Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ecosystems."" "subject:"cosystems.""
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Software Architecture for a Cyber-Physical Ecosystem in support of Open Innovation - : Balancing Open Innovation and Governance through Software ArchitecturePlatanias, Efthymios January 2017 (has links)
This is a qualitative exploratory study of Software Architecture in Cyber-Physical Ecosystems. Software Architecture plays a pivotal role to Software Ecosystems and, apart from Functional and non-Functional requirements, it is affected by factors of a different nature. The purpose of this paper is to identify these factors and describe their relationship with the ecosystem’s architecture. Several owners of Cyber-Physical systems are in the process of setting up new ecosystems by sharing functionalities of their proprietary platform with third-party developers. This makes Architecture that supports Open Innovation critical to this endeavor. We believe that the application of Software Ecosystem best practices to the domain of Cyber-Physical Systems is an interesting subject. An exploratory literature study was conducted to create a conceptual model which describes the relationship of architecture with the factors presented above. This study resulted in a conceptual model which supports the decision making process of the platform owner during the various stages of the ecosystem’s lifecycle.
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The Internet of Things in Health, Social Care, and WellbeingLaya, Andrés January 2017 (has links)
The Internet of Things (IoT) enables opportunities to remotely sense and control objects via communication networks. We study services based on connected devices and the collaboration they generate between the ICT and the Health, Social Care and Wellbeing (HSCWB) industries. In HSCWB, IoT can support a change from episodic treatments of illness to preventive care and wellbeing solutions. The IoT can be a supporter in cost efficient and high quality health care. The objective is to achieve healthier life years and more efficiency in health and social care. Even if the potential of IoT in HSCWB has been proven in pilot projects and small-scale solutions, the benefits and opportunities for many actors are still unclear. There is a research gap in studying the roles and business opportunities for market-driven technology-based solutions enabled by connected devices. The research approach separates technological and business domains. On the technology side, the focus is on advances in connectivity for IoT. We present the technical details on a limitation to support IoT devices in cellular networks. We quantify the limitations in the Random Access Channel of the LTE air interface to support IoT devices. Moreover, we propose the adaptation of an access mechanism to enable massive number of simultaneous access attempt in cellular networks. On the business side, we identify and present how the conditions of the health and social care structure in Sweden affect the establishment of IoT solutions in HSCWB. We then show how these conditions have generated three distinctive development patterns—to innovate within the public sector, to develop solutions in the private care sector, or to target the wellbeing sector to avoid regulatory setbacks. Based on these patterns, we look closer into study cases to show how business opportunities have been addressed from a business network perspective. When deploying an IoT service, not all critical challenges can be appreciated at a single firm level. Therefore, we rely on a network-level business model framework to analyze emerging IoT services in HSCWB. The findings suggest that IoT components can improve an existing service by automating internal working processes, or they can enable new value propositions and convenience to end users. In general terms, the collaboration can be used (i) to improve the efficiency of existing services in health and social care without an original intention to change the service offering, or (ii) to create novelty and differentiation, without affecting the internal logics of existing HSCWB services. / <p>QC 20180828</p> / IoT Ecosystems (VINNOVA) / COIN-SWEAT / MTC2020 / M2MRISE
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Empirical and model derived respiration responses to climate in different soils of an arid South African ecosystemNyaga, Justine Muhoro January 2009 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Biodiversity and Conservation Biology) / This study examined the magnitude of soil CO2 efflux in an arid South African ecosystem, the flux responses as well as those of key limiting nutrients to soil temperature increases and moisture reductions consistent with a future climate change scenario, and compared measured soil respiration rates with those predicted with empirically and theoretically-based soil respiration models.
Measurements of soil respiration rate, temperature, moisture, N and P contents were conducted monthly over a 12-month period in natural environments and those artificially manipulated with replicated open-top warming chambers (average 4.1oC increase) and precipitation exclusion chambers (average 30.1% decrease in rainfall, 26.2% decrease in fog and dewfall) distributed in five different soil-vegetation units.Measured soil respiration rates were over 3-fold less than those reported for temperate and tropical forest ecosystems with 61.5% of the total soil CO2 efflux contributed by root respiration (derived from the differences between moderately vegetated and sparsely vegetated areas) in moderately vegetated soils. Massive increases (up to 15 times) in soil CO2 efflux occurred during wet phases, but even these large CO2 pulses were only comparable in magnitude with soil CO2 effluxes reported for temperate semi-arid grasslands.
