Spelling suggestions: "subject:"embodiment"" "subject:"ambodiment""
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Специфика восприятия спортивной женской телесности в современной российской культуре : магистерская диссертация / Perception patterns of female athletic embodiment in contemporary Russian cultureМозолева, И. И., Mozoleva, I. I. January 2016 (has links)
В диссертации анализируется специфика восприятия женской телесности и конструирования представлений об идеальном женском спортивном теле в современной российской культуре. Предложена авторская модель телесности, включающая эстетический, функциональный и социальный аспекты. Определены особенности восприятия разных типов женской спортивной телесности молодыми российскими мужчинами. / The dissertation explores the patterns guiding the perception of female embodiment and the construction of idealized female athletic body images in contemporary Russian culture. The author proposes an original model of embodiment combining aesthetic, functional and social aspects. The text identifies patterns governing young Russian males’ perceptions of differing types of female athletic embodiment.
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Projektiv-Evaluatives Priming / Konzepte und MechanismenWeinreich, André 28 November 2011 (has links)
Eine Vielzahl von Studien zeigt, dass die Valenz eines Reizes nicht nur das Entscheidungs- und Urteilsverhalten gegenüber diesem, sondern auch gegenüber nachfolgenden Reizen beeinflusst. Jedoch ist nicht ausreichend untersucht, wie eine solche kontextuelle emotionale Stimulation Einfluss auf nachfolgende Urteile und Entscheidungen einer Person nimmt. Repräsentativ für eine Vielzahl ähnlicher Prozeduren habe ich in der vorliegenden Arbeit jene funktionellen Mechanismen untersucht, die dem Einfluss der Valenz einer Stimulation auf nachfolgende bewertende Urteile unterliegen. Dabei habe ich mich auf das Paradigma des Projektiv Evaluativen Priming (PEP) konzentriert, in welchem die zu beurteilenden Reize emotional neutral sind. Die Ergebnisse des ersten Teils der Arbeit legen nahe, dass Priming durch supraliminal präsentierte Primes unabhängig von der Prime-Klasse (Wörter, Bilder von Umweltszenen, Bilder von Gesichtsausdrücken), zuverlässig auftritt. PEP ist deshalb nicht durch die Annahmen der Feeling As Information Hypothese erklärbar. Die Ergebnisse des zweiten empirischen Blocks zeigen außerdem, dass PEP besser durch eine im Rahmen der Dissertation entwickelte Theorie des Cognitive Emotional Compound (CEC) als durch das assoziativ-semantische Netzwerkmodell beschreib- und vorhersagbar ist. Im dritten Teil der Arbeit konnte ich beobachten, dass der Einfluss eines subliminal präsentierten Prime auf nachfolgendes bewertendes Urteilsverhalten mit dem zeitlichen Abstand zwischen Prime und Target (SOA), und darüber hinaus mit der Interozeptiven Bewusstheit der Person steigt. Diese Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass das Resultat der impliziten emotionalen Verarbeitung eines Reizes körperlich repräsentiert ist, und dass ein bewertendes Urteil über einen Reiz bzw. Compound, auf der subjektiven Wahrnehmung solcher valenzindikativen, körperlich verankerten Signale beruht. / Judgment and decision are biased by contextual emotional stimulation. However, it has not yet been sufficiently examined how this influence is mediated. Therefore, in this work I investigated the functional mechanisms that underlie the impact of the valence of a prime stimulus on subsequent evaluative judgments. Specifically, I focused on the paradigm of Projective Evaluative Priming (PEP), where the target stimuli that have to be explicitly evaluated are emotionally neutral. The results of the first part of the current work indicate that priming with supraliminally presented primes occurs reliably across diverse classes of primes (words, landscapes, pictures of facial expressions). These findings are incompatible with a core assumption of one of the most prominent theories about affective influence on judgment and decision, the Feeling As Information hypothesis (Schwarz & Clore, 1983, 2003). The findings of the second part show that supraliminal priming increases with the prime’s cognitive complexity, emotional intensity, and the participants’ cognitive resources during target processing. In contrast, priming decreases with the extent to which the participants allocate cognitive resources during prime processing. These findings indicate that PEP is better explained and predicted by the theory of the cognitive-emotional compound (CEC) than the prominent associative semantic network model (e.g. Bower, 1981). The CEC has been developed by the author within the current dissertation process. In the third part of the current work I observed that the impact of a subliminally presented prime on following evaluative judgment behavior increases with the temporal distance between prime and target (SOA), and with the participants’ interoceptive awareness, respectively. These findings suggest that the output of implicit emotional stimulus processing is (partly) embodied, and that the perception of the resulting valence-indicative somatic state provides the agent with information about the value of an event. Read more
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Rencontrer le Christ : ethnographie d'un centre de prière du Renouveau catholique charismatiqueBoucher, Guillaume 08 1900 (has links)
Le Renouveau charismatique catholique met de l’avant une rencontre personnelle avec Dieu par le croyant, qui se voit habilité à exercer des dons– parmi lesquels nous retrouvons la guérison par l’imposition des mains, la glossolalie et les révélations.
