Spelling suggestions: "subject:"empathy"" "subject:"cmpathy""
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An analysis of children's attitudes toward older adultsWishard, Debra Lee 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text
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Pedagogiskt drama i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om hur pedagogiskt drama kan användas för att främja barns utveckling, lärande och empatiska förmågor / Educational drama in preschool : A qualitative study of how educational drama can be used to promote child development, learning and emphatic abilitiesDavidsson, Lina January 2015 (has links)
Mitt intresse för hur pedagogiskt drama används i förskolan för att främja barns utveckling och lärande har avgjort studiens innehåll. Mitt syfte med studien är att undersöka hur pedagoger använder pedagogiskt drama i förskolan som ett meningsfullt verktyg. Jag vill också veta hur pedagogiskt drama kan främja barns utveckling och lärande samt empatiska förmågor och undersöka hur pedagoger i förskolan kan använda pedagogiskt drama som ett lustfullt lärande. Jag har utgått från ett sociokulturellt perspektiv med fokus på när lärandet sker i ett samspel.Min studie grundar sig på kvalitativa intervjuer med tre verksamma förskollärare som arbetar på samma avdelning. De tre intervjuande pedagogerna är alla överens om att pedagogiskt drama är ett lustfyllt lärande både för barn och pedagoger. Det bidrar till ett gemensamt lärande där glädjen är i fokus. Studien visade att pedagogiskt drama är ett bra verktyg att använda för att främja barns utveckling och lärande samt empatiska förmågor. Min studie visar att pedagogiskt drama bidrar till ett socialt samspel och ett gemensamt lärande för deltagarna. / My interest in how educational drama is used in preschool to promote children's development and learning has brought the study content. My purpose with this study is to examine how teachers use educational drama in preschool as a meaningful tool. I also want to know how educational drama can promote children's development and learning and empathic abilities and to examine how teachers in preschool can use educational drama as a pleasurable learning. My study is based on qualitative interviews with three active preschool teachers who work in the same department. The three interviewed teachers all agree that educational drama is an enjoyable learning for children and educators. It contributes to a shared learning where the joy is in focus. The study showed that educational drama is a good tool to promote children's development and learning and empathic abilities. I started from a sociocultural perspective with focus on when learning occurs in interaction. My study shows that educational drama contributes to social interaction and joint learning for the participants.
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Shooting straight : graphic versus non-graphic war photographsScoggin McEntee, Rebecca Ann 05 October 2011 (has links)
An experiment showed that audiences react with more empathy to graphic war photographs accompanying news reports than non-graphic war photographs. Four war stories from four different countries, featuring either a graphic or non-graphic photograph representing a scene from each report, were used to test respondents’ reactions. Empathy measured higher after audience exposure to graphic war photographs, while recall, central processing, emotion, media attitudes, and civic participation all did not show significant differences from graphic to non-graphic. As a result of this study, editors and news organizations can be assured that audiences may not react with a significant amount of emotion, but will still care significantly more about an issue after being presented with graphic news photographs of war with war reports, as opposed to non-graphic photographs of war. / text
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Livskunskap : En inre kompass i skolanKarlberg, Mariana January 2012 (has links)
Through qualitative interviews with five teachers from three schools, two public schools within the same school management and a Waldorf school, the purpose of this study is to find out teachers' views on the phenomenon of life skills in the lower classes in school. What is the subject, how do teachers work with life skills, and should it be seen as a separate subject or integrated in all school subjects? The results show that the definition of life skills is a term with many interpretations. Two concepts that can be seen as the common denominators in the educators' views on the subject, however is, social and emotional skills. This is something that educators believe develop self-awareness and empathy in children and sees that as important as learning other subjects. However, different educators' perceptions of the life skills should be a subject or not. The methods that teachers mainly work with is SET, social and emotional training. Various calls, role-playing games, values clarification and EQ-bears are also essential elements. The teacher is seen as a great role model and her attitude is an important part in the work. / Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på pedagogers uppfattningar kring fenomenet livskunskap i de lägre klasserna. Vad innebär livskunskap, hur arbetar pedagogerna med denna samt bör det vara ett eget ämne eller integrerat i alla ämnen? För att få svar på dessa frågor har kvalitativa intervjuer gjorts med fem pedagoger från tre olika skolor, varav två kommunala inom samma rektorsområde samt en waldorfskola. Resultatet visar att livskunskap är ett mångfacetterat område. Två delar vilka kan ses som de gemensamma nämnarna i pedagogernas syn på ämnet är social och emotionell kompetens. Detta är något som pedagogerna tror utvecklar barnens självkännedom och empatiska förmåga samt ser som lika väsentligt som att lära sig övriga ämnen. Dock skiljer sig pedagogernas uppfattningar kring om livskunskap bör vara ett skolämne eller inte. De metoder som pedagogerna arbetar med är främst SET (social och emotionell träning). De arbetar även med olika samtal, värderingsövningar, rollspel och EQ-björnar. Läraren ses i arbetet som en stor förebild och dennes förhållningssätt är således en viktig del i arbetet.
