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Spelar det någon roll? : En kvalitativ studie av hur mellanchefer upplever en rollförändring / Does it matter? : A qualitative study on how middle managers experience a change of roleJohansson, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to show how mid-level managers experience a role change while in a bigger organizational change. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with ten mid-level managers in a wholesale company with approximately 650 employees. The study is about roles and role change and how a middle manager experience a change in roles. It aims to give a new contribution to management- and organization studies and to contribute with action-advices to practitioner in work life. The theoretical starting points are Helen Rose Fuchs Ebaughs (1988) theory about role exit. The result from the interviews was analyzed with this theory and the main conclusions are: A forced change of roles for a mid-level manager can show the same steps in role exiting as the examples in Ebaughs (1988) study. Throughout the change, the manager’s experiences doubt, seeking alternatives, the turning point and creating an Ex-role. The time it took, the managers to go through all these steps varied. The company’s actions created a bigger doubt than necessary. The fact that the company waited for up to two months to declare the new roles for the middle managers created most doubt. A clearer purpose, more information about the coming roles and more information about why the change was necessary could have shortened the time it took for the managers to get through all the role-exiting steps and some role-uncertainty could have been avoided.
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The Taxation of Capital Gains in Double Tax Convention Models / La Tributación de las Ganancias de Capital en los Modelos de Convenio de Doble ImposiciónSoler Roch, María Teresa 10 April 2018 (has links)
The article deals with the taxation of capital gains in cross-border situations, according to the relevant provision in the different Model Conventions (OECD, UN, and US). Following an introduction to the topic, the article analyzes the concept of capital gains, as well as the allocation rules applicable to gains derived from the alienation of different type of assets, including specific anti-abuse provisions and a final reference to the exit taxes. / El artículo trata de la tributación de las ganancias de capital en situaciones transfronterizas, de acuerdo con las disposiciones previstas en los distintos Modelos de Convenio (OCDE, ONU y EEUU). Tras una introducción al tema, el artículo analiza el concepto de ganancias de capital, así como las reglas de atribución aplicables a las ganancias obtenidas en la transmisión de distintos tipos de bienes, incluyendo cláusulas anti-abuso específicas y una referencia final a los impuestos de salida.
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Intermittent transport processes on surfaces / Processus de transport intemittent sur surfacesPhun, Xuan Lan 25 November 2014 (has links)
Comment les protéïnes trouvent-elles leur chemin vers les rares endroits des molécules d’ADN où elles peuvent perpétuer le processus de vie ? De nombreuses études récentes tendent à prouver que seule une dynamique intermittente, c’est à dire à (au moins) deux régimes permet ce processus. L’objet principal de cette thèse est une étude rigoureuse d’un modèle simplifié de dynamique intermittente. Dans ce modèle la molécule alterne des dynamiques browniennes dans le "bulk" et sur la "surface" (i.e. la molécule d’ADN dans l’exemple plus haut) jusqu’à ce qu’elle atteigne sa cible, une petite fenêtre sur la surface: le temps passé par la molécule à la surface est naturellement modélisé comme une variable exponentielle de paramètre λ. Le principal résultat de la thèse est que quels que soient les paramètres, la recherche purement "par le bulk" n’est jamais optimale, ce qui légitime la thèse de la dynamique intermittente. On y caractérise aussi le cas où le temps optimal est atteint pour λ > 0. L’outil mathématique nouveau est l’introduction d’un opérateur autoadjoint et de sa base orthonormée de vecteurs propres. Cette étude permet d’obtenir un développement asymptotique à λ grand du temps moyen d’atteinte de la cible. Par ailleurs, un modèle nouveau est introduit: c’est celui du tore qui porte un paramètre supplémentaire, à savoir son module. Il est montre dans cette thèse que certaines valeurs du module conduisent à prouver que la stratégie intermittente est considérablement meilleure que celle de la pure diffusion dans le bulk. / How do proteins find their way towards the rare places on DNA molecules where they need to go in order to perpetuate the life process ? Many recent works tend to show that only an intermittent dynamics, that is a dynamics with two or more regimes, allows this process. The main goal of this PhD is a rigorous study of a simplified model of intermittent dynamics. In this model the molecule alternates diffusion in the bulk with a different kind of diffusion on the surface until it reaches its target consisting in a small window on the surface. The time spent by the molecule on the surface is naturally modeled as following an exponential law with parameter λ. The main result of this thesis is to show that, whatever the parameters are, a pure bulk strategy is never optimal, thus reinforcing the hypothesis of intermittent dynamics. One also characterizes the case where the optimal timed is attained for λ > 0. The new mathematical tool is the introduction of a self-adjoint operator and the use of its orthonormal basis of eigenvectors. This tool allows to obtain a precise asymptotic behavior of the mean exit time for λ large. Besides that a new geometrical model is developed, called the torus model. This new model carries a new parameter, namely its modulus. It is shown in this thesis that for some values of the modulus the optimized exit time is significantly (allowing experimental checking for instance) shorter than the pure bulk search.
