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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Education quality in South Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa : an economic approach

Spaull, Nicholas 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Education has always occupied a central role in the discipline of economics, featuring prominently in the theoretical constructs of the discipline and, more recently, in their empirical applications. While one can trace the origins of Human Capital theory all the way back to Adam Smith’s ‘The Wealth of Nations’, the two major advances in our understanding of education’s role in economic development transpired in the last 50 years. The first was half way through the 20th century with the work of work of Mincer (1958), Schultz (1961) and particularly that of Becker (1962) who formalized the idea of Human Capital. The second advance was at the turn of the 21st century when Hanushek and Kimko (and later Wößmann) incorporated measures of education quality into their models of economic growth. This latest strand of research serves as the point of departure for this thesis, placing education quality at the centre of the discussion. The thesis begins by focussing on the South African case and highlighting three broad issues that characterise education in the country: (1) the high levels of inequality that can be seen when comparing student performance by race, language, geographic location and socioeconomic status. New evidence is presented to show that South Africa does indeed have two public schooling systems, reiterating and confirming the findings of other South African scholars. (2) Using intra-survey benchmarks of student achievement, Chapter 2 develops a new method of quantifying learning deficits in mathematics by using three different datasets covering grades 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9. The learning gap between the poorest 60% of students and the wealthiest 20% of students is found to be approximately three grade-levels in grade 3 and grows to between four and five grade-levels by grade 9. (3) The focus then shifts to the complex issue of language and performance, which is addressed in Chapter 3. Here the aim is to exploit an unusual occurrence whereby a large group of South African students were tested twice, one month apart, on the same test in different languages. Using a simplified difference-in-difference methodology it becomes possible to identify the causal impact of writing a test in English when English is not a student’s home language. The final two chapters of the thesis widen the remit of analysis to include 11 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, viz. Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Here the aim is to develop a composite measure of education access and education quality by combining household data (DHS) on grade completion and survey data (SACMEQ) on cognitive outcomes. The new measure, termed access-to-literacy and access-to-numeracy is reported for all countries and important sub-groups in Chapter 4. The method is then used in Chapter 5 to compare access-to-learning over a period of increased access to schooling (2000-2007). In all countries there was an improvement in access to literacy and numeracy, challenging the widely held perception that there is always an access-quality trade-off in education. In particular, girls and those in relatively poor households benefited most from this improvement in access to literacy and numeracy. The thesis ultimately concludes that if children are to realize their full potential, the expansion of physical access to schooling in the developing world must be accompanied by meaningful learning opportunities. The acquisition of knowledge, skills and values must be the central aim of educational expansion. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Onderwys het nog altyd ʼn rol in ekonomie as vakgebied gespeel. Dit is verstaanbaar, want vaardighede en onderwys was nog altyd ʼn prominente deel van die teoretiese konstrukte en meer onlangs ook van empiriese toepassings in die dissipline. Terwyl die oorsprong van menslike-kapitaalteorie teruggevoer kan word na Adam Smith se Wealth of Nations, het die twee grootste deurbrake met die verstaan van onderwys se rol in ekonomiese ontwikkeling in die laaste vyftig jaar plaasgevind. Die werk van Mincer (1958), Schultz (1961) en veral Becker (1962), wat in die middel van die vorige eeu formele gestalte aan die begrip ‘menslike kapitaal’ gegee het, was die eerste deurbraak. Die tweede deurbraak was teen die eeuwending toe Hanushek en Kimko (en later Wößmann) maatstawwe van onderwysgehalte in hulle ekonomiese groeimodelle begin insluit het. Hierdie nuwe tak van die navorsing plaas onderwys vierkant in die sentrum en dien as vertrekpunt vir hierdie proefskrif. Die proefskrif begin deur aandag op drie breë kwessies te vestig wat kenmerkend is van onderwys in Suid-Afrika: (1) Die hoë vlakke van ongelykheid volgens ras, taal, geografiese gebied en sosio-ekonomiese status in studente se prestasie. (2) In hoofstuk 2 word ʼn nuwe metode aangebied om leeragterstrande kwantitatief te meet met behulp van norme van leerlingprestasie in skoolvlak-opnames vir grade 3, 4, 5, 6 en 9. Daar word bevind dat die leergaping tussen die armste 60% en die rykste 20% van studente in graad 3 ongeveer drie jaar is en teen graad 9 tot vier of vyf jaar aangroei. (3) Die fokus verskuif daarna na die verwikkelde kwessie van taal en skoolprestasie, wat in hoofstuk 3 bespreek word. Hier is die doel om die ongewone geval uit te buit waar ʼn groot groep Suid-Afrikaanse leerlinge binne die verloop van ʼn maand tweemaal dieselfde toets geskryf het, maar in twee verskillende tale. Met behulp van ʼn vereenvoudigde verskil-tussen-verskille-benadering is dit moontlik om te bepaal hoe groot die kousale effek is waar ʼn leerling wie se moedertaal nie Engels is nie die toets in Engels moes skryf. Die laaste twee hoofstukke van die proefskrif bevat ʼn wyer analise van elf lande in Sub-Sahara Afrika, naamlik Kenia, Lesotho, Malawi, Mosambiek, Namibia, Suid-Afrika, Swaziland, Tanzanië, Uganda, Zambië en Zimbabwe. Die doel is om ʼn saamgestelde maatstaf van onderwys-toegang en -gehalte te skep deur huishoudingsdata (DHS) oor graadvoltooiing en skoolopnamedata (SACMEQ) oor kognitiewe uitkomste te kombineer. Die nuwe maatstaf, genaamd ‘toegang-tot-geletterdheid’ en ‘toegang-tot-syfervaardigheid’, word in hoofstuk 4 vir al die lande en subgroepe opgestel. Die metode word dan in hoofstuk 5 gebruik om toegang-tot-leergeleenthede te vergelyk oor ʼn periode waartydens skooltoegang verbreed het (2000-2007). Daar was ʼn verbetering in toegang tot geletterdheid en syfervaardigheid in alle lande, teenstrydig met die wyd-gehuldigde siening dat daar altyd ʼn afruiling tussen toegang en gehalte van onderwys bestaan. In besonder word bevind dat meisies sowel as kinders uit arm huishoudings die meeste by die toename in toegang tot geletterdheid en syfervaardigheid gebaat het. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die vervulling van die potensiaal van kinders in die ontwikkelende wêreld vereis dat die verbreding van fisiese toegang tot skole met beduidende leergeleenthede gepaard moet gaan. Die aanleer van kennis, vaardighede en waardes moet die sentrale doel van die uitbreiding van onderwysgeleenthede wees.

