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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estrogen withdrawal and liver fat accumulation : contribution of hepatic VLDL-TG production and effect of exercise training

Barsalani, Razieh 04 1900 (has links)
L’accumulation de triglycérides (TG) dans les hépatocytes est caractéristique de la stéatose hépatique non-alcoolique (SHNA). Cette dernière se produit dans diverses conditions dont le facteur commun est le métabolisme anormal des lipides. Le processus conduisant à l'accumulation des lipides dans le foie n’a pas encore été totalement élucidé. Toutefois, des lipides s'accumulent dans le foie lorsque les mécanismes qui favorisent leur exportation (oxydation et sécrétion) sont insuffisants par rapport aux mécanismes qui favorisent leur importation ou leur biosynthèse. De nos jours il est admis que la carence en œstrogènes est associée au développement de la stéatose hépatique. Bien que les résultats des études récentes révèlent l'implication des hormones ovariennes dans l'accumulation de lipides dans le foie, les mécanismes qui sous-tendent ce phénomène doivent encore être étudiés. En conséquence, les trois études présentées dans cette thèse ont été menées sur des rates ovariectomizées (Ovx), comme modèle animal de femmes post-ménopausées, pour étudier les effets du retrait des œstrogènes sur le métabolisme des lipides dans le foie, en considérant l'entraînement physique comme étant un élément positif pouvant contrecarrer ces effets. Il a été démontré que l'entraînement physique peut réduire l'accumulation de graisses dans le foie chez les rates Ovx. Dans la première étude, nous avons montré que chez les rates Ovx nourries à la diète riche en lipides (HF), les contenus de TG hépatiques étaient élevées (P < 0.01) comparativement aux rates Sham, 5 semaines après la chirurgie. Le changement de la diète HF par la diète standard (SD) chez les rates Sham a diminué l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie. Toutefois, chez les rates Ovx, 8 semaines après le changement de la HF par la SD le niveau de TG dans le foie était maintenu aussi élevé que chez les rates nourries continuellement avec la diète HF. Lorsque les TG hépatiques mesurés à la 13e semaine ont été comparés aux valeurs correspondant au retrait initial de la diète HF effectué à la 5e semaine, les niveaux de TG hépatiques chez les animaux Ovx ont été maintenus, indépendamment du changement du régime alimentaire; tandis que chez les rats Sham le passage à la SD a réduit (P < 0.05) les TG dans le foie. Les mêmes comparaisons avec la concentration des TG plasmatiques ont révélé une relation inverse. Ces résultats suggèrent que la résorption des lipides au foie est contrée par l'absence des œstrogènes. Dans cette continuité, nous avons utilisé une approche physiologique dans notre seconde étude pour investiguer la façon dont la carence en œstrogènes entraîne l’accumulation de graisses dans le foie, en nous focalisant sur la voie de l'exportation des lipides du foie. Les résultats de cette étude ont révélé que le retrait des œstrogènes a entraîné une augmentation (P < 0.01) de l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie en concomitance avec la baisse (P < 0.01) de production de VLDL-TG et une réduction l'ARNm et de la teneur en protéines microsomales de transfert des triglycérides (MTP). Tous ces effets ont été corrigés par la supplémentation en œstrogènes chez les rates Ovx. En outre, l'entraînement physique chez les rates Ovx a entraîné une réduction (P < 0.01) de l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie ainsi qu’une diminution (P < 0.01) de production de VLDL-TG accompagnée de celle de l'expression des gènes MTP et DGAT-2 (diacylglycérol acyltransférase-2). Des études récentes suggèrent que le peptide natriurétique auriculaire (ANP) devrait être au centre des intérêts des recherches sur les métabolismes énergétiques et lipidiques. Le ANP est relâché dans le plasma par les cellules cardiaques lorsque stimulée par l’oxytocine et exerce ses fonctions en se liant à son récepteur, le guanylyl cyclase-A (GC-A). En conséquence, dans la troisième étude, nous avons étudié les effets du blocage du système ocytocine-peptide natriurétique auriculaire (OT-ANP) en utilisant un antagoniste de l’ocytocine (OTA), sur l'expression des gènes guanylyl cyclase-A et certains marqueurs de l’inflammation dans le foie de rates Ovx. Nous avons observé une diminution (P < 0.05) de l’ARNm de la GC-A chez les rates Ovx et Sham sédentaires traitées avec l’OTA, tandis qu’une augmentation (P < 0.05) de l'expression de l’ARNm de la protéine C-réactive (CRP) hépatique a été notée chez ces animaux. L’exercice physique n'a apporté aucun changement sur l'expression hépatique de ces gènes que ce soit chez les rates Ovx ou Sham traitées avec l’OTA. En résumé, pour expliquer l’observation selon laquelle l’accumulation et la résorption de lipides dans le foie dépendent des mécanismes associés à des niveaux d’œstrogènes, nos résultats suggèrent que la diminution de production de VLDL-TG induite par une déficience en œstrogènes, pourrait être un des mecanismes responsables de l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie. L’exercice physique quant à lui diminue l'infiltration