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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Função endotelial em crianças pré-púberes com cardiomiopatia dilatada idiopática, insuficiência cardíaca com fração de ejeção de ventrículo esquerdo preservada e saudáveis / Endothelial function in prepubertal children with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction and healthy ones

Aline Cristina Tavares 09 June 2016 (has links)
Adultos com insuficiência cardíaca (IC) desencadeada por cardiomiopatia dilatada idiopática (CMDid) apresentam disfunção endotelial. Esta, por sua vez, está relacionada a baixo prognóstico. Assim, o objetivo principal desse estudo foi avaliar a função endotelial de crianças com CMDid e com IC por CMDid prévia e função de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo (FEVE) preservada. O estudo, então, foi composto por três grupos. O grupo CMDid foi composto de 15 crianças com CMDid e FEVE<40%.O grupo IC foi composto de 16 crianças com IC por CMDid prévia e FEVE > 50%. O grupo controle (CON) foi composto de 11 crianças saudáveis. As crianças dos três grupos foram submetidas a avaliações de função endotelial pelo índice de hiperemia reativa (RHI), ergoespirometria e classificação da classe funcional. Os resultados mostram que a estatura das crianças do CMDid foi menor que a das crianças do CON (1,20 ± 0,20 contra 1,40 ± 0,10; p=0,02). A FEVE foi significativamente menor no CMDid (35,2 ± 10,4) em comparação com a no IC (59,1 ± 5,9) e no CON (62,5 ± 3,4; p=0,0001). Os valores de RHI do CON se apresentaram significativamente 31% maiores que o CMDid e 25% maiores no IC, de forma que houve efeito principal significativo estatisticamente apenas para o grupo em relação à variável RHI [F(2,39)=10,310;p < 0,001; ?2=0,35; poder = 0,98].As crianças do CMDid apresentaram os valores de RHI e de pressão arterial sistólica no pico do exercício significantemente menores que as crianças do IC e do CON. A FEVE esteve moderadamente correlacionada com os valores do RHI (r=0,46; p < 0,006). Para cada unidade de medida de RHI, houve um acréscimo de 10,5 no VO2max. Os menores valores de RHI estiveram diretamente correlacionados com os menores valores de VO2max (r=1; p =< 0,01). A classificação de Weber foi significativamente associada às três classes funcionais (da criança, do responsável e do médico) / Adults with heart failure (HF) due to idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) have endothelial dysfunction. The latter is related to poor prognosis. Therefore, the primary aim of this study was to evaluate endothelial function in children with DCM, with HF due to previous DCM and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). The study was composed by three groups. CMDid group was composed by 15 DCM children with LVEF < 40%.ICgroup was composed by 16 HF children (by previous DCM) with LVEF > 50%. Control group (CON) was composed by 11 healthy children. All children were assessed by endothelial function via reactive hyperemia-peripheral artery tonometry (RH-PAT) testing, CPT and functional class classification. The results point that CMDid children were shorter than CON (1.20 ± 0.20 contra 1.40 ± 0.10; p=0.02). LVEF was significantly lower in children from CMDid (35.2 ± 10.4) compared to those from IC (59.1 ± 5.9) and from CON (62.5 ± 3.4; p=0.0001). CON had significant higher RHI values than CMDid in 31% and than IC in 25%.There was statistically significant main effect only for group in relation to the variable RHI [F(2,39)=10.310;p < 0.001; ?2=0.35; power = 0.98]. Children in CMDidhad significantly lower values of RHI and lower systolic pressure at peak of exercise than ICand CON. LVEF was moderate correlated to RHI values (r=0.46; p < 0.006). For each point of RHI, there is an addition of 10.5 in the VO2max. Lower RHI values were correlated to lower VO2max values (r=1; p =< 0.01).Weber\'s classification was significantly associated to the three functional classes (children\'s self report, parents\' and medical\'s)

Efeito da dieta tipo Mediterrânea na função endotelial e inflamação da aterosclerose: estudo comparativo com a dieta TLC (\"Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes\", no NCEP-ATPIII) / Effects of Mediterranean diet on endothelial function an inflammation in atherosclerosis: a comparative study with Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Diet (TLCD) do National Cholesterol Education Program-ATPIII

Maria Cristina Dias Thomazella 01 June 2010 (has links)
A dieta Mediterrânea (DM) tem sido amplamente estudada do ponto de vista epidemiológico porém, o efeito pleno específico da DM, bem como os mecanismos pelos quais esse padrão dietético contribui para redução do risco cardiovascular em prevenção secundária, são desconhecidos. Isso ocorre, em parte, devido à dificuldade de aderência observada em ensaios clínicos de intervenção dietética, especialmente estudos comparativos com dietas hipolipemiantes, por exemplo, a dieta TLC, Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Diet (TLCD) do National Cholesterol Education Program-ATPIII. Assim, realizamos um estudo clínico, controlado, não randomizado, comparando o perfil de risco cardiovascular de dieta Mediterrânea (DM) versus dieta TLC (DTLC) em 40 pacientes com doença arterial coronariana, homogeneamente selecionados (45-65 anos de idade, homens, que tiveram ao menos um evento coronariano nos 2 últimos anos) e intensamente medicados. Uma questão paralela foi entender os efeitos de ambas as dietas nos processos de inflamação, disfunção endotelial e do estresse oxidativo, fatores-chave na aterogênese e particularmente importantes na prevenção secundária. Os hábitos culturais e dietéticos foram relevantes para alocação dos pacientes nos grupos de dieta Mediterrânea (n = 21; dieta rica em grãos integrais, vegetais, frutas, oleaginosas 10 g/dia, azeite de oliva extra-virgem 30 g/dia e vinho tinto 250 ml/dia) ou dieta TLC (n = 19; suplementada com fitosteróis 2g/dia através de creme vegetal 20 g/dia). Escores de aderência validados na literatura e específicos às dietas mostraram resultado > 90% no índice de aderência aos dois padrões dietéticos. Alguns efeitos foram comuns à dieta Mediterrânea e à dieta TLC. Com ambas, houve redução significativa de peso, índice de massa corporal (kg/m²), variáveis de composição corporal e pressão arterial. Além disso, ambas as dietas promoveram redução dos níveis plasmáticos de ADMA e da relação L-arginina/ADMA. A reatividade da artéria braquial dependente do endotélio permaneceu inalterada em ambos os grupos; no entanto, pacientes sob DM e sob DTLC melhoraram a velocidade de fluxo no momento basal (pré-hiperemia vascular). Outros efeitos foram específicos a cada padrão dietético. Com a DM, foram observados diminuição na contagem total de leucócitos versus DTLC (p =0.025) e aumento nos níveis de HDL-colesterol em 3 mg/dL (p = 0.053) versus DTLC, que mantiveram níveis de HDL-C inalterados. O diâmetro basal da artéria braquial aumentou com a DM, mas não com a DTLC. Com a DTLC, houve redução estatisticamente significante versus DM nas variáveis lipídicas colesterol total, LDL-colesterol (p < 0.05) e LDL oxidada (p = 0.009), embora a razão LDL oxidada/LDL total não tenha se alterado. Níveis séricos/plasmáticos de apolipoproteína A-1, lipoproteína(a), glicose, mieloperoxidase, sICAM, sVCAM, e as razões glutationa reduzida/oxidada em plasma e eritrócitos não se alteraram em ambos os grupos. Em conjunto, estes dados indicam um perfil de efeitos da DM e DTLC compatíveis com redução do risco cardiovascular, mesmo em pacientes intensamente medicados, em prevenção secundária. Embora estes efeitos tenham sido equivalentes entre DM e DTLC, eles parecem ser mediados tanto por alguns mecanismos comuns, como alguns mecanismos específicos de cada dieta / The Mediterranean Diet (MD) has been widely studied with respect to epidemiology, but mechanisms whereby the Mediterranean Diet (MD) is cardioprotective are unclear. This is partly because of the difficulties of adherence in clinical trials of dietary intervention, particularly trials comparing it to traditional lipid-restraining diets, e.g., Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Diet (TLCD) from National Cholesterol Education Program ATPIII. We performed a controlled, non-randomized clinical trial comparing the cardiovascular risk profile of the Mediterranean Diet (MD) versus the TLC Diet (TLCD) in 40 selected, highly-homogeneous, and intensively medicated patients with coronary heart disease (45-65 years, males, at least one coronary event over prior 2 years). In addition, we sought to investigate both diets effects on inflammation, endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress, all key factors in atherogenesis and particularly important in secondary prevention. Dietary/cultural habits were the basis to allocate patients for 3 months to either MD (n = 21; rich in whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts 10g/day, extra-virgin olive oil 30g/day, red wine 250ml/day) or TLCD (n = 19; plus phytosterols 2g/day). Specific scores showed that both diets had >90% adherence. Some effects were common to both diets. Patients in both groups showed a significant reduction in weight, body mass index, body composition and blood pressure. Also, both groups presented a reduction in plasma levels of ADMA and L-arginine/ADMA ratio. Endothelial-dependent brachial artery reactivity remained unaltered in both groups. However, patients under MD and TLCD improved flow velocity at baseline (prior to hyperemia). Nevertheless, other effects were specific to each diet. With MD, there was significant decrease in leukocyte count vs. TLCD (p = 0.03) and average increase in HDL-cholesterol by 3 mg/dL (p = 0.053) versus TLCD. The brachial arterials basal diameter increased with MD but not with TLCD. However, with TLCD there was a statistically significant reduction of lipid variables: total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol (p < 0.05) and oxidized LDL (p = 0.009) vs. MD even though the ratio of oxidized / total LDL remained unaltered. Plasma and serum levels of apolipoprotein A-1, lipoprotein(a), glucose, myeloperoxidase, sICAM, sVCAM, and glutathione reduced/oxidized ratio in plasma and erithrocytes also remained unaltered in both groups. Together, these results demonstrate a pattern of effects of MD and TLCD compatible with cardiovascular risk reduction, in secondary prevention, even in intensely medicated patients. Although these effects were equivalent between MD and TLCD, they seem to be mediated by some common mechanisms, as well as by each diets specific mechanisms