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Valfrihet -makt eller maktlöshet? : En intervjustudie om äldres val- och påverkansmöjligheter i en konkurrensutsatt äldreomsorg / Freedom of choice – power or inadequacy? : An interview study on elderly's possibilities to make chocies and influence a competitive elderly careLundh, Helena January 2018 (has links)
In recent decades, the Swedish welfare system has been characterized by the increasing occurrence of market solutions. One example of this development is the introduction of voucher systems in the elderly care. With the purpose to contribute empirically based knowledge about elderly caretaker’s ability to act in a voucher system, interviews have been conducted with eleven relatives to someone who lives in a residential home. By further focusing on the unique features of the elderly care and putting these in relation to Albert O. Hirschman's concept of exit and voice, several conclusions have been made about the individuals strategies towards the voucher system. The study shows that the individuals relation to the voucher system is characterized by emotions and social relations witch complicates the ability to act rationally towards the market. The unique character of the elderly care also means that the possibilities for exit (to change residential home when not content) are limited, as it implies a heavy burden for both relatives and caretakers to change residential home. Lack of information about what other options are available also limits the individuals ability to exit. The possibilities of voice (to protest and try to improve the quality of the care) are also limited to the individual as this is an option that takes a lot of energy and dedication. The study shows that protracted voice without improvement ultimately makes the individual give up his attempts to influence the quality of the care. The only option that remains when neither voice or exit is available is for the relative to personally take over the care of the caretaker.
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O modelo QRSP para a quantificação do risco na saída de veículos da pista em rodovias / The QRSP model to quantify the risk in the runway exit of vehicles on highwaysCândido Moreira Andrade 19 September 2011 (has links)
Uma parcela significativa dos acidentes de trânsito nas rodovias ocorre devido à saída de veículos da pista, o que pode resultar em choques com obstáculos fixos, quedas em espaços vazios, tombamento, capotagem, etc. Esse tipo de acidente é, em geral, grave, em razão das altas velocidades desenvolvidas nas rodovias. Cerca de 1/3 dos acidentes rodoviários com vítimas fatais nos Estados Unidos resultam de saída de pista. No Brasil, estima-se que 30% dos acidentes rodoviários estão relacionados com saída da pista, sendo esse valor da ordem de 25% nos casos dos acidentes com vítimas fatais. Neste trabalho é apresentado o Modelo QRSP (formado pelas letras iniciais das palavras: Quantificação - Risco - Saída - Pista) em rodovias. O modelo permite quantificar o nível de proteção existente em cada segmento particular da rodovia (análise microscópica) e, a partir dessa informação, quantificar o nível de proteção considerando trechos longos (análise macroscópica). No modelo desenvolvido, a avaliação é feita considerando separadamente os dois lados da pista (direito e esquerdo), podendo os resultados serem compostos no caso da quantificação de trechos longos. O modelo foi desenvolvido para o caso de rodovias de múltiplas faixas por sentido (denominadas comumente de pista dupla), podendo, no entanto, também ser empregado no caso das rodovias de duas faixas e duplo sentido (rodovias de pista simples). O modelo QRSP permite determinar parâmetros não fornecidos pelos métodos ABNT (2007) - norma brasileira - e AASHTO (2002) - norma americana, proporcionando, dessa forma, uma melhor quantificação do risco na saída de veículos da pista. A análise dos resultados fornecidos pelo modelo QRSP mostra que o mesmo representa a realidade de maneira satisfatória. As informações quantitativas fornecidas pelo modelo são de grande utilidade na elaboração de projetos de melhoria das características das laterais de rodovias existentes, bem como na preparação de projetos de novas rodovias. / A significant portion of road traffic accidents on highways occurs because of the exit of vehicles from the runway, which may result in collisions with fixed obstacles, falls in empty spaces, overturning, roll over, etc. This kind of accident is in general quite severe, due to the high speeds on highways. Approximately one third of road accidents with fatalities in the United States result from the runway exit. In Brazil, it is estimated that 30% of road accidents are also related to the runway exit, bringing this value at 25% in the cases of accidents with fatal victims. The QRRE that stands for Quantification the Risk in the Runway Exit of vehicles on highways is presented in this research. The model allows to quantify the level of protection in each particular segment of the highway (microscopic analysis) and from this information, it permits to quantify the level of protection considering long segments (macroscopic analysis). In the developed model, the assessment is done considering separately the left and right sides of the runway, and the results can be compounded in the case of long segments quantification. The model was developed for the case of multilanes highways in each direction, however, this model can also be used in the case of two lanes highways with two-ways direction. The QRRE model allows to determine parameters that are not provided by the methods ABNT (2007) - Brazilian standard, - and AASHTO (2002) - American standard, which provides a better measurement of risk in the exit of vehicles from the runway. The results obtained by QRRE model show that it clearly represents the reality. The quantitative information provided by the model are useful for the development of projects in order to improve the characteristics of the roadside highways available, and the development of projects for new highways.