Vliv činnosti ČŠI na praxi základních škol v Praze / Impact of CSI activities on practice in primary schools in Prague

Oftnerová, Marina January 2016 (has links)
The Czech School Inspectorate (CSI) is the only institution responsible for external evaluation of educational system in the Czech Republic. Its main purpose is improving the quality of education provided. The aim of the diploma thesis is to describe different CSI's activities and to find out which of them and how influence practice of primary schools in Prague. The results of the analysis of questionnaires, interviews with some headteachers and Deputy Chief School Inspector's comment show that majority of headteacher respondents act upon school inspection report, take inspectors' advice into consideration and follow them. The CSI also influences schools indirectly:  by setting Criteria for Evaluation of Conditions, Course and Outcomes of Education  by stakeholder pressure  by publishing of numerous outputs  by means of InspIS SET system The research shows that most headteacher respondents consider school inspections to be important for them. KEYWORDS CSI, external evaluation, primary school, headmaster, managing school, quality school, education quality improvement

Quality management of short courses at higher education institutions in South Africa

Brits, Maria Magretha 03 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences), Vaal University of Technology / This study is an attempt to conceptualise and enhance the quality management of the short course offerings at the Vaal University of Technology (VUT). The Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC) conducted its first cycle of institutional audit exercises from 2004 – 2009 at private and public universities in South Africa. This study follows on the HEQC audit panel’s report, with reference to VUTs offering of short courses (SCs). The HEQC informed the institution that the quality assurance system of SCs is not on par with the requirements of the HEQC. Therefore, it does not meet the minimum standards for an effective quality management system for SCs. It is imperative for the institution to conceptualise the quality management of SCs and to develop a system that ensures ongoing improvement. This study addresses this gap by conceptualising the quality management of SCs on national level in higher education. The study draws on good practices on national level that can inform the refinement of the existing quality assurance system for SCs at VUT. The empirical study was conducted with public institutions of higher learning in South Africa. Quantitative data were collected from dedicated SCs and/or quality assurance or quality management offices at all 23 public institutions of higher learning. Five universities were identified as institutions with good practice, based on quantitative information that was gathered, analysed and interpreted during this study. The study revealed that it is imperative for higher education institutions to develop quality assurance systems that are based on cyclical processes of ongoing improvement, such as the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act), PIRI (Plan-Implement- Review-Improve) and ADRI (Approach-Deployment-Results-Improvement) models. A key assumption of the research is that quality assurance for SCs at VUT should be aligned with the institution’s quality assurance system. The study highlights the value of the principles of Total Quality Management, the notion of continuous improvement, self-evaluation and external monitoring. Recommendations in this study suggest that VUT should conduct further institutional benchmarking exercises with the five institutions that received commendations and full delegations, in order to develop a conceptual model for understanding and enhancing its SC offerings.