There was considerable intra-annual and inter-site variability in the magnitude and direction of soil respiration and N and P responses to elevated temperatures and reduced precipitation levels with poor correspondence evident between soil CO2 efflux and soil organic matter content. Soil CO2 effluxes declined in response to precipitation exclusion by 7.1% over all sites and increased in response to warming by 42.1% over all sites. The large increase in response to warming was assisted by a 7.5% enhancement in soil moisture content due to precipitation interception by the chamber walls and its channelling to the soil surface.Relatively smaller respiration increases in response to warming occurred in moderately vegetated soils, these attributed to soil thermal insulation by the plant canopy cover. Soil P
and N contents increased in response to warming by 11.3% and 13.3% respectively over all sites, with soil P declining in response to precipitation exclusion by 5.8% over all sites and soil N increasing in response to precipitation exclusion over all sites by 5.8%. Standard least squares regressions quantified the relationships between soil respiration rate and measured soil physical and chemical properties, and their interactions for each of the 5 soil-vegetation units. These relationships were incorporated in an empiricallybased soil respiration (EMR) model which was compared with a theoretically based generalized soil respiration model (GRESP). GRESP model functions included measured Q10 coefficients at soil moisture contents above field capacity, these assumed reduced by half for dry conditions, and maximum retentive and field capacities of soils. EMR modelled soil
respiration rates displayed slightly better correspondence with measured soil respiration rates than GRESP modelled soil respiration rates. This apparent from the higher regression coefficients and lower sums of squared residuals, with EMR model residuals also more closely approximating normal distributions. However, despite the EMR model’s slight superiority, it was concluded that more precise laboratory-based measurements of soil retentive and field capacities and their Q10 coefficients at different soil moisture contents could improve the GRESP model’s accuracy thereby providing a more convenient and uncomplicated means of predicting respiration responses to current and future climates over a wide range of arid soil types
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Paléoécologie des protistes à partir d'archives biologiques provenant d'écosystèmes marins côtiers / Protist paleoecology from biological archives of the marine coastal ecosystemsKlouch, Khadidja Zeyneb 29 September 2016 (has links)
La composition des communautés de protistes et leur dynamique temporelle sont traditionnellement étudiées en analysant des séries de données de surveillance/observation dont la mise en place est relativement récente (≤40 ans). Dans cette étude, nous avons analysé les traces biologiques (formes de résistance et ADN ancien) préservés dans des sédiments couvrant une échelle temporelle d’environ 150 ans afin d’étudier les changements de la composition et la dynamique temporelle des protistes marins, principalement dans deux écosystèmes estuariens de la rade de Brest (Bretagne, France). Les analyses de metabarcoding montrent que seulement une partie minoritaire (16-18%) de la richesse des protistes (#OTUs) des sédiments superficiels est retrouvée dans les sédiments profonds et que la plupart des protistes présents dans les sédiments anciens sont connus pour être capables de produire des formes de résistance. La composition des communautés de protistes étaient différenciées en deux principales paléocommunautés (avant/après 1950), suggérant une biodiversité spécifique à chaque période. Les abondances relatives des dinoflagellés ont montré une tendance à la baisse depuis les années 70’ et les genres Alexandrium et Gonyaulax ont montré une dynamique opposée en termes d’abondance relative à travers le temps. Les données paléogénétiques (PCR en temps réel) suggèrent qu’A. minutum est présente dans la rade depuis au moins 1873 ± 7 et qu’au cours des derniers 150 ans, l’espèce est devenue envahissante, proliférant dans la rade seulement ces dernières années. De plus, Les données de PCR en temps réel suggèrent que la partie sud-est de la rade, où des sédiments à typologie vaseuse sont plus abondants, est potentiellement plus favorable à l’accumulation des kystes de l’espèce. Les analyses écophysiologiques (taux de croissance, taux de consommation de phosphore, biomasse maximale atteinte) réalisés sur des souches de dinoflagellés (A. minutum et Scrippsiella donghaienis) obtenues par germination montrent une forte variabilité phénotypique intraspécifique au sein des deux espèces et dans les deux milieux