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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vectorisation d'une molécule proapoptotique TRAIL par des nanotubes de carbone (NTCs) : cible thérapeutique prometteuse du cancer / Vectorization of proapoptotic molecule TRAIL by carbon nanotubes (CNTs) : promising therapeutic target of cancer

Zakaria, Albatoul 04 June 2015 (has links)
TRAIL (TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand) est une protéine anti-tumorale capable de se lier spécifiquement aux récepteurs agonistes de mort (TRAIL-Rl ou DR4 et TRAIL-R2 ou DR5) des cellules cancéreuses et d'induire leur apoptose sans être toxique pour les cellules saines. Grâce à leurs propriétés exceptionnelles, notamment leur biocompatibilité, les nanotubes de carbone et surtout les SWCNTSs sont utilisés dans un large éventail d'applications et sont considérés très prometteurs pour révolutionner la thérapie anticancéreuse en nanomédecine. Les SWCNTSs sont connus par leur diffusion rapide dans un milieu aqueux tel que le sang, ouvrant la voie de développement de nouveaux nanovecteurs de médicaments. L'objectif principal de nos travaux de thèse a consisté à fonctionnaliser TRAIL sur des SWCNTSs pour mimer sa fonction membranaire en induisant une forte agrégation des récepteurs et déclencher l'apoptose (mort cellulaire programmée). Dans un premier temps, la fonctionnalisation des SWCNTSs avec TRAIL a été réalisée: adsorption non covalente des molécules de PSE sur les nanotubes via 1t-1t stacking, puis greffage du TRAIL au complexe SWCNTS-PSE pour former le nanovecteur (nommé NPT). Ensuite, nous avons caractérisé notre NPT par différentes méthodes (RAMAN, XPS, IR, MET, STEM ... ) afin d'estimer le taux de greffage du TRAIL sur le NPT, qui était environ de 80%. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons étudié les paramètres thermodynamiques tels que le pH et la température du NPT en comparaison avec TRAIL seul par une approche chromatographique d'affinité (CHLP). Les résultats obtenus montrent une meilleure affinité du nanovecteur par rapport à TRAIL seul avec le récepteur TRAIL-R2 immobilisé sur la colonne chromatographique. En outre, des calculs de docking ont montré également que le complexe NPT couplé aux homotrimères de TRAIL est le plus stable une fois docké au récepteur TRAIL-R2. Ainsi, nous avons montré que les interactions de type Van der Waals et des liaisons hydrogène régissent l'association NPT-DR5 pour un pH supérieur à 7,4 (comme pour TRAIL seul). Enfin, notre nanovecteur s'est avéré plus efficace que TRAIL seul dans des différents tests menés in vitro sur des plusieurs types de lignées tumorales. Le NPT a permis une augmentation du potentiel pro­apoptotique de TRAIL avec un gain de fonction apoptotique estimé entre 10-20 fois par rapport à celui obtenu avec TRAIL seul. Dans ce travail, nous fournissons ainsi une preuve de concept que les nanovecteurs basés sur la fonctionnalisation du TRAIL avec les SWCNTSs peuvent être utiles pour les futurs traitements anti-cancéreux en nanomédecine. / TRAIL (TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand) is a protein involved in immune anti-tumor surveillance. This cytokine is able to bound specifically to agonist death receptors (TRAIL-Rl or DR4 and TRAIL-R2 or DR5) of cancer cells, inducing apoptosis without being taxie to healthy cells. Thanks to their exceptional properties such as biocompatibility, carbon nanotubes and especially single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTSs) are used in a wide range of applications and are considered to be very promising for cancer therapy in nanomedicine. The SWCNTSs are known to rapidly diffuse in aqueous media such as blood, opening the way for the development of new drug nanovectors or nanocarriers. The main purpose of this work is to functionalize SWCNTSs with TRAIL to mimic the membrane function of TRAIL by inducing a strong aggregation of death receptors and then induce apoptosis. First of all, the choice of SWCNTS functionalization with TRAIL was considered the first key in this thesis: non-covalent adsorption of PSE molecules on the nanotubes via 1t-1t stacking and TRAIL was next attached to a SWCNTS-PSE to form our nanovector, called NPT. Then, the NPT was characterized by various methods (Raman, XPS, IR, TEM, STEM, ... ) in order to estimate the grafted degree of TRAIL on the NPT surface (about 80%). Secondly, we investigated the ef:fects of the thermodynamic parameters such as pH and temperature on NPT versus TRAIL by a chromatographie approach (HPLC). The results showed a better affinity for NPT compared to TRAIL alone with the TRAIL-R2 receptor immobilized on the chromatographie colurnn. In addition, docking calculations have also shown that the NPT complex coupled to TRAIL homotrimers is the most stable when docked to DR5. Thus, we have demonstrated that Van der Waals interactions and hydrogen bonds govem the NPT-DR5 association for pH > 7.4 (as for TRAIL). Finally, our TRAIL-based SWCNTSs nanovectors (NPT) proved to be more efficient than TRAIL alone towards death receptors in triggering cancer cell killing in vitro. These NPTs increased the pro-apoptotic potential of TRAIL by nearly 10 to 20-fold in different Human tumor cell lines tested including colorectal, non-small cell lung cancer, or hepatocarcinomas. We provide in this work a proof of concept that nanovectors based on SWCNTS functionalization with TRAIL may be useful for future cancer treatments in nanomedicine.

Synthèse et étude d’architectures complexes à base de poly(lactide) et de poly(2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline) pour des applications biomédicales

