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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Futbol i religió: Dimensió simbòlica i pedagògica

Arranz Albó, Xavier 19 January 2012 (has links)
Sempre s’havia pensat que el concepte religiós i el concepte esportiu pertanyien a dues esferes excloents de la vida de l’ésser humà, dos conceptes vitals contraposats: la vida de l’espiritualitat i la de l`ànima, en contraposició amb una concepció més corpòria de la vida. Per tant, l’atleta de l’esperit i l’atleta del cos no podien conviure plegats en el recorregut vital de les persones. L’aparició del cristianisme, com una escissió del judaisme, es va trobar fortament impregnada d’elements de la cultura clàssica helenística. Com a fil conductor de la tesi doctoral ens centrarem en el pensament de Pau de Tars, cap visible de la comunitat cristiana d’Antioquia. A les seves cartes pastorals va emprar un estil metafòric impregnat d’elements que provenien de la concepció esportivo-afonística que va caracteritzar la “paideia” grega, un mètode pedagògic que unia el desenvolupament de l’intel.lecte amb les pràctiques físico-esportives com a únic camí per a aconseguir la virtut. Creiem que l’herència clàssica al pensament de l’Apòstol quant a la seva concepció agonística de la vida pot incidir de manera positiva en el món del futbol formatiu. Aspectes com l’ascetisme, la negació dels ídols, la professió de fe paulina centrada en l’existència d’un únic Déu han estat alguns dels elements que hem pogut comparar amb el món del futbol contemporani. Les anomenades metàfores esportives paulines centraven un discurs on es feia una crida a la lluita, a l’esforç i a la cooperació que serien presents a la difícil vida dels primers cristians. Atenent a aquests supòsits, en el treball doctoral s’estableixen un seguit de principis axiològics derivats de l’essència del missatge epistolar de Pau i que poden ser utilitzats en la millora de la pedagogia esportiva del futbol fins al punt de poder establir un codi ètic, que pugui ser útil en el terreny de les escoles formatives i també com a eina vàlida per als educadors d’aquest esport. Els elements que van caracteritzar el “corpus paulinum” han estat comparats, en aquest treball, amb trets que es produeixen en el futbol actual. D’igual manera que l’Apòstol aconsellava les comunitats cristianes, podem extrapolar aquest missatge per tal d’aconseguir un esport més pur, on el “fair play” esdevingui un dels elements que el defineixin. En els darrers anys, el futbol ha assolit una dimensió extraordinària, fins al punt que podem afirmar que ha esdevingut un substitut de la religió. El naixement mateix del futbol ens traslladaria a l’àmbit d’allò religiós, perquè quan va aparèixer, durant l’època victoriana anglesa, pedagogs com ara Thomas Arnold van proposar un nou sistema educatiu recuperant aspectes de l’antic mètode clàssic d’educació. Així doncs, les pràctiques esportives (com a element complementari i necessari al curriculum escolar) van tornar a prendre volada després de romandre durant segles a l’oblit. En l’aparició del futbol, remarquem el paper de l’Església anglicana, que (de la mà del cardenal Newton) va potenciar el futbol com a element terapèutic per a la classe obrera industrial i també com a mecanisme d’evangelització. El discurs que abans era propi d’allò sagrat s’ha instal.lat actualment en el món profà, i més concretament en el món del futbol; d’aquesta manera, aspectes com ara la salvació, la resurrecció, els miracles i els precs han entrat a formar part del context esportiu. Considerant tots aquests supòsits, a la present tesi doctoral es realitza un acurat estudi comparatiu dels ritus i dels símbols característics del context religiós cristià i la seva relació amb el món del futbol contemporani. La religió com a fet cultural fa referència a un fet humà complex i específic, un conjunt de sistemes de creences, de pràctiques, de símbols i d’estructures socials, a través de les quals l’ésser humà viu la seva relació amb el món d’allò sagrat. En reemplaçar el fet religiós, el futbol contemporani ha assumit bona part d’aquestes pràctiques en un context profà. / El concepto religioso y el concepto deportivo siempre se había pensado que pertenecían a dos esferas excluyentes de la vida del ser humano, dos conceptos vitales contrapuestos. La vida de la espiritualidad y del alma en contraposición a la concepción más corpórea de la vida. Así pues, el atleta del espíritu y el atleta del cuerpo no podían convivir juntos en el recorrido vital de las personas. La aparición del cristianismo, como una escisión del judaísmo, estuvo fuertemente impregnada de elementos de la cultura clásica helena. Como hilo conductor de la tesis doctoral nos centraremos en el pensamiento de Pablo de Tarso. Cabeza visible de la comunidad cristiana de Antioquia. En sus cartas pastorales utilizó un estilo metafórico impregnado de elementos que provenían de la concepción deportivo-agonística que caracterizó la paideia griega. Un método pedagógico que unía el desarrollo del intelecto con las prácticas físico-deportivas como único camino para alcanzar la virtud. La herencia clásica en el pensamiento del Apóstol en cuanto a su concepción agonística de la vida creemos que puede incidir de manera positiva en el mundo del fútbol formativo. Aspectos como el ascetismo, la negación de los ídolos, la profesión de fe paulina centrada en la existencia de un sólo dios han sido algunos de los elementos que hemos podido comparar con el mundo del fútbol contemporáneo. Las llamadas metáforas deportivas paulinas centraban un discurso donde se apelaba a la lucha, al esfuerzo y a la cooperación que debían de estar presentes en la difícil vida de los primeros cristianos. Atendiendo a estos supuestos en el trabajo doctoral se establecen una serie de principios axiológicos derivados de la esencia del mensaje epistolar de Pablo y que pueden ser utilizados en la mejora de la pedagogía deportiva del fútbol hasta el punto