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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anthropophonie : comment susciter une immersion sensorielle à la rencontre d’une perception non-humaine ?

Brochet, Clémentine 05 1900 (has links)
Mémoire en recherche-création / Ce projet de recherche-création, intitulé Anthropophonie, investit la problématique de la pollution sonore sous-marine d’origine anthropique à travers l’expérience du béluga du Saint-Laurent. J’explore la création d’un contexte d’expérience pour susciter une immersion sensorielle à la rencontre d’une perception non-humaine. Je m’intéresse à la notion de mobilisation, autant à celle de l’artiste dans sa pratique, qu’à celle du corps, de l’écoute et de la citoyenneté qui émane de l’expérience. Ce mémoire s’articule dans une approche autopoïétique et rend compte du cheminement théorique, pratique et processuel de ce projet de création. Ma démarche s’ancre dans un écosystème de collaborations, à la fois scientifique et créatif, qui rassemble les savoirs et les pratiques de chercheurs (biologiste, bioacousticien, écologiste) et d’artistes (compositeur, programmeur, plasticien). Ce projet a notamment été réalisé avec l’équipe de recherche du professeur-chercheur Clément Chion (UQO) qui s'intéresse à l’impact du bruit sur les bélugas dans l’estuaire du Saint-Laurent. / This research-creation project, entitled Anthropophony, addresses the issue of anthropogenic underwater noise pollution through the experience of the St. Lawrence beluga whale. I explore the creation of an experiential context to elicit a sensory immersion with a nonhuman perception. I'm interested in the notion of mobilization, both that of the artist in his or her practice, and that of the body, listening and citizenship emanating from experience. This thesis takes an autopoietic approach and gives an account on the theoretical, practical and processual development of this project. My approach is rooted in a collaborative ecosystem, both scientific and creative, bringing together the knowledge and practices of researchers (biologist, bio-acoustician, ecologist) and artists (composer, programmer, plastic artist). This project was carried out in collaboration with the research team of Professor Clément Chion (UQO), who is studying the impact of noise on beluga whales in the St. Lawrence Estuary.

A natureza como cont?gio

Reis, Matheus 14 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2018-03-22T13:48:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MATHEUS REIS.pdf: 9573689 bytes, checksum: 131ba12f90e28aafb67423d293a83aa8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-22T13:48:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MATHEUS REIS.pdf: 9573689 bytes, checksum: 131ba12f90e28aafb67423d293a83aa8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-14 / With the intensive consumption of natural resources that we have achieved in the 21st century and the recognition of human actions as drivers of socio-environmental exhaustion, it is imperative to investigate ways of interfering in the environments through interaction and transforming these relationships into potentiality. Through this, we search through cartography a relational enunciation approaching of artistic processes and eco-logical practices developed in the Atelier Contagio. From this mapping, are presented fascicles that contribute with a theoretical / conceptual effort to approach some senses present in these practices. / Com o consumo intensivo dos recursos naturais que alcan?amos no s?culo XXI e o reconhecimento das a??es humanas como condutoras do esgotamento socioambiental, ? imprescind?vel investigar modos de interfer?ncia nos ambientes por meio da intera??o e de transformar essas rela??es em pot?ncia. Com isso, busca-se atrav?s da cartogr?fia uma enuncia??o relacional aproximando processos art?sticos e pr?ticas eco-l?gicas desenvolvidas no Atelier Cont?gio. A partir desse mapeamento, apresentam-se fasc?culos que contribuem com um esfor?o te?rico/conceitual para abordar alguns sentidos presentes nessas pr?ticas.

