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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Environmentální šetrnost v životním způsobu současných mladých trampů aneb "Co jsem si do lesa přines, to si odnesu." / Environmental frugality in the lifestyle of modern day young Tramps or 'What is taken into the forest also comes out.'

Sobotková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is an attempt to detect and interpret the elements of environmental frugality in the lifestyle of young Tramps, mainly in connection with activities related to their everyday lives. Based on a qualitative approach in the form of semi-structured interviews, I am trying to ascertain the point of view of the informants in several areas. These areas are mainly represented by the concept of tramping itself and its related forms of leisure activities, attitudes and preferences in selected areas of lifestyle (housing, food and waste, travel, transport and leisure, everyday objects, clothing), relating to nature, to the environment, nature protection and reflection of the current problems in this field, including the reflection of their own attitude (concept of responsibility, risk, etc.). I interpret the observed data on the basis of selected theoretical concepts, especially using Jan Krajhanzl's eco-psychological model of relationship to nature and its components, with emphasis on environmental awareness as one of its parts. Furthermore, I confront the results of my research with selected concepts related to the topic of an environmentally frugal life (voluntary and intentional modesty, ecological luxury etc.). Key words: Tramping, (alternative) lifestyle, leisure, everyday life, subcultural...

Diseño Interior de un Centro de Educación Ambiental en la Ciudad Comercial Minka - Callao / Interior Design of an Environmental Education Center in the Minka’s Commercial City, Callao

Noriega Regies, Angela Giovanna 20 October 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional propone el Diseño Interior de un Centro de Educación Ambiental ubicado en la Ciudad Comercial Minka, Callao. La propuesta busca, a través del adecuado diseño de espacios, incrementar y reforzar el cuidado del Medio Ambiente y el estilo de vida sostenible, por medio de la enseñanza de cursos, talleres y exhibiciones con la metodología ASIRI (hacer, sentir y pensar). En primer lugar, se realizó el Levantamiento del predio a intervenir, el análisis de contexto comprendido por vías principales, accesos, circulación, uso de suelos e hitos, contaminación, plantas y estaciones de reciclaje, tanto a nivel Callao como Minka; el Análisis de preexistencia que abarca zonificación, ingresos, circulación, sistema constructivo, asoleamiento y vientos del predio y el Diagnóstico FODA con oportunidades y amenazas de Minka, y fortalezas y debilidades del establecimiento a intervenir. Después, se realizó un análisis de usuario y funciones para posteriormen- te poder plantear las estrategias necesarias como la organizativa, formal, espacial y de experiencia. Luego, se diseñó el Master Plan con los planos de distribución de los dos niveles, techos, cortes y elevaciones necesarias. Por último, se priorizó un sector por las actividades a realizar y el sistema constructivo; y se diseñaron las plantas de distribución en 1/25, techos, cortes, 2 cortes escantillón, pisos, muebles fijos y móviles, mobiliarios y detalles de los mismos, carpintería, FCR, rociadores,INDECI, iluminación e instalaciones eléctricas. / The present work of professional sufficiency proposes the Interior Design of an Environmental Education Center located in Minka’s Commercial City, Callao. The proposal seeks, through the adequate design of spaces, increase and reinforce the care of the Environment and the sustainable lifestyle, through the teaching of courses, workshopsand exhibitions with the ASIRI methodology (doing, feeling and thinking). In the first place, the drawing up of the property to be intervened was realized, as same as the context analysis with main roads, accesses, circulation, land use and milestones, pollution, plants and recycling stations, both at Callao and Minka levels; the Analysis of preexistence with zoning, circulation, construction system, sunlight and winds of the property and the SWOT Diagnosis with opportunities and threats of Minka, and strengths and weaknesses of the establishment to intervene. Afterwards, a user and function analysis was realized to be able to use the necessary strategies such as organizational, formal, spatial and experience. Then, the Master Plan was designed with the distribution plans of the two levels, ceilings, cuts and necessary eleva- tions. Finally, a sector was prioritized by the activities to be carried out and the system constructive, and the distribution plants were designed in 1/25, ceilings, cuts, 2 scantlings cuts, floors, fixed and mobile furniture, and details thereof, carpentry, FCR, sprinklers, INDECI, lighting and electrical installations. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Aplicación para la enseñanza sobre el medio ambiente a niños: Green Kids

