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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An exploration of the daily environmentally sustainable practices by South African youths living in Urban Gauteng

Gossow, Claudia 06 1900 (has links)
This qualitative study explores daily environmental sustainable attitudes and behaviours of Gauteng’s urban youth. A social constructivist paradigm underlines the views, challenges and activities expressed. The Reasonable Person Model (RPM) and Social Networking Theory ensure that the content, as well as methodological elements and results herein adhere to a psychological framework. Focus groups and online interviews were utilised to explore the link between community well-being and the state of the natural environment and the sample was drawn using purposive and snowball sampling. The literature reviewed focuses on existing climate change concerns, pro-environmental attitudes and behaviours, and emerging local and international practices, including the importance of expanding local practices. A thematic analysis, ensured for a broad variety of responses, and hence detailed discussion -of and dissemination of results. Using common threads in the results, recommendations and suggestions were made, to improve future studies and research practices concerning Environmental Responsible Behaviours (ERBs).

Strengths and challenges in the Finnish waste electrical and electronic equipment recovery system:consumers’ perceptions and participation

Ylä-Mella, J. (Jenni) 17 November 2015 (has links)
Abstract The production and use of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) have significantly increased during the last three decades due to technological innovations and new applications of EEE. Fast technological progress, EEE becoming a part of everyday life and rising incomes have led to the situation where EEE are more replaceable than ever causing the rapid growth of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). In order to reduce negative environmental and health impacts and to improve the recovery of valuable substances from WEEE, the European Union has implemented Directives related to EEE. In this thesis, the national implementation of the WEEE Directive and the development of the WEEE recovery infrastructure in Finland were studied. Furthermore, consumers’ awareness and perceptions toward the WEEE recovery system were assessed through a survey conducted in the Oulu region. Finally, the role of consumer behaviour in storing electronics at home and its impact on the realisation of the waste hierarchy were considered. Results indicate that the implementation of the WEEE Directive has succeeded in Finland. The legislative basis and functional WEEE recovery system with high collection and recovery rates have been enacted within a few years. The study revealed that consumers’ awareness of the importance and existence of WEEE recovery system is high among the residents in Oulu; however, the high storing rates of mobile phones indicate that the proximity and the convenience of the WEEE recovery system are inadequate to motivate the return of small WEEE. Analysing the lifespan of electronics indicates that stockpiling deprives the re-use potential of mobile phones and thus hinders waste prevention. Storage also delays the return of valuable substances for recycling and risks the realisation of the waste management hierarchy. It is concluded that education and awareness raising will continue to be a crucial element in the progress towards a more environmentally conscious WEEE recovery in Finland. / Tiivistelmä Sähkö- ja elektroniikkalaitteiden (SE-laitteiden) tuotanto ja käyttö ovat kasvaneet merkittävästi viime vuosikymmenten aikana uusien teknologisten ratkaisujen ja sovellusten myötä. Nopea teknologinen kehitys, SE-laitteiden jokapäiväistyminen sekä elintason nousu ovat johtaneet tilanteeseen, jossa ne ovat helpommin vaihdettavissa kuin koskaan aikaisemmin. Tämän seurauksena myös sähkö- ja elektroniikkaromun (SE-romu, SER) määrä on nopeassa kasvussa. Vähentääkseen SE-romun aiheuttamia haitallisia ympäristö- ja terveysvaikutuksia sekä tehostaakseen hyödyllisten materiaalien talteenottoa SE-romusta Euroopan Unioni on ottanut käyttöön sähkö- ja elektroniikkalaitteisiin liittyviä direktiivejä. Tässä väitöskirjatutkimuksessa on tarkasteltu SER-direktiivin kansallista käyttöönottoa ja keräysverkoston kehittymistä Suomessa. Lisäksi kuluttajakäsitystä ja -tietoisuutta arvioitiin Oulun alueella toteutetulla kyselytutkimuksella. Työssä on arvioitu myös kuluttajien roolia käytöstä poistettujen SE-laitteiden kotivarastoinnissa ja sen vaikutuksia jätehierarkian toteutumiseen. Tulokset osoittavat, että kansallinen implementointi on onnistunut Suomessa; kansallinen lainsäädännöllinen perusta ja toimiva keräysjärjestelmä on saavutettu vain muutamassa vuodessa. Tutkimuksesta selviää, että kuluttajatietoisuus keräysjärjestelmän tärkeydestä ja sen olemassaolosta on hyvällä tasolla; matkapuhelinten korkea säilytysaste kotitalouksissa viittaa kuitenkin nykyisen järjestelmän riittämättömyyteen motivoida kuluttajia palauttamaan pientä SE-romua keräysjärjestelmään. SE-laitteiden elinkaaren vaikutusten tarkastelu osoittaa, että varastointi estää matkapuhelinten uudelleenkäyttöä ja estää jätteen synnyn ehkäisyä. Lisäksi se viivästyttää hyödyllisten materiaalien palautumista kierrätykseen vaarantaen myös jätehierarkian toteutumisen. Siksi koulutus ja tietoisuuden lisääminen ovat tärkeässä roolissa ympäristömyötäisemmän keräysjärjestelmän saavuttamiseksi Suomessa.

