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Argent Sound Recordings: Multimodal StorytellingKlimas, Matthew L 01 January 2008 (has links)
ARGENT SOUND RECORDINGS explores the integration of visual, written and sonic elements to tell a story. "The Silver Bell," a fairy tale, is delivered through the internet providing users an opportunity to experience and interpret a constructed narrative under the guise of an independent record label website.
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Naturally Artificial : Pixels of ShadowsKim, Suhrewng January 2019 (has links)
This thesis introduces and reflects on a design proposal, Naturally Artificial, which explores the nature-culture and human-environment relationship through Daoism and the concept of life-world. By embracing the vagueness within the relationship, it is an attempt to focus more on the present, before setting up a future scenario. It is natural for humans to produce the artificial. Human activities leave traces on the Earth, which becomes deeply implanted in the space that we live in. Daoism suggests to focus on the present which is a complex flow that is producing patterns of humans. With the concept of life-world, human life; activities, emotions, etc, are invited to the center of the discussion. Through a designerly method, is it possible to notice and embrace the complex blend between nature and culture? How could design contribute to understand and feel the reality of the present, instead of guessing and speculating the future? Pixels of Shadows is one part of the design program Naturally Artificial. It is an experience design installation, which is a wall of light showing constantly moving patterns of shadows. Unlike many interaction design projects or media art projects, East-Asian concepts and formgiving languages are used to test the possibility of a local originality within the Western-based discipline. Instead of LED screens and glossy surfaces, softer materials such as handcrafted paper and wood is used for the front screen. A Korean concept within traditional architectures, to be in harmony and connection with nature and the environment is the core of the design concept and visual language.
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Desenvolvimento de interfaces de produtos a partir do design da experiênciaThieme, Edward January 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo pesquisar como o design da experiência pode influenciar e contribuir no desenvolvimento de interfaces de produtos, tendo o seu objetivo de aplicação, o desenvolvimento de uma interface de produto para cegos. Para tanto, inicialmente abordam-se aspectos relacionados a interação de cegos com os produtos e com o ambiente externo, contextualização, suas características e necessidades. Também se apresentam os fatores relacionados ao design da experiência, design de interfaces e métodos para o desenvolvimento de produtos com foco no usuário, contexto de uso e usabilidade. Buscam-se os fatores e diretrizes relacionadas a interação e percepção de usuários referente a produtos, assim como, de que forma o projeto da experiência ocorre no desenvolvimento do projeto de design de produto. Após a fundamentação teórica realiza-se a aplicação de um roteiro de desenvolvimento de interface de produto elaborado com base na metodologia de design thinking e diretrizes relacionadas a partir da pesquisa teórica. O roteiro desenvolvido é aplicado no desenvolvimento de uma interface de produto destinada a usuários cegos, sendo realizado por profissionais de design. Ao final desta pesquisa são apresentados os resultados do produto desenvolvido, bem como, o relatório de observação, a partir do acompanhamento da aplicação do roteiro, servindo de referência para projetos futuros. / This thesis aims to investigate how the experience design can influence and contribute to the development of product interfaces, and their goal of application, developing a user interface for blind product. For this purpose, initially addressing himself interacting aspects of the blind with the products and with the external environment, context, their characteristics and needs. It also presents the factors related to experience design, interface design, and methods for developing products with focus on the user, context of use and usability. Seek the factors and guidelines related to interaction and perception of users regarding products, as well as how the experience design occurs in the project development of product design. After the theoretical foundation is realized applying a development roadmap for the product interface developed based on the methodology of design thinking and related guidelines from the theoretical research. The script developed is applied to develop an interface of produce to blind users, being performed by design professionals. At the end of this research are presented the results of the developed product, as well as the observation report from the monitoring of the implementation of the roadmap, providing a reference for future projects.
