Spelling suggestions: "subject:"educationization -- 3research."" "subject:"educationization -- 1research.""
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"Formação do enfermeiro: buracos negros e pontos de luz" / TRAINING OF NURSES: BLACK HOLES AND POINTS OF LIGHTJoyce Maria Worschech Gabrielli 14 May 2004 (has links)
O presente estudo constituiu-se em uma pesquisa quantitativa, não experimental, do tipo survey, de natureza descritiva. Teve como objetivos analisar a avaliação que enfermeiros e enfermeiros chefes fazem em relação à formação conferida pelo curso de graduação em enfermagem, bem como identificar, segundo esses mesmos enfermeiros, os pontos fortes pontos de luz - e os pontos fracos buracos negros - dessa formação. Foram sujeitos deste estudo, 53 enfermeiros, atuantes profissionalmente em Instituições de Saúde de um município do interior paulista, que concluíram o curso de graduação em enfermagem nos anos de 2000, 2001, 2002 e 2003, e 31 enfermeiros, seus respectivos chefes. Para a coleta de dados construímos um instrumento, utilizando a escala analógica visual, contendo a descrição de 45 (quarenta e cinco) competências inerentes à atuação profissional do enfermeiro e uma questão sobre o estímulo fornecido, durante o curso de graduação, para a participação em entidades de classe. Após a validação (aparente e de conteúdo) do instrumento de coleta de dados e aprovação do projeto de pesquisa pelo Comitê de Ética, demos inicio ao presente estudo. A análise dos resultados foi feita utilizando-se o Programa SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science), versão 11.5. De acordo com os resultados, o presente estudo nos possibilitou concluir que: o preparo conferido pela graduação ao enfermeiro para organizar e dirigir serviços de enfermagem e/ou de saúde, em especial, foi considerado pouco adequado pelos dois grupos estudados; para os enfermeiros chefes, o preparo para a liderança da equipe de enfermagem é inadequado, o que contradiz a percepção dos enfermeiros; o preparo para a pesquisa que tenha impacto e possa intervir na prática profissional do enfermeiro foi considerado pouco adequado pelos dois grupos; quanto às competências educativas, também foram consideradas pelos dois grupos, como pouco adequadas; em especial, para a questão de programas de capacitação, recrutamento e seleção de pessoal, o preparo foi praticamente considerado como inadequado; para todas as competências, de todas as 31 categorias utilizadas nesse estudo, os enfermeiros avaliam-se melhor preparados pela graduação do que avaliam os enfermeiros chefes; tanto para o grupo de enfermeiros chefes, como para o grupo de enfermeiros, os pontos altos pontos de luz - da graduação se referem, principalmente, às competências assistenciais; sob a avaliação dos dois grupos - enfermeiros e enfermeiros chefes - os pontos fracos buracos negros - se referem, majoritariamente, às competências políticas; o processo formativo ainda nos parece desvinculado da prática profissional, levando a um descompasso entre o que se aprende e o que se vivencia; o discurso de formarmos um profissional crítico, reflexivo, capaz de atuar e promover mudanças na realidade que os rodeia, continua apenas na retórica; as várias reformas curriculares dos cursos de enfermagem têm levado apenas a alterações de aspectos pontuais; a utilização da pesquisa como norte da formação do enfermeiro, ainda está muito distante; a graduação deixa a desejar também quanto ao preparo do enfermeiro para desempenhar a função de ensinar/educar. / The present work was made up of a quantitative, non experimental, survey type study of a descriptive nature. Its aims were to analyse what the nurses and their nursing chiefs do in relation to the preparation given by the graduate courses of nursing, as well as identify, according to these same nurses, the strong points or points of light- and the weak points or black holes in this training. The study subjects were 53 nurses, professionally active in health institutions in a municipality in the interior of São Paulo State, that concluded their graduate nurses training in the years of 2000,2001,2002 and 2003, and 31 nurses who were their respective nurse managers. For data collection an instrument composed of the visual analogue scales containing 45 questions was used containing 45 inherent competencies to the professional activities of the nurse and a question about the stimulus given during the graduate course for participation in professionally linked entities, After the validation (appearance and content) of the data collecting instrument and the approval of the project by the ethics committee the present study began. For analysis of the results the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) programme was used. According to the results, this study allowed us to conclude that: the preparation given to the nurses for organizing and managing nursing and/or health services by their graduate courses was considered somewhat inadequate by both the groups studied; for the head nurses the preparation for team leadership is inadequate, which contradicts the nurses perception; the preparation for research that would have an impact on and would alter professional practice was considered slightly inadequate by both groups; as far as educative competency is concerned, both groups indicated this to be a little inadequate also; in relation to the question of qualification programmes, selection and recruitment of personnel, the preparation was practically considered to be inadequate; for all competencies in all of the categories used in this study the nurses assessed themselves as better prepared by the 34 graduate course than did their counterparts, the head nurses; both the head nurses and the nurses indicated the high points - points of light in the graduate course refer principally to assistance competency; both groups also agreed that the weak points black holes refer, in the majority, to political competence; the formative process to us, still seems to be separated from professional practice, leading to a huge difference between what you learn and what you experience; the discourse about training the critical, reflexive professional, capable of performing and promoting changes in reality what surrounds us, continues to be only rhetoric; the various curricular improvements of nurses' undergraduate courses has taken into account only the immediate aspects; the use of research as a guide to the training of nurses is still very distant; the graduate studies leave a lot to be desired as far as the preparation for the carrying out of teaching and educational functions.
