Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bioquality."" "subject:"coequality.""
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Lyčių lygybės politikos formavimas ir įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje (Socialinių inovacijų fondo projekto atvejis) / Formation and iplementation of gender equality policy in Lithuania (project case study, Social innovation fund)Lilaitė, Anželika 26 June 2008 (has links)
Lyčių lygių galimybių politika – atskira valstybės vykdomos politikos sritis, reguliuojanti moterų ir vyrų lygybės principo efektyvų įgyvendinimą įvairiose visuomenės gyvenimo srityse. Jos turinį sudaro teisinė principo reglamentacija, programos bei specialios priemonės, kuriomis siekiama sudaryti vienodas galimybes moterims ir vyrams dalyvauti visose visuomenės gyvenimo srityse
Da rbo tikslas buvo išanalizuoti moterų ir vyrų lygių galimybių politikos formavimą ir įgyvendinimą Lietuvoje, remiantis Socialinių inovacijų fondo projekto atveju. Šio išsikelto tikslo buvo siekiama per pagrindinių tarptautinių bei Lietuvos teisės akt��, susijusių su lyčių lygybe nagrinėjimą, LR Vyriausybės ir politinių partijų programų, Valstybinės moterų ir vyrų lygių galimybių 2003-2004 ir 2005 – 2009 m. programų analizę, pagrindinių veikėjų, formuojančių ir įgyvendinančių lyčių lygybės politiką Lietuvoje, aprašymą. Siekiant geriau įsigilinti į analizuojamą problemą ir norint atskleisti praktinius efektyvumo aspektus lyčių lygybės srityje Lietuvoje, darbe taip pat naudojamas atvejo analizės metodas - Socialinių inovacijų fondo projekto „Moterų ir vyrų lygių galimybių įgyvendinimas užimtumo srityje - priemonės, praktika, pokyčiai“, remiamo Europos Sąjungos, analizė. Taip pat buvo atlikti pusiau struktūruoti interviu su šio projekto koordinatore, Socialinių inovacijų fondo direktore Liudmila Mecajeva bei projekto lektorėmis: sociologe Audrone Kisieliene ir LR Lygių galimybių kontrolieriaus tarnybos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Gender equality policy is a part of Government executive policy, which regulates effective implementation of women and men equal principle in various spheres of life. The purport of it comprises of legally regulated principle, programmes and special means, by which women and men equal opportunities of participation in all spheres of life is being formed and ensured.
The main aim of the thesis was to analyse the formation and implementation of gender equality policy in Lithuania, using Social innovation fund‘s project case study. To achieve this purpose the analysis of main international and Lithuanian laws on gender equality, programme of the government of the Republic of Lithuania, programmes of political parties, National programmes for gender equality of women and men year 2003-2004 and year 2005 – 2009 has been done, as well as description of main characters (institutions), that form and implement gender equality policy in Lithuania. In purpose to get absorbed in the analysed problem and reveal the practical aspects of efficiency in gender equality sphere in Lithuania, there was used Social Innovation Fund‘s project case study analysis. There were made interviews with Liudmila Mecajeva, a director of Social Innovation Fund and a coordinator of the project, also lecturers of the project: Audrone Kisieliene, a sociologist, and Laima Vengale, a lawyer and an advisor at the Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman of Lithuania.
The objective of the analysed project is to... [to full text]
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Responding to membership in a disadvantaged group : from acceptance to collective protestWright, Stephen C. January 1988 (has links)
No description available.
