Spelling suggestions: "subject:"employment contract"" "subject:"employment kontract""
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Les droits potestatifs dans le contrat de travail / Potestatives rights in the employment contractLefer, Camille 01 July 2016 (has links)
Le droit potestatif permet à son titulaire de créer, modifier ou éteindre la situation juridique d’autrui. La relation de travail, quant à elle, est empreinte d’une logique de pouvoir(s). Comment intégrer dans ces conditions le concept de droit potestatif au contrat de travail ? Comment ce dernier réceptionne-t-il la potestativité ? À quel prix la figure du droit potestatif s’adapte-t-elle ? Si les droits potestatifs sont acceptés dans le contrat de travail, ce n’est que de manière encadrée, dirigée, limitée. Les droits potestatifs sont alors contrôlés et sanctionnés par une jurisprudence qui entend en faire respecter l’esprit et les limites. Mais, parce que le droit potestatif s’exerce au moyen d’un acte unilatéral, parce qu’il s’agit de la faculté d’imposer sa volonté à autrui, les intérêts du destinataire ne doivent-ils pas a minima être préservés ? L’objet du contrat de travail, la subordination du salarié, pose ainsi notamment la question de la place à accorder aux droits et libertés fondamentaux du salarié. / A potestative right allows his holder to create, modify or extinguish another’s legal situation. The employment relation, as for it, is marked by a logic of power(s). How, in these conditions, does the concept of potestative right enter the employment contract? How does the latter receive the potestative right ? What sacrifices should be made by the potestative rights ?If potestative rights are accepted in the employment contract, it is only in a framed, supervised and limited way. Potestative rights are then controlled and sanctioned by judges willing to enforce both its spirit and limits.However, since the potestative right is applied through a unilateral act, because it concerns the ability to impose one’s will upon others, shouldn’t the interests of the recipient be preserved, at the very least? The object of the employment contract, the subordination of the employee, therefore leads towards the question of the place to begiven to the employee’s fundamental rights and freedoms.
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Návrh změn zdravotních a psychosociálních kritérií pro přijetí uchazečů do služebního poměru vojáka z povolání / The proposal for the amendment of health and psycho-social criteria for acceptance of candidates to the duty status of professional soldier.VURM, Michal January 2011 (has links)
Abstract Currently, the issue of a growing extremist right-wing orientation in professional soldiers serving in the Army of the Czech Republic has acquired top priority. This diploma work should present a targeted proposal of changes in psycho-social tests and the whole selection system of candidates applying for the army professional status. The objective of my diploma work is thus summarised in its very name ?A Proposal of Health and Psycho-Social Criteria for the Purposes of Hiring New Professional Soldiers?. The significance or danger of right-wing extremist opinions in professional soldiers serving in the Army of the Czech Republic cannot be seen in its current massive occurrence but in the trend of the growth of such negative phenomena. Based on the experimental section of my diploma work consisting in the collection and evaluation of opinions and standpoints of experienced staff members responsible for the selection of the Ministry of Defence personnel, two hypotheses were established. H1. Current psychosocial test do not comply with the hiring reguirements related to candidates for a professional army career. H2. Health checks as a component of the hiring procedure do not include the detection of external marks or signs which would indicate right-wing extremist views. The respondents who have taken part in my research have dealt with the issue in a most responsible and reliable way. The opinions of former professional soldiers who have been dismissed from the army due to their right-wing extremist opinions and acts have also been of great significance. The conclusions of my diploma work shall be submitted as a proposal for an improved hiring procedure, predominantly as far as psycho-social tests and health examinations are concerned, with the aim of detecting potential latent right-wing extremist inclinations.