de poder establecer un código ético, que pueda ser útil en el terreno de las escuelas formativas y también como herramienta válida para los educadores de este deporte.Los elementos que caracterizaron el corpus paulinum han sido comparados en el trabajo con rasgos que se producen en el fútbol actual. De la misma manera como el Apóstol aconsejaba a las comunidades cristianas podemos extrapolar dicho mensaje en aras a conseguir un deporte más puro donde el fair play se convierta en uno de los elementos que lo definan. El fútbol, ha alcanzado en los últimos tiempos una dimensión extraordinaria, hasta tal punto, que podemos afirmar que se ha convertido en un sustituto de la religión. El mismo nacimiento de este deporte nos trasladará al ámbito de lo religioso, pues su aparición durante la época victoriana inglesa, donde pedagogos como Thomas Arnold propusieron un nuevo sistema educativo retomando aspectos del antiguo método clásico de educación. Así pues, las prácticas deportivas como un elemento complementario y necesario en el currículo escolar volvieron a alcanzar una gran dimensión después de siglos en el olvido. En este nacimiento del fútbol destacamos el papel relevante de la iglesia anglicana, que de la mano del cardenal Newton potenciaron el fútbol como elemento terapéutico para la deprimida clase obrera industrial y también como un mecanismo de evangelización de la misma. El discurso propio de lo sagrado actualmente se ha instalado en el mundo profano, concretamente en el mundo del futbol, de esta manera aspectos como la salvación, la resurrección, los milagros y los rezos han entrado a formar parte del contexto deportivo. Atendiendo a estos supuestos en la tesis doctoral se hace un minucioso estudio comparativo de los ritos y símbolos característicos del contexto religioso cristiano y su relación con el mundo del fútbol contemporáneo. La religión como hecho cultural se caracteriza por partir del supuesto que el término designa un hecho humano complejo y específico, un conjunto de sistemas de creencias, de prácticas de símbolos y de estructuras sociales a través de las cuales el ser humano vive su relación con el mundo de lo sagrado. El fútbol contemporáneo ha sustituido al hecho religioso. Las prácticas del ser humano actual van dirigidas hacia el mundo de lo profano, hacia el mundo del fútbol. / The religious concept and sporty concept had always thought they belonged to two areas exclusive of human life, two conflicting vital concepts. The life of spirituality and the soul as opposed to the bodily conception of life. Thus the spirit of the athlete and the athlete's body could not live together in the life journey of the people. The emergence of Christianity as a splinter group of Judaism, was strongly imbued with elements of classical Hellenic culture. As the central theme of the doctoral thesis will focus on the thought of Paul of Tarsus. Visible head of the Christian community of Antioch. In his pastoral letters used a metaphorical style imbued with elements coming from the sports-agonistic conception that characterized the Greek paideia. A teaching method that linked the development of the intellect with physical and sports practices as the only way to attain virtue. The classical heritage in the Apostle's thought in terms of agonistic conception of life we can have a positive impact on the world of football training. Aspects such as asceticism, denial of idols, Paul's profession of faith centered on the existence of a single god have been some of the elements we have been able to compare with the world of modern football. Pauline calls focused sports metaphors a speech which appealed to the struggle, effort and cooperation that should be present in the hard life of early Christians. Based on these assumptions in the dissertation establishes a series of axiological principles derived from the essence of the message of Paul and letters that can be used in improving the teaching soccer sports so much to establish an ethical code that can be useful in the field of training schools and also as a valid tool for educators of this sport. The elements that characterized the Pauline corpus have been compared in working with features occurring in football today. In the same way as the Apostle advised the Christian community we can extrapolate the message in order to get a pure sport where fair play to become one of the elements that define it. Football has recently reached an extraordinary dimension to such an extent, we can say that it has become a substitute religion. The very birth of this sport will take us to the realm of religion, since its emergence in Victorian England, where teachers like Thomas Arnold proposed a new education system aspects of the former returning to the classical method of education. So, sports practices as complementary and necessary in the school curriculum again reached a large size after centuries of oblivion. In this birth of football highlight the important role of the Anglican Church, which the hand of Newton boosted Cardinal football as a therapy for the depressed industrial working class and also as a means of evangelization itself. The discourse of the sacred itself has now been installed in the secular world, particularly in the world of football, so things like salvation, resurrection, miracles and prayers have become part of the sporting context. Based on these assumptions in the doctoral thesis is a thorough comparative study of the rites and symbols of Christian religious context and its relationship to the world of contemporary football. Religion as a cultural phenomenon is characterized by the assumption that the term designates a specific complex human fact, a set of belief systems, symbols, practices and social structures through which human beings live their relationship with the sacred world. The contemporary football has replaced the religious fact. The current human practices are directed towards the world of the profane, to the world of football.