Bullet, Jean-Richard 12 1900 (has links)
Le traitement du cancer est l’un des plus grands défis en chimie médicinale moderne. La majorité des traitements utilisés repose sur la chimiothérapie, impliquant l’emploi de molécules bioactives cytotoxiques. Bien qu’efficaces, ces molécules présentent, pour la plupart, des désavantages notoires tels que le manque de spécificité cellulaire et une solubilité limitée en phase aqueuse. Une façon de remédier aux problèmes exposés est de solubiliser ces molécules au sein de matrices polymères. Il existe différents types de matrices qui sont : les liposomes, les micelles, les nanosphères, les nanocapsules, les dendrimères (et les polymères en étoile), et les polymères conjugués et linéaires. Dans cette thèse, nous faisons l’étude de deux matrices polymères potentielles composées de matériaux biocompatibles : le polylactide et la poly(2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline). La première partie de la thèse, est consacrée à l’étude des polyester-co-éthers portant des groupements pendants fonctionnalisables. Nous avons développé ces copolymères par polymérisation aléatoire en masse de lactones (le lactide ou la caprolactone) et différents taux d’éthers de propargyle et de glycidyle (GPE), à 120°C, en utilisant l’octanoate d’étain comme catalyseur. L’efficacité de la copolymérisation a été mise en évidence par des analyses FTIR, RMN 1H et COSY. Toutefois, L’analyse GPC a montré une diminution de la masse molaire des polymères et un élargissement de la dispersité en rapport avec l’augmentation du taux de glycidyle initial. De plus, les analyses RMN 1H ont montré que le taux de propargyl (provenant de l’éther de glycidyle) au sein du copolymère ne dépassait pas 50%. La faisabilité des modifications post-polymérisation a été évaluée en couplant le (9-azidomethyl) anthracène au chaîne de poly(ester-co-éther)s via la chimie clic CuAAC. Cette méthode s’est révélée inoffensive pour la chaîne de polyesters. Des études de cytotoxicité ont prouvé l’innocuité des poly(ester-co-éther)s. Des nanoparticules sphériques ont été préparées à partir de ces polymères et peuvent être utilisées comme nanosphères pour le transport de molécules bioactives hydrophobes. La copolymérisation des lactones avec des éthers de glycidyles s’avère être une stratégie intéressante de fonctionnalisation des chaînes des polyesters permettant la synthèse d’une large gamme de copolymères pour des applications biomédicales. Afin d’améliorer la synthèse des poly(ester-co-ether)s, nous avons proposé une approche mécanistique tenant compte des réactions de transfert de chaînes. Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, nous avons étudié un polymère en étoile composé d’un polymère thermosensible : la poly(2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline) PIPOZ. Nous avons premièrement exploré deux approches synthétiques afin d’obtenir une série d’étoiles de PIPOZ (S-PIPOZ) de structure bien définié à savoir l’approche « coupling-onto » et l’approche « core-first ». Une première série de S-PIPOZ a été réalisée directement à partir d’un coeur pentaérythrityl tétratosylés par polymérisation cationique par ouverture de cycle (CROP) de 2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline pour l’approche « core-first ». Pour l’approche « coupling-onto », une deuxième série de S-PIPOZ a été réalisée par couplage via la CuAAC entre des PIPOZ-N3 linéaire (L-PIPOZ N3) et un cœur à 4 bras portant des alcynes terminaux. Tous les S-PIPOZs obtenus ont été analysés par RMN 1H, IR, MALLS-LS, des analyses UV et par microcalorimétrie différentielle à balayage (HS-DSC). Les polymères obtenus par l’approche « core-first » ont montré une microstructure mal-définie comparé à ceux obtenus par l’approche « coupling-onto ». Suite à ces résultats, nous avons défini l’approche « coupling-onto » comme voie d’obtention des S-PIPOZ. Une explication sur la structure mal-défini des polymères obtenus par l’approche « core-first » sera développée dans cette section. Nous exposerons aussi une méthode de purification permettant l’élimination rapide et efficace des L-PIPOZ N3 qui contaminent les échantillons de S-PIPOZ faits par l’approche « coupling-onto ». Cette méthode peut être applicable à d’autres polymères thermosensibles dans une certaine gamme de température. Dans la troisième partie, nous avons étudié l’effet de l’architecture et de la composition des bras-polymères sur la température de transition de phase et les propriétés des S-PIPOZs. Afin d’étoffer notre étude nous avons synthétisé un polymère en étoile à bloc composé de PIPOZ et de poly(éthylène glycol) PEG. Cette étude a été réalisée en examinant des solutions chauffées de polymères (S-PIPOZ, S-PIPOZ-b-PEG et tous les précurseurs linéaires) par des analyses de spectrométrie d’absorption UV, HS-DSC, diffusion de la lumière LS. Nous avons évalué la présence ou l’absence de cristaux au sein d’échantillons de S-PIPOZs provenant de solutions chauffées. Cette évaluation a été réalisée par diffusion des rayons-X aux grands angles (WAXS) et par microscopie électronique à transmission (TEM) et à balayage (SEM). La présence de cristaux est néfaste pour la conception de nanomatériaux destinés à des applications biomédicales. Nous exposons aussi dans cette section une méthode basée sur l’amination réductrice permettant de fonctionnaliser les S-PIPOZ avec différents types de macromolécules. Cette thèse expose les avantages et les inconvénients (synthèses, fonctionnalisation, structures…) des PLA-co-GPE et des S-PIPOZs et constitue dans son ensemble à une première ébauche vers une conception améliorée de futurs nanomatériaux. / Treatment of cancer is one of the biggest challenges in modern medicinal chemistry. The vast majority of treatments are based on chemotherapy, involving the use of cytotoxic bioactive molecules. Although effective, most of these bioactive molecules have notorious drawbacks, such as the lack of cellular specificity and limited solubility in aqueous media. A way to address these problems is to dissolve these bioactive compounds into polymer matrices. There are different types of matrices, including liposomes, micelles, nanospheres, nanocapsules, dendrimers (and star-polymers), and conjugate and linear polymers. In this thesis, we explored two different prospective polymers that can be used as matrices. Both are composed of biocompatible materials: polylactide and poly(2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline). The first part of the thesis is dedicated to the investigation of polyester-co-ether with functionalizable pendant groups. First, we developed the polyester-co-ether by copolymerization of lactones (lactide or caprolactone) with different ratios of glycidyl propargyl ether (GPE) in the bulk at 120°C in the presence of Sn(Oct)2. The efficiency of the copolymerization was evidenced by FTIR, 1H and COSY NMR analyses. However, GPC analyses displayed a decrease of molecular weights and a broadening of the molecular weight dispersity with increasing of the epoxide molar ratio in the feed. 1H NMR analyses showed that the propargyl content from the epoxide does not exceed 50%. The feasibility of post-polymerization functionalization was evaluated by coupling anthracene to the poly(ester-co-ether)s through copper-catalyzed alkyne-azide cycloaddition (CuAAC). The polyester chain was found to support this reaction. Toxicity studies showed that the poly(ester-co-ether) was non-toxic. Spherical nanoparticles were prepared from these polymers. They can be suitable nanospheres for drug delivery. The copolymerization of lactone with glycidyl ether is an interesting approach to functionalize the PLA (or poly(ester)) main chain. It is also a powerful and straightforward strategy to synthesize a large array of functionalized polymers for biomedical applications. In order to improve the synthesis of the polyester-co-ether, we investigated the copolymerization mechanism of the chain transfer reactions leading to the chain reductions and we suggested a mechanistic explanation. In the second part of this thesis, we focused on developing star-polymers from the thermosensitive (2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline) polymer. In order to prepare a well-defined set of star-poly(2-isopropyl-2oxazoline) S-PIPOZs, we explored two different synthetic approaches: the “coupling-onto” and the “core-first” approach. Two sets of S-PIPOZs were prepared by these approaches. For the “core-first” approach, a set of S-PIPOZ was prepared by direct cationic ring opening polymerization (CROP) from a tetra tosylate-functionnalized pentaerythrityl core. For the “coupling-onto approach”, the S-PIPOZs were prepared by ligation between L-PIPOZ-N3 and a 4-arm core with an alkyne group via CuAAC. The prepared polymers were analysed by 1H NMR, IR, Multi Angles Laser Light Scattering - Gel Permeation Chromatography (MALLS-GPC), UV absorption spectroscopy and High Sensitive Differential Scanning Microcalorimetry (HS-DSC). Polymers obtained by the “core-first” approach shows ill-defined microstructure compared to those obtained by the “coupling-onto” approach. In light of these encouraging results, the “coupling-onto” method was pursued for preparing S-PIPOZ. An explanation on the ill-defined structure will be provided within this thesis. Moreover, we developed a purification method for the fast and efficient removal of free PIPOZs, which otherwise contaminate the star-PIPOZ samples that are prepared by the coupling-onto approach. This method is applicable to other thermosensitive polymers within a certain range of temperature. In the third part, we focused on the effect of the architecture and composition of the S-PIPOZs on the phase transition temperature of the polymer. For this, we synthesized a hetero-star block copolymer composed of PIPOZ and poly(ethylene glycol) PEG. This study was carried out by examining the aqueous polymer solution (the linear precursors, S-PIPOZs, S-PIPOZ-b-PEG) upon heating via UV spectroscopy, HS-DSC and light scattering. We also assessed the temperature-induced crystallinity of the Star-PIPOZs by Transmission (TEM) and Scanning (SEM) Electron Microscopy, WAXS. This is important for biomedical nanodevices. We also provided a straightforward method, based on aminative reduction, to functionalize the S-PIPOZ with different macromolecules. This thesis discusses the advantages and the drawbacks related to the synthesis, functionalization, structures of PLA-co-GPE and the star-PIPOZs. Overall, this represents a pioneering study for improving the design of prospective nanodevices.