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L'articulation entre convention collective et contrat de travail : Regards sur les transformations de la négociation collective / The articulation between the collective agreement and employment contract in France : The transformation of collective bargainingWeissenbacher, Alexia 06 October 2017 (has links)
La négociation collective a connu une évolution profonde de ses enjeux. Elle ne vise plus seulement à pallier les inégalités inhérentes à la relation de travail individuelle ; en raison de la promotion de la démocratie sociale, elle s'inscrit désormais dans une logique d'accompagnement du pouvoir de l'employeur. A cette fin, le niveau de négociation de l'entreprise est privilégié. La qualité des négociateurs a été précisée et les règles entourant le processus de négociation renforcées, pour parvenir à plus de légitimité de la nonne conventionnelle. Partant, les obstacles à l'application des conventions et accords collectifs sont remis en cause. Dans l'articulation de la convention collective et du contrat de travail, le principe de faveur est affaibli. L'intérêt du salarié pris individuellement recule au profit de la collectivité de travail dans laquelle il s'inscrit. L'intangibilité du contenu obligationnel du contrat de travail régresse elle aussi. Les dispositifs mis en place par la jurisprudence et le législateur pour forcer l'application d'un accord collectif contraire à une stipulation contractuelle se sont multipliés. La protection des droits fondamentaux apparaît désormais comme la seule limite infranchissable à la suprématie de la convention collective vis-à-vis du contrat de travail. / Collective bargaining bas been characterised by a deep evolution of its issues. Today its purpose is not only to decrease the inequalities related to the individual employment relationship: because of the promotion of the social democracy, collective bargaining should be also able to support the decision-making power of the employer so that the company level of bargaining is privileged. In order to make the provisions issued of collective bargaining as legitimate as possible, the quality of negotiators has been defined in detail as well as the rules related to the bargaining procedure have been reinforced. Nevertheless, the limits related to the application of the collective agreements are questioned. Within the articulation between the collective agreement and the employment contract "the favourability principle" is actually weakened and the individual interest of the employee is undermined in order to put forward the one of the whole work community. The inviolability of the binding dispositions provided by the employment contract is also receding. Number of rules have been introduced by the case law and the legislator in order to increase the in1plementation of the collective agreement provisions to the detriment of the individual employment contract. Thus the protection of fundamental rights seems the only impassable limit to the supremacy of the collective agreement on the employment contract.
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Rozvázání pracovního poměru ze strany zaměstnavatele / Termination of employment by employerPlašil, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
My dissertation´s topic is termination of employment from employer´s side. It includes determination of possibilities and recommendations how to properly terminate employment with employer without any legal consequences in practice. The basic terms in relation to given topic such as employment, importance of employment contract, its requirements and participants of labor-law relations are defined and described in first part of dissertation. Next part deals with termination of employment methods and compares mutual differences. It also takes reasons leading to termination of employment by employer into account. Practical part of dissertation is aimed at the issue of termination of employment by employer in chosen company. The process evaluation of this termination is performed both from general and company´s point of view in dissertation´s next part. Assessment and evaluation of legal reasons for termination of employment is present in the last part, in which the actual problems of dismissing employees are solved with help of real court decisions.
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Le concept d'entreprise en droit du travail / The concept of firm in labor and employment lawDuchange, Grégoire 12 April 2014 (has links)
L’entreprise naît en Droit d'un alliage complexe de notions juridiques (le contrat de travail, la personnalité morale, la représentation collective des travailleurs, etc...). L'ordonnancement systématique de celles-ci s'impose pour percevoir la cohérence de l'organisation juridique de celle-là. Des lignes de force se dégagent. Le contrat de travail oppose deux parties aux intérêts antagonistes. Mais la libération de la force de travail du salarié, partie de sa personne, et la pérennisation du lien contractuel les obligent à coopérer. Ce mouvement est renforcé par certains mécanismes étrangers à la nature du contrat de travail. Sont organisés le partage du contrôle de l’entreprise (lequel suppose d’assurer la représentation collective des travailleurs) et celui de ses utilités. Les salariés deviennent alors des quasi-associés. L'organisation juridique de l'entreprise n'est toutefois pas figée par le dogme. Des idéologies concurrentes en façonnent les contours. Certaines s'attachent aux fins. L'entreprise est alternativement mise au service de l'emploi et de l'activité d'entreprendre. D'autres s'intéressent aux moyens. Juristes et économistes prétendent à l'organisation scientifique de l'entreprise. / In Law, the firm is the result of a complex amalgam of legal concepts (employment contract, legal personality, collective representation of workers, etc.). The systematic ordering of these ones is needed to perceive the coherence of the legal organization of that one. Guidelines emerge. Employment contract is the meeting of two parties whose interests are antagonists. But the release of the labor force of the employee, part of his person , and the sustainability of the contract require them to cooperate. This trend is reinforced by some mechanisms non implied by the nature of the employment contract. Are shared the control of the company (which involves the collective representation of workers) and of its benefits. Employees then become nearly considered as the stockholders are. The legal structure of the firm , however, is not fixed by dogma. Competing ideologies are shaping it. Some focus on purposes. The company is alternately used as a means for employment and for the will of the enterpreneur. Others focus on methods. Lawyers and economists try to organize the firm scientifically.