Význam etiky v sociální práci / Importance of ethics in social work

KAŠPAROVÁ, Jana January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the elucidation of the importance of ethics in social work. It focuses on important theoretical knowledge in the field of ethics and ethical concepts and its aim is to point out the possibilities of using ethical values, theories or virtues in professional practice. The work is focused on the presentation of important ethical concepts and ethical values, the contemporary form of social work, the personality of the social worker, the level and importance of education, and various examples of possible ethical problems or ethical dilemmas that can occur in the practice of social work. This thesis is based on the assumption that current social work is in a crisis and its setting requires change.

Etický kodex a edukace / Ethical code and education

Dostál, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
Aim: Ethical code and its application in education, provide it or not? Focus: The consequences of using ethical code. Does it change the student-teacher relationship? What does the current state of this relationship look like? Is this relationship viewed as a mutually agreed contract, or is anyone in this relationship advantaged. Is there sufficient law and specification for this relationship? How is the current student-teacher relationship specified? How has it been viewed recently, how is it viewed currently and how will it progress? Could ethical code and specification of ethical conduct be beneficient or is it to be viewed as another blind bureaucratic meassure? The comparison with other helping professions.

Die rol van die konsultant in die gemeentebouproses

Meyer, Lukas Johannes 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In teenstelling met die buiteland, bestaan daar tans weinig indien enige voltydse gemeenteboukonsultante in Suid- Afrika. Daar bestaan ook weinig indien enige literatuur wat op Suid- Afrikaanse bodem verskyn het wat handel oor die werksaamhede van die gemeenteboukonsultant in die christelike kerk/gemeente. Die gebrek aan 'n voltydse professionele gemeenteboukonsultant word as 'n ernstige leemte beskou in die verskillende fases van gemeentebou. In die studie word literatuur wat handel oor hierdie belangrike onderwerp, asook literatuur vanuit die bestuurswetenskap, teologies en krities bestudeer. 'n Aantal bestaande modelle word uiteengesit en teologies evalueer. Uit hierdie bestudering word op teologies-hermeneutiese wyse 'n voorbeeld-model voorgestel waarvolgens die gemeenteboukonsultant binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks die gemeente-analise, gemeenteprofiel en langtermynbeplanning in samewerking met die leiers en lidmate van die kerk/ gemeente kan afhandel. / At present, South Africa, in contrast with countries abroad has a serious disposition regarding the availability of literature dealing with churchgrowth as such. Due to a lack of professional churchgrowth consultants, churchgrowth had been neglected and a gap of deficiency has occured thus hindering the different stages in churchgrowth. This study is an in - depth, theological and critical study of churchgrowth as well as the managerial aspects thereof. Much devotion has been endeavoured upon this thus delivering a model example with which churchgrowth consultants could embark upon congregational analysis and profiling. In colaboration with leaders and members of congregations, long - term planning can be done. All this in a South Africa which had been deprived from this valuable service for so long. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Practical theology)

Arbeids- en bestuursetiek in metableties-andragogiese perspektief : 'n poging tot fundering

Fourie, Johan David 06 1900 (has links)
