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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pracovní smlouva a vznik pracovního poměru / Employment contract and the establishment of an employment relationship

Sekalová, Martina January 2018 (has links)
1 Employment contract and the establishment of an employment relationship Abstract This diploma thesis deals with an employment contract and the establishment of an employment relationship. The aim is to provide a comprehensive outlook on the issue of employment contract and the establishment of an employment relationship, analyze the current legislative framework including the case law and point out some challenges regarding the application in practice. The thesis is divided into four main chapters that are further segmented. The first chapter provides a basic overview of the labor law, its function, and position within the legal framework. Next, it analyzes the relationship between the labor law and the civil law post recodification, labor law relationships, and their basic principles and the dependent work as a subject matter of the individual employment relationship. The second chapter is devoted to an employment contract. It first analyzes the process before the employment relationship is established. Next, it deals with the establishment of the employment relationship itself, appointment and the issue of the so-called factual employment relationship. The third chapter is devoted to the employment contract in general. It provides the characteristics of the employment contract, which is one of the basic...

Pacto laboral e ganhos do atleta profissional de futebol / Employment contract and gains of the professional football player

Fábio Menezes de Sá Filho 00 December 2009 (has links)
O contrato de trabalho do atleta profissional de futebol tem particularidades, as quais são inerentes apenas aos jogadores de futebol, não tendo aplicabilidade, de forma obrigatória, mas sim, subsidiária, o disposto na Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho (CLT). São aplicadas a este contrato especial, além de alguns dispositivos da CLT, as normas específicas previstas para esta modalidade esportiva. Dentre as quais, a Lei n. 9.615, de 24 de março de 1998, ou também conhecida por Normas Gerais sobre Desporto ou, ainda, vulgarmente conhecida por Lei Pelé. É com base nas diretrizes previstas nesta lei, que as demais regras reguladoras dessa modalidade desportiva se fundamentam. No decorrer desta obra científica, serão explanadas as particularidades características do contrato de trabalho desportivo, tendo como ápice, a análise da natureza jurídica dos ganhos dos atletas profissionais e as conseqüências jurídicas advindas da extinção do instituto do passe.

Le lien de subordination juridique dans les relations de travail / The legal subordination link in labor relations

Pépin, Nicolas 08 July 2010 (has links)
La notion de subordination juridique est en confrontation directe avec l'évolution du marché du travail. Face aux contraintes du droit du travail, le salariat est fuit ce qui favorise les montages juridiques mais aussi les réelles alternatives. Ces dernières alimentent aujourd'hui le phénomène des travailleurs économiquement dépendants qui témoigne de l'extension d'une zone grise aux frontières du salariat. Il devient donc parfois bien difficile de définir le contrat de travail. Pourtant, les enjeux sont importants, notamment au regard de l'infraction de travail dissimulé. La subordination juridique étant le critère distinctif du contrat de travail, il convient de faire le point sur les approches successivement proposées par la doctrine et la jurisprudence. Le but de cette thèse est d'essayer de faire le bilan de cette notion instable pour prévoir et proposer les évolutions possibles. / The concept of legal subordination is in direct confrontation with the changing labor market. Given the constraints of employment law, the wage is leaking which promotes legal arrangements but also the real alternatives. These now supply the phenomenon of economically dependent workers, reflecting the extension of a gray area into borders of employment. It becomes increasingly difficult to define the employment contract. Yet the stakes are high, particularly with regard to the infringement of concealed work. The legal subordination is the distinguishing criterion of the employment contract, it should take stock of approaches successively proposed by doctrine and jurisprudence. The aim of this thesis is to try to take stock of this unstable concept to predict and suggest possible changes.

Vztah zaměstnance a zaměstnavatele v účetnictví a v daních / The formal relationship between employee and employer in accounting and taxation

Richtáriková, Paulína January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the employer-employee relationship in accounting and taxation. It offers a general view on the process from formation of employment relationship to its termination. Income tax and social insurance represent the key areas establishing a wide variety of rights and obligations for both parties. The final part of the thesis uses a model situation to demonstrate an employment relationship.

