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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perspective vol. 19 no. 4 (Aug 1985) / Perspective (Institute for Christian Studies)

Roques, Mark, Pitt, Clifford C., VanderVennen, Robert E. 26 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.

"Making connections" early childhood teachers re-creating meaning: contextualizing Reggio Emilian pedagogy

Baxter, Christine Ann January 2007 (has links)
Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of master of Philosophy Macquarie University, Australian Centre for Educational Studies, Institute of Early Childhood. 2007. / Thesis (MPhil)--Macquarie University (Australian Centre for Educational Studies, Institute of Early Childhood), 2007. / Bibliography: p. 199-227. / Introduction -- The context of the study -- Literature review -- Methodology -- Teachers' interpretations: the impact of Reggio Emilian pedagogy -- Themes of influence: Reggio Emilian pedagogy and teachers' philosophies and practice -- Relevance to the local context -- Conclusion. / Reggio Emilian pedagogy is an acknowledged and burgeoning world-wide influence in early childhood education, yet it claims not to be a model for emulation. Where practising teachers engage with Reggio Emilian pedagogy in their classrooms, such 'influence without emulation' creates a paradox in the process. This qualitative study aims to investigate the process and theorize the paradox. Following the tradition of interpretive research into teacher reflection, research, inquiry and professional development, eight Australian teachers, working across a range of early childhood contexts, were interviewed for their interpretations of the impact, influence and local relevance of this foreign pedagogy. Analysis revealed strong responses, common themes of influence and a shared perspective on the issue of translocation - engagement in an alternative process to mere replication. / Mode of access: World wide Web. / iii, 283 p

Ondersoek na en evaluering van die opvoedingsrol van die vader : 'n studie in tydsperspektief

Van As, Karen Helen 10 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In this dissertation an attempt has been made to study the past and in particular the basic cultures of Western civilization (the ancient Israelites, ancient Greeks, Romans and early Christians) in order to investigate the educational role of the father. In an examination of the past from a historic pedagogical perspective, an endeavour has been made to compare the educational role of the father during the ancient period to that of the father at present in order to ascertain whether the past can possibly serve as "preceptor" with regard to this contentious contemporary problem. A chapter was devoted to each of the four aforementioned cultures in which the father's educational role was disclosed. At the end of each chapter a brief conclusion was reached pertaining to the field of study. In the last chapter a number of conclusions and recommendations with regard to some of the factors which influenced the father's educational role but which has immense significance for the contemporary (as well as the future) period and consequently cannot be ignored, were recorded. Matters such as the· father's educational responsibility, religious/devout support, moral-ethical education, vocational preparation and the implementation/enforcement of punishment and discipline were discussed so that the present state of affairs with regard to these factors could be evaluated and compared to that of the past. / In hierdie verhandeling is gepoog om by die verlede en wel by die grondkulture van die Westerse beskawing (die oud-lsraeliete, antieke Grieke, Romeine en vroee Christene) te gaan kers opsteek betreffende die opvoedingsrol van die vader. Deur die verlede vanuit 'n histories-pedagogiese ingesteldheid te bevra, is daar gepoog om die verband tussen die opvoedingsrol van die vader in die antieke tyd met die van die vader in die huidige tyd te vergelyk in 'n paging om vas te stel of die verlede moontlik as "leermeester" ten opsigte van die brandende kontempor~re vraagstuk kan di en. Aan elkeen van die vier genoemde kulture is 'n hoofstuk gewy waarin die vader se opvoedingsrol onthul is en aan die einde van elke hoofstuk is tot 'n kart samevattende gevolgtrekking met betrekking tot die veld van ondersoek gekom. In die laaste hoofstuk is 'n aantal gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings met betrekking tot enkele faktore wat die vader se opvoedingsrol be1nvloed het maar wat groat segwaarde vir die huidige (sowel as toekomstige) tyd het en dus nie negeer kan word nie, geboekstaaf. In hierdie verband is aangeleenthede soos die vader se opvoedingsverantwoordel ikheid, religieus/godsdienstige steungewing, moreelsedelike opvoeding, beroepsvoorbereiding en die toepassing/handhawing van tug en dissipline aan die orde gestel sodat die huidige toedrag van sake met betrekking tot die genoemde faktore daarteen gespieel en geevalueer kan word. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Historical Education)

Metableties-eksemplariese ondersoek na die globaliseringsverskynsel en die implikasies daarvan vir die opvoeding en onderwys

