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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Immigration’s Effect on the Swedish Labor Market : - How did the refugee wave in 2015 affect the Swedish employment rates?

Tidlund, Joel, Holmkvist, Jonathan January 2021 (has links)
This essay study the impact of the increased immigration to Sweden caused by the refugee crisis in 2015. With the focus on how the increased number of immigrants affects the employment rate, empirical evidence can be found that contributes to this widely discussed subject. The analysis is made by observing the share of immigrants and the employment rate in each of the 290 municipalities during the years 2014 to 2018.An empirical analysis is conducted by using a combination of a pooled OLS model along with fixed effects model. The result of the pooled OLS model indicate on a negative relationship. This could potentially be explained by the fact that immigrants generally are drawn to regions where those with similar ethnic background already live. Due to technical reasons connected to this model, fixed effects are added. Contradicting the initial results, the relationship is now expected to be positive. An increased share of immigrants by 1 percent unit is expected to increase the employment rate by 0,49 percent. However, when control variables that take the characteristics of each municipalities into consideration is introduced, the impact of the share of immigrants drops significantly. The result found that an increased share of immigrants by 1 percent unit is expected to increase the employment rate by 0,11 percent. Even though the potential presence of correlation rather than causation, and the strong impact of the control variables, it can be stated that there is a positive relationship between the increased number of immigrants in the workforce and the employment rates within the Swedish municipalities. The findings in this paper will function as a reference point that proves both the public debate and policy makers with crucial information of the expected outcome on the labor market connected to immigration.

Immigration´s Effect on the Swedish Labor Market : - How did the refugee wave in 2015 affect the Swedish employment rates?

Holmkvist, Jonathan, Tidlund, Joel January 2021 (has links)
This essay study the impact of the increased immigration to Sweden caused by the refugee crisis in 2015. With the focus on how the increased number of immigrants affects the employment rate, empirical evidence can be found that contributes to this widely discussed subject. The analysis is made by observing the share of immigrants and the employment rate in each of the 290 municipalities during the years 2014 to 2018.  An empirical analysis is conducted by using a combination of a pooled OLS model along with fixed effects model. The result of the pooled OLS model indicate on a negative relationship. This could potentially be explained by the fact that immigrants generally are drawn to regions where those with similar ethnic background already live. Due to technical reasons connected to this model, fixed effects are added. Contradicting the initial results, the relationship is now expected to be positive. An increased share of immigrants by 1 percent unit is expected to increase the employment rate by 0,49 percent. However, when control variables that take the characteristics of each municipalities into consideration is introduced, the impact of the share of immigrants drops significantly. The result found that an increased share of immigrants by 1 percent unit is expected to increase the employment rate by 0,11 percent. Even though the potential presence of correlation rather than causation, and the strong impact of the control variables, it can be stated that there is a positive relationship between the increased number of immigrants in the workforce and the employment rates within the Swedish municipalities.  The findings in this paper will function as a reference point that proves both the public debate and policy makers with crucial information of the expected outcome on the labor market connected to immigration.

Employment growth intensity in South Africa

Hendricks, Caelem Jesse January 2021 (has links)
Magister Commercii - MCom / The following research paper is based on employment intensity, arguing the notion that an increase in economic growth alone does not necessary increase the rate of employment in South Africa. In fact, other additional macroeconomic factors determine changes in the rate of employment, along with economic growth. This research measured the employment numbers in each South African sector with reference to sector-specific gross value added, to determine the level of elasticity of employment in each sector. This was done by extracting quarterly data in-between the year 1995 to 2019. For each sector, a unit root test was estimated, an ARDL bound test for cointegration, an error correction model. A stability and diagnostic test were conducted to test the fluidity of each regression model. The coefficient of each sector modelled indicated no correlation between employment and economic growth. In “all sectors”, the results of GVA were not influential enough to implement positive change in the levels of employment, thus, leading to jobless growth.