A Política da Educação Infantil : Uma discussão sobre os instrumentos de ação com vistas à qualidade /

Souza, Vanessa Taue Ferreira de January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Sebastião de Souza Lemes / Resumo: O estudo procura identificar, descrever e analisar documentos que norteiam a educação infantil para com vistas aos ideais de qualidade para essa fase da vida em dimensão institucionalizada. Considera os referidos documentos como instrumentos de política para a Educação Infantil e pretende, por meio da discussão desses instrumentos de ação, indagar e compreender sobre a dimensão de qualidade que vem sendo desenvolvido no nível da educação infantil pelo poder público. Entre outras indagações apresenta: em que medida tais instrumentos destinados a expansão da oferta da educação infantil têm orientado ações que assegurem às crianças o direito a um atendimento com padrões de qualidade adequados? As diretrizes, metas e ordenamentos legais, sintetizados nos instrumentos, constituem referência básica para a expansão da cobertura e melhoria da qualidade do atendimento destinado às crianças na faixa etária de zero a cinco anos? Como esses instrumentos interpretam e consideram a criança pequena em suas necessidades? Para tanto, procura, nesses princípios documentais e reguladores, respostas ou indícios de determinantes formais de ação na Educação Infantil. Entre os referidos objetivos e indagações, o estudo propõe um olhar crítico às referidas diretrizes, tanto para os indicadores quanto para a concepção de qualidade enquanto vetores para as ações dali derivadas. Os procedimentos para a execução desta pesquisa são de ordem analítico dissertativa, em um estudo teórico exploratório, pauta... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The study seeks to identify, describe and analyze documents that guide children's education towards the ideals of quality for this stage of life in an institutionalized dimension. It considers these documents as a policy instrument for Early Childhood Education and intends, through the analysis of these instruments of action (indicators and guidelines), to investigate and understand the dimension of quality that has been developed at the level of children's education by the public power. Among other inquiries: to what extent do these instruments aimed at expanding the offer of early childhood education have oriented actions that ensure children the right to a service with adequate quality standards? Are the guidelines, goals and legal orders, synthesized in the instruments, a basic reference for expanding coverage and improving the quality of care for children in the age range from zero to five years? How do these instruments interpret and consider the small child in their needs? In order to do so, it seeks, in these documentary and regulatory principles, answers or indications of formal determinants of action in Early Childhood Education. Among these objectives and inquiries, the study proposes a critical look at these guidelines, both for indicators and for the conception of quality as vectors for the actions derived from them. The procedures for the execution of this research are analytical, in an exploratory theoretical study, based on documentary analysis and literature.... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Dimensões da qualidade educativa nos Centros de Estudos de Línguas do estado de São Paulo (CEL-SP): subsídios à implementação do ensino de espanhol nas escolas públicas paulistas / Education quality dimensions at São Paulo Language Study Centers (CEL-SP): subsides to the implementation of spanish teaching in the state of São Paulo.