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Pesquisa científica na graduação em enfermagem: experiências das práticas discentes nas Universidades de Manaus - Amazonas.Bezerra, Camila Carlos 25 August 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Alisson Mota (alisson.davidbeckam@gmail.com) on 2015-06-09T19:49:32Z
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Dissertação - Camila Carlos Bezerra.pdf: 1474766 bytes, checksum: 1f4beee91dd1bedf69591ae9a6ac7af4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2015-06-10T15:42:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Dissertação - Camila Carlos Bezerra.pdf: 1474766 bytes, checksum: 1f4beee91dd1bedf69591ae9a6ac7af4 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-08-25 / FAPEAM - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas / INTRODUCTION: the scientific research at undergraduate level consists on the
investigation conducted by academics, under advisor guidance, produced according
to the scientific method rules, in search of the new, the answers still unknown by
science. The scientific research practice at undergraduate level is imperative to meet
the egress of nursing establish by nowadays way of care and society. OBJECTIVE:
analyze the features of scientific research practice by finalist students of nursing
undergraduate course of universities in Manaus - AM. METHODOLOGY: qualitative
approach, in a descriptive and exploratory way, carried out in four universities in
Manaus city, Amazonas state, having as subject 51 finalists’ students of nursing
course and 04 coordinators. As data gathering technique, it was used questionnaires
applied to the students, documentation of Pedagogical Projects (PP) and semistructured
interviews with course coordinators. RESULTS: the finalists’ students
define research as seek for a subject or theme and consider as a tool for generating
scientific knowledge. The experiences of scientific research at undergraduate
comprehend three dimensions: the inclusion of students in scientific research;
scientific production; and the divulgation of the results presented at scientific events.
Although the reference of these practices has been increased, the acceptance by
partners and the publication of papers has been shown to be scarce. The analysis of
PP evidenced disarticulation between teaching and research, besides presenting
planning in disagreement to the reality found and described by students. Material
resources exist. However, they were in conditions that did not meet the needs of the
objects of research of nursing students. The number of qualified professors for
guidance was not enough, when compared to the number of students in the course.
CONCLUSION: the experiences of the practice of scientific research at
undergraduate level, indicated by the students, were characterized as a study
process more than a production of new knowledge. It is necessary that students
understand the difference between academic works and scientific research. / Introdução: a pesquisa científica na graduação consiste na investigação realizada
por discentes, sob orientação docente, produzida segundo as regras do método
científico, em busca do novo, de respostas ainda desconhecidas pela ciência. A
prática da pesquisa científica na graduação é um imperativo para atender ao perfil
do egresso de enfermagem que a atual sociedade e o cuidar estabelecem. Objetivo:
analisar as características da prática da pesquisa científica dos discentes finalistas
do curso de graduação em enfermagem das universidades de Manaus – AM.