Odnos inflamatornih biomarkera endotelne disfunkcije i ateroskleroze kod hiperalimentacione gojaznosti / Association between inflammatory biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis in obesity

Ilinčić Branislava 24 November 2015 (has links)
<p>UVOD: Gojaznost je hronično, multifaktorijalno i kompleksno oboljenje povezano sa povećanim rizikom od aterosklerotskih kardiovaskularnih bolesti (KVB). Disfunkcija vaskularnog endotela predstavlja rani događaj u patofiziolo&scaron;kom kontinuumu aterosklerotskog procesa, a produženo izlaganje vaskularnog endotela faktorima rizika za aterosklerozu udruženim sa gojaznosti (insulinska rezistencija, dislipidemija, proinflamatorno/protrombozno stanje), može doprineti procesima aktivacije/disfunkcije endotela i progresiji ateroskleroze u supkliničku, odnosno kliničku formu bolesti. CILJ: Uporediti koncentracije solubilne forme adhezionih molekula &ndash; intracelularnog adhezivnog molekula &ndash;1 (sICAM&ndash;1) i E selektina (sE&ndash;selektin), između ispitanika sa hiperalimentacionim tipom gojaznosti i normalno uhranjenih zdravih ispitanika, kao i utvrditi eventualno postojanje razlika u koncentraciji sICAM&ndash;1 i sE&ndash;selektina između ispitanika kod kojih je merenjem debljine kompleksa intima medija karotidne arterije (IMK) uočen supklinički stadijum ateroskleroze i ispitanika koji imaju normalnu debljinu IMK. Ispitati povezanost parametara telesne kompozicije (ukupne masne mase tela i masne mase abdominalnih depoa), cirkuli&scaron;ućih koncentracija biomarkera disfunkcije vaskularnog endotela (sICAM&ndash;1 i sE&ndash;selektina) i IMK kod ispitanika sa hiperalimentacionim tipom gojaznosti. MATERIJAL I METODE: U istraživanje je uključeno 60 ispitanika sa hiperalimentacionim tipom gojaznosti bez pridruženih komorbiditeta i 30 zdravih normalno uhranjenih učesnika usklađenih sa ispitanicima po godinama života i polu koji su činili kontrolnu grupu. Svim ispitanicima su urađena antropometrijska merenja, analiza komponenata telesne kompozicije (bioelektrična impedansna analiza, Tanita Body Composition Analyzer BC &ndash; 418 MA III), laboratorijska analiza uzoraka krvi na automatizovanim analizatorskim sistemima sa određivanjem parametara metabolizma glukoze (bazalno i 2 h u toku oralnog glukoza tolerans testa), lipida i lipoproteina, inflamacije i homocisteina. Određivanje serumske koncentracije sICAM&ndash;1 i sE&ndash;selektina je vr&scaron;eno ELISA tehnikom (R&amp;D Systems, Inc. Minneapolis, USA). Vrednosti IMK&ndash;a su određivane pomoću karotidnog dupleks ultrazvuka (Aloka SSD&ndash;650 US system, Tokyo), a na osnovu izmerenih (IMK) i normalno očekivanih vrednosti IMK za svakog ispitanika je izračunavan IMK Z&ndash;skor. Supklinički stadijum ateroskleroze je definisan kao vrednost IMK Z&ndash;skora veća od 1 (&scaron;to odgovara vrednosti IMK većoj od 95 percentila normalno očekivane vrednosti u odnosu na pol i godine života ispitanika). REZULTATI: Ispitanici sa hiperalimentacionim tipom gojaznosti su imali statistički značajno vi&scaron;e vrednosti medijane serumske koncentracije sE&ndash;selektina u poređenju sa medijanom serumske koncetracije sE&ndash;selektina učesnika u kontrolnoj grupi (36,2 (33,21&ndash;43.7) vs. 25,14 (23,1&ndash;29,48) ng/mL, P=0,00). Gojazni ispitanici III stepena gojaznosti su imali statistički značajno vi&scaron;u medijanu serumske koncenracije sE&ndash;selektina u odnosu na medijanu sE&ndash;selektina u ispitanika I stepena gojaznosti (41,5 (36,58&ndash;49,48) vs. 34,34 (22,49&ndash;36,62) ng/mL, P=0,00), odnosno medijanu sE&ndash;selektina u ispitanika II stepena gojaznosti (41,5 (36,58&ndash;49,48) vs. 32,1 (26,1&ndash;43,64) ng/mL, P=0,00). Nije uočena statistički značajna razlika u medijani serumske koncentracije sE&ndash;selektina između ispitanika I i II stepena gojaznosti (34,34 (22,49&ndash;36,62) vs. 32,1 (26,1&ndash;43,64) ng/mL, P=0,12). Gojazni ispitanici su imali statistički značajno vi&scaron;e vrednosti medijane serumske koncentracije sICAM&ndash;1 u poređenju sa medijanom serumske koncetracije sICAM&ndash;1 učesnika u kontrolnoj grupi (266,8 (245,8&ndash;326,73) vs.183,32 (167,9&ndash;208,57), P=0,00). U ispitivanoj grupi gojaznih uočena je statistički značajna razlika u medijani koncentracije sICAM&ndash;1 između ispitanika u I, II i III stepena gojaznosti (200,6 (190,26 - 264,4) vs. 278,5 (219,54 - 343,24) vs. 329,6 (259,2 - 350,34) ng/mL, P=0,00). Učestalost IMK Z&ndash;skor &gt; 1 je bila statistički značajno eća u gojaznih ispitanika u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu (36/60 vs. 7/30, P=0,00). Ispitanici sa IMK Z&ndash;skor &gt; 1 su imali statistički značajno vi&scaron;u medijanu koncentracije sICAM&ndash;1 u odnosu na ispitanike kod kojih je IMK Z&ndash;skor &le; 1 (295,4 (238,46&ndash;340,38) vs. 244,2 (227,35&ndash;260,38), P=0.00). Regresionom analizom (R2=0,71, korigovani R2=0,59) je utvrđeno da su parametri hsCRP (&beta;=0,45, P=0,00), HOMA&ndash;IR (&beta;=0,44, P=0,035) i ISI (&beta;=&ndash;0,36, P=0,028) nezavisno i statistički značajno povezani sa serumskom koncentracijom sE&ndash;selektina. Regresionom analizom (R2=0,65, korigovani R2=0,56) je utvrđeno da parametri ITM (&beta;=0,55, P=0,00), trigliceridi (&beta;=0,30, P=0,00), HDL holesterol (&beta;=&ndash;0,31, P=0,00), odnos TG/HDL&ndash;holesterol (&beta;=0,33, P=0,01), hsCRP (&beta;=0,31, P=0,00) i fibrinogen (&beta;=0,34, P=0,00) su nezavisno i statistički značajno povezani sa serumskom koncentracijom sICAM&ndash;1. U faktorskoj analizi je izdvojeno pet faktora &ldquo;gojaznost&rdquo;, &ldquo;insulinska rezistencija&rdquo;, &ldquo;aterogeni faktor&rdquo;, &ldquo;endotelna disfunkcija i vaskularna inflamacija&rdquo; i &ldquo;metabolički faktor&rdquo; koji obja&scaron;njavaju 69.72% ukupne varijanse ispitivanog uzorka. U multivarijabilnom modelu sa svim faktorima zajedno kojim je obja&scaron;njeno ukupno 75% varijanse, jedino je faktor gojaznost imao statički značajan i nezavistan uticaj na vrednost IMK Z&ndash;skor &gt; 1 (OR=2,74 (CI 1,18&ndash;6,33), P=0,019). U faktoru gojaznost su se izdvojili parametri: FAT trunk (%), FAT (%), OS (cm), ITM (kg/m2), LDL &ndash; holesterol (mmol/L), SP (mmHg), HOMA1&ndash;%B, fibrinogen (g/L), ApoB/apoA-I i hsCRP (mg/L). Univarijantom logističkom regresijom je uočeno da porast u koncentraciji LDL&ndash;H (OR=5,33 (CI 1,9&ndash;14,2), P=0,02) i koncentraciji hsCRP&ndash;a (OR=2,53 (CI 1,3&ndash;3,98),P=0,017) povećava rizik za postojanje vrednosti IMK Z&ndash;skor &gt; 1. ZAKLJUČAK: Cirkuli&scaron;uće serumske koncentracije biomarkera disfunkcije vaskularnog endotela, sE&ndash;selektina i sICAM&ndash;1, su značajno vi&scaron;e kod ispitanika sa hiperalimentacionim tipom gojaznosti u odnosu na njihove koncentracije u normalno uhranjenih ispitanika. U gojaznih ispitanika, koncentracija sE&ndash;selektina je povezana sa vrednostima indeksa insulinske rezistencije i biomarkera inflamacije, dok je koncentracija sICAM&ndash;1 značajno povezana sa udelom masne mase u ukupnoj telesnoj masi, vrednostima biomarkera inflamacije i proaterogenih lipidskih parametara. Ispitanici kod kojih postoji uvećanje abdominalnih masnih depoa i ukupnog udela masnog tkiva u telesnoj masi, vrednosti SKP, koncentracije LDL &ndash; holesterola, vrednosti lipoproteinskog indeksa ApoAI/apoB, bazalne insulinemije i biomarkera inflamacije, imaju trostruko povećan rizik od supkliničkog stadijuma ateroskleroze. U gojaznih osoba prilikom procene rizika od aterosklerotskih KVB, potrebno je utvrditi fenotipske osobine vaskularnog endotela i eventualno postojanje supkliničkog stadijuma ateroskleroze, da bi se definisale adekvatne preventivne mere i sagledale potencijalne terapijske mogućnosti.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Obesity is a chronic, multifactorial and complex disease associated with an increased risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Vascular endothelial dysfunction is an early event in the pathophysiological continuum of atherosclerotic process. The prolonged exposure of vascular endothelium to classical and obesity associated risk factors (insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, proinflammatory state) could further promote deterioration of endothelial function and progression of atherosclerosis to subclinical or clinical form of disease. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to compare the concentration of soluble forms of adhesion molecules, intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1) and E-selectin (sE-selectin), between obese subjects and normal weight healthy subjects, as well as to determine the possible existence of differences in concentration of sICAM-1 and sE-selectin among subjects with subclinical stage of atherosclerosis (assessed by measuring the thickness of the intima media complex of the carotid artery (IMT)), and subjects who have a normal value of IMT. Also, the aim was to determine the association between the parameters of body composition (total body fat mass and fat mass intra-abdominal depots), circulating concentrations of sICAM-1 and sE-selectin, and value of IMT in obese subjects. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 60 obese nondiabetic subjects, without preexisting CVD and other associated comorbidity, and 30 healthy normal weight age and sex matched participants. All subjects underwent anthropometric measurements, analysis of the components of body composition (bioelectrical impedance analysis, Tanita Body Composition Analyzer BC - 418 MA III), laboratory analysis of blood samples (automated analyzer systems) with determining the parameters of glucose metabolism (basal and 2 h during the oral glucose tolerance test), lipids and lipoproteins, inflammation and homocysteine. Serum concentrations of sICAM-1 and sE-selectin were determined by ELISA (R &amp; D Systems, Inc., Minneapolis, USA). The values of IMK were determined by carotid duplex ultrasound (Aloka &ndash; ProSound ALPHA 10). IMK Z-score was calculated using the measured and the normal expected values of IMT for each patient. Subclinical stage of atherosclerosis was defined as the value of IMT Z-score greater than 1 (corresponding to the 95th sex-age-specific percentile of IMT measurements). RESULTS: Obese subjects had significantly higher median sE-selectin serum concentrations compared to median serum concentrations of sE-selectin in the normal weight subjects (36.2 (33.21-43.7) vs 25.14 (23.1-29.48) ng/mL, P=0.00). Morbid obesity subjects had significantly higher sE-selectin median serum concentration compared to the median sE-selectin concentration in moderate obese subjects (41.5 (36.58-49.48) vs 34.34 (22.49-36.62) ng/mL, P=0.00), and compared to the median sE-selectin concentration in severely obese subjects (41.5 (36.58-49.48) vs. 32.1 (26.1-4364) ng / mL, P=0.00). Obese subjects had significantly higher median sICAM-1 serum concentration compared to median sICAM-1 serum concentration in the control group (266.8 (245.8-326.73) vs. 183.32 (167.9-208.57), P=0.00). In the obese group, we observed a statistically significant difference in median sICAM-1 serum concentrations between moderate, severely and morbid obese subjects (200.6 (190.26-264.4) vs. 278.5 (219.54-343.24) vs. 329.6 (259.2-350.34) ng/mL, P=0.00). The frequency of IMT Z-score&gt; 1 was significantly higher in the obese group compared to control group (36/60 vs. 7/30, P=0.00). Subjects with IMT Z-score&gt; 1 had significantly higher median concentrations of sICAM-1 compared to those in which the IMK Z-score &le; 1 (295.4 (238.46-340.38) vs. 244.2 ( 227.35-260.38), P=0.00). In regression analysis (R2=0.71, adjusted R2=0.59), hsCRP (&beta;=0.45, P=0.00), HOMA-IR (&beta;=0.44, P=0.035) and ISI (&beta;=-0.36, P=0.028) were independently and significantly associated with serum sE-selectin concentration. In regression analysis (R2=0.65, adjusted R2=0.56), BMI (&beta;=0.55, P=0.00), triglycerides (&beta;=0.30, P=0.00), HDL cholesterol (&beta;=-0.31, P=0.00), the ratio of TG/HDL-cholesterol ratio (&beta;=0.33, P=0.01), hsCRP (&beta;=0.31, P=0.00 ) and fibrinogen (&beta;=0.34, P=0.00) were independently and significantly associated with serum sICAM-1 concentration. In the Factor analysis, five factors &quot;obesity&quot;, &quot;insulin resistance&quot;, &quot;atherogenic factor,&quot; &quot;endothelial dysfunction and vascular inflammation&quot; and &quot;metabolic factor&quot; explained 69.72% of the total variance of the test sample. In a multivariate model with all the factors together (75% of the total variance), &quot;obesity&quot; factor was significantly and independently associated with IMT Z-score&gt; 1 (OR=2.74 (CI 1.18-6.33), P=0.019). The &quot;obesity&quot; factor consisted of parameters: trunk fat (%), fat (%), waist (cm), BMI (kg/m2), LDL &ndash; cholesterol (mmol/L), systolic blood presure (mmHg), HOMA1-% B, fibrinogen (g/L), Apo B/apoA-I and hsCRP (mg/L). Logistic regression analysis showed that independent predictors of IMT Z-score&gt; 1 were LDL-cholesterol (OR=5.33(CI 1.9-14.2), P=0.02) and hsCRP (OR=2.53 (CI 1.3-3.98), P=0.017). CONCLUSION: Circulating serum concentrations of endothelial dysfunction biomarkers, sE-selectin and sICAM-1, were significantly higher in obese subjects compared to concentration in the normal weight subjects. In obese subjects, the concentration of sE-selectin was associated with insulin resistance and biomarkers of inflammation, whereas sICAM-1 concentration was associated with fat mass, inflammation biomarkers and the proatherogenic lipid parametars. In individuals with increased abdominal fat depots and total proportion of fat mass in the body weight, values of SBP, LDL-C, ApoB/apoA-I, basal insulin levels and biomarkers of inflammation, there is threefold increased risk of subclinical stages of atherosclerosis. In order to define an adequate preventive measures and possible therapeutic options for atherosclerotic CVD in obese subjects, it is necessary to assess the phenotypic characteristics of vascular endothelium and possible presence of subclinical stage of atherosclerosis.</p>