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Skončení pracovního poměru v České republice a v Rakousku / Termination of employment in the Czech Republic and in AustriaNeklová, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the various manners of termination of an employment relationship according to the laws of the Czech Republic and compares them with the legal regulation of the same or similar manners of termination of an employment relationship in the laws of the Austrian Republic. The thesis is divided into four main parts. The first part deals with the system of Austrian employment regulations. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to the concept of termination of an employment relationship in general and it divides the ways of termination of employment relationship into two basic groups; in particular, the first group is termination of employment relationship based on legal acts and the second group is termination of employment relationship based on legal event. Further, the second part of this thesis discusses the terms employer and employee. The third part of this thesis is devoted to individual legal acts based on which in the Austrian and Czech laws an employment relationship can be terminated which is a termination agreement, termination by notice, immediate cancellation of an employment relationship, respectively exit from employment relationship (in German: Austritt) and dismissal from employment (in German: Entlassung), cancellation of employment relationship during a...
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Il potere di controllare l’attività dei lavoratori subordinati è da sempre una manifestazione ineliminabile della posizione giuridica del datore di lavoro. Nella misura in cui risulta necessario alla corretta esecuzione del contratto, l’assoggettamento del lavoratore al controllo datoriale costituisce una componente essenziale del rapporto di cui all’art. 2094 c.c., contribuendo a definire la nozione stessa di subordinazione. Proprio per questa ragione, una precisa ricognizione dei limiti posti dall’ordinamento ai controlli dell’imprenditore assume fondamentale importanza, onde scongiurare il rischio che la relazione che si instaura nei luoghi di lavoro divenga occasione di condizionamenti della libertà del lavoratore, incompatibili con i principi su cui si fonda una società democratica. Prendendo le mosse da tali considerazioni, l’opera analizza il quadro normativo sul potere di controllo del datore di lavoro, concentrandosi soprattutto sulle regole sancite dallo Statuto dei lavoratori e sulla più recente disciplina di protezione dei dati personali. Nei quattro capitoli lungo i quali si articola, la riflessione viene svolta con sguardo rivolto sia ai tradizionali problemi della materia sia alle nuove sfide sollevate dall’innovazione tecnologica. / The power to control the activity of workers has always been an ineradicable manifestation of the employer’s legal position. To the extent that it is necessary for the correct performance of the contract, the subjection of the worker to the employer control is an essential element of the relationship referred to in Article 2094 of the Italian Civil Code and plays a crucial role in the definition of subordination. For this reason, an accurate recognition of the legal limits on the entrepreneur’s controls is important to avoid the risk that the employment relationship becomes an occasion for conditioning workers’ freedom in a way that is incompatible with the principles of a democratic society. Based on these considerations, the study analyzes the regulatory framework on the employer’s power to control workers, focusing mostly on the rules laid down by Legge no. 300/1970 (Statuto dei lavoratori) and on the recent Personal Data Protection Regulation. The reflection, which is organized around four chapters, is carried out with an eye on both traditional problems related to this topic and new challenges raised by technological innovation.
