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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Farmers' local ecological knowledge in the biotech age : a multi-sited ethnography of fruit farming in the Okanagan Valley

Askew, Hannah January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

As We Move Ahead Together: Foregrounding Reconciliating and Renewed First Nation/ Non-Aboriginal Relations in Environmental Management and Research

Dalton, Zoe 15 February 2011 (has links)
The research project upon which this dissertation is based focused on enhancing understandings of the nature of current First Nations/non-Aboriginal relations in environmental management. The project was undertaken as a collaborative initiative by the author, a non-Aboriginal doctoral researcher, in partnership with Walpole Island First Nation. The research served as an opportunity for co-producing knowledge on this subject across cultures and worldviews, and as an effort to build towards our shared aspiration of learning how distinct, yet inextricably linked, First Nations/non-Aboriginal understandings, approaches and worldviews can come together within a context of mutual respect and mutual benefit. The purpose of the research was to investigate the existence and types of issues leading to First Nations/non-Aboriginal tensions in environmental management, to analyze and unpack underlying causes of challenges identified via the research, and to construct avenues for relationship improvement. The research project was grounded in a specific investigation into relations in species at risk conservation and recovery in southern Ontario, Canada. The resulting dissertation is structured around three primary focal areas: 1) investigating and exposing colonial influences at play in Canada’s Species at Risk Act, and offering a new model for co-governance in this arena and beyond; 2) investigating relations surrounding efforts towards traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) transfer in species at risk work, with a focus on exploring issues identified in relation to intellectual imperialism; and 3) introducing and characterizing an original, reconceptualized approach to First Nations/non-Aboriginal relationships in academic research; this approach focused on ways in which investigatory practice can become a means of working towards broader reconciliation goals. Research findings from this dissertation indicate that colonial factors, often unevenly visible to actors involved in environmental management and research, continue to strongly affect the potential for positive, productive First Nations/non-Aboriginal relations in these spheres - including within the species at risk conservation and recovery arena examined here. Project results provide insight into the nature of the factors influencing relationships, as well as potential avenues for addressing the vitality of colonialism in contemporary relations and overcoming the influences on First Nations and on First Nations/non-Aboriginal relationships.

買或不買: 馬來西亞大學生綠色購買意向調查 / To buy or not to buy: Malaysian University students’ green purchase intention

伊德琳, Edaline Audrey Spykerman Unknown Date (has links)
This research was driven by Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) to examine the impact of ecological knowledge, ecological concern, and man-nature orientation on green purchasing (including both intention and actual behavior), with the moderating effect of price sensitivity and allowance and/or income. This research surveyed 602 Malaysian university students within the age bracket of 18 to 25, because this specific demographic is a sizeable market and such research is lacking in an emerging economy like Malaysia. The results demonstrated that ecological concern and man-nature orientation influenced purchase intention and actual purchase. The findings also indicated that price sensitivity and allowance and/or income moderated the relationship between behavioral intention and actual behavior. This study has two implications: (1) it extends TRA by exploring the potential moderating variables between behavioral intention and actual behavior, and its findings adds to the body of knowledge in the area of green consumer behavior; (2) marketing managers can formulate their green marketing strategies effectively by consistently driving heart-warming campaigns to create or stir consumers’ emotions. Marketers should keep in mind that Malaysians are highly influenced by man-nature relationship belief, and additionally, marketers need to be careful in justifying pricing difference between non-green and green products for consumers that are sensitive to price.

