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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Samarbete för ökad energieffektivisering i fastighetsbranschen : Drivkrafter, strategier och verktyg för fastighetsägares och hyresgästers samverkan / Energy Efficiency in the Real Estate Industry : Drivers, strategies and tools for the cooperation of property owners and tenants

Schrewelius, Linn, Lindqvist, Nora January 2023 (has links)
Med pågående energikris och föränderliga kontorsbehov efter pandemin är det av största vikt för fastighetsägare att engagera sig i energifrågan för att främja både hållbar utveckling och ekonomiskt ansvar. Studien genomförs för att kartlägga vilka strategier och verktyg som kan påverka samarbetet mellan fastighetsägare och hyresgäster till ökad energieffektivisering. I studien undersöks olika drivkrafter till varför fastighetsägare arbetar med energieffektivisering, med vilka strategier och verktyg, och vad det finns för utvecklingsmöjligheter till ett ökat samarbete för att minska energiförbrukningen. För att besvara syftet med studien har en kvalitativ intervjustudie, samt en kompletterande litteraturstudie genomförts. Baserat på studiens resultat har ett flertal drivkrafter till att energieffektivisera fastigheter identifierats, som fler klimatmål, högre kostnader till följd av pandemi och energikris, samt ett ökat engagemang. För ett effektivare energiarbete behövs både digitala verktyg och en kontinuerlig dialog där kommunikativa verktyg krävs för att skapa ett bra samarbete mellan parterna. Återkopplingen av förbrukningsdata måste vara anpassad efter hyresgästen för att se en förändring av beteendet och uppnå ytterligare energibesparingar. Fastighetsägarna ansvarar för att utbilda, rådgiva och välja ut den data som hyresgästen har möjlighet att påverka genom beteendeförändringar. Insamling av data, återkoppling via digitala verktyg och kontinuerliga dialoger av energiförbrukningen är alla delar som behövs för att skapa ett bra samarbete kring energieffektivisering. Dock för att ändra hyresgästens beteende krävs det att hyresgästen förstår informationen, kan ta till sig den och påverka den för att någon skillnad i energianvändningen ska ske. Energikrisen har bidragit med ett ökat engagemang från hyresgästernas sida, men det finns behov av fastighetskunskap för att möjliggöra ett ökat samarbete. / Given the ongoing energy crisis and changing office rental needs due to the pandemic, it is crucial for propertyowners to be committed to issues regarding energy consumption to promote sustainable development and financial responsibility. This study aims to explore the strategies and tools that can be used to influence the collaboration between property owners and tenants to enhance energy efficiency. The study examines the different reasons why propertyowners engage in energy consumption issues, which strategies, tools, and potential areas of development to foster increased collaboration to reduce energy consumption. To address the research objectives, a qualitative interview study and a supplementary literature review were conducted. Based on the results of the study, several drivers for energy efficiency have been identified, such as increased climate goals, higher costs due to the pandemic and the energy crisis, as well as increased engagement. For more effective energy management, the need of digital tools and continuous dialogues are necessary, requiring communicative tools to establish a strong partnership between the parties involved. Feedback on consumption data must be tailored to the tenant to induce behavioral changes and achieve further energy savings. Property owners are responsible for educating, advising, and selecting data that tenants can affect through behavioral changes. Data collection, feedback through digital tools, and continuous dialogues on energy consumption are all components needed to create effective collaboration around energy efficiency. However, to change the tenant's behavior, it is necessary for the tenant to understand the information, absorb it, and be able to influence it for any difference in energy usage to occur. The energy crisis has led to increased tenant engagement, although there is a need for property expertise to facilitate enhanced collaboration.

Vilka incitament har kommersiella fastighetsägare att energieffektivisera befintliga fastigheter? / What incentive do commercial property owners have to make existing properties energy efficient?

