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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A policy of plunder: the development and normalisation of neo-patrimonialism in Equatorial Guinea

Foot, Anne 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Equatorial Guinea has, since the mid-1990s, been an oil-rich state. With the highest GDP per capita it should be a continental leader in terms of development. Instead, it ranks in one of the worst positions on the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) Human Development Index (HDI). This study employs the theory of neopatrimonialism to explain why such a discrepancy in these development indicators is evident. As a result of examining the post-independence regimes in Equatorial Guinea through the theoretical lens of neo-patrimonialism it is possible to conclude that the country is afflicted by a governance curse, rather than the more narrowly defined ‘resource curse’ that has become the central explanation of the situation in the country since the discovery of oil favoured by the existing literature on the subject. Instead, this study highlights the fact that the neo-patrimonial nature of the regime in Equatorial Guinea has developed steadily over the years since independence was granted by Spain in 1968, and indeed, the seeds of this system were in fact evident during Spanish colonial control. Whilst the existing literature has focused on the role of oil in explaining the dire state that Equatorial Guinea finds itself in, this study argues that there are other central factors that need to be examined. These include: the Spanish colonial legacy that led the way for such a system to take root; the role of the first post-independence president, Macías Nguema (1968-1979) and; the regime of Obiang Nguema (1979- present). By looking at these factors in addition to the role of oil it is possible to conclude that the neo-patrimonial system in place in Equatorial Guinea has much deeper roots than the existing literature acknowledges. It is vital to examine these deeper roots in order to discover an understanding of and effective solution to the current situation. Moreover, through examining the central features and operations of the ‘predatory’ neo-patrimonial regime in Equatorial Guinea, most notably the profligate spending and evident capital flight, it is possible to acknowledge the international nature of the problem: a factor that has heretofore been neglected in the literature. A greater focus on this issue is necessary in order to understand why the regime is sustained and what prospects there can be for future regime change. The outcomes of the study suggest that a ‘predatory’ neo-patrimonial regime is the central explanation for how the political sphere operates in Equatorial Guinea. This means that there can be no distinction made between the central features of the state and the personal property of those that rule it. It is a classic, modern-day example of ‘L’État c’est moi’. As such, the Nguema family have since independence treated the state resources as their own private property to do with as they wish. This means that there has been no attention paid to the development of Equatorial Guinea as it is not in the interests of the ruling elites to do so. Instead, they utilise state resources for their own self-enrichment. Such behaviour accounts for why despite having the highest GDP per capita on the African continent, Equatorial Guinea has such a low rank in the UNDP Human Development Index. It can therefore be concluded that Equatorial Guinea is affected by a governance curse that has decimated the state since independence, rather than the popularised