La gestion des plantes médicinales chez les communautés autochtones Nahuas de la Huasteca Potosina, Mexique

Palomo Contreras, Nadja 10 1900 (has links)
Les plantes médicinales jouent un rôle central, tant pour la médicine traditionnelle de certaines cultures, que pour la satisfaction d’une demande commerciale, souvent lointaine. Face à la forte pression qui pèse actuellement sur les populations de plantes médicinales - due à l'augmentation de la surexploitation commerciale et à la perte d'habitats - il est crucial de trouver des options qui permettront une gestion durable de cette ressource tout en contribuant à maintenir le bien-être socioéconomique des communautés locales qui en dépendent. Ainsi il est important de comprendre les perceptions que les populations ont des plantes médicinales, de la façon de les exploiter et de les gérer. L’objectif, donc, de ce projet est de mieux comprendre les interactions existantes entre savoir traditionnel et gestion des plantes médicinales. La présente étude de cas constitue une étude géographique et ethnobotanique inductive/exploratoire. Nous dressons dans cette recherche le portrait des dynamiques utilisées par les communautés Nahuas de la Huasteca Potosina pour la gestion des plantes médicinales. L’information qui est présentée a été obtenue par une combinaison de données descriptives, historiques, qualitatives, quelques unes quantitatives, qui sont le produit d’une revue bibliographique et d’un travail de terrain. Notre recherche démontre un éventail de pratiques de gestion, d’intérêts, de valeurs ainsi que de représentations sociales des plantes médicinales au sein d’une même ethnie. Cette étude met en évidence l’importance des pratiques locales de gestion pour élaborer des recommandations dans le domaine de la gestion durable des plantes médicinales. / Plant species can have different uses. However, medicinal purposes play a central role in different cultures whether they are used for traditional medicine or for commercialization. At present, medicinal plant species are under strong pressure. This is due to their commercial uses and is related to the loss of their habitat. It is imperative to find options that will allow the utilisation of medicinal plant species in a sustainable way. Thus, it would allow a contribution to the socioeconomic well-being of those communities that depend upon the plants. Similarly, it is also important to understand the perception that communities have of their plants and their uses. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to better understand the relationships between traditional knowledge and the utilisation of medicinal plant species among these local communities. The research constitutes an exploratory-inductive study with strong geographical and ethno-botanical bases. In this research, we describe the patterns followed by indigenous Nahuas communities of la Huasteca Potosina in the management of medicinal plant species. Descriptive, historical, qualitative and quantitative data used for this study were gathered through bibliographic research and fieldwork. The result of the study describes a series of practices, values and social representations. It relates to the use of medicinal plant species within a specific ethnic group. The importance of this research is to highlight local practices and, thus, come up with additional recommendations to the sustainable utilisation of medicinal plant species. / Las plantas medicinales desempeñan un papel central, tanto para la medicina tradicional de algunas culturas como para satisfacer una demanda de mercado tanto local como externa. Dada la fuerte presión actual sobre las poblaciones de plantas medicinales - debido a la creciente explotación comercial y la pérdida de hábitat - es crucial encontrar opciones que permitan un manejo sostenible de este recurso, así como contribuir al mantenimiento del bienestar socioeconómico de las comunidades locales que dependen de éste. Por lo tanto, es importante entender las percepciones, la forma de explotación y manejo de las plantas medicinales por parte de las poblaciones. El objetivo de este proyecto es comprender mejor las interacciones entre los conocimientos tradicionales y la gestión de las plantas medicinales. Este estudio de caso es un estudio geográfico y etnobotánico inductivo / exploratorio. Donde es expuesto un retrato de las dinámicas de gestión de las plantas medicinales utilizadas por las comunidades nahuas de la Huasteca Potosina. La información presentada es el producto de un análisis de datos descriptivos, históricos, cualitativos y cuantitativos; obtenidos de una revisión bibliográfica y un trabajo de campo. Nuestra investigación muestra una serie de prácticas de manejo, intereses, valores y representaciones sociales de las plantas medicinales dentro de una misma etnicidad. Este estudio pone en relieve la importancia de las prácticas de gestión local para elaborar recomendaciones en el ámbito del manejo sostenible de las plantas medicinales.

