Spelling suggestions: "subject:"colaboration"" "subject:"collaboration""
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Execução de obras de urbanização de favelas: Favela Jardim Santo André - Santo André, Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. / Execution of slums upgrading construction works: Jardim Santo André Slum - Santo André, Metropolitan Region of São Paulo.Júlia Maria Strazdas Martins Ferreira 29 June 2006 (has links)
A urbanização de favelas consiste em uma intervenção prioritariamente governamental que busca adequar sítios irregulares através de melhoria das condições de moradia e de saúde de seus moradores. Verifica-se, decorrente de diversos motivos, alterações entre o que é projetado e o que é executado, suscitando um questionamento sobre qual o nível de detalhamento dos projetos é suficiente para subsidiar as obras. Por meio de um estudo de caso, esta pesquisa investiga quais são as dificuldades na implementação de projetos em campo; as reais possibilidades do projeto; os motivos que promovem alterações nos projetos no momento da obra; e as possibilidades de contorná-los. Da descrição do caso observou-se a necessidade de adequação dos produtos e de melhoria na socialização das informações. Da análise do cadastro da obra foram verificadas as execuções que contrariaram as orientações dos projetos, tanto decorrentes da necessidade de ajustes locais, quanto de desobediência ou incompreensão das soluções. Das entrevistas constatou-se que, em função de cada intervenção, há necessidade de graus de detalhamento diferenciados para cada item de projeto e para cada etapa de elaboração. Conclui-se pela necessidade de aprimoramento do processo de implementação do empreendimento para obtenção de resultados mais eficazes. / Slums upgrading consists in an intervention mainly governmental that aims to adequate irregular sites by improving the dwelling and health conditions of their inhabitants. Due to several reasons, there are changes comparing what is designed and what is executed, which raises questions about how detailed the designs should be to subsidize the construction works. By means of a case study, the present research investigates the difficulties faced in the implementation of designs on the field; the real possibilities of the design; the reasons that promote changes in the designs when the construction work is started; and the possibilities to skirt them. The case description showed the need to adequate the products and to improve the socialization of information. The analysis of the construction work as built revealed the executions that contradicted the designs orientations, deriving both from the need of local adjustments and from disobedience or misunderstanding of the solutions. The interviews showed that, to each intervention, different degrees of detail are necessary for each item of the design and for each elaboration stage. In conclusion, it was found that the implementation process of the project must be perfected so that more efficient results are obtained.
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Contribuição ao estudo dos processos de gerenciamento e da complexidade dos projetos / Contribution to the study of management processes and complexity of projectsRicardo Toshio Yugue 06 December 2011 (has links)
Os projetos são realizados por meio de processos e técnicas de gerenciamento cuja seleção está relacionada ao contexto no qual são realizados, sendo a complexidade um de seus componentes. Ainda não há uma definição única e amplamente aceita para o conceito de complexidade em relação aos projetos. Alguns autores a relacionam ao ineditismo, às interdependências e à tecnologia. Outros adotam uma abordagem holística, e outros, ainda, a avaliam sob uma conotação subjetiva. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa objetivou estudar a complexidade dos projetos, sob a perspectiva de seus gerentes, e a sua relação com o uso dos diferentes processos de gerenciamento. A metodologia adotada pela pesquisa considerou o estado atual do conhecimento sobre o tema. Assim, ela pode ser classificada como não experimental, quantitativa e com alcance predominantemente exploratório. O universo da pesquisa foi composto por gerentes de projetos que trabalham no Brasil. A amostragem foi por conveniência e foi usado um questionário eletrônico (e-survey) como instrumento de pesquisa. Participaram da pesquisa 313 profissionais que atuam no gerenciamento de projetos. A pesquisa constatou a existência de relação da complexidade dos projetos com a frequência de uso de processos e técnicas de gerenciamento relacionadas à fase de planejamento e à gestão de pessoas. A pesquisa, complementarmente, constatou que a definição do escopo dos produtos dos projetos teria relação com projetos de alta ou muito alta complexidade, e que é plausível considerar que a complexidade dos projetos não se deva a uma característica ou fator específico, mas sim a uma composição de fatores. / Projects are carried out through management techniques and processes, whose selection is related to the context in which they are conducted and the complexity is presented as one of their components. There is no unique definition and thoroughly accepted for the complexity concept with regard to the projects yet. Some authors relate it to the uniqueness, to the interdependences and to the technology. However, others authors adopt holistic approach and others evaluate it under a subjective connotation. This research aimed to study the complexity of projects, under their managers\' perspective, and its relation to the use of a set of project management processes. The methodology adopted by the research considered the current status of the knowledge about the theme. Thus, this research can be classified as no experimental, quantitative and exploratory. The research population was composed by Projects Managers that are working in Brazil. The sample was chosen by convenience and an electronic questionnaire (e-survey) was used as research instrument. The sample was composed by 313 project managers. The survey found the existence of relationship between the complexity of the projects and the frequency of use of processes and management techniques related to planning phase and to managing people. In addition, it has been verified on the research that the definition of the scope of the projects products would have relation to the projects considered as of high or very high complexity. It is also reasonable to consider that the complexity of the projects should be not related to a specific characteristic, but to a set of factors.
