall uppnås måste Sverige omförhandla sina skatteavtal.</p><p>Om en skattskyldig person vid utflyttning behandlas negativt av tioårsregeln i jämförelse med en skattskyldig person som fortsätter vara bosatt i Sverige, kan regeln fungera hindrande. Eftersom beskattning av kapitalvinst enligt tioårsregeln sker på samma sätt för den utflyttade personen som för den i Sverige kvarvarande personen föreligger ingen negativ särbehandling, vilket innebär att regeln är förenlig med EG-rätten.</p><p>Tioårsregeln bör ersättas av ett system bestående av exitbeskattning med möjlighet till uppskov, vilket vi betraktar som en mer ändamålsenlig lösning. Vår utredning påvisar att förslaget uppnår samma syfte som tioårsregeln strävar efter samtidigt som det framstår förenligt med EG-rätten. Problematiken avseende skatteflykt och skatteundandragande som tioårsregeln kan medföra är dock inte löst i sin helhet i och med det framställda förslaget. Problematiken med skatteflykt och skatteundandragande vid utflyttningssituationer kvarstår så länge Sveriges skatteavtal inte omförhandlas.</p> / <p>The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether the ten-year-rule in chapter 3 section 19 of the Income Tax Law is contrary to EC-law. The consequences of the extended rule in connection with international contract law regarding taxation agreement are furthermore investigated.</p><p>The lack of complete harmonization within tax law in the EU brings case law from the European Court of Justice into a position of great importance since it serves as guidance for the member states. Tax rules in national law may not be constructed in a way that is contrary to the right of free movement in the EC-treaty.</p><p>A general explanation of the ten-year-rule is that capital gains which arise from disposal of assets shall be subject to Swedish tax during a ten-year period following emigration from Sweden. The former wording of the ten-year-rule has not been working appropriately. The present outline of the ten-year-rule also comprises foreign shares if they were acquired during a period when the taxpayer was liable to unlimited taxation in Sweden. The aim of the ten-year-rule is to hinder taxpayers avoiding paying governmental taxes after emigration.</p><p>Exit tax is a synonym for emigration tax. Exit tax regarding capital leads to taxation of gains that has not yet been subject to realization due to the taxpayer’s emigration. The ten-year-rule can be regarded as an exit tax since it is based on an extended domicile principle.</p><p>Rules regarding exit tax of capital gains are generally difficult to justify because of the various requirements to be fulfilled in order to comply with EC-law. ECJ has through case law enacted certain requirements regarding construction of exit tax rules in national law. From the judgment of the <em>Lasteyrie</em>-case it can be understood that exit taxes per se is not contrary to EC-law. The later ruled <em>N</em>-case established that exit tax rules supplemented with a possibility of tax deferral has to be considered approved by ECJ, at least when not combined with far too strict requirements for the taxpayer. In order for exit tax rules in national law not to be contrary to EC-law shall rate decrease be considered after emigration and security requirements cannot be demanded.</p><p>Article 13 of the OECD's Model Tax Convention regarding capital gains does not regulate <em>if</em> capital gains shall be taxed or in <em>what way</em> capital gains shall be taxed. Instead the article regulates <em>how</em> the tax claim regarding capital gains shall be divided between the contractual parties. It is not uncommon that the Swedish taxation agreements are in some aspects different from the Model Tax Convention. Limitations of the Swedish tax claim often leads to restriction in the time period in which Sweden has the right to confer taxation of capital gains and/or that Swedish shares only are included in the Swedish tax claim.</p><p>The extension of the ten-year-rule is ineffective since the Swedish taxation agreements are constructed in a way that leads to Sweden being prevented from practicing the tax claim according to the ten-year-rule which the agreement prescribes. The extension to also include foreign shares in the ten-year-rule has not made the rule more efficient due to the neutralizing effect of the taxation agreements. The Swedish taxation agreements affect the ten-year-rule to become inoperative and in order for the extended rule to be effective, Sweden has to renegotiate the agreements. </p><p>If an emigrating taxpayer is treated in a less favorable manner in comparison with a taxpayer keeping its residence in Sweden due to the ten-year-rule, the rule can be considered as a hindrance. Since taxation of capital gains in accordance with the ten-year-rule is conducted in the same manner for the emigrating person as for the person remaining in Sweden, no derogatory treatment exists which means that the rule is compatible with EC-law.</p><p>The ten-year-rule should be replaced by a system consistent of exit tax rules combined with an opportunity for tax deferral, which we consider to be an appropriate solution. Our investigation demonstrates that this solution achieves the same purpose as the ten-year-rule is striving for at the same time as it seems to be in compliance with EC-law. The difficulty regarding tax avoidance and tax evasion that the ten-year-rule might contribute to is however not completely solved by this presented solution. The problem regarding tax avoidance and tax evasion remains as long as Swedish taxation agreements are not renegotiated.</p>
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Att lyckas när oddsen talar emot : Hur lämnar man gängkriminaliteten-den enda gemenskapen?Lindén, Jenny, Roos, Therese January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to create a deeper understanding for, and shine a light on the exit process for former criminal gang members. Which conditions appear to be important and what may constitute the enabling and inhibiting factors of an exit process? The study was based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with respondents who themselves have experience of a criminal lifestyle and gang affiliation, and with professionals in social work. Our theoretical approach is based on Helen Ebaugh’s definition of an exit process, labeling theories, strain theory and control theory. Said theories are usually an explanation for why an individual develops and remains in a criminal behavior. We used these theories in an opposite way, that is, as a model to explain how the way out of crime could look like. The conclusion is that the process of leaving a criminal lifestyle and gang affiliation behind is complex. The criminal lifestyle means a marginalized position and limited resources linked to the conventional society. Throughout the process, the individual must, despite the difficulties, choose the legal options and be sustainable even if emotions like loneliness and disorientation arises. For individuals the way out of crime leads to a role change, to learn again. This indicates in our conclusions of the importance of including assistance in working with their criminal thinking patterns and behavior, orderly housing situation and livelihood as well as the importance of a supportive social network. Individuals who have been part of a criminal gang often have a unique support needs based on the environment they have been in, and not least by the sense of community and identity that the gang has meant to them. Motivation and their willpower is portrayed as the most central means to cope with the exit process. The absence of one or more conditions increases the risk for the individual to fail while the access to conditions alone is not enough. The right conditions at the right time seems to appear as the key to generate a successful change process.
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