Van Niekerk, Magrietha Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie word die metableties-eksemplariese aanloop tot die globaliseringsverskynsel ondersoek. Daar word gekonsentreer op die benadering van vier f ilosowe wat met reg die f ilosof iese wegbereiders van bogenoemde verskynsel genoem kan word. Feuerbach, Marx, Nietzsche en Dewey het gewis •n belangrike bydrae tot die bevordering van die Globalisme gelewer. Vervolgens word op die aanloop tot •n plurale samelewingsverband en die fundamentele rol van verskeie ideologiee gef okus. Verskeie globalistiese en inoutentieke opvoedings- en onderwysbenaderings word ook ontleed om die neerslag van die Globalisme op onderwysgebied aan die lig te bring. Die berekende denke voer die botoon in die globalistiese bestel, gevolglik word die besinnende denke nie in die opvoeding en onderwys in aanmerking geneem nie. Die globaliseringsverskynsel het onder andere die volgende implikasies vir die opvoeding en onderwys: Inoutentieke beroepsafrigting. Identiteitskrisis. Ontheemding Waarde- en normrelativisme. Gedegradeerde mens- en kindbeskouing. Sins- en waarheidsverduistering. / The metabletic-exemplary advance of the phenomenon of Globalism is examined in this study. The approach of four philosophers who may aptly be described as the philosophical pioneers of Globalism, has been focused upon. Feuerbach, Marx, Nietzsche and Dewey have certainly made an important contribution towards the advancement of this phenomenon. The advent of a pluralistic societal structure and the fundamental role of several ideologies, responsible for the advancement of a globalistic society, will also be focused upon. Various inauthentic and globalistic approach~s to education are analised in order to illustrate the impact of Globalism on education. Natural-scientific thought sets the pace in the globalistic order, with the result that reflective thought is not taken into account in education. The implications of the globalistic phenomenon for education are the following: Inauthentic job training. Identity crisis. - Alienation. - Value and norm relativism. - Degraded view of mankind and the child. - Obscurity of truth and meaning. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Historiese Opvoekunde)

Health education in cross cultural encounters : an agogical perspective

Arthur, Mavis Lorraine 11 1900 (has links)
In contemporary multicultural societies, health is emerging as a fundamental right alongside education and welfare: a frame of reference endorsed by the Government of National Unity in South Africa. Health workers are confronting issues far beyond the more traditional modes of health education. The initial thrust of this research was to investigate the most relevant social, health and education knowledge bases and issues relative to health education in cross cultural encounters in order to formulate universal guidelines applicable to the national situation. Differences inherent in allopathic and traditional health systems are explored in historical time, in conjunction with concepts of social change, communality in diversity and the co-existence of multiple realities. An understanding of common denominators across all human and group experience emerges and, with it, insight into problems that occur when universalistic conceptions of human behaviour are linked to communicocentric hegemony. The parameters within which cross cultural health education are viewed are extended through an analytical, empirical evaluation of the andragogic consequences of a broader conceptualisation of culture and the patterned relationships existing between elements within society. The ontic fact that similar variables may have widely different meanings and be differently construed by people whose life experiences differ is affirmed. Culture shock becomes a potential personal reality for all engaged in cross cultural encounters. Radical reflection on human nature and the eidos of man constitutes the foundation upon which the aims and various theories of health education are systematically and progressively evaluated. Evidence surfaces that the original intent of the research was rooted in the Western medical tendency towards standardisation, specialisation and the creation of scientifically validated routines for professional practice and that gaps exist between the theory and practice of health education and the everyday experiences of people. On the basis of scientifically based insights, guidelines have been formulated to narrow the divide between the factual, linearly based procedural aspects of health education and the human experience of learning. The guidelines embody the notion that the health educator's role in cross cultural encounters is one of facilitating meaningful, appropriate and informed choices on the part of adult learners. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Philosophy of Education)

Toepassing van essensiestruktuur-analise as evalueringsmaatstaf vir outentieke opvoeding / The application of essence-structure-analysis as a criterion for the evaluation of authentic education