Environnement et croissance : Essais sur des implications des choix altruistes des ménages / Environment and growth : Essays on some implications of households' altruistic choices

Constant, Karine 15 July 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l‘étude de la relation entre la croissance économique et l’environnement, en tenant compte des décisions altruistes des ménages envers leurs enfants en termes de legs économique, éducatif et environnemental. Ce travail s’articule autour de trois chapitres. Le premier se focalise sur les premiers stades de développement, marquant un tournant majeur de cette relation, et met en exergue le rôle des interactions des sphères économique, démographique et environnementale dans l’émergence d’un processus d’industrialisation polluante. Il illustre également les grandes disparités observées historiquement avec des économies piégées dans une trappe à pauvreté et d’autres se développant au prix d’une pollution élevée. Les chapitres suivants s’intéressent à des économies développées. Le deuxième chapitre prend en compte l’endogénéité des préférences environnementales pour analyser une politique environnementale composée d’outils usuels (taxe sur la pollution et dépenses de dépollution) et d’un outil éducatif visant à sensibiliser les ménages à l'environnement. Nous montrons qu’un tel "policy mix" peut permettre à la fois d’éviter des inégalités intergénérationnelles, provenant de fluctuations des préférences, et de favoriser la croissance économique. Le troisième chapitre traite des effets de la pollution sur l’espérance de vie et de l’aspect inégalitaire de leur répartition au sein de la population. Nous trouvons qu’il existe une trappe à inégalités, où les disparités empirent constamment mais qu’une politique environnementale peut permettre d’échapper à cette trappe et d’augmenter la croissance de l’économie, par ses effets sur la santé et l’éducation. / This thesis is devoted to the analysis of the relationship between economic growth and the environment, when considering the altruistic choices of parents toward their children, through environmental, economic and educative bequests. This work is organized around three chapters. The first focuses on the first stages of economic development, corresponding to a major turning point of this relationship. It highlights the role of interactions between economic, demographic and environmental spheres in the emergence of a polluting industrialization. Moreover, it illustrates the great disparities, historically observed, with economies stuck in a poverty trap and others developing at expense of their environment. The others chapter deals with developed economies. The second chapter takes into account the endogeneity of environmental preferences in order to analyze the implications of an environmental policy composed of usual tools (pollution tax and abatement activities) and an educative tool aiming to raise households’ environmental awareness. We show that such a policy mix may allow to avoid intergenerational inequalities, coming from fluctuations in preferences, and to enhance economic growth. The third chapter considers the effects of pollution on longevity and their unequal repartition across population. We highlight that there exists an inequality trap, where disparities are persistently widening, but also that an environmental policy may allow an economy to escape from this trap and to improve economic growth, through its positive effects on health and on the returns to education.

