Spelling suggestions: "subject:"empathy"" "subject:"cmpathy""
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A empatia em Freud e em Ferenczi: em busca de uma ferramenta para a clínica psicanalítica / Empathy in Freud and Ferenczi: in search of a tool for the psychoanalytic clinicBartholomeu de Aguiar Vieira 30 June 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objeto a compreensão do lugar da empatia na técnica psicanalítica. Acompanhando a discussão realizada por Freud e por Ferenczi a respeito desse tema, originado de um debate sobre o ocultismo foi possível observar como, apesar de não receber destaque nas recomendações técnicas dos anos 1915 e não fazer parte do hall clássico da teoria da técnica a empatia veio a se tornar um assunto importante a ambos os autores e presente de inúmeras formas sutis dentro de suas recomendações. Assim, a partir de uma primeira questão referente a forma como cada um dos autores compreendia o papel da empatia, lançou-se a hipótese de que a prerrogativa da empatia, já estava presente desde o começo da prática clínica, vindo em seguida a se tornar um fenômeno produtor de uma ética balizada na elasticidade e na modificação do dispositivo interpretativo, fundamentalmente submetida ao tato. Pretendeu-se com a inquietação a respeito de qual deveria ser seu lugar, atribui-lo a categoria operacional de uma ferramenta norteadora da conduta clínica. A estratégia adotada para analisar os elementos que se evidenciaram através do levantamento bibliográfico de diversos textos dos autores, assim como de sua correspondência pessoal foi a de matizar suas posturas, evitando dicotomizações superficiais. Encontrou-se como um resultado da investigação um lugar de manejo para a empatia através de uma prática voltada à circulação de afetos e submetida a autorização, convicção e ao tato. Contudo, apesar de o fundamental da experiência empática ser o compartilhar afetivo, percebe-se como a implicação do analista é um elemento complexo e trabalhado de forma diferente pelos autores. Portanto, estando de posse da opinião de uma filiação paradoxal entre Freud e Ferenczi, procurou-se integrar as intenções clínicas de Ferenczi para conceituar um tipo de conduta com a transferência afinada a uma ética da empatia; uma nova técnica de perspectivas estéticas / The understanding of empathy\'s role in psychoanytical techinique is the object if this essay. Following the discussion undertaken by Freud and Ferenczi, which originated from a debate on ocultism, it was posible to observe that the subject became paramount for both authors and subtly present in their recommendations, albeit not warranting any highlight in 1915\'s technical recommendations nor being part of technical theory. Therefore, arising from the initial inquiry of how each author understood the role of empathy, a hypothesis was created on empathy as a phenomenon creator of an ethics based on elasticity and alteration of the interpretative mechanism, fundamentally submitted to tact, even though empathy existed ever since the beginning of clinical practice. The intent was to use the uncertainty as to where it\'s place should be and allocate it in the functional/operational category of a tool to guide clinical conduct. The strategy adopted to analyze the elements which became evident during the research of several written works from the authors, as well as personal correspondence, was to qualify their positions, avoiding superficial dichotomy. This investigation resulted in the discovery of a place of drive for empathy through a practice open to the circulation of affections and submitted to authorization, conviction and tact. However, despite exchange of affection being the cornerstone of the empatic experience, one realizes how the implication of the analist is a complex subject, developed differently by the authors. Therefore, with the opinion that the membership of Freud and Ferenczi is paradoxical, one strived to integrate Ferenczi\'s clinical intentions to conceive a type of conduction with transfer in sync with an ethics of empathy, a new technique of aesthetical perspectives
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Dimensão sensível: a possibilidade de encontro no espaço \"entre\" analista/analisante / Not informed by the authorLigia Maria Durski 24 June 2016 (has links)
Dois foram os pontos disparadores desta tese: 1) a consideração do acontecer humano pelo vértice da criatividade, que concebe que a existência experiencial do humano ocorre no espaço entre a realidade subjetivamente criada e a realidade objetivamente percebida, fazendo com que a criatividade se relacione com a possibilidade de sentir a vida como real e como digna de ser vivida; 2) a problemática referente à emergência de processos criativos na clínica psicanalítica. A partir do estudo e aprofundamento sobre quais seriam as bases que sustentam os dois referidos pontos, aproximei-me do conceito de espaço potencial winnicottiano que, em linhas gerais e nos termos do desenvolvimento emocional primitivo, designa uma área de afetação mútua entre mãe/bebê. O conceito assinala também um campo intermediário, uma terceira área da experiência associada aos fenômenos e objetos transicionais que se relaciona com a perpétua tarefa humana de manter as realidades interna e externa separadas, ainda que inter-relacionadas. Área intermediária, fora da qual não há a ilusão do contato necessária para o alcance do sentimento de realização de si. No contexto da clínica, a pertinência dessa área, de um espaço entre analista/analisante, despontou questões referentes ao manejo clínico, à sensibilidade do/a