La participation continue à un groupe religieux organisé de la part d’individus devenus autonomes dans leur relation à Dieu n’a pas encore fait l’objet d’une attention académique soutenue. La présente étude d’un Centre de prière du Renouveau catholique charismatique de Montréal, à partir d’une méthodologie d’inspiration phénoménologique et expérientielle, vise à développer cette problématique, tout en s’éloignant d’une compréhension purement rhétorique (Csordas 1997, 2001) de l’expérience charismatique.
La socialisation religieuse (Fer 2005, 2007) encadrant l’entrée d’un nouveau membre au Centre met en lumière les mécanismes d’encadrement institutionnel invisibles permettant l’intégration d’une communauté de croyants tout en laissant paradoxalement l’individu vivre une expérience religieuse personnelle.
Le sujet charismatique, socialisé religieusement dans une conversion vécue dans l’unité corps-esprit, développe de nouveaux modes d’attention somatique, permettant l’expérience de différentes intersubjectivités. Il en vient à partager un monde collectif de représentations et de sensations, développant parallèlement une agentivité accrue dans son rapport avec le sacré. Toutefois, alors que l’agentivité est usuellement conçue comme un acte de résistance, celle développée par les charismatiques va dans le sens d’une reproduction de la norme (Mahmood 2001). La socialisation religieuse établissant les paramètres d’émergence de cette agentivité, elle en constitue aussi le cadre délimitant son expression. / The Catholic charimatic renewal puts forward a personal encounter wtih God on the believer’s part, who is then habilitated to exercize different charismas – among which we find healing through the imposing of the hands, glossolalia and revelations.
Continued participation in an organized religious group by now autonomous believers has not yet been the subject of sustained academic attention. The present study of a Montreal Catholic charismatic renewal’s center of prayer, whose methodology is inspired by the phenomenological and experiential approaches, aims to develop this problematic, all the while marking a distance with a purely rhetorical understanding of the charismatic experience (Csordas 1997, 2001).
The religious socialization (Fer 2005, 2007) framing the admission of a new member at the Center, enligthens the invisible institutionnal mecanisms enabling the integration of a religious community all the while paradoxically enabling the individual to live an individualized religious experience.