étudiés. Les résultats de ces travaux de thèse contribuent au domaine de la recherche en paléoécologie sédimentaire, montrant les avantages et les limites de cette approche pour révéler des patrons biologiques encore peu explorés. / The community composition of protist and their temporal dynamic are are traditionally studied by analyzing data sets of monitoring/observation networks, whose implementation is however relatively recent (≤40 years). In this study, we analyzed the biological traces (resting stages and ancient DNA) preserved in sediments covering a time scale of 150 years in order to study changes in the composition and the temporal dynamics of marine protists, focusing mainly on two estuarine ecosystems of the Bay of Brest (Brittany, France). Metabarcoding analyses showed that only a minor part (16-18%) of the protists richness (#OTUs) of superficial sediments is retrieved in deep sediments, and that most of the protists found in ancient sediments are known to produce resting stages. Two main paleocommunities were differentiated (before/after 1950), suggesting the existence of a distinct and specific biodiversity for the identified periods. The relative abundances of dinoflagellates showed a decreasing trend since the 70s' and Alexandrium and Gonyaulax genera showed an opposite dynamic in terms of relative abundance over the time. Paleogenetic data (real-time PCR) suggest that A. minutum is present in the Bay of Brest since at least 1873 ± 7 and that, across a time scale of about 150 years, the species has proliferated only recently in the estuaries of the bay. Moreover, real-time PCR data suggest that the south-eastern part of the bay, where muddy sediment are more abundant, is potentially more favorable for the accumulation of the species cysts. Ecophysiological analyses (growth rate, phosphorus assimilation rate, and maximal biomass attained) performed on dinoflagellate strains (A. minutum and Scrippsiella donghaienis) showed a strong phenotypic intraspecific variability for both species and for both analyzed media. The results of this thesis work contribute to the research in sedimentary paleoecology, showing the advantages and limits of this approach to reveal still underexplored biological patterns.
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Approche géographique de la compensation écologique en milieu marin : analyse de l’émergence d’un système de gouvernance environnementale / Geographical approach for marine biodiversity offset : analysis of the emergence of an environmental governance systemJacob, Céline 03 February 2017 (has links)
La réglementation actuelle, reposant sur la loi de 1976 sur la protection de la nature, impose aux maîtres d’ouvrage de respecter le principe « éviter – réduire – compenser » lors de la conception de les projets d’exploitation et d’aménagement. Lorsqu’un projet n’a pu ni éviter ni réduire les impacts environnementaux, il est nécessaire de définir des mesures compensatoires pour les impacts résiduels qualifiés de significatifs. Concernant les écosystèmes marins, ces mesures font appel à des actions écologiques ainsi qu’à des mesures de gestion et d’amélioration des connaissances sur le milieu marin. Alors que le développement de l’activité économique maritime est encouragé, en particulier, suite aux appels à la croissance bleue (e.g. tourisme maritime, EMR, pêche, aquaculture, ressources minérales marines, biotechnologies, transport maritime, construction navale), il est primordial de questionner nos capacités à prendre en compte les impacts de ces activités. A partir d’un état des lieux de la compensation sur le milieu marin en France, il s’agit d’identifier les limites du système actuel et de proposer des pistes d’amélioration. Ces dernières peuvent être méthodologiques et techniques, liées à la prise en compte de nouvelles approches ou à l’émergence de nouveaux systèmes de gouvernance. A travers l’analyse d’une cinquantaine d’études d’impacts françaises, les pressions et impacts générés par différents projets d’aménagements (infrastructures portuaires, dragages, extractions de granulats, prises et rejets d’eau, etc.) sont examinés et la pertinence des mesures ERC proposées est discutée. Ensuite, en se basant sur une revue bibliographique, la faisabilité et l’efficacité des techniques d’ingénierie écologique (écoconceptions portuaires, bio-remédiation et techniques de restauration des herbiers, macro-algues, récifs coralliens, populations d’ichtyofaune et bivalves) sont évaluées au regard des exigences de la séquence ERC. Cette analyse permet de discuter de la notion d’équivalence écologique et de proposer un arbre de décision original. D’autre part, constatant que les mesures compensatoires proposées dans les études d’impact ne sont que très rarement dimensionnées, une méthode opérationnelle permettant