analista e ao estabelecimento da relação (contra)transferencial. Como resultado do esclarecimento de elementos inerentes e/ou daí decorrentes, adveio a proposição da Dimensão Sensível. Os fatores elencados nesta tese, para sua descrição, foram: a conquista da confiança; sinceridade; espelhamento; disponibilidade e devoção; preocupação/concern; empatia e brincar compartilhado. O problema de pesquisa surgiu, pois, de minha experiência clínica e meus principais autores de referência e diálogo foram Sándor Ferenczi e Donald W. Winnicott. O trabalho está dividido em quatro partes, sendo que as três primeiras se constituíram no sentido de esclarecer o que nomeio de espaço entre analista/analisante, espaço que funciona como sustentação da proposição da Dimensão Sensível e que anuncia, em termos de direção do tratamento, o encontro com a alteridade. A quarta e última parte do trabalho objetivou a descrição propriamente dita da Dimensão Sensível a partir de fatores que nela incidem e/ou dela advém (fatores acima elencados). Em síntese, com a Dimensão Sensível, sublinhei a importância do/a analista estar-com o outro/paciente em comunidade de destino, uma vez que tal é a própria condição do devir humano / Two were the initial points of this thesis: 1) the consideration of the human becoming by the vertex of creativity, which conceives that the experiential existence of the human occurs in the space between the reality subjectively created and the reality objectively perceived, linking creativity with the possibility of feeling life as something real and as something worth living, and; 2) the issues related to the emergence of creative processes in the psychoanalytic clinic. From the study on what are the foundations that support those two points, I approached the concept of Winnicott`s potential space that, in general lines and in the context of the primitive emotional development, means a mutual affectation area between mother/infant. This concept means also an intermediate field, a third area of experience associated with the transitional phenomena and transitional objects related with the perpetual human need to maintain the internal and external realities separated, yet interrelated. Intermediate area outside of which there is not the illusion of contact necessary to achieve the feeling of self-realization. In the clinical context, the relevance of this area, of a space in-between analyst/analysand, emerged questions about the clinical management, about the analyst`s sensibility and about the establishment of the (counter)transference relationship. As a result of the explanation of inherent elements therefrom, stemmed the proposition of the Sensitive Dimension. The factors listed in this thesis, for its description, were: the conquest of confidence; sincerity; mirroring; availability and devotion; concern; empathy, and; shared play. The research problem occurred, therefore, from my clinical experience and my main authors of reference and dialogue were Sandor Ferenczi and Donald W. Winnicott. The work is divided into four parts, of which the first three were constituted to clarify what I named of space in-between analyst/analysand, space which works as support of the proposition of the Sensitive Dimension and which announces, in terms of treatment direction, the encounter with otherness. The fourth and final part of the work aimed at the description of the Sensitive Dimension from factors that affect it and/or it comes (above listed factors). In short, with the Sensitive Dimension, I emphasized the importance of the analyst be-with the other/patient, by a community of destiny, since this is the very condition of human becoming
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Raciocínio transitivo ativado por condicionamentoMarcio Cruz 15 June 2010 (has links)
Em nossa vida cotidiana há duas condições frequentes: 1) há situações nas quais não existem instruções explícitas, mas apenas contingências aos comportamentos e 2) comportamentos que aparentam ser iguais a um observador externo, podem ser originados por raciocínios diversos. Partindo destas premissas, procurou-se neste experimento, desenvolver procedimentos experimentais que levam a determinado comportamento (respostas que refletem transitividade lógica) sem instruções explícitas, averiguando a seguir, quais os raciocínios que realmente estavam atrás das respostas (transitivas ou não) dadas pelos sujeitos. O experimento de Siemann & Delius (1993) utilizado para o estudo da inferência transitiva e que foi replicada por Cruz (20003) em sua dissertação de mestrado, suscitou uma série de temas metodológicos e conceituais abordados para viabilizar a pesquisa do raciocínio transitivo: o conceito de consciência e sua relação com o raciocínio; caracterização do raciocínio por sua explicação; utilização dos conceitos de introspecção, tomada de consciência, metacognição, empatia e teoria da mente para a interpretação de entrevistas. A essência deste experimento é seu método experimental que foi composto de duas fases, validação e comprovação. Na fase de validação, 106 sujeitos humanos adultos participaram como voluntários, e foram utilizados para testar catorze diferentes versões da situação experimental, até se obter duas versões validadas: uma versão capaz de ensinar premissas e a outra capaz de algo mais: ativar o raciocínio transitivo. Cada versão consistia em uma situação de condicionamento que não previa comunicação verbal ou contatos interpessoais, uma vez que foram utilizados programas de computador para produzir estímulos, gerenciar a exibição de estímulos, registrar as respostas e os tempos