de lipides dans le foie ainsi que la production de VLDL-TG indépendamment des niveaux d'œstrogènes. En outre, l'expression des récepteurs de l’ANP a diminué par l'OTA chez les rates Ovx et Sham suggérant une action indirecte de l’ocytocine (OT) au niveau du foie indépendamment de la présence ou non des estrogènes. L’axe ocytocine-peptide natriurétique auriculaire, dans des conditions physiologiques normales, protègerait le foie contre l'inflammation à travers la modulation de l’expression de la GC-A. / Excessive accumulation of triglycerides (TGs) in hepatocytes is the characteristic of non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis (NAHS). NAHS occurs in various conditions in which abnormal fat metabolism is a common factor. The primary processes leading to lipid accumulation in the liver are not well understood. However, lipid in the form of TG accumulates within liver cells when mechanisms that promote their removal (by oxidation or secretion) cannot keep pace with mechanisms that promote lipid import or biosynthesis. Today, it is well accepted that estrogen deficiency is associated with the development of a state of hepatic steatosis. Although recent findings indicated the implication of ovarian hormones in liver lipid accumulation, mechanisms underlying this phenomenon need to be further investigated. Therefore, the three studies presented in this thesis have been conducted in ovariectomized (Ovx) rats, as animal model of post-menopausal women, to investigate the effects of estrogen withdrawal on liver fat metabolism and considering the effects of exercise training as a positive counteractive factor. It has been shown that exercise training can reduce liver fat accumulation in Ovx rats. In the first study, we showed that in high fat (HF) fed animals, liver TG content was higher (P < 0.01) in Ovx compared to Sham rats as soon as 5-week after the surgery. Switching from the HF to a standard (SD) diet resulted in a decrease in liver fat accumulation in Sham animals. However, 8 weeks after the diet switch, liver fat accumulation was as high in Ovx rats as those maintained on the HF diet. When liver TG content measured at week 13 was compared to initial pre-switching values (week 5), liver TG levels in Ovx animals were maintained at the same level independently of the diet switch, while in Sham rats switching to a SD diet reduced liver TG accumulation (P < 0.05). The same comparisons with plasma TG levels revealed an opposite relationship. These results may be taken as evidence that indeed liver fat resorption is hampered in the absence of estrogens. To go one step further, we used a physiological approach in our second study to investigate how estrogen deficiency affects liver fat accumulation putting an emphasis on the pathway of lipid exportation from the liver. Results of this study showed that estrogen withdrawal resulted in higher (P < 0.01) liver fat accumulation concomitantly with lower (P < 0.01) very low density lipoprotein-triglyceride (VLDL-TG) production and lower mRNA and protein content of hepatic microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP). All of these effects in Ovx rats were corrected with estrogen supplementation. Moreover, exercise training in Ovx rats reduced (P < 0.01) liver fat accumulation and further reduced (P < 0.01) hepatic VLDL-TG production along with gene expression of MTP and diacylglycerol acyltransferase-2 (DGAT-2). A recent growing body of literature suggests that atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) hormone should be the interest of new investigations in the field of energy and lipid metabolism. ANP is released from the heart into plasma by oxytocin (OT) stimulation and exerts its biological action by binding to its receptor, guanylyl cyclase-A (GC-A: ANP receptor). Therefore, in the third study, we investigated the effects of blocking the oxytocin-atrial natriuretic peptide (OT-ANP) system, using an OT antagonist (OTA), on the gene expression of hepatic guanylyl cyclase-A and some inflammatory markers in the liver of Ovx rats. Hepatic GC-A mRNAs were decreased (P < 0.05) in Ovx and Sham OTA-treated rats in the sedentary state, contrary to hepatic C-reactive protein (CRP) mRNA expression that increased in these animals (P < 0.05). Exercise training had no effect on hepatic expression of these genes in both Sham and Ovx rats receiving OTA. Overall, our results point to the interpretation that hepatic fat accumulation and resorption are dependent on mechanisms associated with a normal estrogenic status; indicating that a decrease in VLDL-TG production might be a contributing factor responsible for the hepatic fat accumulation induced by estrogen deficiency. Exercise training lowers liver fat accretion and VLDL-TG production independently of the estrogen levels. Moreover, hepatic expression of ANP receptors is decreased by OTA in both Sham and Ovx rats suggesting an indirect action of the OT system on the liver independently of the estrogenic status of the animal. Oxytocin-atrial natriuretic peptide axis may contribute to the protection of hepatic tissue under normal physiological conditions such as reducing inflammatory markers within the hepatocytes by exerting its role through guanylyl cyclase-A expression.