Belizario Calsin, Medy Rosalinda, Gonzales Matsunaka, Camila Naomi, Gutierrez Rosa, Gianella, Meza Santibañez, Daniela Sofia, Moran Avila, Coraima Marinela 30 November 2021 (has links)
El presente proyecto de investigación llamado “Green Kids” tiene como finalidad evaluar la viabilidad de brindar un servicio de educación ambiental a niños entre las edades de 6 a 12 años a través del desarrollo de un aplicativo móvil que ofrece cursos, talleres y eventos dinámicos que les permita aprender de manera divertida y a su vez, genere ingresos a personas especializadas en el cuidado ambiental.  El proyecto inicia con la identificación del problema frente a los escasos esfuerzos de concientización ambiental a este grupo de la población, que según la investigación, resulta clave al encontrarse en una edad de aprendizaje rápida. Una vez analizado los distintos aspectos como la validación de usuarios finales al igual que los profesionales de educación y técnicos que intervienen en el servicio, se llevó a cabo los experimentos de ventas o también llamado concierge para conocer de fuente primaria la demanda que tendría los servicios que ofrecemos, el cual sirvió para realizar proyecciones de ventas en una línea de tiempo. Seguido de ello, se gestiona un presupuesto para llevar a cabo la operatividad del aplicativo móvil, este incluye la inversión en el desarrollo y actualización del aplicativo, gastos pre operativos y activos, así como los costos y gastos de marketing, recursos humanos y mantenimiento del aplicativo durante su vida útil. Por último, se evaluaron las opciones de financiamiento que permitan ejecutar la puesta en marcha del aplicativo móvil. / This research project called "Green Kids" aims to evaluate the feasibility of providing an environmental education service to children between the ages of 6 to 11 years through the development of a mobile application that offers courses, workshops and dynamic events that allow them to learn in a fun way and in turn, generate income to people specialized in environmental care. The project begins with the identification of the problem of the scarce efforts to raise environmental awareness among this group of the population, which according to the research, is key as they are in a fast learning age. Once analyzed the different aspects such as the validation of end users as well as education professionals and technicians involved in the service, sales experiments or also called concierge were carried out to know from primary source the demand that would have the services we offer, which served to make sales projections on a timeline. After that, a budget is managed to carry out the operation of the mobile application, this includes the investment in the development and updating of the application, pre-operational and active expenses, as well as the costs and expenses of marketing, human resources and maintenance of the application during its useful life. Finally, the financing options for the implementation of the mobile application were evaluated. / Trabajo de investigación

Antecedents and consequences of corporate social responsibility awareness: consumers in the mobile telecommunications sector in Harare, Zimbabwe

Chufama, Maxwell 11 1900 (has links)
The study was conducted in Harare as regards Zimbabwe’s mobile telecommunications sector, examining the influence of a selected factors on consumers’ awareness of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the effects that CSR awareness has on consumers. The practice of CSR influences a number of business aspects including firm financials, corporate image, corporate reputation and market share. This study has been ignited by the fact that little evidence exist in studies covering the precursors and effects of CSR awareness from the consumers’ perspective. More so, that Zimbabwe’s mobile telecommunications sector is currently the fastest growing sector accompanied with numerous CSR activities. The present study therefore sought to answer the questions which includes; (i) does ethical consumerism, consumer rights awareness, socio-environmental awareness and consumer generosity culture influence consumer awareness of CSR in the mobile telecommunications sector? (ii) what is the effect of age, gender and level of education on consumer awareness of CSR in the mobile telecommunications sector? (iii) what is the influence of consumer awareness of CSR on corporate image, consumer attitude, purchase intention and actual purchase behaviour in the mobile telecommunications sector? (iv) what is the effect of corporate image on consumer attitude in the mobile telecommunications sector? (v) what is the effect of consumer attitude on purchase intention in the mobile telecommunications sector? (vi) what is the effect of purchase intention on actual purchase behaviour in the mobile telecommunications sector? A mixed research study was carried out using a self-administered questionnaire on 1,100 mobile telecommunications sector consumers in Harare, Zimbabwe. Quantitative data was analysed using SPSS with AMOS while qualitative data was analysed using NVIVO. The study results indicate that ethical consumerism, consumer rights awareness, socio-environmental awareness and consumer generosity positively influence consumer CSR awareness while age, gender and level of education do not influence consumer CSR awareness. CSR awareness proves to have a direct influence on corporate image, consumer attitude, purchase intention and not on actual purchase behaviour. The study findings show a direct positive relationship among corporate image, consumer attitude, purchase intention and actual purchase behaviour. The study recognized that respondents are aware of CSR in the form of firm donations, assistance towards social causes, improving the environment, building or renovating facilities, good services, affordable prices and promotional programs. Study results points out that respondents are aware of CSR through platforms such as advertising, sending text messages, firms’ ethical or professional conduct, campaigns and exhibitions. / Business Management / D. B. L.(Business Leadership)