L'interaction entre les savoirs écologiques traditionnels et les changements climatiques : les Cris de la Baie-James, la bernache du Canada et le caribou des bois

Royer, Marie-Jeanne S. 12 1900 (has links)
Cette étude vise à identifier les effets des changements climatiques sur les activités de subsistance traditionnelles des chasseurs cris de la Baie-James. De nombreuses études se penchent sur les changements climatiques, mais relativement peu d’entre elles traitent de leurs effets socio-économiques et socioculturels sur les populations dans le Subarctique du Québec. Cette thèse explore les mécanismes d’intégration des connaissances scientifiques au savoir écologique traditionnel (SET) ; une intégration prônée par de nombreux chercheurs comme l’évolution souhaitable dans la recherche sur le SET et sur ses applications. L’étude de cette intégration se fait ici à l’aide d’une analyse des perceptions des chasseurs de l’Association des Trappeurs Cris concernant les effets des changements climatiques, avec l’accent sur les activités de subsistance traditionnelles en lien avec la bernache du Canada et le caribou des bois, deux espèces importantes culturellement. Une approche combinant l’aspect théorique de l’ethnoécologie et l’aspect pratique de l’étude de cas a été utilisée. Diverses sources de données ont été employées : l’analyse documentaire et cartographique, les questionnaires et les entrevues ouvertes et semi-dirigées. Cette recherche met en évidence des variations dans l’observation des changements climatiques et dans la perception de leurs effets par les chasseurs cris selon la localisation de leur communauté. Certains effets sont ressentis de la même façon par tous. Ainsi, les participants de toutes les communautés s’inquiètent des dangers liés à une fragilité accrue de la glace sur les lacs et les rivières. Cependant, ce sont surtout les membres des communautés côtières qui s’alarment du déplacement des bernaches vers l’intérieur du territoire. Ils sont aussi les seuls à ne pas percevoir de baisse du nombre de caribous des bois sur leurs lignes de trappe. Les effets des changements climatiques paraissent avoir un impact sur le mode de vie traditionnel cri en lien avec la bernache du Canada et le caribou des bois et affecter la transmission du savoir traditionnel vers les nouvelles générations quant au caribou des bois. Les résultats montrent aussi que la combinaison du SET et des données scientifiques permet de compléter le portrait de l’évolution du climat et des espèces (par ex. : variation du climat entre la côte et l’intérieur du territoire, apparition du cerf de Virginie et du coyote sur le territoire) et d’élaborer de nouvelles pistes de recherches et des hypothèses qui n’auraient pas été autrement identifiées (par ex. : causes d’un changement dans la structure de la gla ce, évolution des aires de répartition des sous-espèces de bernaches, impact des insectes suceurs-piqueurs sur la santé des caribous). Elle facilite également l’identification et la compréhension des enjeux et des processus d’adaptation qui ont lieu dans les communautés cries de la Baie-James (par ex. : diminution de la consommation du caribou, maintien de la consommation de la bernache, dangers accrus dans les déplacements liés à la fragilité de la glace ou à la difficulté à prévoir les schèmes climatiques). L’utilisation combinée du SET et du savoir scientifique permet de mieux appréhender les effets des changements climatiques et les dynamiques socioculturelles et environnementales complexes du territoire de la Baie-James. / This thesis intends to identify the effects of climate change as it relates to the traditional activities of the Eastern James Bay Cree. Numerous studies have analysed climate change, however relatively few have studied its socioeconomic and socio-cultural effects on the subarctic populations of Quebec as does this one. Exploring the integration mechanisms between scientific knowledge and traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), this combination of knowledge being presented by many researchers as the next step in TEK research, this thesis utilizes the various perceptions that the hunters of the Cree Trappers Association have of the impacts of climate change. Emphasis was placed on their traditional activities in connection with the Canada goose and the woodland caribou, two culturally important species The study uses an approach combining the theoretical aspects of ethnoecology with the practical aspects of case studies. Various methods of data collection were used: literary and cartography reviews, questionnaires and long and short interviews. The research demonstrates a variation in Cree observations of climate change and in their perceptions of the effects of these changes based on the location of the community in the James Bay region. Certain effects are perceived in all communities, for instance participants from all communities worried about the dangers associated with an increased fragility of the ice formed on lakes and rivers. However, it was primarily members of the coastal communities who worried over the Canada geese moving further inland. Members of the coastal communities were also the only ones to not notice a reduction in the numbers of woodland caribou on their traplines. Climate change seems to have an impact on the Cree’s traditional way of life associated with the Canada goose and woodland caribou and to affect the transmission of their traditional knowledge to the newer generations as it pertains to the woodland caribou. Also highlighted is the fact that a combination of TEK and scientific data allows for a broader picture of climate and species evolution (e.g.: climate variations between the coast and the interior of the territory, presence of white-tailed deers and coyotes on the territory) and suggests new research questions and hypothesis (e.g.: causes for a change in the ice structure, evolution in the range and distribution of Canada geese subspecies, impact of bloodsucking insects on caribou health). It also allows for a better identification and understanding of the stakes and adaptation processes currently going on in Eastern James Bay communities (e.g.: decrease in caribou consumption, maintenance of geese consumption, increased dangers during travel due to an increase in ice fragility or in unusual climatic events). The combined use of TEK and scientific knowledge allows for a better understanding of the effects of climate change and the complex sociocultural and environmental dynamics at play in the Eastern James Bay.