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La notion d'intérêt de l'entreprise en droits comparés français, béninois et de l'OHADA / The concept of interest of the company in comparative French, Benin and OHADA rightsDokoui, Symphorien 11 December 2018 (has links)
Séculaire, le débat autour de la notion d’intérêt de l’entreprise est loin de s’éteindre. Les questions qui entourent sa définition, son appréhension et les frontières de son effectivité continuent de nourrir les réflexions de tous ceux qui s’intéressent au droit de la relation du travail, au droit de l’entreprise. Paradigme, boussole ou jauge des comportements et décisions de gestion, l’intérêt de l’entreprise apparaît comme une notion « caméléon ». De source jurisprudentielle, l’intérêt de l’entreprise n’est pas moins une notion au centre de toutes les réformes touchant, non seulement, à l’amélioration des rapports de « collaboration » des parties à la relation de travail, mais à l’indispensable coopération entre tous ceux qui prennent part à l’exploitation des activités économiques « investisseurs, salariés, clients, fournisseurs, fonctionnaires, analystes financiers, associations professionnelles, État ». Visant à assainir tous les montages stratégiques et managériaux dans l’optique d’une compétitivité réelle de l’entreprise, la notion ne contribue pas moins à la protection de la dignité du salarié au travers la garantie d’un travail décent. Ainsi, tous ceux qui concourent au fonctionnement de l’entreprise doivent agir dans le sens de l’intérêt de l’entreprise, dans la réalisation du « projet collectif ». La notion se trouve ainsi au centre d’une articulation entre « l’individuel » et le « collectif ». D’implantation récente en droit français, la notion l’est relativement dans l’espace OHADA et très peu en droit béninois / Secular, the debate around the concept of interest of the company is far from dying out. The questions surrounding its definition, its apprehension and the limits of its effectiveness continue to feed the reflections of all those who are interested in the law of the labor relation, the right of the company. Paradigm, compass or gauge of behavior and management decisions, the interest of the company appears as a notion "chameleon". From a jurisprudential source, the interest of the company is no less a central notion of all the reforms affecting not only the improvement of the "collaboration" relations of the parties to the employment relationship, but also the essential cooperation between all those who take part in the exploitation of economic activities "investors, employees, customers, suppliers, civil servants, financial analysts, professional associations, the State". Aiming to clean up all the strategic and managerial mounts with a view to a real competitiveness of the company, the notion contributes not less to the protection of the dignity of the employee through the guarantee of decent work. Thus, all those who contribute to the operation of the company must act in the interest of the company, in the realization of the "collective project". The notion is thus at the center of an articulation between "the individual" and the "collective". Recently established in French law, the concept is relatively in the OHADA space and very little in Benin law
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A comparative study of the effects of liquidation or business rescue proceedings on the rights of the employees of a companyJoubert, Engela Petronella 29 November 2018 (has links)
Whenever legal disciplines overlap interesting scenarios occur and differences in opinions create intellectual tension. One such interesting scenario occurs when employees’ rights are affected during a company’s liquidation or business rescue. The employees of a company are normally the last persons to find out that a company is struggling financially. They are also the only stakeholders who are in no position to negotiate their risk should the company be liquidated. It is therefore necessary to evaluate the rights given to employees during a company’s liquidation and business rescue. The fundamental ideologies of company law, insolvency law and labour law are challenged and examined to attempt a harmonizing result that respects the core of each discipline. It is crucial to determine whether an appropriate balance is struck between the interests of all the stakeholders of the company during these procedures.
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate whether South Africa manages to strike this balance. If employee rights are protected whilst a company is restructured back to solvency and success, this balance will be struck. An evaluation will also be made whether employees are always better protected during business rescue than in liquidation.
The study analyses employee rights in a company’s liquidation and during a company’s restructuring process. The comparative study of employee rights in liquidation and rescue is done with the jurisdictions of Australia and England – countries with similar procedures.
Important conclusions show that South Africa protects employee rights during business rescue procedures the best. An appropriate balance is indeed struck between the interests of all stakeholders of a company during business rescue procedures and employees are most of the time better off after a restructuring than in a liquidation. Should the recommendations for law reform be implemented in our legislation, South Africa will overcome the few obstacles currently in its way to be seen as a world leader where employee rights are concerned in liquidation proceedings as well as business rescue. / Mercantile Law / LL. D.
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PROFILI PENALI INERENTI AL RUOLO DEL LAVORATORE NELL'ATTIVITA' DI IMPRESA / Criminal law profiles inherent to the role of workers whithin business activityANDREIS, EMANUELE 19 December 2018 (has links)
L'indagine cerca di verificare la sussistenza di norme o la praticabilità di riforme o interpretazioni evolutive che consentano di riconoscere al lavoratore un ruolo efficamente preventivo rispetto a illeciti che possano prodursi nel corso dell'attività di impresa. Le due direttive principali lungo le quali corre l'analisi svolta sono quelle del diritto della sicurezza sul lavoro e delle segnalazioni (oggetto di comparazione con la normativa statunitense), con riferimenti ad alcune tematiche ritenute fondamentali della teoria generale del reato, così come ad aspetti significativi del contratto di lavoro subordinato. / The investigation is about the existence of laws or the possibility of reforms or evolutive interpretations that would allow a reconstruction of the role of the workers whithin an enterprise as a gatekeeper in front of illicit risks and conducts. While the focus is on health and safety at work and on whistleblowing laws (which are compared to the U.S.A. ones), the development of the thesis passes even through some fundamental themes of the general theory of the crime and some relevant profiles of the employment contract.
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