Sistemas de saneamento no povoado Areia Branca situado na zona de expansão de Aracaju : percepção e práticas sustentáveis no uso da água

Passos, Karla Fabiany Santana 29 February 2016 (has links)
A great concern nowadays current is that environmental and mainly related to the themes of usos water management since his consumption, levels of quality and quantity needed for population, at the dumping of waste arising from its use. From this on, set up how to study the problem management to use of freshwater in the Areia Branca region (Aracaju Expansion Zone), where part of the population makes use of wells as a source of water supply for consumption. Thus, the present study aimed to analyze the from the site characterization, a perception and sustainable practices as realized for the population and if there is destination given the domestic sewage or toilets. Such research was based a qualitative and quantitative methodological approach in order to understand and analyze the related facts on environmental sanitation, more precisely the types of water use, prospecting quality materials to inform a real importance to an overview questioning. To this end, they were performed: bibliographical and documentary survey; questionnaires to the community concerned and the relevant public bodies; observations "in loco"; experimental research to prove the level of quality (potable) water; mapping of collection points; tab and management of data; and analysis and interpretation of information. With the diagnosis and the analysis performed, it can be seen that the village lacks basic sanitation and environmental infrastructure, because the quality of the water used by the population, in general, does not meet the potability standards required by Brazilian law; and also the financial resources allocated to this region are insufficient for the maintenance of other issues related to public health, as the case of the lack of land use planning, urban drainage and sewerage system. Through the data obtained may also conclude that the perception of the population regarding the use of water, for the sustainable practices, falls short of emotional relationships between man and the environment, it is imperative to implement environmental education practices subsidize such relationship and therefore the sustained use of water. Thus, this research provided reveal the static scenario in which it is the region in terms of environmental development, lacking energetic solutions to minimize the problems faced by the resident population and therefore sensitize them on environmental issues. In contrast, it is expected that this study will provide more information for the academic community and tools for the management of water resources through public policies aimed at the population's well-being as well as the preservation of natural resources, advocating the importance of water quality for improving the quality of life and the maintenance of human health. / Uma das maiores preocupações dos tempos atuais diz respeito às questões ambientais e principalmente em temas relacionados à gestão dos usos das águas desde o seu consumo, em níveis de qualidade e quantidade necessários à população, até o despejo de rejeitos oriundos de seu uso. Diante disso, definiu-se como problema de estudo o gerenciamento do uso das águas doces na região de Areia Branca (Zona de Expansão de Aracaju), onde parte da população faz uso de poços como fonte de suprimento de água para o consumo. Para tanto, o presente estudo objetivou analisar, a partir da caracterização local, a percepção e as práticas sustentáveis realizadas pela população no uso da água e no destino dado aos esgotos domésticos/sanitários. A pesquisa fundamentou-se numa abordagem metodológica qualitativa e quantitativa com o intuito de conhecer e analisar os fatos relacionados ao saneamento ambiental, mais precisamente os tipos de uso da água, prospectando materiais de qualidade para informar a real importância do questionamento apanhado. Para tal, foram realizados: levantamento bibliográfico e documental; questionários aplicados à comunidade em questão e aos órgãos públicos correspondentes; observações “in loco”; pesquisa experimental para comprovar o nível de qualidade (potabilidade) da água; mapeamento dos pontos de coleta; tabulação e ordenamento dos dados; e análise e interpretação das informações. Com o diagnóstico e as análises realizadas, pode-se verificar que o povoado carece de infraestrutura de saneamento básico e ambiental, pois a qualidade da água utilizada pela população, de uma maneira geral, não atende aos padrões de potabilidade exigidos pela legislação brasileira; e também os recursos financeiros destinados a esta região são insuficientes para a manutenção de outras questões vinculadas à saúde pública, como o caso da falta de ordenamento territorial, da drenagem urbana e do sistema de esgotamento sanitário. Por meio dos dados obtidos pode-se concluir também que a percepção da população a respeito do uso da água, quanto às práticas sustentáveis, está aquém das relações afetivas entre o homem e o meio ambiente, sendo imprescindível a implementação de práticas de educação ambiental para subsidiar tal relação e, por conseguinte, o uso sustentado da água. Dessa forma, essa pesquisa proporcionou revelar o cenário estático em que se encontra a região, em termos de desenvolvimento socioambiental, carecendo de soluções enérgicas para minimizar os problemas enfrentados pela população residente e, por conseguinte, sensibilizá-la quanto às questões ambientais. Em contrapartida, espera-se que este estudo possa oferecer mais informações para a comunidade acadêmica e ferramentas para o gerenciamento dos recursos hídricos através de políticas públicas que visem o bem-estar da população, bem como a preservação do recurso natural, preconizando a importância da qualidade da água para a melhoria da qualidade de vida e da manutenção da saúde humana.