The effects of bone morphogenic proteins and transforming growth factor [beta] on in-vitro endothelin-1 production by human pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells /

Star, Gregory. January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Dijagnostički i prognostički značaj markera disfunkcije endotela i poremećaja mehanizma hemostaze u sepsi / Diagnostic and prognostic significance of hemostasis-related parameters and endothelial dysfunction biomarkers in sepsis

Mihajlović Dunja 03 June 2015 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Sepsa je jedan od vodećih uzroka smrtnosti u jedinicama intenzivnog lečenja i van njih uprkos implementaciji novih dijagnostičkih i terapijskih protokola &scaron;irom sveta. Multiorganska disfunkcija (MODS), koja predstavlja najtežu formu nepovoljnog toka sepse, je u osnovi svojih patofiziolo&scaron;kih de&scaron;avanja obeležena promenama, koje se de&scaron;avaju na nivou kapilara, pre svega u endotelu. Poremećaji koagulacije koji se javljaju kao posledica ovih promena u endotelu su prepoznati kao jedan od dijagnostičkih kriterijuma prema najnovijim smernicama za dijagnostiku i lečenje sepse, međutim njihov značaj u predviđanju toka i ishoda ovog oboljenja jo&scaron; uvek nije precizno definisan. Cilj istraživanja: Odrediti koncentraciju markera endotelne aktivacije, aktivacije koagulacije, aktivnost prirodnih inhibitora koagulacije i funkcionalnost fibrinolize kod obolelih od sepse u odnosu na njihove vrednosti u zdravoj populaciji. Ispitati mogućnost upotrebe markera endotelne disfunkcije i pokazatelja poremećaja mehanizma hemostaze za postavljanje dijagnoze sepse i predikciju pojave komplikacija. Ispitati mogućnost upotrebe markera endotelne disfunkcije i pokazatelja poremećaja mehanizma hemostaze za procenu ishoda kod obolelih od sepse. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje je sprovedeno analitičkom metodom u formi studije preseka, a obuhvatilo je pacijente lečene na Odeljenju anestezije i reanimacije Urgentnog centra Kliničkog centra Vojvodine i na Klinici za infektivne bolesti Kliničkog centra Vojvodine, u Novom Sadu. Istraživanje je sprovođeno tokom 2012. i 2013. godine u trajanju od dve godine. U studiju je bilo uključeno 180 ispitanika od kojih je 150 imalo postavljenu dijagnozu sepse,a 30 ispitanika su činili kontrolnu grupu su klinički i biohemijski zdravih ispitanika, dobrovoljni davaoci krvi. Ispitanici su kategorisani u četiri grupe u odnosu na kliničko stanje i laboratorijske nalaze unutar prvih 24 časa od prijema: bolesnici sa sepsom, te&scaron;kom sepsom, septičkim &scaron;okom i multiorganskom disfunkcijom na prijemu. Nakon kategorizacije ispitanika, izračunati su APACHE II i SOFA numerički pokazatelji procene težine bolesti ispitanika. U roku 24 časa od trenutka postavljanja dijagnoze sepse, iz uzoraka krvi ispitanika, izvr&scaron;ene su predviđene laboratorijske analize u cilju praćenja endotelne aktivacije, aktivacije koagulacije i inhibicije antikoagulantnih mehanizama. U toku 48 časova od prijema, bolesnici koji nisu imali MODS na prijemu su intenzivno praćeni u cilju evidentiranja razvoja multiorganske disfunkcije, dok su bolesnici koji su imali MODS praćeni radi evidentiranja perzistiranja ili eventualne rezolucije MODS-a. Zdravstveno stanje bolesnika je praćeno tokom 28 dana od trenutka uključivanja u studiju i nakon tog perioda je evidentiran ishod lečenja u smislu preživljavanja ili smrtnog ishoda. Statistička analiza je izvr&scaron;ena pomoću statističkog paketa IBM SPSS 20 Statistics. Podaci su predstavljeni tabelarno i grafički, a statistička značajnost određivana je na nivou p&lt; 0,05. Rezultati: Vrednosti biolo&scaron;kih markera endotelne aktivacije i aktivacije koagulacije su statistički značajno povi&scaron;ene kod obolelih od sepse u odnosu na njihove vrednosti u zdravoj populaciji, dok su vrednosti prirodnih inhibitora koagulacije statistički značajno snižene kod obolelih od sepse u odnosu na njihove vrednosti u zdravoj populaciji. Vrednosti APTT-a, PT-a, D-dimera, fibrinogena, prirodnih inhibitora koagulacije i markera endotelne aktivacije (endokan i vWF antigena i aktivnosti) imaju značajan i veoma visok dijagnostički potencijal. Vrednosti biomarkera endotelne disfunkcije i pokazatelja poremećaja hemostaznog mehanizma su značajni prediktori komplikacija kod bolesnika sa sepsom. APTT, PT, D-dimer, broj trombocita, vrednosti priorodnih inhibitora koagulacije, trombomodulina, endokana i ETP-a su jednako validni u inicijalnoj proceni toka kliničke slike sepse kao i prediktivni APACHE II i SOFA skorovi. Koncentracija trombomodulina, D-dimera, ETP-a i PC su dobri prediktori nastanka MODS-a u prvih 48 časova u toku sepse. Endokan, PT, APTT, koncentracija fibrinogena, prirodnih inhibitora koagulacije i vrednosti ETP-a su značajni u predikciji mortaliteta kod bolesnika sa sepsom. Zaključci: Ukoliko bi pokazatelji aktivacije endotela i mehanizma hemostaze bili inkorporirani u određeni sistem skorovanja u cilju procene težine bolesti u smislu ishoda kod bolesnika sa sepsom, to bi moglo doneti doprinos boljoj klasifikaciji bolesnika, te primeni pravovremene i adekvatne terapije u cilju postizanja pozitivnog ishoda kod bolesnika sa sepsom. Prilikom interpretacije pokazatelja inflamacije i koagulacije neophodno je steći uvid u celokupnu sliku pro-i antikoagulantnih de&scaron;avanja koja se odvijaju tokom sepse, odnosno adekvatno proceniti pravac toka disbalansa mehanizma hemostaze da bi se eventualnim terapijskim merama mogao postići pozitivan učinak.</p> / <p>Introduction: Sepsis is one of the main causes of death in intensive care units and other hospital wards in spite of implementation of new sepsis treatment guidelines in everyday hospital practice worldwide. Changes that occur in the microvasculature, affecting primarily endothelial cell, are the basis of the pathophysiology of multiorgan dysfunction (MODS) in sepsis. Coagulation abnormalities which occur as a consequence of endothelial changes are recognized as diagnostic criteria for sepsis, but significance of these changes in the outcome prognosis and prediction of the course of sepsis is still not accurately defined. Aims: Evaluation of hemostasis related parameters and endothelial activation biomarkers values in patients with sepsis and healthy volunteers. Determination whether the levels of hemostasis-related parameters and biomarkers of endothelial activation have diagnostic significance and are they associated with MODS development and persistence in the first 48 hours of hospitalization and 28-day mortality in patients with sepsis. Material and methods: This is cross-sectional study conducted in 2012 and 2013 in the Department of Anesthesia and Reanimation at the Emergency Center of the Clinical Center of Vojvodina and in the Clinic of Infectious Disease at the Clinical Center of Vojvodina. 150 patients who fulfilled criteria for diagnosis of sepsis were included in the study. Patients were divided into 4 groups: sepsis, severe sepsis, septic shock and MODS. 30 healthy volunteers, blood donors were the control group. After the categorization of patients, during the first 24 hours of hospitalization, predictive APACHE II and SOFA scores were calculated. Hemostasis related parameters and endothelial activation biomarkers concentrations were determined within the first 24 hours of the onset of the disease. To assess the development of complication of the disease, patients were monitored for 48 hours for MODS development and persistence or resolution and for 28 days from the onset of sepsis for outcome assessment. Data were analyzed using SPSS 20.0 software and are presented in tables and graphs, statistical significance was set at p&lt; 0,05. Results: Biomarkers of endothelial and coagulation activation are significantly higher in patients with sepsis in comparison to their values in healthy volunteers, while concentrations of natural anticoagulants are significantly lower in patients with sepsis than in healthy volunteers. APTT, PT, D-dimer, fibrinogen, natural anticoagulants and biomarkers od endothelial activation (endocan and vWF antigen and activity) have diagnostic significance in patients with sepsis. Hemostasis related parameters and endothelial activation biomarkers are good prognostic factors for complication development in patients with sepsis. APTT, PT, D-dimer, platelet count, natural anticoagulants, thrombomodulin, endocan and ETP are equally valuable in early prediction of sepsis development as APACHE II and SOFA scores. Thrombomodulin, D-dimer, ETP and PC are good predictors of MODS development during the first 48 hours from sepsis onset. Endocan, PT, APTT, fibrinogen concentration, values of natural anticoagulants and ETP values are significant in 28-day mortality prediction in patients with sepsis. Conclusion: A combination of markers of endothelial dysfunction with widely used ICU scores and organ failure assessment could contribute to an early recognition of complication development and consequent death in patients with sepsis. It is necessary to obtain the full insight in pro-and anticoagulant dynamic evaluation while interpreting coagulation and inflammation processes in sepsis development, in order to accurately lead early resuscitation therapy.</p>