Ženy a trh práce v souvislosti s rodičovstvím / Women and labour market in relation to parenthood

KŘIKAVOVÁ, Soňa January 2009 (has links)
The thesis contains a description of the current situation in combining work and family. Principally, the work focuses on women with small children who are recipients of parental allowance or maternity pay and on the system of family support, in particular, the new three-speed systém of parentel allowance. It also addresses issues faced by mothers upon their re-entry on the labour market. The work´s aim was to establish the extent to which patente take advantage of the option to select the period for which they would benefit from parental allowance and the factors influencing their choice. In order to obtain the data required, women on maternity or parental leave and allowance specialists of the state social support department at the Labour Office in Beroun have been interviewed. Quantitative as well as qualitative research methods have been used. Mothers provided information in questionnaires filled in independently by respondents, semi-controlled interviews with individual specialists have been used to obtain information from the allowance specialists at the Labour Office. The finding that resulted from the work is that, out of the three possible alternatives, the three-year alternativ eis the most frequent choice and the two-year alternative is selected by the lowest number of women. The employability of women and the number of children they take care of are the most important criteria affecting thein choice. Low interest in the two-year-olds. Therefore, predominantly women planning another child in the upcoming period who will have to resolve the situation during their next parental leave opt for the two-year alternative. The influence of the mother´s education on the choice of an alternative has not been confirmed. In order to allow mothers with small children to make full use of the new three-speed system and to accomplish the desired effect, i.e. increase in female employment rates, I would recommend, first of all, regulating the ``nurseries`` in a new way, introducing part-time jobs and shared job positions. Without these measures, the new system cannot work efficiently.

Vzdělanostní struktura a její vliv na trh práce v České republice a Velké Británii

Procházková, Ivana January 2007 (has links)
Česká republika má míru nezaměstnanosti jednu z nejvyšších v Evropě. Naopak Velká Británie má míru nezaměstnanosti jednu z nejnižších. Jedním z nejlepších způsobů, jak nezaměstnanost snížit, je poskytovat kvalitní a tolik potřebné vzdělání. I když tuto skutečnost mnozí přehlížejí, právě porovnání těchto dvou zemí dokazuje, že tomu tak opravdu je. První a druhá kapitola obsahuje informace o vzdělanostních systémech v obou zemích. Obě kapitoly pak přibližují fakt, jak jsou vzdělání a zaměstnanost propojené obory. Další kapitoly přináší především porovnání obou zemí podle zvolených ukazatelů, které jsou čím dál tím více důležité. Pochopitelně nechybí ani nové trendy ve vzdělávání, které lze v současné době využít. V sedmé kapitole jsou uvedena rizika ale i příležitosti, které by měly vést ke zlepšení situace. Lze zde nalézt ale i doporučení, která by bylo dobré v České republice realizovat.

Starší pracovníci na trhu práce. / Older workers in the labour market

Žáková, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
The main objective of diploma thesis is to analyze and evaluate the situation of elder employees on the labour market in the Czech republic, where as in others developed countries of European union has negative demographic evolution. The first of all are mentioned fundamental demographic indicators including expected predictions for the future, next and also crucial part of thesis is dedicated to labour market with regards to changing structure in age structure of population. The group of elder workers is submitted to deeper analysis according to several standpoints such as reached education, gender or profession. The rest space is devoted to options and suggestions for this endangered group on the labour market, including examples of good practice from abroad. Thesis conclusion is focused on comparison with states of European union and fulfilling objectives in terms of European strategies.

Matchad förvärvsgrad i Dalarna och Sverige : Påverkar könsfördelningen i en utbildningsgrupp kvinnors och mäns möjligheter att få ett relevant jobb?

Maria, Ingels Lindqvist, Josephine, Stengård January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka den matchade förvärvsgraden för kvinnor och män, i Dalarna och i Sverige, samt att förklara eventuella skillnader. Om en stor andel av utbildningsgruppen vid avklarad examen blir anställda inom andra yrkesområden än vad utbildningen gav kompetens för, är den matchade förvärvsgraden inom utbildningsgruppen låg. Datamaterialet är hämtat från Statistiska centralbyrån (SCB) och studeras genom en multipel linjär regressionsanalys. Både kvinnor och män med universitets-/högskoleutbildning påverkar den matchade förvärvsgraden mer jämförelsevis med gymnasial utbildning. Resultatet visar även att om andelen kvinnor i utbildningsgruppen ökar påverkas andelen anställda med matchning positivt för kvinnor och negativt för män, det omvända sambandet gäller också, den matchade förvärvsgraden för män ökar när andelen män i utbildningsgruppen ökar. Detta visar att könsdiskriminering råder på arbetsmarknaden. / This study aims at examining the matched employment rate for women and men, in Dalarna and Sweden, as well as explaining possible differences. If a group of individuals within a education group with a graduate degree are employed in a different field of employment than the education provided competence (than the education is meant for), the matched employment rate within the education group is low. The data is obtained from Statistiska centralbyrån (SCB) and is studied through a multiple linear regression analysis. Both women and men with university/college education affect the matched degree of employment more comparatively with upper secondary education. The result also shows that if the proportion of women in the education group increases, the proportion of employees with matching gives positive results for women and negative for men; the reverse relationship also applies; the matched male employment rate increases as the proportion of men in the education group increases. This shows that gender discrimination prevails in the Swedish labor market.