The charismatic subject, religiously socialized through a conversion lived in a unification of the body-mind, develops new somatic modes of attention, and is thus enabled to experience different intersubjectivities. The subject comes to participate in a collective world of representations and sensations, developing in parallel an increased agency in his dealings with the sacred. Although agency is usually conceived as an act of resistance, the one developped by the charismatics brings about the reproduction of the norm (Mahmood 2001). Religious socialization establishing the parameter of emergence for this agency, it is also the frame circonscribing its expression. Read more
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Incorporation biologique de l'adversité sociale précoce : le rôle de la charge allostatique dans une perspective biographique / Embodiment of early social adversity : the role of allostatic load in a life course perspectiveBarboza Solís, Cristina 16 September 2016 (has links)
Introduction. La notion d'" embodiment " propose que chaque humain est à la fois un être social ainsi que biologique, intégrant le monde dans lequel il/elle vit. Nous faisons l'hypothèse que la position socioéconomique pendant l'enfance peut être biologiquement incorporée, conduisant à la production des inégalités sociales de santé entre les sous-groupes de population. La charge allostatique (CA) est un concept qui tente de capturer l'usure physiologique globale du corps liée à l'activation répétée des mécanismes physiologiques compensatoires en cas d'exposition à des stress chroniques. La CA pourrait permettre une meilleure compréhension des voies biologiques qui jouent un rôle potentiel dans la construction du gradient social de santé des adultes. Objectif. Pour explorer l'hypothèse d'incorporation biologique, nous avons examiné les voies de médiation entre les adversités psychosociales et la position socioéconomique précoces et la CA à 44 ans. Nous avons également confronté l'indice de CA à une mesure multidimensionnelle de santé latente à 50 ans. Méthodes. Les données sont issues de la cohorte Britannique de naissance de 1958 (n=18 000). La CA a été construite avec les données de l'enquête biomédicale conduite à 44 ans, comme une mesure physiologique synthétique, multi-système, à l'aide de 14 biomarqueurs représentant les systèmes neuroendocrinien, métabolique, immunitaire / inflammatoire et cardiorespiratoire. Résultats. L'ensemble de nos résultats suggèrent que la CA pourrait être un indice approprié pour capturer partiellement la dimension biologique des processus d'embodiment. Discussion. Comprendre comment l'environnement affecte notre santé en se " glissant sous la peau " et pénétrant dans les cellules, les organes et les systèmes physiologiques de notre corps est un principe clé dans la recherche en santé publique. Promouvoir le recueil de marqueurs biologiques dans des grandes études prospectives et représentatives est crucial pour continuer la recherche sur ce sujet. Les études de réplication pourraient faire partie des futures perspectives de recherche, pour comparer entre populations avec des contextes culturels différents pour observer si un index de CA peut être considéré comme "universel ". / Introduction. The notion of embodiment proposes that every human being is both a social and a biological organism that incorporates the world in which (s)he lives. It has been hypothesized that early life socioeconomic position (SEP) can be biologically embedded, potentially leading to the production of health inequalities across population groups. Allostatic load (AL) is a concept that intends to capture the overall physiological wear-and-tear of the body triggered by the repeated activation of compensatory physiological mechanisms as a response to chronic stress. AL could allow a better understanding of the potential biological pathways playing a role in the construction of the social gradient in adult health. Objective. To explore the biological embedding hypothesis, we examined the mediating pathways between early SEP and early adverse psychosocial experiences and higher AL at 44 years. We also confronted an AL index with a latent multidimensional and integrative measure of health status at 50y. Methods. Data are from the 1958 British birth cohort (n=18 000) follow-up to age 50. AL was operationalized using data from the biomedical survey collected at age 44 on 14 parameters representing the neuroendocrine, metabolic, immune-inflammatory and cardiovascular systems. Results. Overall, our results suggest that AL could be a suitable index to partially capture the biological dimensions of embodiment processes. Discussion. Understanding how human environments affect our health by 'getting under the skin' and penetrating the cells, organs and physiological systems of our bodies is a key tenet in public health research. Promoting the collection of biological markers in large representative and prospective studies is crucial to continue to investigate on this topic. Replication studies could be part of the future research perspectives, to compare with other cultural context and to observe if an AL index can be 'universal'. Read more
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A Return to the Body: Individual Wholeness and Community HarmonyMason, Hannah 01 April 2013 (has links)
The return to body awareness, or embodiment, is necessary for individual and communal harmony. A reflection on the use of dance in tribal societies suggests their importance in creating community and identifies how they were prohibited during colonization and thereafter. Subsequently, an investigation into current American culture in the 21st century finds a disembodied culture, as defined by the lack of awareness to the body as a living entity. Embodiment practices are suggested for a return to individual harmony and communal dancing as the solution for community harmony. Lastly, a personal exploration into the making and creating of danced rituals suggests the power of dance to heal, transform, and unite humanity.
