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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Apports de la paléogénétique à l'étude des helminthes gastro-intestinaux anciens / Paleogenetics to study ancient gastrointestinal helminths

Côté, Nathalie 16 December 2015 (has links)
La paléoparasitologie est l’étude des restes de parasites préservés dans des échantillons archéologiques et permet de mieux comprendre l’état de santé des populations anciennes et d’obtenir des informations d’ordre anthropologique ou ethnologique, sur les régimes alimentaires ou les conditions d’hygiène au quotidien. Les restes de parasites peuvent être retrouvés sous forme de macro-restes (vers ou larves), d’antigènes, d’ADN ou d’œufs. Cesderniers peuvent être particulièrement bien préservés au cours du temps car ils sont composés en partie de chitine, les rendant résistants aux processus de dégradation. L’observation microscopique de leurs caractéristiques morphologiques et micrométriques permet d’identifier les taxons au niveau du genre ou de la famille. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, plusieurs helminthes gastro-intestinaux, dont les œufs sont fréquemment retrouvés dans des échantillons archéologiques, ont été ciblés par une approche génétique. Il s’agit des vers plats Tæniasaginata, T. solium, T. asiatica, Echinococcus granulosus, E. multilocularis, Diphyllobothriumlatum, D. dendriticum et D. nihonkaiense, des nématodes Trichuris trichiura, Enterobiusvermicularis et Ascaris sp. et des douves Fasciola hepatica, F. gigantica, Dicrocoeliumdendriticum et D. chinensis.La méthode « aMPlex Torrent » permet de détecter, dans un grand nombre d’échantillons archéologiques, une faible quantité d’ADN de parasites. Cette approche combine la spécificité et la sensibilité de la PCR au haut-débit du séquençage de nouvelle génération. Plusieurs vestiges, provenant de périodes et de régions géographiques diverses, ont été analysés. Des résultats génétiques ont été obtenus pour des échantillons aussi anciens que 7200 BP. Nous avons par ailleurs obtenus les premières séquences anciennes de Taenia sp., Diphyllobothriumsp., Echinococcus sp., et les premières séquences européennes d’Enterobius vermicularis. Auvu de ces résultats, notre approche apparait comme étant complémentaire à la microscopie. / Palaeoparasitogy, the study of parasite remains from archaeological samples, is adiscipline that can highlight questions about the health status of the ancient populations. It can give important anthropological or ethnological information such as the diet and the hygiene conditions of past societies. The remains can be preserved as macroremains (worms or larvae),antigens, DNA or eggs. Because they are partially made of chitin, eggs of gastrointestinalhelminths resist well over time to the taphonomic degradation process. It is possible to distinguish between different families or genera of parasites by looking at the morphological features of eggs. However, since several taxa share common features, the determination is rarelypossible at the species level. For this thesis, several parasite species for which eggs arecommonly observed in archeological samples have been studied by a genetic approach. Westudied the tapeworms Tænia saginata, T. solium, T. asiatica, Echinococcus granulosus, E.multilocularis, Diphyllobothrium latum, D. dendriticum, and D. nihonkaiense; the nematodesTrichuris trichiura, Enterobius vermicularis, and Ascaris sp.; and the flukes Fasciola hepatica,F. gigantica, Dicrocoelium dendriticum, and D. chinensis.The “aMPlex Torrent” approach has been set up to detect minute amounts of DNA from parasites in multiple archaeological samples. This approach combines the specificity andsensitivity of PCR to the throughput of Next-Generation sequencing. Several samples have been analyzed by this approach. We obtained genetic results for samples as old as 7200 BP and from various geographical and archeological contexts. We obtained the first ancient DNA sequences for Taenia sp., Diphyllobothrium sp., Echinococcus sp. and the first European sequences forEnterobius vermicularis. Genetic analyses and microscopic observations appear to be complementary. Indeed, at least one taxon per sample was detected by one of the two approaches.

