Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ecosystems."" "subject:"cosystems.""
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Biogeografia de bactérias da filosfera de Maytenus robusta na Mata Atlântica / Biogeography of bacteria from the phyllosphere of Maytenus robusta in the Atlantic ForestWinston Franz Rios Ruiz 21 December 2010 (has links)
A biogeografia estuda a distribuição dos organismos em relação ao espaço e ao tempo, favorecendo a compreensão dos mecanismos que geram e mantém a diversidade, especiação, extinção e dispersão das espécies. Dentre as florestas tropicais, a Mata Atlântica constitui um mosaico vegetal de grande diversidade, onde a filosfera representa um dos habitats mais comuns para os microrganismos. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a estrutura e diversidade da comunidade bacteriana da filosfera de Maytenus robusta no Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho, Parque Estadual Ilha do Cardoso e Estação Ecológica de Assis, no estado de São Paulo, Brasil. As folhas foram coletadas em duas épocas do ano, seca e chuvosa. A estrutura da comunidade bacteriana foi avaliada através de PCR-DGGE da região V3 do gene rRNA 16S e a diversidade por sequenciamento da região V1-V3 do mesmo gene. A similaridade entre a estrutura de comunidades de Bacteria foi determinada com base na presença ou ausência das bandas detectadas no gel após PCR-DGGE. O agrupamento hierárquico gerado com o coeficiente de Jaccard e o método UPGMA mostrou a existência de comunidades bacterianas distintas na filosfera de M. robusta nas áreas amostradas. A existência de padrões biogeográficos foi determinada através de análises de regressão, usando os dados de similaridade da estrutura das comunidades bacterianas e os de distância geográfica entre as árvores amostradas. A correlação negativa observada nas avaliações fornece evidências para suportar a hipótese de que a similaridade entre as comunidades bacterianas da filosfera de plantas da mesma espécie diminui com o aumento da distância entre as árvores, dentro de um mesmo bioma. A avaliação espaço temporal da composição da comunidade bacteriana, realizada pela análise NMDS, demonstrou que houve efeito espacial mas no temporal na estrutura das comunidades bacterianas da filosfera de M. robusta. A afiliação taxonômica de 1.470 sequências de clones do gene rRNA 16S de Bacteria, obtidas da filosfera de M. Robusta, nas diferentes áreas e épocas, e a comparação múltipla das bibliotecas, mostraram que as comunidades bacterianas na filosfera foram distintas umas das outras, sendo os filos Proteobacteria e Acidobacteria os mais frequentes. Somente 1% das Unidades Taxonômicas Operacionais foram comuns entre os indivíduos avaliados. Com base nos resultados obtidos, pode-se inferir que, em cada bioma, plantas da mesma espécie possuem comunidades bacterianas únicas, sugerindo a existência de endemismo, altos níveis de especiação e baixa dispersão das comunidades bacterianas nas áreas avaliadas. / Biogeography studies the distribution of organisms in relation to space and time, favoring the understanding of the mechanisms that generate and keep the diversity, speciation, extinction and dispersion of species. Among the tropical forests, the Atlantic Forest constitutes a highly diverse vegetation mosaic, in which the phyllosphere represents one of the most common habitats for microorganisms. The goal of this work was to evaluate the structure and diversity of the bacterial community from the phyllosphere of Maytenus robusta in the Carlos Botelho State Park, Ilha do Cardoso State Park and Assis Ecologic Station, São Paulo state, Brazil. The leaves were collected in two different seasons of the year, dry season and rainy season. The structure of the bacterial community was evaluated through PCR-DGGE of the 16S rRNA gene V3 region, and the diversity by sequencing of the V1-V3 region of the same gene. The similarities between the structures of the bacterial community were determined based on the presence or absence of bands detected in the gels after PCR-DGGE. The hierarchical clustering generated using the Jaccard coefficient and the UPGMA method showed the existence of distinct bacterial communities in the M. robusta phyllosphere of the sampled areas. The existence of biogeographic patterns was determined through regression analyses, using the community structure similarity data geographic distance among the sampled trees. The negative correlation observed in most of the cases provides evidence to support the hypothesis that the similarity between the bacterial communities from phyllosphere of plants of the same species decreases as the distance among trees increased, within the same biome. The spacial-temporal evaluation of the structure of the bacterial communities, performed by the NMDS analyses, showed the occurrence of spacial but not temporal effects on the structure of the bacterial communities of M. robusta phyllosphere. The taxonomic affiliation of 1,470 bacterial 16S rRNA gene clones obtained from the M. robusta phyllosphere, in different areas and seasons, as well as the multiple comparisons of libraries showed that the bacterial communities in the phyllosphere were distinct from each other, and that Proteobacteria and Acidobacteria phyla were the most frequent. Only 1% of the bacterial Operational Taxonomic Units were common among the individuals evaluated. Based on the results obtained it is possible to conclude that, in each biome, plants of same species have unique bacterial communities, suggesting the existence of endemism, high levels of speciation and low dispersal of bacterial communities in the evaluated areas.