Andersson, Linnéa, Michaela, Hall January 2023 (has links)
Situationen i dagens omvärld har tillsammans med hög inflation och efterdyningar av en pandemi påverkat fastighetsbranschen på många sätt. Ökade elpriser har gjort att drift- och underhållskostnader för fastigheter har ökat markant. För att minska energikostnaderna kan kommersiella fastighetsbolag implementera energieffektiviserande åtgärder. Det kan dock uppstå problematik mellan hyresgästen och fastighetsägaren när det kommer till delade incitament.   Syftet med studien är att undersöka kommersiella fastighetsägares incitament att energieffektivisera befintliga fastigheter med befintliga hyresgäster. Syftet är även att undersöka hur fastighetsägaren arbetar tillsammans med hyresgästen vid energieffektiviserande åtgärder. Energieffektiviserande åtgärder avser i studiens fall investeringar som sänker energikostnaderna. För att uppnå studiens syfte har en kvalitativ metod tillsammans med semistrukturerade intervjuer tillämpats. Intervjustudien genomfördes med sju väl etablerade kommersiella fastighetsbolag. Studiens resultat visar att i de fall där fastighetsägaren upplåter lokaler med kallhyra finns det inga incitament att energieffektivisera. Däremot finns det incitament för fastighetsägare som upplåter lokaler med varmhyra att göra energieffektiviserande åtgärder i befintliga byggnader. Detta incitament stärks med tanke på dagens höga elpriser där fastighetsägare gjort en vinst på investeringen tidigare än vad de skulle ha gjort om elpriserna legat kvar på tidigare nivåer.  Studien visar även att fastighetsägare förhandlar och tillsammans med hyresgästerna kommer fram till lösningar kring energieffektiviserande åtgärder. Ett alternativ kan vara att parterna delar på investeringen. / The situation in today's world, together with high inflation and the aftermath of a pandemic, has affected the property industry in many ways. Increased electricity prices have meant that operating and maintenance costs for properties have increased significantly. In order to overcome energy costs, commercial real estate companies can implement energy efficiency measures. However, problems can arise between the tenant and the property owner when it comes to shared incentives.  The purpose of the study is to investigate the commercial property owner's incentives to make existing properties with existing tenants more energy efficient. The purpose is also to investigate how the property owner works together with the tenant in energy efficiency measures. In the case of the study, energy efficiency measures refer to investments that lower energy costs. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, a qualitative method together with semi-structured interviews has been applied. The interview study was conducted with seven well-established commercial real estate companies. The results of the study show that in cases where the property owner leases premises with cold rent, there is no incentive to improve energy efficiency. On the other hand, there are incentives for property owners, who leases premises with varm rents to make energy efficiency measures in existing buildings. This incentive is also strengthened in view of today's high electricity prices, where property owners have made a profit on the investment earlier than they could have if electricity prices had remained at previous levels. The study also shows that property owners negotiate and together with the tenants reaches solutions regarding energy efficiency measures. An alternative could be for the parties to share the investment.

Increasing energy efficiency of O-RAN through utilization of xApps

Borg, Fredrik January 2023 (has links)
As 5G becomes more established and faces widespread roll-out, energy consumption of radio access networks around the globe will increase. Since the high-frequency radio waves used in 5G communication has a shorter effective range compared to the waves used in previous generations, 5G networks will require a higher number of radio units to compensate for their reduced range. Since the transmission of radio waves is a costly procedure in terms of energy consumption, this further increases the relevancy of radio equipment when considering solutions for increasing radio access networks' energy efficiency. This thesis has therefore provided a possible solution for increasing the energy efficiency of an O-RAN compliant radio access network by decreasing the energy consumption of its radio units. If a network's radio units are capable of entering a low-power sleep mode whenever they are left idle, i.e. not handling any traffic, the energy efficiency of a network can thus be increased by forcing its radio units to enter sleep mode as often as possible. This can be done by offloading traffic from radio units with little traffic onto other nearby radio units. The handovers required to perform such offloading, however, need to be predicted on the fly somewhere within the network. The solution proposed within this thesis therefore utilizes a component indigenous to the O-RAN architecture called RIC and its functionality-defining xApps which are capable of automatically detecting situations where radio units can be put to sleep as well as handling the offloading procedures. Through testing inside a simulated network, the set of xApps designed as a solution resulted in a potential 20-35% decrease in energy consumption among a radio access network's radio units.

Energy Consumption of Behavioral Software Design Patterns

Henmyr, Albert, Melnyk, Kateryna January 2023 (has links)
The environmental and economic implications of the increase in Information and Communication Technology energy consumption have become a topic of research in energy efficiency. Most studies focus on the energy estimation and optimization of lower tiers of the hardware and software infrastructures. However, the software itself is an indirect driver of energy consumption, therefore, its energy implications can be to some extent controlled by the software design. Software design patterns belong to high-level software abstractions that represent solutions to common design problems. Since patterns define the structure and behavior of software components, their application may come at energy efficiency costs that are not obvious to the software developers. The existing body of knowledge on energy consumption of software design patterns contains a number of gaps, some of which are addressed within the scope of this thesis project. More specifically, we conducted a series of experiments on the estimation of energy consumption of Visitor and Observer/Listener patterns within the context of non-trivial data parsing in Python. Furthermore, we considered a Patternless alternative for the same task. Additionally, our measurements include runtime duration and memory consumption. The results show that the Visitor pattern led to the largest energy consumption, followed by Observer/Listener and finally the Patternless version. We found a strong relationship between runtime duration and energy consumption, thus coming to the conclusion that the longest-running pattern is the most energy-consuming one. The findings of the current study can be beneficial for Python software developers interested in the energy implications of software design patterns.

Sustainable Web Design : How much can environmental friendly design principles improve a website's carbon footprint?