Estrogen withdrawal and liver fat accumulation : contribution of hepatic VLDL-TG production and effect of exercise training

Barsalani, Razieh 04 1900 (has links)
L’accumulation de triglycérides (TG) dans les hépatocytes est caractéristique de la stéatose hépatique non-alcoolique (SHNA). Cette dernière se produit dans diverses conditions dont le facteur commun est le métabolisme anormal des lipides. Le processus conduisant à l'accumulation des lipides dans le foie n’a pas encore été totalement élucidé. Toutefois, des lipides s'accumulent dans le foie lorsque les mécanismes qui favorisent leur exportation (oxydation et sécrétion) sont insuffisants par rapport aux mécanismes qui favorisent leur importation ou leur biosynthèse. De nos jours il est admis que la carence en œstrogènes est associée au développement de la stéatose hépatique. Bien que les résultats des études récentes révèlent l'implication des hormones ovariennes dans l'accumulation de lipides dans le foie, les mécanismes qui sous-tendent ce phénomène doivent encore être étudiés. En conséquence, les trois études présentées dans cette thèse ont été menées sur des rates ovariectomizées (Ovx), comme modèle animal de femmes post-ménopausées, pour étudier les effets du retrait des œstrogènes sur le métabolisme des lipides dans le foie, en considérant l'entraînement physique comme étant un élément positif pouvant contrecarrer ces effets. Il a été démontré que l'entraînement physique peut réduire l'accumulation de graisses dans le foie chez les rates Ovx. Dans la première étude, nous avons montré que chez les rates Ovx nourries à la diète riche en lipides (HF), les contenus de TG hépatiques étaient élevées (P < 0.01) comparativement aux rates Sham, 5 semaines après la chirurgie. Le changement de la diète HF par la diète standard (SD) chez les rates Sham a diminué l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie. Toutefois, chez les rates Ovx, 8 semaines après le changement de la HF par la SD le niveau de TG dans le foie était maintenu aussi élevé que chez les rates nourries continuellement avec la diète HF. Lorsque les TG hépatiques mesurés à la 13e semaine ont été comparés aux valeurs correspondant au retrait initial de la diète HF effectué à la 5e semaine, les niveaux de TG hépatiques chez les animaux Ovx ont été maintenus, indépendamment du changement du régime alimentaire; tandis que chez les rats Sham le passage à la SD a réduit (P < 0.05) les TG dans le foie. Les mêmes comparaisons avec la concentration des TG plasmatiques ont révélé une relation inverse. Ces résultats suggèrent que la résorption des lipides au foie est contrée par l'absence des œstrogènes. Dans cette continuité, nous avons utilisé une approche physiologique dans notre seconde étude pour investiguer la façon dont la carence en œstrogènes entraîne l’accumulation de graisses dans le foie, en nous focalisant sur la voie de l'exportation des lipides du foie. Les résultats de cette étude ont révélé que le retrait des œstrogènes a entraîné une augmentation (P < 0.01) de l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie en concomitance avec la baisse (P < 0.01) de production de VLDL-TG et une réduction l'ARNm et de la teneur en protéines microsomales de transfert des triglycérides (MTP). Tous ces effets ont été corrigés par la supplémentation en œstrogènes chez les rates Ovx. En outre, l'entraînement physique chez les rates Ovx a entraîné une réduction (P < 0.01) de l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie ainsi qu’une diminution (P < 0.01) de production de VLDL-TG accompagnée de celle de l'expression des gènes MTP et DGAT-2 (diacylglycérol acyltransférase-2). Des études récentes suggèrent que le peptide natriurétique auriculaire (ANP) devrait être au centre des intérêts des recherches sur les métabolismes énergétiques et lipidiques. Le ANP est relâché dans le plasma par les cellules cardiaques lorsque stimulée par l’oxytocine et exerce ses fonctions en se liant à son récepteur, le guanylyl cyclase-A (GC-A). En conséquence, dans la troisième étude, nous avons étudié les effets du blocage du système ocytocine-peptide natriurétique auriculaire (OT-ANP) en utilisant un antagoniste de l’ocytocine (OTA), sur l'expression des gènes guanylyl cyclase-A et certains marqueurs de l’inflammation dans le foie de rates Ovx. Nous avons observé une diminution (P < 0.05) de l’ARNm de la GC-A chez les rates Ovx et Sham sédentaires traitées avec l’OTA, tandis qu’une augmentation (P < 0.05) de l'expression de l’ARNm de la protéine C-réactive (CRP) hépatique a été notée chez ces animaux. L’exercice physique n'a apporté aucun changement sur l'expression hépatique de ces gènes que ce soit chez les rates Ovx ou Sham traitées avec l’OTA. En résumé, pour expliquer l’observation selon laquelle l’accumulation et la résorption de lipides dans le foie dépendent des mécanismes associés à des niveaux d’œstrogènes, nos résultats suggèrent que la diminution de production de VLDL-TG induite par une déficience en œstrogènes, pourrait être un des mecanismes responsables de l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie. L’exercice physique quant à lui diminue l'infiltration de lipides dans le foie ainsi que la production de VLDL-TG indépendamment des niveaux d'œstrogènes. En outre, l'expression des récepteurs de l’ANP a diminué par l'OTA chez les rates Ovx et Sham suggérant une action indirecte de l’ocytocine (OT) au niveau du foie indépendamment de la présence ou non des estrogènes. L’axe ocytocine-peptide natriurétique auriculaire, dans des conditions physiologiques normales, protègerait le foie contre l'inflammation à travers la modulation de l’expression de la GC-A. / Excessive accumulation of triglycerides (TGs) in hepatocytes is the characteristic of non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis (NAHS). NAHS occurs in various conditions in which abnormal fat metabolism is a common factor. The primary processes leading to lipid accumulation in the liver are not well understood. However, lipid in the form of TG accumulates within liver cells when mechanisms that promote their removal (by oxidation or secretion) cannot keep pace with mechanisms that promote lipid import or biosynthesis. Today, it is well accepted that estrogen deficiency is associated with the development of a state of hepatic steatosis. Although recent findings indicated the implication of ovarian hormones in liver lipid accumulation, mechanisms underlying this phenomenon need to be further investigated. Therefore, the three studies presented in this thesis have been conducted in ovariectomized (Ovx) rats, as animal model of post-menopausal women, to investigate the effects of estrogen withdrawal on liver fat metabolism and considering the effects of exercise training as a positive counteractive factor. It has been shown that exercise training can reduce liver fat accumulation in Ovx rats. In the first study, we showed that in high fat (HF) fed animals, liver TG content was higher (P < 0.01) in Ovx compared to Sham rats as soon as 5-week after the surgery. Switching from the HF to a standard (SD) diet resulted in a decrease in liver fat accumulation in Sham animals. However, 8 weeks after the diet switch, liver fat accumulation was as high in Ovx rats as those maintained on the HF diet. When liver TG content measured at week 13 was compared to initial pre-switching values (week 5), liver TG levels in Ovx animals were maintained at the same level independently of the diet switch, while in Sham rats switching to a SD diet reduced liver TG accumulation (P < 0.05). The same comparisons with plasma TG levels revealed an opposite relationship. These results may be taken as evidence that indeed liver fat resorption is hampered in the absence of estrogens. To go one step further, we used a physiological approach in our second study to investigate how estrogen deficiency affects liver fat accumulation putting an emphasis on the pathway of lipid exportation from the liver. Results of this study showed that estrogen withdrawal resulted in higher (P < 0.01) liver fat accumulation concomitantly with lower (P < 0.01) very low density lipoprotein-triglyceride (VLDL-TG) production and lower mRNA and protein content of hepatic microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP). All of these effects in Ovx rats were corrected with estrogen supplementation. Moreover, exercise training in Ovx rats reduced (P < 0.01) liver fat accumulation and further reduced (P < 0.01) hepatic VLDL-TG production along with gene expression of MTP and diacylglycerol acyltransferase-2 (DGAT-2). A recent growing body of literature suggests that atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) hormone should be the interest of new investigations in the field of energy and lipid metabolism. ANP is released from the heart into plasma by oxytocin (OT) stimulation and exerts its biological action by binding to its receptor, guanylyl cyclase-A (GC-A: ANP receptor). Therefore, in the third study, we investigated the effects of blocking the oxytocin-atrial natriuretic peptide (OT-ANP) system, using an OT antagonist (OTA), on the gene expression of hepatic guanylyl cyclase-A and some inflammatory markers in the liver of Ovx rats. Hepatic GC-A mRNAs were decreased (P < 0.05) in Ovx and Sham OTA-treated rats in the sedentary state, contrary to hepatic C-reactive protein (CRP) mRNA expression that increased in these animals (P < 0.05). Exercise training had no effect on hepatic expression of these genes in both Sham and Ovx rats receiving OTA. Overall, our results point to the interpretation that hepatic fat accumulation and resorption are dependent on mechanisms associated with a normal estrogenic status; indicating that a decrease in VLDL-TG production might be a contributing factor responsible for the hepatic fat accumulation induced by estrogen deficiency. Exercise training lowers liver fat accretion and VLDL-TG production independently of the estrogen levels. Moreover, hepatic expression of ANP receptors is decreased by OTA in both Sham and Ovx rats suggesting an indirect action of the OT system on the liver independently of the estrogenic status of the animal. Oxytocin-atrial natriuretic peptide axis may contribute to the protection of hepatic tissue under normal physiological conditions such as reducing inflammatory markers within the hepatocytes by exerting its role through guanylyl cyclase-A expression.

