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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avvikelser mellan projekterad och verifierad energiprestanda för nyproducerade lågenergibyggnader : En studie av AB Bostäders svårigheter att leva upp till uppsatta energikrav i deras nybyggda flerbostadshus / Deviations between projected and verified energy performance for newly constructed low-energy buildings : A study of AB Bostäder's difficulties of meeting the energy requirements set in their newly constructed multi-family residential

Gustafsson, Sebastian, Jansson, Gösta January 2017 (has links)
EUs direktiv för energiprestanda innebär att alla nya byggnader från och med 2021 ska vara nära-nollenergibyggnader. De stundande kraven innebär att beställare måste skärpa sina energikrav vid upphandling av flerbostadshus. Vidare spelar lågenergibyggnader som koncept en viktig roll för att nå hållbar utveckling och det är av högsta vikt att kommande byggprojekt blir effektiva både i byggprocess och vidare i driftskedet.  Nybyggnation av lågenergibyggnader har visat sig problematisk i många aspekter, där den uppmätta energianvändningen i många fall visat sig väsentligt högre än vad som projekterats. I och med den ny byggpraxis med bättre isolation, lufttäthet och ventilation med återvinning blir tappvarmvatten och hushållsel de största energiposterna i en byggnads energibalans.  Syftet med arbetet är att konkretisera problemen som finns för nyproducerade flerbostadshus med energikrav för lågenergibyggnader. Utifrån det har fokus lagts på två byggnader som AB Bostäder låtit bygga – båda projekterade för att uppnå lågenergikrav.  Likt befarat visar Examensarbetet att det är svårt att härleda problemet till specifika poster. Byggprocessen i sig kan vara en bidragande faktor, där tidsbrist, bristfällig kommunikation och okunskap kring ny byggpraxis är förekommande i en bransch som har svårt att hinna med den efterfrågade volymen av nybyggnation. Vad gäller specifika felkällor till försämrad energiprestanda stödjer vår rapport tidigare publicerade rapporter i ämnet där bristfällig indata vid energiberäkningar, byggprocessens inverkan, oaktsamhet av VVC-förluster och betydelsen av brukare har belysts. / The energy performance of buildings directive means that all new buildings must be nearly zero energy buildings by 31 December 2020. The current requirements mean that constructor companies must tighten their energy requirements when procuring multi-family houses. Lowenergy buildings as concepts play an important role in achieving sustainable development, and it is of the utmost importance that future construction projects become effective both in the construction process and on further operation.  New construction of low-energy buildings has proved to be quite problematic in many aspects, where the measured energy performance in many cases proved to be significantly higher than projected. With the new building practice with better insulation, air tightness and ventilation with recycling – hot water supply and household appliances become the largest energy posts in a building's energy balance.  The purpose of this master thesis is to concretize the problems that exist for newly produced multi-family houses with energy requirements for low-energy buildings. Based on this, focus has been on two building that AB Bostäder Borås recently has built – both built to achieve low energy requirements.  As expected, this master thesis shows the difficulty to deduce the problem to specific aspects. The construction process itself may be the source of error, where time shortages, inadequate communication and lack of knowledge concerning low energy buildings are present in an industry with difficulties catching up with the demanded volume of new construction. Regarding specific sources of vulnerability to energy performance, our report supports previously published reports where the lack of input data for energy calculations, the impact of the construction process, negligence of losses due to recirculation of hot water and the importance of user behaviour have been highlighted.

Processus de conception énergétique de bâtiments durables / Energy design process of sustainable buildings