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Melhoria da sustentabilidade pela aplicação do conceito de ecologia industrial: estudo de caso no setor eletro-eletrônico / Sustainability Improvements through industrial Ecology: Case study in the electronic sectorJanaina Gameiro Arbucias 21 December 2007 (has links)
O intenso crescimento industrial associado às pressões de todos os setores da sociedade por processos, produtos e serviços mais ambientalmente corretos, levou ao surgimento de novos paradigmas de desenvolvimento que assegurem a perpetuação de recursos para as futuras gerações, alicerçada no tripé da sustentabilidade. Nesse contexto, para o setor produtivo, é nítida a necessidade de que os sistemas humanos devam ser considerados como parte dos sistemas naturais e se aproximar ao máximo das características destes. Essa concepção de sistemas industriais similares aos ecossistemas naturais, onde pouquíssimas perdas são verificadas, é a base do conceito de Ecologia Industrial, principal conceito usado no desenvolvimento desse trabalho para melhoria da sustentabilidade de uma empresa no setor eletroeletrônico, o que até o presente momento ainda não havia sido estudado. A metodologia adotada seguiu as premissas principais da Ecologia Industrial integradas ao Sistema Integrado de Gestão, a saber: o estabelecimento de ecossistemas industriais, a medição de desempenho através dos graus de sustentabilidade, e o amplo acesso à informação, via criação de um software customizado de Ecologia Industrial, que considera inclusive a comparação de produtos, com metodologia similar ao início de Análise do Ciclo de Vida simplificado, no que concerne ao desenvolvimento de novos produtos. Neste trabalho, o estudo de caso considerou uma empresa de grande porte e uma das características mais importantes observadas neste trabalho foram as similaridades, no país e no exterior, para implantação de sistemas de prevenção de poluição na área de microeletrônica. No que tange à área de Surface Mouting Technology, o estudo mostrou que, ao contrário dos setores de base, o maior impacto ambiental está relacionado à geração de resíduos sólidos e significativas perdas ambientais e econômicas são percebidas devido à Gestão de Fim de Tubo. A análise da área de Printed Circuit Board mostrou que ecossistemas industriais incipientes existem, tanto para água como para resíduos sólidos. 6 Através dos estudos de caso interno a essa empresa, foi possível concluir que no setor produtivo, mesmo em empresas de grande porte, que apresentam princípios, políticas e sistemas de gestão claramente definidos, a questão da sustentabilidade não é compreendida e aplicada em seu sentido mais amplo. Quanto aos ecossistemas industriais internos, ferramenta fundamental da Ecologia Industrial, a formação é muito difícil em função de tamanha distinção dos processos existentes em cada planta industrial. Notou-se a viabilidade, com ganhos expressivos, da formação de ecossistemas externos principalmente para dois tipos de co-produtos da empresa, metais nobres e óleos. Assim, conclui-se que as ferramentas da Ecologia Industrial adotadas para melhorar a sustentabilidade empresarial propiciam maior eficiência a partir da adoção de métricas, atingem, em geral, a maioria dos envolvidos e operações, permitem melhor formatação e padronização de processos, favorecem a visão sistêmica da organização, tornando a tomada de decisão um processo factual e por fim, permite a implantação de métodos e/ou procedimentos para mudança estratégica, incluindo a mudança cultural, fator essencial para o desenvolvimento. Deste modo, foi possível observar que a formação de tais ecossistemas industriais, em geral, promove uma melhora ambiental, econômica e social. Estas ferramentas, muito provavelmente, podem ser rapidamente aplicadas, seguindo-se a metodologia proposta, em qualquer empreendimento, independente de seu porte ou processo de produção. / The industrial development and the increasing pressure for more environmentally friendly processes, products and services led to new development paradigms, based on the three sustainability pillars, that essentially assure resource availability for the next generations. The need for making human systems part of the natural ecosystems and similar to natural environment is clearly stated. This approach, which is the basis of Industrial Ecology, aims to enhance industrial symbiosis cooperating to mitigate process or material loss. Industrial Ecology was the main concept used to improve sustainability at an electronic company, first applied to the industrial area in Brazil. The defined methodology followed the most important premises of Industrial Ecology aligned to the Integrated Management Systems which consists in the establishment of industrial ecosystems, performance evaluation through sustainability levers and the spread of information to stakeholders, by the development of a customized Industrial Ecology software, which also compares products with the simplified Life Cycle Assessment methodology, when it comes to the development of new products. Indeed, the case study has been conducted at a big enterprise and the similarities for Pollution Prevention implementation between the Brazilian facility and the European one were the most