Modelos para dados de proporção: um estudo sobre a viabilidade de ovos do mosquito Aedes aegypti, mantidos em diferentes tipos de armazenamentos na Amazônia / Models for proportion data: a study about the viability of Aedes aegypti mosquito eggs, kept in different storage types in the Amazon

Pedro Marinho Amoêdo 09 June 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo estimar o tempo que os ovos de Aedes aegypti permanecem em condições de eclodir e produzir larvas viáveis após permanecerem armazenados por determinado tempo ( viabilidade) em diferentes tipos de recipientes. Para tal, usou-se a metodologia dos modelos lineares generalizados para dados na forma de proporção. Como função de ligação, optou-se pelas funções logística e probito, como preditores lineares retas paralelas e retas concorrentes. Foi realizado um experimento, em que procurou-se simular, tanto quanto possível, o efeito das condições ambientais que os ovos de Aedes aegypti são submetidos. Os ovos foram armazenados em três recipientes (copo plástico, saco plástico e envelope de papel) e tratados com água ao final de cada período de armazenamento estabelecido. Por meio do ajuste do modelo linear generalizado binomial com função de ligação logística e preditor linear retas paralelas, foi possível predizer a viabilidade dos ovos de Aedes aegypti. Como medidas da qualidade do ajuste, usou-se o desvio residual com valor de p (nível descritivo), calculado sobre os percentis da distribuição qui-quadrado e o gráfico de probabilidade normal padrão com envelope de simulação. Verificou-se comportamento semelhante entre saco plástico e envelope de papel com respeito a viabilidade estimada dos ovos de Aedes aegypti, ambos diferindo do recipiente copo plástico que apresentou a maior viabilidade. / This work had like objective estimate the time in which the Aedes aegypti eggs remain in hatch conditions and produce viable larvae after remain a certain time (viability) in different storage types. To this, the generalized linear models methodology for data in proportion form was used. As link function was chose the logistic and probit and like linear predictors, parallel and intersecting lines. Was conducted an experiment, in which were simulated as much as possible the effect of environmental conditions in which the Aedes aegypti eggs are submitted. The eggs were stored in three containers (plastic cup, plastic bag and paper envelope) and treated with water at the end of each storage period. With the fit of the binomial generalized linear model with logistic link function and parallel lines like linear predictor, was possible predict the viability of the Aedes aegypti eggs. As quality measures of fit, the residual deviance with p-value (descriptive level), calculated on the chi-square distribution percentiles and the standard normal probability plot with simulated envelope were used. It has been found similar behaviour between plastic bag and paper envelope with respect to estimated viability of the Aedes aegypti eggs, both differing from the plastic cup that presents the highest viability.

Maternal diet and essential fatty acid metabolism in progeny chickens

Bullock, Cheri Jean 07 February 2013 (has links)
During the 21 day incubation period, the fertile egg provides nutrients such as fatty acids for energy and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) for membrane synthesis to the developing chick. The hypothesis tested in the present study is that the type of PUFA fed to the breeder hen can alter tissue lipid composition and PUFA metabolism in the progeny during growth. The objective of the present study was to test two different sources of PUFA (n-3 or n-6) on: 1) egg production, egg, and chick quality; and 2) changes in tissue PUFA composition and metabolism in progeny during growth. Fertilized eggs (n=240) were collected from Ross breeder hens (n=45) fed one of the three experimental diets containing 3.5% fish (long chain n-3), flax (18:3 n-3), or safflower oil (18:2 n-6). The egg and yolk weight was lowest for eggs from hens fed fish oil (P=0.09, P=0.02). The chick weight on day of hatch was 41.2, 45.3, and 43.3g, for fish, flax, and safflower, respectively (P=0.003). In the second experiment fertilized eggs were collected from Lohman Brown layer hens (n=75) fed a control, high n-3, or low n-3 diet. Chicks were raised up to day 14 on a control diet lacking long-chain n-6 and n-3 fatty acids. Chick tissue samples (gastrointestinal tract, liver, and blood) were collected on day 1, 7, and 14 and were subjected to fatty acid (FA) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) analysis. The long-chain n-6 to long chain n-3 ratio was lowest in the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, and liver from chicks hatched from fish oil fed hens (P<0.001) up to day 14. Interleukin-6 was lowest in liver (P=0.009) and serum on day of hatch, for fish oil chicks. The results from this study show that the diet fed to breeder hens alters progeny tissue PUFA composition and lipid metabolism during early development in avians. The long term effects of maternal diet manipulation on progeny growth and lipid metabolism need to be investigated in detail. / Graduation date: 2013