Efeitos da inibição crônica das óxido nítrico sintases na mecânica de tecido periférico, no recrutamento eosinofílico e no remodelamento da matriz extracelular induzida por inflamação crônica pulmonar / Effects of chronic nitric oxide inhibition on lung tissue mechanics, eosinophilic and extracellular matrix responses induced by chronic pulmonary inflammation

Silva, Patricia Angeli da 25 September 2008 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A importância da resposta mecânica do parênquima pulmonar na fisiopatologia da asma tem sido recentemente reconhecida. O óxido nítrico é um mediador que controla o tônus muscular liso das vias aéreas, porém este efeito no parênquima pulmonar periférico ainda não foi previamente investigado. Nossa hipótese é que a inibição crônica das óxido nítrico sintases por meio do tratamento com L-NAME (falso substrato para todas as óxido nítrico sintases) pode modular a mecânica do parênquima pulmonar, o recrutamento eosinofílico e o remodelamento da matriz extracelular em modelo de inflamação alérgica crônica pulmonar em cobaias. MÉTODOS: Os animais foram expostos a sete inalações com soro fisiológico ou com ovoalbumina em doses crescentes (1~5mg/ml - 4 semanas) e tratadas ou não com L-NAME (60 mg/kg/ por dia /por animal) na água de beber. Setenta e duas horas após a sétima inalação os animais foram anestesiados, exsanguinados e a mecânica oscilatória do parênquima pulmonar foi medida na condição pré e após desafio (0.1%). Utilizando a técnica de morfometria foram avaliadas a densidade de eosinófilos, o número de células nNOS e iNOS positivas, a densidade de actina, das fibras colágenas e das fibras elásticas bem como a proporção de volume de 8-iso-PGF2 no septo alveolar. RESULTADOS: Os animais que foram expostos à ovoalbumina apresentaram um aumento da resistência e da elastância tecidual (resposta basal e após desafio antigênico), na densidade de eosinófilos, no número de células nNOS e iNOS positivas, na densidade de fibras colágenas e de fibras elásticas bem como na expressão de 8-isoPGF2 no septo alveolar comparativamente aos grupos controles (p<0,05). O tratamento com L-NAME em animais expostos à ovoalbumina atenuou todas as respostas de mecânica do tecido pulmonar periférico (p<0, 01), reduziu o número de células nNOS e iNOS positivas (p<0.01), o conteúdo de fibras elásticas (p<0,001) e de 8-iso-PGF2 no septo alveolar (p<0,001). No entanto, este tratamento não afetou o número total de eosinófilos e o conteúdo de fibras colágenas. Este trabalho sugere que o óxido nítrico contribui para a constrição do parênquima pulmonar e para a deposição de fibras elásticas neste modelo. Estes efeitos foram associados à ativação de iNOS e nNOS em células do parênquima distal e aumento na via do estresse oxidativo / The importance of lung tissue mechanical responses in asthma pathophysiology has been recently recognized. Although nitric oxide (NO) is a mediator that controls smooth muscle tonus control in the airways, its effects on lung tissue responsiveness has not been previously investigated. We hypothesized that chronic nitric oxide synthase inhibition by L-NAME (false substrate for all nitric oxide synthases) treatment may modulate lung tissue mechanics, eosinophilic recruitment and extracellular matrix remodeling in a model of chronic pulmonary allergic inflammation. Guinea pigs were submitted to seven normal saline or ovalbumin exposures with increasing doses (1~5mg/mL-4weeks) and treated or not with L-NAME in drinking water. Seventy-two hours after the seventh inhalation the animals were anesthetized, exsanguinated, and oscillatory mechanics of lung tissue strips was performed in baseline condition and after ovalbumin challenge (0.1%). Using morphometry, we assessed the density of eosinophils, the number of iNOS and nNOS-positive cells, the density of actin, the collagen and elastic fibers content and the volume proportion of 8-iso-PGF2 in the alveolar septa. Ovalbumin-exposed animals presented an increase in baseline and maximal tissue resistance and elastance responses, eosinophil density, in the number of iNOS and nNOS positive cells, in the amount of collagen and elastic fibers and in the volume proportion of 8-iso-PGF2 in the alveolar septa compared to controls (p<0.05). L-NAME treatment in ovalbumin-exposed animals attenuated all lung tissue mechanical responses (p<0.01), reduced the number of iNOS and nNOS positive cells (p<0.01), elastic fiber content (p<0.001) and 8-isoPGF2 in the alveolar septa (p<0.001). However, this treatment did not affect the total number of eosinophils and collagen deposition. These data suggest that NO contributes to distal lung parenchyma constriction and to elastic fibers deposition in this model. These effects were associated to iNOS and nNOS activation in pulmonary parenchyma and with an increase in oxidative stress pathway activation

