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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Three essays on the impact of economic transition on Central and Eastern European enterprises / Trois essais sur l’impact de la transition économique sur les entreprises dans les pays d’Europe Centrale et de l’Est

Topalli, Margerita 25 January 2018 (has links)
L'objectif de cette étude doctoral est d'étudier l'impact du processus de transition économique, de l'économie centralisée à l'économie de marché, sur les entreprises des pays d'Europe de l’Est et Centrale (EEC) de 1989 à 2016. Dans les deux premiers articles, pour conceptualiser la structure intellectuelle de la transition économique et de la privatisation, en tant que principales composantes de la transition, a été utilisée l’analyse des mots-clés (Co-Word Analysis: CWA) sur la littérature existante. Cette méthode scientométrique consiste d’abord à extraire les concepts les plus importants décrivant un champ de recherche à partir de titres et/ou de résumés sur la base d'un grand nombre de documents académiques, puis de calculer les occurrences de chaque concept et de générer des grappes (clusters) de tels concepts fondés sur la force de leur association. CWA affiche ces clusters dans une carte 2D en fonction de leur force interne et externe qui représente la structure intellectuelle du domaine de recherche en question. Les résultats de ces deux articles, ainsi que d'autres auteurs (Berglöf & Roland, 2006; Stiglitz, 2000, 2006) soulignent l'importance des facteurs non-économiques sur la performance de l'entreprise. Selon Frye & Shleifer (1997), parmi les facteurs non-économiques et non-institutionnels, la corruption est identifiée comme un élément important pendant le processus de transition qu’Intriligator (1996), confirme également pendant le processus de privatisation. Le dernier article propose des résultats inédits sur l'impact de la corruption et du crime sur la performance de l'entreprise / The aim of this doctoral study is to investigate the impact of economic transition process, from centrally planned economy to market economy, on the enterprises in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries from 1989 to 2016. In the two first articles, to map the intellectual structure of economic transition and of privatization, as the main component of transition, has been used Co-Word Analysis (CWA) on extant literature. CWA consists initially in extracting the most important concepts describing a research field from titles and/or abstracts on the basis of a large number of scholarly papers, then calculating the occurrences of each concept and generating clusters of such concepts based on the strength of their association. CWA display these clusters in a 2D map depending on their internal and external strength of each cluster that represents the intellectual structure of the research field in question. The results of these two articles, along with other authors (Berglöf & Roland, 2006; Stiglitz, 2000, 2006), emphasize the importance of non-economic factors on enterprise performance. According to (Frye & Shleifer, 1997), among the non-economic and non-institutional factors, corruption, is identified as the element that played an important role during the transition process and as Intriligator (1996) confirms, also during the privatization process. Though in the last article, are provided new insights of the impact of corruption, crime and “time tax” on enterprise performance

The Czech Republic: European Integration and the Development of Trade Structure / Česká republika: Evropská integrace a rozvoj ve struktuře obchodu

Christensen, Tobias Ibsen January 2015 (has links)
Trade structure changes over time as a result of fundamental changes within the country or the world around it. This thesis will investigate the case of Czech Republic in the period from the transition period till today with the foundation in classical and neoclassical trade theory. The trade structure will be analyzed in regard to trade partners, commodity structure, relative comparative advantages and degree of intra-industry trade within an industry or sector. It will provide basis for assessing the effects of increased European integration which the Czech Republic increasingly engaged itself in with the accession to the EU in 2004.

Three empirical essays on determinants of industry and investment location patterns in the context of economic transition and regional integration : the evidence from Central and Eastern European countries

Šerić, Adnan January 2011 (has links)
The factor determinants of industry and investment location patterns in transition economies can be expected to differ from those frequently observed in developed countries. Historically, centrally planned economies have suffered from inefficient industrial policies that are generally assumed to have had distortive effects on spatial location of industry. The process of economic transition and regional integration that followed the demise of socialist structures is assumed to have subsequently affected the geographical distribution of economic activities within and between countries of the region. Given the above this thesis capitalises on the quasi-natural experiment setting to further explore industry and investment location decisions in transition economies. In particular, the research presented here follows three main objectives. First, it intends to provide a comprehensive picture of changes in industry location patterns over time. Second, it aims to contribute to the debate on factor determinants of industry location at various levels of spatial aggregation. Third, it seeks to explore location determinants of foreign direct investors in particular, given their pivotal role for economic development of transition economies. In all instances, the research is geared towards a better understanding of the role of institutional factors, such as reforms and policies, in affecting distribution of economic activity across space. Thus, the work conducted qualifies as a further contribution to the analysis of structural changes that have affected the economies under examination. In broad terms, the findings presented here point towards significant changes in spatial location patterns of industry and investments that are leading to increased polarisation of economic landscape over time. Nonetheless, we find evidence that certain institutional factors qualify as viable policy levers, thereby providing ample scope for policy makers to impact existing location patterns of economic activity.