Ispitivanje endotelne disfunkcije i postojanja rezistencije na antitrombocitnu terapiju kod bolesnika sa tipom 2 dijabetes melitusa / Endothelial dysfunction and antiplatelet therapy resistance assessment in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Mijović Romana 26 September 2016 (has links)
<p>UVOD: Procesi koji obuhvataju endotelnu disfunkciju, oksidativni stres, hroničnu inflamaciju, hiperaktivnost i aktivaciju trombocita te naru&scaron;avanje ravnoteže procesa koagulacije i fibrinolize od najranijih faza razvoja dijabetes melitusa tip 2 (T2DM) promovi&scaron;u aterogenezu i nastanak aterotromboznih komplikacija. Kompleksan terapijski pristup u T2DM ima za cilj ne samo uspostavljanje glikoregulacije, korekciju brojnih metaboličkih poremećaja i modifikaciju pridruženih faktora rizika za nastanak ateroskleroze već i primenu antitrombocitne terapije u cilju primarne ili sekundarne prevencije aterotromboznih komplikacija. Uprkos primenjenoj antiagregacionoj terapiji, deo bolesnika doživi rekurentne aterotrombozne atake. Bolesnici sa T2DM se izdvajaju kao grupa sa posebnim rizikom za recidivantne aterotromboze &scaron;to može biti uslovljeno rezistencijom na primenjenu antitrombocitnu terapiju. Praćenje efekata antitrombocitne terapije i blagovremeno identifikovanje rezistentnih bolesnika ima za cilj optimizaciju primenjene antitrombocitne terapije &scaron;to može biti od izuzetnog kliničkog značaja u smislu sprečavanja progresije aterotromboznog procesa. CILJ: Proceniti i uporediti nivoe biomarkera, pokazatelja endotelne aktivacije, aktivacije i agregabilnosti trombocita u bolesnika sa bole&scaron;ću arterijskih krvnih sudova u tipu 2 dijabetes melitusa u odnosu na njihove vrednosti u zdravoj populaciji. Uporediti efikasnost primenjene antitrombocitne terapije tienopiridinima u bolesnika sa tipom 2 dijabetes melitusa i bole&scaron;ću arterijskih krvnih sudova u odnosu na efikasnost ove terapije u nedijabetičnoj populaciji bolesnika sa bole&scaron;ću arterijskih krvnih sudova. MATERIJAL I METODE: U ispitivanje je uključeno 100 ispitanika oba pola, starosti od 33 do 70 godina života, kod kojih je prethodno utvrđeno postojanje neke od kliničkih manifestacija bolesti arterijskih krvnih sudova (IBS, CVB, PAB) koji kao antitrombocitnu terapiju uzimaju tienopiridinski preparat, klopidogrel. Od toga, 50 uključenih ispitanika imalo je dijagnozu dijabetes melitus tipa 2, a 50 su bili bolesnici bez dijabetesa. Kontrolnu grupu je činilo 30 klinički i biohemijski zdravih ispitanika, nepu&scaron;ača koji su prema polnoj i dobnoj strukturi odgovarali ispitivanim grupama bolesnika. Svim ispitanicima su urađena antropometrijska merenja, laboratorijska analiza uzoraka krvi na automatizovanim analizatorima sa određivanjem parametara metabolizma glukoze, lipida, parametera inflamacije, KKS, parmetara koagulacije i trombocitnih pokazatelja. Određivanje serumske koncentracije sE&ndash;selektina i sP-selektina je vr&scaron;eno ELISA tehnikom (R&amp;D Systems, Inc. Minneapolis, USA). Plazmatska koncentracija vWFAg-a određivana je imunoturbidimetrijskom metodom na koagulacionom analizatoru Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Nemačka. Agregabilnost trombocita je određivana impedantnom agregometrijom (Multiple Electrode Aggregometry - MEA) na Multiplate analizatoru, Dynabyte, Minhen, Nemačka. Bazalna agregabilnost trombocita procenjivana je TRAP testom, rezidualna agregabilnost trombocita pod terapijom klopidogrela ADP testom, rezidualna agregabilnost trombocita pod terapijom aspirina, ASPI testom. Individualni odgovor na primenjenu antiagregacionu terapiju je procenjivan i na osnovu procenta sniženja bazalne agregabilnosti trombocita (%SAT) nakon primenjene antiagregacione terapije &scaron;to je izračunato sledećim formulama: procena antiagregacionog efekta klopidogrela:%SATadp =100 x (1-ADP/TRAP) i procena antiagregacionog efekta aspirina:%SATaspi =100 x (1-ASPI/TRAP). REZULTATI: Nivo sE-slektina je bio signifikantno vi&scaron;i u bolesnika sa T2DM u odnosu na bolesnike bez dijabetesa (45,1&plusmn;18,1vs.31,8&plusmn;10,5ng/ml; p&lt;0,001) i kontrolnu grupu zdravih ispitanika (45,1&plusmn;18,1vs.27,2&plusmn;11,2ng/ml; p&lt;0,001). Plazmatski nivo vWF Ag, bio je statistički značajno vi&scaron;i u bolesnika sa T2DM u odnosu na grupu ispitanika bez dijabetesa (172&plusmn;75,2vs. 146&plusmn;40,6%; p=0,045), kao i u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu zdravih (172&plusmn;75,2vs.130&plusmn;33,8%; p=0,007). Nivo sPselektina bio je statistički značajno vi&scaron;i kod bolesnika s T2DM u odnosu na ispitanike u grupi dijabetesa (95,2&plusmn;31,8vs.84,0&plusmn;21,8 ng/ml; p=0,042) i kontrolnoj grupi (95,2&plusmn;31,8vs.76,7&plusmn;16,2ng/ml; p=0,004). Uočeno je da je %rP statistički bio značajno vi&scaron;i u grupi dijabetičara u odnosu na grupu ispitanika bez dijabetesa (3,47&plusmn;1,30vs.2,30&plusmn;1,30%; p&lt;0,001) i kontrolnu grupu zdravih (3,47&plusmn;1,30vs.2,29&plusmn;1,23%; p&lt;0,001). Bolesnici sa T2DM imali su statistički značajno vi&scaron;e vrednosti ADP testa (70,3&plusmn;22,0vs.56,9&plusmn;19,7U; p=0,002) u odnosu na bolesnike bez dijabetesa, a uočen je i značajno niži stepen procenta sniženja bazalne agregabilnosti, %SATadp, u dijabetičara u odnosu na ispitanike bez dijabetesa (31,6&plusmn;12,4vs. 48,6&plusmn;12,6 %; p&lt;0,001). U grupi ispitanika sa T2DM vrednost TRAP testa statistički značajno pozitivno koreli&scaron;e sa brojem neutrofila (r=0,349;p= 0,013) i NLR-om (r=0,472;p=0,001), a multivarijantnom linearnom regresionom analizom dokazana je nezavisna povezanost TRAP testa i fibrinogena (B=9,61;p=0,009). Takođe, u istoj ispitivanoj grupi postoji pozitivna povezanost ADP testa sa HOMAIR (r=0,319;p=0,024), NLR-om (r=0,515;p&lt;0,001), hsCRP-om (r=0,356;p=0,011), kao i sa %rP (r=0,302;p=0,049). Multivarijantnom linearnom regresionom analizom dokazana je nezavisna povezanost ADP testa i ITM (B=1,43;p=0,043). %SATadp u bolesnika sa T2DM negativno je korelisao sa ITM (r= -0,381;p=0,006), OS (r= - 0,387;p=0,006), HOMA-IR (r= -0,349;p=0,013), hsCRP-om (r= -0,288; p=0,043), %rP (r= -0,302;p=0,049), sE-selektinom (r= -0,369; p=0,008) i sP-selektinom (r= - 0,374;p=0,007). U grupi dijabetičara, postoji pozitivna povezanost %rP sa ITM (r=0,365;p= 0,016), OS (r=0,435;p=0,004), HOMA-IR (r=0,409;p=0,006), hsCRP (r=0,374;p=0,014), sP-selektinom (r=0,341;p=0,025) i vWFAg-om (r=0,348;p=0,022). Takođe, sE-selektin pozitivno koreli&scaron;e sa ITM (r=0,380;p =0,006), OS (r=0,380; p=0,007), HOMA-IR (r=0,339;p=0,016), hsCRP-om (r=0,351;p=0,013), a sP-selektin sa ITM (r=0,312;p=0,027), OS (r=0,395;p=0,005), HOMA-IR (r=0,286;p=0,044), hsCRP-om (r=0,369; p=0,008) i nivoom sE &ndash; selektina (r=0,560;p &lt;0,001). Evaluirajući odgovor na terapiju klopidogrelom u podgrupama bolesnika sa dijabetesom, napravljenim prema kvartilnoj distribuciji nivoa ADP-a, tj. stepenu rezidualne agregabilnosti trombocita u toku terapije klopidogrelom, uočeno je da ukupna bazalna agregabilnost trombocita procenjena TRAP testom statistički značajno raste od prvog do četvrtog kvartila (76,50 &plusmn;19,91 vs. 94,54&plusmn;16,67 vs. 112,00&plusmn;10,22 vs. 128,92&plusmn;15,69U;p&lt;0,001), dok se %SATadp od prvog do četvrtog kvartila značajno smanjivao (40,44&plusmn;13,33 vs. 31,20&plusmn;11,82 vs. 33,16&plusmn;7,03 vs. 21,53&plusmn;10,16%). ZAKLJUČAK: Koncentracije cirkuli&scaron;ućih biomarkera endotelne aktivacije, sE &ndash; selektina i vWF Ag-a, solubilnog biomarkera trombocitne aktivacije, sP &ndash; selektina, kao i procenat retikulisanih trombocita, %rP, markera trombocitnog prometa, značajno su povi&scaron;ene kod bolesnika sa bole&scaron;ću arterijskih krvnih sudova u tipu 2 dijabetes melitusa u odnosu na njihove koncentracije kod zdravih ispitanika i bolesnika bez dijabetesa. Bolesnici sa T2DM imali su znatno vi&scaron;i stepen rezistencije na antitrombocitnu terapiju klopidogrelom u odnosu na bolesnike bez dijabetesa, procenjene stepenom rezidualne agregabilnosti trombocita, ADP test, kao i procentom sniženja ukupne bazalne agregabilnosti trombocita, %SATadp, metodom impedantne agregometrije, a &scaron;to je uslovilo i trend učestalijeg ponavljanja ishemijskih ataka u odnosu na bolesnike bez dijabetesa. Međusobna povezanost ispitivanih biomarkera endotelne i trombocitne aktivacije (sE &ndash; selektina, vWF Aga, sP &ndash; selektina), kao i markera prometa trombocita (%rP) sa metaboličko inflamatornim parametrima i sa indikatorima odgovora na antiagregacionu terapiju, može ukazivati na to da nepovoljan metabolički milje dijabetičara može biti jedan od doprinosnih faktora lo&scaron;em odgovoru na antitrombocitnu terapiju klopidogrelom.