Monitorování vlivu jednotlivých složek vyučovací jednotky tělesné výchovy na tělesnou zdatnost dívek 7. třídy ZŠ / Monitoring of influence of individual segments of a teaching unit on physical education on fitness of girls from seventh of elememntary school

Floriánová, Linda January 2012 (has links)
Title: Monitoring of influence of individual segments of a teaching unit of physical education on fitness of girls from seventh grade of elementary school. Aim: The aim of the empirical part is to monitor the proportional representation of the motoric activities during the time given in the lessons of physical education of the seventh grade girls, and along with the chosen methods of testing of these individuals, to prove or disprove possible influence of the composition of the P.E. lessons on the chosen segments of their fitness. Methods: Various methods were used for testing the considered sample. These were the standardized motoric tests (intense forward bend when sitting, place-jump with legs together, endurance in a pull-up, hand grip) which investigate the chosen segments of the fitness. Another method used was the bioimpedance which measures the parameters of body composition. The data were recollected quantitatively and the results were also processed quantitatively by means of statistic parameters, such as arithmetic mean, variation span and determinative deviation. Results: From the results of the work emerged that as far as the chosen motoric activities and their influence on the chosen segments of the fitness are concerned, during the time given only the segment of flexibility in...

Porovnání motorických schopností párových a nepárových veslařů / Comparison of motor abilities of pair and unpaired rowers

Mocek, Karel January 2014 (has links)
Theme in this thesis is comparison of motor abilities of pair and unpaired rowers. There is briefly mentioned characteristic of rowing and structure of rowing performance in theoretical part. Next captures are about single motor abilities. In practical part of thesis are characterized rowers, who were tested and Unifittes 6-60, according to were rowers tested. Last part of thesis is about comparison of measured results. Key words Rower, rowing, pair rowing, unpaired rowing, motor, motor abilities, movement, tests, motor testing, power abilities, speed abilities, endurance abilities, coordination abilities.