Les créatifs culturels : regard sur un nouveau profil de chercheur spirituel à l’ère de l’ultramodernité

Itel, Julia 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

De l'écologie à l'écosophie : l'intuition de Raimon Panikkar / From ecology to ecosophy : the Raimon Panikkar’s intuition

Valverde Campos, Juan Carlos 07 October 2016 (has links)
La crise environnementale a bouleversé la vie de l’homme et toutes ses activités. L’écologie a essayé de trouver des solutions aux problèmes qui nous assaillent, mais elle reste toujours dans le même logos qui nous a mis dans ces difficultés. La théologie, quant-à elle, s’est intéressée depuis peu de temps à cette question. Elle a répondu aux reproches qui lui ont été adressés avec une théologie renouvelée de la création. Notre auteur, Raimon Panikkar, propose de compléter cette approche avec une nouvelle théologie trinitaire. C’est ce qu’il a appelé l’« intuition cosmothéandrique » qui établit une relation étroite et constitutive entre Dieu, l’homme et le cosmos. Cette intuition implique de prêter une attention particulière à la sagesse. Il s’avère donc urgent que l’écologie chemine de pair avec l’écosophie. Dans ce but, il conviendrait que l’homme cultive les vertus qui lui permettront de retrouver son lien avec les autres dimensions de la réalité. Cette nouvelle approche a deux corollaires fondamentaux : une éthique et une théologie politique écosophiques, que nous nous proposons de développer pour prolonger la pensée de Panikkar. / The environmental crisis has disrupted the lives and activities of man. The ecological movement has proposed solutions to the problems we face, but it always uses the same Logos that got us into these difficulties. Theology, however has focused on this question only recently. It answered to criticisms with a renewed theology of creation. Our author of interest, Raimon Panikkar, proposes to complement this approach with a new Trinitarian theology. What he called the “cosmotheandric intuition” establishes a constitutive close relationship between God, man and the cosmos. This intuition means paying special attention to wisdom. It is therefore urgent that ecology walks hand in hand with ecosophy. To this end, mankind ought to cultivates the virtues that will allow it to reconnect with the others dimensions of reality. This new approach has two fondamental corollaries : an ecosophical ethics and a ecosophical political theology, that we intend to develop in order to prolong on Panikkar’s thought.


NICOLE IRIARTE DOURADO 07 November 2023 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo se concentra na implantação de um projeto de turismo regenerativo no Rancho Dourado, denominado como Unidade Demonstrativa de Sustentabilidade (UDS), localizada em Três Rios, RJ, na região serrana. Com base nesse contexto, desenvolveu-se um plano de ação com o propósito de viabilizar a adoção desse modelo de negócios em áreas rurais. O foco principal deste estudo é apresentar um modelo de negócios com dois componentes interconectados, um com fins lucrativos que sustente outro, filantrópico Os princípios da permacultura e da ecosofia fundamentam uma base ética que orienta a ação, destacando a percepção da interdependência entre todos os seres vivos do planeta. O turismo regenerativo é destacado como uma resposta às preocupações ambientais e sociais. Ele exige uma abordagem responsável, integrada e sistêmica para garantir sua sustentabilidade como atividade econômica. No contexto específico de Três Rios, onde a UDS está localizada, o município enfrenta sérios problemas ambientais devido à exploração intensiva de recursos naturais, incluindo desmatamento, pecuária, industrialização e especulação imobiliária, resultando em uma significativa redução na cobertura florestal. Portanto, a implantação do turismo regenerativo em Três Rios é considerada benéfica, com potencial para gerar um impacto positivo e regenerativo no município, contrapondo-se aos desafios climáticos, sociais e ambientais enfrentados pela região. A Unidade Demonstrativa de Sustentabilidade (UDS) desempenha um papel fundamental como atrativo e laboratório prático de sustentabilidade para esse modelo de negócios. / [en] This study focuses on the implementation of a regenerative tourism project at Rancho Dourado, referred to as a Sustainable Demonstration Unit (SDU), located in Três Rios, RJ, a mountainous region. Within this context, an action plan was developed with the purpose of facilitating the adoption of this business model in rural areas. The main focus of this study is to present a business model with two interconnected components, one for profit, supporting a philanthropic one. The principles of permaculture and ecosophy form an ethical foundation that guides action, emphasizing the perception of interdependence among all living beings on the planet. Regenerative tourism stands out as a response to environmental and social concerns. It requires a responsible, integrated, and systemic approach to ensure itssustainability as an economic activity. In the specific context of Três Rios, where the SDU is located, the municipality faces serious environmental issues due to the intensive exploitation of natural resources, including deforestation, livestock farming, industrialization, and real estate speculation, resulting in a barren landscape and significant reduction in forest coverage. Therefore, the implementation of regenerative tourism in Três Rios is considered beneficial, with the potential to generate a positive and regenerative impact on the municipality, counteracting the climate,social, and environmental challenges faced by the region. The Sustainable Demonstration Unit (SDU) plays a fundamental role as an attraction and practical sustainability laboratory for this business model.