Immigration, wages and employment evidence from France / Immigration, salaires et emplois : quels effets en France ?

Edo, Anthony 13 October 2014 (has links)
En France, en 2010, un dixième de la population active était immigrée. Quel impact cet apport d’actifs a-t-il eu sur les salaires et l’emploi des natifs ? Une analyse centrée sur la substitution entre natifs et immigrés montre d’abord que l’immigration n’a eu qu’un faible impact sur le salaire des natifs de même niveau d’éducation et d’expérience. Une hausse de 10% de la part d’immigrés réduit le salaire mensuel des natifs de même qualification d’environ 0,6%. Ce résultat n’est pas surprenant compte tenu de la forte rigidité salariale qui caractérise le marché du travail français : l’existence d’un salaire minimum national et d’indemnités chômage élevées peut expliquer l’absence d’ajustement des salaires suite à une augmentation de l’offre de travail. Dans ce contexte de fortes rigidités salariales, l’ajustement porte sur le taux d’emploi. Nos résultats indiquent qu’une hausse de 10 % de la part des immigrés dégrade d’environ 3 % le taux d’emploi des natifs ayant des caractéristiques individuelles similaires : âge, formation, expérience professionnelle. L’emploi des natifs diminue au profit de celui des immigrés puisque ces derniers sont relativement plus attractifs pour les entreprises. Les immigrants sont notamment plus enclins à accepter des salaires plus faibles et des conditions de travail plus difficiles que des natifs de même qualification. Cette première analyse de court terme n’est que partielle puisqu’elle omet les effets de complémentarité que l’immigration devrait induire sur les travailleurs dont les qualifications différent de celles des immigrants. En tenant compte de ces effets de complémentarité, une seconde analyse montre que si l’immigration n’a aucune incidence sur le salaire moyen des natifs à long terme, l’immigration a produit en France des gagnants et des perdants depuis les années 1990. Dans la mesure où la population immigrée est de plus en plus qualifiée, l’immigration a réduit le salaire des natifs très qualifiés et augmenté celui des natifs faiblement qualifiés. L’immigration a donc contribué à la réduction des inégalités salariales entre les travailleurs qualifiés et non qualifiés constatée en France durant cette période. De même, nous montrons que la forte féminisation de la population immigrée a eu un impact différencié sur les salaires des natifs selon leur genre. Depuis 1990, nos estimations indiquent que l’immigration a diminué le salaire des femmes et augmenté celui des hommes. Cet effet asymétrique s’explique par le fait que les hommes et les femmes tendent à être imparfaitement substituables dans le processus productif. / In the past two decades, the fraction of the population in developed countries that is foreign-born increased from 7% in 1990 to 10% in 2010. The rise in the demographic importance of international migration led to a parallel increase in the amount of time and effort that economists devote to studying the consequences of immigration. One of the main questions raised by economists is related to the labor impact of migration in receiving economies. What is the impact of immigration on the employment and earnings of native workers ? This dissertation contributes to the immigration literature through a deep empirical investigation on the effects of immigrants on native wages and employment in France over the 1990-2010 period. This dissertation is composed of two main parts. The first part investigates the short-run effects of immigration on the outcomes of competing native workers (who have skills similar to those of the migrants). I find that immigration has a very small negative impact on the wages of competing natives. This result is consistent with the prevalence of downward wage rigidities in France. However, I show that immigration decreases the employment rate of natives with similar education and experience : a 10% increase in the immigrant share due to an influx of immigrants is associated with a 3% fall in the employment rate of competing natives. Since immigrants are relatively more attractive for firms (while they are identical to natives in all other respects), a substitution mechanism operates between natives and immigrants. The second part extends the analysis by providing a full picture of the wage impact of immigration in France. In this part, I allow the labor market to adjust to immigration in the long-run. In addition, I account for the complementarity effects induced by immigration on the wages of natives with different skills. The estimates indicate no detrimental impact of immigration on the average wage of natives. This part also provides the distributional effects of immigration by education and gender. In as much immigrants to France has been disproportionately high educated in the past two decades, I find that immigration has reduced the wage of highly educated native workers and has contributed to raise the wage of low educated. Thus, immigration-induced shocks to French labor supply have served to reduce wage inequality between low educated and high educated workers. Moreover, I find that immigration has lowered the relative wage of female natives and increased the wage of male natives. This asymmetric effect is due to the facts that immigration has disproportionately increased the number of female workers since 1990, and also that men and women of similar education are imperfect substitutes in the production process.