Hodnocení rychlostních fitness dat u ligového hráče ve vrcholovém fotbale / Evaluation of speed fitness data at a league player in top football

Závišková, Žaneta January 2019 (has links)
The conditioning preparation of a modern player in top football is an essential part for his excellent sporting performance. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on conditioning preparation of the player in football, his motor skills and abilities. The thesis focuses in detail on very important skills in this sport, such as speed and speed endurance. The practical part will deal with collecting the speed data of the football player. These data will be processed in both factual and statistical terms. The aim of the research will be the evaluation of the measured data. The results will be compared between the autumn and spring parts of the league, depending on the player's performance. Player data will also be compared with another player on the same position. The conclusion of the thesis is to point out that speed is often a decisive factor in many football situations, and to confirm that while improving the speed abilities, the performance of the player will also increase parallelly.

Disfunció Muscular en Malalts amb malaltia Pulmonar Obstructiva Crònica (MPOC)

Coronell Coronell, Carlos Gustavo 02 March 2006 (has links)
La Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (EPOC), presenta signos y síntomas sistémicos que se han venido explorando desde hace algún tiempo. La presente Tesis Doctoral estudia la disfunción que presentan los músculos respiratorios y periféricos, específicamente el cuádriceps de los pacientes con EPOC. Esta disfunción muscular afecta las actividades de la vida diaria, la tolerancia al ejercicio, limita la calidad de vida y disminuye la expectativa de vida de estos pacientes. Una de las posibles causas de disfunción muscular en los pacientes con EPOC puede ser la pérdida de masa muscular; por eso nos dedicamos a evaluar, los datos antropométricos de los pacientes con EPOC que asistieron durante 2 años a nuestro Laboratorio de Función Respiratoria del Hospital del Mar de Barcelona. La prevalencia de bajo peso en pacientes con EPOC en un hospital con predominante población mediterránea con, índice de masa corporal (IMC) por debajo de 20 Kg/m2, fue de tan sólo 6,6%, cifra que se reducía al 3,1% si el dintel escogido era de 18 Kg/m2. Estas cifras van claramente en oposición a la prevalencia referida en el mundo anglosajón y del norte-centro europeo, que muestra una prevalencia de bajo peso en pacientes con EPOC que oscila entre el 25 y el 35%. Teniendo en cuentas estos datos de baja prevalencia de bajo peso en nuestros pacientes con EPOC, no se explica la alta prevalencia de disfunción muscular en ellos. Por ello evaluamos variables de función muscular en pacientes con EPOC grave, específicamente del músculo cuádriceps y encontramos que los pacientes con EPOC tenían una disminución tanto de la fuerza muscular (43%), como de la resistencia muscular (77%), al compararlos con controles del mismo grupo etáreo.Tratando de profundizar en la causa de la disfunción muscular periférica en los pacientes con EPOC, hicimos a continuación otro estudio donde evaluamos el daño sarcoplásmico y sarcomérico mediante inmunohistoquímica y microscopía electrónica. Este trabajo demostró por primera vez que los pacientes con EPOC presentan mayor daño a nivel del músculo cuádriceps que los controles sanos.Debido a que en la EPOC los músculos periféricos, específicamente los de las extremidades inferiores, pudieran estar afectados por el sedentarismo, decidimos estudiar otras causas de disfunción muscular en un grupo de músculos en que este factor se hallara ausente, como son los músculos respiratorios. Estos mantienen su nivel de actividad normal o incluso aumentada. Para ello tomamos un músculo como el intercostal externo, que es fácilmente accesible a la biopsia, siguiendo un modelo mínimamente invasivo descrito por nuestro grupo. Como en trabajos precedentes ya habíamos valorado el daño sarcomérico, el estrés oxidativo o la actividad enzimática, en esta ocasión el trabajo se centró en la evaluación de la actividad inflamatoria. En él se ha demostrado que las citocinas proinflamatorias TNF-&#945; e IL-6 se encuentran aumentadas en los músculos intercostales externos de los pacientes con EPOC al compararlo con los controles sanos. / Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), shows systemic sign and symptoms that have been studied for some time. The present Doctoral Thesis studies the dysfunction shown by the respiratory and peripheral muscles, specifically the quadriceps muscle of patients with COPD. This muscle dysfunction affects the activities of daily living, tolerance to exercise, limits quality of life and diminishes life expectancy of these patients. One of the possible causes of muscle dysfunction in the patients with COPD could be the loss of muscle mass; for that reason we evaluated, the anthropometrics data of the patients with COPD that attended during 2 years our Respiratory Function Laboratory, Hospital del Mar of Barcelona. The prevalence of low weight in patients with COPD in a hospital with a predominantly Mediterranean population with an Body Mass Index (BMI) below 20 Kg/m2, was only 6.6%, a figure that was reduced to 3.1% if the chosen threshold was 18 Kg/m2. These numbers starkly contrast to the prevalence in Northern Europe, with a low weight in patients with COPD raging from 25 to 35%. Considering these data of low prevalence of low weight in our patients with COPD, the high prevalence of muscle dysfunction is not explained. We evaluated variables of muscle function in patients with severe COPD, specifically the quadriceps muscle and we found that the patients with COPD had a decreased muscle strength (43%), and muscle endurance (77%), when comparing with healthy age matched. To study the cause of the peripheral muscle dysfunction in patients with COPD, we began another study where we assessed sarcoplasmic and sarcomeric damage by immunohystochemical methods and electronic microscopy. This work demonstrated for the first time that patients with COPD show greater muscle injury at the quadriceps muscle level that healthy age matched controls.Because in COPD, peripheral muscles, specifically those of the lower limbs, could be affected by sedentarism, we decided to study other causes of muscle dysfunction in a muscle group in which this factor was absent, as they are the respiratory muscles. These maintain their level of normal activity or activity is even increased. For this we chose a respiratory muscle like the external intercostal muscle, that is easily accessible by biopsy, following a minumum invasive model described by our group. As in preceding works of our group we evaluated the sarcomeric damage, oxidative stress or the enzymatic activity, the present work was focused in the inflammatory activity evaluation. We demonstrated that proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF-&#945; and IL-6 are increased in the external intercostal muscles of patients with COPD when comparing with healthy age matched controls.