d’évaluer les besoins compensatoires est élaborée. Cette méthode associe une analyse multicritère de l’état de l’environnement inspirée de l’Unified Mitigation Assessment Method (UMAM, méthode utilisée en Floride pour les impacts autorisés) et une évaluation plus fine à l’échelle d’un indicateur empruntée à l’Habitat Equivalency Analysis (HEA, développée par la NOAA pour la compensation des dommages accidentels). Il s’agit ensuite d’examiner l’utilisation actuelle de l’approche par les services écosystémiques dans la compensation à travers la réglementation, les standards internationaux et la littérature scientifique. L’objectif est d’étudier en quoi cette approche permettrait d’améliorer la mise en place de la compensation mais aussi d’en souligner les limites. Enfin, l’approche sociologique de l’acteur-réseau (Callon, Latour) permet d’analyser les différents types organisationnels ayant émergé autour de la compensation en Californie. L’objectif est de critiquer, à partir de situations constatées en France et aux Etats-Unis, les réponses formulées en termes de gouvernance par ces deux sociétés côtières exigeant un principe de compensation. Ce travail souligne la nécessité de mettre en place des mesures ambitieuses et efficaces de compensation afin que le développement économique maritime cesse de contribuer à l’érosion de la biodiversité. / My research topic is multidisciplinary combining geography, ecology and economics and addressing the efficiency of current marine offset practice. Building on a state of the art of current practice, I am working on a more prospective approach (compared to current research on mitigation targeting terrestrial ecosystems). By offset, I am referring to legal mitigation that consists in avoiding – reducing – offsetting adverse impacts of development projects such as dredging, port infrastructure, oil exploration, marine aggregate extraction, beach nourishment, etc. on marine and coastal ecosystems. Based on a review of around fifty French marine Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs), I analyzed the assessment of impacts, the use of offset sizing methods (robust method to assess ecological losses due to development projects and ecological gains created by offset measures) and the kind of measures proposed. Within these EIAs, sizing methods were seldom used and the very few measures suggested to offset residual impacts could be questioned in terms of equivalency and appropriateness. These measures were either ecological engineering techniques (such as seagrass or coral restoration), management measures (used to reduce pressure on the impacted ecosystems through the funding of management measures in Marine Protected Areas for example) or even knowledge acquisition. Thus, I am also looking at the efficiency of ecological engineering techniques on marine and coastal ecosystems. My research mainly focuses on the offset of authorized impacts but could also deals with some aspects of the offset of accidental damages.
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Robust Modeling and Predictions of Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Forest and Wetland EcosystemsIshtiaq, Khandker S 12 November 2015 (has links)
The land-atmospheric exchanges of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) are major drivers of global warming and climatic changes. The greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes indicate the dynamics and potential storage of carbon in terrestrial and wetland ecosystems. Appropriate modeling and prediction tools can provide a quantitative understanding and valuable insights into the ecosystem carbon dynamics, while aiding the development of engineering and management strategies to limit emissions of GHGs and enhance carbon sequestration. This dissertation focuses on the development of data-analytics tools and engineering models by employing a range of empirical and semi-mechanistic approaches to robustly predict ecosystem GHG fluxes at variable scales.
Scaling-based empirical models were developed by using an extended stochastic harmonic analysis algorithm to achieve spatiotemporally robust predictions of the diurnal cycles of net ecosystem exchange (NEE). A single set of model parameters representing different days/sites successfully estimated the diurnal NEE cycles for various ecosystems. A systematic data-analytics framework was then developed to determine the mechanistic, relative linkages of various climatic and environmental drivers with the GHG fluxes. The analytics, involving big data for diverse ecosystems of the AmeriFLUX network, revealed robust latent patterns: a strong control of radiation-energy variables, a moderate control of temperature-hydrology variables, and a relatively weak control of aerodynamic variables on the terrestrial CO2 fluxes.