Efeitos dos inibidores de NF Kappa-B e Rho Quinase em um modelo de asma animal: comparação  com o tratamento com corticosteroides / Effects of NFkB and rho-quinase inhibitors in an animal asthma model: comparison to corticosteroid treatment

Souza, Flávia Castro Ribas de 15 December 2017 (has links)
Embora a grande maioria dos pacientes com asma tenha controle com o padrão de tratamento com corticosteroides, 5 a 10% destes asmáticos ainda desenvolvem algumas formas graves da doença e são considerados pacientes difíceis de controlar. A ativação do NFkB contribui para a manutenção e desenvolvimento de inflamação pulmonar crônica na fisiopatologia da asma. O éster fenetilico do ácido cafeico (CAPE), um componente ativo de própolis das colmeias de abelhas, é conhecido por ter propriedades antiinflamatórias e imunomoduladoras. É conhecido como um potente e um inibidor específico da ativação de NFk B. Nós anteriormente mostramos que Y27632, um inibidor de Rho quinase, atenuou a resposta pulmonar das vias aéreas, inflamação e remodelamento. Para o nosso conhecimento, tratamentos com os inibidores de NFk B ou Rho-quinase em comparação com o uso de corticosteroides não foram previamente investigados em um modelo animal de inflamação pulmonar crônica alérgica. MÉTODOS: Trinta camundongos BALB/C machos (20 a 25g) foram divididos em cinco grupos (n=6 em cada grupo): SAL (instilado com solução salina), OVA (expostos à ovalbumina), OVA-CAPE (expostos à ovalbumina e tratados com CAPE), OVA-RHO (expostos à ovalbumina e tratados com inibidor de Rho), OVA-CORT (expostos à ovalbumina e tratados com corticosteróide). Os animais foram sensibilizados para ovalbumina durante 28 dias e os controles receberam solução salina. A administração de corticosteróide (1mg/Kg/dia) e CAPE (10mg/Kg/dia) foi feita por via intraperitoneal e Y-27632 (10 mg/kg) administrado por via intranasal, todos nos dias 22, 24, 26 e 28 do protocolo experimental. Vinte e quatro horas após a conclusão do protocolo experimental, os animais foram submetidos a uma avaliação da curva de resposta à dose à metacolina, consideramos as respostas máximas da Resistência ao Sistema Respiratório (Rrs) e Elastância (Ers) às 24 horas após o último desafio com ovalbumina (respostas basais e máximas após a metacolina desafio 3, 30 e 300mg/mL). Posteriormente, os pulmões foram removidos e a análise histológica foi realizada usando morfometria. RESULTADOS: não houve diferenças nos valores basais de todos os grupos. expostos à ovalbumina Houve um aumento em Rrs e Ers após o desafio da metacolina em comparação com o grupo SAL (p < 0,05). No grupo exposto ao OVA, os tratamentos com CAPE, CORT e RHO reduziram a resposta máxima de Ers em relação ao OVA (p < 0,05). Em relação ao tratamento com somente CAPE atenuou a resposta máxima de Rrs em relação ao OVA (p < 0,05). Houve diminuição nos eosinófilos, conteúdo de fibras de colágeno, células positivas para iNOS, MMP-9, TIMP-1 em grupos OVA-CAPE, OVA-CORT e OVA-RHO em comparação com os animais sensibilizados (grupo OVA) (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: a inibição de NFkB e Rho-quinase contribuiu para o controle da hiperresponsividade, inflamação, processo de remodelamento da matriz extracelular e ativação do estresse oxidativo. Embora os inibidores de NFkB e Rho-quinase sejam uma alternativa ao tratamento da asma, são necessários mais estudos / Although the great majority of asthma patients obtain control with the gold standard treatment using corticosteroids, 5 to 10% of these asthmatics still develop some severe forms of the disease, called difficult to control patients. Activation of NFk B contributes to the maintenance and development of chronic lung inflammation in pathophysiology of asthma. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), an active component of propolis from honeybee hives, is known to have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. It is known as a potent and a specific inhibitor of NFk B activation. We previously have shown that Y27632, a Rho-quinase inhibitor, attenuated airway lung responsiveness, inflammation and remodeling. To our knowledge, treatments with the NFk B or Rho-kinase inhibitors compared to the use of corticosteroids have not been previously investigated in an animal model of chronic allergic lung inflammation. METHODS: Thirty male BALB/c mice (20 to 25g) were divided into five groups (n=6 in each group): SAL (saline-instilled), OVA (exposed-ovalbumin), OVA-CAPE (exposedovalbumin and treated with CAPE), OVA-RHO (exposed-ovalbumin and treated with Rho inhibitor), OVA-CORT (exposed-ovalbumin and treated with corticosteroid). The BALB/c mice were sensitized to ovalbumin for 28 days and controls received saline. The administration of corticosteroid (1mg/Kg/day) and CAPE (10mg/Kg/day) was made intraperitoneally and Y-27632 (10mg/kg) was intranasally, all on days 22, 24, 26 and 28 of the experimental protocol. Twentyfour hours after completion of the experimental protocol, animals were subject to an evaluation of dose response curve to methacholine. We considered the maximal responses of respiratory system resistance (Rrs) and elastance (Ers) 24 hours after the last challenge with ovalbumin (baseline and maximal responses after metacholine challenge 3, 30 and 300mg/mL). Afterwards, lungs were removed and histological analysis was performed using morphometry. RESULTS: There were no differences on baseline values of all groups. Ovalbumin-exposed mice had an increase in Rrs and Ers after methacholine challenge compared to SAL group (p < 0.05). In OVA-exposed groups, the treatments with CAPE, CORT and RHO reduced maximal response of %Ers compared to OVA (p < 0.05). In relation to %Rrs only CAPE treatment attenuated the maximal response compared to OVA (p < 0.05). There was a decrease in eosinophils, collagen fibers content, iNOS, MMP-9, TIMP-1 positive cells in OVACAPE, OVA-CORT and OVA-RHO groups compared to only sensitized animals (OVA group) (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: NFkB and Rho-quinase inhibition contributes to the control of hyperresponsiveness, inflammation, extracellular matrix remodeling process and oxidative stress activation. Although NFkB and Rho-quinase inhibitors were an alternative to asthma treatment, more studies are needed