Jordaan, J. H. (Johannes Hendrik) 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Daar is gepoog om 'n omvattende, algemeen geldige maatstaf te vind waarmee enige opvoeding vir outentisiteit geevalueer kan word. Die moontlikheid dat die "essensiestruktuur van behoorlike volwassenewees en van opvoedingsdoel" (ES) hieraan voldoen, is ondersoek. Die genoemde essensiestruktuur (ES) is in 'n modeldiagram CESM) saamgevat. Dit bevat die volgende essensies: 'religiositeit', die 'etiese', 'affektiwiteit', 'liggaamlikheid'. 'nasionaliteit' (insluitende 'kulturaliteit'. 'historisiteit' en die 'politiese'), die 'estetiese'. 'individualiteit'. 'sosialiteit'. die 'ekonomiese'. 'vryheid'. 'gesag'. 'taal' en 'redelikheid'. asook die sewe normbeelde wat 'n substruktuur van die 'etiese' is. 'Religiositeit' is hierargies die mees belangrikste essensie. gevolg deur die 'etiese'. Aldie ander essensies verkeer op 'n derde niveau van belangrikheid. Om outentiek te wees behoort 'n opvoedingseksemplaar aan boge noemde hierargie te voldoen. Elk van die genoemde essensies is verduidelik, asook hulle samehangende verbandhoudendheid binne die ESM. Die harmonie binne hierdie gestruktureerdheid is van deurslaggewende belang vir die begryping van outentisiteit by opvoeding. 'n Evalueringsmetode. bekend as ''essensiestruktuur-analise" (ES-analise). is uit bogenoemde deur die navorser ontwikkel. 'n Uiteensetting van mikro-. meso- en makro ES-analise is oak verstrek. Beskrywings van eksemplare van opvoeding en van aanverwante opvoedingsaangeleenthede word in die lig van die ESM geanaliseer. Hoe meer 'n opvoedingseksemplaar ooreenstem met die ESM hoe nader beweeg dit aan outentisiteit. en omgekeerd. Ter illustrasie van die toepassingsmoontlikhede van ES-analise is die mensbeskouing van C.K. Oberholzer. die kindbeskouing van J.C. Coetzee. die Christelike lewensopvatting, die wereldbeskouing van Albert Schweitzer en die opvoedingsleer van die Klassisisme aan ES-analises onderwerp. Die Christelike lewensopvatting kon as outentiek geevalueer word, terwyl die mensbeskouing van Oberholzer. die kindbeskouing van Coetzee en die wereld beskouing van Schweitzer naby aan outentisiteit beweeg. Die opvoedingsleer van die Klassisisme vertoon heelparty essensie-diskrepansies. Die hipotese, dat ES-analise 'n betroubare evalueringsmaatstaf vir outentieke opvoeding kan wees, is bevestig. Derhalwe kon die aanwending vanESanalise oar 'n wye spektrum aanbeveel word. byvoorbeeld by histories opvoedkundige eksemplare, godsdienslere. skoolstelsels en meegaande kurrikula en by die ontwikkeling van opvoedingsprogramme. Die huidige opvoeding en kon temporere leefwyse kan in die toekoms verbeter word indien ES-analise daadwerklik toegepas sou word. / An effort was made to find a universally valid criterion to evaluate any education for authenticity. The "essence-structure of proper adulthood and of education-aim" (ES) was investigated in this regard. This essence-structure (ES) was condensed in a model diagram (ESM). It includes the fo 11 owing essences: · re 1 i gi ousness · , the · ethi ca 1 ' , · affec tiveness'. 'bodiliness'. 'nationality' ('culturality'. 'historicity' and the 'political'), the 'aesthetical'. 'individuality', 'sociality·. the 'economical'. 'freedom·. 'authority'. 'language' and 'rationality'. as well as the seven norm images - a substructure of the 'ethical'. Hierarchically 'religiousness· is the most important essence. followed by the 'ethical·. All other essences exist on a third 1 eve 1 of importance. To qualify as authentic an exemplar of education ought to comply with the above-mentioned hierarchy. Each of the essences and their interrelatedness within the ESM were discussed. The harmonious co-existence within this structuredness is of paramount importance in understanding educational authenticity. Emanating from the above-mentioned an evaluation method. known as "essence structure-analysis" (ES analysis). was developed. Micro. meso and macro-ESanalysis were also explained. Descriptions of exemplars of education and of educationally related matters are analysed using the ESM as the criterion. The more an exemplar corresponds with the ESM. the more it re sembles authenticity, and vice versa. To demonstrate the application potential of ES analysis C.K. Oberholzer's view of man. J.C. Coetzee's view on childhood. the Christian life-view. Albert Schweitzer's world-view and the educational doctrine of the Classicism were subjected toES analyses. The Christian life-view could be evaluated as authentic. while Oberholzer's view of man. Coetzee's view on childhood and Schweitzer's world-view are resembling authenticity closely. The educational doctrine of the Classicism revealed several essence discre pancies. (viii) The hypothesis. that ES analysis can be a reliable evaluation criterion for authentic education. was confirmed. It could thus be recommended that ESanalysis be implemented over a broad spectrum. for example when studying historico-educational exemplars. doctrines of religion. school systems and curricula and assisting in developing educational programs. The contemporary education and way of life can be ameliorated in the future if ES analysis is applied actively. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Philosophy of Education)