important features related to the microelectronics area. Regarding the Surface Mouting Technology area, this study has shown that unlike other segments, the end of pipe is still applied. The most relevant environmental impact is the generation of solid waste and therefore significant economic and environmental loss is easily observed. The Printed Circuit Board sector was also analyzed and the results showed that industrial ecosystems are not formalized but do exist for water and solid waste. Important issues were concluded such as the idea that even though big enterprises present principles, policy and sound management systems, the sustainability concept is not fully comprehensive and applied. The development of industrial ecosystems is considered one of the fundamental tools of industrial ecology. It is hard to establish them within the facilities 8 once the processes differ significantly. However, the creation of external ecosystems for metals and oils, leads to great benefit. It was possible to conclude that the Industrial Ecology concept tools used in the company did benefit its industrial sustainability because it allowed more efficient processes through the use of metrics, involved most of the employees and operations, favored better process standardization, enhance the systemic approach making the decision process easier once it is based on real time facts and it finally contributed to the adoption of methods, systems and procedures that enabled deep strategic change and as a consequence improved cultural change, which is one of the essential aspects of the sound sustainable development. Finally, it is suggested that Industrial Ecology be used as a fruitful metaphor for facilitating the improvement of sustainability. The tools developed in this study might be easily applied to any enterprise, independently of the level or production processes. Ecosystems
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A educomunicação e a cultura escolar salesiana: a trajetória da construção de um referencial educomunicativo para as redes salesianas de educação em nível mundial, continental e brasileiro / The Salesian School Educommunication and Culture: the path of building a framework for educomunicativo Salesian education networks worldwide, continental and BrazilianAntonia Alves Pereira 23 October 2012 (has links)
A metodologia deste estudo empírico-documental se deu por meio de um estudo de caso intensivo da Rede Salesiana de Escolas que investigou o entendimento da maneira salesiana de construir o conceito de Educomunicação a partir do confronto entre suas tradições - especialmente, das necessidades colocadas pela cultura midiática e pelo Sistema Preventivo Salesiano - e as possibilidades oferecidas pelo novo conceito para a renovação da missão institucional. Sua trajetória demonstra como se deu essa apropriação em nível mundial, continental e nacional, desde que a Proposta de Educomunicação para a Família Salesiana, assessorada Núcleo de Comunicação e Educação da Universidade de São Paulo, fora implantada em suas instituições. A proposta educomunicativa chegou ao espaço mundial quando o ramo feminino dessa organização salesiana identificou nele elementos capazes de atualizar seu carisma e método de ensino denominado por Sistema Preventivo, o que possibilitou sua chegada aos cinco continentes. A esse grupo, juntou-se o ramo masculino da organização para assumiu a educomunicação como política de trabalho a ser implantado nas escolas do continente americano durante o encontro continental de escolas que se realizou em Cumbayá, Equador (2001). Este fato possibilitou o surgimento da Rede Salesiana de Escolas no Brasil. A pesquisa visa investigar como se deu essa apropriação conceitual e se teve igual força nas escolas gerenciadas pelos Salesianos e Salesianas. Sete anos após (2008), a rede de escolas continental continuou aprofundando essa perspectiva em torno do que chamou \"fato educomunicacional\". Em 2010, a rede brasileira assume e socializa para as escolas do Brasil a literatura produzida pelas Salesianas sobre o conceito e prática da Educomunicação, promovendo no mesmo período cursos de formação para seus educadores. A pesquisa conclui que os avanços registrados foram significativos, levando em conta a mobilização em torno do processo de reflexão e suas ressonâncias em torno da práticas verificadas tanto na produção literária - documentos sobre o conceito e sua inserção no material didático a serviço da Rede Salesiana de Escolas - quanto na mídia salesiana que circula informações sobre a difusão do conceito nas práticas salesianas ao redor do mundo. A investigação também demonstra que o conceito não está sendo imposto pelas lideranças do sistema educativo, mas construído de acordo com o entendimento que a organização vai obtendo em seu percurso reflexivo e prático. Sendo esta a primeira pesquisa que traça o percurso da Educomunicação no espaço de um sistema internacional de ensino, o trabalho apresenta elementos que podem ajudar na implementação do conceito em ambientes de redes complexas de educação formal / The methodology of this empirical-documental study was done by means of an intensive case study of the Salesian Network of schools which investigated the understanding of Salesian way of