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Processes involving endothelial dysfunction, oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, platelet activation and the imbalance between coagulation and fibrinolysis promote atherogenesis and atherothrombotic complications at early stage of diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM). The complex therapeutic approach in T2DM aims not only to reestablish glycemic control and to correct a number of metabolic disorders, but also to achieve primary or secondary prevention of atherothrombotic complications. Despite the applied antiplatelet therapy, some patients experience recurrent atherothrombotic attacks. Patients with T2DM are the group at particular risk for recurrent atherothrombosis, which can be caused by antiplatelet therapy resistance. Monitoring the effectiveness of antiplatelet therapy and identification of resistant patients aims to optimize the applied antiplatelet therapy, which can be of great clinical significance in terms of preventing progression of atherotrombotic processes. AIM: Evaluate and compare the levels of biomarkers, indicators of endothelial activation, platelet activation and aggregability in patients with arterial vascular disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus compared to their values in a healthy population. Compare the effectiveness of applied antiplatelet therapy with thienopyridines in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and arterial vascular disease compared to the efficacy of this therapy in nondiabetic population of patients with arterial vascular disease. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study included 100 patients, 33 to 70 years of age, with previously established existence of some of the clinical manifestations of arterial vascular disease (CAD, CVD, PAD), taking thienopyridine antiplatelet therapy with clopidogrel. 50 patients was previously diagnosed with diabetes mellitus type 2 and 50 were nondiabetic patients. Control group included 30 age and sex matched healthy participants, non-smokers. All subjects underwent anthropometric measurements and laboratory analysis of blood samples on automated analyzers with determining the parameters of glucose metabolism, lipids, inflammation parameters, complete blood count, coagulation and platelet parameters. Serum concentrations of sEselectin and sP-selectin were determined by ELISA (R&amp;D Systems, Inc., Minneapolis, USA). vWFAg was determined by immunoturbidimetry on coagulometer Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Germany. Platelet aggregability was determined by impedance aggregometry (Multiple Electrode Aggregometry - MEA) on Multiplate analyzer, Dynabyte, Munich, Germany. Basal platelet aggregability was estimated by TRAP test, residual platelet aggregability during clopidogrel treatment was estimated by ADP test and during aspirin treatement by ASPI test. Individual response to antiplatelet therapy was estimated by the percentage of decrease in basal platelet aggregability (%DPA) obtained after antiplatelet therapy, calculated bypresented formulas: %DPAadp =100 x (1-ADP/TRAP)and %DPAaspi =100 x (1- ASPI/TRAP). RESULTS: Concentration of sE-selectin was significantly higher in patients with T2DM in order to non-diabetic patients (45,1&plusmn;18,1vs.31,8&plusmn;10,5ng/ml;p&lt;0,001) and healthy control group (45,1&plusmn;18,1vs.27,2&plusmn;11,2ng/ml; p&lt;0,001). vWF Ag was significantly higher in diabetic patients than in non-diabetics (172&plusmn;75,2vs. 146&plusmn;40,6%; p=0,045) and healthy controls (172&plusmn;75,2vs.130&plusmn;33,8%; p=0,007). sP-selectin was also significantly higher in patients with T2DM than in non-diabetics (95,2&plusmn;31,8vs.84,0&plusmn;21,8 ng/ml; p=0,042) and healthy controls (95,2&plusmn;31,8vs.76,7&plusmn;16,2ng/ml; p=0,004). %rP was significantly higher in group of patients with T2DM than in nondiabetic patients (3,47&plusmn;1,30vs.2,30&plusmn;1,30%; p&lt;0,001) and healthy control group (3,47&plusmn;1,30vs.2,29&plusmn;1,23%; p&lt;0,001). T2DM patients had statistically higher values of ADP test (70,3&plusmn;22,0vs.56,9&plusmn;19,7U; p=0,002) compared to patients without diabetes, and significantly lower %DPAadp (31,6&plusmn;12,4vs. 48,6&plusmn;12,6 %; p&lt;0,001). In T2DM group of patients, level of TRAP test correlated positively with number of white blood cells (r=0,349;p= 0,013) and NLR (r=0,472;p=0,001), and multivariant linear regression analisys showed significant independent association of TRAP test with fibrinogen (B=9,61;p=0,009). Statistically significant positive correlation of ADP test with HOMA-IR (r=0,319;p=0,024), NLR (r=0,515;p&lt;0,001), hsCRP (r=0,356;p=0,011) and %rP (r=0,302;p=0,049) was observed in patients with T2DM. Multivariant linear regression analisys showed significant independent association of ADP test with BMI (B=1,43;p=0,043). %DPAadp negatively correlated with BMI (r=-0,381;p=0,006), WC (r= - 0,387;p=0,006), HOMA-IR (r= -0,349;p=0,013), hsCRP (r= -0,288; p=0,043), %rP (r= -0,302;p=0,049), sE-selectin (r= -0,369; p=0,008) and sP-selectin (r= -0,374;p=0,007) in diabetic patients. Significant positive correlation of %rP with BMI (r=0,365;p= 0,016), WC (r=0,435;p=0,004), HOMA-IR (r=0,409;p=0,006), hsCRP (r=0,374;p=0,014), sP-selectin (r=0,341;p=0,025) and vWFAg (r=0,348;p=0,022) was found in diabetics. Also, sE-selectin positively correlated with BMI (r=0,380;p =0,006), WC (r=0,380; p=0,007), HOMA-IR (r=0,339;p=0,016), hsCRP(r=0,351;p=0,013), and sPselectin correlated positively with BMI (r=0,312;p=0,027), WC (r=0,395;p=0,005), HOMA-IR (r=0,286;p=0,044), hsCRP (r=0,369; p=0,008) and sE &ndash; selectin (r=0,560;p &lt;0,001). Evaluating the response to clopidogrel therapy in subgrpoups of diabetic patients accoarding the quartile distribution of ADP test (clopidogrel on-treatment platelet reactivity), it is found that total basal aggregability estimated by TRAP test significantly increased from the first to the fourth quartile (76,50 &plusmn;19,91 vs. 94,54&plusmn;16,67 vs. 112,00&plusmn;10,22 vs. 128,92&plusmn;15,69U;p&lt;0,001) while %DPAadp decreased (40,44&plusmn;13,33 vs. 31,20&plusmn;11,82 vs. 33,16&plusmn;7,03 vs. 21,53&plusmn;10,16%). CONCLUSION: Concentration of circulating biomarkers of endothelial activation, sE-selectin and vWF Ag, soluble marker of platelet activation, sP &ndash; selectin, as well as percentage of reticulated platelets, %rP, marker of platelet turnover, were significantly higher in patients with arterial vascular disease in T2DM compared to healthy controls and non-diabetics. Patients with T2DM had significantly higher degree of resistance to antiplatelet therapy with clopidogrel compared to non diabetics, estimated by ADP test, as well as with %DPAadp, what caused more frequent recurrent ischemic attacks compared to nondiabetic patients. Correlation of biomarkers of endothelial and platelet activation (sE &ndash; selectin, vWF Ag, sP &ndash; selectin) and markers of platelet turnover (%rP) with metabolic profile indicators and poor antiplatelet therapy response suggest that altered metabolic profile can be one of contributing factors of poor antiplatelet response in diabetic patients.</p>