Monitoramento da qualidade da água no baixo São Francisco e ações de educação ambiental

Peixoto, Jeisikailany Santos 29 February 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Water is an essential component of the environment and part of life, one of the most important natural resources. Your monitoring by physical-chemical analysis provides grant ace environmental protection policies and decision-making regarding environmental management actions. Thus, due to the paucity of data related to continuous monitoring water quality in the lower São Francisco this work aimed to evaluate the water quality and social aspects related to the use of water resources in the basin of the São Francisco river and its tributaries Jacaré rivers and Betume and promote environmental education through awareness activities and awareness of the environmental problems experienced in this region. For physical-chemical analysis of water we used a Ecokit measuring water quality which evaluates the concentrations of the variables measured by the Colorimetric method. Limnological parameters analyzed in this study were pH, dissolved oxygen, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphate and turbidity. To analyze the perception was applied one after interview questionnaire composed of 16 questions of which eight were open six closed and two semi-open. What outreach activities were offered lectures and training with Ecokit. The results of water quality indicate that a significant amount of the parameters analyzed in the rivers was outside the limit set by CONAMA resolution 357/2005 interfering with the quality of its waters. For this study, most of the points analyzed are located close to areas of sewage releases, in view of this, it is observed that the external environment is contributing to the reduction of water quality of these water bodies. For environmental awareness, the results indicate that the individuals interviewed have full awareness that comes from being and environmental problems which are faced by the São Francisco river and the need to implement a continuous monitoring of the water quality of the river. It was noted that awareness activities further contributed to the understanding of the relationship of these respondents with water. / A água é um componente essencial do meio ambiente e integrante da vida, sendo um dos mais importantes recursos naturais. O seu monitoramento através da análise físico-química oferece subsídio ás políticas de proteção ambiental e a tomada de decisão quanto às ações de gestão ambiental. Sendo assim, devido à escassez de dados relacionados ao monitoramento contínuo da qualidade da água no baixo São Francisco este trabalho teve como principal objetivo avaliar a qualidade das águas e aspectos sociais relacionados ao uso dos recursos hídricos na bacia hidrográfica do rio São Francisco e seus afluentes rios Jacaré e Betume e promover a educação ambiental através de atividades de percepção e sensibilização para os problemas ambientais vivenciados nessa região. Para a análise físico-química da água foi utilizado um Ecokit de medição de qualidade da água onde avalia as concentrações das variáveis mensuradas por meio do método de Colorimetria. Os parâmetros limnológicos analisados neste estudo foram pH, oxigênio dissolvido, nitrato, nitrito, amônia, fosfato e turbidez. Para a análise da percepção foi aplicado um questionário seguido de entrevista, composto por 16 questões das quais oito foram abertas, seis fechadas e duas semiabertas. E quanto às atividades de sensibilização foram ministradas palestras e treinamento com o Ecokit. Os resultados da qualidade da água indicam que uma quantidade significativa dos parâmetros analisados nos rios esteve fora do limite estabelecido pela resolução do CONAMA 357/2005 interferindo na qualidade de suas águas. Pois nesse estudo, grande parte dos pontos analisados são localizados próximos ás áreas de lançamentos de esgotos, em vista disso, observa-se que o meio externo está contribuindo para a redução da qualidade da água desses corpos hídricos. Para a percepção ambiental, os resultados apontam que os indivíduos entrevistados tem plena consciência do que vem a serem problemas ambientais e quais são os enfrentados pelo rio São Francisco e da necessidade de realização de um monitoramento contínuo da qualidade da água desse rio. Notou-se que as atividades de sensibilização contribuíram ainda mais para o entendimento da relação desses entrevistados com a água.