Apribojimai nutraukti darbo sutartį reorganizuojant įmonę / Restrictions on the termination of an employment contract when restructuring an enterprise

Rudėnaitė, Ligita 25 June 2014 (has links)
Šio darbo pirmoje dalyje yra nagrinėjama Europos Bendrijų teisės aktuose nustatytos garantijos darbuotojams, taikomos įmonės reorganizavimo atveju. Tyrimo metu analizuojama Direktyva Nr. 2001/23/EB, remiantis Europos Teisingumo Teismo praktiką, aiškinamos direktyvos nuostatos įtvirtinančios individualią bei kolektyvinę darbuotojų interesų apsaugą. Antrojoje dalyje analizuojama reorganizavimo samprata civilinėje bei darbo teisėje, atskleidžiama reorganizavimo sąvoka, būdai, etapai. Pateikiamas reorganizavimo palyginimas su likvidavimo procedūra bei restruktūrizavimu. Taip pat analizuojamos Lietuvos Respublikos darbo kodekso normos, nustatančios apribojimus darbdaviui nutraukti darbo sutartį reorganizuojant įmonę. Tyrimo metu paaiškėja, kad nacionalinės teisės aktai nevisiškai atitinka Direktyvos Nr. 2001/23/EB tikslus. Nors reorganizavimas pats savaime nėra teisėta priežastis darbo santykių nutraukimui, tačiau darbuotojų apsauga nėra absoliuti. Reorganizavimo metu ir jam pasibaigus įmonėje susiklosto sudėtingi darbo santykiai, darbo santykių tęstinumas ne visada yra užtikrinamas. Todėl trečioje darbo dalyje yra kalbama apie darbdavio teisės nutraukti darbo sutartį įgyvendinimą bei jos apribojimus, aptariama darbuotojų perkėlimo galimybė, informavimo ir konsultavimo pareigos realizavimas. Darbo pabaigoje yra suformuluotos išvados remiantis atliktu teisės aktų bei Europos Teisingumo Teismo bei Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo praktikos tyrimu bei teisės doktrinos analize. / In the first part the main issue is analyzes of European Communities law and the Directive No 2001/23/EC witch laid down legal guarantees for the employees during the process of enterprises reorganization. The main provisions of the directive that include protection of individual and collective employee’s interests were explained according to The European Court of Justice practice. In the second part of the work was done analyzes of the concept of reorganization in civil and labor law, in purpose to find out definition of reorganization, means and stages of process. There are given a comparison of reorganization and liquidation, reorganization and restructuring. This part of work also includes analyzes of Labour Code norms, which laid down restrictions on employer who is unallowable to terminate the employment contract during reorganization of the enterprises. The study reveals that national legislation does not fully comply with purposes of Directive No 2001/23/EC. Although, reorganization in itself is not a legitimate reason for termination of employment, but employment protection is not absolute too. During the reorganization and after this process, labour relations between employer and employees may be complicated and employment succession is not always guaranteed. Therefore, there is talking about the employer's right to terminate the labour contract, the implementation and restricts of this right. Last part also includes discussion about possibility to transfer... [to full text]

O trabalho artístico da crianças e do adolescente / Artistic work of children and adolescent

Martins, Ana Luiza Leitão 10 June 2013 (has links)
O trabalho artístico infanto-juvenil é a temática que norteia a presente pesquisa. Dentro desse tema, observa-se uma discussão ampla na doutrina sobre a sua validade e qual a forma jurídica da prestação de serviços quando a atividade é exercida por crianças e adolescentes. Para enveredar por esta problemática, traz-se como suporte metodológico a abordagem dedutiva e técnica de pesquisa bibliográfica. O texto esta dividido em capítulos, onde se abordam os distintos assuntos que confluem para os objetivos pretendidos. São eles: evolução das regras jurídicas de direito do trabalho e defesa da exploração do trabalho das crianças e adolescentes, importância do estudo das artes para o ser humano em desenvolvimento e legalidade dessa prática, e, por último, a inclusão dessa discussão no ordenamento jurídico pátrio. A conclusão a que se chega é que, de acordo com as regras jurídicas aplicáveis atualmente, é válido o trabalho infanto-juvenil artístico, desde que cumpridas as normas legais em vigor. / The artwork juvenile is the theme that guides the present research. Within this theme, there is a broad discussion on the doctrine on which the validity and the legal form of the service when the activity is carried out by children and adolescents. To embark on this issue brings up as methodological support the deductive approach and technical literature. The text is divided into chapters, which deal with the different issues that converge to the desired goals. They are: the evolution of legal rules of labor law and defense of labor exploitation of children and adolescents, the importance of the study of the arts to the developing human and legality of this practice, and, finally, the inclusion of this discussion in the legal paternal. The conclusion reached is that, according to the applicable legal rules currently valid work juvenile art, provided it fulfills the legal provisions in force

La mobilité juridique des rapports de travail : essai sur la coordination des normes et des prérogatives juridiques / Mobility of labor relations : coordination of rules and legal prerogatives