Impérialisme écologique ou développement ? : Les acteurs de la gestion des ressources naturelles à Ngukurr en Australie

Fache, Élodie 03 July 2013 (has links)
En Australie du Nord, une nouvelle catégorie d'acteurs sociaux aborigènes a émergé dans les années 1990 : les « rangers ». Fondés sur la professionnalisation et la formalisation de responsabilités « traditionnelles » envers la terre et la mer, leurs emplois et programmes sont présentés comme des mécanismes de « gestion des ressources naturelles » et de conservation de la biodiversité contrôlés par les communautés autochtones, tout comme un support de « développement » local. Cette thèse propose un regard critique sur le système des rangers en partant de la question suivante : constitue-t-il une manifestation « d'impérialisme écologique » ? L'ethnographie (2009-2010) des interactions sociales mises en jeu par les activités du groupe de rangers de la communauté de Ngukurr (Terre d'Arnhem, Territoire du Nord) y est associée à une contextualisation et à une analyse articulant échelles locale, régionale et nationale et discours international. Le système des rangers reflète diverses logiques endogènes et exogènes qui dépassent ses objectifs affichés de résilience environnementale et socio-économique. Il repose sur des rapports de pouvoir et des négociations complexes entre les différents acteurs impliqués (dont l'État australien), entre « savoirs écologiques traditionnels » et science, et entre rapports sociaux locaux et bureaucratiques. Cette étude met au jour le processus de bureaucratisation et les multiples ingérences et ambivalences inhérents à ce système, qui (re)produit des distinctions et tensions sociales. Elle souligne également la fonction de médiateurs qu'endossent les rangers ainsi que l'ambiguïté de la position de chercheur dans un tel contexte. / In Northern Australia, a new category of Indigenous social actors emerged in the 1990s: “rangers”. Their jobs and programmes are based on the professionalization and formalization of “traditional” responsibilities for the land and sea. They are presented as natural resource management and biodiversity conservation mechanisms controlled by Indigenous communities and as a basis for local “development”.This thesis proposes a critical view of the ranger system, starting from the following question: is this system a form of “ecological imperialism”? The ethnography (2009-2010) of the social interactions at work in the activities of the Ngukurr community's ranger group (Arnhem Land, Northern Territory) is combined with a contextualization and an analysis linking local, regional and national levels with the international discourse.The ranger system reflects various endogenous and exogenous logics that go beyond its stated aims of environmental and socioeconomic resilience. It is based on complex power relations and negotiations between the different actors involved (including the Australian State), between “traditional ecological knowledge” and science, and between local and bureaucratic social relationships. This study reveals the bureaucratization process and the many external interventions and ambivalences inherent in this system which (re)produces social distinctions and tensions. It also highlights the mediator or broker role played by the rangers as well as the ambiguous position of the researcher in such a context.