The imagery of nature in the prose works of K. Paustovsky

Kramer, Karen Etresia Helena 06 1900 (has links)
1 online resource (181 leaves) / This study relies on ecocriticism as the discipline benefitting the analysis of the imagery of nature in Konstantin Paustovsky’s prose. The objective of this approach is to demonstrate that Paustovsky’s prose goes beyond of what was expected from a Soviet writer by the socialist realist dogma. This thesis attempts to prove that an ecocritical approach validates his prose as being universal in its message and thus relevant to contemporary readers. Scholars of ecocriticism ask the following questions when analysing a nature-orientated prose: what values are expressed in nature-orientated literature, does the portrayal of nature reflects the cultural values of a nation as well as the way in which a person’s interaction with his natural environment enhances or hampers his spiritual development. The timeframe, within which Paustovsky wrote his prose, should be taken into account, because it coincides with the Lenin and Stalin regimes, when any criticism of the government including its nature conservation policies was impossible. The analysis of attitudes of the Russian people towards nature in Paustovksy’prose demonstrates that it evolved from the acceptance of the official stand to the one of criticism. This research resulted in the following conclusions: Firstly Paustovsky’s view with regard to ecological problems and his solutions to these problems are on par with those of modern ecologists. The writer, for example, proposes a holistic way to undertake nature conservation, such as replacing ruined forests by the same type of trees, not interfering in the cycles of nature and stresses the importance of scientific information on how to care of the natural environment. Secondly, it is through his presentation of nature that the author familiarises the reader with the essence of the Russian culture, which is totally intertwined with the manifestations of Russian nature, such as folklore, superstitions, cultural traditions and values attached to certain animals and trees Thirdly, it has been established that the ‘external’ natural landscape of a person namely his environment, undoubtedly influences his ‘internal landscape’, his psyche. This implies that the natural environment of a person will have an influence on his psychological make-up. It is assumed that this study, in particular the use of ecocriticism as a tool to analyse literature where nature plays a role, will shed new light on the role of nature in Russian prose. This is especially the case with regard to the way in which ecological issues such as nature conservation are treated. / Classics & World Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (Russian)

Food habits and environmental awareness among adolescents in Västerås : A study of neighborhoods with different socioeconomic status based on the NESLA study