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Projetando narrativas : diretrizes de projeto para histórias em quadrinhos digitais em dispositivos móveisKrening, Thiago da Silva January 2015 (has links)
As histórias em quadrinhos (HQs) são uma mídia (e uma arte) com mais de um século de vida e, no atual contexto de convergência midiática, autores e editoras tentam adaptá-las ao ambiente digital. Com a atual popularização dos dispositivos móveis (como smartphones e tablets), os quadrinhos encontram um suporte que permite sua digitalização mantendo características como a portabilidade e a facilidade de acesso. Este contexto possibilita também que outros recursos, como multimídia e interatividade, sejam agregados à linguagem tradicional das HQs. No entanto, poucos são os trabalhos que se propõem a abordar este fenômeno do ponto de vista do design. O presente trabalho busca compreender como o projeto de histórias em quadrinhos digitais para dispositivos móveis afeta a experiência do usuário. Para tanto, realiza-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre narrativa, histórias em quadrinhos, convergência midiática, dispositivos móveis, hipermídia, interação, usabilidade e design para a experiência. A partir deste levantamento, o conhecimento apresentado é sistematizado, dando base a um estudo de caso, onde exemplos reais são analisados dentro dos critérios levantados. Por fim, o levantamento bibliográfico e as análises são confrontados, dando origem a uma lista de diretrizes de projeto, que são apresentadas tanto pontualmente quanto dentro de uma estrutura de metodologia de projeto. / Comic books (comics) are a media (and art) over a century old and, in the current context of media convergence, authors and editors try to adapt it to the digital environment. With the current popularity of mobile devices (smartphones and tablets), the comics find a support that allows it to become digital and still keep features like portability and ease of access. This context also allows other features such as multimedia and interactivity to be added to the traditional language of comics. However, few works address this phenomenon from a design point of view. This study aims to understand how the mobile devices digital comics project affects the user experience. The work presents a literature research on narrative, comic books, media convergence, mobile devices, hypermedia, interaction, usability and experience design. Based on this research, the knowledge is systematized, allowing a case study where real examples are analyzed within the raised criteria. Finally, the literature review and analysis are confronted, resulting on a list of design guidelines, which are displayed both on a list format and within a design methodology structure.
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Gérer le patrimoine de création Dom Pérignon : Modéliser et organiser la transmission de connaissances pour la générativité / Managing Dom Pérignon's creative heritage : Modelling and organising the transmission of knowledge for generativityCarvajal perez, Daniel 17 December 2018 (has links)
Comment la transmission de connaissances peut aider les concepteurs du secteur du luxe à réinventer les objets et l’expérience de la marque tout en restant ancrés dans son patrimoine ? Cette question ouverte dans les sciences de gestion et de la conception intéresse le domaine du luxe, tout particulièrement la Maison Dom Pérignon en constante quête de renouvellement. En effet, innover sans trahir les traditions est à l’origine de plusieurs tensions. Dans cette thèse, nous montrons comment la transmission d’un « patrimoine de création » peut aider les concepteurs du secteur du luxe à surmonter ces tensions. En étudiant celui de la Maison Dom Pérignon et ceux contenus dans divers livres de la haute cuisine, nous mettons en évidence trois caractéristiques de ce patrimoine de création qui constituent autant d’axes de recherche : Premièrement, nous décrivons les effets positifs sur l’originalité et l’efficacité opérationnelle que la transmission d’un patrimoine de création peut avoir sur les collectifs de concepteurs conduisant des projets d’innovation. Deuxièmement, en faisant appel aux théories de la conception, nous construisons un modèle formel mettant en relation les structures de connaissance et les types de générativité qu’un patrimoine de création peut provoquer. Nous montrons qu’un même domaine peut en contenir plusieurs, qu’un même patrimoine de création peut favoriser plusieurs types de générativité qui pourraient sembler en principe incompatibles, et que ces différents types de générativité peuvent évoluer à travers le temps. Finalement, nous montrons que la conception d’un patrimoine de création exige des interactions entre concepteurs expérimentés et concepteurs récepteurs afin de formaliser, réorganiser et partager un langage du connu et un langage de l’inconnu. Ce dernier est composé des éléments du premier. Nous mettons aussi en exergue que la structure formelle d’un patrimoine de création peut refléter la structure de l’organisation de conception / How can knowledge transmission help designers in the luxury industries to reinvent the brand's objects and experiences while remaining rooted in its heritage? This open question in the management and design sciences is of interest to the luxury sector, and especially to Dom Pérignon, in constant quest of renewal. Indeed, to innovate without betraying tradition is at the origin of several tensions. In this thesis, we show how the transmission of a "creative heritage" can help designers in the luxury industry to overcome these tensions. By studying the creative heritage of Dom Pérignon and those contained in various haute cuisine books, we highlight three characteristics of this creative heritage that constitute as many lines of research: First, we describe the positive effects on the originality and the operational efficiency that the transmission of a creative heritage can have on the collectives of designers leading innovation projects. Secondly, by using design theories, we construct a formal model linking the knowledge structures and the types of generativity that a creative heritage can promote. We show that a same domain can contain several generativities, that a same creative heritage can favor several types of generativity that might seem incompatible in principle, and that these different types of generativity can evolve over time. Finally, we show that the design of a creative heritage requires interactions between experienced and recipient designers to formalize, reorganize and share a language of the known and a language of the unknown. The latter is composed of the elements of the former. We also highlight that the formal structure of a creative heritage can reflect the structure of the design organization.