constructing the concept of Educommunication from the confrontation amid its traditions -- especially of the needs posed by the media culture and by the Salesian Preventive System - and the possibilities offered by the new concept for change of the institutional mission. His career demonstrates how was this appropriation of global, continental and national, provided that the proposed Educommunication for the Salesian Family, advised the Center for Communication and Education, University of São Paulo, had been implanted in their institutions. The proposal came to educommunicativy world space when the female branch of the organization identified therein Salesian elements able to upgrade their charisma and a teaching method called the Preventive System, which enabled his arrival in the five continents. This group joined the male branch of the organization took over as educommunication work policy to be implemented in schools in the Americas during the meeting of continental schools held in Cumbayá, Ecuador (2001). This fact made the emergence of Network Salesian School in Brazil. The research aims to investigate how was this conceptual appropriation and had equal force in schools managed by the Salesians and Salesian. Seven years after (2008), a continental network of schools continued to deepen that perspective around what he called \"educomunicational fact.\" In 2010, the Brazilian network and socialize takes for schools in Brazil to literature produced by the Salesians on the concept and practice of Educommunication, at the same time promoting training courses for their teachers. The research concludes that the advancements were significant, considering the mobilization around the reflection process and its impacts on surrounding practices seen in both literary production - papers on the concept and its integration into the teaching material in the service of the Salesian Network Schools - and the media Salesian circulating information on the dissemination of the concept in practice Salesian around the world. Research also shows that the concept is not being imposed by the leaders of the education system, but built in accordance with the understanding that the organization will obtain in his line of thought and practice. Since this is the first study that traces the route of Educommunication within an international system of education, the paper presents evidence that could help implement the concept in complex network environments for formal education.
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Fatores externos e internos que alteram a vida do homem e o ecossistema Manguezal do Rio Jordão - Pernambuco / External and internal factors that alter the life of man and the mangrove ecosystem of the Jordan River - PernambucoJorge José Araujo da Silva 18 February 2009 (has links)
Em suas várias nuanças a geografia se apresenta como uma ciência interdisciplinar, com interface em muitos segmentos do conhecimento. As ramificações geográficas fazem com que esta ciência seja plural na tradicionalidade acadêmica, nos permitindo trabalhar questões cronológicas, biológicas, humanas e da natureza, como será apresentado nesta tese. A questão que fundamenta este trabalho pauta-se na necessidade de compreender os fatores externos e internos que alteram a vida do ser humano no ecossistema manguezal do Rio Jordão sob a hipótese de que, a ausência de políticas públicas gera problemas ambientais e sociais. O que será realizado ao detectar da comunidade suas correlações com o manguezal em cena. A ação degradadora do homem vai aniquilando aos poucos o ecossistema do manguezal, isso nos faz perceber que as peculiaridades inerentes ao povo vivente desta comunidade também perde sua especificidade. Consequentemente, a atividade pesqueira perde força porque a comunidade local vai sendo removida, comprometendo assim a conservação de sua cultura. O pescador passa para a condição de cidadão, usuário urbano, um simples morador a somar-se ao sistema vicioso da cultura uniformizada, característica dos centros urbanos. O eixo da tese trata inicialmente de compreender a localização da área de pesquisa e da ocupação territorial do estado envolvendo o tema; tem consequência com a realização da caracterização do manguezal em questão e do ser humano nele habitante; apresentação da análise bibliográfica; justificativas, finalidades, metodologia do trabalho, identificar as externalidades e internalidades relacionadas ao ecossistema em questão e as alterações que os moradores do manguezal em estudo sofrem/causam. Com a caracterização da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Jordão, não foi apenas delimitada a área de estudo, mas interpretou-se também a dinâmica no sistema de bacia, neste caso, possibilitou-se conhecer melhor o entorno do rio, o manguezal e focar-se especificadamente nas questões relacionadas com as comunidades quando detectamos a correlação em que os moradores percebem entre o ecossistema do manguezal e suas próprias vidas. Contudo, os capítulos desta tese expressam uma vontade, a de trazer da população habitante da bacia do rio Jordão, informações tributárias a este ecossistema. / Geography, presented here as an interdisciplinary science, with interface in a lot of segments of the knowledge. Its branches