Caracterização das vias de morte celular induzida pela metilecgonidina, produto da pirólise da cocaína / Neurotoxicity of anydroecgonine methyl ester, a crack cocaine pyrolysis product

Dati, Livia Mendonça Munhóz 26 October 2012 (has links)
A cocaína é considerada a principal droga de abuso utilizada na América do Sul, sendo que o crack é a via de administração que mais cresceu nos últimos anos. Cabe salientar que o usuário do crack sofre ação tanto da cocaína quanto das substâncias advindas da sua pirólise, dentre elas a metilecgonidina (AEME). Trabalho publicado pelo nosso grupo demonstrou que a AEME é mais neurotóxica que a cocaína em cultura primária de hipocampo. Além disso, dados da literatura têm mostrado uma possível ação da AEME em receptores colinérgicos muscarínicos no sistema nervoso periférico. Na tentativa de elucidar se essa ação ocorre no sistema nervoso central, a AEME foi incubada na presença e na ausência de atropina, um antagonista de receptores colinérgicos muscarínicos. Nossos resultados em cultura primária de hipocampo mostraram que a atropina foi capaz de prevenir os efeitos neurotóxicos causados pela AEME, sugerindo uma afinidade aos receptores colinérgicos muscarínicos. Contudo, o mesmo efeito não foi observado após a incubação com a cocaína e a associação (AEME 1 mM /cocaína 2 mM). Pode-se pressupor que a AEME age preferencialmente em receptores colinérgicos muscarínicos subtipos M1, M3 e M5, uma vez que houve a formação de IP3 e aumento de cálcio intracelular, sendo esse último observado também nos grupos incubados com cocaína e associação (AEME 1 mM /cocaína 2 mM). Com a finalidade de verificar se a apoptose era uma das vias de morte neuronal, foi avaliada a expressão das proteínas mitoncondriais (Bax e Bcl-2), a atividade da caspase-3 e a análise da fragmentação do DNA, bem como a integridade da membrana celular. Foi observado que a AEME aumentou a razão das proteínas mitocondriais Bax/Bcl-2, a atividade da caspase-3 e o DNA fragmentado, bem como a perda da integridade da membrana. A cocaína aumentou a atividade da caspase 3, a fragmentação do DNA e a perda da integridade da membrana celular, mas não alterou a razão da expressão das proteínas mitocondriais Bax/Bcl-2. Apesar de apresentar uma diminuição da atividade da caspase-3, a associação (AEME 1 mM /cocaína 2 mM) apresentou um aumento do DNA fragmentado e do rompimento da membrana, bem como um aumento da razão Bax/Bcl-2. Estes dados sugerem que estas substâncias estimulam vias de morte neuronal tanto de apoptose quanto de necrose. Mais ainda, nas vias estudas neste trabalho, parece que a associação (AEME 1 mM /cocaína 2 mM) desencadeia os efeitos neurotóxicos mais rápido, estimulando, possivelmente, vias diferentes das encontradas com as substâncias isoladamente. / Cocaine is the main illicit drug used in South America, and the crack cocaine is the administration route that grown more than any other route in the last years. The user of crack cocaine suffers the action of both cocaine and its pyrolysis products, which methylecgonidine (AEME) is the main compound. Published work by our group demonstrated that AEME is more neurotoxic than cocaine in rat primary hippocampal cell culture. Moreover, published data have shown a possible muscarinic cholinergic action of AEME in the peripheral nervous system. To verify if this action occurs in the central nervous system, AEME was incubated in the presence and absence of atropine, a muscarinic cholinergic receptor antagonist. Our results in rat primary hippocampal cell culture showed that atropine was able to prevent AEME-induced neurotoxic effects, suggesting its affinity for muscarinic cholinergic receptors. However, this effect was not observed after incubation with cocaine and association (AEME 1 mM /cocaine 2 mM). It is suggestive that AEME acts, with preference, on subtypes M1, M3 and M5 muscarinic cholinergic receptors, once there was the formation of IP3 and the increase of intracellular calcium. It is important to mention that the intracellular calcium was also increased in both cocaine and association (AEME 1 mM /cocaine 2 mM) groups. In order to know whether apoptosis was a neuronal death pathway, it was evaluated the expression of mitochondrial proteins (Bax and Bcl-2), the capase-3 activity and the DNA fragmentation, as well as the loss of membrane integrity. It was observed that AEME increased the ratio of mitochondrial proteins Bax/Bcl-2, the activity of caspase-3, the fragmentation of DNA and the loss of membrane integrity. Cocaine increased the activity of caspase-3, the DNA fragmentation and the loss of cell membrane integrity, but did not affect the ratio expression of mitochondrial proteins Bax/Bcl-2. Although it was observed a decrease in caspase-3 activity, the association (AEME 1 mM / cocaine 2 mM) showed an increase in the DNA fragmentation and the cell membrane disruption, as well as an increase in Bax/Bcl-2 ratio. These data suggest that these substances stimulate neuronal death pathways of both apoptosis and necrosis. Moreover, in the pathways studied in this work, it seems that the association (AEME 1 mM /cocaine 2 mM) has the fastest neurotoxic effects, stimulating, possibly, different neuronal death pathways when compared to substances isolated.

Analyse der Funktion der nichtmuskulären schweren Myosinketten in glatten Muskelzellen