EMANUEL MELLO MATTOS DE CASTRO 30 April 2024 (has links)
[pt] A Geofilosofia é uma ontologia ecológica apropriada para problematizar a catástrofe climática que vivemos, o Antropoceno. O conceito desenvolvido por Deleuze e Guattari se relaciona com o nosso tempo – o Antropoceno – como modo de ecologizar o pensamento. Um materialismo anti-humanista em oposição à Era do Antropos e o humanismo da Modernidade. Nesta tese, tratamos de uma virada ecológica da filosofia, que emergiu enquanto o capitalismo industrial e posterior, o neoliberalismo e o colonialismo (que se apropriava de matéria e energia baratas) tomavam o planeta de assalto. Por fim, contrapomos a um estilo de vida que imagina um mundo inerte e homogêneo à disposição para consumo, modos de vida synpathicos, operações simbióticas da vida real. Em especial, as Terras Pretas de Índio na Amazônia, experiência de compartilhamento ecológico autóctone. / [en] Geophilosophy is an ecological ontology appropriated to problematize the climatic catastrophe that we live through, the Anthropocene. The concept developed by Deleuze and Guattari relates to our time – the Anthropocene – as a way to ecologize thinking. An anti-humanism materialism in opposition to the Anthropos Era and the humanism of Modernity. In this thesis, we deal with an ecological turn of philosophy that emerged while industrial capitalism – and beyond, neoliberalism and colonization (which appropriated cheap matter and energy) took the planet by storm. Finally, we oppose to a life style that imagines a homogenous and inert world available for consumption, syn-pathetics ways of life, symbiotics real life operations. In particular, the Terras Pretas de Índio (Indigenous Dark Earth) in the Amazon, autochthonous ecological sharing experience.

Mouvements-Réseau : technique, environnement et socialités à l'époque de l'Anthropocène / Movements-Network : technology, environment and sociality in the age of the Anthropocene / Movimentos-Rede : técnica, meio ambiente e socialidades na época do Antropoceno

Silva, Dayana Karla Melo da 21 September 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche s'interroge sur les nouvelles formes de mobilisation sociale qui répondent à l'émergence des réseaux numériques et à la crise environnementale. Nous privilégions deux axes de compréhension épistémologique. Le premier basé sur la question de la technique au-delà de l'instrumentalité et le deuxième sur la notion d'écosophie. Notre réseau d'observation empirique est constitué par les collectifs mobilisés autour de la thématique écologique qui concerne les plus de trois cents rivières canalisées et enterrées dans la ville de São Paulo au Brésil, dorénavant visibles par le biais des dispositifs et des architectures numériques tels que les cartographies, audioguides, plateformes collaboratives, sites web et réseaux sociaux. À partir de l'immersion dans ces réseaux, nous essayons d'élargir notre regard sociologique compréhensif considérant le social non comme le terrain de jeu exclusif des humains, mais comme constitué par différents êtres et modes d'existence, notamment les objets techniques et les éléments et phénomènes naturels. Dans ce sens, nous proposons dans cette recherche la notion de mouvements-réseau afin de donner une forme à ces nouvelles mobilisations et associations caractérisées par l'hybridisme entre le territoire et les espaces urbains, environnementaux et techniques, ainsi que par le désir d'habiter autrement la Terre. / This research reflects on the new forms of social mobilization that emerge in response to the advent of digital networks and the environmental crisis. We value two epistemological axes. The first based on the question of technology beyond the instrumentality and the second on the notion of ecosophy. Our empirical observation network is formed by the groups mobilized around the environmental theme relating to the more than three hundred canalized and buried rivers in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, henceforth visible through digital devices and architectures such as maps, audio guides, collaborative platforms, web sites and social networks. From the immersion in these networks, we try to expand our sociological view considering the social not as the field of exclusive human acting, but as consisting of different beings and modes of existence, including technical objects, natural elements and natural phenomena. In this sense, we propose in this research the concept of movements-network to give form to these new mobilizations and associations characterized by hybridity between the territory and urban, environmental and technical spaces, as well as the desire to dwell the Earth otherwise. / Esta pesquisa se questiona sobre as novas formas de mobilização social que respondem ao surgimento das redes digitais e à crise ambiental. Privilegiamos duas linhas de compreensão epistemológica. A primeira baseada na questão da técnica para além da instrumentalidade e a segunda na noção de ecosofia. Nossa rede de observação empírica é formada pelos coletivos mobilizados em torno da temática ambiental que concerne aos mais de trezentos rios canalizados e enterrados na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil, doravante visíveis por meio de dispositivos e arquiteturas digitais, tais como mapas interativos, audioguias, plataformas colaborativas, sites e redes sociais. A partir da imersão nestas redes, tentamos expandir nossa visão sociológica compreensiva considerando o social não como o terreno de atuação exclusivo dos humanos, mas como composto por diferentes seres e modos de existência, incluindo os objetos técnicos e os elementos e fenômenos naturais. Neste sentido, propomos nesta pesquisa a noção de movimentos-rede a fim de dar uma forma a estas novas mobilizações e associações caracterizadas pelo hibridismo entre o território e os espaços urbano, ambiental e técnico, bem como pelo desejo de habitar a Terra diferentemente.