Mihman, Nathalie 11 December 2018 (has links)
La terminologie « mobilité juridique « émerge des mouvements de personnel dans des ensembles organisés et normatifs plus vastes que l’entreprise. Au départ cette notion a permis de mettre en exergue la mutation du rapport de travail lorsque ce dernier, sans perdre son rattachement avec une entreprise située dans un ordre juridique étatique, se déploie à l’étranger, en direction d’un nouvel ordre étatique et en direction d’une nouvelle entreprise. La mobilité juridique est une mobilité par changement du droit applicable. Elle est le fruit d’un déplacement spatial du rapport de travail entre des espaces normatifs mutuellement irréductibles. L’assise des rapports de travail juridiquement mobiles est formée par des organisations en dehors des organisations formelles. Il s’agit d’organisations incomplètes. Celles-ci induisent des exigences de coordination.Dans une première partie, il est pris soin de dégager les coordinations normatives comme premières. C’est à partir de celles-ci que peuvent être induites les modalités de coordination des personnes impliquées dans la mobilité. il en ressort une figure renouvelée de l’employeur (il sera question des maitres de l’organisation). Il en ressort également une figure renouvelée du travailleur, dont le développement des « capacités », implique un meilleur ancrage de ses droits dans son environnement normatif de travail et d’emploi. Il en découle en définitive un ordonnancement renouvelé des rapports du travail. Dans une seconde partie, il est porté attention à la similarité des questions juridiques que posent dans un contexte de globalisation les rapports de travail juridiquement mobiles, qu'ils soient réputés de droit purement interne ou internationaux. La coordination des ordres juridiques a pour objet la coordination des entreprises et des travailleurs : il s'agit d'une coordination des coordinations, réalisée par le biais d'une pluralité de principes et de méthodes. Il en ressort l'existence d'un droit international privé du travail contribuant à l'ordonnancement transnational des relations du travail. En définitive, les fonctions du droit du travail et du droit international privé sont mises à l'épreuve dans le cadre de(s) marché(s) nationaux et internationaux / The terminology "legal mobility" emerges from the movement of personnel in organized and normative sets larger than the enterprise. Initially, this notion made it possible to highlight the change in the working relationship when the latter, without losing its connection with an enterprise located in a state legal order, deploys abroad, in the direction of a new state order. to a new company. Legal mobility is a mobility by change of the applicable law. It is the result of a spatial shift in the working relationship between mutually irreducible normative spaces. The foundation of legally mobile working relationships is formed by organizations outside formal organizations. These are incomplete organizations. These induce coordination requirements.In a first part, it is taken care of to release the normative coordinations as first. It is from these that the coordination modalities of the people involved in mobility can be induced. it shows a renewed figure of the employer (it will be about the masters of the organization). It also shows a renewed figure of the worker, whose development of "capabilities" implies a better anchoring of his rights in his normative environment of work and employment. It ultimately results in a renewed order of labor relations.In a second part, attention is paid to the similarity of the legal questions posed in a context of globalization to legally mobile working relationships, whether they are deemed to be purely internal or international. The coordination of the legal orders concerns the coordination of companies and workers: it is a coordination of coordination, carried out through a plurality of principles and methods. It reveals the existence of an international private labor law contributing to the transnational organization of labor relations.Ultimately, the functions of labor law and private international law are put to the test in the context of (s) national and international market(s)