The data-analytics framework was then employed to determine the relative controls of different climatic, biogeochemical and ecological drivers on CO2 and CH4 fluxes from coastal wetlands. The knowledge was leveraged to develop nonlinear, predictive models of GHG fluxes using a small set of environmental variables. The models were presented in an Excel spreadsheet as an ecological engineering tool to estimate and predict the net ecosystem carbon balance of the wetland ecosystems. The research also investigated the emergent biogeochemical-ecological similitude and scaling laws of wetland GHG fluxes by employing dimensional analysis from fluid mechanics. Two environmental regimes were found to govern the wetland GHG fluxes. The discovered similitude and scaling laws can guide the development of data-based mechanistic models to robustly predict wetland GHG fluxes under a changing climate and environment.
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ARCHITECTE D'INNOVATION : Marginal sécant, concepteur de territoires inconnus / ARCHITECT OF INNOVATION : "Marginal sécant", designer of unknown territoriesNury, Pierre-Yves 25 September 2014 (has links)
L’hypothèse centrale que sous-tend cette thèse est la suivante : le développement de nos sociétés, au sens des systèmes d’acteurs les constituant, face à ses principaux enjeux de long terme, est un processus d’innovation en tant que tel. Ce processus d’innovation est situé au croisement de dynamiques sociales, de conception et de traduction dans un système d’action collective et de fait de pouvoir.La thèse s’efforce de démontrer ces éléments en s’appuyant sur trois projets de terrain revisités à travers différents cadres théoriques spécifiques aux champs suscités. Cette analyse qui s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une démarche de recherche originale intégrant la théorie dans l’action et revisitant cette même théorie au vu des actions, permet à notre sens de faire émerger une nouvelle figure du développement des territoires dans leurs mécanismes contemporains d’innovation sociétale : L’architecte d’innovation.Cette nouvelle figure s’inscrit aux côtés des autres opérateurs de l’innovation et de l’action collective. Après avoir fait apparaitre les conditions de son émergence et les motivations de son intervention, la thèse s’achève par la présentation des différents visages du marginal sécant, concepteur de territoires inconnus. / The central hypothesis underlying this thesis is the following: the development of our societies, in the context of the constituent system of actors and their relationships, is based on an innovation process regarding long-term issues. This innovation process is located at the intersection of social dynamics, design and translation, in a system driven by collective action and power influences.This thesis attempts to demonstrate these elements based on three concrete projects revisited through different theoretical frameworks of the aforementioned specific fields. This analysis is part of a unique research program integrating theory in real life situations and revisiting theoretical concepts through our experience; this reflection leads to the emergence of a new figure/player in territories development through their mechanisms of contemporary social innovation: The architect of innovation.This new figure fits alongside other players driving innovation and collective action. After identifying the conditions of its emergence and motivations of its intervention, the thesis concludes with the presentation of the different faces of this ‘marginal secant’ defined as a designer of unknown territories.
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Hétérogénéité des pratiques agricoles biologiques et conventionnelles dans les paysages bretons : effets sur les communautés d'insectes auxiliaires à différentes échelles / Heterogeneity of organic and conventional farming practices in agricultural landscapes in Brittany : effects on natural enemy communities at different scalesPuech, Camille 15 December 2014 (has links)
En réponse aux pertes de biodiversité et à une insécurité alimentaire croissante, l’agriculture moderne doit se tourner vers une gestion plus durable des paysages agricoles. L’Agriculture Biologique (AB) est considérée comme une solution prometteuse à ces enjeux. En effet, ses pratiques agricoles étant globalement plus favorables aux ennemis naturels de ravageurs que celles de l’Agriculture Conventionnelle (AC), elle pourrait permettre de remplacer l'utilisation des pesticides par celle du contrôle biologique. Cependant, les études évaluant ces effets restent contradictoires, probablement car elles ne tiennent pas compte de la diversité des pratiques réalisées en AB et en AC. A plus large échelle, les pratiques ont par ailleurs rarement été considérées dans la description de l’hétérogénéité paysagère, bien que la nature et l’organisation spatiale de la matrice agricole soit susceptible d’affecter les espèces qui y vivent. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est d’évaluer les effets de la diversité et de l’organisation spatiale des pratiques en AB et en AC sur les insectes auxiliaires, à l’échelle de la parcelle et du paysage. Un travail de terrain a été réalisé en 2012 et 2013 en Ille et Vilaine. Quarante paires de parcelles de blé d’hiver en AB et en AC ont été sélectionnées, réparties le long d’un gradient paysager de surfaces en AB. Dans chaque parcelle, les communautés d'ennemis naturels de pucerons (coccinelles, carabes, parasitoïdes) ont été échantillonnées. Des enquêtes ont permis de caractériser les pratiques agricoles réalisées par les agriculteurs dans les parcelles suivies et dans leur environnement paysager. Nous avons mis en évidence l’existence d’une large diversité de pratiques agricoles dans les systèmes en AB et en AC. A l’échelle parcellaire, les effets des pratiques sur la diversité des insectes auxiliaires sont forts, les systèmes en AB leur étant globalement plus favorables. Considérer un niveau plus fin de description des pratiques nous a permis d’identifier celles qui affectent réellement les insectes et de montrer qu’il est possible de favoriser leur présence, quel que soit le mode de production. A l’échelle du paysage, nous n’avons mis en évidence aucun effet de l’étendue et de l’organisation de l’AB sur les ennemis naturels. Une description plus fine des pratiques nous a malgré tout permis de souligner l’importance de certaines stratégies de pratiques, à certaines échelles. A partir de ces résultats, nous proposons des pistes pour l’aménagement des paysages agricoles. Les problèmes méthodologiques liés à la description des pratiques agricoles à l’échelle du paysage sont également discutés. / Due to the loss of biodiversity and increasing food insecurity, modern agriculture must evolve toward a more sustainable management of agricultural landscapes. Organic Farming (OF) is considered as a promising solution to meet this challenge. Organic practices are indeed generally more favorable to pest natural enemies than Conventional Farming (CF), suggesting that pesticides could be replaced by biological control. However, studies evaluating these effects are contradictory, probably because they do not consider the diversity of practices implemented in OF and CF. On a broader scale, practices have rarely been considered in the description of landscape heterogeneity, although the nature and configuration of farmland must affect species. The target of this PhD work is to evaluate the effects of the diversity and spatial organization of organic and conventional farming practices on insect natural enemies, at field and landscape scales. A fieldwork was conducted in 2012 and 2013 in Brittany. Forty pairs of organic and conventional winter wheat fields were selected, distributed along a landscape gradient of OF area. In each field, aphid natural enemies (ladybirds, carabid beetles, parasitoids) were sampled. We interviewed farmers to characterize farming practices implemented in fields and their surrounding landscape. We observed a wide diversity of farming practices in OF and CF. At field scale, effects of practices on the diversity of natural enemies were strong, OF being overall more favorable. Considering a finer description of practices allowed us identifying those really affecting insects, and showing they can be enhanced regardless of the farming type. At landscape scale, we found no effect of the OF area and configuration on natural enemies. With a more detailed description of practices, we however highlighted the importance of some farming strategies, at some scales. Based on these results, we open up avenues to manage agricultural landscapes. Methodological issues related to the description of farming practices on large areas are also discussed.
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ECOS PL-Science: Uma Arquitetura para Ecossistemas de Software Científico Apoiada por uma Rede Ponto a PontoSouza, Vitor Freitas e 27 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2015-12-01T11:18:53Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
vitorfreitasesouza.pdf: 4838221 bytes, checksum: 593f759949de45c0b044f62ba94f9a1a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-01T11:18:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
vitorfreitasesouza.pdf: 4838221 bytes, checksum: 593f759949de45c0b044f62ba94f9a1a (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-02-27 / A concepção de workflows científicos é uma abordagem amplamente utilizada no
contexto de e-Science e experimentação científica. Existem muitas pesquisas voltadas
para o gerenciamento e execução de experimentos baseados em workflows. No
entanto, experimentos complexos envolvem interações entre pesquisadores
geograficamente distribuídos, demandando utilização de grandes volumes de dados,
serviços e recursos computacionais distribuídos. Este cenário categoriza um
ecossistema de experimentação científica. Para conduzir experimentos neste contexto,
cientistas precisam de uma arquitetura flexível, extensível e escalável. Durante o
processo de experimentação, informações valiosas podem ser perdidas e
oportunidades de reutilização de recursos e serviços desperdiçadas, caso a arquitetura
de ecossistema para e-Science não considere estes aspectos. Com o objetivo de tratar
a flexibilidade, a extensibilidade e a escalabilidade de plataformas de ecossistemas,
este trabalho apresenta uma arquitetura orientada a serviços apoiada por uma rede
ponto a ponto, desenvolvida para tratar as etapas do ciclo de vida de um experimento
científico. Este trabalho apresenta como contribuições uma arquitetura para
ecossistemas de software científico, a implementação desta arquitetura, bem como a
sua avaliação. / The conception of scientific workflows is a widely used approach in the context of e-
Science and scientific experimentation. There are many researches about the
management and execution of experiments based on workflows. However, scientific
experiments involve complex interactions between geographically distributed
researchers, requiring the usage of large amount of data, services and distributed
computing resources. This scenario categorizes a scientific experimentation
ecosystem. In order to carry out experiments in this context researchers need an
architecture for e-Science that supports flexibility, extensibility and scalability.