de reação, além de prover contingências. Após interação do sujeito com o programa, foram realizadas entrevistas em que o pesquisador verificou a eventual ativação do raciocínio transitivo. Na fase de comprovação, treze sujeitos humanos adultos foram submetidos a primeira (grupo de controle: seis sujeitos) e segunda (grupo experimental: sete sujeitos) versões validadas comparando-se seus resultados. Para o grupo experimental, os estímulos eram retângulos de seis cores diferentes, ordenados pelo tamanho e designados A, B, C, D, E e F. Os estímulos eram apresentados em pares e a escolha do menor estímulo em cada par era reforçada. Para o grupo de controle, os estímulos eram iguais aos do grupo experimental, mas os retângulos tinham todos o mesmo tamanho. Para os dois grupos, era aplicado esquema de reforço semelhante, que reforçava A no par AB, B em BC, C em CD, D em DE e E em EF, mas para o grupo experimental eram treinados também os pares de estímulos AC, AD, AF, CF e DF. Além disso, o grupo experimental passava por situações em que o encobrimento parcial dos estímulos permitia ora diferenciar-lhes somente pelas cores, ora por cores e tamanhos, e por situações em que a mudança do matiz das cores ora impedia, ora permitia, que os estímulos fossem identificados por suas cores. Estas diferenças entre os grupos experimental e de controle são críticas, pois os resultados obtidos com as entrevistas e com a coleta automatizada de dados foram analisados e demonstraram que o raciocínio transitivo foi ativado em todos os sete sujeitos do grupo experimental e apenas em um sujeito do grupo de controle. Comprovou-se, também, a diferença entre as duas versões validadas: uma versão aplicada aos sujeitos do grupo de controle conseguiu ensinar as premissas, necessárias à ativação do raciocínio transitivo, mas foi insuficiente para ativá-lo em todos os sujeitos desse grupo; e, outra versão que utilizou-se de elementos adicionais para ativar o raciocínio transitivo de todos os sujeitos do grupo experimental. Comprovou-se, ainda, que tanto o raciocínio transitivo quanto o domínio das premissas são necessários para a manifestação de um comportamento transitivo. Verificou-se, finalmente, a eficácia da validação no desenvolvimento do método experimental / In our everyday life there are two frequent conditions: (1) there are situations with no explicit instructions, but only consequences to our behavior and (2) behaviors that seem to be the same to external observers, in fact have been have been originated by different reasoning. Using these two facts as the starting point, this research tried to develop experimental proceedings that induce a certain behavior (behavioral responses that reflect transitive logic) without explicit instructions followed by the assessment of the real reasoning behind the given responses (transitive or not) by each subject. Siemann and Delius´ (1993) experiment about the transitive inference, replicated by Cruz (2003) for his master monograph, elicited many methodological questions and concepts that had to be considered to investigate transitive reasoning. For example, the concept of consciousness in its relation to reasoning, assessment of reasoning through explanation, the concept of introspection, becoming conscious, metacognition, empathy and theory of mind had to be considered to interpret the interviews with the subjects. The main point of this experiment is its method that was divided in two phases, validation and confirmation. In the validation phase, 106 voluntary adult human subjects tested 14 different versions of a computer program, to finally end up with two validated versions: one version capable to teach the premises and the other to also activate transitive reasoning. Each version consisted of a conditioning session with no verbal communication or personal contact, since a computer generated and managed the presentation of the stimuli, recorded the subjects´ responses and reaction times and also provided the contingencies to the responses. After the interaction of the subject with the computer program was finished, an interview with the subjects revealed an eventual activation of transitive reasoning. In the confirmation phase, 13 adult human subjects have been submitted to the validated computer program versions for comparison: six subjects of the control group to the first version and seven subjects of the experimental group to the second version. The stimuli for the experimental group were differently colored rectangles of different sizes, designated by A, B, C, D, E and F. For each pair of different stimuli presented, the subject was reinforced for choosing the smaller one. Stimuli for the control group were similar, but all rectangles had the same size. Reinforcement scheme was also the same for both groups, reinforcing stimulus A in the pair AB, B in pair BC, C in pair CD, D in pair DE and E in pair EF, but the experimental group was also trained for the pairs AC, AD, AF, CF and DF, never presented to the control group during training. Another difference between both groups was that the experimental group sometimes had the stimulus partially covered, so that stimulus differentiation could be done only by colors or by colors and sizes at the same time. Color saturation was also manipulated, so that during parts of the training it was not possible to distinguish the stimuli by colors. According to the results of these interviews and the computer records of the subjects´ responses, all seven subjects of the experimental group had transitive reasoning activated by the proceeding, against only one subject of the control group. It was clear that there was a significant difference between both validated versions of the computer program: the version submitted to the control group was capable to teach the premises to activate transitive reasoning, but was not sufficient to really activate it in all subjects. On the contrary, the other version included additional elements to activate transitive reasoning in all subjects of the experimental group. Both, transitive reasoning and the knowledge of the transitive premises are necessary to elicit transitive behavior. The validation method for the computer program versions revealed being efficient