Dessiner une écosophie transductive : matières résiduelles, milieux associés, arts technologiques

Trudel, Gisèle 08 1900 (has links)
Les crises des dernières décennies montrent l’entrelacement entre matérialités, humains et technologies. Malgré les 3RV-E (réduire, réemployer, recycler, valoriser, éliminer), les matières résiduelles ne cessent d’augmenter. Cette thèse de recherche-création médiatique est un questionnement sur l’expérimentation artistique et technologique avec les matières résiduelles, comme engagement esthétique-politique. La thèse s’attarde à ce qui se crée avec les traitements des eaux usées, le lieu d’enfouissement technique de déchets, ainsi que la pollution atmosphérique et électromagnétique. J’analyse comment ces opérations retentissent au cœur même de la production des œuvres réalisées depuis 2006 par ma cellule de recherche artistique Ælab, cofondée en 1996 avec le compositeur Stéphane Claude. Mes alliés philosophiques principaux sont Joselita Ciaravino, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Brian Massumi, Gilbert Simondon et Isabelle Stengers. Ciaravino discute d’un 3e ordre du disegno à la Renaissance, pratiqué par de Vinci, un dessin non représentationnel. Ce type de dessin active un processus de transduction simondonien, lorsqu’un élément perturbateur est l’amorce d’une décharge d’énergie potentielle qui déborde sur des éléments avoisinants, qui participent d’un milieu sous tension, pouvant à leur tour générer de nouveaux pivots d’interrelation. Ces agencements rejoignent la manière dont Guattari discute de l’écosophie, un entrelacement triple et dynamique entre la subjectivation, la collectivité et l’environnement, des milieux fertiles pour saisir les transductions en cours avec l’art. Une nouvelle puissance d’agir accompagne leur dessin, et un « faire attention » (Stengers) en émerge, acte solidaire de résistance. Les expérimentations éthico-esthétiques avec les matières résiduelles peuvent contribuer à remettre en question les dualismes pouvant restreindre une exploration technologique des matérialités, afin de participer au déploiement transductif de l'écosophie. Au travers des restes s’accomplit une relation amplifiée, amplifiante avec la pratique technologique qui se singularise, tout en débordant d’elle-même, dans les collectivités. La thèse s’exprime en cinq chapitres où se rencontrent pratiques et théories. Chaque fois, deux concepts sont mis en relation : Dessin et Diagrammatique ; Milieux et Intervalles ; Traduction et Transduction ; Écosophie et Faire Attention ; Postmédia et Communs. Des « blocs de sensations » (Deleuze et Guattari) surgissent entre la théorisation et le récit a-chronologique de la pratique artistique, l’un « au travers » de l’autre (perScapere), l’un avec l’autre. Les œuvres construisent un plan de composition (Deleuze et Guattari) que je nomme le « perse_plan ». Le perse_plan se dédouble en phases sous l’action de la fente, l’intervalle, l’ondulation et la cascade, venant de l’expérimentation ontogénétique des cinq œuvres et de leurs processus enchevêtrés avec dessin numérique, vidéo, audio, lumière, matérialités, senseurs, performances, installations. En fonction des seuils, des résonances, fortes et moins fortes, leurs « milieux associés » (Simondon) se dessinent dans le temps. / Multiple crises over the last several decades demonstrate the entanglement of materialities, humans, and technologies. Despite the 3RV-Es (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Valorisation and Elimination), waste increases. This media-based research-creation dissertation is an investigation of technological artistic experimentation with residual matter as aesthetic/political engagement. This dissertation is concerned with what wastewater treatment, engineered landfill sites, and atmospheric and electromagnetic pollution create. I analyze how these operations are at the very