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Assessing Success In United Nations Peace Operations: No Evaluative Framework Without a Political FrameworkBezeau, Alexander January 2018 (has links)
The international community has long relied on United Nations (UN) peace operations as the means of creating and maintaining international peace and security, however the realities of what a “successful” mission looks like remains obscured, as the experiences and definitions of success may differ between the various players involved. While a shared definition of success and operational structure remains elusive, it is clear that the assessment of UN missions must be conducted in a holistic manner, from mandate crafting, to mission transition and exit. Among these realities is that the assessment of UN peace operation success is all too often hindered by political partiality with the determination of mission success frequently held hostage by faulty political processes. It is essential that evaluative frameworks encompass the various stages of a peace operation, in order to illustrate the political challenges that often obstruct the planning and assessment of a UN mission. Highlighting the political obstacles associated with holistic mission planning and assessment, against the backdrop of ongoing, ad hoc UN peace operation deployments to Haiti, breaks down existing normative positions and exposes the realities and voids in current methodology.
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Reasons behind Chinese Producers’ Various Responses to EU Anti-dumping Investigation : A Case Study TestCui, Weijing January 2006 (has links)
EU and China are important trade partners to each other; trade relationship is one of their crucial bilateral relationships. Within EU-China trade relationship, the dumping and anti-dumping issues play an important role. When EU commission initiates anti-dumping investigation, Chinese producers always have different responses. This study mainly focuses on the reasons behind Chinese producers’ various responses facing EU anti-dumping investigations. By digging out the real reasons behind Chinese producers’ various responses, this study is expected to make some contribution to the dumping and anti-dumping discussion between China and EU in academic level and to make some contribution to the policy adjusting of both sides in political lever. Some hypotheses drawing from a Chinese lawyer Tao Jingzhou’s claim in an interview are tested in this study. These hypotheses listed some possible factors affecting Chinese producers’ responses. There are many anti-dumping cases between China and EU, CFL-i (Integrated electronic compact fluorescent lamps) case initiated in April 2000 was chosen as a research object for case study in this research. When it comes to theory, Hirschman’s theory of exit and voice is used as the basic theory structure of this study. His followers especially Barry and Birch refined Hirschman’s model into exit-voice-silence. This model is implemented in this study as a theory approach. By interviewing some key people in the Chinese producers involving in CFL-i case and comparing the interview results with hypotheses, come conclusions are coming out: First, in the case study level, Chinese producers’ choice of options is in a dynamic process. With the change of situation, a certain producer can choose different option in different period of time. While this study verified the variables influencing the choice of Chinese producers mentioned by Tao Jingzhou in the hypotheses such as degree of depending on EU market, sufficient of funds, supports from local government, financial system, ownership of the company and the diversity of products, it found several other variables which also affect the decision making of Chinese producers such as nationalism, previous success experience. Second, when it comes to political level, for Chinese side, Chinese government especially local government should be more supportive when their enterprises are facing anti-dumping investigation from EU. In EU’s part, according to what has been discussed in the case study, currently it is not the time for EU to take China as a market economy treatment. However, its harsh criteria for applying for MET and individual treatment would get continuous severe critical from Chinese producers and government, which will negatively affect its trade relationship with China. For both sides, bilateral negotiations on anti-dumping duty or undertakings would be good for the long-run interests of both sides.