make this science a plural science in the academic traditionalism. It allows us to work issues on chronologic, biologic, human and nature as it will be presented in this study. A question that bases this work line is the theory of the necessity to understand the external and internal factors that change lives of the people and the mangrove ecosystems of Jordan River that can be detected from the community and its correlations with the mangrove. The degenerating action of the man is destroying the mangrove ecosystem and this makes us realize that the inherent peculiarities of those people also lose their individualization. Consequently the fish activity loses the strength because the local community is forced to change their life styles, committing the upkeeping of their culture. The fisherman becomes a city citizen, a urban user, an ordinary person who comes to add to the vicious cycle of the unifying culture, what is a characteristic of the urban centres. The main idea of this study is to deal initially with the understanding the location of the area in study, and the territorial occupation of the state involving this subject. It has consequence with the practice of the mangrove characteristics and its inhabitants. A presentation of a bibliographic analysis, justification, purpose, methodology of the study, identification of the internal and external factors related to the ecosystem and the changes that the inhabitants from the mangrove have to deal with. With the characterization of hydrographical basin of the Jordan river, it wasnt only marked the area of study but it was also interpreted the dynamics of the basin system and in this case, the possibility of knowing the river better and to focus on questions connected with community when we detected the correlation between the inhabitants and the ecosystem and the mangrove, and their own existence. However, the chapters of study express a strong will of bringing to the population who live in the Jordan River basin, information about this ecosystem.
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Várzeas urbanas: uma abordagem ecológica aplicada para o seu manejo / Urban wetlands: an applied ecological approach for their managementFabio Leandro da Silva 07 February 2018 (has links)
As áreas de várzea estão entre os ecossistemas mais ameaçados, porém no Brasil essa situação agrava-se devido à falta de uma abordagem ecológica robusta na Lei de Proteção da Vegetação Nativa, o que torna necessário a atuação do poder público municipal para salvaguardar esses sistemas. A presente pesquisa empregou uma abordagem ecológica aplicada (limnologia, macroinvertebrados, macrófitas aquáticas) para avaliar a relação do rio Sorocaba com suas várzeas no município de Sorocaba, o uso e ocupação da terra e a sua influência sobre às variáveis limnológicas, além das demandas dos serviços ambientais fornecidos pelas várzeas ao município. Duas amostragens foram realizadas durante o ano de 2017, sendo uma no período de cheia (fevereiro) e outra na estiagem (junho). Métodos padronizados foram empregados para o desenvolvimento do presente trabalho. Evidenciou-se que a poluição orgânica e o predomino de áreas antropizadas são os principais fatores responsáveis pela alteração das variáveis limnológicas analisadas. Alguns serviços ambientais (i.e. provisão de água, controle do fluxo, regulação dos processos erosivos, regulação de nutrientes, ciclagem da água, pesca voltada ao lazer e valor intrínseco da biodiversidade) prestados pelos ecossistemas de várzea do Município de Sorocaba apresentam um balanço negativo (i.e. demanda superior à oferta). As espécies de macrófitas e famílias de macroinvertebrados encontradas são espécies indicadoras de poluição orgânica. Por fim, destaca-se a contribuição da ação estratégica e o papel da gestão municipal para o manejo dos ecossistemas de várzea. / The wetlands are among the most threatened ecosystems, although in the Brazil that situation is worse because of an ecological approach lack in the Law of Native Vegetation Protection, what makes necessary the public power action to safeguard those systems. The present research employed an applied ecological approach (limnology, macroinvertebrates, aquatic macrophytes) for Sorocaba River and its wetlands assessment in Sorocaba-SP municipality, the land cover and its influence on limnological variables, as well as the environmental services demand supplied by the municipality wetlands. Two samples were performed during 2017, one during the rainy (February) season and other on the dry season (June). Patronized methods were employed in the present research. The organic pollution and the anthropic areas predominance are the mainly factors responsible for limnological variables alteration. Some environmental services (i.e. water provision, water flow control, erosive process control, nutrient control, water cycling, recreation fishing and biodiversity intrinsic value) provided by the studied wetlands showed a negative balance (i.e. demand superior to the provision capacity). The macrophyte species and macroinvertebrate families found are organic pollution indicators. Finally, stand out the strategic action contribution and the municipality governance role for wetlands ecosystem management.