Barton-Verdi, Michele A. 17 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Emotional Response to Climate Change Learning: An Existential Inquiry

Hutchinson, Jennifer January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Teachers of Color's Perception on Identity and Academic Success: A Reflective Narrative

Finau, Lynette Suliana Sikahema 18 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Becoming democratic in the Life Sciences : reframing Life Sciences teaching and learning through posthumanism / Om demokraties in die Lewenswetenskappe te word : die heropstel van Lewenswetenskappe-onderrig en -leer deur posthumanisme / Ukuba yintando yeningi kusayensi yezempilo : ukuvuselela ukufundiswa nokufunda isayenzi yezempilo ngokusebenzisa okwakhiwa emva kokuphila komuntu

Mamutse, Kudakwashe 23 June 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The aim of the study was to develop a critical posthumanist and democratic theory that may be applied in the teaching and learning of Life Sciences in South Africa in order to achieve an expanded form of democracy that would not discriminate between human and nonhuman. Though both critical posthumanist and democratic theories have been used in pedagogical studies separately, this study focused on the development of a merged and broader theory that has elements of both of the theories. The term nonhuman, as used here, does not specifically refer to non-person individuals only. Rather, it also refers to people who are regarded by the dominant humans as nonhumans – inferiors and subalterns. The latter group of people include the poor, women, children, people of colour and the disabled. Owing to this binarisation characteristic of the Life Sciences as a subject – which it adopts from the nature of science, its curriculum, and pedagogical approaches – the impression is given that as the master of the universe, the human has unlimited power over all other entities. These other nonhuman entities are then regarded as resources for the use of humans. Yet, it is this attitude which has caused humans to abuse nonhumans to the extent that the earth is facing the catastrophe of the Anthropocene. The adoption of a critical education approach characterised by the development of a critical posthumanist and democratic theory that may be applied in the teaching and learning of Life Sciences is essential in dealing with the issue of the Anthropocene that is threatening the earth currently. This study thus seeks to adopt a critical education approach through the introduction of democracy into the teaching and learning of Life Sciences, specifically so that humans would get to a position where they would consider nonhumans as entities with which they co-exist, and entities with equal agency within the environment. The recognition of the need for democracy would allow the humans to treat the nonhumans (such as the environment and ‘subalterns’) with respect, as their compatriots; and by doing that, the harrowing issues leading to the catastrophe of the Anthropocene could be either avoided or averted. / Die doel van die studie was om ’n kritiese posthumanistiese en demokratiese teorie te ontwikkel wat op die onderrig en leer van Lewenswetenskappe in Suid-Afrika toegepas kan word om ’n uitgebreide vorm van demokrasie daar te stel wat nie tussen menslik en niemenslik sal diskrimineer nie. Hoewel kritiese posthumanistiese sowel as demokratiese teorieë apart in pedagogiese studies gebruik word, het hierdie studie op die ontwikkeling van ’n saamgesmelte en breër teorie wat elemente van beide teorieë bevat, gefokus. Die term niemenslik soos wat dit hier gebruik word, verwys nie spesifiek net na niepersoon-individue nie. Dit verwys eerder ook na mense wat deur die dominante mense as niemense – minderes en ondergeskiktes – beskou word. Die laasgenoemde groep mense sluit die armes, vroue, kinders, mense van kleur en gestremde mense in. Vanweë hierdie binêre eienskap