Die inhoud van die studie verklank 'n paging om vanuit 'n meta­ bleties-andragogiese perspektief 'n greep op die onloenbare werk­ likheid van 'n voortdurend veranderende arbeids- en bestuursmi­ lieu te verkry, deur tot die radix van die problematiek rakende die arbeids- en bestuursetiese-ageinsgebeure deur te dring. Die bevindinge waartoe gekom is, dui pertinent daarop dat ar­ beids- en bestuursetiese-begeleiding as gevolg van verskeie de­ struktiewe invloede vanuit die tegnokratiese bestel teenswoordig nie meer so vanselfsprekend en toereikend geskied nie. Inteen­ deel, die eietydse bestuurder se begeleidingsopgawe word al moei­liker en al hoe meer gekompliseerd en in baie gevalle selfs on­moontlik. Hierdie toedrag van sake gee dan oak daartoe aanleiding dat die hedendaagse bestuurder in sy handel en wandel nie meer altyd be­ treffende "etiese kwessies" 'n onderskeid kan tref tussen wat "reg" en wat "verkeerd" is nie. Sodanige gebeure hou verreikende gevolge in vir die begeleideling (ondergeskikte) se toereikende arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassewording, aangesien die bestuurder ten spyte van sy begeleideling se ageinsnood aan etiese-begeleiding, nie daartoe instaat is om 'n nastrewenswaar­ digevoorbeeld van arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassenheid te kan stel nie. Arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassenheid kan derhalwe slegs be reik word aan die hand van die praktykwording van die normbeeld van arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassenheid. In organisasieverband geskied sodanige praktykwording deur die vestiging en insti­tusionalisering van 'n etiese kultuur met 'n etiese gedragskode wat as meet- en rigsnoer dien ten opsigte van etiese en morele kwessies. Deur middel van hierdie etiese gedragskode kan die kriteria vir 'n normbeeld van arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassenheid dan as norme binne die etiese kultuur van 'n bepaalde organisasie gevestig word. / The contents of this study represents an attempt to obtain a metabletic-andragogical perspective-grasp on the indisputable reality of an ever-changing labour- and management-milieu by penetrating to the radix of the problematic nature, regarding the labour- and managerial-ethical-agein occurrence. The resultant findings that were arrived at pertinently indicate that labour- and managerial-ethical-guidance is obviously at present not being sufficiently achieved as a result of various de­structive influences from within the technocratic dispensation. On the contrary, the present-day manager's guidance-role has become so much more difficult and complicated and in many cases even impossible. This state of affairs also gives rise to the fact that the modern-day manager cannot always distinguish the difference between what is "right" and "wrong" regarding "ethical issues" in his daily life. Such an occurrence has particularly far-reaching implications for the protege's (subordinate's) adequate labour­ and managerial-ethical-adulthood, since the manager, in spite of his protege's agein-need for ethical-guidance, is incapable of setting an example of labour- and managerial-ethical-adulthood worthy of emulation. Labour- and managerial-ethical-adulthood could therefore only be attained by putting into practice the norm-image of labour- and managerial-ethical-adulthood. In organisational-context such implementation occurs through the establishment and institutionalisation of an ethical-culture with an ethical code of conduct as criteria for evaluating ethical and moral issues. These cri­teria for a norm-image of labour- and managerial-ethical-adult hood could be established as norms within the ethical climate of a particular organisation by means of such an ethical code of conduct / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Ed. (Philosophy of Education)