Cinética do consumo de oxigênio e da frequência cardíaca, índice BODE e a influência de dois programas de treinamento físico em pacientes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica

Pessoa, Bruna Varanda 29 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:18:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Retido.pdf: 19733 bytes, checksum: 6aad255badc436a06364517de2344ab6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-29 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The thesis consisted of three studies described below. The study I, entitled: Oxygen uptake and heart rate on-kinetics in patients with Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): comparison between cycle ergometry and elliptical equipment aimed to evaluate and compare the kinetics of both oxygen consumption (VO2) and heart rate (HR) in constant work-rate tests on a cycle ergometer (CCT) and on an elliptical machine (ECT) in COPD patients and healthy individuals. Eighteen male COPD patients between 55 and 78 years old with moderate to very severe obstruction (COPD group) and 18 apparently healthy males (control group: CG) were evaluated; the subjects were paired by age and submitted to the following tests on alternate days: 1) symptom-limited incremental cycle ergometer test (IT); 2) CCT and 3) ECT, both at 70% of the maximum intensity obtained in the IT. Expired gases were collected in all tests, and the kinetics of VO2 and HR were analyzed. The COPD group presented significantly higher tau (&#964;) and mean response time (MRT) for VO2 on the CCT than the CG (p<0.05); however, there was no significant difference on the ECT. Regarding the different tests, the COPD group had a significantly higher &#964; and MRT on the CCT than the ECT; on the other hand, no differences between the tests were observed in the CG. We conclude that VO2 kinetics are slowed in COPD; however, this depends on the ergometer used for testing. The faster kinetics found on the ECT for the COPD group may be related to the effects of the body position or to higher recruitment of muscle fibers, as well as to the greater ventilatory and chronotropic stress observed in this test. Following, the study II, entitled: BODE index, body composition, peripheral muscle strength and oxygen uptake and heart rate kinetics on a cycle ergometer and on elliptical equipment in COPD patients: there is relationship between them? aimed to determine if there is a relationship between oxygen consumption (VO2) and heart rate (HR) on-kinetics in constant work-rate exercise test on cycle ergometer (CCT) and on elliptical equipment (ECT) with the BODE index and their isolated variables, muscle mass (MM), lean body mass index (LBMI) and with peripheral muscle strength (PMS) represented by one-repetition maximum strength test (1RM) in patients with COPD. Fourteen men patients with moderate to very severe COPD (COPD group), between 55 and 78 years, were submitted to the following tests on alternate days: 1) six-minute walking test (6MWT); 2) IT; 3) CCT and 4) ECT at 70% of the maximum intensity obtained in CPT; 5) 1RM test and 6) body composition evaluation. Expired gases were collected in CPT, CCT and ECT, and response of the VO2 and HR on-kinetics were analyzed. The BODE index was calculated. The BODE index was calculated. The Pearson correlation coefficient (p<0.05) presented a moderate positive relationship between BODE index and &#964; and MRT of VO2 and HR (r=0.55 and r=0.63; r=0.66 and r = 0.74, respectively); and negative correlation between &#964;VO2 and MRT-VO2 with FEV1 (r=-0.69; r=-0.68), DW- 6MWT (r=-0,.62; r=-0.65) and DW-6MWT %predict (r=-0.64; r=-0.70). Still, significant negative correlations were observed between the &#964;-HR and MRT-HR with DW-6MWT (r=- 0,.81; r=-0.82) and DW-6MWT %predict (r=-0.83; r=-0.65). Significant correlations between the TRM and &#964; of VO2 and of HR with MM, LBMI and PMS; and correlations with oxygen consumption (VO2) and heart rate (HR) on-kinetics in ECT were not observed. In general, our data show that patients with moderate to very severe COPD have slowed VO2 kinetics in the CCT compared the ECT. Furthermore, the VO2 and HR on-kinetics in CCT has a moderate correlation with the classification of COPD severity assessed by the BODE index, FEV1 and DW-6MWT, showing that COPD severity, airflow limitation and exercise capacity are reflected by the slowing of the on-kinetics in COPD patients, but it depends on the ergometer. Finally, the study III, entitled: Effect of aerobic/resisted and interval physical training on oxygen uptake and heart rate on-kinetics in patients with COPD: randomized, controlled trial evaluated and compared the effect of aerobic/resisted physical training (TFAR) and interval physical training program on elliptical equipment (TFI) of high intensity on VO2 and HR onkinetics during CCT and ECT in patients with COPD. Eighteen men patients with moderate to very severe COPD, between 55 and 80 years, randomly divided into two groups: nine of the patients had been engaged in TFAR group, and nine in TFI group, were submitted to the following tests on alternate days: 1) IT; 2) CCT, and 3) ECT both at 70% of the maximum intensity obtained in IT, and one repetition maximum test (1RM), being reevaluated after six weeks physical training. program. The TFAR group consisted of aerobic training by thirty minutes, and three sets of fifteen repetitions of resisted training in lower limbs on leg press. The TFI group realized training program on an elliptical equipment, by thirty minutes at 100% of the maximum intensity obtained in IT, separated by 1-min rest periods. The two training groups completed 6 week (3x/week) of exercise training, until completing a total of eighteen sessions. Expired gases were collected in in all tests, and response of the VO2 and HR on-kinetics were analyzed. No significant difference post-training in the TFAR group both tests (CCT and ECT) were observed; but, the TFI group displayed slower VO2 onkinetics (> &#964; and > MRT) in the CCT and ECT after training. In relation HR on-kinetics, no