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Explorando as relações entre Teoria da mente, empatia e resolução de problemas interpessoaisMorais, Deborah Carla Olenka Wanderley Rocha de 28 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2018-06-12T12:22:10Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Rejected by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br), reason: on 2018-06-12T13:39:43Z (GMT) / Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2018-06-12T13:40:31Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-02-28 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Algumas habilidades são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento social e cognitivo das crianças. Dentre elas, esta dissertação elegeu a Teoria da Mente (ToM), pois ela se mostra importante para outros dois processos psicológicos chaves para a competência social: empatia e a resolução de problemas interpessoais. ToM é a capacidade de compreender, explicar e predizer o comportamento humano em termos de estados mentais e permite à criança formular o entendimento do mundo social. Empatia tem sido descrita como a capacidade de o indivíduo se colocar no lugar do outro, compreendendo, assim, os seus sentimentos. Resolução de problemas interpessoais diz respeito ao uso de estratégias para gerar e usar respostas eficazes de enfrentamento em situações problemáticas. Logo, são três variáveis que se mostram relevantes para um desenvolvimento social positivo na infância. Este trabalho teve como objetivo geral analisar teórica e empiricamente relações entre ToM, empatia e resolução de problemas interpessoais. Para tanto, dois estudos foram conduzidos. Uma revisão narrativa de literatura descreve o panorama histórico e conceitual do campo da ToM e as interfaces entre ele empatia e resolução de problemas interpessoais. Apesar de a escassez de estudos sobre as relações entre estes processos psicológicos, foi possível inferir que elas ocorrem na forma de um determinismo recíproco. Uma investigação empírica associou estas três variáveis em uma amostra de 56 crianças com idade média de 6,32 anos. É preciso esclarecer que, no caso da resolução de problemas interpessoais, considerou-se apenas a geração de alternativas. Os dados foram coletados em dois momentos na escola pública que os participantes frequentavam. No primeiro, foram aplicadas a Escala da Teoria da Mente e a Escala de Empatia para Crianças e Adolescentes. No segundo, realizaram as Tarefas de Resolução de Problemas Interpessoais. Poucas associações entre ToM, empatia e geração de alternativas para resolução de problemas interpessoais foram observadas, evidenciando que, se considerada uma causalidade linear direta, são variáveis mais independentes do que associadas. As limitações do estudo e sugestões para pesquisas futuras são apresentadas. / Some abilities are fundamental to the children social and cognitive development. Among them, this master thesis elected the Theory of Mind (ToM), since it shows important to other two key psychological processes for social competence: empathy and interpersonal problem solving. ToM is the capacity to comprehend, explain and predict the human behave in terms of mental states e allows the children to form the understanding of the social world. Empathy has been described as the capacity of the individual to stand in someone’s place, thus understanding his or her feelings. Interpersonal problem solving concerns about using strategies to generate and use effective coping answers/strategies to problematics situations. Therefore, three variable show relevant to a positive social development in childhood. This work had, as general objective, analyze empirically and theoretically relations between ToM, empathy and interpersonal problem solving. To do so, two studies were conducted. A narrative review of literature describes the historical and conceptual panorama in ToM field and its interfaces with empathy and interpersonal problems resolution. Besides de the lack of studies about the relations between these psychological processes, it is possible infer that they occurs in form of reciprocal determinism. An empirical investigation associated these three variables into a sample of 56 children at average age of 6.32 years old. It is necessary elucidate that, in case of interpersonal problem solving, only generation of alternatives were considered. The data was collected in two moments at the public school where the participants attended. On the first one, the Theory-of-Mind Scale and Empathy Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents were applied. On the second one, they performed the Interpersonal Problems Solving Tasks. Few associations between ToM, empathy and generating alternatives for interpersonal problems solving were observed, revealing that these variables are more independent than associated, if linear direct causality is considered. The limitations of the study and suggestions for future researches are presented.