Výsledky procesu transformace v zemích Visegradské čtyřky / The Results of the Transition Process in Visegrad Four

Hruška, Jan January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with the process of economic transition and its results in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic a the Slovak Republic, i.e. countries of Visegrad four. The paper describes the functioning of centrally planned economy and the general process of transition to a market economy. It also mentions different theoretical approaches. Furthermore it analyses the development of transition reforms in particular countries and compares the results of individual transition strategies.

Management interculturel : influence de la mentalité russe sur le management des entreprises et des organisations internationales / Intercultural management : impact of russian mentality on management of private companies and international organizations

Safonova, Ekaterina 30 May 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse constitue un outil permettant d’établir, développer et améliorer la coopération entre les partenaires russes et occidentaux, ainsi que d’aider les représentants des secteurs privé et public occidentaux (sociétés privées et organisations internationales) à développer leurs activités en Russie. Son objectif est de montrer le rôle de la mentalité nationale (dans notre cas, la mentalité russe) dans le développement de ces relations. La thèse constitue une étude théorique et pratique, où nous avons utilisé l’approche multidisciplinaire du concept de mentalité; nous avons recouru aux disciplines comme histoire, sciences politiques, sociales et économiques, psychologie et management interculturel. / This thesis is a tool allowing to establish, develop, and improve the cooperation between Russian and western partners, as well as help the western representatives of both sectors (private companies and international organizations) develop their activities in Russia. Its main goal is to show the role of national mentality (in our case, Russian mentality) in the development of such relations. This thesis is a theoretic and practical study for which we used multidisciplinary approach to the concept of mentality; we drew upon disciplines like history,social, political, and economic sciences, and intercultural management.

"Motorbike Guide for Westerners": Entrepreneurial Development and the Creation of a Cultural Tourism Product in Transitional Vietnam

Kirby, Karl Russell 01 August 2011 (has links)
Vietnam is undergoing economic transition from a command economy to an economy with greater market characteristics. Transition is fundamentally reshaping the country through economic liberalization and increased exposure to foreign markets. The Vietnamese are developing institutions necessary for market growth and international tourists are arriving in ever-larger numbers. This research project is a case study of businesses that provide guided motorbike tours and evaluates the businesses based on two criteria: as a study of institutional growth during economic transition and as an examination of tourism production through guide interpretation. The author interviewed and observed sixteen guides in Vietnam—from Dalat in the Central Highlands to Tam Coc, just south of Hanoi—during two months of fieldwork research in summer 2010. The study identifies a variety of institutional types, from informal guides to formalized businesses with a high degree of support from market institutions. Though market activities are becoming increasingly complex and sophisticated, many services remain informal. The study also investigates how guides create products for tourists through interpretation. The guides draw upon the landscape, people and culture in Vietnam, and their own personal narratives to create a tourism product that they call the “Real Vietnam.” The guides sell access to Vietnam, and tourists purchase a sense of intimate knowledge of their destination. Together with tourists, guides participate in place-making interpretation that utilizes both the real geography of Vietnam and the imaginary geographies of foreign visitors. The research reveals the ways in which actors at the local scale adapt to large-scale processes, and in turn influence the course of economic transition in Vietnam and the content of international tourism.