Velázquez Romo, Ernesto 18 September 2015 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est de développer une méthodologie d'aide à la prise de décisions pour la conception énergétique de bâtiments durables. La méthodologie proposée est composée de : (1) une base de seize indicateurs caractérisant la performance énergétique du bâtiment, couvrant les trois dimensions du concept de la durabilité (aspects environnementaux, économiques et de confort des occupants) et suivant une approche de type cycle de vie ; (2) une méthode d'évaluation de ces indicateurs adaptée au niveau de précision de la connaissance du bâtiment dans les premières phases de projet ; (3) une logique de progression des décisions de conception donnée comme un modèle de répartition séquentielle des choix à effectuer à chaque phase de projet ; et (4) une base de connaissances d'éléments du bâtiment comprenant les données techniques, environnementales et économiques nécessaires pour la méthode d'évaluation. Cette méthodologie est destinée à être utilisée par la maîtrise d'œuvre d'un projet de construction, y compris architectes et bureaux d'études concernés par la performance énergétique, pour la conception de bâtiments de bureaux dans un contexte français. Un outil numérique d'évaluation a été mis en place comme une première application de la méthodologie proposée afin d'étudier ce qu'elle peut apporter au concepteur comme éléments d'aide à la prise de décisions. L'intérêt de la mise en œuvre de la méthodologie a été validé par divers cas d'étude à chaque stade du processus de conception : de la phase d'Esquisse à la phase d'Avant-Projet Détaillé. En particulier, l'intégration d'une façade double peau vitrée, dont l'impact sur la performance du bâtiment est encore peu maîtrisé, a été évaluée. / The aim of this thesis work is the development of a decision-support methodology for the energy design of sustainable buildings. The proposed methodology consists of: (1) a set of sixteen indicators of energy performance, covering the three dimensions of the concept of sustainability (environmental, economic and user comfort aspects) and based on a whole life-cycle approach; (2) a framework for the calculation of these indicators, adapted to the level of knowledge and detail of buildings in the early design phases; (3) a decision making roadmap, proposed as a sequential model for structuring decision making throughout the design process; and (4) a knowledge base of building elements, compiling the necessary technical, environmental and economic data for evaluating energy performance. This methodology is aimed to assist architects and engineers who participate in the energy design of office buildings within a French context. An assessment tool has been developed as a first application of the proposed methodology in order to determine its contribution to the process of decision making. The methodology has been validated through various case studies at each stage of the design process: from the schematic design phase to the detailed design phase. In particular, the integration of a double skin facade, whose impact on building performance is still not fully understood, was assessed.

Impacts des enveloppes végétales à l’interface bâtiment microclimat urbain / Impacts of green envelopes at the interface between buildings and urban microclimate

Djedjig, Rabah 11 December 2013 (has links)
Cette étude s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet "ANR-Villes Durables VegDUD : Rôle du végétal dans le développement urbain durable ; une approche par les enjeux liés à la climatologie, l’hydrologie, la maîtrise de l’énergie et les ambiances" (2010-2013). Elle traite de la modélisation et de l’expérimentation de toitures et de façades végétales, en vue de l’évaluation de leurs impacts hygrothermiques sur les bâtiments et sur les microclimats urbains. Un modèle physique a été développé pour décrire les mécanismes de transferts couplés de chaleur et de masse au sein de la paroi végétale. L’implémentation de ce modèle dans un code de simulation thermique dynamique permet de prédire l’impact de la végétalisation sur la performance énergétique des bâtiments. L’extension de cette démarche à l’échelle d’une rue-canyon permet d’inclure l’interaction microclimatique dans la simulation thermohydrique des bâtiments. Sur le plan expérimental, une maquette reconstituant une scène urbaine est mise en place pour étudier l’impact de différentes typologies de parois végétales dans plusieurs configurations microclimatiques. La confrontation des résultats expérimentaux et ceux issus de la modélisation numérique a été entreprise à l’échelle du système constitué du bâtiment et du microclimat urbain environnant. Pour cela, l’étude du comportement d’un bâtiment et d’une rue végétalisés par rapport au comportement du même bâtiment et d’une rue témoins a permis d’évaluer l’incidence des transferts thermiques, hygrométriques et radiatifs de la végétalisation. Ceci a permis d’entreprendre la validation des outils de prédiction numérique développés. Les résultats de l’étude montrent que les transferts thermiques et hydriques sont fortement couplés et que le comportement thermique des parois végétales est tributaire de l’état hydrique du substrat de culture. Pour l’été comme pour l’hiver, les simulations numériques et les données expérimentales montrent que la végétalisation permet d’améliorer la performance énergétique des bâtiments et de réduire les îlots de chaleur urbains. / This study was conducted in the framework of the National Program "ANR-VegDUD Project : Role of vegetation in sustainable urban development, an approach related to climatology, hydrology, energy management and environments" (2010 -2013). It deals with the experimental and numerical modeling of green roofs and green facades to evaluate their thermohydric effects on buildings and urban microclimates. A physical model describing the thermal and water transfer mechanisms within the vegetated building envelopes has been developed. The model’s program has been implemented in a building simulation program. Using this tool, we are able to predict the impact of green roofs and green facades on building energy performance. This approach is extended to the street canyon in order to assess the microclimatic interaction in building simulation. An experimental mockup modeling an urban scene at reduced scale is designed to study the impact of different types of green roofs and walls. The comparison of the measurements carried out on vegetated buildings and streets with the reference highlights the hygrothermal and radiative impacts of vegetated buildings envelopes. In addition, these experimental data are used to verify and validate the reliability of developed tools. The results show that thermal and water transfers are strongly coupled. Hence, the thermal behavior of green roofs and green walls depend on the water availability within the growing medium. In summer and winter, measurements and numerical simulations show that green envelopes improve the energy efficiency of buildings and reduce the urban heat island.