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Sjuksköterskestudenters empatinivåerOllén Lindqvist, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Forskning har visat att empati är betydelsefullt i sjuksköterske-patient-relationen. Då empatisk förmåga tränas under sjuksköterskeutbildningar är mätning av empatinivåerna av betydelse för utbildningens kvalitet. Syftet med studien var att med hjälp av enkäter och intervju undersöka empatinivåerna på andra terminen, sjätte terminen och hos specialiststudenterna på en svensk sjuksköterskeutbildning. Grundstudenterna i termin sex hade signifikant högre empati än grundstudenterna i termin två och specialiststudenterna. Distriktsjuksköterskestudenter hade signifikant högre empati än anestesi- och intensivvårdssjuksköterskestudenter, medan intensivvårdssjuksköterskestudenter hade signifikant lägre empati än barnmorske- och psykiatristudenter. Specialiststudenterna tyckte empati var det viktigaste i mötet med patienten, följt av professionell hållning, kommunikation, allians och tid. En empatiforskare övervägde stress, erfarenhet och desillusion som möjliga förklaringar till empatiskillnaderna mellan termin två, termin sex och specialiststudenterna, medan skillnader i teknikfokus, identifikationsmöjligheter och interaktion, förmodades vara orsaker till empatiskillnaderna mellan specialistutbildningarna. Studiens styrka var metoden då analysarbetet genomfördes med både kvantitativ och kvalitativ. En svaghet var det låga antalet manliga deltagare. Då stress påverkar empatimätningar, föreslås att i framtida studier undersöka empati under mindre påfrestande förhållanden.
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What Distinguishes Humans from Artificial Beings in Science Fiction WorldWu, Di January 2012 (has links)
In my thesis, I explore how advanced robotic technologies affect human society and my particular concern centers on investigating the boundaries between actual humans and artificial beings. Taking Steven Spielberg’s film Artificial Intelligence (2001) and Philip K. Dick’s novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (1968) as my primary sources, I illustrate how humans are experiencing dehumanization whereas artificial beings are acting much more like humans by analyzing the main characters and events that depicted in both sources. Further on, based on Nick Haslam’s theory of two main forms of dehumanization (animalistic dehumanization and mechanistic dehumanization), I discuss the interrelationships between social categorization, empathy, alienation and dehumanization by comparing actual humans and artificial beings as counter-parts. According to the descriptions of the strained relationship between these two parties, I argue that the rigid social hierarchies set foundation for dehumanization and the characteristics that define a human being, such as humanity is not a trait that only exits in humans. It can be both gained and lost.