Comparative reproductive strategies between long-tailed ducks and king eiders at Karrak Lake, Nunavut: use of energy resources during the nesting season

Lawson, Shona Louise 21 September 2006
Energy demands can be particularly high in arctic-nesting birds that face harsh, unpredictable conditions during the breeding season. Consequences of these demands, particularly energy-partitioning during egg laying and incubation, are fundamentally important for arctic nesters. This study investigated differences in breeding strategies between Long-tailed Duck (<i>Clangula hyemalis</i>) and King Eider (<i>Somateria spectabilis</i>) in the central Canadian arctic. The focus was on ecological variables and influences of variation in nutrient resources used during incubation and egg production. Research was done at Karrak Lake, Nunavut, where both species nest sympatrically at relatively high densities, permitting comparative research about breeding strategies.<p>This study used stable-carbon (d13C) and nitrogen (d15N) isotope analysis to investigate origins and allocation of endogenous (stored) and exogenous (external) nutrients used in egg production. Remote temperature sensors were placed in nests to estimate and compare incubation rhythms and gain insight into capital and income incubating strategies of both species. Results suggest that breeding Long-tailed Ducks and King Eiders used a mixed breeding strategy, that is they relied on both exogenous and endogenous resources for reproduction. Close correspondence between d13C and d15N values of egg components and potential diet items indicated that King Eiders allocated exogenous nutrients for egg production (albumen 98.1%, yolk protein 96.8%, whole yolk 98.4%, and yolk lipids 84%). Female King Eiders relied on endogenous nutrients for incubation, as evidenced by high incubation constancy (96%). Conversely, the range of d13C values in components of Long-tailed Duck eggs and d13C values of diet items suggested that although some females allocated endogenous reserves for egg production, most females allocated exogenous resources for egg production (albumen 98.5%, yolk protein 78.3%, whole yolk 84.9%, and yolk lipids 38.3%). Long-tailed Duck females had an 84% incubation constancy, suggesting less reliance on endogenous nutrients for incubation than was estimated for female King Eiders. Knowledge about the relative importance of endogenous reserves and exogenous nutrients for egg production and incubation may help direct management decisions to specific winter/staging and or breeding areas used by King Eiders and Long-tailed Ducks.

Life history and environmental influences on avian incubation and parental care in songbirds

Austin-Bythell, Suzanne H. 13 March 2015 (has links)
Patterns of nest attendance behavior by breeding birds represent a parent-offspring trade-off in which adults balance self-maintenance with parental care decisions. Incubation, in particular, is of interest because adults must provide an environment suitable for embryonic development through nest-building and contact-incubation. We evaluated how adult incubation constancy and nest visitation rates varied with life and natural history traits of temperate and tropical bird species. We found that constancy did not differ by latitude or with nest survival rate. A strong negative correlation between incubation constancy and egg mass relative to adult body mass was present. Birds with low constancy tended to have larger relative egg masses and higher basal metabolic rate. Because adult incubation constancy is relatively plastic (i.e., varies with ambient temperature), birds with larger relative eggs may respond to lower cooling rates rather than direct selection for higher or lower constancy. We then assessed if rates of nest visitation (trips to nests by adults during incubation and nestling phases) followed the predictions of the Skutch hypothesis. Skutch suggested that birds nesting in environments with high levels of nest predation would reduce numbers of trips to their nests so as to minimize the risk of visual detection by nest predators. We found support for the basic pattern predicted by Skutch. We also extended his hypothesis to predict other behavior associated with nesting, such as responses of parents to intruders at the nest. Despite apparently early departure from the nest site, adults with higher visitation rates remained conspicuous around the nest site. Thus, while the flight initiation distance from the human observer was earlier than expected, conspicuousness of behavior was associated with nest visitation rate. Finally, we assessed how an environmental variable, photoperiod, might influence rate of embryonic development in a wild songbird, Sylvia atricapilla. We exposed eggs throughout the incubation period to daily photoperiods consisting of 4 hours of light and 20 hours of dark (4L), 12 hours light and 12 hours dark (12L), 20 hours light and 4 hours dark (20L) and a skeleton photoperiod with two 1-hour pulses of light that framed a 20-hour day. We found that the skeleton treatment group differed significantly from our 4L and 12L, but not the 20L treatment groups. The skeleton photoperiod accelerated embryonic development. We suggest that photoperiod may influence incubation period in wild birds and could account for some portion of the widely observed latitudinal variation in incubation period of songbirds. We encourage others to assess how photoperiod interacts with parental attendance patterns to affect embryonic development. / Graduation date: 2013 / Access restricted to the OSU Community at author's request from March 13, 2013 - March 13, 2015