Segregation and employment in Swedish regions

Saijeva, Heda January 2011 (has links)
Immigration to Sweden has increased since Second World War. The immigra-tion pattern has also shifted from labor immigration to refugee immigration. The relative labor market performance of immigrants began to worsen at the end of 1970s. The employment rate among foreign born persons is considera-bly lower than it is among Swedish born persons.Integration of foreign born persons in the areas of education, income and em-ployment varies among FA-regions in Sweden. FA-region means functional analysis region, where you can live and work without having time-wasting trips.The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the relationship between labor market participation of immigrants and segregation on the regional level.Three indices (Dissimilarity, Isolation and Gini) of segregation are used in or-der to investigate the relationship between segregation and employment level among immigrants. The results show that there exists a negative relationship between these variables. In FA-regions of metropolitan regions in spite of high segregation rate the relationship between segregation and employment rate is slightly weaker, than it is among FA-regions of large city regions. The main conclusion of this study is the regional perspective, the necessity of making this kind of analysis on regional level, not country level.

Paslaugų sektoriaus poveikis užimtumui kaimo vietovėse / The impact of service sector on employment in rural areas

Čičinskaitė, Gintarė 14 January 2009 (has links)
Magistro studijų baigiamasis darbas, 53 puslapiai, 12 paveikslų, 6 lentelės, 50 literatūros šaltinių, lietuvių kalba. RAKTINIAI ŽODŽIAI: paslaugų sektorius, užimtumas, užimtumo lygis, poindustrinė visuomenė, transformacija. Tyrimo objektas: paslaugų sektorius kaimo vietovėse. Darbo tikslas: įvertinti paslaugų sektoriaus poveikį užimtumui kaimo vietovėse. Uždaviniai: • atskleisti vyraujančius požiūrius į gyventojų užimtumo teorines nuostatas; • išanalizuoti paslaugų sektorių ir gyventojų užimtumo struktūros transformacijas poindustrinėje visuomenėje; • išanalizuoti gyventojų užimtumo pokyčius kaimo vietovėse; • įvertinti gyventojų užimtumo problemas ir didinimo galimybes kaimo vietovėse; • pateikti paslaugų sektoriaus plėtros perspektyvas kaimo vietovėse . Tyrimo metodai: • gyventojų užimtumo teorinės nuostatos, paslaugų sektorius ir užimtumo struktūros transformacijos poindustrinėje visuomenėje pateikiami naudojant abstrakcinį, mokslinės literatūros, teisinių dokumentų, straipsnių, konferencijų bei interneto puslapiuose surinktos medžiagos analizės metodus; • analizuojant gyventojų užimtumo struktūros pokyčius kaimo vietovėse naudojami statistiniai duomenų rinkimo bei analizės metodai; • statistinės informacijos sisteminimui naudoti grupavimo, palyginimo bei grafinio vaizdavimo metodai. / Final work of Postgradeduate studies, 53 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables, 50 references, Lithuanian language. KEY WORDS: service sector, employment, employment rate, post-industrial society, transformation. The object of research: service sector in rural areas. The aim of work: evaluate the impact of service sector on employment in rural areas. Objectives: • to reveal the dominating theoretical attitudes of population employment; • to analyse the service sector and the structure transformations of population employment in post-industrial society; • to analyse the changes of population employment in rural areas; • to evaluate the problems and possibilities of population employment in rural areas; • to prefer the perspectives of development of service sector in rural areas. Research methods: • theoretical attitudes of population employment, service sector and the transformations of employment structure in post-industrial society are preferred according to such analysis methods as abstractic, nonfictions, legal documents, articles, conferences and internet material; • analysing the changes of population employment structure in rural areas are used the statistical accumulation and analysis of data methods; • the methods of grouping, comparison and graphic depiction are used for statistical systematize of information.

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