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Kommunal rekrytering i praktiken- platsannonsens betydelse vid tjänstetillsättningsärendenScott, Mathilda January 2014 (has links)
This Paper examine how a municipality hire employees and in what way they use relevantlegislation in the recruitment process. The purpose of this paper is to clarify one specific municipality and their recruitment process, where the selection of the candidates is in focus of the process. The premiss is that municipalities can hire whoever they want, although some legislation needs to be considered. The principle of objectivity, the precedence and prohibition against discrimination are some restrictions municipalities must be aware of and not contravene.Further on candidates have an opportunity to require probation of the legality if they experience that mistakes have been made with the recuritment. However, only members of the municipality can emphasise this request. The municipalities job advertisements conformation and demands will be clarified in the paper. Job advertisements has a validity regarding disputes refering to discrimination because only the advertisement can justify employers procedure and choise. The specific municipality has a prepared guideline when employers recruite as an aid when composing advertisements. The municipality operates with equality and announce this in the job advertisements. Looking over how the responsible for recruitment work with equality it seems that the plan of equality isn’t beeing used. The equality plan hasn’t been present because of the changes in legislation which can be the reason why the person who is responsible for recuritment doesn’t know how to reach equality in workplace. Further on the paper ascertaine that the guidelines regarding recruitment is not being used as they should. Employers responsible and preparing job advertisements do not always persue and analyze the requisites like wanted. Since legislation regarding a process in recuritment doesn’t exist I call for clearer guidelines which can helpthe municipality to work alike in all employments. / Uppsatsen utreder hur en kommun går tillväga när en nyanställning sker, hur de resonerar ochbeaktar gällande lagstiftning. Syftet med uppsatsen är därmed att undersöka en specifik kommuns rekryteringsprocess, främst avseende rekryteringsansvarigas urval. Utgångspunkten är att kommuner har möjlighet att fritt anställa den de vill, dock måste viss lagstiftning beaktas. Objektivitetsprincipen, företrädesrätten och förbud mot diskriminering är begränsningar som kommuner inte får handla i strid med vid rekryteringsförfaranden. Vidare har sökande kandidater möjlighet att begära laglighetsprövning om hen anser att fel har begåtts vid anställningsbeslut från kommunens sida. Dock tillfaller endast kommunmedlemmar denna rätt. Studien berör hur platsannonser är utformade och vilka krav kommunen ställt i sina annonser. Platsannonsers värde kan spela väsentlig roll vid diskrimineringstvister eller laglighetsprövning eftersom detta dokument förklarar arbetsgivarens tillvägagångssätt och anledning till beslut. Kommunen som bistått mig med uppgifter har sedan tidigare rekryteringsriktlinjer utformade som ska vara en hjälp för rekryteringsansvariga vid författandet av platsannonser. Kommunen arbetar även med jämställdhetsfrågan och tydliggör detta i sina platsannonser. Vid närmare granskning verkar inte rekryteringsansvariga använda jämställdhetsplanen till grund vid rekrytering. Jämställdhetsplanen har förvisso inte varit aktuell att använda då lagstiftning i handlingsplanen förändrats, vilket kan ha medfört att rekryteringsansvariga inte vet vilket tillvägagångssätt som ska användas för att uppnå jämn könsfördelning på arbetsplatsen. Vidare konstaterar studien att rekryteringsriktlinjerna inte följs i den mån som skulle behövas. Rekryteringsansvariga upprättar platsannonser utan att närmare granska och analysera vilka krav som eftersöks. Eftersom lagstiftningen inte informerar rekryteringsansvariga hur rekryteringsprocessen ska förlöpa efterlyser uppsatsen tydligare rekryteringsriktlinjer vilket skulle kunna leda till att kommunen som helhet arbetar likadantvid alla tjänstetillsättningsärenden.
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The role of government and the constitutional protection of equality and freedom of expression in the United States and CanadaGrayson, James Warren 11 1900 (has links)
Canada and the United States are similar in many respects,
and both protect individual rights at a constitutional level.
However, the Supreme Court of Canada and the United States
Supreme Court have developed alternative conceptions of the
constitutional protection of freedom of expression and equality.
This thesis describes these differences and attempts to explain
the reasons for their development.
Under the Fourteenth Amendment, the U.S. Supreme Court
merely requires that governmental actors refrain from overt
discrimination on the basis of an objectionable ground. Thus,
the Court has created numerous doctrines to limit equality to
this definition, including color-blindness, intentional
discrimination, and multiple levels of review. Each of these
concepts has contributed to the application of formal equality by
restricting governmental attempts, such as affirmative action, to
alleviate social inequality. In addition, the Court's
application of content neutrality to freedom of expression cases
has restricted attempts to promote equality through legislation
restricting hate speech and pornography.