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Storyteller, Story-Teacher: A Portrait of Three Teachers’ Use of Story in Elementary ClassesShirley, James Michael 09 August 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate the use of storytelling as a teaching strategy in the classrooms of three experienced elementary school teachers. Storytelling is defined in this study as the use of a narrative, spoken or written, in prose or in verse, true or fictitious, related so as to inform, entertain, or instruct the listener or reader. This research answers questions concerning; (a) what constitutes storytelling in these teachers’ classrooms, (b) teachers’ purposes for using storytelling, and (c) factors that have encouraged these teachers to employ storytelling in their teaching practices. Framed within constructivist theory, the study provides insight into how these three respondents teach content through storytelling and bridge information from teller to listener. Data collection included classroom observations, interviews of teacher-participants, and the collection of teacher-generated artifacts such as lesson plans and teacher notes. Portraiture is used as a method for writing up the data in order to record the perspectives and experiences of the participants in this study by documenting their voices, visions, and wisdom in a detailed exploration into the feelings about and use of storytelling in their teaching practices. The instructional strategies reported through this qualitative inquiry support a socio-cognitive interactive model of literacy and demonstrate its importance in learning content in an elementary school environment. The data were analyzed continually through a search for emerging patterns and through constant comparison analysis. The researcher found that the teachers used stories and illustrations in an impromptu manner and that storytelling served both cognitive and affective purposes. Cognitively, storytelling was employed to form connections to students’ prior knowledge and new knowledge being introduced. Storytelling was used as a mnemonic device to help students transfer storied information to new situations. Affectively, storytelling served to engage students in an enlightening and entertaining manner. Students responded to the use of stories through actively participating in classroom discussions and sharing stories of their own. Storytelling assists these teachers in their critical roles as negotiators and facilitators of meaning construction in the text and social context of the classroom.
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Motinų, auginančių vaikus su raidos sutrikimais, subjektyvios patirties bei sąveikos su vaiku ypatybės / Peculiarities of the subjective experience and interaction between the child and mothers raising children with development disordersMankauskienė, Loreta 16 August 2007 (has links)
Ištirti motinų, uaginančių vaikus suraidos sutrikimais, vyraujančių vidinių reprezentacijų apie vaiką pobūdį, jų empatiškumo lygį bei vaiko įtaką šeimai. Nustatyti motin��, auginančių sutrikusios raidos vaikus, vyraujančių reprezentacijų pobūdį bei empatijos lygį, gautus rezultatus palyginti su motinų, auginančių sveikus vaikus, vyraujančių reprezentacijų pobūdžiu bei empatijos lygiu. / Purpose of the Work: to evaluate the nature of the prevailing internal representations about the child experienced by the mothers raising children with development disorders, their empathy level and the child’s influence on family. Tasks of the Work: to determine the nature of the prevailing representations experienced by the mothers raising children with development disorders, and their empathy level, and to compare the obtained results with the nature of the prevailing representations of mothers raising normally developing children, and their empathy level; to determine the dependence between the empathy level and nature of representations; to determine the influence that the children with development disorders have on family, and to compare the obtained results with the influence that normally developing children have on family; to determine the dependence between the level of influence on family and the style of representation, as well as the level of influence on family and empathy level.