Santos, Jefferson Januário dos 11 April 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa tem como objetivo essencial verificar quais as contribuições que a experiência pedagógico-organizacional dos Centros de Estudos de Línguas do estado de São Paulo e, em específico, de alguns de seus docentes pode oferecer para uma implementação de boa qualidade e eficaz (BROOK; SOARES, 2008; HOPKINS, 1987; HOPKINS, 1997; MURILLO, 2007) da língua espanhola nos currículos das escolas públicas do Ensino Médio paulista. Para tanto, daremos enfoque especial a duas questões: ao contexto educativo no qual o ensino de castelhano está inserido nas unidades do CEL pesquisadas e às estratégias de ensino que seus docentes utilizam no desenvolvimento de atividades pedagógicas cotidianas. Os dados que embasam o estudo dessas questões foram obtidos, essencialmente, em contexto de pesquisa qualitativa (LUDKE e ANDRÉ, 1986) em três unidades do CEL-SP, na Capital, Grande São Paulo e Interior. Também serão fundamentais os elementos coletados na pesquisa de Santos (2007) acerca das representações (ROUSSIAU e BONARDI, 2000) de alunos, coordenadores e professores dos CEL sobre a qualidade de ensino e aprendizagem de espanhol da instituição. Por meio da análise de tais dados, verificamos se as relações (sociais, afetivas, culturais e organizacionais) existentes nas escolas pesquisadas e se a prática pedagógica dos docentes fundamentam-se em princípios de qualidade educativa expostos em documentos oficiais para o ensino de línguas estrangeiras no Brasil como os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN, 1998; 2000) e as Orientações Curriculares (OC, 2006) e, ainda, em princípios teóricos que descrevem a boa qualidade de ensino (AÇÃO EDUCATIVA, UNICEF, INEP, 2007; HOPKINS, 1987; HOPKINS e LAGESWEUJ, 1997, MACHADO, 2007 et al.). / The main goal of this research is to make an assessment of how the historical knowledge and analysis of the pedagogical activities developed by São Paulo Language Study Centers (CEL-SP) units can contribute to an effective and high quality implementation (BROOK and SOARES, 2008; HOPKINS, 1987; HOPKINS, 1997; MURILLO, 2007) of the spanish language in the curriculum of the public schools of São Paulo. With this objective, we will approach mainly two questions: the educational context of the spanish education in the analyzed schools and the approaches and teaching methodology used by teachers in the development of daily pedagogical activities. The data that sustains the study of these questions were obtained basically through a qualitative research (LUDKE e ANDRÉ, 1986) in three units of CEL-SP, in the Capital, Great São Paulo and countryside. The elements gathered by Santos (2007) research about the CELs students, coordinators and teachers representations (ROUSSIAU e BONARDI, 2000) about the teaching and learning quality of the institution are also fundamental. Through data review, we will clarify if the relations (social, affective, cultural and organizational) present in the analyzed schools and the teachers pedagogical practice are related to the principles of the educational quality stated in official documents for education in Foreigner Languages like the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN, 1998; 2000) and the Orientações Curriculares (OC, 2006) and, also, the theoretical principles that characterize high quality education (AÇÃO EDUCATIVA, UNICEF, INEP, 2007; HOPKINS, 1987; HOPKINS and LAGESWEUJ, 1997, MACHADO, 2007 et al.).

Avaliações municipais da educação infantil: contribuições para a garantia do direito à educação das crianças brasileiras? / Municipal evaluation of early childhood education: contributions to guarantee the right to education of Brazilian children?

Pimenta, Cláudia Oliveira 06 June 2017 (has links)
A crescente relevância do debate sobre a avaliação da educação infantil no Brasil, a formulação de proposições elaboradas pelo governo federal e por governos municipais, além das esboçadas por instituições da sociedade civil, motivaram-nos a desenvolver o presente estudo, de caráter qualitativo e exploratório, com o objetivo de analisar iniciativas implementadas por municípios brasileiros, especialmente por municípios paulistas, tendo como finalidade evidenciar suas potencialidades para contribuir com a garantia do direito das crianças a uma educação infantil pública e de qualidade. O estudo foi desenvolvido em três etapas que se inter-relacionam: a) levantamento e análise do arcabouço legal, que inclui a legislação e os documentos que tratam de diferentes aspectos da educação infantil, publicados e/ou apoiados pelo Ministério da Educação; de produção acadêmica nacional que discute a qualidade da oferta e do atendimento em creches e pré-escolas; de experiências estrangeiras de avaliação da etapa; b) sistematização de dados sobre iniciativas de avaliação da educação infantil conduzidas por municípios brasileiros; c) levantamento, caracterização e análise de propostas vigentes em municípios do estado de São Paulo. O exame dessas referências subsidiou o estabelecimento de elementos balizadores para a elaboração de indicadores concernentes a características consideradas relevantes para a formulação de avaliações voltadas para a educação infantil. Com base nesses elementos, foi realizada a análise de iniciativas em curso em 42 municípios paulistas. Os resultados indicam a preponderância de desenhos avaliativos com foco no desenvolvimento e/ou aprendizagem das crianças. Quanto às iniciativas voltadas para a pré-escola, verificou-se que, usualmente, são elaboradas pelo órgão central e tendem a enfatizar a avaliação de habilidades de leitura e escrita com vistas a aferir o nível de aprendizagem das crianças. No entanto, identificou-se uma diversidade nas proposições, em especial quanto à participação dos estabelecimentos educacionais e da secretaria de educação na concepção e condução das avaliações. Além do foco na avaliação das crianças, foram identificadas iniciativas que abrangem outras dimensões na avaliação da etapa e que adotam processos de autoavaliação institucional combinados com iniciativas de avaliação externa. Estas proposições são as que parecem caminhar na direção da garantia do direito à educação das crianças pequenas. / The growing relevance of debate on Early Childhood Education evaluation in Brazil, the resulting formulation of proposals elaborated by the federal government and municipal governments, in addition to those outlined by civil society institutions, motivated us to develop the present study of qualitative and exploratory character, with the objective of analyzing initiatives implemented by Brazilian municipalities, especially by municipalities in the state of São Paulo, with the purpose of highlighting their potential to contribute to the guarantee of the right of children to a quality public education. The study was developed in three interrelated stages: a) survey and analysis of the legal framework, which includes legislation and documents dealing with different aspects of early childhood education, published and/or supported by the Ministry of Education; Of the national academic production that discusses the quality of the services provided in kindergartens and preschools; Of foreign evaluation experiences of this educational stage; b) systematization of data on initiatives to Early Childhood Education evaluation conducted by Brazilian municipalities; c) survey, characterization and analysis of proposals in force in municipalities of the state of São Paulo. The examination of these references subsidized the establishment of benchmarks elements for the elaboration of indicators concerning characteristics considered relevant for the formulation of evaluations aimed at the Early Childhood Education. Based on these criteria, the analysis of ongoing initiatives was carried out in 42 municipalities of the state of São Paulo. The results indicate the preponderance of evaluative designs with a focus on children\'s development and learning. As for evaluation initiatives of preschool, it has been found that they are usually elaborated by the central department of education and tend to emphasize the evaluation of reading and writing skills in order to evaluate the childrens learning process. However, a diversity in the proposals was identified, especially regarding the participation of educational establishments and the education department in the design and conduction of evaluations. In addition to the focus on evaluating children, initiatives have been identified that encompass other dimensions in the evaluation of the stage and that adopt processes of institutional self-evaluation combined with external evaluation initiatives. These propositions are those which seem to be moving towards ensuring the right to education of young children.