Metodologia: estudo de abordagem qualitativa, do tipo descritivo e exploratório,
realizado nas quatro universidades da cidade de Manaus, estado do Amazonas,
tendo como sujeitos 51 discentes finalistas de enfermagem e quatro coordenadores
de curso. Utilizou-se, como técnica para coleta de dados, questionário com os
discentes, pesquisa documental nos Projetos Pedagógicos de Curso (PPC) e
entrevista estruturada com os coordenadores de curso. Resultados: os discentes
finalistas de enfermagem definiram pesquisa como busca por assunto ou tema e a
consideraram como uma ferramenta geradora de conhecimento científico. As
experiências de pesquisa científica na graduação compreenderam três categorias: a
inserção dos discentes na pesquisa; a produção científica; e a socialização dos
resultados apresentados em eventos. Embora a referência destas práticas tenha
sido elevada, o reconhecimento pelos pares e as publicação dos trabalhos se
apresentou escassa. A análise dos PPC evidenciou desarticulação entre ensino e
pesquisa, além de apresentar planejamento em desacordo com a realidade
encontrada e descrita pelos discentes. Os recursos materiais existiam, porém
apresentavam condições que não atendiam às necessidades dos objetos de
pesquisas dos discentes de enfermagem. O número de docentes qualificados para
orientação não era suficiente, se relacionado à quantidade de discentes no curso.
Conclusão: as experiências da prática de pesquisa científica na graduação,
indicada pelos discentes, caracterizaram-se mais como processo de estudo, do que
produção de conhecimento novo. É necessário que os discentes compreendam a
diferença entre os trabalhos acadêmicos e a pesquisa científica.
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Uma metanálise dos artigos sobre o ensino e a aprendizagem de função na Educação Básica publicados, por pesquisadores brasileiros, nos últimos dez anos, na revista Educação Matemática PesquisaLima, Patricia da Costa 11 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-11-09T11:20:09Z
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Patricia da Costa Lima.pdf: 1419440 bytes, checksum: 642d90db458e9662148761f80179080d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-09T11:20:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-09-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The objective of this work is to investigate what has been discussed in the Brazilian researches in the area of Mathematics Education carried out in the last ten years and published in the journal "Mathematical Education Research" (EMP), edited by the Program of Postgraduate Studies in Mathematical Education of the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC / SP), regarding teaching and learning in Basic Education of the mathematical object function. A priori, a survey of the articles published during the considered period that dealt with the subject in focus in this investigation was made, and five of them, because they met the criteria adopted (authorship of Brazilian researchers and related to the processes of teaching and learning of function in Basic Education), were selected for analysis. Then, these were read in their entirety, and from this reading the categories emerged, through which we were able to perform a meta-analysis of the texts, articulating them; in addition to establishing general comparisons between the selected researches, evidences difficulties both teachers and students in relation to the concept of function or notions adherent to it and also obstacles related to the approaches present in the textbooks or to the strategies of teaching adopted in the classroom. The analysis of the articles showed that some of the difficulties faced by students in working with the concept of function are also obstacles presented by teachers themselves, who manifest weaknesses in relation to the knowledge of mathematical content. Issues related to different semiotic representations of functions are not fully understood even by teachers, as the articles analyzed indicate. The textbooks, in turn, as evidenced by the elements brought by the researches, often lack information that is really necessary for students to understand the concept of function, which consequently entails difficulties in teaching such content, once that these materials are often adopted as the only references by teachers. Another information brought by the analysis of the selected articles is that the differentiated strategies of teaching face resistance from both teachers and students themselves, accustomed to the so-called 'traditional lessons' / O objetivo desse trabalho é investigar o que tem sido discutido nas pesquisas brasileiras da área de Educação Matemática realizadas nos últimos dez anos e publicadas na revista “Educação Matemática Pesquisa” (EMP), editada pelo Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Educação Matemática da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP), a respeito do ensino e da aprendizagem na Educação Básica do objeto matemático função. A priori, foi feito um levantamento dos artigos publicados no período considerado que tratavam do tema em foco nesta investigação e cinco deles, por atenderem aos critérios adotados (autoria