Essays on risk management in the presence of ambiguity / Essai sur la gestion des risques en présence d'ambiguïté

Lampach, Nicolas 09 December 2016 (has links)
La thèse vise à établir une gestion du risque technologique optimal pour assurer la réduction des dangers de nouveaux risques émergents, sans entraver le chemin de l'innovation. Les travaux de recherche apportent une contribution aux stratégies ex-ante et ex-post de la gestion des risques et fournissent des données théoriques et empiriques pour aborder la gestion des nouveaux risques émergents. La première partie de la thèse examine, du point de vue juridique et économique, l'efficacité de la règle de la responsabilité civile lorsque le décideur manque d'information sur la probabilité d'un événement. La deuxième partie de la thèse porte une attention particulière à la transition énergétique en France afin de se concentrer sur l'assurabilité de la performance énergétique dans le secteur du logement. Les résultats théoriques et expérimentaux de la première partie de la recherche attestent d'une forte validité empirique selon laquelle le droit de la responsabilité civile ne peut pas fournir des incitations optimales ex-ante en absence d'information sur la probabilité d'accident. Les régimes de la responsabilité illimitée et limitée conduisent à un surinvestissement dans la prévention par rapport aux nouveaux risques émergents. Les résultats empiriques de la deuxième partie de la thèse révèlent que 23,75% des ménages, qui ont participé au programme de rénovation "Je Rénove BBC", ne peuvent pas atteindre l'objectif d'énergie prévu, mais l'amplitude de l'écart de performance énergétique est relativement faible. Les résultats des travaux de recherche impliquent plusieurs recommandations politiques pour gérer les nouvelles technologies émergentes dans le futur. / The thesis aims to establish an optimal technological risk management to ensure hazard reduction of new emerging risks without impeding the innovation path. The research work contributes to ex-ante and ex-post risk management strategies and provides theoretical and empirical evidence to address the management of new emerging risks. The first part of the thesis examines, from the perspective of Law and Economics, the effectiveness of the tort liability rule for the situation where the decision maker is lacking information about the probability of an event to occur. The second part of the thesis pays particular attention to the environmental energy transition in France and focus on the insurability of the energy performance in the housing sector. The theoretical and experimental findings from the first part of the research convey strong validity that tort law cannot provide ex-ante optimal incentives when there is lacking information about the probability of accident. The regime of unlimited and limited liability leads to overinvestment in prevention in regard to new emerging risks. The empirical results of the second part of the thesis reveal that 23.75% of households participated in the weatherization program "Je Rénove BBC" do not achieve the required energy target but the severity of the energy performance gap is relatively low. The findings of the research work imply several policy recommendations to manage new emerging technologies in the future.