Prova Brasil e SARESP: repercuss?es na constru??o da qualidade da educa??o na percep??o de professores e gestores de escolas p?blicas estaduais do munic?pio de Campinas (SP) / PROVA BRASIL and SARESP: Repercussions on quality education construction in the perception of teachers and managers in state public schools of Campinas City (SP)

Colombo, Bruna 26 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:33:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BRUNA COLOMBO.pdf: 1151495 bytes, checksum: 60ff0eeb7094c23e1a673bdf81b5d07e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-26 / Large-scale assessment of Basic Education, focused in exams of the students performance, has been used to monitor the quality of education through the development of indicators. This study aims to investigate the repercussions of the large-scale evaluations on the quality of Basic Education, considering Prova Brasil, a nationwide exam, and SARESP,restricted to the State of S?o Paulo, whose results compose IDEB and IDESP respectively according to the prerceptions of the school managers and teachers.It consists in a qualitative approach research conducted in two primary and secondary state schools in the city of Campinas/SP and uses as production techniques of empirical material the documental analysis of the schools political pedagogical projects; semi structured interviews; and focal group, in which the school managers and teachers were the participant subjects. The theoretical background of this research had as its main contributors Almerindo Afonso, Jos? Dias Sobrinho and Luiz Carlos de Freitas, all of which excel in the field of educational assessment. It was verified that the public policies of evaluation increased in Brazil in the 1990s decade within the background of political reforms and with the consolidation of the Evaluator State. It is in this scenario that Prova Brasil and SARESP are situated, centered in students performance, whose predominant evaluation paradigm has been the prioritization of results. The perception analysis of the surveyed subjects revealed that despite the recognition regarding the gains and difficulties linked to these evaluations, the polarization of pedagogical work prevails, which manifest itself on the students preparation for the assessments in favor of rising rates. This practice demonstrates a tendency for using large-scale evaluations with regulation and control functions through quality indicators in the light of IDEB and IDESP. The participants also highlighted challenges related to intra and extraschool conditions involving teaching and learning processes. This study points to the necessity of redefining public assessment policies, with emancipatory nature, so that it transcends the mere achievement of goals translated into indicators, putting into perspective the construction of a education with social quality for everyone. / As avalia??es em larga escala da Educa??o B?sica, centradas em exames de desempenho dos alunos, t?m sido utilizadas para monitoramento da qualidade da educa??o por meio da gera??o de indicadores. O presente trabalho busca investigar quais s?o as percep??es de professores e gestores de escolas p?blicas estaduais do munic?pio de Campinas (SP) sobre as repercuss?es da Prova Brasil e do SARESP na constru??o da qualidade da educa??o, considerando a Prova Brasil, de abrang?ncia nacional, e o SARESP, restrito ao estado de S?o Paulo, cujos resultados integram o IDEB e o IDESP, respectivamente. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa realizada em duas escolas p?blicas estaduais de ensino fundamental e ensino m?dio do munic?pio de Campinas/SP, tendo como t?cnicas de produ??o de material emp?rico a an?lise documental dos projetos pol?ticos pedag?gicos das escolas pesquisadas; a entrevista semiestruturada; e o grupo focal, sendo as gestoras escolares e os professores os sujeitos participantes. O aporte te?rico que balizou esta pesquisa teve como principais contribuintes, que se destacam no campo da avalia??o educacional, Almerindo Afonso, Jos? Dias Sobrinho e Luiz Carlos de Freitas. Constatou-se que as pol?ticas p?blicas de avalia??o, no Brasil, intensificaram-se na d?cada de 1990, no contexto das reformas pol?ticas, com a consolida??o do Estado Avaliador. ? nesse cen?rio que se inscrevem a Prova Brasil e o SARESP, centradas no desempenho dos alunos, cujo paradigma avaliativo predominante tem sido o que prioriza os resultados. A an?lise da percep??o dos sujeitos pesquisados revelou que, apesar do reconhecimento sobre os ganhos e dificuldades atrelados a essas avalia??es, prevalece a polariza??o do trabalho pedag?gico que se expressa pela prepara??o dos alunos para as avalia??es, em prol da eleva??o dos ?ndices. Tal pr?tica evidencia a tend?ncia de utiliza??o das avalia??es em larga escala com fun??o de regula??o e controle, por meio de indicadores de qualidade, como o do IDEB e do IDESP. Os participantes acentuaram, ainda, desafios que se referem a condicionantes intra e extraescolares que implicam os processos de ensino e aprendizagem. A pesquisa aponta para a necessidade de se redefinir pol?ticas p?blicas de avalia??o, com cunho emancipat?rio, que transcenda o mero alcance de metas traduzidas por meio de indicadores, perspectivando a constru??o de uma educa??o de qualidade social para todos.