Oological Record of Dinosaurs in South-Central Pyrenees (SW Europe): Parataxonomy, diversity and biostratigraphical implications

Garcia Sellés, Albert 22 June 2012 (has links)
Southern Pyrenees has provided an abundant fossil record of dinosaur eggs and eggshells. Historically, the oofamily Megaloolithidae has shown its predominance over any other group of fossil eggs in this region. In addition, this oofamily is world-wide distributed being represented by, at least, four oogenus and 20 oospeices. Considering that the eggshell is a high stable structure, this number of Megaloolithus‘s oospecies is too high for such a relatively short time-interval (Campanian to Maastrichtian; less than 7 My). The structural characters used to define these oospecies are critically revised. As a consequence, three structural groups have been identified, and only ten oospecies have been considered valid. Four of those oospecies have been recognized in Southern Pyrenees: M. aureliensis, M. sirugei, M. mamillare and M. baghensis. The oogenus Cairanoolithus, historically included in Megaloolithidae oofamily, is reevaluated. All evidences suggest that this type of fossil egg is, definitively, different from any other Megaloolithus. Consequently, a new oofamily is erected (Cairanoolithidae oofam. nov), which emphasizes the singularity of cairanoolithid eggs. Phylogenetical analysis also suggests that the eggs of Cairanoolithidae oofam. nov. could be laid by ornithischian dinosaurs. New oological material is described here, including the first spheroolithid oospecies (Spheroolithus oosp. nov.) from the Upper Cretaceous of Europe. Several oospecies of Prismatoolithus (Prismatoolithus oosp. nov, Prismatoolithus cf. levis, Prismatoolithus oosp. indet.) and few eggshells of ratite-morphotype (cf. Ageroolithus fontllonguensis) have been identified. In addition, the great number of specimens attributed to Pseudogeckoolithus oogenus allows re-describing and re-assigning this ootaxon to Mesozoic lizards. The space-temporal variation of the oological diversity in the Southern Pyrenees could be a consequence of environmental changes during the end-Cretaceous or even due to preferences in the nesting-site of each group of dinosaurs. Finally, biostratigraphical studies based on the successions of megaloolithid oospecies have been performed in Coll de Nargó and Àger-Tremp basins, and the European Megaloolithus succession has been updated. As a result, three oozonones have been described: M. aureliensis + Cairanoolithus oozone dates the Late Campanian, M. siruguei oozone the Early Maastrichtian and M. mamillare + M. baghensis oozone the Late Maastrichtian.

Molecular physiology of a teleost oocyte aquaporin: evolution, regulation and role during oocyte hydration / Fisiología molecular de una acuaporina ovocitaria de teleósteos: Evolución, regulación y papel durante la hidratación del oocito