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Diversidade de ácaros em agroecossistemas e testes para controle alternativo do ácaro branco, Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Acari: Tarsonemidade), na região de Manaus, Amazonas / Diversity of mites in agroecosystems and testing to alternative control of the broad mite, Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Acari: Tarsonemidae), in the Manaus region, AmazonasGeraldo José Nascimento de Vasconcelos 17 May 2011 (has links)
A Amazônia é tida como a região de maior biodiversidade do Planeta. No entanto, pouco se sabe a respeito da diversidade de ácaros plantícolas nesta região. Dentre estes ácaros estão espécies fitófagas, generalistas e predadoras. Este último grupo é de grande interesse, pois pode haver espécies promissoras para uso em programas de controle biológico de pragas. Já os fitófagos são indesejados devido ao dano que algumas espécies podem causar como é o caso do ácaro-branco Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks), o principal ácaro praga na região de Manaus, sobretudo em pimentão. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a diversidade de ácaros associados às frutíferas nativas da região Amazônica e testar formas alternativas e sustentáveis para o controle do ácaro-branco em pimentão nesta região. Foram realizadas coletas no campus da Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM), na fazenda Experimental da UFAM e no município de Anamã, Iranduba e Manacapurú. Os ácaros retirados de cada amostra foram montados, identificados e quantificados. Para o controle do ácaro-branco foram feitos testes com ácaros predadores nativos da região e com extratos aquoso de folha e inflorescência de Piper aduncum L. Foram coletadas 81 espécies de ácaros das famílias Tetranychidae, Tenuipalpidae, Tarsonemidae, Phytoseiidae e Ascidae. Nenhum dos predadores estudados mostrou-se eficiente para o controle do ácaro-branco, apresentando baixa sobrevivência e taxa de oviposição, quando alimentados com esta praga. Extratos aquosos a base de P. aduncum em altas cocentrações mostraram-se promissores para o controle de P. latus, sendo seletivo ao ácaro predador Amblyseius largoensis (Muma). / The Amazon region is considered the most biodiverse on the planet. In however, little is known about the diversity of plants mites in this region. Among these mites are phytophagous species, generalist and predators. This latter group is of great interest because there may be promising species for use in biological control programs of pests. Since the phytophagous are unwanted because of the damage that some species can cause as is the case of broad mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks), the main mite pest in the Manaus region, especially in pepper. Thus, the objective was to determine the diversity mites associated with fruit native to the Amazon region and test alternative and sustainable ways to control the mite in peppers in this region. Collections were made on the campus of Universidade Federal do Amazonas-UFAM (Federal University of Amazon), in the experimental farm of UFAM and at the municipality of Anamã, Iranduba and Manacapuru. Mites removed from each sample were mounted, identified and quantified. To the broad mite control, were tested native predatory mite and aqueous extracts of leaf and inflorescence of Piper aduncum L. We collected 81 species of mites of the families Tetranychidae, Tenuipalpidae, Tarsonemidae, Phytoseiidae and Ascidae. None of the predators studied was efficient to control the mite, with low survival and oviposition rate when fed with this pest. Aqueous extracts the basis of P. aduncum in high cocentrações proved promising for the control of P. latus, being selective to predatory mite Amblyseius largoensis (Muma).