Hakopian, Ani January 2018 (has links)
Människor med hög socioekonomisk status har bättre matvanor och är mer miljömedvetna jämfört med de individer med låg socioekonomisk status, vilket bland annat beror på högre utbildningsnivå och inkomst. För att etablera goda matvanor krävs att det finns goda förutsättningar, till exempel är tillgången till mataffärer med ett stort utbud av färskvaror associerat med hälsosamma matvanor och frånvaron av bra mataffärer påverkar framför allt utsatta grupper i samhället. Syftet med den här studien är att beskriva matvanor och miljömedvetenheten bland ungdomar och undersöka om det finns skillnader i matvanor, miljömedvetenhet och förutsättningar för goda matvanor mellan ungdomar som bor i stadsdelar med olika socioekonomisk status i Västerås. Studien har en kvantitativ ansats med en tvärsnittsdesign. Sekundära data har använts från studien Neighborhood, sustainable lifestyle and health among adolescents (NESLA), som genomfördes år 2017 på ungdomar från andra och tredje året på gymnasiet. Resultatet visar att ungdomar konsumerar frukt och grönsaker för sällan och konsumerar läsk, godis och chips för ofta. Majoriteten av ungdomarna äter på en snabbmatsrestaurang minst en gång i veckan. Nästan hälften av ungdomarna äter frukost varje dag och majoriteten av ungdomarna äter lunch i skolan varje dag. De flesta ungdomar är miljömedvetna, då majoriteten är oroliga för miljö- och klimatförändringar och tror att det är möjligt att påverka miljön genom egna livsstilsval. Det finns en signifikant korrelation mellan hög miljömedvetenhet och ohälsosamma matvanor. Det finns inga signifikanta skillnader mellan ungdomar från stadsdelar med olika socioekonomisk status och matvanor. Det finns inte heller någon skillnad mellan ungdomar från olika stadsdelar och huruvida de är oroliga för miljöförändringar, men för huruvida ungdomarna tror att de kan påverka miljön genom livsstilen. Ungdomar som bor i stadsdelar med låg socioekonomisk status rapporterar att de har bättre förutsättningar för hälsosamma matvanor jämfört med ungdomar från stadsdelar med medelhög och hög socioekonomiska status. För att diskutera resultatet har den ekologiska modellen använts som teoretiskt perspektiv. / Individuals with high socioeconomic status have better food habits and are more environmentally aware, due to higher education level and income. To establish healthy food habits, it requires that there are good prerequisites such as food stores with a wide range of fresh food since it is associated with healthy food habits of an individual and absence of good food stores is mainly affecting disadvantaged groups. The aim of this study is to describe food habits and environmental awareness among adolescents in Västerås and investigate if there are differences regarding food habits, environmental awareness and prerequisites for healthy food habits between adolescents living in neighborhoods with different socioeconomic status. The study is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional study design. Secondary data was used from the study Neighborhood, sustainable lifestyle and health among adolescents (NESLA), which was conducted in autumn of 2017 on adolescents from year two and three in high school. The result shows that the adolescents’ have a low consumption of fruits and vegetables and a high consumption of candy, chips, other snacks and soda. The majority of the adolescents’ eats at a fast food restaurant at least once a week. Almost half of the adolescents’ eats breakfast every day and the majority eats lunch at school every day a regular week. Most of the adolescents are environmentally aware, since they are worried about environmental issues and climate changes and believe that their lifestyle choices can affect the environment. A significant correlation between high environmental awareness and unhealthy food habits is found. There is no statistically significant difference between neighborhood-level socioeconomic status and food habits, and for being worried about environmental issues and climate changes. Significant differences are found between adolescents from neighborhoods with different socioeconomic status and believing in that lifestyle choices affects the environment. Adolescents living in low socioeconomic status neighborhoods reported that they have greater prerequisites for healthy food habits compared to middle-high and high socioeconomic status neighborhoods. The ecological model was used as a theoretical perspective to discuss the results.

Learners' environmental awareness, effects on home and school practices towards littering : an action research case

Matsekoleng, Tsebo Kgoto 10 1900 (has links)
The presence of pre-packed items contributes toward littering in schools and at home milieu. Most people particularly, and learners’ discard packages of pre-packed wrappers on the ground, thus contribute to littering. This study is intended to help all relevant stakeholders to plan activities that could reduce littering. The study is grounded within the critical theory and living paradigm exploring the effect of household and school practices on learners’ environmental awareness (EA) towards littering. This case study employed action research as a methodology to unpack the problem. Fourteen learners, who are referred to as co-researchers in this study, were selected randomly from seven classes and their parents were inevitably included in the study. Three cycles were conducted with the co-researchers. Five data collection methods are used to collect data. Tables, score total percentages and coding used to analyse data. The results of the study show that environmental activities could be useful within home and school setup and continued practice of environmental activities will in the end conscientise learners towards littering if approached through action research. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Environmental Education)

A sociedade de risco mundial e a responsabilidade penal das pessoas jurídicas : o papel das empresas e suas marcas como elementos indutores à conscientização ambiental