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”Ibland känns det som om att det finns en dragkedja i mig” : En undersökning av porträtteringen av transmän i filmernaPojkarna och Boys Don’t CryThorslund, Linnéa, Bergman, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Denna uppsats behandlar porträtteringen av transmän i filmerna Pojkarna (2015) och Boys Don’t Cry (1999). Syftet är att undersöka hur karaktärernas könsidentiteter är porträtterade och även att kunna bidra med kunskap till filmskapare om hur man kan utveckla porträtteringar av transmän i film. Analysen skrivs ur ett queerteoretiskt och normkritiskt perspektiv och genomförs med hjälp av Jens Eders analysmetod Karaktärsklockan. Maskulinitetsteori används för att undersöka karaktärernas maskulina uttryckssätt. Resultatet av denna undersökning visar att karaktärerna är nyanserade men att filmskaparna berövar karaktärerna rätten till sina könsidentiteter genom att de ständigt behöver rättfärdiga sig själva och sedan avslutar de filmerna med en tragisk eftersmak. Att karaktärerna berövas ett lyckligt slut kan skapa reflektioner om att det är ouppnåeligt att leva ett bra liv som transperson. / This thesis will examine the portrayal of trans men in the films Girls Lost (2015) and Boys Don’t Cry (1999). The purpose is to analyse how the characters’ gender identities are portrayed, and be able to contribute with knowledge of how to further advance the portrayal of trans men in film. The analysis is written from a queer theoretical and norm-critical perspective, with support from Jens Eder’s method of analysis Clock of Character. Masculine theory is used in order to examine how the characters express their masculine traits. The result of this study shows that the characters are nuanced, though, the filmmakers deprive them of their right to their gender identities as they constantly need to justify themselves, as well as ending both films with a tragic aftertaste. As the characters are deprived of a happy ending, this might create reflections that a good life as a trans person is unachievable.
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Ny tid, ny strid : en kvalitativ studie om att lämna en kriminell livsstilHagberg, Sara, Santos, Elina January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Optimisation techniques for combustor designMotsamai, O.S. (Oboetswe Seraga) 07 April 2009 (has links)
For gas turbines, the demand for high-performance, more efficient and longer-life turbine blades is increasing. This is especially so, now that there is a need for high-power and low-weight aircraft gas turbines. Thus, the search for improved design methodologies for the optimisation of combustor exit temperature profiles enjoys high priority. Traditional experimental methods are found to be too time-consuming and costly, and they do not always achieve near-optimal designs. In addition to the above deficiencies, methods based on semi-empirical correlations are found to be lacking in performing three-dimensional analyses and these methods cannot be used for parametric design optimisation. Computational fluid dynamics has established itself as a viable alternative to reduce the amount of experimentation needed, resulting in a reduction in the time scales and costs of the design process. Furthermore, computational fluid dynamics provides more insight into the flow process, which is not available through experimentation only. However, the fact remains that, because of the trial-and-error nature of adjusting the parameters of the traditional optimisation techniques used in this field, the designs reached cannot be called “optimum”. The trial-and-error process depends a great deal on the skill and experience of the designer. Also, the above technologies inhibit the improvement of the gas turbine power output by limiting the highest exit temperature possible, putting more pressure on turbine blade cooling technologies. This limitation to technology can be overcome by implementing a search algorithm capable of finding optimal design parameters. Such an algorithm will perform an optimum search prior to computational fluid dynamics analysis and rig testing. In this thesis, an efficient methodology is proposed for the design optimisation of a gas turbine combustor exit temperature profile. The methodology involves the combination of computational fluid dynamics with a gradient-based mathematical optimiser, using successive objective and constraint function approximations (Dynamic-Q) to obtain the optimum design. The methodology is tested on three cases, namely: (a) The first case involves the optimisation of the combustor exit temperature profile with two design variables related to the dilution holes, which is a common procedure. The combustor exit temperature profile was optimised, and the pattern factor improved, but pressure drop was very high. (b) The second case involves the optimisation of the combustor exit temperature profile with four design variables, one equality constraint and one inequality constraint based on pressure loss. The combustor exit temperature profile was also optimised within the constraints of pressure. Both the combustor exit temperature profile and pattern factor were improved. (c) The third case involves the optimisation of the combustor exit temperature profile with five design variables. The swirler angle and primary hole parameters were included in order to allow for the effect of the central toroidal recirculation zone on the combustor exit temperature profile. Pressure loss was also constrained to a certain maximum. The three cases show that a relatively recent mathematical optimiser (Dynamic-Q), combined with computational fluid dynamics, can be considered a strong alternative to the design optimisation of a gas turbine combustor exit temperature profile. This is due to the fact that the proposed methodology provides designs that can be called near-optimal, when compared with that yielded by traditional methods and computational fluid dynamics alone. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering / unrestricted
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