Boyta och miljö : En intervjustudie om inställningen till boyta och dess miljöpåverkan / Living Space and Environment : An interview study on the attitude to living space and its environmental impact

Larsson, Hampus January 2021 (has links)
Människors boyta har en betydande miljöpåverkan. Valet av bostad är därför viktigt ur ett miljöperspektiv. Syftet var att undersöka unga mäns inställning till bostadsytan och vilka motiverande faktorer det finns för dessa att minska sin bostadsyta. Frågeställningarna utifrån syftet löd: Hur är inställningen hos yngre män till att leva på en mindre boyta? Är miljöpåverkan en motiverande faktor till att minska sin bostadsyta? För studien användes en kvalitativ metod där sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med unga män genomfördes. Resultatet ställdes mot teorin kognitiv dissonans, samt definitionen av hållbar bostadsyta, för en analys. Befintlig forskning integrerades även i analysen. Resultatet visade att önskan om större bostadsytan gick före miljöhänsyn, men inte nödvändigtvis om bostaden var bra planerad. De motiverande faktorerna till en mindre boyta var främst andra än miljöskäl, nämligen ekonomiska eller underhållsrelaterade. Det var endast en av informanterna som önskade ett boende av miljöhänsyn. / People's living space has a significant environmental impact. The choice of housing is therefore important from an environmental perspective. The purpose of the study was to find out young men's attitudes towards the living space, as well as what motivating factors there could be for reducing their living space. The questions based on the purpose were thus: What is the attitude to the living space of younger men? Do environmental factors motivate young men to reduce their living space? What other motivating factors for a life in a smaller space could be identified? A qualitative method was used, where six semi-structured interviews with young men were conducted. The result was set in the light of the theory of cognitive dissonance, as well as the definition of sustainable living space, for an analysis. Previous research was also integrated into the analysis. The result of the study showed the demand for larger living space went before environmental factors, but not necessarily if the home was well planned. The motivating factors for a smaller living space were mainly other than for the sake of the environment, namely economic reasons or lower maintenance. Only one of the informants showed interest in a smaller living space to reduce his environmental impact.

Environmental Awareness and Labour Market Tightness: An Analysis on Regional Level

Lösch, Stefanie 19 January 2021 (has links)
This thesis reveals methods for estimating individual perception at the regional level, such as environmental awareness or wage effects due to labour market tightness. Environmental awareness belongs to individual attitudes, which is driven by socialization, culture and education. Consequently, it is difficult to compare environmental awareness between regions. Labour market tightness might be reflected in individual wages, but the latter is also triggered by a lot of exogenous variables. Given that a simple linear regression model fails in both cases, existing alternative approaches from the econometrics like Multiple Indicator Multiple Cause model and Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operators are used. First, a Multiple-Indicator Multiple-Causes model is introduced, which allows us to estimate a not-directly observable individual attitude, environmental awareness, for different regions and to rank them. The method is cost-effective and less time-consuming, it also allows for comparisons between regions. The study area serves 81 regions in Russia. The model is constructed in such a way that Internet queries from the search engine Yandex are assumed to be indicators, which are affected by the regional environmental awareness index. In addition, regional characteristics, such as Gross Regional Product per capita, the proportion of employees in specific industry sectors, and also the environmental situation within the regions are potential cause variables. The regional environmental awareness index is estimated for each of the Russian regions from January 2014 until April 2016. Furthermore, the findings shows a rather non-linear positive relationship between the regional environmental awareness and regional wealth, as well as a strong negative correlation with the temperature. The colder the region and the observed month, the higher the interest of the population in environmental topics. Furthermore, the regions can be grouped into four environmental awareness clusters by using k-means clustering algorithm. It seems that the environmental awareness index shrinks from the Eastern to the Western part of Russia. The highest values can be estimated in Chukotka, Kamchatka, and Magadan. The lowest values are found in the rather poor and warm Caucasus area. Second, another issue concerns the estimation of an effect of an observable regional variable, such as labour supply shortage, on individual wages. This thesis investigates the ten year wage development of employees who first enter the labour market from 1995 until 2004 and looks for positive wage effects of labour market tightness in different occupational groups. Due to incomplete vacancy data, labour market tightness is measured as the number of unemployed people divided by the number of employees within an occupational field and region. Mean and quantile regression methods are applied. Because the number of right-hand side variables could lead to incorrect detected statistical significant coefficients, different Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operators are used for reducing the variables set. The findings suggests that regional labour market tightness in occupational fields affects individual wages. Employees who start their carrier in a tighter labour market enjoy higher wage growth compared to workers from more relaxed labour markets. The wages in technical professions, such as several engineer groups, IT-occupations, technicians, and also in some commercial occupations are especially affected by a shortage of labour supply. Health care occupations, such as nurse, reveals a complete reverse relationship. A shortage of workforce seems to be correlated with smaller wages.