theory of a ‘resource curse’ which has been used in explanations since the discovery of oil in the mid-1990s. iii / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ekwatoriaal-Guinee is reeds sedert die middel negentigerjare ’n olieryke staat. Met die hoogste BBP per capita behoort dit die leier op die vasteland te wees wat ontwikkeling betref. Dit beklee egter een van die laagste plekke op die menslike ontwikkelingsindeks (HDI) van die Verenigde Nasies se Ontwikkelingsprogram (UNDP). In hierdie studie is die teorie van neopatrimonialisme gebruik in ’n poging om die teenstrydigheid in hierdie ontwikkelingsaanwysers te verklaar. Op grond van ’n ondersoek van die regimes na onafhanklikheid in Ekwatoriaal- Guinee deur die teoretiese lens van neopatrimonialisme kan die gevolgtrekking gemaak word dat die land onder ’n regeringsvloek gebuk gaan, eerder as die eng gedefinieerde ‘hulpbronvloek’ wat die vernaamste verklaring geword het vir die situasie in die land sedert die ontdekking van olie, soos in die huidige literatuur oor die onderwerp aangevoer word. Hierdie studie beklemtoon hierteenoor die feit dat die neopatrimoniale aard van die regime in Ekwatoriaal-Guinee met verloop van tyd ontwikkel het sedert Spanje die land in 1968 onafhanklik verklaar het. Die sade van hierdie stelsel was inderwaarheid reeds sigbaar tydens Spaanse koloniale beheer. Waar die bestaande literatuur fokus op die rol van olie in die verklaring van die nypende toestand waarin Ekwatoriaal-Guinee verkeer, word in hierdie studie aangevoer dat ander kernfaktore ook ondersoek moet word. Dit sluit in die Spaanse koloniale erfenis wat die weg gebaan het vir die groei van so ’n stelsel; die rol van die eerste president na onafhanklikwording, Macias Nguema (1968–1979); en die regime van Obiang Nguema (1979 – tans). Deur hierdie faktore tesame met die rol van olie in oorweging te bring, kan die gevolgtrekking gemaak word dat die neopatrimoniale stelsel in Ekwatoriaal-Guinee veel dieper wortels het as wat in die bestaande literatuur erken word. Die ondersoek van hierdie dieper wortels is noodsaaklik ten einde begrip van en doeltreffende oplossings vir die huidige situasie te verkry. Deur die ondersoek van die kernfaktore en -bedrywighede van die ‘roofsugtige’ neopatrimoniale regime in Ekwatoriaal-Guinee, vernaamlik die roekelose verkwistinge en sigbare kapitaaluitvloei, is dit moontlik om die internasionale aard van die probleem te identifiseer – ’n faktor wat tot op hede in die literatuur nagelaat is. Groter fokus op hierdie kwessie is nodig ten einde te begryp waarom die regime volgehou word en watter vooruitsigte daar is vir toekomstige regimeverandering. Die uitkomste van hierdie studie doen aan die hand dat ’n ‘roofsugtige’ neopatrimoniale regime inderwaarheid die vernaamste verklaring is vir die werking van die politieke sfeer in Ekwatoriaal-Guinee. Dit beteken dat geen onderskeid getref kan word tussen die kerneienskappe van die staat en die persoonlike eiendom van diegene in bewind nie. Dit is ’n klassieke, hedendaagse voorbeeld van ‘L’Etat c’est moi’. As sodanig hanteer die Nguema-familie sedert onafhanklikwording die staat se hulpbronne as hul eie private eiendom wat hulle na willekeur aanwend. Dit beteken dat geen aandag gegee word aan die ontwikkeling van Ekwatoriaal-Guinee nie, aangesien dit nie in die belange van die heersende elite is om dit te doen nie, en hulle staatshulpbronne vir selfverryking gebruik. Sodanige gedrag verklaar die land se lae posisie op die UNDP se HDI. Die gevolgtrekking kan dus gemaak word dat Ekwatoriaal-Guinee onder ’n staatsvloek ly, wat die staat sedert onafhanklikwording afmaai, eerder as die gewilde teorie van ’n ‘hulpbronvloek’.