Ownership reform and corporate governance : The Slovak privatisation process in 1990-1996

Olsson, Mikael January 1999 (has links)
Since 1989, there has been a period of rapid change of the economies of the former Eastern bloc. Within a few years, the majority of the formerly centrally administered economies had begun restructuring their economic systems, including the privatisation. of formerly state-owned enterprises. This process developed differently in different countries, depending among other things on their historical traditions and the momentum of their social, political and economic transformations. This doctoral dissertation examines the privatisation of large-scale industrial enterprises in Slovakia prior to 1997. In particular the thesis analyses the changing political and institutional framework governing the process and method of privatisation; and how the governance of firms was affected by the new markets and ownership- and control-structures that were established. Special attention is paid to the role played by investment funds andinvestment-companies established as a consequence of voucher privatisation. The research problem is approached both from an aggregate national level and from the enterprise level. The thesis includes a number of case studies of enterprises in Slovakia that underwent privatisation, and of investment funds that emerged to take part in the process. In addition, two panel-data sets were constructed for the sake of statistical analysis. The study points to the drastic changes in privatisation policy and its enactment, under different governments. It leads to the conclusion that privatisation is a highly political process, whose economic effects cannot be separated from its distributional effects. This politicised nature of ownership reform is shown to have some negative side-effects with regard to the development of well-functioning governance structures. It is, for example, pointed to that the capital market, as it developed during the period of study, was highly non-transparent,characterised by high transaction costs and insider-trading. The study also documents an increasingly concentrated ownership structure of the Slovak industry and relates it to the changes in privatisation policy. In the final analysis attention is drawn to a recurring theme in the study, namely the issues related to the relative stability and durability of the institutional set-up. In many cases an insecurity about "the rules of the game" led to short-term incentives and opportunism on behalf of the economic and political agents.

Labor Mobility and Industrialization in Post-Socialist Cambodia

Loem, Senghuo 19 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.

新興市場國家金融危機成因之研究—以俄羅斯為案例 / The Research on the Causes of Financial crises in the Emerging-Market Economies -- the Case Study of Russia

羅任媛, Lo, Jen-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究含括了墨西哥金融危機、亞洲金融危機與俄羅斯金融危機,主要是希望能歸納出90年代新興市場國家發生金融危機的普遍性原因。首先本論文先探討分析文獻上三大類型的金融危機理論,含括金融危機可預測與不可預測的原因。本論文試圖將可預測的經濟基本面歸為內部因素,不可預測的國際資金變動歸為外部因素。當一新興市場國家正在從事經濟結構改革或經濟轉型,而資本市場架構與金融機構監督機制與規範都尚未健全時,如果該國將金融市場自由化並允許大筆外資流入國內金融體系,則短期、投機性國際資金將會扭曲金融結構,造成經濟基本面的惡化。當不可預測的國際資金環境轉變時,一方面受到資金逆流衝擊著脆弱的金融部門,另一方面已經不健全的經濟基本面將嚴重惡化。此時政府採取的提高利率政策與賣出外匯捍衛本國釘住匯率制,卻會同時嚴重傷及本國銀行體系,促使金融機構面臨倒閉、陷入流動性不足的危機,結果投資者的信心仍然潰散而國內則造成金融體系的崩潰,終而引發全面性的金融危機。在建立了初步的研究假設後,我們以墨西哥金融危機與亞洲金融危機作為驗證。我們的研究案例中將包括危機發生的國家與當時未發生危機的國家作為對照組。在墨西哥危機,我們以智利作為對照組。在亞洲五國危機(印尼、韓國、馬來西亞、菲律賓與泰國),我們以中國大陸、新加坡、台灣作為對照組。在確立了我們的理論模型後,我們以個案研究的方式深入瞭解俄羅斯特殊的轉型經濟體質。俄羅斯激烈的經濟結構改革措施,使國家從金融封閉整合入世界資本市場。俄羅斯面臨著外資大量流入金融市場,然而總體經濟面卻在財政與貨幣政策相互矛盾的狀況下,實質經濟依舊無法發展起來,而金融體質嚴重惡化的情況。俄羅斯的案例也同樣證明本論文的論點,一個新興市場國家資本帳的開放必須有其先決條件且循序漸進的開放。一國能否將國際資金導入對於實質產業有所助益的直接投資,是新興市場國家所面臨的重要課題。不然,資本自由化先決條件的不足而快速地實施自由化,將只是加速金融危機的到來。 / This research has included the financial crises of Mexico, Asia and Russia, mainly expecting to conclude the general causes for the financial crises of emerging market economies in the 1990s. First, the paper reviews the three types of theoretical literature on financial crises, including predictable and unpredictable causes. This thesis tries to refer to the predictable economic fundamental part as internal factors, and the unpredictable, international capital mobility as external factors. When an emerging market country is engaged in economic structural reform or economic transition, and when the capital-market architecture and the system of financial-sector supervision and regulation are not sound, if the country liberalize financial market and allow large-scale foreign capital to inflow into domestic financial system, then short-term, speculative international capital will deteriorate financial structure and the economic fundamentals will become worse. When the environment of unpredictable international capital changes, on the one hand, the withdrawal of foreign capital impacts the vulnerable financial sector, and on the other hand, the unhealthy economic fundamentals will become seriously worse. At the same time, the government takes measures to raise interest rates and to sell foreign currency to defend the pegged exchange rate, which will seriously weaken the banking system, causing the bankrupt and the crisis of illiquidity. As a result, the confidence of investors will crash down and the native financial institutions will collapse, and this gives rise to the financial crisis in large scale. After the presumption of this research, we take Mexican and Asian financial crises for example. We try to give corresponding cases for contrast. In Mexican crisis, we take Chile as a contradistinctive group. In five Asian country crises (Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philip, and Thailand), we take China, Singapore, and Taiwan as a contradistinctive group. After proving our model, we try to take Russia as a case study because of the special nature of economic transformation of Russia. The policy of drastic structural economic reform has made Russia step from the financial isolation to the integration into World’s capital market. Russia faces the large-scale foreign capital inflow in the financial market, while the real economy can not recover and domestic financial institutions become structurally weak because of the contradiction of the fiscal and monetary policy. The case of Russia also shows us the argument of this thesis--capital-account liberalization of an emerging market must depend on its prerequisites and steadiness of liberalization. When a nation can make proper use of the capital, conducting foreign investment to real economy is the important challenge of an emerging market. Otherwise, the capital-account liberalization will speed up the coming of financial crisis.