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User eXperience : Design, teknik, business – men vad innebär det egentligen?Seeger, Ida January 2019 (has links)
User Experience, UX, som till en början främst användes inom IT-världen och sägs härstamma från HCI (Human Computer Interaction) används idag i allt större utsträckning. Den här studien syftar till att förtydliga vad UX innebär, hur definieras det samt hur ser yrkesrollerna ut inom UX. Denna studie är en jämförelse mellan teori och praktik för att se om praktiken matchar litteraturen. Ytterligare fokus ligger på organisationers UX-mognad samt vad det innebär för någon som är yrkesverksam inom UX. Vad innebär det för designers när mognaden är låg respektive hög? I den här studien användes huvudsakligen metoderna litteraturstudie, semi-strukturerade intervjuer där deltagarna alla är aktiva utövare inom UX och en enkät om upplevd UX-mognad. UX kommer från användbarhet, då användbarhet anses för snävt för att täcka alla områden man jobbar med vid utvecklingen av en produkt eller tjänst. I teorin beskrivs UX till större del som ett användarfokuserat arbetssätt där användaren ses som experten istället för designern. Eftersom det idag finns en uppsjö av digitala produkter och tjänster har UX blivit viktigt för att kunna uppnå ökad konkurrenskraft på marknaden. Därav har allt fler organisationer börjat intressera sig för UX. För att veta vart en organisation befinner sig i UX-mognaden finns en mängd olika UXmognadsmodeller som kan vara användbara för att fastställa detta samt guida hur en organisation kan avancera. Om UX-mognaden är låg innebär det att ingen eller få jobbar med UX i en organisation. Är det få som jobbar med UX innebär det att de får ta på sig en väldigt bred roll, det blir ett väldigt stort ansvar. Är det verkligen rimligt att en person ska behöva bära det ansvaret? Är däremot UX-mognaden är hög så jobbar hela team eller hela organisationen med UX på något sätt. Det underlättar för designer och bidrar till att skapa ett bättre samarbete inom organisationen. Men om allt fler använder sig av UX och det blir en del av flertalet olika yrken, vad kommer då hända med rollen?
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Faktorer som påverkar användares attityd : En studie om vilka faktorer som påverkar användarens attityd / Factors that affect user attitude : A study on what factors affect the user's attitudeGöransson, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
I det här arbetet har det undersökts vilka faktorer som påverkar användares attityd till att använda nya IT-produkter. Vid användning utav en ny sorts IT-produkt påverkas användarens användning av IT-produkten beroende på ifall användaren har en positiv eller negativ attityd till det. För att titta på vilka faktorer som påverkar har det i detta arbete gjorts intervjuer och samlats in enkätsvar som sedan analyserades. De faktorer som togs fram för att titta på attityd var kunskap om systemet, bekvämlighet för användaren, effektivisering av uppgiften och omgivningen. Med hjälp av dessa faktorer kommer förhoppningsvis undersökningar av användarens attityder, innan IT-produkter har implementerats, underlättas.