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Les interstices de la conversation dans les romans de Marcel Proust et Nathalie Sarraute / The interstices of conversation in Marcel Proust and Nathalie Sarraute's novelsMontier, Solenne 08 December 2017 (has links)
Si les romans de Proust et de Sarraute divergent par leurs ambitions autant que par leur style, la mise au jour des interstices de la conversation permet d’affirmer l’existence d’une filiation esthétique reliant les deux auteurs. Il s’agit de segments au discours direct qui, dans l’intervalle entre les répliques, mettent en mots ce qui aurait pu être dit ou ce qui a été dit ailleurs ou en d’autres temps, pour commenter, illustrer ou compléter l’échange en cours. Proust et Sarraute étoffent ainsi les coulisses et les entours de la conversation jusqu’à déplacer l’attention des paroles prononcées à leurs résonances imaginaires. Cette étude combine une approche diachronique et une approche synchronique pour analyser les formes, les enjeux et les effets de cette pratique singulière, révélatrice des termes de la relation intersubjective que les œuvres de Proust et de Sarraute s’attachent à interroger. Notre hypothèse est que les interstices donnent à voir des projections fantasmatiques, qui ne sont pas seulement produites par l’interaction mais l’influencent et façonnent en retour la relation à l’interlocuteur. Conçus comme des proliférations inventives aptes à reconfigurer les termes de l’interaction, ils opèrent une mise en retrait dans le champ imaginaire qui, loin d’être synonyme de solipsisme, participe à la construction du lien intersubjectif. Ils constituent un espace privilégié pour se mettre à la place de l’autre, propice à l’examen de la vie psychique et des modalités de l’empathie. Enfin, ils engagent une définition élargie du réel, incluant le virtuel et le possible, et proposent au lecteur un laboratoire existentiel l’invitant à questionner ses propres inter-actions. / Even if the novels written by Proust and by Sarraute are very different by their ambitions and by their style, uncovering the interstices of conversation makes it possible to affirm the existence of a filiation connecting the two authors. This phenomenon includes direct speech fragments used to convey what could have been said, or what have been said in a different place or a different time. The ongoing interaction can thus be commented, illustrated or completed. This is how Proust and Sarraute develop what underlies and surrounds the actual conversation, to indicate that imagination is more important than words spoken out loud. Relying on a diachronic and on a synchronic approach, this research analyses the forms, the stakes and the effects of this particular pratice that sheds a new light on the intersubjective relationship at the heart of Proust’s and Sarraute’s works. We defend the idea that the interstices are fantasmatic projections, produced by the interaction, but also affecting it in return, giving shape to the relationship with the interlocutor. Considered as an inventive growth able to alter the terms of the interaction, this phenomenon involves a certain withdrawal but, far from being a sign of solipsism, is crucial to strengthen the relationship. It offers a chosen space to put oneself’s in someone else’s place, suitable to examine inner life and empathy at work. Finally, it implies a broader definition of reality, including what is virtual and possible, and offers an existential laboratory that encourages the reader to question his own inter-actions.
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Keskustelu ja myötäeläminen:fenomenologinen tulkintaSuorsa, T. (Teemu) 06 September 2011 (has links)
In this study the phenomena of “conversation” and “empathy” are interpreted phenomenologically. The phenomenological method, as conceptualized by Martin Heidegger in Sein und Zeit and in Die Grundprobleme der Phänomenologie, is described in the first part of the study.
The second part of the study begins with a short introduction to Heidegger’s philosophical project which he characterized as “thinking of being”. Thereafter it is focused on the Heideggerian notions of “being-with” (Mitsein) and “anyone” (das Man). This focused reading of Heidegger also serves as an articulation of the author’s preconception that is essential for the following interpretation of the phenomenon of conversation. Essential for this interpretation is also the literal meaning of the Finnish word for “conversation” (keskustelu): “a center that is happening, or realizing itself, continually “. In the phenomenological interpretation of “conversation” (keskustelu) the common sense meaning for “conversation” is accompanied by a description of “conversation” as a center that is happening, or realizing itself, continually. In this description the persons participating a conversation appear also as “products” of this conversation, not merely as subjects taking turns talking to one another.
In the third part of the study the phenomenon of empathy is interpreted from the hermeneutic situation developed in the second part. Veikko Tähkä’s conception of “empathic responses” in Mind and its Treatment – A psychoanalytic approach is described as a preconception of empathy. This description is discussed on the one hand in relation to the Heideggerian notion of empathy, and on the other hand in relation to the literal meaning of the Finnish equivalent for “empathy” (myötäeläminen): “along-living”. This “along-living” is seen as living at the center that is continually happening, or realizing itself. The center is seen as the world that we collectively inhabit. It is argued that the “tuning” (Stimmung) of “being-in-the-world” and “being-with” becomes tangible to an experiencing subject in an authentic experience of “living-along”. Further, it is suggested that empathic understanding, as described by Tähkä, can be seen as an important but insufficient step towards a proper understanding of – and a new possibility for co-operation in – the situation the persons are living in.