Etické aspekty v práci sociálního kurátora / Ethical questions in the work of a social curator

ČERMÁKOVÁ, Dagmar January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with a social curator, a specialized social worker profession. The first part describes attributes of humanity and ethical cathegories, which were chosen acording to the aim of this thesis and which were emhasized as important pillars in the work of a social curator. The next part of the thesis contains description of a target group with which the social curator works and it also describes the mainly occuring types of clients. In the third part of the thesis there is a list and evaluation of all the pillars that the social curator needs with the emphasis put on their meaning for their job. As a main source the author uses a czech legislation, which names a target group of the social curator as well as she uses an ethical code, which is not legaly binding, but it is a outline for a good quality work of all of social workers. It is important to always také into account the maturity and morally formed personaly of the social curator and also their knowledge of ethics and ethical cathegories and their practical use.

Politika firemní pohostinnosti ve světle křesťanské etiky / Politics of Corporate Hospitality in Light of Christian Ethics

Havelka, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
The Diploma Thesis "Corporate Hospitality Policy in the Light of Christian Ethics" deals with the question whether there is a fair form and degree of rationalized corporate hospitality compatible with the bases of both general and Christian ethics. The thesis presents a comprehensive view of a wide range of approaches to corporate hospitality from selfless, over rationalized, up to binding, manipulating and corrupt. Corporate hospitality is a very current, widely used management tool. It can be a gratitude for cooperation, expression of regard and respect for a business partner, or demonstration of openness to future cooperation. However, corporate hospitality need not always be a step toward the other's unsecured space, but on the contrary, the effort to pre-ensure that space, and gain an advantage. Such hospitality can bind or even manipulate a business partner, with the goal of getting a job, insuring co-operation, or facilitating a way to profit. Such hospitality is already on the brink of corruption. An important part of the work is therefore to define corporate hospitality in relation to corruption and a deeper assessment of individual approaches to corporate hospitality. The thesis presents criteria of morally justifiable corporate hospitality and its limits elaborated for a particular...

Ética e serviço social: análise dos valores que norteiam os laudos sociais nas ações de guarda das varas de família do tribunal de justiça de Minas Gerais