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Exploring spatial interactionsBruner, Ryan David 08 August 2012 (has links)
The field of interaction design is constantly shifting with the introduction of new
technologies that allow individuals the ability to interact with or act upon an environment,
such as installations that use motion tracking as an input device, or allowing users to interact
with an environment with their mobile device. This shift from the interaction with
traditional computers (static machines) to machines that react to people and environments,
requires designers to reevaluate how these new platforms can be effectively used to
communicate information and have a lasting affect on participants. There is a great challenge
in the articulation of new interaction models. Many people tend to hold on to more
traditional or familiar methods of interacting with their devices, as these new methods of
engagement require the learning of new metaphors for interaction. How do we construct
systems that engage and motivate people to use unfamiliar systems? The work presented in
this report is my attempt to answer this question by exploring emerging spatial interface
technologies. / text
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Endangered Experiences in Nature : Designing for Future NostalgiaEbbers, Tim January 2014 (has links)
When outdoor recreational activities are restricted, where can we find solitude, exploration and self-reliance? Endangered Experiences in Nature is a project that creates disruptive scenarios to question the relationship we have now with landscapes. A forecast in which stargazing is replaced by watching cyborg fireflies in the sky, food is genetically engineered and getting lost can only happen with the aid of special devices. The thesis uses the tools of experience design and future studies to explore the meanings and values of nature. I analyze the experiential perspective of access to nature and outdoor recreation by focusing on experiences that will likely become inaccessible in the near future. This thesis is not about preservation but stands aspiring for recreating values humans got until now from the close relationship with natural settings. In doing so, I aspire to generate new experiences. My work therefore focuses not on what nature is but what it means to perceive something as being natural, wild, unexplored, in an age where every part of nature has been explored and exploited. My original contribution focuses on using nostalgia as an active method to create new relationships with our environment. Certain things will need to be “artificial” in order to achieve “real” experiences. The project will focus on three scenarios placed in the near future (2040). Each case study extrapolates on a particular endangered experience in wilderness (solitude, exploration and self-reliance) and is set in 3 distinct landscapes located in The Netherlands, Sweden and Romania. By doing so, I touch upon different cultural and natural influences on my design process. All scenarios encompass artificial (engineered) surrogates that question the inaccessibility to experiences in natural landscapes. With the goal to create counter-experiences in the future and therefore formulate a new way to deal with our relationship with nature conceptually and physically.
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Projetando narrativas : diretrizes de projeto para histórias em quadrinhos digitais em dispositivos móveisKrening, Thiago da Silva January 2015 (has links)
As histórias em quadrinhos (HQs) são uma mídia (e uma arte) com mais de um século de vida e, no atual contexto de convergência midiática, autores e editoras tentam adaptá-las ao ambiente digital. Com a atual popularização dos dispositivos móveis (como smartphones e tablets), os quadrinhos encontram um suporte que permite sua digitalização mantendo características como a portabilidade e a facilidade de acesso. Este contexto possibilita também que outros recursos, como multimídia e interatividade, sejam agregados à linguagem tradicional das HQs. No entanto, poucos são os trabalhos que se propõem a abordar este fenômeno do ponto de vista do design. O presente trabalho busca compreender como o projeto de histórias em quadrinhos digitais para dispositivos móveis afeta a experiência do usuário. Para tanto, realiza-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre narrativa, histórias em quadrinhos, convergência midiática, dispositivos móveis, hipermídia, interação, usabilidade e design para a experiência. A partir deste levantamento, o conhecimento apresentado é sistematizado, dando base a um estudo de caso, onde exemplos reais são analisados dentro dos critérios levantados. Por fim, o levantamento bibliográfico e as análises são confrontados, dando origem a uma lista de diretrizes de projeto, que são apresentadas tanto pontualmente quanto dentro de uma estrutura de metodologia de projeto. / Comic books (comics) are a media (and art) over a century old and, in the current context of media convergence, authors and editors try to adapt it to the digital environment. With the current popularity of mobile devices (smartphones and tablets), the comics find a support that allows it to become digital and still keep features like portability and ease of access. This context also allows other features such as multimedia and interactivity to be added to the traditional language of comics. However, few works address this phenomenon from a design point of view. This study aims to understand how the mobile devices digital comics project affects the user experience. The work presents a literature research on narrative, comic books, media convergence, mobile devices, hypermedia, interaction, usability and experience design. Based on this research, the knowledge is systematized, allowing a case study where real examples are analyzed within the raised criteria. Finally, the literature review and analysis are confronted, resulting on a list of design guidelines, which are displayed both on a list format and within a design methodology structure.
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