Stories from forest, river and mountain : exploring children's cultural environmental narratives and their role in the transmission of cultural connection to and protection of biodiversity / Stories from the forest, river and mountain : exploring children's environmental cultural narratives and their role in the transmission of cultural connection to and protection of biodiversity

Alexander, Jamie Kim January 2011 (has links)
Preservationist conservation created a legacy of national parks and protected areas that were surrounded by local people dispossessed of their land and denied the rights to use the resources they had previously relied upon. Although conservation is now shifting towards a more participatory approach, research gaps still exist in determining the meaning of 'the environment' and the role of local means of conservation in rural communities in South Africa. This study focused on children's cultural environmental narratives from two rural villages in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Children from grades 4, 7 and 10 were involved in the study, and adult family members, local experts and village elders were included in the study to allow for comparison between children's and adult's narratives and to realise what Local Ecological Knowledge (LEK) was being passed on. This thesis considers children's use of the environment for play and their sense of place as key methods in ascertaining children's environmental narratives and perceptions. At both field sites, local experts and community elders possessed a wealth of cultural environmental narratives, but these narratives were not necessarily being passed on. Changing household structures and other socio-economic factors influence cultural environmental practices, which in turn have an impact on the cultural environmental narratives being passed down. In many cases, parents' safety fears strongly impacted upon children's access to the environment, resulting in gendered environmental knowledge. The study compared differing vegetation types and degrees of environmental access. The differing environments produced similar cultural environmental narratives, leading to new understandings in community environment relationships. Children living near the state administered forest had significantly less environmental knowledge, bringing about questions of sustainable bio-cultural diversity in the future. The recognition of cultural environmental values is especially important in the rural areas of South Africa, where unemployment and increased poverty levels have led to greater dependence on natural resources for social, economic and cultural purposes. It is proposed that local cultural environmental narratives and landscape perceptions be included into community conservation and environmental education policies and programmes to provide local solutions to the problem of biodiversity conservation in local contexts.


Boudreau, Stephanie Anne 26 March 2012 (has links)
In this thesis I assessed the causes of long-term changes in two large, commercially important decapod crustacean populations, American lobster (Homarus americanus) and snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio), in the northwest (NW) Atlantic Ocean. By combining available time-series data, including commercial landings, research surveys, and local ecological knowledge (LEK), I explored the causes of an observed ecosystem shift in the NW Atlantic (~1950–2009) which entailed a region-wide decline of groundfish and an increase in benthic invertebrates, including these decapods. Three hypotheses were examined to explain the increase in decapod abundance: (1) the predation hypothesis, whereby a decrease in predatory groundfish led to an increase in their decapod prey (top-down effects); (2) the climate hypothesis, whereby changes in temperature or other climatic variables helped to increase decapod numbers (bottom-up effects); and (3) the anthropogenic hypothesis, whereby changes in fishing pressure drove decapod population dynamics. I explored these hypotheses separately for lobster and snow crab, which may experience different ecological and commercial pressures. First, I investigated the interactions between predatory groundfish and lobster in the inshore region of southwest Nova Scotia. Long-term fisheries-independent abundance indices for lobsters and their predators are available for Gulf of Maine (GOM) waters in the USA, but not in Canada. To address research gaps I designed and executed a survey to collect the LEK of lobster fishermen fishing in the Canadian GOM. Forty-two fishermen were interviewed. Corresponding survey results from the USA were compared to the LEK results. Both sources provided evidence for a top-down effect (predation release), contributing to observed increases in GOM lobster abundance and landings. Second, I explored relationships between lobster abundance and landings in the NW Atlantic as they may relate to temporal changes in predators, temperature, climate (North Atlantic Oscillation Index, NAOI), and fishing. Available landings data and fisheries-independent abundance estimates were collated to investigate trends in lobster abundance and catch. Links between lobster, groundfish, temperature and climate indices were explored using mixed effects models. Results offered partial support for the predation hypothesis, namely in the waters off Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and southern New England as well as broad support for a climate effect on early life stages. This effect appeared related to a region-wide climate signal, the NAOI, but was independent of changes in water temperature. Fishing effort appeared to be following lobster abundance, rather than regulating abundance in a consistent way. Third, variation in snow crab abundance was examined through meta-analysis of time-series data of cod and crab abundance and temperature. Temperature had opposing effects on the two species: snow crab abundance was negatively correlated with temperature whereas cod and temperature were positively related. Controlling for the effect of temperature, the analysis revealed significant negative interactions between snow crab and cod abundance, with cod leading snow crab up to a five-year lag. Results indicate that snow crab is largely influenced by temperature during early post-settlement years and becomes increasingly regulated by top-down mechanisms as they approach fishery recruitment. Overall, I conclude that both climate and predation can act as population controls on large decapod populations, but these variables affect decapods at different life stages.