Diogo, Emilli Moreira 27 August 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T20:31:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Emilli Moreira Diogo.pdf: 1591939 bytes, checksum: 1ed7fedc4bd770e95a6e6cc368df0483 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-27 / The research has as main objective to analyze the prospects for quality education as the National Education Plan (Law nº 13.005/2014). This work is characterized as a bibliographical and documentary work, according to a theoretical, and methodological approach guided the historical and dialectical materialism. Beyond, it reflect critically on the proposals and ideas, put forward in documents and literature relevant to the topic investigated which to contribute to the process of analysis and monitoring of the National Education Plan. Then, the survey is exposed in three chapters. At first, we explain them quality meanings and which the most prevalent prospects in concrete reality, a conservative perspective and other transformative. Still, it is observed from the understanding of society as a whole and its contradictions, that the conservative quality of education serves to preserve the capitalist social relations while the manufacturing called perspective. It Is committed to the transformation of capitalist society in an emancipated society. The second chapter is a discussion of the need for a National Education Plan. Also, the State plan must have a commitment to the qualitative improvement of Brazilian education by exposing its historical process and contradictions evident in the legislative process. The third chapter highlights a text analysis approved before the conservative elements and transformers that will guide educational policies over the next decade. From the analysis and discussion of goals and strategies outlined, the National Education Plan it is concluded that there are indications that it leads to a commitment to both the conservative as transformative quality. The findings show the presence of multiple ideologies at the time of drafting and adoption of laws and that the correlation of forces existing in the process materializes the legal and political texts. The planning and the political and educational actions that will guide the forecasts of the National Education Plan (Law nº 13.005/2014) shall show interest in the dispute. / A pesquisa aqui apresentada tem por objetivo principal analisar as perspectivas de qualidade da educação expressas no Plano Nacional de Educação (Lei nº 13.005/2014). Esse trabalho se caracteriza como um trabalho bibliográfico e documental, segundo uma abordagem teórico-metodológica pautada no materialismo histórico e dialético. Busca refletir criticamente sobre as propostas e ideias expostas nos documentos e bibliografias pertinentes ao tema investigado com o objetivo de contribuir com o processo de análise e acompanhamento do Plano Nacional de Educação. Para tal, a pesquisa realizada é exposta em três capítulos. No primeiro, explicitam-se os significados de qualidade e quais as perspectivas preponderantes na realidade concreta, ou seja, uma perspectiva conservadora e outra com possibilidade transformadora. Ainda, se observa, a partir da compreensão da sociedade em sua totalidade e suas contradições, que a qualidade conservadora da Educação tem a função de conservar as relações sociais capitalistas, enquanto que a perspectiva denominada transformadora tem o compromisso com a transformação da sociedade capitalista em uma sociedade emancipada. No segundo capítulo, discute-se sobre a necessidade de um Plano Nacional de Educação, como um Plano de Estado, o qual deve ter o compromisso com o avanço qualitativo da Educação Brasileira, expondo seu processo histórico e contradições evidenciadas no processo legislativo. No terceiro capítulo, evidencia-se a análise do texto aprovado perante os elementos conservadores e transformadores que nortearão as políticas educacionais nos próximos dez anos. A partir da análise e discussão das metas e estratégias previstas no Plano Nacional de Educação, conclui-se que existem indicações que levam ao compromisso tanto com a qualidade conservadora quanto possibilidade transformadora. As considerações finais evidenciam a presença de múltiplas ideologias no momento de elaboração e aprovação de leis e que a correlação de forças existente no processo também se materializa nos textos legais e políticos e, nesse sentido, o planejamento e as ações político-educacionais orientados metas e estratégias estabelecidas no Plano Nacional de Educação (Lei nº 13.005/2014) evidenciarão os interesses em disputa.