de pesquisadores brasileiros e relacionados aos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem de função na Educação Básica), foram selecionados para análise. Em seguida, estes foram lidos na íntegra e, de tal leitura, emergiram as categorias, por meio das quais pudemos realizar uma metanálise dos textos, articulando-os; além de estabelecer comparações gerais entre as pesquisas selecionadas, evidenciar dificuldades tanto docentes quanto discentes em relação ao conceito de função ou noções aderentes a ele e também entraves relativos às abordagens presentes nos livros didáticos ou às estratégias de ensino adotadas em sala de aula. A análise dos artigos mostrou que algumas das dificuldades enfrentadas pelos estudantes ao trabalharem com o conceito de função são também entraves apresentados pelos próprios professores, que manifestam fragilidades em relação ao conhecimento de conteúdo matemático. Questões relacionadas às diferentes representações semióticas de funções não são totalmente compreendidas nem mesmo pelos docentes, como indicam os artigos analisados. Os livros didáticos, por sua vez, conforme evidenciam elementos trazidos pelas pesquisas, em muitos casos carecem de informações realmente necessárias para a compreensão por parte dos alunos do conceito de função, o que, consequentemente, acarreta dificuldades no ensino de tal conteúdo, uma vez que, com frequência, esses materiais são adotados como únicas referências pelos professores. Outra informação trazida pelas análises dos artigos selecionados é que as estratégias diferenciadas de ensino enfrentam resistência tanto dos docentes quanto dos próprios estudantes, habituados às chamadas ‘aulas tradicionais’
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Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2017-09-29T16:47:19Z
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IRACI BALBINA GONÇALVES SILVA.pdf: 2010625 bytes, checksum: 895e364a31e51df36ada2b3ae9073ae2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-29T16:47:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
IRACI BALBINA GONÇALVES SILVA.pdf: 2010625 bytes, checksum: 895e364a31e51df36ada2b3ae9073ae2 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-09-01 / The research aims to understand the historical-political-social process of incorporating
teaching degree programs to the new Professional and Technological Education (EPT) policy,
seeking to reveal the concepts present in the Professional Education project, in the federal
public modality, specifically related to the teaching degree programs offered by the Federal
Institutes (IF). What is questioned is why, in the historical process of diversifying the
modalities and formats of Professional and Technological Education in Brazil, the teaching
degree courses were offered within the scope of Professional Education, in other words, why
does the project for reformulation of Professional and Technological Education encompasses
the teaching degree programs? What are the purpose and the goals of the Policy of Educators
Formation regarding the Technical Professional Education? Are the teaching degree programs
offered by the IFs intended to prepare for Basic Education or for Professional education? This
study is limited to the IFs, rather than the totality of institutions that constitute the Federal
Network of Education. The research of qualitative-quantity nature and documentalbibliographic
basis used content analysis. Supported by historical and dialectical materialism,
it is based on the contribution of Aranha; Cunha; Floro and Dal Rio, Floro; Müller; Kuenzer;
Guerra and Oliveira; Bonfim; Lima; Duarte; Facci; Libâneo; Moura, among others. Concern
with pedagogical action was registered at the beginning of the Escolas de Aprendizes
Artífices and in 1917 the Escola Normal de Artes e Ofícios Venceslau Bráz was created.
Insertion of teaching degree courses dates from 1978 with the creation of the three first
CEFETs, although it was with the IFs creation, in 2008, that the institution had to affirm itself
as a locus of educators’ formation. Law No. 6.545/1978 defined the teaching degree programs
of CEFETs should serve Basic Education and EPT. In 1993, through Law No. 8.711,
teaching degree programs should serve EPT. In the year 2000, by Decree No. 3.462, teaching
degree programs should serve Basic Education and EPT. Currently, through Law No.
11.892/2008, teaching degree programs should serve Basic Education and EPT. The research
shows that in 2012, 12 % of teaching degree programs in the IFs were focused on serving
EPT and 88% on Basic Education. In 2016, 3.44% of teaching degree programs were focused
on serving EPT and 96.56% on Basic Education. The number of technical basic education
courses represents more than half the courses offered: 56.12%. It shows that the Institution
maintains technical education as one of the important axis of its practice, according to the
Law of its foundation. The study of the history of EPT leads to the recognition that EPT has
always been modified according to the demands of capital and that teaching degree courses
tend to follow suit. The project for reformulating Professional and Technological Education,