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Darbuotojų kognityvinių kompetencijų bei empatiškumo sąsajos su jų požiūriu į etišką elgesį organizacijoje / Employees Cognitive Competencies and Empathy Relationship with Their Attitude toward Ethical Behavior in OrganizationNaujokaitienė, Justina 07 June 2010 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti darbuotojų kognityvinių kompetencijų bei empatiškumo sąsajas su jų požiūriu į etišką elgesį organizacijoje.
Tyrime dalyvavo 324 Lietuvoje dirbantys darbuotojai iš skirtingų įvairaus dydžio ir pobūdžio organizacijų. Statistinėje analizėje tiriamųjų imtį sudarė 252 darbuotojai, iš jų 90 vyrų ir 162 moterys, kurių amžiaus vidurkis 32,10 (SD = 9,75). Didžioji dalis apklaustųjų darbuotojų dirbo vidutinio dydžio, privataus kapitalo organizacijose, paslaugų srityje.
Tiriamiesiems buvo pateikiamas klausimynas, kurį sudarė požiūrio į etišką elgesį matavimo skalės (etinės problemos atpažinimo, pritarimo priimtam etiškam sprendimui, etiško elgesio ketinimo), kognityvines kompetencijas matuojančios skalės (rizikos vertinimo tikslumo, atsispyrimo formulavimo efektui bei pasipriešinimo įsipareigojimo eskalavimo euristikai), empatijos skalė bei įvairūs demografines charakteristikas tiriantys klausimai.
Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad darbuotojai, kurie tiksliau vertina kylančią riziką bei mažiau priešinasi įsipareigojimų eskalavimo euristikai, vienodai tiksliai atpažįsta etinę problemą, vienodai pritaria priimtam etiškam sprendimui bei išreiškia tokį patį etiško elgesio ketinimą kaip ir darbuotojai, kurie mažiau tiksliai vertina kylančią riziką ir labiau priešinasi įsipareigojimų eskalavimo euristikai. Darbuotojai, kurie yra labiau priklausomi nuo formulavimo efekto, vienodai tiksliai atpažįsta etinę problemą bei vienodai pritaria priimtam etiškam sprendimui kaip ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to investigate whether employees cognitive competences and empathy is related to their attitude to ethical behavior.
The subjects of the study were 324 Lithuanian employees from different kind organizations. In the statistical analysis there was used data of 252 employees, which were 90 men and 162 women. The mean of their age was 32,10 (SD = 9,75). The biggest part of the respondents was working in the medium size private capital organizations in the facilities sphere.
There was given the questionnaire for the respondents, which consisted of three scales: attitude towards ethical behavior (recognition of moral dilemma, approval to the made decision, and formulation of ethical behavior intent), cognitive competencies (consistency of risk perception, resistance to framing effect, and resistance to sunk cost effect) and empathy. Also there were demographic questions given to the respondents.
The results showed that there was no statistical difference between consistency of risk perception, resistance to sunk cost effect and recognition of moral dilemma, approval to the made decision, and formulation of ethical behavior intent. Employees which are more dependent from the framing effect will not differ according to recognition of moral dilemma, approval to the made decision from employees which are less dependent from the framing effect. Notwithstanding employees who are more dependent from the framing effect and employees who are less dependent from the... [to full text]
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The Roles of Theory of Mind and Empathy in the Relationship between Dysphoria and Poor Social FunctioningChan, Emilie 28 October 2008 (has links)
The current research, across three studies, examined two social practices that involve processing and responding to others’ emotions, theory of mind (ToM) and empathy, and how they relate to dysphoria and the social impairments associated with dysphoria over time.