Optimisation fiabiliste des performances énergétiques des bâtiments / Reliability based optimization of energetic performances of buildings

Aïssani, Amina 14 March 2016 (has links)
Dans un contexte de forte compétitivité économique et de respect de l’environnement, de nombreuses actions sont entreprises chaque année dans le but d’améliorer la performance énergétique des bâtiments. En phase de conception, le recours à la simulation permet d’évaluer les différentes alternatives au regard de la performance énergétique et du confort des occupants et constitue ainsi un outil d’aide à la décision incontournable. Toutefois, il est courant d’observer des écarts entre les performances énergétiques réelles et celles prévues lors de la conception. Cette thèse porte sur l’amélioration du processus de conception de l’isolation dans le but de limiter les déviations des consommations réelles par rapport à celles prévues lors des simulations. Dans un premier temps, nous situons le contexte énergétique actuel puis nous présentons les différentes sources d’incertitudes qui affectent les résultats des simulations. Dans ce travail, nous nous intéressons particulièrement à la variabilité des propriétés thermophysiques des isolants, au caractère variable de la mise en œuvre et à l’impact du changement climatique. Des études expérimentales ont permis de quantifier l’incertitude associée à la performance des matériaux sains d’une part, et celle associée à des isolants défectueux d’autre part. Un couplage entre des techniques de thermographie infrarouge et des modèles éléments finis ont permis de proposer des modèles paramétriques permettant d’évaluer la performance effective d’un isolant défectueux, en fonction du type et de la taille du défaut dans l’isolant. Pour une bonne estimation à long terme de la performance de l’isolation, il est nécessaire d’intégrer les prévisions météorologiques. Ces dernières sont généralement estimées sur la base des données historiques de la région. Toutefois, il est encore difficile de prévoir avec exactitude l’évolution climatique car elle dépend de nombreux facteurs socio-économiques, démographiques et environnementaux. Dans ce travail, nous proposons de considérer les différents scénarios climatiques proposés par les climatologues et de prendre en compte leur variabilité de manière à vérifier la fiabilité de l’isolation. Enfin, nous proposons d’utiliser des approches probabilistes pour intégrer ces différents types d’incertitudes dans le processus de simulation. Pour optimiser le dimensionnement de l’isolation, nous proposons une méthodologie de conception basée sur la fiabilité. Un nouveau modèle de coût est également proposé dans le but d’améliorer l’aide à la décision, en considérant les pertes indirectes, jusqu’à présent négligées dans la conception. / In the context of growing world energy demand and environmental degradation, many actions are undertaken each year to improve the energy performance of buildings. During the design stage, the use of building energy simulations remains a valuable tool as it evaluates the possible options in terms of energy performance and comfort. However, as precision requirements increase, it becomes essential to assess the uncertainties associated with input data in simulation. This thesis focuses on the insulation design process under uncertainty, in order to limit gaps between real and predicted performance for better control of energy consumptions. This work firstly presents the current alarming energy context. We consider the main uncertainties that affect the insulation, mainly the variability of the thermophysical properties, the uncertainty on climate and the uncertainties due to workmanship defects. Experimental studies were carried out to evaluate the uncertainty associated to the intrinsic performance of healthy insulation materials on one hand, and those associated to defects in insulations on the other hand. A coupling between thermography techniques and finite element models was used to provide analytical models that assess the effective thermal performance of a defective insulation, according to the type and size of the defect. As the performance of insulation also depends on climate, it is necessary to integrate future weather data to evaluate the energy consumption. These weather data are generally estimated based on the historical climatic data of the region. However, it is still difficult to predict climate change as it depends on many uncontrollable factors. In this work, we consider the different climate scenarios proposed by climate expert groups, and the uncertainty associated to each scenario to evaluate the reliability of the insulation and to improve the decision making process. Finally, we propose a probabilistic approach to integrate uncertainties in simulation and an optimization methodology based on reliability. A new cost formulation is also proposed to improve the decision-making, through indirect losses related to comfort, pollution and living space losses.

