Spelling suggestions: "subject:"0nvironmental law."" "subject:"byenvironmental law.""
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Proposta de implementação de legislação ambiental, através de políticas de controle da poluição atmosférica, por meio de sistemas de monitoramento passivo / Proposal for implementation of environmental legislation through political control of air pollutionMuro Júnior, Aldo 28 June 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2014-09-30T11:49:04Z
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license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2014-09-30T15:31:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-09-30T15:31:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2013-06-28 / The aim... / O objetivo...
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Energia eólica no setor elétrico brasileiro segundo a perspectiva do direito ambiental: análise comparada e integrações regionais. / Wind energy in the brazilian eletric energy sector according to the perspective of environmental law: comparative analysis and regional integration.Claudia Lorena Esquivel Garcia 23 March 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda em primeira instância as contribuições do direito ambiental e sua dimensão axiológica a partir do princípio de desenvolvimento sustentável, no processo de construção do modelo ambientalmente harmônico no setor elétrico. Isto segundo o viés da teoria da justiça aplicada ao direito ambiental é afirmar, identificando os elementos de justiça ambiental, a sua importância na consolidação do arcabouço normativo aplicável à energia eólica. Posteriormente efetua-se a analise da ação racional dos Estados e da sociedade internacional perante o fenômeno de mudança climática, como causa relevante a partir da qual se institucionalizam as políticas públicas que viabilizam a inserção da fonte eólica, como elemento legitimador, da ação de planejamento do setor elétrico, com o viés do tratamento dos bens comuns; para o qual se estrutura um cenário tendencial e outro cenário sustentável do recurso eólico no caso brasileiro. Nesta mesma linha se avalia a importância da supranacionalidade e a intergovernabilidade em termos de vinculação jurídica dos estados membros, com a consequente relativização do conceito de soberania e seu efeito nas integrações regionais do Mercosul e da União Europeia, e seu efeito no comportamento da energia eólica, entendida como elemento relevante da transição energética. Finalmente, revisa-se comparativamente o modelo normativo estruturado vinculante para a energia eólica na Alemanha, na França, na Espanha e na Colômbia para a fonte eólica e o grau de segurança jurídica, assim como o nível de risco regulatório, considerando a abrupta inserção de elementos competitivos para aumentar os incentivos regulatórios. / This work addresses the contribution of environmental law and its axiological dimension, beginning from the principle of sustainable development in the construction process of the harmonious environmentally model in the electrical sector. This is explained through applied justice theory to environmental law, by identifying elements of environmental justice and its relevance to the consolidation of regulatory framework applied to wind energy. Subsequently, the interaction between the states and the international community before the climate change phenomenon is analyzed as an important cause from which the public policies are institutionalized allowing the introduction of wind power as a legitimating element for planning in the electrical sector through the common goods. For this, a tendential scenario and another sustainable scenario of the wind resource in the Brazilian case are structured. In this regard, the importance of supranationalism and intergovernamentalism in terms of legal link of the member states are evaluated, with the consequent relativization of the concept of sovereignty and its effect on the regional integrations of Mercosur and the European Union and the effect on wind energy, understood it as a relevant element of energetic transition. Finally, I make a comparative review of the binding normative model for wind power generation in Germany, France, Spain and Colombia, and the degree of legal security, as well as the level of regulatory risk considering the abrupt insertion of competitive elements to have access to regulatory incentives.