Políticas públicas estaduais e os indicadores de qualidade do ensino médio: correlações e consequências

Vitelli, Ricardo Ferreira 12 January 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2017-06-27T11:40:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Ricardo Ferreira Vitelli_.pdf: 1677553 bytes, checksum: 46190bc071ca631c0e976655dbf01fa5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-27T11:40:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ricardo Ferreira Vitelli_.pdf: 1677553 bytes, checksum: 46190bc071ca631c0e976655dbf01fa5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-01-12 / Nenhuma / Este estudo analisa as políticas públicas, de três governos do Rio Grande do Sul, e de como se relacionaram com os resultados dos indicadores de qualidade da Educação Básica. Focaliza o Ensino Médio e foi desenvolvida em escolas públicas estaduais em Porto Alegre. Os indicadores escolhidos foram: taxa de reprovação e de abandono escolar, além da taxa de defasagem idade-série. A metodologia utilizada foi a de um Estudo Misto (CRESWEL). Na etapa quantitativa foram usadas técnicas de análise estatística descritiva, de correlação, de variância e de regressão múltipla. As Análises Estatísticas foram abordadas por testes quantitativos (TUKEY). Os estudos qualitativos foram desenvolvidos utilizando Análise Documental (CELLARD) e Análise de Conteúdo (BARDIN) com entrevistas em profundidade gravadas e transcritas. Foram pesquisadas três escolas e entrevistados seis docentes. O critério de escolha das escolas se baseou na diversidade de resultados para os indicadores que se mostraram relevantes. Os docentes tinham experiência no Ensino Médio público em todo o período pesquisado. A teoria que fundamentou a análise das políticas públicas foi o Ciclo de Políticas (BALL) com ênfase no contexto da prática. Os resultados da pesquisa mostraram que as taxas de abandono escolar se mostraram afetadas nos períodos pesquisados. Triangulando com os resultados da Análise de Conteúdo foi possível identificar que as políticas para alterar os resultados dos indicadores não são propostas ou não se concretizam. A constituição dos Planos de Governo avaliados apresenta propostas de políticas públicas baseadas nas experiências anteriores dos governos, optando por não dar continuidade às políticas que os procederam. Além disso, são vistas com descrédito pela análise desenvolvida junto aos docentes. Considerando o contexto da prática constatou-se uma cisão no quadro de docentes, em especial com relação a aspectos que envolvem o descrédito com as políticas, ressignificação das políticas, formas de avaliação dos conteúdos, o rompimento com as políticas; a resignação com as políticas; métodos alternativos de aprendizagem; acolhimento dos docentes aos discentes. Foram identificados a partir das falas dos docentes que foram categorizadas a partir das aproximações de suas narrativas. / This study analyzes three Rio Grande do Sul Governments public policy, and how they related to the results of basic education quality indicators. Focuses on the high school and was developed in State public schools in Porto Alegre. The indicators chosen were: and disapproval rate of school drop-out, beyond the age-gap rate series. The methodology used was a Joint Study (CRESWEL). On stage were used quantitative analytical techniques descriptive statistics, correlation, multiple regression and variance. The statistical analyses were addressed by quantitative tests (TUKEY). Qualitative studies have been developed using document analysis (CELLARD) and content analysis (BARDIN) with in-depth interviews recorded and transcribed. Were surveyed three schools and interviewed six teachers. The criterion of choice of schools was based on diversity of results for the indicators that were relevant. Teachers had experience in public high school in the whole period researched. The theory that substantiate the analysis of public policies was the Political cycle (BALL) with emphasis in the context of the practice. The survey results showed that the school drop-out rates were affected in the periods surveyed. Triangulating the results of content Analysis it was possible to identify the policies to change the results of the indicators are not proposed or not come true. The Constitution of the Government plans assessed proposals of public policies based on the past experiences of Governments, choosing not to give continuity to policies that proceeded. In addition, are viewed with disfavour by the analysis developed with the teachers. Considering the context of the practice there was a split on the Board of teachers, in particular with regard to aspects involving the disrepute with policies, policies, forms of ressignification evaluation of content, the breaking with the policies; the resignation with policies; alternative methods of learning; greeting of the teachers to the students. Were identified from the talk of teachers that have been categorized on the basis of their narratives approaches.