By contrast, the Supreme Court of Canada has interpreted the
protection of equality in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to
respond to the actual social consequences of legislation. Rather
than limiting the Charter to intentional discrimination, the
Court will consider governmental actions which have the effect of
creating or encouraging inequality. Similarly, governmental
restrictions on hate speech and pornography have been upheld by
the Supreme Court of Canada as necessary for the protection of
equality. For the Supreme Court of Canada, equality has a social
These differences suggest an alternative role of government
in the rights sphere in Canada and the United States. The United
States Supreme Court has developed a rights interpretation which
excludes much significant governmental action, whether positive
or negative. The Court has incorporated the Bill of Rights into
the Fourteenth Amendment and, in doing so, has expanded
individual rights at the expense of state power in the promotion
of equality. The lack of such a development in Canada has
resulted in a more substantial role for social legislation, while
still protecting against governmental overreaching through the
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Nedarbas ir užimtumas Lietuvoje: lyčių lygių galimybių aspektas / Uneployment and labor activity in Lithuania: gender equality approach uneployment and labor activity in LithuaniaKiaušienė, Laima 04 January 2007 (has links)
Pasirinkta tema – “Nedarbas ir užimtumas Lietuvoje: lyčių lygių galimybių aspektas”. Vienas svarbiausių šiuolaikinių visuomenių raidos bruožų yra esminiai moterų socialinių vaidmenų pokyčiai – per pastaruosius keturiasdešimt-penkiasdešimt metų jos aktyviai įsitraukė į darbo rinką, švietimą, politiką ir kitas visuomenės gyvenimo sferas. Tačiau tiek ES valstybėse, tiek ir kitose išsivysčiusiose šalyse moterų ir vyrų padėties skirtumai tebėra gana ryškūs, nors pagal įstatymus jie turi lygias teises. Šiandieninė moters situacija šeimoje yra dvilypė: nepaisant to, kad dažniausiai jos yra lygiavertės partnerės, priimant sprendimus, tvarkant biudžetą ir pan., jos tuo pačiu yra ir neapmokama darbo jėga namų ūkyje, visų šeimos narių aptarnautojos ir kasdieninių buitinių poreikių tenkintojos. Būtent nelygus pasidalijimas namų ruošos darbais bene labiausiai atspindi patriarchalines mūsų visuomenės nuostatas, kurių nepakeitė penkiasdešimt aktyvaus moterų dalyvavimo ekonominiame Lietuvos gyvenime metų. / Transformation in social process determined changes of women status. In recent decades new opportunities have opened to women and the gender roles of women have changed greatly. These changes led to changes in the attitudes of women about work which resulted in women becoming more career and education oriented. Today's women are actively participated in economic, political and education life. Although in EU and other developed countries laws make men and women legally equal in their rights changes between men and women are visible.
Despite of certain adaptation of society to social changes, it has still remained high degree of traditionality. For instance, although nowadays a role of a woman as an economic provider, decision maker had been significantly enforced, the role of a caretaker in a family still remains to be a prerogative of a woman. As part of the historical process in the development of a patriarchal system, roles and behavior deemed appropriate to the sexes are expressed in values, customs, laws, social roles. Differences between men and women in family jobs share are still showing patriarchy, or the establishment and practice of male dominance over women.
While Lithuania had made progress by passing new legislation and creating mechanisms for their implementation, gender equality had not been achieved yet in all spheres. In this thesis was analysed employers approach to the gender equality in labor force in Anyksciai area with the aim to show the situation... [to full text]
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Use of secondary preventive drugs after strokeSjölander, Maria January 2013 (has links)
Background Stroke is a serious condition that can have significant impact on an individual’s health and is a significant burden on public health and public finances. Secondary preventive drug treatment after stroke is important for decreasing the risk of recurrent strokes. Non-adherence to drug treatment hampers the treatment effect, especially in long-term preventive treatments. The aim of this thesis was to study the use of secondary preventive drugs after stroke among Swedish stroke patients in terms of inequalities in implementation in clinical practice and patient adherence to treatment over time. Methods Riks-Stroke, the Swedish stroke register, was used to sample stroke patients and as a source of information on background characteristics and medical and health care-related information including information on prescribed preventive drugs. The patients that were included had a stroke between 2004 and 2012. Individual patient data on prescriptions filled in Swedish pharmacies were retrieved from the Swedish Prescribed Drug Register and used to estimate patient adherence to drug treatment. Data on education, income, and country of birth were included from the LISA database at Statistics Sweden. A questionnaire survey was used to collect information about patients’ perceptions about stroke, beliefs about medicines, and self-reported adherence. Results Results showed that a larger proportion of men than women were prescribed statins and warfarin after stroke. There was also a social stratification in the prescribing of statins. Patients with higher income and a higher level of education were more likely to be prescribed a statin compared to patients with low income and low level of education. Statins were also more often prescribed to patients born in Nordic countries, Europe, or outside of Europe compared to patients born in Sweden. Primary non-adherence (not continuing treatment at all within 4 months of discharge from hospital) was low for preventive drug treatment after stroke. Data on filled prescriptions, however, indicated that the proportion of patients who continued to use the drugs declined during the first 2 years after stroke. For most drugs, refill adherence in drug treatment was associated with female sex, good self-rated health, and living in institutions and (for antihypertensive drugs and statins) having used the drug before the stroke. For statins and warfarin, a first-ever stroke was also associated with continuous drug use. Self-reported adherence 3 months after stroke also showed associations with patients’ personal beliefs about medicines; non-adherent patients scored higher on negative beliefs and lower on positive beliefs about medicines. Conclusion Inequalities between men and women and between different socioeconomic groups were found in the prescribing of secondary preventive drugs after stroke. Only a small proportion of Swedish stroke patients did not continue treatment after discharge from hospital, but the proportion of non-adherent patients increased over time. Poor adherence to preventive drug treatment after stroke is a public health problem, and improving adherence to drug treatment requires consideration of patients’ personal beliefs and perceptions about drugs.