Pereira, Carla Alexandra 13 March 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:17:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carla Alexandra Pereira.pdf: 441949 bytes, checksum: b089fe0489d7e3b622001d15c6626907 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-03-13 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This dissertation was designed to analyze social reports written by professional social workers who are employed by Family Court Divisions of Minas Gerais State Court of Justice (Tribunal de Justiça de Minas Gerais - TJMG), from the perspective of 1993 Ethical Code of Social Workers values and ethical principles. Particularly in TJMG, Family Court Divisions demanded written Social Studies and Investigations of social workers. Those professionals are commissioned as State Representatives to implement an intervention in family environment. Such intervention intends to produce a technical document (Social Study or Social Report) that must be able to support judicial decisions, as an expert analyses recommending whether is possible or not to concede a custody petition. In this way, social study reports need to demonstrate some aspects and determinants about social and family life of all those involved in law action, as: intrafamily relationship (affective links, socialization processes and potential physical and psychological violence occurrences); social questions those would be identified as family conflict causes or social questions those would can still provoking it; social relationships of family group and their general social and economical conditions. This research demanded closest approximation of this kind of social worker instrument of communication in the forensic universe and it had written keeping in mind how it could contribute to professional usage in this specific area. However, this research does not restrict itself on what those professionals have showed in their discourses about values, but it has driven itself through ethical commitment to the users that are involved on the intervention process and social report. From this assumption, this dissertation focuses institutional status, central elements and professional development of social worker, and a brief historical trajectory of Social Service in the Judiciary System of Minas Gerais State. After all, this research was built upon presuppositions of conservative though and 1993 Ethical Code of Social Worker s values and principles / A presente dissertação foi realizada com o objetivo de analisar os laudos sociais elaborados pelos assistentes sociais que atuam junto às Varas de Família dos Fóruns do Tribunal de Justiça de Minas Gerais, sob o ponto de vista dos valores e princípios éticos presentes no Código de Ética do Assistente Social (1993). No TJMG, especificamente no que tange às Varas de Família, os assistentes sociais são solicitados para a realização de Estudos Sociais ou Perícias Sociais, ou seja, são demandados, enquanto representantes do Estado, a intervir no espaço familiar. A finalidade dessa intervenção é a elaboração de um documento técnico (laudo social ou relatório social), que ofereça subsídios para a decisão judicial, isto é, uma análise e um parecer sobre as possibilidades de efetivação da guarda pleiteada. Para isso, o estudo social precisa contemplar os aspectos/determinantes da vida sócio-familiar dos sujeitos envolvidos naquela ação judicial: suas relações intrafamiliares (vínculos afetivos, processos de sociabilidade, intercorrência de situações de violência física e psicológica); as questões sociais que provocaram ou provocam o conflito vivenciado, e as possíveis redes sociais de apoio; as relações sociais estabelecidas pelo grupo familiar e as suas condições sócio-econômicas. Ao realizar a pesquisa, buscamos nos aproximar desse instrumento de comunicação do assistente social no universo forense, na perspectiva de contribuir para uma reflexão sobre os valores e princípios éticos que pautam o exercício profissional nesse campo específico de atuação. Contudo, não nos baseamos apenas no que foi explicitado pelos profissionais em seu discurso sobre valores, mas no compromisso ético firmado com o usuário no processo de intervenção e na elaboração do laudo social. Dentro dessa proposta, a dissertação aborda o espaço institucional e seus elementos marcantes, além do desenvolvimento da profissão e um breve histórico sobre o Serviço Social no Judiciário Mineiro. Como eixos norteadores, nos apoiamos nos pressupostos do pensamento conservador e nos valores e princípios do Código de Ética do Assistente Social, de 1993

Etické aspekty náhradní výchovy v kontextu změn právního systému ČR / Ethical aspects of substitute care in the context of legislation changes in the Czech Republic.

KŮRKOVÁ, Dagmar January 2014 (has links)
My work analyses the legislation changes in the area of social and legal protection of children in the Czech Republic that have been introduced over the last two years. This work focuses on impacts of these changes in the practice of transferring children to substitute care as well as ethical aspects directly connected with this process. Laws impacting the social and legal protection of children are being compared in order to understand the legal rights of children. The consequences of the legislative changes have a direct effect on the processes of handing children to substitute care. The work is not only concerned with the practical impacts, but also with the ethical side of the problem which was identified as the most important in my thesis. Case reports from my own practice provide a complementary evidence to the reader to better understand the process of placement of children into substitute care both at professional and ethical levels.

Návrh na zlepšení firemní kultury v Centru pojištění / Suggestion for the Improvement of the Company Culture in the Centre of Insurance

Weirichová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The thesis “A Suggestion for the Improvement of the Company Culture in the Centre of Insurance” deals with the analysis of the corporate culture in the Centre of Insurance, a company that provides financial services. The main target of the thesis is to ascertain the power and standard of the corporate culture, as well as employees’ satisfaction. It aims to identify the elements of the corporate culture according to Schein’s model, and based on a questionnaire enquiry suggest such measures that would improve the corporate atmosphere and thereby contribute to the increase in the productivity of labour.

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