Zapater Cardona, Cinta 10 June 2013 (has links)
In marine teleosts that spawn pelagic eggs (pelagophils), the process of oocyte hydration that occurs during meiosis resumption is a key physiological process for the survival of the eggs in the ocean. Previous studies have discovered the role of a teleost-specific aquaporin water channel (Aqp1b) during fish oocyte hydration, but direct experimental evidence for the function of Aqp1b in oocytes is still lacking. In addition, the molecular regulation of the Aqp1b-mediated mechanism remains poorly understood. In this context, the main objectives of the present thesis were to investigate the evolutionary origin of aqp1ab in teleosts, to provide functional evidence of the role of Aqp1b during oocyte hydration, and to begin to dissect the molecular mechanisms involved in the transcriptional regulation of aqp1b in the oocyte of marine teleosts. By integrating the molecular phylogeny with synteny and structural analyses we show that the teleost aqp1aa and -1ab paralogs (previously annotated as aqp1a and -1b, respectively) arose by tandem duplication, and that the Aqp1ab C-terminus is the most rapidly evolving subdomain within the vertebrate aquaporin superfamily. The functional role of Aqp1ab was investigated in Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus), a marine acanthomorph teleost that spawns one of the largest pelagic eggs known. Using immunological inhibition of Aqp1ab in halibut oocytes and artificial expression of the halibut paralog Aqp1aa, we demonstrate that Aqp1ab is required for full hydration of oocytes undergoing meiotic maturation. To investigate the aqp1ab transcriptional regulation in oocytes, we isolated the 5’-flanking region of the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) aqp1ab gene which contains regulatory cis-elements for the nuclear progestin receptor (Pgr) and SOX transcription factors. The Pgr, as well as sox3 and -8b transcripts, are co-expressed in seabream oo-gonia, whereas in primary growth oocytes, when aqp1ab mRNA and protein are synthesized, the Pgr is translocated into the nucleus. In contrast, sox9b is highly expressed in more advanced oocytes showing the depletion of aqp1ab transcripts. In the seabream, four different pgr transcript variants are expressed in primary growth ovaries which are generated by alternative pre-mRNA splicing. Seabream wild-type Pgr shows the highest transactivation response to progestins such as 17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20β-P) and 17α,20β,21-trihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20β,21-P), whereas two of the N-terminally truncated Pgr isoforms regulate novel nuclear and cytosolic mechanisms of dominant-negative repression of Pgr-mediated transcription. Transactivation assays on the aqp1ab promoter demonstrated that aqp1ab transcription is dependent on wild-type Pgr, with Sox3 and -8b acting synergistically, while Sox9b acts as a repressor. Incubation of primary ovarian explants in vitro with 17,20β-P, followed by chromatin immunoprecipitation, confirmed that 17,20β-P-activated Pgr enhanced aqp1ab promoter activation. The production of 17,20β-P in seabream primary growth ovaries in vivo was consistent with the expression of P450c17-II (Cyp17a2) and 20β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (Cbr1), enzymes needed for progestins synthesis, in granulosa cells associated with primary growth oocytes, and with a high concentration of 17,20β-P. Incubation of primary ovarian explants with recombinant piscine follicle-stimulating hormone (rFsh) in vitro stimulated 17,20β-P synthesis, which was reduced in the presence of Cbr1 inhibitors. The rFsh-mediated production of 17,20β-P correlated with the up-regulation of cyp17a2 and cbr1 transcription, as well as of wild-type pgr mRNA and protein levels. Altogether, these data suggest that aqp1ab transcription in seabream primary growth oocytes is under Fsh regulation through the synthesis of progestins. The results of this thesis show that the Aqp1ab mediated mechanism for oocyte hy-dration is likely conserved in marine teleosts. In addition, the tight transcriptional reg-ulation of Aqp1ab during oogenesis highlights the essential physiological role of this water channel and opens new research avenues for understanding the molecular basis of egg formation in marine fish. / La hidratación de los oocitos de teleósteos marinos que producen huevos pelágicos es clave para la supervivencia de los embriones en el océano. Estudios previos han descu-bierto el papel de una acuaporina específica de teleósteos (Aqp1b) durante este proceso, pero se carece todavía de evidencias experimentales directas, así como información sobre la regulación molecular de la Aqp1ab. En la presente tesis, estudios iniciales con el fletan Atlántico (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) confirman que los parálogos aqp1aa y -1ab de teleósteos han surgido probablemente por duplicación génica en tándem, y han demostrado el papel esencial de la Aqp1ab durante la hidratación del oocito. Para investigar el control transcripcional del gen aqp1ab en los oocitos de la dorada (Sparus aurata) se ha aislado su región promotora, la cual contiene elementos cis-reguladores de unión al receptor nuclear de progestinas (Pgr), como la 17α,20β-dihidroxi-4-pregnen-3-ona (17,20β-P), y factores de transcripción Sox. Estudios de localización subcelular indican que el Pgr aparece en el citoplasma de las oogonias, así como en el núcleo de oocitos en crecimiento primario (pre-vitelogénicos) coincidiendo con la activación de la expresión de aqp1ab. En este estadio también se expresan cuatro isoformas diferentes del Pgr, dos de las cuales pueden inhibir la transcripción mediada por el Pgr de forma dominante negativa. Las oogonias también expresan sox3 y -8b, mientras que el sox9b aparece en el estadio de alveolo cortical, cuando se reduce la expresión de aqp1ab. Ex-perimentos de transactivación indican que el Pgr activa la transcripción de aqp1ab, con Sox3 y -8b actuando de forma sinérgica, mientras que el Sox9b reprime este mecanismo. El papel del Pgr se ha investigado sobre explantes ováricos pre-vitelogénicos incubados in vitro, lo cual ha demostrado que la 17,20β-P, producida en las células de la granulosa en respuesta a la hormona folículo estimulante, activa el promotor de aqp1ab en el oocito induciendo la síntesis de Aqp1ab. Los resultados de esta tesis revelan por primera vez una estricta regulación transcripcional del gen aqp1ab durante la oogénesis de teleósteos marinos, lo cual remarca la función fisiológica esencial de este canal de agua durante la formación de los huevos pelágicos.