Aproximaciones Literarias a la Memoria, Historia e Identidad en la Literatura Contemporánea de Guinea Ecuatorial / Literary Approaches to Questions of Memory, History, and Identity in the Contemporary Literature of Equatorial Guinea

Rodríguez, Clelia Olimpia 31 August 2011 (has links)
Esta tesis examina cómo las narrativas de María Nsué Angüe, Joaquín Mbomio Bacheng, Donato Ndongo-Bidyogo, y Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel re-escriben la historia de Guinea Ecuatorial. Los autores articulan un discurso contestatario a las construcciones sociales afincadas por el discurso homogéneo colonialista. Los análisis textuales se realizan tomando en cuenta la vigencia cultural española en el discurso político nacional inmediato a la independencia del país en 1968. Las obras cuestionan la definición de la identidad guineana con respecto a la implementación de los valores culturales, históricos, lingüísticos, religiosos, y políticos en el territorio guineano. Las indagaciones, los rechazos, las condenas, y las rupturas que se analizan las representaciones literarias son posibles mediante el acercamiento teórico de la memoria. A partir de esta interacción discursiva literaria surgen nuevas interpretaciones que permiten entender la experiencia histórica del sujeto guineano.

Aproximaciones Literarias a la Memoria, Historia e Identidad en la Literatura Contemporánea de Guinea Ecuatorial / Literary Approaches to Questions of Memory, History, and Identity in the Contemporary Literature of Equatorial Guinea

Rodríguez, Clelia Olimpia 31 August 2011 (has links)
Esta tesis examina cómo las narrativas de María Nsué Angüe, Joaquín Mbomio Bacheng, Donato Ndongo-Bidyogo, y Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel re-escriben la historia de Guinea Ecuatorial. Los autores articulan un discurso contestatario a las construcciones sociales afincadas por el discurso homogéneo colonialista. Los análisis textuales se realizan tomando en cuenta la vigencia cultural española en el discurso político nacional inmediato a la independencia del país en 1968. Las obras cuestionan la definición de la identidad guineana con respecto a la implementación de los valores culturales, históricos, lingüísticos, religiosos, y políticos en el territorio guineano. Las indagaciones, los rechazos, las condenas, y las rupturas que se analizan las representaciones literarias son posibles mediante el acercamiento teórico de la memoria. A partir de esta interacción discursiva literaria surgen nuevas interpretaciones que permiten entender la experiencia histórica del sujeto guineano.

Politiques linguistiques et multiculturalisme en République de Guinée Equatoriale de la colonisation espagnole à nos jours / Language policies and multiculturalism in Republic of Equatorial Guinea, from the spanish colonisation to nowadays

Darrigol, Adeline 28 November 2014 (has links)
La politique linguistique se présente comme un ensemble de mesures qu’adopte un État vis-à-vis d’une ou plusieurs langues parlées sur le territoire relevant de sa souveraineté, pour en modifier le corpus ou le statut. Les politiques linguistiques répondent généralement aux impératifs d’ordre idéologique, culturel, économique ou politique. En effet, les langues et le pouvoir entretiennent des liens étroits à travers la structure de la société. Historiquement, certaines transformations politiques sont à l’origine de modifications plus ou moins importantes du statut et du cadre institutionnel de la ou des langues de la société. Le cas de la République de Guinée Équatoriale de la colonisation espagnole à nos jours, en est particulièrement illustratif. Pendant la période coloniale espagnole (1858-1968), l'espagnol était la langue unique et obligatoire de l'administration, de la justice et de l'enseignement. L'Espagne a mis en oeuvre l'idéologie monolingue assimilationniste. (....). Après l'indépendance acquise en 1968, l'espagnol est devenu la langue officielle du nouvel état et l'hispanisation s'est poursuivie...(...). De 1979 à nos jours, l'Etat équato-guinéen applique une politique linguisique qui se fonde sur des enjeux culturels, économiques et géopolitiques. elle se caractérise par le renforcement de la langue espagnole, l'attribution du statut de langues officielles au français et au portugais. Par contre les langues natives ne bénéficient d'aucun statut public. (...) / The linguistic policy is a set of measures taken by a State concerning one or many languages that are spoken in the territory placed under its sovereignty, in order to change the corpus or statute. In general, linguistic policies are based on ideological, cultural, economic and political goals. In fact, languages and power are strongly linked within the structure of the society. In the history, political factors have changed the statute and institutional framework of the society languages. The case of The Republic of Equatorial Guinea from the Spanish colonization to nowadays is particularly relevant. During the spanish colonial period (1858-1968), Spain expanded its language to the detriment of local Bantu and creole languages. The use of spanish was compulsory in administration, justice, schools....(...). The colony became independent in 1968. Spanish was official language of the new State and hispanization went on....(...). From 1979 to present day, the Equato-guinéan State is enforcing a linguistic policy based on cultural, economic and geopolitical goals.The use of Spanish is reinforced, French and Portuguese became official languages. But native languages don't have any public statute....(...)