Zepter, Valeria Lamounier 13 January 2003 (has links)
Das Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Beteiligung der nichtmuskulären schweren Myosinketten an der Kontraktion der glatten Muskeln unter physiologischen Bedingungen zu untersuchen. Als Versuchsmodell wurde die Harnblase von neugeborenen Wildtyp und transgenen Mäusen verwendet, bei denen das Gen für die glattmuskelspezifischen schweren Myosinketten durch "Gene Targeting" funktionell eliminiert wurde (Knock-Out). Das Fehlen der Expression der glattmuskelspezifischen schweren Myosinketten wurde durch Elektrophorese und Immunfärbung bestätigt. Im Gegensatz dazu blieb die Expression der nichtmuskulären schweren Myosinketten unverändert. Die mechanische Analyse des glatten Muskels wurde mit intakten Muskelpräparaten aus der Harnblase durchgeführt. Das Muskelpräparat wurde in KCl-Lösung oder mit Phorbolester stimuliert. Die Aktivierung mittels depolarisierender KCl-Lösung führte bei neugeborenen Wildtyp Mäusen zuerst zu einer transienten Kontraktion (Phase 1) mit hoher Kraftentwicklung und maximaler Verkürzungsgeschwindigkeit, und danach zu einer tonischen Kontraktion (Phase 2) mit niedrigerer Kraftentwicklung und maximaler Verkürzungsgeschwindigkeit. Blasenpräparate neugeborener Knock-Out Mäuse dagegen zeigten keine Phase 1, sondern nur eine tonische Kontraktion, die mit Wildtyp Mäusen vergleichbar war. Daher scheint nichtmuskuläres Myosin an der tonischen Kontraktion des glatten Muskels beteiligt zu sein. Durch Stimulierung mit Phorbolester waren ähnliche tonische Muskelkontraktionen der Blasenpräparate sowohl bei Wildtyp als auch bei Knock-Out Mäusen zu beobachten. Vermutlich wird also das nichtmuskuläre Myosin durch Stimulierung mit Phorbolester aktiviert. Intrazelluläre Filamente wurden durch Immunfluoreszenz mit einem spezifischen Antikörper gegen nichtmuskuläre schwere Myosinketten in kultivierten primären glatten Muskelzellen untersucht. Dabei zeigten die Muskelzellen sowohl von Wildtyp als auch von Knock-Out Mäusen intrazelluläre dicke Myosinfilamente, was für die Beteiligung des nichtmuskulären Myosins an der glatten Muskelkontraktion spricht. Entsprechend wurden intrazelluläre Filamente mit einem Antikörper gegen glattmuskelspezifische schwere Myosinketten in kultivierten primären glatten Muskelzellen untersucht. Wie erwartet, konnten nur in glatten Muskelzellen von Wildtyp Mäusen intrazelluläre Filamente nachgewiesen werden, nicht aber in denen von Knock-Out Mäusen. In dieser Arbeit konnte zum ersten Mal gezeigt werden, dass nichtmuskuläres Myosin zumindest an der tonischen Kontraktion glatter Muskelzellen beteiligt sein kann. / The aim of the present study was to investigate the involvement of non-muscle myosin heavy chain in smooth muscle contraction under physiological conditions. As an experimental model urinary bladder from neonatal wild-type mice as well as from neonatal mice with disrupted smooth muscle myosin heavy chain expression was used. This animal model was established through gene targeting technology, resulting in complete elimination of the expression of smooth muscle myosin heavy chains. The lack of expression of smooth muscle myosin heavy chains was confirmed by electrophoresis and immunoblotting. On the other hand, non-muscle myosin heavy chain expression remained normal, as verified by Western blot analysis. The mechanical analysis of smooth muscle was performed with intact urinary bladder preparations, stimulated using prolonged KCl depolarization or with phorbol ester. Prolonged activation by KCl depolarization of intact bladder preparations from wild-type neonatal mice produced an initial transient state (phase 1) of high force generation and maximal shortening velocity, followed by a sustained state (phase 2) with lower force generation and maximal shortening velocity. In contrast, bladder preparations from homozygous knockout neonatal mice did not exhibit phase 1, but phase 2 could be observed, i.e. a similar isometric force and maximal shortening velocity, compared to wild-type phase 2. Thus, non-muscle myosin appears to be recruited in the sustained phase of smooth muscle contraction during prolonged KCl depolarization in the animal model used. Upon stimulation with phorbol ester a similar sustained contraction was observed in both wild-type and knockout smooth muscle preparations. Therefore, non-muscle myosin may also be recruited during phorbol ester stimulation in both wild-type and knockout muscle preparations. The participation of non-muscle myosin in smooth muscle contraction was further supported by the finding of longitudinally arranged intracellular filaments in cultivated smooth muscle cells from both wild-type and knockout mice by immunofluorescence microscopy, using a specific antibody raised against non-muscle myosin heavy chain. In a similar way, smooth muscle myosin heavy chain structures were investigated in cultivated smooth muscle cells. As expected, longitudinally arranged intracellular filamentous structures of smooth muscle myosin were observed in wild-type smooth muscle cells, but not in smooth muscle cells from knockout mice. In conclusion, in neonatal smooth muscle the initial phase of contraction elicited by KCl depolarization is generated by smooth muscle myosin heavy chain recruitment. Upon prolonged KCl depolarization non-muscle myosin is recruited in the sustained phase of contraction, as well as upon stimulation with phorbol ester. Thus, it was possible, for the first time, to verify the involvement of the non-muscle myosin in smooth muscle contraction in vivo. The results of the present study contribute to the understanding of the regulatory mechanisms of smooth muscle contraction.

Fettsäureethylester als Marker exzessiven Alkoholkonsums

Auwärter, Volker 27 February 2006 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein analytisches Verfahren zur quantitativen Bestimmung von Fettsäureethylestern (FSEE) im Haar und in Hautoberflächenlipiden mittels Headspace-Festphasenmikroextraktion (HS-SPME) und Gaschromatographie-Massenspektrometrie (GC-MS) sowie eine auf Hochleistungs-Flüssigchromatographie mit Photodiodenarray-Detektion (HPLC-DAD) basierende Methode zur Bestimmung der Squalenkonzentrationen in Lipidextrakten entwickelt. Die bei Untersuchung von Proben verschiedener Konsumentengruppen erhaltenen Konzentrationswerte wurden hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung als Marker für chronisch exzessiven Alkoholkonsum untersucht. Aus den Ergebnissen lässt sich schließen, dass Fettsäureethylester im Haar als Alkoholmarker den bisher üblicherweise genutzten Markern wie GGT, CDT oder MCV bezüglich Sensitivität und Spezifität mindestens ebenbürtig sind. Es wurden die folgenden vorläufige Cut-off-Werte festgelegt: wenn sich im Haar für die Summenkonzentration der vier in der höchsten Konzentration vorkommenden FSEE (Ethylmyristat, Ethylpalmitat, Ethyloleat und Ethylstearat) ein Wert > 1 ng/mg ergibt, kann mit hoher Sicherheit von chronisch exzessivem Alkoholkonsum ausgegangen werden, für Abstinenzler werden typischerweise Werte < 0,4 ng/mg gefunden. Durch Bildung des Quotienten der FSEE-Konzentrationen und der Squalenkonzentrationen wurden relative FSEE-Konzentrationen erhalten, die im Falle der Haaranalyse zu einer Verbesserung der Zuordnungssicherheit zu den entsprechenden Konsumentengruppen führten bzw. bei der Analyse von Hautoberflächenlipiden einen sinnvollen Vergleich der Werte erst ermöglichten. Als vorläufiger Cut-off-Wert für die relativen FSEE-Konzentrationen wurde ein Wert von 2 ng/µg vorgeschlagen. Als weiteres wichtiges Ergebnis der Arbeit wurde der Einlagerungsmechanismus der FSEE ins Haar aufgeklärt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Fettsäureethylester in erster Linie über das Sebum ins Haar gelangen. / The current doctoral thesis presents the development of an analytical procedure for the quantitative analysis of fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEE) in hair and in skin surface lipids using headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) as well as a method based on high-performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array detection (HPLC-DAD) to determine squalene concentrations in lipid extracts. The results obtained from analysis of samples from different alcohol consuming groups showed that FAEE are suitable markers for long-term alcohol misuse. Concerning sensitivity and specifity they are at least as good as other commonly used markers like GGT, CDT or MCV. The following provisional cut-off values were established: for chronically excessive alcohol consumption, the sum of the four FAEE (ethyl myristate, ethyl palmitate, ethyl oleate and ethyl stearate) found in the highest mean concentrations should be > 1 ng/mg in hair; for non-drinkers, concentrations < 0,4 ng/mg are typical. The quotient obtained by dividing the FAEE concentration by the squalene concentration was defined as the relative FAEE concentration, which provides a better classification of the samples regarding the consumer groups through hair analysis. Relative FAEE values also allow a reasonable comparison in the case of skin surface lipid concentrations for the first time. 2 ng/µg is suggested as a preliminary cut-off value. As a further important result of the current work, the mechanism of incorporation of FAEE into hair was clarified. It was shown that fatty acid ethyl esters are incorporated into hair mainly through sebum.