Mildly depressed, or dysphoric, individuals, have been found to have heightened ToM when identifying others’ emotions, despite reporting widespread social impairments (Harkness et al., 2005). The first study (Chapter 2) examined if and how ToM is a mediator in the relationship between dysphoria and social functioning. Attribution style, specifically the internalizing attribution bias, was hypothesized to play a role. The interaction between ToM and internalizing attribution bias was independently associated with social functioning. For internalizing attributors, higher ToM was related to better social functioning, but no relationship was observed between ToM and social functioning among non-internalizing attributors.
The second study (Chapter 3) examined the relationship between ToM and empathy, addressing the debate surrounding cognitive and affective aspects of ToM and empathy. Affective ToM and cognitive empathy both have been described as processes involving cognitive inferences about others’ emotions. Current results supported this link, showing that a specific component of empathy, perspective-taking, was related to ToM. Although ToM was associated with some aspects of empathy, empathy remained a separate construct that includes both cognitive and emotional responding to others’ emotions.
Chapter 4 shifted focus to empathy to examine how this social practice relates to dysphoria and social functioning. The last study first examined how empathy relates to dysphoria. Results showed that only personal distress, one component of empathy, was associated with greater dysphoria.
The final study also examined if the empathy x emotion regulation interaction mediates the relationship between dysphoria and social functioning. Different patterns were observed for different emotion regulation types. The interaction between maladaptive, but not adaptive, emotion regulation strategies and empathy was correlated directly with social functioning. For individuals with negative cognitive emotion regulation strategies, greater empathy was associated with better social functioning, a relationship not present for individuals who do not use negative cognitive emotion regulation. Finally maladaptive, but not adaptive, emotion regulation significantly predicted social functioning after controlling for dysphoria. / Thesis (Master, Psychology) -- Queen's University, 2008-10-22 15:25:33.573
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Epiphanies of finitude: a phenomenological study of existential readingSopcak, Paul Unknown Date
No description available.
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Attentional, emotional and psychosocial influences on pain : psychophysics and neuroanatomical correlatesLoggia, Marco L. January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation presents three experiments designed to demonstrate the effects of cognitive, emotional and psychosocial factors on pain perception in humans and to identify potential neuroanatomical substrates of attentional and emotional pain modulation. / The first two chapters provide an introduction, including the statement of the rationale and objectives of this Ph.D. project (Chapter 1) and an overview of the relevant background literature (Chapter 2). / Chapter 3 presents a voxel-based morphometry study on the neural correlates of attentional and emotional pain modulation. In agreement with the observation that manipulations of emotion and attention differentially affect pain perception, the results of this experiment suggest that separate neuroanatomical substrates may underlie these pain modulations: the right lateral orbitofrontal, left medial prefrontal, and bilateral entorhinal cortices appear to be implicated in emotional pain modulation, while the right putamen appears to be involved in attentional pain modulation. / The study described in Chapter 4 shows that the experimental manipulation of mood using emotionally-laden visual stimuli preferentially alters pain unpleasantness, leaving pain intensity unaffected. This study replicates the psychophysical observations presented in the study of Chapter 3 (and in previous reports), which used odors to manipulate emotional state, therefore suggesting the independence of this phenomenon from the mood induction technique employed. / The study in Chapter 5 shows that empathy has an effect on pain perception as well, which cannot be explained by mood effects. Participants for whom a state of high empathy was evoked rated painful stimuli applied to themselves as more intense and unpleasant than did those in a state of low empathy; furthermore, the state empathy ratings correlated with the pain ratings. / By showing that emotional state, attention and empathy can influence pain perception, the work in this thesis provides evidence demonstrating that the pain experience can be significantly molded by top-down factors, and is therefore far from being solely determined by the physical properties of the noxious stimulation. These observations might partially explain why the pain response in certain situations appears disproportionately large, or surprisingly small, in relation to the noxious stimulation, and support the utility of psychological methods in the management of pain symptoms.
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