Water and Sanitation Policy in Selected Case Studies: Equatorial Guinea, Malawi, and Mauritania

Cohen, Byron 01 January 2016 (has links)
What are the policy-relevant factors that condition WASH sector performance in Sub-Saharan Africa? Close examination of three case study countries, Equatorial Guinea, Malawi, and Mauritania, reveals interesting insights. Delivery of WASH services is shaped to a large extent by the overall quality and structure of a country’s government. More specifically, having an excessive profusion of policy-making and policy-implementing actors can hinder WASH sector performance. Furthermore, governments may face strong incentives to invest more heavily in providing WASH services to urban areas over rural areas, and to invest more heavily in the water sub-sector than in the sanitation sub-sector. Adequate financing of WASH investment appears to be a necessary but not sufficient condition for performance in both the water and sanitation subsectors. Additionally, monitoring and evaluation appears to be a crucial factor in formulating and implementing effective policies. In the rural water subsector, a country’s institutional setup and technology choice can have a major impact on water source maintenance and operability.

Repensar Ekomo de María Nsué Angüe : un desafío Ecuatoguineano a la hispanidad /

Mester, Anna. January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Undergraduate honors paper--Mount Holyoke College, 2009. Program in Romance Languages and Literatures. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 102-106).

Subject Pronoun Expression in an L2-only Environment: The Case of Equatorial Guinea

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: Subject Pronoun Expression (SPE) has been extensively studied in monolingual and bilingual varieties of Spanish using the variationist framework. The goal of these studies has been to examine the linguistic and extra-linguistic factors that condition the expression and the omission of personal subject pronouns. Nonetheless, to date, there is no study of SPE in the Spanish of Equatorial Guinea, the only African country where it is an official language, and the single country where Spanish is exclusively a second language (L2). This dissertation fills this gap in the literature by accounting for SPE in Equatoguinean Spanish. The research questions guiding this study concern the rates of Subject Pronoun Expression, its conditioning factors, and universal accounts of L2 acquisition, in particular, the Interface Hypothesis (IH). The study had 30 participants from Malabo, who took part in sociolinguistic interviews. These interviews were transcribed and analyzed using the mixed effects software Rbrul. Along the lines of the literature reviewed, the linguistic factor groups studied were grammatical person and number, reference, reflexivity, verb type, and ambiguity. By the same token, the extra linguistic factors analyzed were age, sex, education, native language (L1), and speaker as a random factor. The results indicate that the Equatoguinean variety of Spanish has one of the lowest pronoun rates (19.1%), a finding that goes against the predictions of the IH. With regard to the linguistic factor groups that condition Subject Pronoun Expression, Equatoguinean Spanish shows an unorthodox ranking: grammatical person and number, ambiguity, verb class, and reference. Interestingly, the low ranking of reference gives support to the IH, which argues that L2 speakers have problems with constraints like the switch of the reference in subjects because it integrates discourse and pragmatic interfaces. The only significant extra-linguistic factor was education, whereas speakers’ L1 exerted no effect on SPE. Individual speaker was a significant random factor group, indicating that variation is great even in speakers with comparable education. In sum, this study of a unique speech community provides new information on SPE of L2 Spanish. It also contributes to the fields of language contact, language variation, and second language acquisition. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Spanish 2020

Les activités transfrontalières illicites entre le Gabon, le Cameroun et la Guinée-Equatoriale. Logiques spatiales, acteurs et enjeux / Illegal border activity between Gabon, Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea. spatial logics, actors and issues