Konsumenten och matsvinn : En studie om hur svenska konsumenters inköp av livsmedel påverkats av en global pandemi samt konsumenters attityd-beteendegap i relation tillmiljömedvetenhet och matsvinn / The consumer and food waste : The pandemic and its effect on Swedish consumers and the Attitude-Behaviour gap in relation to environmental awareness and food waste

Bagheri, Diana, Egana Otarola, Joakim January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Utbrottet av Covid-19 pandemin har lett till förändrade vanor och beteenden. Det framhålls att konsumenter blir alltmer miljömedvetna samtidigt som hushållen är den sektor där mest matsvinn uppstår. Författarna har via redan existerande forskning funnit att uppkomsten av matsvinn har förändrats i hushållen som påföljd av Covid-19 pandemin i andra länder. Forskning på huruvida det har påverkat uppkomsten av matsvinn i Sverige existerar inte i dagsläget.  Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur en disruptiv händelse som en global pandemi påverkar den upplevda förändringen i uppkomsten matsvinn hos svenska konsumenter. Vidare syftar studien till att identifiera och analysera konsumenters förändring i inköp av livsmedel till följd av Covid-19 pandemin. Studien ämnar att undersöka konsumenters miljömedvetenhet och om det finns några attityd-beteendegap för matsvinn och hållbara livsmedel.  Metod: Denna fallstudie av induktiv karaktär har en kvalitativ forskningsdesign. Den empiriska datainsamlingen består av 13 stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer med svenska konsumenter.  Slutsats: Studiens datainsamling visar att det föreligger förändringar i konsumenters inköp av livsmedel innan och under covid-19 pandemin. Faktorer till uppkomsten av matsvinn har visat liten skillnad innan och under Covid-19 pandemin. Fortsättningsvis visar resultatet att konsumenter inte agerar i enlighet med sina attityder om hållbara livsmedel. Samtliga konsumenter anser att matsvinn är ett miljöproblem men det finns diskrepanser mellan deras attityder och beteenden. / Introduction: Food waste is a complex problem which affects the environment, the economy and social factors. The outbreak of the Covid-19 virus has led to dramatic changes in habits and behaviours. It is accentuated that consumers are more and more environmentally aware but at the same time the consumer household is the sector where most of all food waste emerges. The following study has, through already existing research conducted in other countries, found that the occurrence of food waste has been altered. Research about the changes in food waste emergence caused by the Corona pandemic in Sweden does not exist by the time of this investigation.  Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how a disruptive event such as a global pandemic affects the perceived alteration of food waste emergence produced by Swedish consumers. Furthermore, this study aims to identify and analyze the altered buying process of daily goods caused by the Corona pandemic. The paper also intends to study the environmental awareness of the consumers and if there exists any attitude behaviour gaps in food waste and sustainable food products.  Method: This case-study is of an inductive character and has a quantitative research nature. The empirical data collection consists of thirteen semi-structured interviews with Swedish consumers.  Conclusion: From the data collection of the study, it is found that there exist changes in the consumers’ food buying behaviours before and during the pandemic. Causes for the perceived emergence of food waste have shown small changes before and during Covid-19. Further, the result shows the consumers do not behave in accordance with their attitudes towards sustainable products. Every consumer considers food waste to be an environmental problem however there exists discrepancies between their attitudes and behaviours.