Geração de espécies reativas por exossomos plaquetários: um possível novo mecanismo de disfunção vascular na sepse / Generation of reactive oxygen species by platelet-derived exosomes: a possible novel mechanism of vascular dysfunction in sepsis

Gambim, Marcela Helena 03 August 2009 (has links)
Sepse, a resposta do organismo a uma infecção, está associada a altas taxas de mortalidade. A razão pela qual um mecanismo protetor resulta num quadro clínico fatal permanece inexplicada. Em trabalho prévio nosso grupo demonstrou que exossomos de origem plaquetária são os mais freqüentes em plasma de pacientes com choque séptico e que estes podem induzir apoptose em células musculares lisas vasculares e células endoteliais em cultura. Demonstramos ainda que tais exossomos possuíam uma fonte enzimática de ROS, uma NADPH oxidase cuja atividade poderia estar associada à indução da apoptose (Janiszewski et al., 2004). No presente trabalho, nós buscamos criar um modelo de geração ex vivo de exossomos similares aos encontrados em pacientes sépticos e identificar possíveis vias responsáveis pela liberação destes e seus efeitos. Choque séptico é uma condição relacionada com exposição a lipopolissacarídeo (LPS) e geração de alta quantidade de trombina, TNF e espécies reativas de nitrogênio. Através de citometria de fluxo revelamos que plaquetas humanas expostas ao doador de NO dietilamina-NONOato e ao LPS geraram exossomos similares àqueles encontrados em pacientes com choque séptico, expondo alta quantidade de tetraspaninas CD9, CD63 e CD81 mas pouca fosfatidilserina. Por outro lado, plaquetas expostas à trombina ou TNF liberaram partículas com características claramente distintas, com alta exposição de fosfatidilserina e baixa de tetraspaninas. Assim como os exossomos sépticos, os exossomos obtidos pela exposição de NO e LPS geraram radical superóxido e NO, como demonstrado pela quimioluminescência da lucigenina (5M) e celenterazinina (5M) e pela fluorescência da 4,5-diaminofluoresceína (10mM) e 2,7-diclorofluoresceína (10mM). A análise por Western Blot nos permitiu identificar as subunidades Nox1, Nox2 e p22phox da NADPH oxidase e a isoforma induzível da enzima NO sintase (NOS) nesses exossomos. Como esperado, inibidores da NOS e da NADPH oxidase reduziram significamente os sinais fluorescentes e quimioluminescentes. Em adição, as células endoteliais em cultura expostas aos exossomos gerados por dietilamina-NONOato e LPS sofreram significativo aumento da taxa de apoptose quando comparadas àquelas expostas a exossomos controle. A inibição da NADPH oxidase assim como da NOS reduziu expressivamente tal efeito. Adição de urato (1mM), mostrou efeito aditivo sobre a inibição do sinal fluorescente, assim como redução adicional da taxa apoptótica, sugerindo papel importante do radical peroxinitrito. Nós propomos, assim, que exossomos derivados de plaquetas podem representar papel adicional no já complexo cenário da sinalização vascular redox. Nesse sentido, uma abordagem baseada em exossomos pode fornecer novas ferramentas para o entendimento e até tratamento da disfunção vascular na sepse / Sepsis, the bodys response to infection, is associated with high mortality rates. Why a protective mechanism turns into a deadly clinical picture is a matter of debate, and goes largely unexplained. In previous work we demonstrated that plateled derived exosomes are found in the plasma of septic patients with septic shock and can induce endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cell apoptosis in culture through an enzymatic superoxide source (Janiszewski et al., 2004). In this work we sought to create a model for ex vivo generation of exosomes, and to identify the pathways responsible for ROS release by exosomes and their effects. Septic shock is a condition related to exposure of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), generation of high amounts of thrombin, TNF and nitrogen reactive species. Through flow cytometry we demonstrated that human platelets exposed to the NO-donor diethylamine-NONOate, and to LPS, generated exosomes similar to those found in the blood of septic shock patients, with high exposure of the tetraspanin CD9, CD63, and CD81, but little phosphatidylserine. On the other hand, platelets exposed to thrombin or TNF released particles with clearly distinct characteristics, such as high phosphatidylserine and low tetraspanin. Like the septic exosomes, the exosomes obtained by NO and LPS exposure generated superoxide radical and NO, as disclosed by lucigenin and coelenterazine chemiluminescence and by 4,5-diaminofluorescein and 2,7-dichlorofluorescein fluorescence. Western Blot analysis revealed the presence of Nox1, Nox2 and p22phox NADPH oxidase subunits and the inducible isoform of NO synthase (NOS) in these exosomes. As expected, NOS inhibitors or NADPH oxidase inhibitors significantly reduced the fluorescence and chemiluminescente signals. In addition, endothelial cells exposed to NO or LPS generated exosomes underwent apoptotic death, while control exosomes had no effects on apoptosis. NADPH oxidase as well as NOS inhibition significantly reduced apoptosis rates. Concomitant generation of NO and superoxide suggests biological effects of the highly reactive radical peroxynitrite. In fact, the peroxynitrite scavenger urate (1 mM) showed an additive effect on fluorescent signal inhibition, as well as on endothelial apoptosis rate reduction. We thus propose that platelet-derived exosomes may be another class of actors in the complex play known as vascular redox signaling. In this sense, an exosome-based approach can provide novel tools for further understanding and even treating vascular dysfunction related to sepsis