which is intent on consolidating a sui generis institutional identity, encompasses/foments
teaching degree courses through defending the necessity of configuring another model for
educators’ formation distinct from what existed before. It intends to enable the educator with
a solid scientific background – based on verticalization – capable of dealing with issues
emerging from practice and having research as an educational principle. / A pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender o processo histórico-político-social de
incorporação das licenciaturas à nova política de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica,
procurando revelar as concepções presentes no projeto de Educação Profissional, na
modalidade pública federal, especificamente relacionada às licenciaturas ofertadas nos IF. O
que se questiona é por que, no processo histórico de diversificação de modalidades e formatos
de Educação Profissional Tecnológica no Brasil, os cursos de licenciaturas foram ofertados no
campo da Educação Profissional, ou seja, por que o projeto de reformulação da Educação
Profissional e Tecnológica engloba as licenciaturas? Qual o propósito e as finalidades da
Política de Formação de professores na EPT? Os cursos de licenciatura ofertados pelos IF
pretendem formar para a Educação Básica ou para a Educação Profissional? O estudo limitase
aos IF, e não à totalidade das instituições que compõe a Rede Federal de Educação. A
pesquisa de natureza qualitativa-quantidade de base documental-bibliográfica utilizou a
análise de conteúdo. Amparada no materialismo histórico dialético, fundamenta-se na
contribuição de Aranha; Cunha; Floro e Dal Rio, Floro; Müller; Kuenzer; Guerra e Oliveira;
Bonfim; Lima; Duarte; Facci; Libâneo; Moura, dentre outros. A preocupação com a ação
pedagógica foi registrada no início das Escolas de Aprendizes Artífices e em 1917 foi criada a
Escola Normal de Artes e Ofícios Venceslau Braz. A inserção das licenciaturas na rede
federal é datada de 1978 com a criação dos três primeiros CEFET, no entanto, foi com a
criação dos IF, em 2008, que a instituição precisou assumir-se como um lócus de Formação
de Professores. A Lei nº 6.545/1978 definia que as licenciaturas dos CEFET deveriam atender
a Educação Básica e a EPT. Em 1993, por meio da Lei nº 8.711, as licenciaturas deviam
atender à EPT. No ano de 2000, pelo Decreto nº 3.462, as licenciaturas deveriam atender a
Educação Básica e a EPT. Atualmente, pela Lei nº 11.892/2008, as licenciaturas devem
atender a Educação Básica e a EPT. A pesquisa revela que no ano de 2012, 12% das
licenciaturas nos IF estavam voltadas para atendimento da EPT e 88% para a Educação
Básica. Em 2016, 3,44% das licenciaturas estavam voltadas para atendimento da EPT e
96,56% para a Educação Básica. O número de cursos de ensino básico técnico representa
mais da metade da oferta: 56,12%. Isso mostra que a Instituição conserva o ensino técnico
como um dos importantes eixos de atuação, atendendo a Lei de criação. A história da EPT
evidencia que ela sempre foi modificada de acordo com as demandas do capital e que as
licenciaturas tendem a seguir no mesmo sentido. O projeto de reformulação da Educação
Profissional e Tecnológica, que busca a consolidação de uma identidade institucional sui
generi, engloba/fomenta as licenciaturas mediante a defesa da necessidade de se configurar
outro modelo de formação de professores distinto do que já havia. Pretende-se formar o
professor com sólida base científica – alicerçado na verticalização, na interdisciplinaridade e
na transversalidade - capaz de lidar com os problemas, advindos da prática e que tenha a
pesquisa como princípio educativo.
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Nach Bologna: Praktika im Studium – Pflicht oder Kür? : empirische Analysen und Empfehlungen für die Hochschulpraxis / Beyond Bologna: internship in studies – obligation or option? : empirical analysis and recommendations on the praxis of higher educationJanuary 2011 (has links)
Mit dem vorliegenden Band „Nach Bologna: Praktika im Studium – Pflicht oder Kür? Empirische Analysen und Empfehlungen für die Hochschulpraxis“ von Wilfried Schubarth, Karsten Speck und Andreas Seidel wird die Reihe „Potsdamer Beiträge zur Lehrevaluation“ unter neuem Titel und veränderter inhaltlicher Schwerpunktsetzung fortgeführt. Die Umbenennung in „Potsdamer Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung“ versteht sich als ein Schritt hin zu einer thematischen Öffnung der Reihe für die verschiedensten Felder der Hochschulforschung.
Der vorliegende Band widmet sich einem der zentralen Reformziele von Bologna: der Frage des Praxis- und Berufsbezugs und dabei insbesondere den Praxisphasen im Studium. Mit der Bologna-Reform werden im bildungspolitischen Bereich sehr vielfältige strukturelle und inhaltliche Ziele verfolgt. Das Ziel dieses Bandes besteht deshalb darin, empirische Forschungen zu Praxisbezügen und Praxisphasen im Studium vorzustellen, diese in den Kontext aktueller Debatten um Studienqualität und Studienreform zu stellen sowie Folgerungen für die Gestaltung von Praxisphasen abzuleiten. Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte bilden das BMBF-Forschungsprojekt ProPrax und die Praxisphasen im Lehramtsstudium.