Green perceived benefits y Brand credibility en relación al Repurchase intention de green products / Green perceived benefits and brand credibility in relation to green products repurchase intention

Román Augusto , José Antonio, Garrido Lecca Vera, Camila Beatriz 19 August 2020 (has links)
El estudio tiene como objetivo explorar las relaciones entre los beneficios verdes percibidos y la credibilidad de marca frente a la intención de recompra de productos verdes en Lima. La información presentada es cuantitativa y de carácter concluyente. / The study aims to explore the relationships between green perceived benefits and brand credibility regarding repurchase intention of green products in Lima. The information presented is quantitative and conclusive. / Trabajo de investigación

CEEQUAL i Sverige : En utvärdering av ett hållbarhetsklassningssystem / CEEQUAL in Sweden : An evaluation of a sustainability assessment scheme

Frank, Andreas, Hederby, Mikael January 2013 (has links)
CEEQUAL är ett brittiskt hållbarhetsklassningssystem utvecklat för anläggningsbranschen. CEEQUAL bedömer och ger utmärkelser till infrastruktur- och anläggningsprojekt som hanterat miljö- och hållbarhetsfrågor över lagstadgade krav. Denna rapport undersöker och jämför arbetsgången enligt CEEQUALs manual och arbetsgången enligt Trafikverkets planeringsprocess. Vidare redovisas resultaten från en workshop samt intervjuer med anställda på NCC, Ramböll, Skanska, Trafikverket och WSP. Huvudsyftet med studien är att utvärdera CEEQUALs lämplighet som verktyg för Trafikverkets miljö- och hållbarhetsarbete. Resultatet från intervjuer, workshop och litteraturstudier har analyserats och rationaliserats ur Trafikverkets perspektiv. Slutsatser som dras i rapporten är bland annat: CEEQUAL behöver hårdare krav samt en anpassning till den svenska marknaden för att bli ett effektivt verktyg att använda i Sverige. Trafikverket rekommenderas avvakta vidare CEEQUALmärkning till dess ovannämnda anpassning genomförts. Trafikverket rekommenderas vidare att försöka satsa på Whole Team Award vid ombyggnationen av Trafikplats Roslags-Näsby. Detta för att sedan göra en utförlig jämförelse med Trafikplats Viggbyholm, en trafikplats längs samma vägsträcka som även den genomgår en ombyggnation, dock utan CEEQUALmärkning. Den i skrivande stund rimligaste förhållningen till CEEQUAL för Trafikverket är att arbeta med de delar CEEQUAL tar upp som Sverige får som sämst betyg i och försöka integrera dessa i Trafikverkets egna miljö- och hållbarhetsarbete. / CEEQUAL is a British environmental assessment scheme developed for civil engineering projects. CEEQUAL assesses and awards infrastructure- and civil engineering projects that have dealt with environment- and sustainability issues beyond statutory requirements. This thesis examines and compares the workflow according to the CEEQUAL manual and the workflow according to the Swedish Transport Administration’s planning process. The results from a workshop as well as interviews with employees from NCC, Ramböll, Skanska, the Swedish Transport Administration and WSP are furthermore presented. The main purpose of this thesis is to evaluate CEEQUAL’s suitability as a tool for the Swedish Transport Administration’s work concerning environmental- and sustainability issues. The results from interviews, workshop and literature has been analyzed and rationalized from the perspective of the Swedish Transport Administration. Conclusions drawn in the thesis are including: CEEQUAL needs tougher requirements as well as an adaption to the Swedish market to be an effective tool in Sweden. The Swedish Transport Administration is recommended to wait with further CEEQUAL evaluations until above adaption has been made. The Swedish Transport Administration is further recommended to aim for a Whole Team Award at the redevelopment of the interchange Trafikplats Roslag-Näsby. This to later perform a detailed comparison with Trafikplats Viggbyholm, an interchange along the same road section also undergoing a redevelopment, without a CEEQUAL assessment being done however. The at the moment most reasonable way to look at CEEQUAL for the Swedish Transport Administration is to work with the parts CEEQUAL assesses that Sweden gets the lowest grades in, and to try to integrate these into the Swedish Transport administration’s own environmental- and sustainability work.

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