Indicadores inflamatórios, função endotelial e outros marcadores de risco cardíaco em pacientes idosos com sobrepeso e obesidade: resposta à suplementação de azeite de oliva, óleo de linhaça e óleo de girassol / Inflammatory indicators, endothelial function and other markers of cardiac risk in overweight and obese elderly patients: response to supplementation with olive oil, linseed oil and sunflower oil

Oliveira, Patrícia Amante de 10 May 2017 (has links)
A obesidade é uma doença crônica com complicações para a qual se busca o tratamento e a prevenção. A gordura visceral é um órgão endócrino de armazenamento hormonal e produtor de adipocinas inflamatórias, tornando o obeso portador de inflamação crônica, que por sua vez é uma das características da aterogênese e do envelhecimento. Os níveis aumentados de interleucina-6 e fator de necrose tumoral-alfa, citocinas multifuncionais, estão associados à morbi-mortalidade em idosos e à patogênese da aterosclerose. Nos dias atuais, a alimentação mundial é caracterizada pelo aumento do consumo de gordura saturada e gorduras trans, bem como pela redução do consumo de ácidos graxos ômega-3. O desequilíbrio na relação ômega-6/ômega-3 propicia um ambiente de inflamação crônica, sendo o estímulo inicial para doenças degenerativas. A substituição de gorduras saturadas por ácidos graxos poliinsaturados, de ácido alfa- linolênico (ALA) - ômega-3, e de ácido graxo monoinsaturado (ácido oléico - ômega- 9), parece estar associada à redução do risco de doença cardiovascular. Entre duas fontes de ácido eicosapentaenóico e ácido docosahexaenóico, os ácidos graxos ômega-3 provenientes de peixes e o ALA das fontes vegetais, este último é mais acessível financeiramente e amplamente disponível no mundo todo. Este estudo foi desenhado para avaliar comparativamente o efeito do aumento do consumo de ALA proveniente de fontes vegetais sobre os indicadores inflamatórios e a reatividade endotelial em pacientes idosos e obesos ou com sobrepeso. Foram selecionados 79 pacientes para receber doses diárias de óleo de linhaça, óleo de oliva e óleo de girassol por 12 semanas consecutivas. Foram realizadas medidas antropométricas, bioquímicas e de reatividade endotelial antes e após a intervenção, sem nenhuma modificação na dieta dos participantes ou em suas medicações utilizadas, não havendo mudanças antropométricas após a conclusão do estudo. Houve melhora em alguns parâmetros bioquímicos com o óleo de linhaça, que reduziu os níveis de PCRus, C3, C4 e fibrinogênio; com o óleo de girassol, que reduziu os níveis de leptina, ApoB e também a relação Apo B/ApoA1; e com o óleo de oliva que beneficiou a relação Apo B/ApoA1 e os níveis de C4. A espessura da artéria carótida também teve melhora significativa com os três óleos suplementados, mais acentuada com o óleo de linhaça e o óleo de oliva. Além disto, o óleo de girassol melhorou significativamente a distensibilidade da parede arterial e da vasodilatação fluxo-mediada (VFM) e o óleo de oliva apresentou tendência de melhora na VFM. Concluímos que a suplementação de ácidos graxos insaturados provenientes dos três óleos vegetais atenuou o quadro pró-inflamatório e pró-trombótico. Ocorreu melhora do perfil de marcadores bioquímicos e resultados significativos estatisticamente nos marcadores de reatividade endotelial como redução da espessura da íntima-média da artéria carótida, melhora da distensibilidade da parede arterial e melhora da funcionalidade medida pela VFM. Foi benéfica sua introdução à dieta, a fim de reduzir o risco cardiovascular em idosos portadores de obesidade ou sobrepeso / Obesity is a chronic disease with complications for which treatment and prevention are sought. Visceral fat is an endocrine organ of hormonal storage and a producer of inflammatory adipokines, leading to chronic inflammation in the obese person, which in turn is one of the characteristics of atherogenesis and aging. Increased levels of multifunctional cytokines, interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-alfa are associated with morbidity and mortality in the elderly, and in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Currently, food worldwide is characterized by increased consumption of saturated and trans fats, as well as reduced consumption of omega-3 fatty acids. Imbalance in the omega-6/omega-3 ratio provides an environment of chronic inflammation, and the initial stimulus for degenerative diseases. The substitution of saturated fats by polyunsaturated fatty acids, alfa-linolenic acid (ALA)- omega-3, and mono-unsaturated fatty acid (omega-9 fatty acids), seems to be associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Obtaining alfa-linolenic acid from vegetable sources is more financially accessible and widely available worldwide than omega-3 fatty acids from fish; both are sources of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. This study was designed to comparatively evaluate the effect of increased ALA consumption, derived from vegetables, on inflammatory indicators and the endothelial reactivity in obese or overweight elderly patients. Seventy nine patients were selected to receive daily doses of linseed oil, olive oil and sunflower oil for 12 consecutive weeks. Anthropometric, biochemical and endothelial reactivity measurements were performed before and after the intervention, without any changes in the participants\' diet or in their medications, and no anthropometric changes were identified after the conclusion of the study. Improvement in some biochemical parameters were identified with linseed oil, which reduced the levels of C-reactive protein, C3, C4 and fibrinogen; with sunflower oil, which reduced levels of leptin, ApoB and also ApoB/ApoA1 ratio; and with the olive oil that improved the ApoB/ApoA1 ratio and the C4 levels. Carotid artery thickness also showed a significant improvement with the three supplemented oils, and was more accentuated with linseed oil and olive oil. In addition, sunflower oil significantly improved the distensibility of the arterial wall and its flow-mediated dilatation (FMD), and olive oil showed a tendency for improvement in FMD. We concluded that the supplementation of unsaturated fatty acids from the three vegetable oils attenuated the pro-inflammatory and prothrombotic conditions. An improvement in the profile of biochemical markers and statistically significant results was identified in markers of endothelial reactivity, such as reduction of carotid artery intima-media thickness, improvement of the arterial wall distensibility and the endothelial function measured by FMD. The introduction of unsaturated fatty acids in the diet was beneficial, in order to reduce cardiovascular risk in obese or overweight elderly

Geração de espécies reativas por exossomos plaquetários: um possível novo mecanismo de disfunção vascular na sepse / Generation of reactive oxygen species by platelet-derived exosomes: a possible novel mechanism of vascular dysfunction in sepsis