Comparative reproductive strategies between long-tailed ducks and king eiders at Karrak Lake, Nunavut: use of energy resources during the nesting season

Lawson, Shona Louise 21 September 2006 (has links)
Energy demands can be particularly high in arctic-nesting birds that face harsh, unpredictable conditions during the breeding season. Consequences of these demands, particularly energy-partitioning during egg laying and incubation, are fundamentally important for arctic nesters. This study investigated differences in breeding strategies between Long-tailed Duck (<i>Clangula hyemalis</i>) and King Eider (<i>Somateria spectabilis</i>) in the central Canadian arctic. The focus was on ecological variables and influences of variation in nutrient resources used during incubation and egg production. Research was done at Karrak Lake, Nunavut, where both species nest sympatrically at relatively high densities, permitting comparative research about breeding strategies.<p>This study used stable-carbon (d13C) and nitrogen (d15N) isotope analysis to investigate origins and allocation of endogenous (stored) and exogenous (external) nutrients used in egg production. Remote temperature sensors were placed in nests to estimate and compare incubation rhythms and gain insight into capital and income incubating strategies of both species. Results suggest that breeding Long-tailed Ducks and King Eiders used a mixed breeding strategy, that is they relied on both exogenous and endogenous resources for reproduction. Close correspondence between d13C and d15N values of egg components and potential diet items indicated that King Eiders allocated exogenous nutrients for egg production (albumen 98.1%, yolk protein 96.8%, whole yolk 98.4%, and yolk lipids 84%). Female King Eiders relied on endogenous nutrients for incubation, as evidenced by high incubation constancy (96%). Conversely, the range of d13C values in components of Long-tailed Duck eggs and d13C values of diet items suggested that although some females allocated endogenous reserves for egg production, most females allocated exogenous resources for egg production (albumen 98.5%, yolk protein 78.3%, whole yolk 84.9%, and yolk lipids 38.3%). Long-tailed Duck females had an 84% incubation constancy, suggesting less reliance on endogenous nutrients for incubation than was estimated for female King Eiders. Knowledge about the relative importance of endogenous reserves and exogenous nutrients for egg production and incubation may help direct management decisions to specific winter/staging and or breeding areas used by King Eiders and Long-tailed Ducks.

Behavioural, reproductive and growth studies on Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters 1852)