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Rencontrer le Christ : ethnographie d'un centre de prière du Renouveau catholique charismatiqueBoucher, Guillaume 08 1900 (has links)
Le Renouveau charismatique catholique met de l’avant une rencontre personnelle avec Dieu par le croyant, qui se voit habilité à exercer des dons– parmi lesquels nous retrouvons la guérison par l’imposition des mains, la glossolalie et les révélations.
La participation continue à un groupe religieux organisé de la part d’individus devenus autonomes dans leur relation à Dieu n’a pas encore fait l’objet d’une attention académique soutenue. La présente étude d’un Centre de prière du Renouveau catholique charismatique de Montréal, à partir d’une méthodologie d’inspiration phénoménologique et expérientielle, vise à développer cette problématique, tout en s’éloignant d’une compréhension purement rhétorique (Csordas 1997, 2001) de l’expérience charismatique.
La socialisation religieuse (Fer 2005, 2007) encadrant l’entrée d’un nouveau membre au Centre met en lumière les mécanismes d’encadrement institutionnel invisibles permettant l’intégration d’une communauté de croyants tout en laissant paradoxalement l’individu vivre une expérience religieuse personnelle.
Le sujet charismatique, socialisé religieusement dans une conversion vécue dans l’unité corps-esprit, développe de nouveaux modes d’attention somatique, permettant l’expérience de différentes intersubjectivités. Il en vient à partager un monde collectif de représentations et de sensations, développant parallèlement une agentivité accrue dans son rapport avec le sacré. Toutefois, alors que l’agentivité est usuellement conçue comme un acte de résistance, celle développée par les charismatiques va dans le sens d’une reproduction de la norme (Mahmood 2001). La socialisation religieuse établissant les paramètres d’émergence de cette agentivité, elle en constitue aussi le cadre délimitant son expression. / The Catholic charimatic renewal puts forward a personal encounter wtih God on the believer’s part, who is then habilitated to exercize different charismas – among which we find healing through the imposing of the hands, glossolalia and revelations.
Continued participation in an organized religious group by now autonomous believers has not yet been the subject of sustained academic attention. The present study of a Montreal Catholic charismatic renewal’s center of prayer, whose methodology is inspired by the phenomenological and experiential approaches, aims to develop this problematic, all the while marking a distance with a purely rhetorical understanding of the charismatic experience (Csordas 1997, 2001).
The religious socialization (Fer 2005, 2007) framing the admission of a new member at the Center, enligthens the invisible institutionnal mecanisms enabling the integration of a religious community all the while paradoxically enabling the individual to live an individualized religious experience.
The charismatic subject, religiously socialized through a conversion lived in a unification of the body-mind, develops new somatic modes of attention, and is thus enabled to experience different intersubjectivities. The subject comes to participate in a collective world of representations and sensations, developing in parallel an increased agency in his dealings with the sacred. Although agency is usually conceived as an act of resistance, the one developped by the charismatics brings about the reproduction of the norm (Mahmood 2001). Religious socialization establishing the parameter of emergence for this agency, it is also the frame circonscribing its expression. Read more
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The Effect of Cognitive Limb Embodiment on Vascular Physiological ResponseOsman, Hala Elsir Mustafa 13 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Motivationshöjande och inlevelsefull historieundervisning i mellanstadiets årskurser fyra till sex med utgångspunkt i det pedagogiska förhållningssättet embodied learning / Motivational and Immersive History Teaching in Middle School Grades four to six Based on the Pedagogical Approach Embodied LearningBerg-Nyberg, Tobias January 2024 (has links)
Att skapa en förståelse för nuet och framtiden genom dåtiden är ett uttryck som kan användas för att förklara syftet med historieämnet. Är denna syftesbeskrivning tillräcklig för att, som lärare, kunna motivera eleverna att ta till sig och befästa kunskapen som ämnet erbjuder eller krävs det någonting mer? Denna kvalitativa studie med kvantitativa inslag syftar till att, med utgångspunkt i det pedagogiska förhållningssättet embodied learning, beskriva och diskutera lärares erfarenheter av att forma och bedriva historieundervisning som skapar motivation och inlevelse hos eleverna i mellanstadiets årskurser fyra till sex. För att kunna beskriva och diskutera lärares erfarenheter används en kombination av semistrukturerade intervjuer av verksamma historielärare samt en elevenkät som besvaras av dessa verksamma lärares elevgrupper. Genom detta framkommer det att förståelsen för nuet och framtiden är en viktig aspekt av historieundervisningen men det framkommer även att valet av undervisningsmetoder