Kalibrering och validering av en IDA ICE modell : Ett flerbostadshus från 1970-talets miljonprogram

Östlin, Olof, Sjödén Havik, Mikaela January 2020 (has links)
Aktuellt examensarbete är en fallstudie som utförts på en miljonprogramsbyggnad i Andersberg ägd av AB Galvegårdarna vilka även är uppdragsgivarna. Då miljonprogramsbyggnader är dåligt värmeisolerade och har stora värmeläckage är det idag av stort intresse att se över eventuella förbättringsåtgärder då dessa byggnader har en potential att minska energianvändningen med 50 procent. Syftet med detta projekt är att få en kalibrerad och validerad modell med hjälp av den BES-modell (Building Energy System) som kommer att tas fram i detta examensarbete. Genom litteraturstudie, platsbesök samt inhämtning av protokoll, ritningar och uppmätta data för byggnaden kunde modellen skapas och kalibreras i simuleringsprogrammet IDA Indoor Climate and Energy. Ritningar och data tillhandahölls från AB Gavlegårdarna och platsbesök gjordes för att komplettera dessa genom att göra mätningar av temperaturer i de allmänna utrymmena. På plats kunde även byggnadens mått mätas för att säkerställa att byggnaden inte hade uppdaterats sedan tilldelade ritningarna skapats. När samtlig information ansågs ha införskaffats lades all data in i IDA ICE där även en modell av byggnaden byggdes upp. För köldbryggorna användes simuleringsverktyget COMSOL Multiphysics för att ta fram de enskilda köldbryggornas psi-värden vilka därefter användes som input i byggnadsmodellen i IDA ICE. Den kalibrerade modellen framtagen i detta projekt visade sig stämma med uppmätta värden så när som på +- 10% då den ställdes mot det uppmätta energibehovet för byggnaden. Mot en nyutvecklad energisignatursmodells byggnadsförlustkoefficient blev skillnaden 19.6% vilket kan bero på att fel från simuleringsverktygen samt osäkerheter angående omätbara parametrar. Slutsastsen utav detta arbete var att ”performance gap” även inträffade på den framtagna modellen i detta arbete. Vilket verkar vara svårt att undvika. På platsbesöket upptäcktes vattensamlingar på taket på byggnaden vilket var en förvåning för författarna då det fanns dokument som sade att ytskiktet var bytt 2015 och att det fanns indikeringar på att detta kunde få omfattande konsekvenser om det inte åtgärdas vilket tas upp under diskussion Framtida arbete om varför boendes bettendemönster underskattas vore något att gå vidare med i framtida studier för att kunna minska ”performance gap” på BES modeller. / This thesis is a case study carried out on a Million Homes Program (MHP) building in Andersberg owned by AB Galvegårdarna, whom are also the clients. Since MHPbuildings are poorly insulated and have major heat leaks, it is of great interest today to investigate any improvement measures as these buildings have a potential to reduce their energy use by 50 percent. This is possible with the help of the calibrated model in a building energy performance simulation (BEPS) tool, which is the purpose of developing in this thesis. Through a literature study, visit in the building and gathering protocols, drawings and measured data, a model could be built and calibrated in IDA Indoor Climate and Energy was started. Drawings and data were provided from AB Gavlegårdarna and site visits were made to supplement these by taking measurements of temperatures in the common areas. On site, the dimensions of the building were also measured to ensure that the building had not been upgraded since the assigned drawings were created. When all the information was considered to have been obtained, all data was entered into IDA ICE where a model of the building was also built up. For the thermal bridges, the COMSOL Multiphysics simulation tool was used to generate their individual linear heat loss coefficient which were used as input in the building model of IDA ICE. The calibrated model developed in this project turned out to have a deviation of 10 % against annual district heating energy. The simulated building heat loss coefficient differed with 19.6 % compared to the one produced with a newly developed energy signature method for the corresponding year which may be caused by errors in the simulation tools and uncertainty concerning immeasurable parameters. The final conclusion of this work was that the performance gap also occurred on this model developed in this work, which seems to be hard to avoid. During the site visit, water collections on the roof of the building were discovered which was a surprise to the authors as there were documents that said that the surface layer had been changed in 2015 and that there were indications that this could have significant consequences if not addressed which is mentioned in the chapter of discussion. Future work on why residents’ behavioral patterns are underestimated would be something to continue with in future studies in order to reduce the “performance gap” in BES models.