In the last chapter of the study some implications of the presented interpretations of “conversation” and “empathy” for educational psychology are discussed. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimuksessa tulkitaan keskustelun ja myötäelämisen ilmiöitä fenomenologisesti. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä osassa kuvataan fenomenologisen liikkeen lähtökohtia ja fenomenologista metodia. Lähtökohdan metodin kuvaukselle tarjoavat Martin Heideggerin teokset Sein und Zeit sekä Die Grundprobleme der Phänomenologie.
Tutkimuksen toisessa osassa kuvataan Heideggerin käsitteellistysten kautta inhimillistä olemassaoloa ”kanssaolemisena” sekä ”kenenä tahansa” olemisena. Kuvauksessa artikuloidaan samalla tutkijan esikäsitys keskenäänolemisesta, joka on ratkaiseva esitettävälle keskustelun ilmiön tulkinnalle. Ratkaisevaa tälle tulkinnalle on myös keskustelu-sanan sananmukainen merkitys: ”tuon tuosta toteutuva keskus”. Keskustelun fenomenologisessa tulkinnassa ”keskustelun” arkimerkityksen rinnalle tuodaan kuvaus keskustelusta jatkuvasti toteutuvana keskuksena. Tässä kuvauksessa keskustelun osapuolet ominaisuuksineen ja suuntautumisineen hahmottuvat (myös) keskustelun ”tuotteina” – jonakin minä keskus toteutuu – eivät pelkästään vuoroin puhuvina, vuoroin kuuntelevina subjekteina.
Tutkimuksen kolmannessa osassa tulkitaan myötäelämisen ilmiötä tutkimuksen toisessa osassa hahmottuneesta hermeneuttisesta situaatiosta käsin. Esikäsityksenä myötäelämisestä kuvataan Veikko Tähkän hahmotelma ”empaattisista vasteista” teoksessa Mielen rakentuminen ja psykoanalyyttinen hoitaminen. Tätä kuvausta tarkastellaan yhtäältä suhteessa heideggerilaiseen käsitykseen empatiasta sekä toisaalta suhteessa empatian suomenkielisen vastineen, myötäelämisen, sananmukaiseen merkitykseen: elämiseen jonkin myötä. Myötäeläminen tulkitaan elämiseksi ”tuon tuosta toteutuvan keskuksen” myötä. Tässä keskus tulkitaan yhteiseksi maailmaksi, joka todellistuu aina tietyn tunnelman vallitessa. Tutkimuksessa esitetään ”maailmassaolemisen” ja ”kanssaolemisen” tavan käyvän kokevalla subjektille tunnistettavaksi myötäelämisen omakohtaisessa kokemisessa. Edelleen tutkimuksessa ehdotetaan, että empaattinen ymmärtäminen Tähkän kuvaamassa mielessä voidaan hahmottaa tärkeänä, vaikkakin riittämättömänä, askeleena kohti kulloisenkin tilanteen asianmukaista ymmärtämistä ja uutta yhteistyön mahdollisuutta tässä tilanteessa.
Tutkimuksen viimeisessä luvussa tarkastellaan lyhyesti esitettyjen ”keskustelun” ja ”myötäelämisen” tulkintojen merkitystä kasvatuspsykologialle.