Weber, Raimund Michael. January 2010 (has links)
A major obstacle facing the successful creation of an African aquaculture industry, based upon Oreochromids, is the irregular supply of good quality fish seed. There are several causative biological processes behind its irregular supply. The aim of this research was therefore to determine the basic requirements for the establishment and maintenance of a small breeding facility, for O. mossambicus. The goal was to make a unit that was simple and which could be easily replicated in rural, satellite aquaculture seed stations. The results obtained illustrate that a small reproduction unit can produce large quantities of healthy 90-day fry. Asynchronous hatching of the eggs and spawning asynchrony in female Oreochromis mossambicus are two elements which negatively affect uniformity in the fry produced. Typical fish seed production uses large ponds partitioned into breeding allotments or a series of breeding pools. While the earthen ponds provide a substrate in which a nest can be excavated, its presence is not required for mating success in the closely related O. niloticus (Linneaus 1758). Female mate choice, as well as apparent fecundity, according to nest size has been clearly recorded in related cichlids but no investigations have been made as to nest size and spawning synchrony in O. mossambicus. The main focus of this investigation was to ascertain whether O. mossambicus would accept artificial nest substitutes in preference to their own constructed ones and secondly, whether different alternatives would elicit different levels of acceptance. The observed results indicate a ready acceptance for artificial nest alternatives, with nest lip height being prioritised by the fish . The implications thereof are discussed in relation to the potential for optimization of breeding arenas for O. mossambicus by the provision of artificial nests whose dimensions satisfy both male and female preferences. In established communities, Oreochromis mossambicus display various complex and ritualised behaviours during stable and disruptive events. The aim of this research was primarily to produce a glossary of behaviours defining these interactions, particularly with reference to male-male behaviours. Three males and six females were allowed to acclimatise over one month, with various social groupings being established within the first few days. Results from this study illustrated not only a dynamic social structure, signaled via various chemosensory and visual methods, but also supported recent findings in apparent male-male courtship and the underlying ii causes. Furthermore, the observed male-male activity of the nestholder malesfirmly corroborate the current practice in aquaculture whereby only one male is allocated per breeding arena. The use of artificial incubation of Oreochromis spp. eggs has become widespread in high intensity fish seed production. Various types of incubator exist, and their selection is dependent on the specific attributes of the egg to be incubated. Currently available incubators are typically of a funnel (up-flow) or round bottomed (down-flow) design. Neither permits easy access to the eggs, which is particularly important when dealing with poor quality water as is typically found in rural areas. The aim of this study was to devise and test an easy-to-use incubator, applicable to rural seed production projects, which offers advantages over currently available incubator types. The final design, WETNURSE Type II, offered improved hatching rates over Type I, with a mean hatching success of 75%. While falling short of the desired 80% success rate (Rana 1986), the various other benefits provided by the design justify further optimization and testing. Three distinct populations of O. mossambicus, representing populations of inbred, randomly mated and genetically unknown (wild-caught) pedigree were analysed according to their food conversion efficiency (FCE). The intra- and inter-sample crosses were done with single males in order to produce half-sib progeny batches which allowed for the assessment of sire influences on the FCE of the progeny batches. The results show that the population of unknown pedigree is comparable to that of the randomly mating population, indicating the presence of sufficient genetic variation to permit further selection; the genetic contribution of the males to their respective progeny was insignificant in relation to that made by the female.

The use of enzyme supplementation for wheat-barley diets in poultry as a means of improving productive performance.

January 2010 (has links)
The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of an exogenous multi-blend enzyme ( -glucanase and xylanase) on the performance of the broiler chickens and laying hens fed diets based on wheat and barley. Experiments were conducted on a flock of broilers and two flocks of laying hens. In both cases feed and water were provided ad libitum. The enzyme effect of enzyme addition on the broiler performance involved 2080 day-old male and female chicks in 48 pens, allocated one of four dietary treatments (0, 50, 100 or 200g/ton enzyme supplementation), to 35 days of age. On day 35, ten birds from each treatment were sacrificed for the analysis of the digestive organs weight (gizzards and livers). The trial was divided into two phases: a starter (1 to 21 d) and grower (22 to 35 d). Feed consumption was measured weekly and birds were also weighed weekly. The investigation of enzyme effect in laying hen diets involved 896 birds for each specific period. Each replicate consisted of four cages (four birds per cage) with a common feeder; 16 hens/pen of 56 pens. Eggs were weighed three times a week, feed consumption weekly and birds every weeks. The addition of a multi-blend enzyme significantly improve body weight, body weight gain, food intake, and feed conversion ratio for both sexes (P<0.05) in broiler chickens. There was a significant improvement in egg production in laying hens (P<0.05). Egg weight and egg mass were not significantly improved. Wheat and barley have cell wall components (arabinoxylans and -glucans respectively) which have a negative effect on the nutritive value of these feeds and therefore performance in poultry fed diets based on these ingredients. Addition of an exogenous multi-blend enzyme( -glucanase and xylanase) could help reduce these effects and improve performance and digestibility values in poultry. The null hypothesis was there will be no difference between supplemented and un-supplemented diets based on wheat and barley in performance of poultry. The results of this study suggest that the inclusion of 50 g/ton enzyme helps improve poultry performance, especially in young birds. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2010.

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