Marcela Helena Gambim 03 August 2009 (has links)
Sepse, a resposta do organismo a uma infecção, está associada a altas taxas de mortalidade. A razão pela qual um mecanismo protetor resulta num quadro clínico fatal permanece inexplicada. Em trabalho prévio nosso grupo demonstrou que exossomos de origem plaquetária são os mais freqüentes em plasma de pacientes com choque séptico e que estes podem induzir apoptose em células musculares lisas vasculares e células endoteliais em cultura. Demonstramos ainda que tais exossomos possuíam uma fonte enzimática de ROS, uma NADPH oxidase cuja atividade poderia estar associada à indução da apoptose (Janiszewski et al., 2004). No presente trabalho, nós buscamos criar um modelo de geração ex vivo de exossomos similares aos encontrados em pacientes sépticos e identificar possíveis vias responsáveis pela liberação destes e seus efeitos. Choque séptico é uma condição relacionada com exposição a lipopolissacarídeo (LPS) e geração de alta quantidade de trombina, TNF e espécies reativas de nitrogênio. Através de citometria de fluxo revelamos que plaquetas humanas expostas ao doador de NO dietilamina-NONOato e ao LPS geraram exossomos similares àqueles encontrados em pacientes com choque séptico, expondo alta quantidade de tetraspaninas CD9, CD63 e CD81 mas pouca fosfatidilserina. Por outro lado, plaquetas expostas à trombina ou TNF liberaram partículas com características claramente distintas, com alta exposição de fosfatidilserina e baixa de tetraspaninas. Assim como os exossomos sépticos, os exossomos obtidos pela exposição de NO e LPS geraram radical superóxido e NO, como demonstrado pela quimioluminescência da lucigenina (5M) e celenterazinina (5M) e pela fluorescência da 4,5-diaminofluoresceína (10mM) e 2,7-diclorofluoresceína (10mM). A análise por Western Blot nos permitiu identificar as subunidades Nox1, Nox2 e p22phox da NADPH oxidase e a isoforma induzível da enzima NO sintase (NOS) nesses exossomos. Como esperado, inibidores da NOS e da NADPH oxidase reduziram significamente os sinais fluorescentes e quimioluminescentes. Em adição, as células endoteliais em cultura expostas aos exossomos gerados por dietilamina-NONOato e LPS sofreram significativo aumento da taxa de apoptose quando comparadas àquelas expostas a exossomos controle. A inibição da NADPH oxidase assim como da NOS reduziu expressivamente tal efeito. Adição de urato (1mM), mostrou efeito aditivo sobre a inibição do sinal fluorescente, assim como redução adicional da taxa apoptótica, sugerindo papel importante do radical peroxinitrito. Nós propomos, assim, que exossomos derivados de plaquetas podem representar papel adicional no já complexo cenário da sinalização vascular redox. Nesse sentido, uma abordagem baseada em exossomos pode fornecer novas ferramentas para o entendimento e até tratamento da disfunção vascular na sepse / Sepsis, the bodys response to infection, is associated with high mortality rates. Why a protective mechanism turns into a deadly clinical picture is a matter of debate, and goes largely unexplained. In previous work we demonstrated that plateled derived exosomes are found in the plasma of septic patients with septic shock and can induce endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cell apoptosis in culture through an enzymatic superoxide source (Janiszewski et al., 2004). In this work we sought to create a model for ex vivo generation of exosomes, and to identify the pathways responsible for ROS release by exosomes and their effects. Septic shock is a condition related to exposure of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), generation of high amounts of thrombin, TNF and nitrogen reactive species. Through flow cytometry we demonstrated that human platelets exposed to the NO-donor diethylamine-NONOate, and to LPS, generated exosomes similar to those found in the blood of septic shock patients, with high exposure of the tetraspanin CD9, CD63, and CD81, but little phosphatidylserine. On the other hand, platelets exposed to thrombin or TNF released particles with clearly distinct characteristics, such as high phosphatidylserine and low tetraspanin. Like the septic exosomes, the exosomes obtained by NO and LPS exposure generated superoxide radical and NO, as disclosed by lucigenin and coelenterazine chemiluminescence and by 4,5-diaminofluorescein and 2,7-dichlorofluorescein fluorescence. Western Blot analysis revealed the presence of Nox1, Nox2 and p22phox NADPH oxidase subunits and the inducible isoform of NO synthase (NOS) in these exosomes. As expected, NOS inhibitors or NADPH oxidase inhibitors significantly reduced the fluorescence and chemiluminescente signals. In addition, endothelial cells exposed to NO or LPS generated exosomes underwent apoptotic death, while control exosomes had no effects on apoptosis. NADPH oxidase as well as NOS inhibition significantly reduced apoptosis rates. Concomitant generation of NO and superoxide suggests biological effects of the highly reactive radical peroxynitrite. In fact, the peroxynitrite scavenger urate (1 mM) showed an additive effect on fluorescent signal inhibition, as well as on endothelial apoptosis rate reduction. We thus propose that platelet-derived exosomes may be another class of actors in the complex play known as vascular redox signaling. In this sense, an exosome-based approach can provide novel tools for further understanding and even treating vascular dysfunction related to sepsis

Indicadores inflamatórios, função endotelial e outros marcadores de risco cardíaco em pacientes idosos com sobrepeso e obesidade: resposta à suplementação de azeite de oliva, óleo de linhaça e óleo de girassol / Inflammatory indicators, endothelial function and other markers of cardiac risk in overweight and obese elderly patients: response to supplementation with olive oil, linseed oil and sunflower oil

Patrícia Amante de Oliveira 10 May 2017 (has links)
A obesidade é uma doença crônica com complicações para a qual se busca o tratamento e a prevenção. A gordura visceral é um órgão endócrino de armazenamento hormonal e produtor de adipocinas inflamatórias, tornando o obeso portador de inflamação crônica, que por sua vez é uma das características da aterogênese e do envelhecimento. Os níveis aumentados de interleucina-6 e fator de necrose tumoral-alfa, citocinas multifuncionais, estão associados à morbi-mortalidade em idosos e à patogênese da aterosclerose. Nos dias atuais, a alimentação mundial é caracterizada pelo aumento do consumo de gordura saturada e gorduras trans, bem como pela redução do consumo de ácidos graxos ômega-3. O desequilíbrio na relação ômega-6/ômega-3 propicia um ambiente de inflamação crônica, sendo o estímulo inicial para doenças degenerativas. A substituição de gorduras saturadas por ácidos graxos poliinsaturados, de ácido alfa- linolênico (ALA) - ômega-3, e de ácido graxo monoinsaturado (ácido oléico - ômega- 9), parece estar associada à redução do risco de doença cardiovascular. Entre duas fontes de ácido eicosapentaenóico e ácido docosahexaenóico, os ácidos graxos ômega-3 provenientes de peixes e o ALA das fontes vegetais, este último é mais acessível financeiramente e amplamente disponível no mundo todo. Este estudo foi desenhado para avaliar comparativamente o efeito do aumento do consumo de ALA proveniente de fontes vegetais sobre os indicadores inflamatórios e a reatividade endotelial em pacientes idosos e obesos ou com sobrepeso. Foram selecionados 79 pacientes para receber doses diárias de óleo de linhaça, óleo de oliva e óleo de girassol por 12 semanas consecutivas. Foram realizadas medidas antropométricas, bioquímicas e de reatividade endotelial antes e após a intervenção, sem nenhuma modificação na dieta dos participantes ou em suas medicações utilizadas, não havendo mudanças antropométricas após a conclusão do estudo. Houve melhora em alguns parâmetros bioquímicos com o óleo de linhaça, que reduziu os níveis de PCRus, C3, C4 e fibrinogênio; com o óleo de girassol, que reduziu os níveis de leptina, ApoB e também a relação Apo B/ApoA1; e com o óleo de oliva que beneficiou a relação Apo B/ApoA1 e os níveis de C4. A espessura da artéria carótida também teve melhora significativa com os três óleos suplementados, mais acentuada com o óleo de linhaça e o óleo de oliva. Além disto, o óleo de girassol melhorou significativamente a distensibilidade da parede arterial e da vasodilatação fluxo-mediada (VFM) e o óleo de oliva apresentou tendência de melhora na VFM. Concluímos que a suplementação de ácidos graxos insaturados provenientes dos três óleos vegetais atenuou o quadro pró-inflamatório e pró-trombótico. Ocorreu melhora do perfil de marcadores bioquímicos e resultados significativos estatisticamente nos marcadores de reatividade endotelial como redução da espessura da íntima-média da artéria carótida, melhora da distensibilidade da parede arterial e melhora da funcionalidade medida pela VFM. Foi benéfica sua introdução à dieta, a fim de reduzir o risco cardiovascular em idosos portadores de obesidade ou sobrepeso / Obesity is a chronic disease with complications for which treatment and prevention are sought. Visceral fat is an endocrine organ of hormonal storage and a producer of inflammatory adipokines, leading to chronic inflammation in the obese person, which in turn is one of the characteristics of atherogenesis and aging. Increased levels of multifunctional cytokines, interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-alfa are associated with morbidity and mortality in the elderly, and in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Currently, food worldwide is characterized by increased consumption of saturated and trans fats, as well as reduced consumption of omega-3 fatty acids. Imbalance in the omega-6/omega-3 ratio provides an environment of chronic inflammation, and the initial stimulus for degenerative diseases. The substitution of saturated fats by polyunsaturated fatty acids, alfa-linolenic acid (ALA)- omega-3, and mono-unsaturated fatty acid (omega-9 fatty acids), seems to be associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Obtaining alfa-linolenic acid from vegetable sources is more financially accessible and widely available worldwide than omega-3 fatty acids from fish; both are sources of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. This study was designed to comparatively evaluate the effect of increased ALA consumption, derived from vegetables, on inflammatory indicators and the endothelial reactivity in obese or overweight elderly patients. Seventy nine patients were selected to receive daily doses of linseed oil, olive oil and sunflower oil for 12 consecutive weeks. Anthropometric, biochemical and endothelial reactivity measurements were performed before and after the intervention, without any changes in the participants\' diet or in their medications, and no anthropometric changes were identified after the conclusion of the study. Improvement in some biochemical parameters were identified with linseed oil, which reduced the levels of C-reactive protein, C3, C4 and fibrinogen; with sunflower oil, which reduced levels of leptin, ApoB and also ApoB/ApoA1 ratio; and with the olive oil that improved the ApoB/ApoA1 ratio and the C4 levels. Carotid artery thickness also showed a significant improvement with the three supplemented oils, and was more accentuated with linseed oil and olive oil. In addition, sunflower oil significantly improved the distensibility of the arterial wall and its flow-mediated dilatation (FMD), and olive oil showed a tendency for improvement in FMD. We concluded that the supplementation of unsaturated fatty acids from the three vegetable oils attenuated the pro-inflammatory and prothrombotic conditions. An improvement in the profile of biochemical markers and statistically significant results was identified in markers of endothelial reactivity, such as reduction of carotid artery intima-media thickness, improvement of the arterial wall distensibility and the endothelial function measured by FMD. The introduction of unsaturated fatty acids in the diet was beneficial, in order to reduce cardiovascular risk in obese or overweight elderly

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