O contrato de trabalho e a previdência privada

Tanaca, Priscila 08 June 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:24:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao PRISCILA TANACA.pdf: 337322 bytes, checksum: b021a8fdeed139e466f26b9d2d04bb09 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-06-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The following masters lecture has the purpose of analyzing voluntary, private pension funds and how they are not a part of an employment contract. Before getting into this specific matter, it is necessary to analyze pension funds generally, as part of the social security system. Although they are both part of the social security system, the government pension program and voluntary, private pension funds have distinct characteristics. The government pension program is characterized by mandatory membership and compulsory contributions, imposed by law, regardless of the will of the employer and employee. Voluntary, private pension funds are governed by a legal contract, constructed independently and based on the will of the parties and independent of the rules of the government pension program. Although they each have their own characteristics, voluntary, private pension funds have the same purpose as the government pension program, that is to provide financial security to individuals and to the community. The operation of the voluntary, private pension funds is shared between what we call closed and open entities. The purpose of this lecture is to study the closed entities, including their legal nature, characteristics and the relationship between the parties involved in this legal contract. To analyze these voluntary, private pension funds carried on by the closed entities, we will first consider the general aspects and elements of a legal contract, and then move to the specific elements of a private pension funds contract and an employment contract. When analyzing the nature of an employee s wage, we will learn that contributions to an employee s private pension fund should not be considered a part of the employee s salary. Therefore, it should not be considered as part of the employment contract, neither by legal doctrine nor by judges when making their decisions. The purpose of this scientific research is to establish that there is no relationship between contributions to voluntary, private pension funds and the employment contract, which may stimulate employers to offer participation in voluntary, private pension funds to their employees / A presente dissertação de mestrado tem por finalidade analisar o instituto da previdência privada fechada e sua não integração no contrato de trabalho. Primeiramente para adentrarmos ao tema específico necessário se fez a análise da entidade de previdência privada fechada inserida no Sistema de Seguridade Social. Embora fazendo parte deste sistema a Previdência Social e a Previdência Complementar possuem peculiaridades distintas. A Previdência Social tem sua filiação obrigatória e automática exigida em lei, independente da vontade das partes assim como sua contribuição compulsória, enquanto a Previdência Privada é contratual, constituída sob forma autônoma em relação ao Regime Geral fundado em um contrato de adesão e facultativo, baseado na vontade das partes, sendo seu regime financeiro o da capitalização. Embora suas latentes diferenças, a Previdência Privada tem o mesmo objetivo da Previdência Social que é o de proporcionar o bem-estar aos indivíduos e toda coletividade. O regime de previdência complementar é operado pelas entidades fechadas e entidades abertas de previdência complementar. Nosso trabalho estudará a entidade fechada, sua natureza jurídica, seus elementos caracterizadores, a relação jurídica e os sujeitos desta relação. Realizada a análise da entidade de previdência complementar fechada será estudado o instituto do contrato em seu aspecto geral e as peculiaridades do contrato de previdência privada e o contrato de trabalho. Quando da análise do salário e os elementos que o integram vemos que a contribuição da empresa para com a previdência privada não será incluída como forma de salário, assim, não tem como ser considerado tanto pela jurisprudência como pela doutrina como integrante do contrato de trabalho. O intuito desta pesquisa científica é deixar claro esta desvinculação e com isto estimular as empresas a estarem proporcionando a seus trabalhadores a participação dos planos de previdência privada fechada