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Extraction and characterisation of colloids in waste repository leachateVerrall, Karen Elizabeth January 1998 (has links)
Inorganic colloids are ubiquitous in environmental waters and are thought to be potential transporters of radionuclides and other toxic metals. Colloids present large surface areas to pollutants and contaminants present in waters and are therefore capable of sorbing and transporting them via groundwater and surface water movement. Much research has been and is currently being undertaken to understand more fully the stability of colloids in different water chemistries, factors which affect metal sorption onto colloids, and the processes which affect metal-colloid transport. This thesis first investigates ground water and surface water sampling and characterisation techniques for the investigation of the colloids present in and around a low-level waste repository. Samples were collected anaerobically using micro-purge low-flow methodology (MPLF) and then subjected to sequential ultrafiltration, again anaerobically. After separation into size fractions the solids were analysed for radiochemical content, colloid population and morphology. It was found that colloids were present in large numbers in the groundwaters extracted from the trench waste burial area (anaerobic environment), but in the surface drain waters (aerobic environment) colloid population was comparable t6 levels found in waters extracted from' above the trenches. There was evidence that the non-tritium activity was associated with the colloids and particulates in the trenches, but outside of the trenches the evidence was not conclusive because the activity and colloid concentrations were low. Secondly this thesis investigates the stability of inorganic colloids, mainly haematite, in the presence of humic acid, varying pH and electrolyte concentrations. The applicability of the Schulze-Hardy rule to haematite and haematitelhumic acid mixtures was investigated using photon correlation spectroscopy to measure the rate of fast and slow coagulation after the addition of mono, di and trivalent ions. It was found that humic coated colloids follow the Schulze-Hardy rule for mono and divalent cations, with the exception of copper ions. Trivalent ions do not follow the Schulze-Hardy rule because of their relatively strong complexation with humates. It was also found that the size of the ion has an effect on destabilisation, irrespective of charge.
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Small Businesses and how they connect to the Sustainable City : A list of actions for the transformation to a sustainable ParisPessot, Olivier January 2011 (has links)
The City relies on Nature‟s products and services for its wellbeing and its very existence. Smallbusinesses, the socio-economic fabric of the City, are mostly mainstream and not engaged insustainability. From their point of view, how do they connect to the Sustainable City?In one of the most competitive areas of central Paris, mainstream businesses and also frontrunners, thelatter already engaged in sustainability, were interviewed as a pilot to further explore transformationinto the Sustainable City. All were asked to reflect on their experience in managing change. They werethen encouraged to propose actions in face of the challenges of sustainability and the sustainable city,and react on a vision of the Sustainable City for Paris and its larger region. They expressed barriers tochallenges and to the vision proposed. And they also proposed ideas, expressed desires, opportunitiesand overall bridges for sustainability to be practically implemented. The findings presented theenterprises‟ interpretation of the concepts of trust and innovation. Reflecting on how the results couldcontribute to a transformation into a Sustainable City resulted in a practical list of actions. This pilotstudy showed a potential for sustainable development to emerge throughout the City through its mostimpactful yet promising actors, the small businesses.In order to contribute in building bridges between City and Nature, the exploration is inspired bysocial ecological research, looking for ways to harmonize the various elements and actors to transformcities into sustainable ones. The framework is mostly based on a business-inspired research design anda construct from the European Union Sustainable City challenges, resilience theory approaches and theFrench national strategy for sustainable development.
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Esthétique et biodiversité des écosystèmes sous-marins / Aesthetics and biodiversity of marine ecosystemsTribot, Anne-Sophie 27 November 2017 (has links)
La valeur esthétique des paysages et des espèces est un élément central de la conservation de la biodiversité, puisqu’elle fait intervenir les dimensions affectives et émotionnelles de notre rapport à la nature. Le lien entre biodiversité et perception esthétique demeure cependant peu étudié dans le cadre des services écosystémiques.Suite à un premier travail de synthèse ayant permis de poser les bases conceptuelles et méthodologiques de l’esthétique des paysages, trois études menées sur des systèmes sous-marins à différentes échelles ont permis de mieux comprendre et de quantifier le lien entre les différentes facettes de la biodiversité et la perception esthétique.Les résultats ont permis de mettre en évidence que la nature du lien entre biodiversité et préférences esthétique est dépendante de l’échelle de perception : à une échelle multi-spécifique, la biodiversité et la composition en espèces ont un effet positif sur les préférences esthétiques, tandis que les préférences à l’échelle spécifiques sont déconnectées du fonctionnement écologique des écosystèmes.Ces résultats confirment l’importance de la valeur esthétique dans notre perception de la biodiversité, qui pourrait avoir des conséquences majeures sur la façon dont nous protégeons notre environnement. L’approche fonctionnaliste de l’expérience esthétique est proposée et décrite afin de promouvoir une perception esthétique basée sur la compréhension et la reconnaissance des processus écologiques. Des pistes d’éducation à la biodiversité basée sur une expérience esthétique engagée sont également proposées afin de reconnecter les besoins écologiques et les préférences esthétiques. / The aesthetic value of landscapes and species is a central element for the conservation of biodiversity, since it involves the emotional and emotional dimensions of our relationship to nature. However, the links between biodiversity and aesthetic perception remains poorly studied and recognized within the ecosystem services framework.Following a first critical review, that described the conceptual and methodological bases of landscape aesthetics, three studies on underwater systems at different scales have been computed in order to better understand the link between the different facets of biodiversity and aesthetic perception.The results revealed that the link between biodiversity and aesthetic preferences is dependent on the scale of perception: at a multi-specific scale, biodiversity and species composition have a positive effect on aesthetic preferences, while preferences at a specific scale are disconnected to the ecological functioning of ecosystems.These results confirm the importance of aesthetic value in our perception of biodiversity, which could have major consequences in the way we protect our environment. The aesthetic experience based on the understanding of ecological functioning is proposed and described in order to promote an aesthetic perception relevant to ecological processes. Education to biodiversity based on engaged aesthetic is also proposed, in order to reconnect ecological needs and aesthetic preferences.