Fahlström, Emmie, Persson, Frida January 2023 (has links)
This study investigates the impact of sustainable design practices on the visual elements of websites, with a focus on their potential to mitigate environmental harm. The principal area of interest is efficiency - designing web pages to minimize energy usage.  In pursuit of sustainable design principles, websites from companies and organizations that advocate for the environment were analyzed. This was done to determine whether these websites are implementing sustainable design principles within their visual elements. Two custom React web pages were subsequently developed: one implementing design principles from the analyzed websites and the other integrating sustainable design principles. Standardized tools and metrics, including Ecograder, Google Lighthouse, and Google PageSpeed Insights, were used to assess the performance and energy efficiency of these pages in order to measure any discrepancies. From previous research, the results identified five most common design principles as principal considerations in website design. Interestingly, many of the companies/organizations were found to partially or completely disregard these sustainable design principles in their web pages. Additionally, the React web page that incorporated sustainable design principles demonstrated a significantly lighter page weight compared to its modern design counterpart, resulting in less energy usage. Further research is needed though to corroborate these results due to the limitations of the measurements in this study.

Digitalization for Energy Efficiency in Energy Intensive Industries

Jasonarson, Ivar Kristinn January 2020 (has links)
A fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) is on the horizon. It is enabled by advancements in information and communication technologies (i.e. digitalization) and concepts such as the Internet of Things and cyber-physical systems. Industry 4.0 is expected to have great impact on the manufacturing and process industries, changing how products are developed, produced and sold. However, Industry 4.0 is a novel concept and its impacts are still uncertain. An increasingly strict climate and energy agenda in Sweden is putting pressure on the industrial sector and it is, therefore, important that the sector exploits the full potential Industry 4.0 can provide for increased sustainability. This thesis examines the status of digitalization in the Swedish energy intensive industries (i.e. pulp and paper, steel, and chemical industries) and how it could impact energy efficiency in the sector. Qualitative research methods were used to carry out the study. A literature review and in-depth interviews with employees within the industries were conducted. The results show that, while digitalization is considered important for the future competitiveness of the Swedish energy intensive industries, the digital maturity of the sector is not considered high. Digital technologies can increase energy efficiency in a number of different ways (e.g. through better optimization tools, increased availability of processes and more efficient maintenance management). However, there is not a clear link between digital strategies and energy efficiency measures in the energy intensive industries in Sweden. Moreover, energy efficiency is not considered the main driver for implementing digital technologies, it is rather considered a positive side effect. To accelerate the implementation of digital technologies it is important to support further research in this area and encourage a closer cooperation between stakeholders as well as mitigating challenges such as uncertainty regarding return on investment and issues related to data security and ownership. / Industrin är på väg in i en fjärde industriell revolution (Industri 4.0). Revolutionen möjliggörs av framsteg inom informations- och kommunikationsteknologier (digitalisering) och koncept som internet av saker och cyberfysiska system. Industri 4.0 förväntas ha en stor påverkan på tillverknings- och processindustrin, vilket kommer att förändra hur produkter utvecklas, produceras och säljs. Industri 4.0 är dock ett nytt koncept och dess effekter är fortfarande osäkra. I samband med att en allt strängare klimat- och energiagenda i Sverige sätter press på industrisektorn, är det viktigt att sektorn utnyttjar den fulla potentialen som Industri 4.0 kan bidrag med för en ökad hållbarhet. Det här examensarbetet analyserar det nuvarande läget för digitalisering inom de svenska energiintensiva industrierna (dvs. massa och pappers-, stål- och kemisk industrin) och hur det kan påverka energieffektiviteten i sektorn. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av kvalitativa forksningsmetoder. En litteraturstudie och fördjupade intervjuer med anställda inom branscherna genomfördes. Resultaten visar att trots att digitalisering anses vara viktig för de svenska energiintensiva industriernas framtida konkurrenskraft, anses sektorns digitala mognad inte vara hög. Digital teknik kan öka energieffektiviteten på ett antal olika sätt (t.ex. genom bättre optimeringsverktyg, ökad tillgänglighet av processer och effektivare underhållshantering). Det finns dock ingen tydlig koppling mellan digitala strategier och energieffektivitetsåtgärder i de energiintensiva industrierna i Sverige. Dessutom anses energieffektivitet inte vara den främsta drivkraften för att implementera digitala teknologier, utan anses snarare vara en positiv bieffekt. För att påskynda implementeringen av digital teknik är det viktigt att fortsätta stötta forskningen inom området och uppmuntra till ett närmare samarbete mellan olika aktörer samt bemöta utmaningar som osäkerheten kring framtida avkastningar på investeringar och frågor relaterade till datasäkerhet och ägande.