Ndong Beka II, Poliny 09 December 2016 (has links)
Les activités transfrontalières illicites entre le Gabon, le Cameroun et la Guinée-Équatoriale sont le principal sujet abordé par cette thèse. Ces activités se définissent comme l’ensemble des activités contraires aux différentes législations nationales et internationales dont les auteurs et les impacts traversent les frontières de plusieurs États. Cette thèse est donc un questionnement sur les pratiques de contournement et de transgression de la loi à travers une analyse sur les flux illégaux de personnes et de marchandises. Pratique nouvelle au triangle frontalier Gabon/Cameroun/Guinée-Équatoriale, les activités transfrontalières illicites sont l’œuvre d’une population frontalière composée de trois acteurs distincts (population locale, gardes-frontières et transporteur terrestre) dont le point commun est d’être lié à la frontière par leur lieu de résidence et/ou d’origine et aussi par leur activité professionnelle. Mon analyse montre que la pratique des activités transfrontalières illicites obéit à deux logiques : survie économique (pour le cas de la population locale) et ascension sociale (dans le cas particulier des agents étatiques et des transporteurs terrestres). Eu égard à ces logiques, la principale hypothèse de cette thèse est que la frontière – au-delà d’être une limite interétatique et en raison des différentiels qu’elle induit – est un outil de spéculation permettant de tirer des bénéfices pécuniaires. Par conséquent, l’objectif de cette thèse est de démontrer que la transgression de la frontière permet à la population frontalière de se procurer des ressources financières afin de soit faire face à la précarité économique ou au contraire d’asseoir socialement sa notoriété. / Illegal border activity between Gabon, Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea are the main topic of this thesis. These activities are defined as all activities contrary to various national and international legislation which authors and impacts across borders of several states. This thesis is a questioning of circumvention practices and lawlessness through an analysis on the illegal flow of people and goods. new practice at the border triangle Gabon/Cameroon/Equatorial Guinea, illicit cross-border activities are the work of a border population composed of three distinct stakeholders (local population, border guards and ground transportation) in common which is to be linked to the frontier by their place of residence and/or origin and by their professional activity. My analysis shows that the practice of illegal border activity follows two logics : economic survival (for the case of the local population) and social advancement (in the case of state agents and land carriers). Given this logic, the main hypothesis of this thesis is that the boundary - beyond being an interstate limit and because it induces differential - is a speculation tool to draw pecuniary profits. Therefore, the objective of this thesis is to show that the transgression of the border allows the border population to obtain financial resources to be facing economic insecurity or otherwise socially establish its reputation.

Política colonial y organización del trabajo en la isla de Fernando Poo: 1880-1930

Sanz Casas, Gonzalo 01 January 1983 (has links)
El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es el de describir y analizar las formas de empleo del trabajo en las plantaciones coloniales de la isla de Fernando Póo entre 1880 y 1930. Dentro del relativo desconocimiento del fenómeno de la colonización española en Guinea Ecuatorial, las relaciones del trabajo en la agricultura colonial de Fernando Póo —aún siendo uno de los aspectos claves del proceso colonial— han sido y, en gran medida, siguen siendo aún un enigma para l a investigación sobre el tema. El interés por el estudio de las formas de uso y de empleo del trabajo en Fernando Póo es doble: Por una parte, como evidencia histórica que merecía ser descrita empíricamente e investigada y, por otra, como ejemplo histórico que podía ser objeto de reflexión teórica. En primer lugar, no estoy plenamente de acuerdo con aquella teoría según la cual la organización del trabajo en las sociedades colonizadas dependió fundamentalmente del modelo de colonización impuesto por la metrópoli. Esta teoría, desarrollada y sostenida por algunos autores como R.J. Hammond en sus estudios sobre la colonización portuguesa en África, al identificar ciertas prácticas coloniales con una ideología colonial "caduca" ha provocado un efecto reduccionista en el análisis de los procesos de colonización. Así, la rentabilidad económica de la colonia dependió del método colonial empleado que derivaba, en última instancia, del grado de desarrollo económico y político de la metrópoli colonizadora. De este modo, según R.J, Hammond o M. Barrat Brown, el "fracaso" de experiencias coloniales como la portuguesa (y par extensión también la española) fue el resultado de la imposición de métodos coloniales "desfasados" por unas metrópolis que presentaban un acusado atraso socioeconómico y político, en comparación a otras potencias coloniales europeas. Estos sistemas coloniales "caducos" explicaban a su vez el uso de mecanismos extraeconómicos en la obtención del trabajo indígena. La coerción física en la contratación de trabajadores y las condiciones semiesclavistas del trabajo practicadas en las colonias portuguesas de África —e imitadas por los españoles en Fernando Póo—, eran síntomas de ".inadecuadas" políticas coloniales que obstaculizaban el libre desarrollo de las leyes de la economía capitalista que, en modo alguno, precisa del uso de mecanismos coercitivos para lograr la expansión económica. En segundo lugar, menos convincente me parece la teoría desarrollada por algunos africanistas franceses como, entre otros, P.-Ph. Rey y Cl. Meillassoux en los años setenta. Según estos autores, la intervención de mecanismos extraeconómicos en la organización del trabajo en las sociedades colonizadas no fue un hecho de excepción, sino una "necesidad" del capitalismo para superar la resistencia de las sociedades no capitalistas. Así pues, la expansión del capitalismo precisó, como una exigencia histórica, del establecimiento de un "modo de producción colonial", transicional, caracterizado por la creciente intervención del aparato militar colonial y por el elevado índice de violencia física y psicológica que presidió las relaciones sociales en las sociedades colonizadas. En el apartado IV.2 de la tesis se expone una crítica más detallada de esta teoría que, al identificar el concepto de modo de producción con una determinada forma de organización del trabajo, incurre en un abusivo mecanicismo que desvirtúa la realidad del proceso colonial. La tesis central de esta investigación, sin negar las repercusiones del modelo o de la política colonial en el proceso de la colonización, aunque limitando sus efectos, intenta demostrar que los empleadores del trabajo eligen una forma u otra de uso o de empleo del trabajo, no condicionados por una fidelidad a los principios de la colonización o a una ética empresarial de tipo capitalista, sino más bien influenciadas por un conjunto de factores que van desde una determinada ideología del trabajo que adscribe, a priori, al trabajador africano en la división social del trabajo, hasta una especifica "racionalidad" subordinada al cálculo económico que, en definitiva, remiten al proceso de la formación de la sociedad colonial.