Undersökning för att göra en byggnad mer energieffektiv: en fallstudie / Investigation to make a building more energy efficient: a case study

Hultinsson, Petter, Dikta, Adrian January 2020 (has links)
Det finns idag många byggnader i Sverige som uppfördes under en tid då energianvändningen inte ansågs vara ett problem och därmed inte har haft samma krav på energiprestanda som vi har idag. Vid renovering är det därför viktigt att tänka på energieffektiva lösningar. Studier visar att det går att sänka energiförbrukningen med 36-54 % genom renovering, dock är det inte alltid lönsamt med vissa åtgärder enligt LCC-analyser.Studien som gjorts genom modellering och platsbesök på ett flerbostadshus med allt för hög energianvändning har haft som mål att sänka denna genom förslag på åtgärder. Resultaten visar att installation av värmeåtervinning och förbättring av klimatskalet har stor effekt på husets energiprestanda. Det har också framgått att boendes inverkan på energibalansen kan vara svår att uppskatta, vilket orsakat svårighet i att teoretiskt få samma energiförbrukning som energideklarationen visar.De förslag som rekommenderas är installation av värmeåtervinning, solceller, individuell mätning och debitering (IMD) samt tätning av fönster/dörr då dessa enligt LCC-analysen är lönsamma. Med nämnda åtgärder har energianvändningen sänkts från 173 till 114 kWh/m2 och år, en sänkning med 34 %. / There are today many buildings in Sweden that were built during a time when energy use was not considered a problem and thus did not have the same energy performance requirements as we have today. Therefore, in renovation, it is important to consider energy-efficient solutions. Studies show that it is possible to reduce the energy consumption of a building by 36-54 % through renovations, however, it is not always profitable when using a LCC-analysis.The study conducted by modeling and site visits to a multi-family housing with excessive energy use has been designed to reduce this through proposed measures. The results show that the installation of heat recovery and improvement of the building envelope have a major effect on the energy performance of the house. It has also been observed that the resident’s impact on the energy balance can be difficult to estimate, in which the study had problems to theoretically gaining the same energy consumption as the energy declaration shows.The proposals that are recommended are installation of heat recovery, solar cells, individual measurement and billing (IMD) and window/door seals as these are profitable according to the LCC analysis. With proposed measures, energy consumption has been reduced from 173 to 114 kWh/m2 per year, a reduction of 34 %.

Vliv provedení zateplení budovy na výdaje spojené s jejím provozem / Thermal Insulation Effect of the Building on the Operation-Related Expenses

Skupa, Jan January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis entitled The influence of building insulation on the costs associated with its operation deals with the design of several variants of building insulation, and subsequent evaluation based on a comparison of operating costs of individual building variants. The theoretical part deals with the history of thermal insulation of buildings, there are types of thermal insulation materials and variants of energy-efficient houses. Then the normative requirements, energy intensity of buildings and methods of thermal insulation of individual building structures are solved. Subsequently, the methods of economic evaluation of the investment and the method of compiling the general budget are addressed. The practical part contains a description of the construction and the proposed variants of insulation, including the calculation of costs, evaluation of the payback period of the investment and evaluation of the proposed variants.

Vliv provedení zateplení domu pro seniory ve Šternberku na výdaje spojené s jeho provozem / The Influence of Insulating the Pensioners' Home in Šternberk on the Expenses Associated with its Operation

Ťuka, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is elaborate in order to evaluate the economic returns of each proposed building insulation options for seniors in Šternberk. For the calculation use to secluded brick apartment building in the street Žitná. The theoretical section describes the types of buildings according to heating demand and a list of different variants of thermal insulation materials. The second part contains suggestions for building insulation in several variants. It worked certificate of energy performance of buildings, costs of proposed options and the costs of operating the apartment building before and after the insulation. Based on the comparison of results is elaborate economic returns for each of the proposed options.

Finanční analýza nízkoenergetických opatření při rekonstrukcích / Financial Analysis

Hanus, Dominik January 2018 (has links)
The main aim of the thesis is a detailed economic evaluation of the energy saving measure, which was compared with the original state before the reconstruction. The economic evaluation is based on the physical calculation performed in DEKSoft. The effectiveness of the solution was determined by calculating the discounted payback period based on the estimated energy cost savings in each year of operation and initial investment costs. The work includes the use of a mortgage loan and grant programs as financial resources.

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