significant difference in both groups and both constant workload exercise tests post-training were observed. We conclude that the interval physical training program on elliptical equipament lead to slower VO2 kinetics the onset at high-intensity exercise (CCT and ECT) in patients with COPD. Furthermore, the TFAR program is no sufficient to provoke improvements in VO2 and HR on-kinetics in the CCT and ECT. / A tese constou de três estudos descritos a seguir. O estudo I, intitulado: Cinética-on do consumo de oxigênio (VO2) e da frequência cardíaca (FC) de pacientes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC): comparação entre cicloergômetro e equipamento elíptico teve como objetivo avaliar e comparar a cinética do VO2 e da FC em testes de carga constante em cicloergômetro (TCC) e em equipamento elíptico (TCE), em pacientes com DPOC e indivíduos saudáveis. Foram avaliados 18 homens com DPOC de obstrução moderada a muito grave (grupo DPOC) entre 55 e 78 anos e 18 homens aparentemente saudáveis (grupo controle: GC) pareados por idade, submetidos em dias alternados aos seguintes testes: 1) teste incremental em cicloergômetro (TI) limitado por sintomas; 2) TCC e 3) TCE ambos a 70% da intensidade máxima obtida no TI. Foram coletados os gases expirados em todos os testes, e a cinética do VO2 e da FC foram analisadas. O grupo DPOC apresentou a tau (&#964;) e o tempo de resposta média (TRM) do VO2 significativamente maiores no TCC em comparação ao GC (p<0,05), porém sem diferenças significativas para o TCE. Em relação aos diferentes testes, no grupo DPOC a &#964; e o TRM foram significativamente maiores no TCC em comparação ao TCE (p<0,05), em contraste, no GC, não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os testes. Concluímos que a cinética do VO2 é lentificada na DPOC, entretanto, a mesma depende do ergômetro testado. A cinética mais rápida encontrada no TCE no grupo DPOC pode estar relacionada aos efeitos da posição corporal adotada ou ao maior recrutamento de fibras musculares, bem como ao maior estresse ventilatório e cronotrópico observado neste teste. Na sequência, o estudo II, intitulado: Índice BODE, composição corporal, força muscular periférica e cinética-on do consumo de oxigênio e da frequência cardíaca em cicloergômetro e em equipamento elíptico em pacientes com DPOC: há correlação entre eles? objetivou verificar se há correlação entre a cinética-on do VO2 e da FC no TCC e no TCE com o índice BODE e suas variáveis isoladas, massa muscular (MM), índice de massa magra corporal (IMMC) e com a força muscular periférica (FMP) representada pelo teste de uma repetição máxima (1RM) em pacientes com DPOC. Foram avaliados 14 homens com DPOC de obstrução moderada a muito grave entre 55 e 78 anos, submetidos em dias alternados aos seguintes testes: 1) teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6); 2) TI; 3) TCC e 4) TCE ambos a 70% da intensidade máxima obtida no TI; 5) teste de uma repetição máxima (1RM) e 6) avaliação da composição corporal. Foram coletados os gases expirados no TI e TCC, e a cinética do VO2 e da FC foram analisadas. O índice BODE foi calculado. Observou-se correlação moderada entre a &#964; e o TRM do VO2 e da FC com o índice BODE no TCC (r=0,55 e r=0,63; r=0,66 e r = 0,74, respectivamente); e correlações negativas significativas entre a &#964; e o TRM do VO2 com o VEF1 (r=-0,69; r=-0,68), a distância percorrida no TC6 (DP-TC6) (r=-0,62; r=-0,65) e a DP-TC6 %prevista (r=-0,64; r=-0,70). Ainda a &#964; e o TRM da FC correlacionou-se com a DP-TC6 (r=-0,81; r=-0,82) e a DP-TC6 %prevista (r=-0,83; r=-0,65). Esse mesmo comportamento não foi observado para a cinética do VO2 e da FC no TCE. Não foram observadas correlações estatisticamente significativas entre a &#964; e o TRM do VO2 e da FC com a MM, IMMC e FMP. Concluímos que a cinética-on do VO2 e da FC no TCC correlacionou-se com o índice BODE, VEF1 e DPTC6, mostrando que a gravidade da doença, limitação ao fluxo aéreo e a capacidade ao exercício são refletidas pela lentificação da cinética, entretanto a mesma depende do ergômetro utilizado. Finalmente, o estudo III, intitulado: Efeitos do treinamento físico aeróbio/resistido e intervalado na cinética-on do VO2 e da FC em pacientes com DPOC: estudo controlado, randomizado avaliou e comparou os efeitos do treinamento físico aeróbio/resitido (TFAR) e treinamento físico intervalado de alta intensidade em equipamento elíptico (TFI) na cinética-on do VO2 e da FC no TCC e no TCE em pacientes com DPOC. Dezoito homens com DPOC, foram randomizados para: grupo de TFAR (n=9) e grupo TFI (n=9), e submetidos ao: 1) TI; 2)TCC e 3)TCE ambos a 70% da intensidade máxima obtida no TI; e 4)teste de uma repetição máxima (1RM); reavaliados após seis semanas de treinamento físico. O grupo TFAR realizou 30 minutos de cicloergômetro, com intensidade entre 60-70% da carga máxima atingida no TI, sendo aumentados 10% após três semanas de treinamento; e três séries de 15 repetições em leg-press com intensidade de 40-60% da carga máxima tolerada no teste de 1RM, sendo aumentado 10% a cada duas semanas de treinamento, e adotou-se intervalo de dois minutos entre as séries. Já, o grupo TFI realizou 30 minutos de treinamento em equipamento elíptico com carga máxima atingida no TI e intervalos de um minuto. Ambos os programas foram realizados 3x/semana por seis semanas, completando 18 sessões. Foram coletados os gases expirados no TI, TCC e TCE, e a cinética do VO2 e da FC foram analisadas. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas na cinética do VO2 após o treinamento físico no grupo TFAR, em ambos os testes. Entretanto, no grupo TFI, verificou-se lentificação da mesma no TCC e no TCE após o treinamento. Quanto à cinética-on da FC, não foram constatadas diferenças significativas nos dois grupos e testes, após os dois programas. Concluímos que a cinética-on do VO2 é lentificada nos pacientes com DPOC, quando realizam TCC e TCE após o programa de TFI de alta intensidade. Entretanto, o programa de TFAR não proporcionou benefícios na cinética-on do VO2 e da FC na DPOC, nos TCC e TCE.