During the experimentation process, valuable information can be unexploited and
reusing opportunities of resources and services could be lost if the ecosystem
architecture for e-Science does not consider previous mentioned requirements. In
order to address the flexibility, extensibility and scalability of ecosystems platforms,
this dissertation presents a service-oriented architecture supported by a peer-to-peer
network. It was developed to support life-cycle stages of a scientific experiment. This
work also presents, as contributions, an architecture to support experiments execution
of scientific software ecosystems, the implementation of this architecture, as well as
its evaluation.
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Várzeas urbanas: uma abordagem ecológica aplicada para o seu manejo / Urban wetlands: an applied ecological approach for their managementSilva, Fabio Leandro da 07 February 2018 (has links)
As áreas de várzea estão entre os ecossistemas mais ameaçados, porém no Brasil essa situação agrava-se devido à falta de uma abordagem ecológica robusta na Lei de Proteção da Vegetação Nativa, o que torna necessário a atuação do poder público municipal para salvaguardar esses sistemas. A presente pesquisa empregou uma abordagem ecológica aplicada (limnologia, macroinvertebrados, macrófitas aquáticas) para avaliar a relação do rio Sorocaba com suas várzeas no município de Sorocaba, o uso e ocupação da terra e a sua influência sobre às variáveis limnológicas, além das demandas dos serviços ambientais fornecidos pelas várzeas ao município. Duas amostragens foram realizadas durante o ano de 2017, sendo uma no período de cheia (fevereiro) e outra na estiagem (junho). Métodos padronizados foram empregados para o desenvolvimento do presente trabalho. Evidenciou-se que a poluição orgânica e o predomino de áreas antropizadas são os principais fatores responsáveis pela alteração das variáveis limnológicas analisadas. Alguns serviços ambientais (i.e. provisão de água, controle do fluxo, regulação dos processos erosivos, regulação de nutrientes, ciclagem da água, pesca voltada ao lazer e valor intrínseco da biodiversidade) prestados pelos ecossistemas de várzea do Município de Sorocaba apresentam um balanço negativo (i.e. demanda superior à oferta). As espécies de macrófitas e famílias de macroinvertebrados encontradas são espécies indicadoras de poluição orgânica. Por fim, destaca-se a contribuição da ação estratégica e o papel da gestão municipal para o manejo dos ecossistemas de várzea. / The wetlands are among the most threatened ecosystems, although in the Brazil that situation is worse because of an ecological approach lack in the Law of Native Vegetation Protection, what makes necessary the public power action to safeguard those systems. The present research employed an applied ecological approach (limnology, macroinvertebrates, aquatic macrophytes) for Sorocaba River and its wetlands assessment in Sorocaba-SP municipality, the land cover and its influence on limnological variables, as well as the environmental services demand supplied by the municipality wetlands. Two samples were performed during 2017, one during the rainy (February) season and other on the dry season (June). Patronized methods were employed in the present research. The organic pollution and the anthropic areas predominance are the mainly factors responsible for limnological variables alteration. Some environmental services (i.e. water provision, water flow control, erosive process control, nutrient control, water cycling, recreation fishing and biodiversity intrinsic value) provided by the studied wetlands showed a negative balance (i.e. demand superior to the provision capacity). The macrophyte species and macroinvertebrate families found are organic pollution indicators. Finally, stand out the strategic action contribution and the municipality governance role for wetlands ecosystem management.
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