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Beneath the sea ice : exploring elephant seal foraging strategy in Earth's extreme Antarctic polar environment / Sous la banquise Antarctique : écologie alimentaire des éléphants de mer des îles Kerguelen, influence des paramètres océanographiques et de glace de merLabrousse, Sara 09 December 2016 (has links)
Les mammifères marins de l'Océan Austral sont des éléments essentiels des écosystèmes marins antarctiques et des sentinelles de l’état des océans polaires. Comprendre comment les conditions océanographiques déterminent leurs habitats préférentiels est essentiel pour identifier de quelle façon et dans quelle région ces mammifères acquièrent les ressources nécessaires à leur déplacement, leur croissance, leur reproduction et donc leur survie. Les éléphants de mer du Sud (Mirounga leonina) se déplacent dans l’océan austral à l’échelle des bassins océaniques pour s’alimenter en plongeant en moyenne à 500 m et jusqu’à 2000 m de profondeur. En fonction de leur colonie d’origine, de leur sexe, et de leur âge, ils exploitent des régions radicalement différentes de l’océan austral, mettant ainsi en œuvre des stratégies alimentaires diversifiées. Les éléphants de mer de Kerguelen utilisent deux zones préférentiellement: la zone du Front Polaire ou la zone Antarctique couverte par la banquise. Dans cette thèse, les stratégies alimentaires des voyages post-mue Antarctiques de 46 mâles et femelles éléphants de mer de Kerguelen ont été étudiées. Une série temporelle de 11 années (2004-2014) de données de déplacement, de plongées et de données hydrologiques a été analysée pour déterminer le rôle des paramètres océanographiques et de glaces de mer impliqués dans l’acquisition des ressources alimentaires des éléphants de mer en Antarctique. L’influence de la variabilité spatio-temporelle et interannuelle de la glace de mer associée à la position des mâles et des femelles ainsi que le rôle des polynies côtières sur les stratégies alimentaires des mâles en hiver ont été examinés. / Understanding how physical properties of the environment underpin habitat selection of large marine vertebrates is crucial in identifying how and where animals acquire resources necessary for locomotion, growth and reproduction and ultimately their fitness. The Southern Ocean harbors one of the largest and most dynamic marine ecosystems on our planet which arises from the presence of two majors physical features, (i) the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and (ii) the seasonal sea ice cover region. In the Antarctic, marine predators are exposed to climate-induced shifts in atmospheric circulation and sea ice. However, because these shifts vary regionally, and because much remains to be understood about how individual animals use their environment, it has been difficult to make predictions on how animals may respond to climate variability. Southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) are a major consumer of Southern Ocean resources and use two main large scale foraging strategies, (i) feeding in the frontal zone of the Southern Ocean, or (ii) feeding in the seasonal sea ice region. In the present thesis I examined the winter post-moulting foraging strategies of 46 male and female Kerguelen southern elephant seals which utilized the second strategy. Using an eleven year time-series of tracking, diving, and seal-collected hydrographic data (from 2004-2014) I assessed their movements and foraging performance in relation to in situ hydrographic and sea ice conditions. The influence of both the spatio-temporal and inter-annual variability of sea ice around seal locations was investigated, and an investigation on the role of polynya for male elephant seal during winter conducted.
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