Modelling of Heat Transfer for Convection-boosted Flat Vertical Radiator Surfaces : An investigation of how heat transfer is influenced by radiator height and freestream air velocity

Scheibe, Oskar January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis, a calculation model is created to study a theoretical radiator-like configuration, consisting of a flat vertical plate heated with a constant capacity rate. This lumped capacitance model is partly created to more theoretically look at radiators with add-on-fans, but also to in such a setting look at fundamental heat transfer relationships. System heat transfer is studied for various heights, H (m), and freestream velocities, u (m/s). These results are then subject to validation, where comparison is made with values derived from two relevant reference studies. It is found that polynomial fits well describe the results obtained from calculation. The relationships for heat transfer Q (W), heat flux q (W/m2) thus become: 𝑄(𝐻,𝑢) = 𝑎00 + 𝑎01𝑢 + 𝑎10𝐻 + 𝑎11𝐻𝑢 + 𝑎02𝑢2 (W) 𝑞(𝐻,𝑢) =𝑄/𝐻= 𝑎00𝐻-1 + 𝑎01𝐻-1𝑢 + 𝑎10 + 𝑎11𝑢 + 𝑎02𝐻-1𝑢2 (W/m2) For these relationships, polynomial coefficients 𝑎00, 𝑎01, 𝑎10, 𝑎11 and 𝑎02 are found for three temperature set-ups of system supply and return temperature at zero freestream velocity: 55/45, 45/35 and 35/25 (°C). These values are chosen as they correspond to standard temperatures for low-temperature heating set-ups. Model validation is successful for the case of natural convection (u = 0), whereas difficulties are encountered for the cases of mixed and forced convection. Reasons for these difficulties are discussed and it is concluded that there is a need for more experimental studies of flat vertical plates with non-isothermal wall temperature profiles.

Visualizing industrial energy use : Inviting shop floor employees to the conversation

Kullberg, Michael January 2022 (has links)
Researchers and industrial actors alike have identified employees as a potential resource ineffective energy management. Access to visualized progress of energy efficiency is said tobe required for this to be successful, yet few have identified if there are differences in therequirements based on the industrial roles. This survey-based study has aimed to begin thisconversation by comparing shop floor employees and managers in terms of perceivedimportance of energy efficiency and underlying motivation to behave energy efficiently.Additionally, a small randomized set of visualizations containing energy related informationwas presented in order to identify if some information had a higher impact on perceivedenergy use, associated costs, environmental impact and prioritization of energy efficiency.Although no statistically significant differences related to the type of information displayedwere found, the results indicate that both managers and shop floor employees place highimportance on energy efficiency in the workplace and have similar motivations to act energyefficiently. On average, both shop floor employees and managers believe a 26% increase inenergy efficiency is possible to achieve in their industry.

Energy Efficiency Improvements on the Passive House Concept in Wooden House Construction in Sweden

Hettige Don, Lakmal Priyasad January 2022 (has links)
In the current business context, the demand for energy efficiency in the wooden house construction has been increased due to higher requests for the service by society. Passive house standards can be considered as a key concept to increase the energy efficiency of the building. Improvements in energy efficiency have prompted new advances in the construction industry that focus on the building industry development.   Improving energy efficiency in wooden houses is one of the major targets of wooden house construction sector in Sweden. To accomplish this desire, energy efficiency improvements in the wooden building industry are required to develop their building and construction practices into a more sustainable and energy-efficient approach. The aim of this research is to investigate current processes and challenging factors related to the energy efficiency of wooden houses in Sweden and identify the methods to improve the energy efficiency of wooden houses in the passive house concept. The purpose of this research is to define the current problems and challenges within the energy efficiency wooden house construction industry and provide recommendations to improve the energy efficiency performance of construction process in upcoming wooden house construction projects in Sweden towards energy efficiency in passive house standards.   This study has been conducted through a qualitative approach; the data was collected through a semi-structured interview with five engineering professionals in the energy efficiency sector within the wooden building construction industry and all the data analysis was done by using thematic analysis.   The findings were that innovative materials and building envelope are the main consideration in the newly built wooden house and climate zone consideration, design complexity and practical difficulties in the construction phase are the main elements challenging to improve building the passive house with the Swedish energy efficiency building regulations. Supplier-led systemic innovation, formalization of wooden passive house certifications, and technological advancement to build a well-developed building envelope are the required improvements to increase the energy efficiency of wooden house construction in the passive house concept.


Moreno, Javier January 2014 (has links)
The world population growth and the consequent increase in energy demand in recent years are making sustainability to become a key element in order to ensure the future of the society. In Spain, buildings account for 24% of total energy consumption, and within the buildings stock there is a group called "protected buildings" with low efficiency and therefore a large room for improvement, although constrained by different limitations and special requirements due to their condition. Through a study of the limitations of these buildings it´s possible to find the best solutions to make them more sustainable, focusing on reducing their energy consumption, on keeping the characteristic features of these buildings as part of the Spanish Historical Heritage, and on the economic terms of achieving all this.

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