Papel dos lípides plasmáticos e fatores pró-inflamatórios na fisiopatologia da insuficiência cardíaca / Role of plasma lipids and pro inflammatory factors in the patho physiology of heart failure

Martinelli, Ana Elisa Marabini 19 May 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A Organização Mundial da Saúde estimou em 2015 que 23 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo sofrem de insuficiência cardíaca (IC), com taxas de mortalidade equivalentes às do câncer. Níveis mais elevados de HDL-colesterol têm sido associados com maior sobrevivência na IC. É consensual que as várias funções protetoras da HDL devem ser exploradas além da concentração de HDL-colesterol. Transferência de lípides para HDL, mediada por proteínas de transferência CETP e PLTP, é uma etapa importante no transporte reverso de colesterol e metabolismo de HDL.,Desenvolvemos um ensaio in vitro para avaliar as transferências de lípides para a HDL, mostrando que esse fenômeno é alterado em várias condições, como na doença arterial coronária, no diabetes mellitus e pelo estilo de vida sedentário. Recentemente, tem sido descrito que a HDL transporta pequenos RNAs não codificadores de proteína, os chamados microRNAs (miRNAs). Alguns miRNAs foram descritos como reguladores críticos do metabolismo das lipoproteínas. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar lípides plasmáticos, transferência lipídica para HDL, perfil inflamatório, miRNAs relacionados ao metabolismo de lipoproteínas obtidos de pacientes com IC e de pacientes sem IC (sem-IC). Métodos: Quarenta e oito pacientes com IC foram avaliados, 25 em classe funcional NYHA I e II (IC-I/II) e 23 em NYHA III e IV (IC-III/IV), bem como 50 pacientes sem-IC pareados por gênero e idade. Todos os pacientes com IC apresentavam uma fração de ejeção <=40%. Foram determinadas as concentrações plasmáticas de CETP, LCAT, LDL oxidada (LDLox) e atividade de paraoxonase 1 (PON-1). Transferências de lípides para a HDL foi avaliada a partir da incubação de uma nanopartícula artificial com plasma total. A expressão de miRNAs circulantes envolvidos no metabolismo das lipoproteínas também foi analisada. Resultados: Os níveis de colesterol total, LDL e HDL e triglicérides não diferiram entre os três grupos. A concentração da apolipoproteína A-I foi menor no grupo IC-I/II em comparação ao grupo sem-IC (125±23 versus 142±19; p < 0,05), enquanto que a concentração da apolipoproteína B foi menor em ICIII/ IV comparado ao sem-IC (81±35 versus 114±40; p < 0,001). A transferência de colesterol esterificado (5,44±1,76 versus 6,26±0,85), fosfolípides (19,05±2,5 versus 20,21±1,45) e de triglicérides (6,29±2,05 versus 7,40±1,47) foi menor no grupo IC-III/IV do que no grupo sem-IC (p < 0,05). No entanto, não houve diferença nas transferências entre IC-I/II e sem-IC. A concentração de LDLox foi menor em ambos os grupos com IC comparados ao sem-IC (p < 0,0001). A massa de CETP foi menor em IC-III/IV do que em IC-I/II (2,77±1,3 versus 3,78±1,3; p=0,021). A concentração de LCAT e a atividade de PON-1 não foram diferentes entre os grupos. A análise da expressão dos miRNAs circulantes miR-33a, miR-144, miR-185, miR-125, miR-758, miR-26a, miR- 106b, miR-122 e miR-30c, mostrou-se significantemente aumentada nos indivíduos com IC em comparação aos indivíduos sem-IC, ao passo que o miR- 10b foi o único encontrado diminuído na IC comparado com indivíduos sem-IC (p=0,007). Conclusão: Em pacientes com IC mais severa e sintomática da IC, o processo de transferência de lípides para a HDL está deficiente, bem como alguns dos mecanismos que o regulam, e possivelmente estas alterações influenciem no transporte reverso do colesterol e nas funções protetoras da HDL desses pacientes / Background: World Health Organization estimated that there were twentythree million subjects worldwide suffering from heart failure (HF) in 2015, with mortality rates equivalent to those of cancer. Higher HDL-cholesterol levels have been associated with longer survival in HF. It is now consensual that the various protective functions of HDL should be explored beyond HDLcholesterol. Transfer of lipids to HDL, mediated by transfer proteins CETP and PLTP, is an important step in reverse cholesterol transport and HDL metabolism. Previously, we developed an in vitro assay to test those lipid transfers and showed that transfer of cholesterol to HDL is altered in several conditions, such as coronary artery disease (CAD), diabetes and sedentary lifestyle. Recently, HDL transports small non-coding RNA molecule, called micro RNAs (miRNAs). Some miRNA are critical regulators of lipoprotein metabolism. The aim of this study was compare plasma lipids, lipid transfers to HDL, inflammatory profile, miRNAs related to plasma lipids from patients with HF with those from patients with without HF (non-HF). Methods: Forty-eight HF patients were studied, 25 with functional class NYHA I and II (HF I/II) and 23 with NYHA III and IV (HF III/IV), as well as 50 non-HF patients matched for gender, age and BMI. All HF had ejection fraction <= 40%. CETP, LCAT, oxidized LDL (oxLDL) and paraoxonase 1 (PON-1) activity were determined. Transfers of lipids from a donor artificial nanoparticle to HDL was determined by an in vitro assay in which the emulsion was incubated with whole plasma. Expression of circulating miRNAs involved in cholesterol metabolism was also analyzed. Results: Total, LDL and HDL cholesterol and triglycerides did not differ among the 3 groups. Apolipoprotein A-I was lower in NYHA I/II group compared to non- HF (125±23 versus 142±19; p < 0.05) and apo B was lower in NYHA III/IV group compared to non-HF (81±35 versus 114±40, p < 0.001). The transfer of esterified cholesterol (5.44±1.76 versus 6.26±0.85), phospholipids (19.05±2.5 versus 20.21±1.45) and of triglycerides (6.29±2.05 versus 7.40±1.47) to HDL was lower in HF-III/IV than in non-HF (p < 0.05), but lipid transfers were not different between HF-I/II and non-HF. oxLDL was lower in both HF groups compared to non-HF (p < 0.0001). CETP mass was lower in HF-III/IV than in HF-I/II (2.77±1.3 versus 3.78±1.3; p=0.021). LCAT and PON-1 activity was not different among the groups. Regarding to miRNA, miR-33a, miR-144, miR-185, miR-125, miR- 758, miR-26a, miR-106b, miR-122 e miR-30c were significantly increased in HF compared to non-HF subjects, whereas miR-10b was the only one found to be decreased in HF compared to non-HF subjects (p=0.007). Conclusion: In patients with the more severe and symptomatic HF, the lipid transfer to HDL is deficient, as well as some mechanisms that regulate it, and possibly these changes influence reverse cholesterol transport and the protective functions of HDL in these patients