Die Beiträge dieses Bandes gehen aus einem gleichnamigen Workshop hervor, der am 1. Oktober 2010 in Potsdam stattfand. / The present conference volume „Beyond Bologna: Internship in studies – obligation or option? Empirical analysis and recommendations on the praxis of higher education“ by Wilfried Schubarth, Karsten Speck and Andreas Seidel is part of the serial “Potsdamer Beiträge zur Lehrevaluation” which is actually renamed as “Potsdamer Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung“. The new title supports modified focal points for research and provides opportunities for several fields of higher education research.
The volume focuses on the practical relevance and the development of professional skills in academic studies as one of the central intentions of the Bologna Process. This Reform involves a variety of structural and content-related intentions in the field of educational policy. The aim of this conference volume is therefore to present empirical research with regard to practical relevance and internship in academic studies. It is linked to the current debate concerning quality of academic studies as well as the higher education reform in general and draws conclusions for the practical implementation of academic internships. The ProPrax research project, founded by the BMBF, and its first results as well as internships in teacher education are main issues of this volume.
The contributions result from the correspondent Potsdam conference on October 1st 2010.
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Connect : Modelling Learning to Facilitate Linking Models and the Real World trough Lab-Work in Electric Circuit Courses for Engineering StudentsCarstensen, Anna-Karin January 2013 (has links)
A recurring question in science and engineering education is why the students do not link knowledge from theoretical classes to the real world met in laboratory courses. Mathematical models and visualisations are widely used in engineering and engineering education. Very often it is assumed that the students are familiar with the mathematical concepts used. These may be concepts taught in high school or at university level. One problem, though, is that many students have never or seldom applied their mathematical skills in other subjects, and it may be difficult for them to use their skills in a new context. Some concepts also seem to be "too difficult" to understand. One of these mathematical tools is to use Laplace Transforms to solve differential equations, and to use the derived functions to visualise transient responses in electric circuits, or control engineering. In many engineering programs at college level the application of the Laplace Transform is considered too difficult for the students to understand, but is it really, or does it depend on the teaching methods used? When applying mathematical concepts during lab work, and not teaching the mathematics and practical work in different sessions, and also using examples varied in a very systematic way, our research shows that the students approach the problem in a very different way. It shows that by developing tasks consequently according to the Theory of Variation, it is not impossible to apply the Laplace Transform already in the first year of an engineering program. The original aim of this thesis was to show: how students work with lab-tasks, especially concerning the goal to link theory to the real world how it is possible to change the ways students approach the task and thus their learning, by systematic changes in the lab-instructions During the spring 2002 students were video-recorded while working with labs in Electric Circuits. Their activity was analysed. Special focus was on what questions the students raised, and in what ways these questions were answered, and in what ways the answers were used in the further activities. This work informed the model ”learning of a complex concept”, which was used as well to analyse what students do during lab-work, and what teachers intend their students to learn. The model made it possible to see what changes in the lab-instructions that would facilitate students learning of the whole, to link theoretical models to the real world, through the labactivities. The aim of the thesis has thus become to develop a model: The learning of a complex concept show how this model can be used as well for analysis of the intended object of learning as students activities during lab-work, and thus the lived object of learning use the model in analysis of what changes in instruction that are critical for student learning. The model was used to change the instructions. The teacher interventions were included into the instructions in a systematic way, according to as well what questions that were raised by the students, as what questions that were not noticed, but expected by the teachers, as a means to form relations between theoretical aspects and measurement results. Also, problem solving sessions have been integrated into the lab sessions. Video recordings were also conducted during the spring 2003, when the new instructions were used. The students' activities were again analysed. A special focus of the thesis concerns the differences between the results from 2002 and 2003. The results are presented in four sections: Analysis of the students' questions and the teachers' answers during the lab-course 2002 Analysis of the links students need to make, the critical links for learning Analysis of the task structure before and after changes Analysis of the students' activities during the new course The thesis ends with a discussion of the conclusions which may be drawn about the possibilities to model and develop teaching sequences through research, especially concerning the aim to link theoretical models to the real world. / En stående fråga som lärare i naturvetenskapliga och tekniska utbildningar ställer är varför elever och studenter inte kopplar samman kunskaper