Recherche sur la transition politique et économique au Mali : l'État inachevé / Research on political and economic transition in Mali : unfinished state

Keita, Mohamed Ousmane 24 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse se veut à la fois critique et pragmatique. Critique de l’histoire récente du Mali lue à l’aune des outils procurés par l’analyse juridique, la sociologie et l’anthropologie du droit. Cette intention critique a conduit à interroger l’histoire du Mali des origines dans une perspective génétique qui a été détaillée dans les prolégomènes. Pragmatique, la thèse formule des propositions rattachées à la situation concrète du Mali, allant dans le sens d’un décloisonnement des consciences et de la restauration des normes constitutives de la République malienne. C’est à la satisfaction de ces deux impératifs que les analyses du langage ont été utiles. Elles ont également permis d’identifier certaines insuffisances de la dogmatique juridique généralement soucieuse de plaquer des concepts préfabriqués sur les réalités africaines, que de saisir au plus près ces réalités avec leurs nuances. Il est donc apparu opportun pour y parvenir de procéder à l’analyse des stratégies des acteurs ordinaires de la société politique malienne. La prise en considération des concepts manipulés par ces derniers explique le recours aux langues autochtones. La première partie de la thèse est consacrée à l’analyse du développement chaotique du Mali après l’abandon du projet des pères de l’indépendance sous la double pression des contraintes économiques et des déterminants culturels. La seconde partie en tire les conséquences du point de vue de la théorie constitutionnelle. C’est la raison pour laquelle la thèse s’achève sur la proposition d’une réforme du système de l’unité africaine inspirée, à l’image de tout ce qui précède, d’un dicton de la langue bambara : « Dormir sur la natte des autres, c’est comme si l’on dormait par terre ». / This thesis is both critical and pragmatic. A criticism of Mali’s recent history read in the light of the tools provided by the legal analysis, sociology and anthropology of law. This critical intent led to examine the history of Mali’s origins in a genetic perspective that has been detailed in the prolegomena. Pragmatic, the thesis puts forward proposals related to the concrete situation of Mali, along the lines of a deregulation of consciences and the re-introduction of constitutive standards into the Malian Republic. The language analysis proved valuable in meeting these two requirements. They also enabled to identify some shortcomings in legal dogma generally more anxious to graft prefabricated concepts onto African realities, rather than capture these realities with their nuances as close as possible. It therefore seemed appropriate to analyze the strategies of ordinary actors of the Malian political society. The consideration of the concepts handled by these latter accounts for the use of indigenous languages. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the analysis of Mali’s chaotic development in the aftermath of the relinquishment of the fathers’ project of independence under the double pressure of economic constraints and cultural determinants. The second part draws the relevant consequences from the point of view of constitutional theory. Thus, the thesis concludes with the proposal for reform of the system of African Unity based, upon as all the above, Bambara language’s saying : “Sleeping on the mat of others is like sleeping on the floor.

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