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Conservação do solo e cana-de-açúcar: aspectos legais e bibliométricos e uma ferramenta de determinação do Fator C (RUSLE) / Soil conservation and sugarcane: legal and bibliometric outlook and a comprehensive C-Factor calculation tool (RUSLE)Gustavo Casoni da Rocha 08 March 2017 (has links)
A pressão por aumento da produção agrícola, seja por abertura de novas áreas, seja por aumento de produtividade, tem um impacto direto no uso e conservação do solo. A cana-de-açúcar, por ser uma cultura híbrida- alimentar e energética, tem grande relevância estratégica e seu sistema de produção muito ligado à agroindústria. Seu sistema de produção, portanto, tem pressão direta para uma maior eficiência (indústria), mas também para mecanismos ambientalmente mais sustentáveis (sociedade). O primeiro artigo apresentado foi uma sistematização da regulamentação legal e da produção científica na área de conservação de solo no Brasil e uma análise comparativa de ambos elementos: regulamentação e ciência. O arcabouço legal brasileiro sobre a conservação de solo reconhece sua importância, mas apresenta poucas ferramentas práticas efetivas. Existem políticas de incentivos econômicos à produção em nível federal e são observadas regulamentações para a penalização de danos causados ao solo, apenas em nível estadual (4 estados). Outros 4 estados preveem sistemas de PSA. No geral, a decisão de se conservar o solo é privada, não sendo direcionada ou induzida por um regulamento (salvo exceções). A produção científica tem uma abordagem predominantemente privada, contribuindo com soluções e compreensão dos impactos internos ao sistema agrícola. Os estudos que abordam as externalidades do processo erosivo, ou que possuem o entendimento da conservação de solo como um serviço ambiental, estão em menor número quando comparados aos estudos de abordagem privada. O estabelecimento de normatização que contemple os princípios básicos do direito ambiental (precaução, responsabilidade e poluidor-pagador) e os diferentes instrumentos (comando e controle e incentivos econômicos) é um caminho promissor para a regular o uso do solo de forma sustentável. Uma produção científica oriunda de linhas de pesquisa que contemplem as externalidades do processo erosivo pode contribuir para o estabelecimento destas normas de forma mais clara, viável e efetiva. A importância de modelos para estudo da erosão vem da dificuldade de montar experimentos de mensuração de perda de solo em campo. O Fator C (RUSLE) congrega a cobertura e o manejo das culturas. Dada a variabilidade de manejo da cana-de-açúcar, buscou-se no segundo capítulo compilar e analisar trabalhos que geraram ou citaram o valor de C. Levantou-se 39 trabalhos científicos, com valores que variam de 0.0012 a 0.5800. Este intervalo resulta em uma variação de mais de 480 vezes nos valores finais de perda de solo. Uma grande lacuna de valores de Fator C para variadas condições de manejo é observada, bem como a falta de clareza e critérios no uso de valores por modeladores e pesquisadores. Neste sentido, o terceiro artigo é uma contribuição para sintetizar o conhecimento local da cultura, na forma de uma ferramenta de cálculo do Fator C para a cultura. A ferramenta permite mais de 100 milhões de combinações e está em ambiente acessível e com interface simplificada (Excel). Os valores obtidos pela ferramenta são comparáveis aos desenvolvidos em campo. A amplitude máxima e mínima (0.5922 a 0.0351) observada reafirma a importância do conhecimento completo das condições de manejo da área de estudo para sua modelagem. A ferramenta é gratuita e está disponível para pesquisadores. / The pressure for increased agricultural production, either by opening new areas or by increasing productivity, has a direct impact in the soil use and conservation. Sugarcane, because it is a hybrid food and energy crop, has great strategic relevance and its production system closely linked to agroindustry. Its production system, therefore, has direct pressure for greater efficiency (industry), but also for more environmentally sustainable mechanisms (society). The first article presented was a systematization of legal regulation and scientific production in the area of soil conservation in Brazil and a comparative analysis of both elements: regulation and science. The Brazilian legal framework on soil conservation recognizes its importance, but presents few effective practical tools. There are policies of economic incentives for production at the federal level and regulations are observed to penalize damages to the soil, only at the state level (4 states). Another 4 states provide PSA systems. In general, the decision to conserve the soil is private, not being directed or induced by a regulation (with exceptions). Scientific production has a predominantly private approach, contributing with solutions and understanding of the internal impacts to the agricultural system. Studies that address the erosion process externalities, or that have the understanding of soil conservation as an environmental service, are less numerous when compared to the private approach studies. The establishment of standardization that contemplates the basic principles of environmental law (precaution, responsibility and polluter-payer) and the different instruments (command and control and economic incentives) is a promising way to regulate the use of the soil in a sustainable way. A scientific production derived from lines of research that contemplate the externalities of the erosive process can contribute to the establishment of these norms in a clearer, viable and effective way. The importance of models for the study of erosion comes from the difficulty of assembling soil loss measurement experiments in the field. C-Factor (RUSLE) brings together the coverage and management of crops. Considering the variability of sugarcane management, the second chapter compiled and analyzed works that generated or quoted the value of C. 39 scientific works, with values ranging from 0.0012 to 0.5800 were survey. This interval results in a variation of more than 480 times in the final values of soil loss. A large gap of C-Factor values for various management conditions is observed, as well as the lack of clarity and criteria in the use of values by modelers and researchers. In this sense, the third article is a contribution to synthesize local knowledge of culture, in the form of a tool for calculating C-Factor for culture. The tool allows more than 100 million combinations and is in an accessible environment with a simplified interface (Excel). The values obtained by the tool are comparable to those developed in the field. The maximum and minimum amplitude (0.5922 to 0.0351) observed reaffirms the importance of the complete knowledge of the management conditions of the study area for its modeling. The tool is free and available to researchers.