Petry, Diogo 19 August 2010 (has links)
A sociedade de risco mundial caracteriza-se por sua dimensão negativa de igualdade, uma vez que os cidadãos não são mais iguais em razão dos direitos ou benefícios que compartilham, mas, sim, pelos riscos comuns que a se encontram expostos. O desenvolvimento tecnológico, bem como o conhecimento científico, remeteu o homem a um contexto de modernidade, prometendo cumprir na integralidade com inúmeros e incontáveis benefícios ao bem viver. Porém, junto aos ganhos qualitativos de vida, o que se viu foram acidentes nucleares, guerras atômicas, danos ambientais e outros efeitos decorrentes da radicalização do modelo produtivo empregado. Esses fatos imergiram a sociedade num mar de dúvidas e incertezas, resultando em uma redemocratização forçada, que colocou todos os indivíduos do globo terrestre em uma mesma condição: vítimas de uma possível aniquilação. Nesse viés, a ambivalência decorrente dos riscos permeia os mais diversos segmentos da realidade social, sendo que nenhum saber apresenta mais o mesmo significado que detinha há pouco tempo atrás. Os próprios conceitos, paradigmas e instituições da contemporaneidade precisam, agora, ser repensados. A magnitude dos riscos obriga, assim, a uma nova forma de engajamento político e social em âmbito mundial: participação ativa e cidadã dos indivíduos, adoção de políticas globais calcadas em bases educacionais preventivas aos danos ambientais, inserção de empresas como agentes morais, melhoria na produção, alternativas ao consumo, debate crítico às descobertas da ciência, inclusão e valorização do outro, entre outras. Esta dura realidade que nos atemoriza é, ao mesmo tempo, o combustível que nos motiva em busca de melhores soluções e alternativas para a reconstrução dos modelos até então empregados de produção, consumo e convivência. A crise ambiental pode se tornar uma oportunidade. Nesse sentido, o saber científico e o conhecimento tecnológico, por mais contraditórios que possam parecer, detêm caráter central para a continuidade da vida humana no planeta, pois servem como meios para o reconhecimento dos novos riscos, criticando e aprimorando tanto em campo ambiental quanto em campo empresarial o desenvolver das novas políticas de produção. No mesmo contexto, as pessoas jurídicas sejam pequenas empresas ou grandes corporações abandonam o antigo estigma de culpadas pela degradação das condições da vida no planeta e passam a ocupar a posição de protagonistas nas questões socioambientais. Trata-se da adoção de uma política de duplo ganho (win X win). As empresas ganham em imagem corporativa positiva, expandem sua clientela, abordam novos nichos de mercado, melhoram e reduzem custos de produção e, ainda, incrementam seu lucro. Por sua vez, a sociedade ganha com a melhoria da produção, uso racional dos recursos naturais, alternativas às formas de consumo, bem como uma importante aliada aos projetos humanitários, sociais e ambientais. Agir ético, participação ativa e cidadã dos indivíduos, inclusão do outro e conduta fraterna são apenas alguns dos fatores que comprovam que a vida humana em sociedade pode ainda ter futuro. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-05-30T17:26:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Diogo Petry.pdf: 1242603 bytes, checksum: f70e91c632cedd21604d79cf37825dfd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-30T17:26:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Diogo Petry.pdf: 1242603 bytes, checksum: f70e91c632cedd21604d79cf37825dfd (MD5) / The world risk society is characterized for its negative dimension of equality, since citizens are not equal anymore for their rights or benefits that they share, but in detriment, for the common risks which they are exposed. The technological development as well as the scientific knowledge addressed the man to a modernity context promising to integrally accomplish the many and uncountable benefits to the well living. However, and with the qualitative life winnings, what we have seen are nuclear accidents, atomic wars, environmental damages and other effects caused by the radicalization of the inserted pattern. This fact filled the society with doubts and uncertainness, resulting on a forced redemocratization, which put all the terrestrial globe individuals in the same condition: victims of a possible annihilation. In this idea, the ambivalence that comes from the risks infiltrates the various segments of the social reality, not any knowledge has the same meaning as it had a few years ago. Concepts, paradigms and contemporaneity institutions need to be now rethought. Thus, the magnitude of the risks requires a new way of social and political engagement in a worldwide ambit: active participation of the individuals as citizens, adoption of global policies modeled in educational bases preventing environmental damages, insertion of companies as moral agents, production improvement, alternatives instead of consumption, critical debate about the science discoveries, inclusion and valorization of the other individuals, among others. This hard reality that terrorizes us is, at the same time, the fuel that gives us motivation in search of better solutions and alternatives for the reconstruction of the production, consume and living patters applied so far. The environmental crises may become an opportunity. In this idea, the scientific knowhow and the technological knowledge, although sometimes seem to be contradictory, detain central character for the human life continuity in the planet because they are used as means for the recognition of the new risks, criticizing and improving either in the environmental field or in the entrepreneurial field , in the development of new production policies. In the same context small companies or big corporations abandon the old label as responsible for the planet life condition degradation and thus, taking the position of protagonist in the socio-environmental issues. It´s about the adoption of a double winning policy (win x win). Companies win positive corporative image, expand customers, approach new market niche, improve and reduce production costs and also increase profits. The society, wins with the production improvement, rational natural resources use, alternative instead of consumption ways as well as wins an important support to humanitarian social and environmental projects. Ethical action, active individual´s participation as citizens, inclusion of the others and fraternal conduct, are just some of the factors that prove human life in society may still be have a future.