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Women in the transformational democratic society of CroatiaJelinic, Gordana 15 January 2010 (has links)
This thesis investigates how women in a transformational, post-conflict country perceive equality between women and men. Specifically, the thesis examines whether there is a need to anticipate, analyze, manage and resolve potential conflict issues perceived by women in Croatia towards increased gender equality in the course of the state's transformation towards full democracy. Through guided interviews, women in Croatia discussed whether the status of their society could be measured, in part, by the representation of women in public, political, and economic spheres. The thesis is guided by the theoretical assumption that gender equality and the political and socio-economic development of Croatia are interrelated; therefore, the contributions women could make in the transformational democratic society of Croatia may be crucial for its successful development towards democracy. This qualitative study offers awareness and insights on women‟s perceptions of gender equality issues experienced in Croatia.
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A Scheme of International Distributive Justice: Exploring the Roles of State Sovereignty, Freedom, and LuckFurubayashi, Reid 01 January 2015 (has links)
Presented here is a critical analysis of the administration, measurement, and application of justice on an international scale. To develop a general framework through which to analyze an international theory of justice, I will start by laying out the differences between the cosmopolitan conception of justice and Thomas Nagel’s political conception of justice. I will offer my own hybrid account that designates nation-states, rather than individuals, as the primary actors of justice. An examination of how justice is measured is necessary for conceptualizing relevant compensation systems and intervention schemes. I investigate justice as measured by Ronald Dworkin’s equality of resources and justice as measured by Amartya Sen’s capability approach, both of which differ in their treatment of non-democratic and corrupt nation-states. I advocate the expansion of political freedoms and a compensation scheme based on the use of natural resources to provide a system of international justice that encourages the preservation of native tradition and respects the nature of cultural difference.
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Jämställdhetsplaner : Arbetslivets tysta arbeteKoppetsch Schröder, Filip January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine how gender equality can be used in the workplace, its possible effects, and what collaboration can contribute to the subject of gender equality. A combination of legal sociological and legal dogmatic methodology has been used to examine the EU and Swedish law, how equality should be approached and what previous studies have concluded. An interview has been conducted to provide a clearer picture of how gender equality appears in practice, in the modern workplace. An equality plan should be conducted every three years and applies to employers who are responsible for more than 25 employees. The manual should include a description of the measures considered necessary in the workplace in order to promote gender equality. How an equality plan should be developed is not specifically outlined in the current law, and thus this is left up to the employer to determine. The equality plan should be drawn up in collaboration with the employees, and usually in the presence of their union representatives. According to current studies the general workforce has seen an increase in the number of gender equality plans carried out, since the Equality Act was established, however few correctional measures are implemented. It has also proven difficult for employers to see any immediate effects of implementing these measures. One of the reasons for this may be that employers do not need to act on the measures outlined in their equality plans, but solely identify the measures deemed necessary. Similarly, studies and the interview conducted revealed that cooperation regarding gender equality in many cases is limited. A new investigation has suggested a more significant change in discrimination law, whereby the equality plan is replaced with systematic work on active measures. This systematic work seeks to clarify the legislation and make equality work a more liquid process that is continually evaluated and improved upon. Furthermore this approach aims to make active participation in equality promotion an obligation in the workplace.
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The outside within : belonging, fairness and exclusion in north ManchesterSmith, Katherine January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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