Les représentations de la femme dans "Ekomo" (1985) de Maria Nsue Angüe et "Hija de la Fortuna" (1998) de Isabel Allende. / Women representations in the books "Ekomo" (1985) by Maria Nsue Angue and "Hija de la fortuna" (1998) by Isabel Allende

Edzodzomo Ondo, Hubert 08 February 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d’examiner les représentations de la femme dans Ekomo (1985) de María Nsue Angüe et Hija de la fortuna (1998) d’Isabel Allende. Dans l’un comme dans l’autre texte, la femme est marginalisée en tant que fille, mère et épouse. Dans Ekomo, María Nsue Angüe soutient que cette situation perdure depuis la fondation des tribus fang par l’ancêtre, Afrikara. Une période durant laquelle, la femme s’illustrait tantôt par sa traîtrise, tantôt par sa sorcellerie. L’enseignement de la généalogie des tribus destiné aux jeunes hommes, conforte cette idée. Ainsi, alors que les jeunes hommes sont préparés pour dominer, les jeunes filles de leur côté, sont éduquées pour obéir et se soumettre. Une image de paria dont la femme tant dans Hija de la fortuna que dans Ekomo ne parvient que rarement à défaire. Cependant, deux événements vont accélérer la prise de conscience des femmes de cette marginalisation et favoriser leur libération. D’abord le contact de la tradition fang avec la culture occidentale et l’école en particulier et, ensuite le voyage ou l’éloignement de la femme de la famille. Chez María Nsue Angüe tout comme chez Isabel Allende, la libération de la femme suscite des interrogations tant leurs propositions paraissent inappropriées. / The aim of this thesis is to consider women representations in the books Ekomo (1985) and Hija de la fortuna, respectively written by María Nsue Angüe and Isabel Allende. In both books, women are marginalized. In Ekomo, María Nsue Angüe states that the situation has not been changing since the Fang tribe foundation by the ancestor, Afrikara. During this period women were renowned for treachery and witchcraft. The genealogical teachings given to boys, venerate the male ancestors and dishonor females. Therefore, while boys are trained to dominate and to carry out noble tasks, girls are educated to obey and to be obsequious. Women rarely manage to get rid of this ancestral and historic pariah image in Hija de la fortuna and Ekomo. Two events will accelerate women's awareness of their marginalization and will help them to get free. Firstly, the contact between the Fang tradition and the European culture and particularly school and then the journey and the estrangement of women from their family. With both María Nsue Angüe and Isabel Allende, women freedom gives rise to so many questions because their statements are inappropriate.

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