heart of artworks produced since 2006 by Ælab, an artistic research unit I cofounded with composer Stéphane Claude in 1996. Joselita Ciaravino, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Brian Massumi, Gilbert Simondon, and Isabelle Stengers are my primary philosophical allies. Ciaravino discusses disegno’s third order, a form of non-representational drawing practiced by da Vinci during the Renaissance. This type of drawing activates a transduction process as described by Simondon: a disruptive element participating in a milieu under tension triggers a potential energy discharge that overflows onto neighbouring elements, which can, in turn, generate new pivots of interrelation. These assemblages recall Guattari’s discussion of ecosophy, a dynamic, triple intertwining of subjectivation, collectivity, and the environment that provides fertile milieus to follow the transductions art brings about. A new force accompanies their drawing and a “paying attention” (Stengers) emerges, act of resistance and solidarity. Ethico-aesthetic experiments with waste are a way of questioning dualisms that may hamper the technological exploration of materialities in order to participate in the transductive reticulation of ecosophy. Working with waste creates an amplified relation; it amplifies a technological practice that, as it resingularizes, also extends to collectivities. This dissertation presents five chapters in which practice and theory meet. In each, two concepts are placed in dialogue: Drawing and Diagrammatic; Milieus and Intervals; Translation and Transduction; Ecosophy and Paying Attention; Postmedia and Commons. “Blocks of sensation” (Deleuze and Guattari) arise between theorization and an a-chronological telling of artistic practice, one “through” (au travers) the other (perScapere), one with the other. The works build a plan of composition (Deleuze and Guattari) I call the “perse_plan”. The phases of the perse_plan are split by the actions of fissure, interval, undulation, and cascade. These phases are the result of ontogenetic experimentation through five artworks and their related processes interconnected with digital drawing, video, audio, light, materialities, sensors, performances, and installations. Across thresholds and various resonances, their “associated milieus” (Simondon) are drawn out over time.

Mamès, profèsorn oun kindèr likht. Éducation en petite enfance en CPE. Le cas des femmes hassidiques Belz en services de garde en milieu familial accrédités

Major, Suzanne 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Deep ecology: should we embrace this philosophy?

Louw, Gert Petrus Benjamin 03 1900 (has links)
The planet is in a dismal environmental state. This state may be remedied by way of an integrated approach based on a holistic vision. This research examines which ecological ideology best suits current conditions for humans to re-examine their metaphysical understanding of nature; how we can better motivate people to embrace a more intrinsic ecological ideology; and finally, how we can motivate people to be active participants in their chosen ideology. I will attempt to show that Deep Ecology is the most suitable ecosophy (ecological philosophy) to embrace; in doing so I will look at how Oriental and occidental religion and philosophy altered (and continues to alter) the way we perceive nature. I will show how destructive, but also caring and constructive, humanity can be when interacting with the environment. The Deep Ecological and Shallow Ecological principles will be look at, as well as criticism and counter-criticism of these ecosophies. KEY TERMS: Deep Ecology, Shallow Ecology, anthropocentrism, ecocentrism, extrinsic values, intrinsic values, motivational drive, ecosophy © University / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.A. (Philosophy)

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