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A importância da reserva legal na propriedade ruralCampolim, Juliana de La Rua 23 May 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Rosina Valeria Lanzellotti Mattiussi Teixeira (rosina.teixeira@unisantos.br) on 2015-05-27T14:19:15Z
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Juliana de La Rua Campolim.pdf: 625117 bytes, checksum: d520b9d8c19c30b8bbe47b830fc74121 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-27T14:19:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012-05-23 / This study treats the Legal Reserve as one of the most important components for the preservation of natural resources in Brazil. Along with the Environmental Law, the
Legal Reserve - in order to fulfill the Property Social Role ¿ allows rural landowners
to make good use of natural resources and still preserve the environment in a rational way, besides providing shelter for the native flora and fauna of the region where it is located. Among important legal and environmental functions to the efficiency of environmental preservation, the lack of incentives ¿ which benefit rural producers from voluntarily establishing the institution of Legal Reserve ¿ is one of the factors that prevent an environmental reserve from existing in the majority of the rural properties within the national territory. Thus, it is essential that producers and people in general realize the importance of the Legal Reserve in rural properties, where the natural resources are preserved for present and future generations of Brazil. / Este estudo trata a Reserva Legal como um dos componentes mais importantes
para a preservação dos recursos naturais de nosso país. Engajada ao Direito
Ambiental, para cumprir com a função Social da Propriedade, a Reserva Legal
permite que o proprietário rural usufrua dos recursos ali presentes e ainda preserve
o meio ambiente de forma racional ¿ além de proporcionar abrigo para a flora e
fauna nativa da região em que a mesma se encontra. Em meio a funções ambientais
e jurídicas importantes para que a preservação do meio ambiente seja eficaz, a falta
de incentivos que beneficiem o produtor rural para implantar, de maneira voluntária,
a instituição da Reserva Legal é um dos fatores que impedem atualmente que haja
uma reserva ambiental na maioria das propriedades rurais existentes no território
nacional. Desta forma, é imprescindível que os produtores e as pessoas em geral
percebam a importância da Reserva Legal na propriedade rural, onde os recursos
naturais sejam preservados para as gerações presente e futura de nosso país.
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The War on Plastics and Other Environmental Damages: An Analysis of Innovative Environmental PoliciesStrong, Rebecca 01 January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines the environmental damages done by humans, such as plastic pollution, harmful energy production, and habitat destruction, and the things we are doing to correct them. It analyzes the costs and benefits government policies such as the ban of plastic products, along with creative innovations such as a sea vacuum and a cannon that shoots fish. Are we doing enough to heal the damage we have caused? Furthermore, can we change our behaviors to prevent more damage in the future?
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The socio-economic impact of Modikwa Platinum Mine on the Maandagshoek Community with reference to the applicable mining law frameworkRamushu, Mahlatse Rosinah January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M. Phil.(Environmental law and management))--University of Limpopo, 2009
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A critical analysis of the right to clean environment in terms of the South African ConstitutionMdhluli, P. N. January 2012 (has links)
Thesis (LLM. (Development and Management Law)) -- University of Limpopo, 2012 / This study focuses on the right of “everyone to have access to an environment that is
not harmful to their health or well-being; and to have the environment protected, for the
benefit of present and future generations, through reasonable legislative and other
measures that prevent pollution and ecological degradation, promote conservation and
secure ecologically sustainable development and use of natural resources while
promoting justifiable economic and social development”. This study discusses the
government policies, domestic legislations and international law.