A proteína de transferência de colesterol esterificado humana protege camundongos da sepse polimicrobiana e atenua a resposta inflamatória em macrófagos estimulados com lipopolissacarídeo / The human cholesteryl ester transfer protein protects mice from polymicrobial sepsis and attenuates the inflammatory response in macrophages stimulated with lipopolysaccharide

Venancio, Tatiana Martins 09 February 2015 (has links)
Sepse é a resposta inflamatória sistêmica decorrente de infecção grave, com alto índice de mortalidade, tornando-se um grave problema de saúde pública. Apesar dos inúmeros estudos realizados em busca de alternativas terapêuticas, o entendimento acerca dos mecanismos envolvidos na doença permanece restrito. A interação entre o metabolismo lipídico e a resposta inflamatória tem sido intensamente investigada. Neste estudo, avaliou-se a influência da proteína de transferência de colesterol esterificado (CETP) - glicoproteína plasmática que promove a transferência de lípides entre lipoproteínas - na resposta inflamatória. Inicialmente, foram comparados camundongos transgênicos para CETP humana (CETP) e controles irmãos não transgênicos (WT) submetidos ao modelo de sepse polimicrobiana de ligadura e perfuração do ceco (CLP), avaliando a taxa de sobrevida e o perfil inflamatório entre os grupos. Em seguida, a resposta inflamatória em macrófagos de peritônio de camundongos estimulados com LPS na ausência ou presença da CETP exógena (CETP humana recombinante) e endógena (macrófagos de animais CETP) foi analisada. Verificou-se que camundongos CETP apresentaram maior taxa de sobrevida, maior migração de linfócitos para o foco infeccioso, menores concentrações plasmáticas de IL-6 e menor expressão proteica do receptor Toll-like 4 (TLR4) e da enzima aciloxiacilo hidrolase (AOAH) no fígado, comparados aos WT. Nos macrófagos, observou-se que a presença da CETP recombinante foi capaz de se ligar ao LPS, pela análise da microscopia confocal, e, em cultura, reduziu de forma dose dependente a captação de LPS, a expressão de TLR4, a ativação do NF-kB (p65) e a secreção de IL-6 para o sobrenadante do cultivo celular. Os dados obtidos com os macrófagos de animais CETP corroboraram, em parte, os encontrados com a utilização da CETP exógena. Houve redução da captação de LPS e da ativação do NF-kB (p65), sem alteração na expressão de TLR4 e secreção de IL-6. Entretanto, apresentaram redução das concentrações de TNF-alfa celular e no sobrenadante de cultura. Dessa maneira, foi possível concluir que a CETP atua como agente modulador da resposta inflamatória induzida pela CLP e em macrófagos estimulados pelo LPS. Esses achados devem ser considerados nas doenças inflamatórias e nos futuros estudos relacionados à inibição da CETP, além de estabelecer novas perspectivas de tratamento da sepse / Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory response due to serious infection with high mortality rate, which has become a serious problem for public health. Despite numerous studies seeking for therapeutic alternatives, the understanding of the mechanisms involved in this disease remains limited. The interaction between lipid metabolism and inflammatory response has been intensively investigated. In the present study it was evaluated the influence of CETP (cholesteryl ester transfer protein) - plasma glycoprotein that promotes the transfer of lipids between lipoprotein - in the inflammatory response. Initially transgenic mice for human CETP (CETP) were compared to non transgenic control mice (WT) after polymicrobial sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP), to determine survival rate and the inflammatory profile between groups. Then, macrophages isolated from peritoneal cavity stimulated with LPS in the presence or absence of exogenous CETP (recombinant human CETP) and endogenous CETP (macrophages from CETP mice) were analyzed. It was found that CETP mice showed a higher survival rate, a greater lymphocyte migration to infectious focus, a lower IL-6 plasma concentration and a decrease in Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and acyloxyacyl hydrolase enzyme (AOAH) protein expression in the liver in comparison to WT mice. In macrophages, recombinant CETP was able to bind to LPS, by confocal microscopy analysis and in cell culture, it was observed that in the presence of the recombinant CETP macrophages presented decreased in LPS uptake, TLR4 expression, NF-kB activation (p65) and IL-6 secretion into the cell culture medium. Furthermore, the results with macrophages from animals CETP corroborate partly with what was found in the exogenous experiments. LPS uptake and NF-kB activation (p65) were reduced, but no difference regarding the expression of TLR4, nor the IL-6 secretion to the cell culture medium. However, the CETP group also showed reduced levels of TNF-alfa both in macrophages and in the culture supernatant. Thus, we conclude that CETP acts as modulator of the inflammatory response induced by CLP and in the macrophages stimulated by LPS. In addition, new therapeutic perspectives could be established

Méthylénation et diazotisation en chimie en flux continu

Audubert, Clément 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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