A sociedade de risco mundial e a responsabilidade penal das pessoas jurídicas : o papel das empresas e suas marcas como elementos indutores à conscientização ambiental

Petry, Diogo 19 August 2010 (has links)
A sociedade de risco mundial caracteriza-se por sua dimensão negativa de igualdade, uma vez que os cidadãos não são mais iguais em razão dos direitos ou benefícios que compartilham, mas, sim, pelos riscos comuns que a se encontram expostos. O desenvolvimento tecnológico, bem como o conhecimento científico, remeteu o homem a um contexto de modernidade, prometendo cumprir na integralidade com inúmeros e incontáveis benefícios ao bem viver. Porém, junto aos ganhos qualitativos de vida, o que se viu foram acidentes nucleares, guerras atômicas, danos ambientais e outros efeitos decorrentes da radicalização do modelo produtivo empregado. Esses fatos imergiram a sociedade num mar de dúvidas e incertezas, resultando em uma redemocratização forçada, que colocou todos os indivíduos do globo terrestre em uma mesma condição: vítimas de uma possível aniquilação. Nesse viés, a ambivalência decorrente dos riscos permeia os mais diversos segmentos da realidade social, sendo que nenhum saber apresenta mais o mesmo significado que detinha há pouco tempo atrás. Os próprios conceitos, paradigmas e instituições da contemporaneidade precisam, agora, ser repensados. A magnitude dos riscos obriga, assim, a uma nova forma de engajamento político e social em âmbito mundial: participação ativa e cidadã dos indivíduos, adoção de políticas globais calcadas em bases educacionais preventivas aos danos ambientais, inserção de empresas como agentes morais, melhoria na produção, alternativas ao consumo, debate crítico às descobertas da ciência, inclusão e valorização do outro, entre outras. Esta dura realidade que nos atemoriza é, ao mesmo tempo, o combustível que nos motiva em busca de melhores soluções e alternativas para a reconstrução dos modelos até então empregados de produção, consumo e convivência. A crise ambiental pode se tornar uma oportunidade. Nesse sentido, o saber científico e o conhecimento tecnológico, por mais contraditórios que possam parecer, detêm caráter central para a continuidade da vida humana no planeta, pois servem como meios para o reconhecimento dos novos riscos, criticando e aprimorando tanto em campo ambiental quanto em campo empresarial o desenvolver das novas políticas de produção. No mesmo contexto, as pessoas jurídicas sejam pequenas empresas ou grandes corporações abandonam o antigo estigma de culpadas pela degradação das condições da vida no planeta e passam a ocupar a posição de protagonistas nas questões socioambientais. Trata-se da adoção de uma política de duplo ganho (win X win). As empresas ganham em imagem corporativa positiva, expandem sua clientela, abordam novos nichos de mercado, melhoram e reduzem custos de produção e, ainda, incrementam seu lucro. Por sua vez, a sociedade ganha com a melhoria da produção, uso racional dos recursos naturais, alternativas às formas de consumo, bem como uma importante aliada aos projetos humanitários, sociais e ambientais. Agir ético, participação ativa e cidadã dos indivíduos, inclusão do outro e conduta fraterna são apenas alguns dos fatores que comprovam que a vida humana em sociedade pode ainda ter futuro. / The world risk society is characterized for its negative dimension of equality, since citizens are not equal anymore for their rights or benefits that they share, but in detriment, for the common risks which they are exposed. The technological development as well as the scientific knowledge addressed the man to a modernity context promising to integrally accomplish the many and uncountable benefits to the well living. However, and with the qualitative life winnings, what we have seen are nuclear accidents, atomic wars, environmental damages and other effects caused by the radicalization of the inserted pattern. This fact filled the society with doubts and uncertainness, resulting on a forced redemocratization, which put all the terrestrial globe individuals in the same condition: victims of a possible annihilation. In this idea, the ambivalence that comes from the risks infiltrates the various segments of the social reality, not any knowledge has the same meaning as it had a few years ago. Concepts, paradigms and contemporaneity institutions need to be now rethought. Thus, the magnitude of the risks requires a new way of social and political engagement in a worldwide ambit: active participation of the individuals as citizens, adoption of global policies modeled in educational bases preventing environmental damages, insertion of companies as moral agents, production improvement, alternatives instead of consumption, critical debate about the science discoveries, inclusion and valorization of the other individuals, among others. This hard reality that terrorizes us is, at the same time, the fuel that gives us motivation in search of better solutions and alternatives for the reconstruction of the production, consume and living patters applied so far. The environmental crises may become an opportunity. In this idea, the scientific knowhow and the technological knowledge, although sometimes seem to be contradictory, detain central character for the human life continuity in the planet because they are used as means for the recognition of the new risks, criticizing and improving either in the environmental field or in the entrepreneurial field , in the development of new production policies. In the same context small companies or big corporations abandon the old label as responsible for the planet life condition degradation and thus, taking the position of protagonist in the socio-environmental issues. It´s about the adoption of a double winning policy (win x win). Companies win positive corporative image, expand customers, approach new market niche, improve and reduce production costs and also increase profits. The society, wins with the production improvement, rational natural resources use, alternative instead of consumption ways as well as wins an important support to humanitarian social and environmental projects. Ethical action, active individual´s participation as citizens, inclusion of the others and fraternal conduct, are just some of the factors that prove human life in society may still be have a future.