O índice de desenvolvimento da educação do Estado de São Paulo: a materialização da racionalidade tecnológica

Gesqui, Luiz Carlos 29 January 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:32:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luiz Carlos Gesqui.pdf: 87485238 bytes, checksum: b597314b64ce526bbe653a516662d1f8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-01-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The aim of this research was to analyze the reduction of the concept of educational quality due to indicators produced from large-scale assessments, specifically from the Education Development Index of the State of São Paulo (IDESP). It was used as the empirical field the set of state public schools of regular education from IDESP, from 2007 to 2011. This delimitation is specially justified by the fact that the indicator does not consider the academic production for the educational quality and it is imposed to the more than five thousand state public schools. The central hypothesis is that it is one more tool used by the technologic based industrial society to support the ideology that the educational quality can be measured and expressed in quantitative indicators. The method used was the exploratory, in the phases of gathering and organizing information, and after that, the analytical. The gathered information - from official documents and repoI1S, produced under the State Board of Education from São Paulo ( EE-SP), and from a survey applied to a set of 20 schools - was organized in charts, boards and pictures and analyzed concerning the relevant technical characteristics of a statistical indicator and also about the possible implications regarding the reduction of the educational quality concept, having as a reference the concepts of technological rationality, formation and ideology as they were formulated by Adorno, Horkheirner and Marcuse. The obtained results show that IDESP is limited on its formulation, on its production and on its outcomes and goals achieved because they do not express the fullness state of each school, as the results show little change in the performance and in the approving rates of the schools / O objetivo desta pesquisa foi o de analisar a redução do conceito de qualidade educacional aos indicadores produzidos a partir das avaliações em larga escala, mais especificamente o Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação do Estado de São Paulo (IDESP). Tomou-se como campo empírico o conjunto de escolas da rede pública estadual de ensino regular participantes do IDESP no período de 2007 a 2011. A principal justificativa para essa delimitação é o fato do índice desconsiderar a produção acadêmica quanto à qualidade educacional e ser imposto como tal para as mais de cinco mil escolas da rede pública estadual. A hipótese central é a de que constitui mais um recurso utilizado pela sociedade industrial de base tecnológica para sustentar a ideologia de que a qualidade educacional pode ser medida e está expressa em indicadores quantitativos. O método utilizado foi o exploratório, na fase de coleta e organização das informações e, posteriormente, o analítico. As informações coletadas - a partir dos documentos e relatórios oficiais, produzidos no âmbito da Secretaria Estadual de Educação de São Paulo (SEE-SP), e de questionário aplicado em um conjunto de 20 escolas - foram organizadas em tabelas, quadros e figuras e analisadas quanto às características técnicas relevantes de um indicador estatístico e quanto às possíveis implicações no que se refere à redução do conceito de qualidade educacional, tendo como referência os conceitos da racionalidade tecnológica, formação e ideologia tal como formulados por Adorno, Horkheimer e Marcuse. Os resultados obtidos apontam que o IDESP é limitado em sua elaboração e produção, pois não expressa a totalidade da situação de cada escola e, quanto aos resultados e metas alcançadas, já que estes apontam alterações mínimas no desempenho e nas taxas de aprovação das escola.

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