Dall sheep (Ovis dalli dalli), grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) and wolf (Canis lupus) interactions in the Northern Richardson Mountains, Canada

Lambert Koizumi, Catherine M S Unknown Date
No description available.

Traditional agriculture and its meaning in the lives of a farming community : the case of Embo.

Maragelo, Ketshogile Pauline. January 2008 (has links)
For the majority of rural people, agricultural activities continue to be one of their main livelihood strategies. Production of food crops is not dependent on any formally acquired knowledge of farming but is solely based on indigenous agricultural knowledge passed from generation to generation through experience and careful observations. Resource-poor farmers, especially in rural areas, follow traditional farming methods to produce their food crops and these are specifically tailored to suit their environments. Embo is located in rural KwaZulu-Natal and falls under Mkhambathini municipality. The area is characterised by small-holder farmers who are mainly Ezemvelo Farmers Organisation (EFO) members. The purpose of this study was to review the farming practices followed by farmers in respect of food crop production and secondly to understand what influences the continual practice of such farming practices among rural farming communities of Embo in KwaZulu-Natal especially the EFO farmers. The study looked at what farmers see as traditional agriculture. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods was used for the study. Data collection methods included participatory observations, semi structured face-to-face interviews and focus group discussions. The study found that farmers are happy to follow traditional farming methods to produce their food crops. Traditional farming tools such as the hoe and animal traction are the main implements used to prepare land. Household members are the main source of farm labour with men mainly responsible for ploughing activities while the bulk of planting, weeding and harvesting activities is the responsibility of women. Cropping patterns include intercropping and crop rotation with common crops being amadumbe, beans, maize and sweet potatoes. The majority of these crops are produced for both subsistence and commercial reasons. Amadumbe is an important commercial crop produced organically. Crop protection against pests is done through traditional methods where farmers mix some concoctions made from locally available resource in order to minimise losses. Kraal manure is the main soil fertility strategy followed by farmers. Landrace seeds are the main seed type used by the farmers. Local seed sources include own production and asking from other farmers. Crops with good qualities are selected in fields and maintained as seeds, which are then stored separate from those for home consumption. Harvesting is mainly done manually and for important crops such as tubers with short shelf lives, harvested through piecemeal methods. Farmers are able to generate some income from their efforts and this contributes to local economies and household food security. Farmers value their farming methods and see their farming as efficient despite challenges. There is a need to consider developing labour support groups in order to ease the burden of labour especially by women. In view of the importance of traditional farming in the lives of rural people, it is important that agricultural scientists and extension officers take into consideration the knowledge farmers already have so as to develop technologies suitable for farmers’ environments. / Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2008.

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