The imagery of nature in the prose works of K. Paustovsky

Kramer, Karen Etresia Helena 06 1900 (has links)
1 online resource (181 leaves) / This study relies on ecocriticism as the discipline benefitting the analysis of the imagery of nature in Konstantin Paustovsky’s prose. The objective of this approach is to demonstrate that Paustovsky’s prose goes beyond of what was expected from a Soviet writer by the socialist realist dogma. This thesis attempts to prove that an ecocritical approach validates his prose as being universal in its message and thus relevant to contemporary readers. Scholars of ecocriticism ask the following questions when analysing a nature-orientated prose: what values are expressed in nature-orientated literature, does the portrayal of nature reflects the cultural values of a nation as well as the way in which a person’s interaction with his natural environment enhances or hampers his spiritual development. The timeframe, within which Paustovsky wrote his prose, should be taken into account, because it coincides with the Lenin and Stalin regimes, when any criticism of the government including its nature conservation policies was impossible. The analysis of attitudes of the Russian people towards nature in Paustovksy’prose demonstrates that it evolved from the acceptance of the official stand to the one of criticism. This research resulted in the following conclusions: Firstly Paustovsky’s view with regard to ecological problems and his solutions to these problems are on par with those of modern ecologists. The writer, for example, proposes a holistic way to undertake nature conservation, such as replacing ruined forests by the same type of trees, not interfering in the cycles of nature and stresses the importance of scientific information on how to care of the natural environment. Secondly, it is through his presentation of nature that the author familiarises the reader with the essence of the Russian culture, which is totally intertwined with the manifestations of Russian nature, such as folklore, superstitions, cultural traditions and values attached to certain animals and trees Thirdly, it has been established that the ‘external’ natural landscape of a person namely his environment, undoubtedly influences his ‘internal landscape’, his psyche. This implies that the natural environment of a person will have an influence on his psychological make-up. It is assumed that this study, in particular the use of ecocriticism as a tool to analyse literature where nature plays a role, will shed new light on the role of nature in Russian prose. This is especially the case with regard to the way in which ecological issues such as nature conservation are treated. / Classics and World Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (Russian)

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