van die Lewenswetenskappe as ’n vak – wat dit as gevolg van die aard van wetenskap, sy kurrikulum en pedagogiese benaderings aanvaar het – word die indruk geskep dat die mens as heerser van die heelal onbeperkte mag oor al die ander entiteite het. Hierdie ander niemenslike entiteite word dan as hulpbronne vir gebruik deur mense gesien. Dit is egter hierdie houding wat veroorsaak het dat mense niemense misbruik, in so ’n mate dat die aarde die katastrofe van die Antroposeen in die gesig staar. Die aanneem van ’n kritiese onderrigbenadering wat gekenmerk word deur die ontwikkeling van ’n kritiese posthumanistiese en demokratiese teorie wat by die onderrig en leer van Lewenswetenskappe gebruik kan word, is noodsaaklik om die kwessie van die Antroposeen wat die aarde tans bedreig, te hanteer. Hierdie studie wil dus ’n kritiese onderrigbenadering volg deur middel van die bekendstelling van demokrasie by die onderrig en leer van Lewenswetenskappe, in die besonder sodat mense in ’n posisie sal wees waar hulle niemense as entiteite saam met wie hulle ’n bestaan moet voer, en entiteite met gelyke verteenwoordiging in die omgewing, sal beskou. Om die behoefte aan demokrasie te erken, sal die mense toelaat om die niemense (soos die omgewing en “ondergeskiktes”) as hulle landgenote met respek te behandel; en deur dit te doen, kan die pynlike kwessies wat tot die katastrofe van die Antroposeen sal lei, moontlik vermy of afgeweer word. / Inhloso yalolu cwaningo kwakungukusungula umbono obucayi owenziwa ngemuva kokuphila komuntu nentando yeningi engasetshenziswa ekufundisweni nasekufundeni kwesayensi yezempilo eNingizimu Afrika ukuze kuzuzwe uhlobo olwandisiwe lwentando yeningi olungeke lubandlulule phakathi kwabantu kanye nokungebona abantu. Yize zombili izinkolelo ezibucayi ezenziwa ngemuva kokuphila komuntu nezentando yeningi zisetshenzisiwe ezifundweni zokufundisa ngokwehlukana, lolu cwaningo lugxile ekuthuthukiseni kombono ohlanganisiwe futhi obanzi onezici zombili zale mibono. Igama elithi okungebona abantu njengoba lisetshenziswa lapha, alibhekiseli ngqo kubantu abangebona abantu kuphela. Esikhundleni salokho, libhekise nakubantu ababhekwa ngabantu abaphezulu njengabantu abangebona abantu – abaphansi nabasezingeni eliphansi. Iqembu lokugcina labantu lifaka phakathi abampofu, abesifazane, izingane, abantu bebala nabakhubazekile. Ngenxa yalesi sici sokuhlukaniswa kwesayensi yezempilo njengesifundo – emukela emvelweni yesayensi, ikharikhulamu yayo, kanye nezindlela zokufundisa - kunikezwa umbono wokuthi njengomphathi wendawo yonke, umuntu unamandla angenamkhawulo kuzo zonke ezinye izinhlangano. Lezi ezinye izinto ezingezona abantu zithathwa njengezinsiza ukusetshenziswa abantu. Kodwa-ke, yilesi simo sengqondo esidale ukuthi abantu bahlukumeze abantu abangebona abantu kuze kufike lapho umhlaba ubhekene nenhlekelele yokwakhiwa nokuthuthukiswa komhlaba. Ukwamukelwa kwendlela ebucayi yezemfundo ebonakala ngokuthuthukiswa kombono obucayi owenziwa ngemuva kokuphila komuntu kanye nentando yeningi engasetshenziswa ekufundisweni nasekufundeni kwesayenzi yezempilo kubalulekile ekubhekaneni nodaba lokwakhiwa nokuthuthukiswa komhlaba olusongela umhlaba njengamanje. Lolu cwaningo-ke lufuna ukwamukela indlela yezemfundo ebucayi ngokwethulwa kwentando yeningi ekufundisweni nasekufundeni kwesayensi yezempilo, ikakhulukazi ukuze abantu bafike esikhundeni lapho bezobheka khona abantu abangebona abantu njengezinhlangano abaphila nazo, nezinhlangano ezinokumela ngokulinganayo ngaphakathi kwemvelo. Ukwamukelwa kwesidingo sentando yeningi kuzovumela abantu ukuthi baphathe abantu abangebona abantu (njengemvelo kanye nabasezingeni eliphansi) ngenhlonipho, njengabantu bakubo; futhi ngokwenza lokho, izingqinamba ezihlasimulisayo eziholela enhlekeleleni yokwakhiwa nokuthuthukiswa komhlaba zingagwenywa noma zivinjelwe. / Educational Foundations / Ph. D. (Philosophy of Education)

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