Autonomia da previdência privada na relação de emprego

Ciero, Maria Teresa Leis Di 26 October 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:29:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Teresa Leis Di Ciero.pdf: 465797 bytes, checksum: 6be9608b855f28703b460437a0571c68 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-10-26 / This work looks into the autonomy of the private pension system during employment relations. To that end, this study will start by describing the evolution of the social security system as from enactment of the Federal Constitution in 1988, which comprises healthcare, welfare, and public and private pension schemes. This work will then focus on inclusion of the private pension scheme into the social security system envisioned by the Federal Constitution as a mechanism for social protection. Despite the differences between the general social security regime (which is governed by law and subject to compulsory adhesion) and the private social security scheme (which is governed by private contract, optional, and based on the principle of the parties freedom to contract), both can coexist in the social security system. In conclusion, it can be seen that the purpose of the private pension system is to secure the well-being of individuals and of the community as a whole, after retirement. This work will study private pension entities and benefit plans made available by the employer to employees, showing the autonomy of social security schemes vis-à-vis employment bonds. Within this context, we will detail the reasons why the private pension plan offered by the employer (whether through an open-end or a closed-end private pension entity) cannot be confused with the benefits offered by the employer under the umbrella of the existing employment bond, whose entitlement and contribution rules are compulsorily prescribed by labor laws. As the economy stabilized in Brazil, corporate negotiations have blossomed over the last years. These developments from a positive economic scenario have translated into deep transformations in labor relations and in corporate businesses. Although the private pension alternative plays a relevant part in employment relations, it has no labor-related implications when granted by the employer, due to the parties freedom to contract as expressly warranted by the Federal Constitution. After elaborating on the legal relationship between the employer and the private pension entity, as well as that between the private pension entity and employees, during an employment bond, this work will conclude that the private pension scheme is autonomous with regard to employment relations. Although this work analyzes those plans run by open-end and closed-end private pension entities during employment relations, emphasis will be placed on plans offered by closed-end private pension entities, as these are more commonly confused with the employer status in certain circumstances, given the nature and content of their operational rules / Este trabalho tem por finalidade analisar a autonomia da Previdência Privada na vigência da relação empregatícia. Iniciaremos nosso estudo pela evolução do Sistema de Seguridade Social, a partir da Constituição Federal de 1988, que engloba a Saúde, a Assistência e a Previdência Pública e Privada. Trataremos inicialmente da inclusão da Previdência Privada no Sistema de Seguridade Social desenhado pela Constituição Federal como meio de proteção social. Apesar das diferenças existentes entre o Regime Geral de Previdência Social, operado por Lei, e de filiação obrigatória, e o Regime Privado, de índole contratual, facultativo e baseado no princípio da autonomia da vontade, ambos podem coexistir no Sistema de Seguridade Social. Concluiremos que o objetivo da Previdência Privada também é proporcionar o bem-estar aos indivíduos e a toda a coletividade durante a inatividade. O nosso trabalho estudará as Entidades de Previdência Privada e os Planos de Benefícios disponibilizados pelo empregador aos empregados, demonstrando a autonomia da relação previdenciária com a relação de vínculo empregatício. Serão detalhadas as razões pela qual o Plano Previdenciário concedido pelo empregador, seja ele por meio de Entidade Aberta ou Fechada de Previdência Privada, não pode ser confundido com os benefícios concedidos pelo empregador, por força da relação de emprego, cujas regras para sua concessão e manutenção são impostas pela legislação trabalhista. Com a estabilização da economia, não foram poucas as negociações societárias ocorridas nos últimos anos. Esses acontecimentos decorrentes do cenário econômico positivo geraram transformações na relação de trabalho e nos negócios empresariais. Apesar de a Previdência Privada fazer parte do cenário da relação de emprego, quando disponibilizada pelo empregador, não tem natureza trabalhista, em face da autonomia prevista no texto constitucional. Após definir a relação jurídica existente entre a Entidade de Previdência Privada e o empregador, assim como a relação jurídica existente entre a Entidade de Previdência Privada e o empregado, na vigência do vínculo empregatício, concluiremos pela autonomia da Previdência Privada na relação de emprego. Embora o nosso trabalho analise os Planos operados pelas Entidades de Previdência Privada Abertas e Fechadas, durante a relação de emprego, daremos ênfase aos Planos concedidos pelas Entidades Fechadas, visto que esta se confunde mais com a figura do empregador em determinadas situações, diante de suas regras de constituição

Falta grave patronal: da responsabilidade do empregador

Camargo, Elaine Cristina Beltran de 17 May 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:30:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Elaine Cristina Beltran de Camargo.pdf: 808937 bytes, checksum: 75650e363148b5ecbc1ceae474c7eb3f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-05-17 / The employer has the power governing the employment relationship which concerns the form of how work activities should be fulfilled, how can monitor compliance by the employee and impose disciplinary measures when necessary. However, the employer in the power of command must not exceed legal limits imposed on it, may be liable to employer misconduct. The employer misconduct is a way of rescission of employment contract by the employee (indirect rescission) and consists of the serious default made by the employer (Art. 483, Labor Code, paraphs "a" and "g") becoming very difficult to continue the employment contract. The responsibilities assigned to the employer are originated from contractual obligations of the employment relationship, however, we stick it out that the employer is also liable to civil liability in the reasonable circumstances. The employer may incur misconduct occasioning the indirect rescission of employment contract and can afford to take the damages caused by such titles as well as cumulatively may be held liable for moral and material damages caused to the employee, should fix them / O empregador detém o poder diretivo na relação de emprego que versa sobre a forma de como as atividades laborais devem ser cumpridas, podendo fiscalizar o modo de cumprimento pelo empregado, bem como aplicar-lhe sanções disciplinares quando necessário. Contudo, o empregador, no poder de comando, não deve ultrapassar os limites legislativos que lhe são impostos, podendo incorrer em falta grave patronal. A falta grave patronal é uma das formas de dissolução do contrato de trabalho por iniciativa do empregado (rescisão indireta) e consiste no cometimento de ato gravíssimo pelo empregador (art. 483, CLT, alíneas a a g ) impossibilitando o prosseguimento do contrato de trabalho. As responsabilidades atribuídas ao empregador são decorrentes das obrigações contratuais da relação de emprego, todavia, ressaltamos que o empregador também é passível de responsabilização civil nas hipóteses cabíveis. O empregador poderá incorrer em falta grave ensejando a rescisão indireta do contrato de trabalho devendo arcar com as indenizações devidas a tais títulos, bem como, cumulativamente, poderá ser responsabilizado pelos danos morais e materiais causados ao empregado, devendo repará-los

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