från teoretiska kursmoment med den verklighet som möts vid laborationerna. Ett vanligt syfte med laborationer är att åstadkomma länkar mellan teori och verklighet, men dessa uteblir ofta. Många gånger används avancerade matematiska modeller och grafiska representationer, vilka studenterna lärt sig i tidigare kurser, men de har sällan eller aldrig tillämpat dessa kunskaper i andra ämnen. En av dessa matematiska hjälpmedel är Laplacetransformen, som främst används för att lösa differentialekvationer, och åskådliggöra transienta förlopp i ellära eller reglerteknik. På många universitet anses Laplacetransformen numera för svår för studenterna på kortare ingenjörsutbildningar, och kurser eller kursmoment som kräver denna har strukits ut utbildningsplanerna. Men, är det för svårt, eller beror det bara på hur man presenterar Laplacetransformen? Genom att låta studenterna arbeta parallellt med matematiken och de laborativa momenten, under kombinerade lab-lektionspass, och inte vid separata lektioner och laborationer, samt genom att variera övningsexemplen på ett mycket systematiskt sätt, enligt variationsteorin, visar vår forskning att studenterna arbetar med uppgifterna på ett helt annat sätt än tidigare. Det visar sig inte längre vara omöjligt att tillämpa Laplacetransformen redan under första året på civilingenjörsutbildning inom elektroteknik. Ursprungliga syftet med avhandlingen var att visa hur studenter arbetar med laborationsuppgifter, speciellt i relation till målet att länka samman teori och verklighet hur man kan förändra studenternas aktivitet, och därmed studenternas lärande, genom att förändra laborationsinstruktionen på ett systematiskt sätt. Under våren 2002 videofilmades studenter som utförde laborationer i en kurs i elkretsteori. Deras aktivitet analyserades. Speciellt studerades vilka frågor studenterna ställde till lärarna, på vilket sätt dessa frågor besvarades, och på vilket sätt svaren användes i den fortsatta aktiviteten. Detta ledde fram till en modell för lärande av sammansatta begrepp, som kunde användas både för att analysera vad studenterna gör och vad lärarna förväntar sig att studenterna ska lära sig. Med hjälp av modellen blev det då möjligt att se vad som behövde ändra i instruktionerna för att studenterna lättare skulle kunna utföra de aktiviteter som krävs för att länka teori och verklighet. Syftet med avhandlingen är därmed att ta fram en modell för lärande av ett sammansatt begrepp visa hur denna modell kan användas för såväl analys av önskat lärandeobjekt, som av studenternas aktivitet under laborationer, och därmed det upplevda lärandeobjektet använda modellen för att analysera vilka förändringar som är kritiska för studenters lärande. Modellen användes för att förändra laborationsinstruktionerna. Lärarinterventionerna inkluderades i instruktionerna på ett systematiskt sätt utifrån dels vilka frågor som ställdes av studenterna, dels vilka frågor studenterna inte noterade, men som lärarna velat att studenterna skulle använda för att skapa relationer framför allt mellan teoretiska aspekter och mätresultat. Dessutom integrerades räkneövningar och laborationer. Videoinspelningar utfördes även våren 2003, då de nya instruktionerna användes. Även dessa analyserades med avseende på studenternas aktiviteter. Skillnader mellan resultaten från 2002 och 2003 står i fokus. Avhandlingens resultatdel består av: Analys av studenternas frågor och lärarnas svar under labkursen 2002 Analys av de länkar studenterna behöver skapa för att lära Analys av laborationsinstruktionerna före och efter förändringarna Analys av den laborationsaktivitet som blev resultatet av de nya instruktionerna, och vilket lärande som då blev möjligt Avhandlingen avlutas med en diskussion om de slutsatser som kan dras angående möjligheter att via forskning utveckla modeller av undervisningssekvenser för lärande där målet är att länka samman teori och verklighet
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Science, Language, and Literacy : Case Studies of Learning in Swedish University PhysicsAirey, John January 2009 (has links)
This thesis presents an investigation of undergraduate student learning with respect to physics lectures attended in English and Swedish. The work studies three connected areas: student learning patterns, bilingual scientific literacy and disciplinary discourse. Twenty-two physics students at two Swedish universities attended lectures in both English and Swedish as part of their regular undergraduate programme. These lectures were video-taped and used to contextualize in-depth, semi-structured interviews with students. When taught in English the students asked and answered fewer questions and reported be-ing less able to simultaneously follow the lecture and take notes. Students adapted to being taught in English by; asking questions after the lecture, no longer taking notes in class, read-ing sections of work before class or—in the worst case—by using the lecture for mechanical note taking. Analysis of student oral descriptions of the lecture content in both languages identified a small number of students who found it almost impossible to speak about disciplinary concepts in English. These students were first-years who had not been taught in English before. How-ever, the findings suggest that, above a certain threshold level of disciplinary language com-petence, it does not appear to matter which language students are taught in. Finally, the thesis makes a theoretical contribution to educational research. The initial lan-guage perspective is broadened to include a wide range of semiotic resources that are used in the teaching of undergraduate physics. Student learning is then characterized in terms of becoming fluent in a disciplinary discourse. It is posited that in order to achieve an appropri-ate, holistic experience of any given disciplinary concept, students will need to become fluent in a critical constellation of disciplinary semiotic resources.