Can a comprehensive transition plan to barefoot running be the solution to the injury epidemic in American endurance runners?

Scarlett, Michael A. 01 January 2018 (has links)
Fossils belonging to the genus Homo, dating as far back as two million years ago, exhibit uniquely efficient features suggesting that early humans had evolved to become exceptional endurance runners. Although they did not have the cushion or stability-control features provided in our modern day running shoes, our early human ancestors experienced far less of the running-related injuries we experience today. The injury rate has been estimated as high as 90% annually for Americans training for a marathon and as high as 79% annually for all American endurance runners. There is an injury epidemic in conventionally shod populations that does not exist in the habitually unshod or minimally shod populations around the world. This has led many to conclude that the recent advent of highly technological shoes might be the problem. Although current literature has been inconclusive, there are two main limitations in virtually all of the studies: 1) transition phases of less than three months and 2) transition phases without rehabilitation exercises. These two aspects are key to the treatment of the structural consequences on the muscles and tendons of the foot and calf that habitually shod individuals have faced. This study includes a discussion of the cumulative consequences that lifelong shoe usage has on the development of the feet and lower legs. I propose a 78-week study that addresses the limitations of past studies by implementing a gradual, 32-week, multi-shoe transition complemented by an evidence-based rehabilitation program. I believe that this approach will restore strength and elasticity to muscles and tendons that have been inhibited by lifelong usage of overconstructed shoes and adequately prepare runners for the increased demand brought on by a­­­­­ changing running mechanic. This comprehensive, multifaceted transition plan to a fully minimalist shoe will provide novel insight into the ongoing barefoot debate. Can this approach finally demonstrate the proposed benefits of losing the shoes?

Vytvoření a ověření optimálního tréninkového plánu v soutěži Ocelový muž\\ / Creation and Verification of Optimum Training Plan for the Competition Called "Ocelový muž"\\

ŠAFAŘÍK, Milan January 2007 (has links)
This work aims at creating and verifying the trainig plan which develops dynamic and endurance skills needed for the competition called {\clqq}Ocelový muž``. The dissertation comprises three parts. The first part deals with the competition {\clqq}Ocelový muž``, the problems concerning dynamic and endurance skills, sports training and other interconected aspects. The next part is devoted to compiled training plan and to the testing of dynamic and endurance skills. Acquired knowledge is discussed and its summary is stated in conclusion.

Fysisk träning inom jazzdansundervisning : en kvalitativ studie om hur jazzdanslärare beskriver utveckling av fysiologiska färdigheter i dansundervisning

Nyman, Satu January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to shed light on practices that jazz dance teachers have incorporated into their teaching in order to enhance development of physiological abilities, as well as examine how these practices have become part of their jazz dance teaching practise.The research was conducted through four semi-structured interviews where jazz dance teachers described how they enhance physiological abilities in their dance teaching practice, and which aspects impact their choices. The transcribed interviews were analysed using thematic analysis, supplemented by the application of selected principles for physical training. The results indicated that physiological abilities were mostly enhanced through conventional jazz dance technique training, within the conventional structural framework, and that the physiological aspect is not addressed in the early planning process, but comes along later following the progression of the dance technique training. Furthermore, the results imply that the social construction of a jazz dance training and convention have significant impact to the practices used to improve physiological abilities in jazz dance training. The conclusion is that jazz dance is recognised as a physically demanding genre, where technique training can enhance most of the physiological abilities.

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