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Retail Investors' Perceptions of Financial Disclosures on Social Media: An Experimental Investigation Using TwitterSnow, Neal Michael 27 March 2015 (has links)
Historically, companies disseminated financial information via the press release. The ability to disseminate information now exists on multiple "new media" channels beyond just the press release, with each channel reaching a different audience. With the different channels of communication come different connotations and associations that people have about the channels, which may affect the interpretation of the message, thereby altering management's ability to effectively communicate with stakeholders. I investigate whether retail investors' processing of financial information disclosures is dependent upon the fit between the channel and the type of information sent on the channel. Using the Elaboration Likelihood Model, I experimentally test how good and bad financial information posted on a social media channel, Twitter, compares to a more traditional channel, a company investor relations page where financial information is traditionally posted. I find that Twitter is associated with investors processing financial information unconsciously on the peripheral route while conscious or central route processing is associated with information coming from the company's investor relations page. Additionally, I find that investors have lower perceptions of management credibility after viewing financial disclosures on a company's Twitter feed than after viewing the same disclosures on the company's investor relations page.
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Impact of product involvement and consumer expertise on online consumer review for consumer purchase intentionTabassum, Sinin, Fahad, Md Soud Al January 2020 (has links)
Purpose: To investigate the effects of online reviews on consumer purchase intention considering the moderating role of product involvement and consumer expertise. Methodology: To reach our goal in this paper, we conduct a descriptive study in a deductive way. This is quantitative research in which the relationship between online reviews and consumer buying behavior will be tested. The research strategy of the study is an online survey. The sample size is 200 respondents considering confidence level 95% and confidence interval 7. Data editor IBM SPSS is used to performing the data analysis. Findings: High-low product involvement and high-low consumer expertise have an impact on the factor of online review (quality, quantity, and credibility) significantly and it affects the purchase intention of the consumer. The study created a conceptual model, which is adapted from the ELM model that considers expertise, involvement, perceived quality, quantity credibility of online consumer review and intent to purchase. This study found that the effect of review type (quality) on the intention of purchase was stronger for both experts and novice and both high-low involvement products. Depending on the level of involvement, the quantity of review on purchase intention increases but the quantity of review on the intention to purchase did not differ under both low involvement & high expertise. Again, individuals rely on source credibility when product involvement is low. But the credibility of the review did not differ on the purchase of intention under low involvement and low expertise situation. Research implications: This study applies the ELM model to measure the cognitive factor (review factor) and motivation factor (involvement and expertise) together. This study shows consumers with different levels of involvement and expertise prefer different levels of online review factors. The marketer could classify online review information into different category lines like the attribute-based review, benefit-based review, etc. and based on the analysis, the marketer can make a different plan for a different level of consumer (expert and involved consumer). Keywords: Quality, quantity, and credibility of review, Product involvement, consumer expertise, elaboration likelihood model (ELM Model).
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[pt] A comunicação boca-a-boca sempre desempenhou um importante papel no
processo decisório do consumidor, como fonte de informação relevante e
confiável. A Internet possibilitou que consumidores pudessem compartilhar suas
avaliações sobre marcas, produtos e serviços com um incontável número de
pessoas, dando origem à comunicação boca-a-boca eletrônica. Este estudo
concentra-se na comunicação boca-a-boca que acontece nas lojas virtuais, onde os
consumidores compartilham suas opiniões, positivas ou negativas, sobre os
produtos comercializados no site. Com base no modelo Elaboration Likelihood
Model, este trabalho avaliou o efeito da quantidade e da qualidade das avaliações
negativas disponibilizadas nos sites de compras na atitude e na intenção de
compra dos consumidores, utilizando o comprometimento com a marca como
moderador deste efeito. Utilizando uma loja virtual para realização do
experimento, onde foram disponibilizadas avaliações sobre a câmera digital Sony,
foi possível verificar em quais condições avaliações negativas influenciam
negativamente a atitude e intenção de compra. Os resultados obtidos ajudam a
complementar as pesquisas já realizadas e ampliam a compreensão sobre o
assunto. / [en] Word-of-mouth plays an important role as a communication channel during
consumer decision processes, as a relevant and reliable source of information.
Internet has allowed consumers to share online their opinions and evaluations
with consumers all over the world. This study focused on word-of-mouth
published on web stores, where consumers share their positive or negative
opinions about products that are available at the store. Based on the Elaboration
Likelihood Model, an experiment was carried out to evaluate effects of quantity
and quality of negative online reviews on attitude and purchasing intention and
the moderating effect of brand commitment. Results contribute to the knowledge
about online consumer reviews and its influence on purchase behavior.