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Οι αναπαραστάσεις των μαθητών του δημοτικού για τις μεταβολές της ύλης: είδη, αιτιακές σχέσεις και μηχανισμοίΧατζηνικήτα, Βασιλεία 18 September 2009 (has links)
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Computer Science Project Courses : Contrasting Students’ Experiences with Teachers’ ExpectationsWiggberg, Mattias January 2010 (has links)
Including small or large project courses is widely recognized as important in preparing computer science students for a professional career. Typical examples are the capstone courses, which often are seen as the jewel in the crown since this is where students will bring their previous knowledge and skills together to show mastery of their craft. These courses are, however, quite complex with often contradictory ideas about how to actually run them in order to reach the learning objectives. This thesis deals with the contrast between students’ experiences and teachers’ expectations of such courses. The research presented in this thesis contributes to the field of knowledge of computer science project courses by investigating processes that are of importance in relation to the desired practices that the students’ should experience. A method is developed, based on the theory of communities of practice and an identification of key features in project work, for evaluating project courses in terms of setting up a learning environment suitable for its learning objectives. The method is focused on capturing the students’ experiences, which then are mapped onto desirable outcomes, as seen from the teachers’ point of view and expressed in terms of communities of practice theory. The result of the analysis is stories capturing the strengths and deficiencies that can be observed in computer science project courses. Key findings are that rewarding learning environments are not automatically created by following the project model; unclear goals and priorities, for example the choice between focusing on the result of the project or the learning process, can confound, or hinder, the learning outcome. Students may experience a difficult choice between using the project course as a way to become more specialized in a particular area or to develop skills that broaden their knowledge. The method developed throughout the thesis is a result in itself, allowing academics and institutions to reason systematically about the aims and learning outcomes of project coursework. The strength of the method lies in the insight gained from combining the concept of communities of practice with a series of studies that identify key features of project courses, in order to reveal and explain why students’ experience processes and learning outcomes in particular ways.
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Learning computer systems in a distributed project course : The what, why, how and whereBerglund, Anders January 2005 (has links)
Senior university students taking an internationally distributed project course in computer systems find themselves in a complex learning situation. To understand how they experience computer systems and act in their learning situation, the what, the why, the how and the where of their learning have been studied from the students’ perspective. The what aspect concerns the students’ understanding of concepts within computer systems: network protocols. The why aspect concerns the students’ objectives to learn computer systems. The how aspect concerns how the students go about learning. The where aspect concerns the students’ experience of their learning environment. These metaphorical entities are then synthesised to form a whole. The emphasis on the students’ experience of their learning motivates a phenomenographic research approach as the core of a study that is extended with elements of activity theory. The methodological framework that is developed from these research approaches enables the researcher to retain focus on learning, and specifically the learning of computer systems, throughout. By applying the framework, the complexity in the learning is unpacked and conclusions are drawn on the students’ learning of computer systems. The results are structural, qualitative, and empirically derived from interview data. They depict the students’ experience of their learning of computer systems in their experienced learning situation and highlight factors that facilitate learning. The results comprise sets of qualitatively different categories that describe how the students relate to their learning in their experienced learning environment. The sets of categories, grouped after the four components (what, why, how and where), are synthesised to describe the whole of the students’ experience of learning computer systems. This study advances the discussion about learning computer systems and demonstrates how theoretically anchored research contributes to teaching and learning in the field. Its multi-faceted, multi-disciplinary character invites further debate, and thus, advances the field.
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