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Hårvårdsverksamheter ur ett miljö- och hälsoskyddsperspektiv : Kartläggning av frisörer i Danderyd och Vaxholm och utarbetande av checklista för inspektionerWelander, Mattias January 2009 (has links)
<p>Hair care is a hygienic treatment and is supervised by the Local Environment and Public Health Committee in the municipality. According to the Swedish Environmental Code, hairdressers as all practitioners are required to take measurements to protect the environment and public health. In hygienic treatments hazards may arise from inadequate hygiene practice which spread infection. Hazards may also arise from the use of hair care products such as permanent wave solutions, bleaches and hair dyes. Some hair dye components are known to cause contact allergy, mostly in hair dressers who are exposed professionally but also in some cases in consumers. Bleaches increase the risk of occupational asthma in hairdressers. Some studies have shown an increased risk of cancer in hairdressers and possibly also in consumers. The use of cosmetic and hygienic products also affects the environment. Some components, e.g. surfactants, are hazardous to aquatic organisms, even though the contribution from hair care products is relatively small. Some hairdressers perform ear piercing. All activities that penetrate the skin involve a risk of infection. There is also a risk of developing a nickel allergy if the earrings are not nickel free. In Sweden, due to recently changed legislation, hairdressers no longer need to notify the Local Environment and Public Health Committee before starting a practice. The changes also mean that the rules about documentation of the measurements practitioners need to take to protect public health are less clear. The changes have made the supervision of hairdressers harder for the Local Environment and Public Health Committee.</p>
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Combating Desertification in Tigray, Ethiopia : Field study on the implementation of the UNCCD in the rural region of TigrayAsgedom, Aster January 2007 (has links)
<p>In this study a field study on the implementation of the United Nations Convention on Combating Desertification (UNCCD) in Tigray, Ethiopia has been carried out. The objective of this thesis is to study in general the implementa-tion of the UNCCD in Ethiopia. This thesis consequently focuses on how these issues are executed in practice at different levels, thus national, regional, district and community levels. However the focus is on some of the highly prioritised action programs that are presumed to facilitate the implementation of the UNCCD, which are the Action Programs for promoting awareness and participation, Action programs to improve institutional organisation and ca-pacity as well as Action program for empowerment of women. These action programs are studied in how they are presented at the National Action Plan (NAP) and Regional Action Plan (RAP) as well as how they are executed at different levels, i.e. at the Federal, Regional, district and Community levels. For this purpose the region of Tigray is chosen.</p><p>The result of this study shows that the vast majority of the respondents in the study areas indicated an awareness of desertification in regard to land degradation. The implementation of NAP at this stage, hasn’t reach all the regions around the country however, three regions in Ethiopia, thus the Afar, Tigray and Amhara regions have been chosen as pilot projects in attempt to implement the NAP at regional level and preparation are made to implement the con-vention at different community levels. Officially these regions have been chosen to launch pilot projects since they are situated in the dryland areas and they match the definition of the UNCCD for severely affected areas. At the re-gional level several pilot projects mainly conservation activities that involved the community members are launched in different parts of Tigray. Many opportunities to increase awareness of the land degradation and empower people are created in order to combat desertification, however the success of these activities varies from district to district and community to community and is dependent on the authorities’ intention, ambition, determination and interest as well as the relation they posses with the community members in the society.</p>
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Human Rights and Sustainable Development Law : Sustainabale Development Law :The Path to Sustainable PeaceMekonin, Abere January 2010 (has links)
This paper considers the fast changing developments and changes in relation to sustainable development law with its three pillars, and the needs of international development. The focus of the analysis is on the connection between international economic, international social and international environmental law which constitute sustainable development law at their intersection point, and will show how they can be the paths to sustainable peace. As sustainable development law is emerging as international concern, the qualitative approach of this paper will show its pillars separately and their connection under different conditions. This paper also demonstrates that this approach is gaining ground in the literature, and it contends that it is a more appropriate way of addressing the problems of economic, social and environmental. In support of this argument, the paper looks initially how sustainable development law fits to be the path to sustainable peace within the contemporary world which is full of economic, social and environmental conflicts. Secondly, it provides a theoretical framework how sustainable development law with its pillars can lead the world to sustainable peace. Thirdly, the three pillars, (-international economic law, international social law and international environmental law-), will be elaborated in relation to their intersection and sustainable development law.
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