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Návrh technologie výroby zátky z plastu / Design of manufacturing technology for plastic plugKočí, Ivan January 2009 (has links)
This graduation theses analyse a concept of plastic plug production using the technology of injecting plastic into the form. There is performed a design of the technologic process with necessary calculations included here. Besides that the analysis is also focused on construction of the injection form. For the solution the 3D CAD system by SolidWorks and Hasco, Meusburger, Synventive normals were used. The graduation theses is finally valorized by technological-economic summary.
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A qualitative study of self-identity and cultural ideals impact on Swedish females within Gen Z’s purchase behaviorBengtsson, Julia, Menninge, Cecilia January 2020 (has links)
Title: A qualitative study within retail of self-identity and cultural ideals impact on Swedish females within Generation Z’s purchase behaviour Authors: Cecilia Menninge & Julia Bengtsson Institution: Linnaeus University, School of Business and Economics. Program: Detaljhandel and Service Management (180hp), Customer Experience Management (180 hp) Course: 2FE67E Supervisor: MaxMikael Wilde Björling Examiner: Miralem Helmefalk Purpose: The purpose of this study is to, through interpretation and analysis of females within Gen Z, create knowledge and understanding of how self-identity and cultural ideals affect purchase behaviour Method: An interview study that addresses the topic of identity and cultural ideals impact on purchase behaviour. The study was conducted with a deductive approach and a qualitative method Conclusions: There is a versatile relationship between identity and Swedish females purchase behaviour in fashion. Self-image affects their purchase behaviour as Swedish females are highly conscious of their appearance. Swedish females in Generation Z follows the peripheral route in the Elaboration likelihood model.
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[pt] A presente pesquisa buscou investigar a atuação dos professores formuladores, na elaboração dos Cadernos Pedagógicos de História da Secretaria Municipal de Educação do Rio de Janeiro (SME/RJ), com o intuito de integrar a política oficial e o que é necessário para o trabalho do professor em sala de aula.
O contexto da investigação foi de uma nova política educacional elaborada para o município do Rio de Janeiro, o que provocou mudanças no currículo das escolas. O referencial teórico utilizado inclui: ciclo de políticas de Ball e Bowe (1992), conceitos de política curricular de Lopes (2004), conceitos sobre materiais e livros didáticos de Bittencourt (2011a, 2011b) e Munakata (2007, 2012). A metodologia utilizada seguiu os princípios de um estudo qualitativo, utilizando a entrevista, realizada com os cinco integrantes da equipe que formulou os Cadernos Pedagógicos de História da SME/RJ, para a coleta de dados. As conclusões revelaram que mesmo diante de uma política curricular prescritiva e de uma política de metas e premiações, os professores elaboradores procuraram formular um material adequado às necessidades dos professores e alunos da rede. Esta equipe defendeu a liberdade do professor na utilização do material e teve como objetivo produzir um material de apoio para o professor, que o auxiliasse com novas ideias, textos e atividades apropriadas aos alunos. Assim, é possível afirmar que as ações dos elaboradores dos Cadernos Pedagógicos de História no contexto da produção do texto modificaram a política. / [en] This research investigates the role of developer teachers in the elaboration of the Cadernos Pedagógicos de História da Secretaria Municipal de Educação do Rio de Janeiro (SME/RJ) (History Pedagogical Materials of the Municipal Education Secretariat of Rio de Janeiro), in order to integrate the official policy and the necessary resources for teachers to work in the classroom. The context of the research was a new educational policy developed for the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, which led to changes in the curriculum of schools. The theoretical references include: policy cycle approuch by Ball and Bowe (1992), curriculum policy concepts by Lopes (2004), concepts on resource materials and textbooks by Bittencourt (2011a, 2011b) and Munakata (2007, 2012). The methodology followed the principles of a qualitative study, using interview held with the five members of the team that developed the Cadernos Pedagógicos de História da Secretaria Municipal de Educação do Rio de Janeiro SME/RJ, for data collection. The conclusions revealed that even when facing a prescriptive curriculum policy and awards policy, the elaborator teachers sought to create resource materials suitable to the needs of municipal school teachers and students. This team defended the teachers freedom in the use of resource materials and aimed to produce support resources to help them with new ideas, texts and appropriate activities for the students. Thus, it is possible to state that the actions of the elaborators of Cadernos Pedagógicos de História – in the context of text production – have changed the policy.
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The Influence of Social Distance and Attitudes on Processing Health Messages about Electronic Cigarettes on Social MediaWilcox, Shelby 24 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Talking about Narrative Messages: The Interaction between Elaboration and Interpersonal ValidationRader, Kara 13 November 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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