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Toward a Transdisciplinary Model of Highly Emotional Experiences in Narrative Media : An Inwards Sound Design ApproachWozniak, Robert January 2017 (has links)
With an ever increasing pool of theories designed to help the creator instill emotion, we’reapproaching a point where even the most stubborn audience can’t fully escape the grasp thatfilm can have on their feelings. Thanks to multidisciplinary research for the cognitive andsympathetic structures that make up emotions (Blincoe, 2011; Dolan, 2002; Ekman, 1973;Panksepp, 2004), a larger understanding for emotions has been built. In succession, anintegrative emotion model is becoming a realistic proposition (Loui & Harrison, 2014). Inthis thesis I’m suggesting that to make such a model a success, an understanding of the targetgroup is a requirement. I argue that each project has unique criteria found in the individual,rather than in the current general understanding of the human mind and body, and it’s appliedknowledge in modern design theories. This angle requires new tools, which I attempt tocreate based on Scherer’s (2001) Sequential Check Theory, in combination with establishedethnographic methods. In turn the tools will be tested on a local self-defined group as anintroduction to the workflow and data collection. To prove the model’s transdisciplinarypotential I attempt to apply this data in a real world sound design context, where this methodis hypothetically less effective than earlier stages in production, like writing. To generatequalitative data, the films, in the form of two pilot episodes of a series, will be shown to thetarget group. One episode without our theory applied, and the other with changes accordingto data collection and model directions. Rounding it out with a questionnaire regardingelicited emotion, and qualitative interviews, it stands as a sufficient base for discussion, albeitrather lacking as proof of concept. The thesis ends with a discussion of potential futureapplications where models like this one could be applied. / Med den ständigt ökande mängden teorier designade för att hjälpa skaparen att framhävakänslor börjar vi nå en punkt där till och med den mest envisa åskådaren inte kan undgågreppet som film har på våra känslor. Tack vare multidisciplinär forskning om de kognitivaoch sympatiska strukturerna som står för uppbyggnaden utav känslor (Blincoe, 2011; Dolan,2002; Ekman, 1973; Panksepp, 2004), så har det byggts en bättre förståelse kring ämnet.Därav har en integrativ känslomodell blivit en realistisk proposition (Loui & Harrison, 2014).I denna uppsats föreslår jag att för att göra en sådan modell en succé så är förståelse förmålgrupp ett krav. Jag argumenterar för att varje projekt har unika kriterier som hittas hosindividen, snarare än i den generella förståelse för sinne och kropp, och dess appliceradekunskap i moderna designteorier. Den här vinkeln kräver nya verktyg, som jag försöker skapabaserat på Scherers (2001) Sequential Check Theory, i kombination med etnografiskametoder. I sin tur så testas verktygen på en lokal egendefinerad grupp som en introduktion förarbetssättet och datasamlandet. För att bevisa modellens transdisciplinära potential försökerjag applicera datan i ett verkligt ljuddesignkontext, där metoden hypotetiskt sett är mindreeffektiv än i tidigare stadier inom produktion, som skrivandeprocessen. För att genererakvalitativ data så har filmerna, i form av två pilotavsnitt i en serie, visats för gruppen. Ettavsnitt utan applicerad teori, och ett med ändringar enligt den insamlade datan och modellensriktlinjer. Avrundas med ett frågeformulär som berör de framhävda känslorna utav avsnitten.Detta står som en tillräcklig bas för diskussion, om än aningen otillräcklig för konkreta bevis.Uppsatsen avslutas med diskussion om potentiella framtida applikationer där modeller somdenna kan florera. / HYENOR
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School Counselors and Secondary Exposure to Trauma: Exploring the Relationships Between Empathy, Self-efficacy, Burnout, Secondary Traumatic Stress, and Compassion SatisfactionRumsey, Amanda D 08 August 2017 (has links)
Secondary exposure to trauma has been found to be related to increased burnout and secondary traumatic stress among professionals who work with clients who have experienced trauma (Bride, 2007; Brady, 2008; Peltzer, Matseke, & Louw, 2014; Shoji et al., 2015). Interpersonal factors such as self-efficacy and empathy may support those who experience secondary exposure to trauma by reducing burnout and secondary traumatic stress, and increasing compassion satisfaction (Shakespeare-Finch, Rees, & Armstrong, 2015; Wagaman, Geiger, Shockley, & Segal, 2015). School counselors have not been included in previous studies related to secondary exposure to trauma; however, their professional role in providing support to students in schools places them in direct contact with children and adolescents who have experienced traumatic events. This study investigated the relationships among secondary exposure to trauma, self-efficacy, empathy, and professional quality of life (i.e. burnout, secondary traumatic stress, and compassion satisfaction) for school counselors. A correlation analysis indicated that self-efficacy and empathy were both significantly correlated with burnout and compassion satisfaction. Self-efficacy and secondary exposure to trauma were both significantly correlated with secondary traumatic stress. Hierarchical linear regression analyses revealed that self-efficacy and empathy were predictors of burnout and compassion satisfaction and self-efficacy and secondary exposure to trauma were predictors of secondary traumatic stress. Implications and recommendations for professional school counselors and school counselor educators are provided.
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