kan påverka hur denna förståelse kan användas till fullo. Att variera valet av undervisningsmetoder samtidigt som att ge eleverna möjligheten att befästa denna förståelse i relation till syftet med historieämnet kan vara ett vinnande koncept för att därigenom kunna fånga upp alla elever som, i sin tur, vill ta till sig information på olika sätt. / Creating an understanding of the present and the future through the past is an expression that can be used to explain the purpose of the history subject. Is this description of purpose sufficient to, as a teacher, be able to motivate students to absorb and fortify the knowledge that the subject offers or is something more required? This qualitative study with quantitative elements aims to, based on the pedagogical approach embodied learning, describe and discuss teachers' experiences of shaping and conducting history teaching that creates motivation and immersion among students in middle school grades four to six. In order to be able to describe and discuss teachers' experiences, a combination of semi-structured interviews with active history teachers and a student questionnaire answered by these active teachers' student groups are used. Through this, it appears that the understanding of the present and the future is an important aspect of history teaching, but it also appears that the choice of teaching methods can affect how this understanding can be used to the full. Varying the choice of teaching methods at the same time as giving students the opportunity to fortify this understanding in relation to the purpose of the history subject can be a winning concept in order to capture all students who, in turn, want to absorb information in different ways. Read more
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Improvisation through Dalcroze-inspired activities in beginner student jazz ensembles : a hermeneutic phenomenology / Dewald Hattingh DavelDavel, Dewald Hattingh January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation investigated the meanings students from beginner jazz ensembles
ascribe to learning jazz improvisation through Dalcroze-inspired activities. Over the
course of ten weeks, students from three respective beginner jazz ensembles were
exposed to Dalcroze-inspired activities as the medium for learning to improvise. The
sessions were held on a weekly basis, facilitated by the researcher. Hermeneutic
phenomenology guided the research procedures. In-depth interviews, personal
reflections, participant reflection essays as well as video recordings were the methods
of data collection. Through the use of Atlas.ti 7, the data were organized and analysed
by means of coding and categorisation, which led to the identification of five themes.
The five themes that emerged from the data analysis were: feeling the music in my
body, supporting development as a jazz musician, building character, building
relationships, and stimulating and motivating learning. This study provides an
understanding of the connection between jazz improvisation and Dalcroze Eurhythmics
as well as how students experience learning jazz improvisation through Dalcrozeinspired
activities. Through this understanding this study proposes a more holistic
approach to jazz improvisation teaching that can inform further research and application
of Dalcroze Eurhythmics in jazz pedagogy. / MMus (Musicology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015 Read more
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Improvisation through Dalcroze-inspired activities in beginner student jazz ensembles : a hermeneutic phenomenology / Dewald Hattingh DavelDavel, Dewald Hattingh January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation investigated the meanings students from beginner jazz ensembles
ascribe to learning jazz improvisation through Dalcroze-inspired activities. Over the
course of ten weeks, students from three respective beginner jazz ensembles were
exposed to Dalcroze-inspired activities as the medium for learning to improvise. The
sessions were held on a weekly basis, facilitated by the researcher. Hermeneutic
phenomenology guided the research procedures. In-depth interviews, personal
reflections, participant reflection essays as well as video recordings were the methods
of data collection. Through the use of Atlas.ti 7, the data were organized and analysed
by means of coding and categorisation, which led to the identification of five themes.
The five themes that emerged from the data analysis were: feeling the music in my
body, supporting development as a jazz musician, building character, building
relationships, and stimulating and motivating learning. This study provides an
understanding of the connection between jazz improvisation and Dalcroze Eurhythmics
as well as how students experience learning jazz improvisation through Dalcrozeinspired
activities. Through this understanding this study proposes a more holistic
approach to jazz improvisation teaching that can inform further research and application
of Dalcroze Eurhythmics in jazz pedagogy. / MMus (Musicology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015 Read more
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