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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Messager sans message : traité de psychothérapie interculturelle / Messenger without a message : study on intercultural psychotherapy

Coyer, Gilbert 22 October 2009 (has links)
Cette recherche est issue d’une observation longitudinale de quatorze enfants suivis en psychothérapie ; reçus en consultations familiales avec des interprètes ou médiateurs ; soutenus dans leur environnement social et scolaire ; et pour certains, accueillis en hôpital de jour. Il s’agit essentiellement d’enfants d’origine africaine, simultanément engagés par leur famille dans des traitements traditionnels. Le caractère bifocal – individuel et environnemental – de ces suivis, ouvre à un questionnement épistémologique dans ces deux champs respectifs – psychologique et social – et dans celui de leur articulation. Il engage, pour éviter l’écueil du relativisme ou des confusions sémantiques, à un approfondissement des notions de complémentarisme et d’acculturation antagoniste telles qu’elles ont été formalisées par Devereux, et prolongées, pour cette dernière, par certains sociologues comme Bourdieu et Sayad, ou du point de vue des paradoxes qu’elle soulève, par les travaux de Winnicott, de Roussillon, de Bateson, ou de certains cognitivistes. Ces observations conjointes et longues, sur trois à dix ans, soulignent les nombreuses interfaces entre les problématiques des enfants suivis et le champ familial et social auquel ouvrent les traitements culturels de leur malaise. En cela, la réflexion sur ces psychothérapies interculturelles soutient celle déjà engagée par d’autres cliniciens sur l’articulation de l’intrasubjectivité et de l’intersubjectivité, et sur les médiations thérapeutiques. Elle amène à approfondir dans ce domaine le sens des notions de symbolisation, de traduction, et de transitionnalité, dans la suite des travaux de Roussillon, de Berman, et de Winnicott. / This work is based on the longitudinal observation of 14 children treated with psychotherapy, seen in family consultations with interpreters or mediators, supported in their social and school environment and in some cases, admitted to day hospitals. Most children are of African origin, with families that simultaneously looked for traditional treatments. The bifocal character of these follow-ups – individual and environmental – allows for epistemological questioning in both of the respective fields – psychological and social – and in their articulation. It involves, in order to avoid the pitfalls of relativism or semantic confusions, a more profound analysis of the notions of complementarism and antagonistic acculturation as they have been formalized by Devereux, and developed in the case of acculturation, by certain sociologists such as Bourdieu and Sayad, or from the perspective of paradoxes that result, of the work of Winnicott, Roussillon, Bateson and certain cognitivists. These conjoined and long clinical follow-ups lasting from three to ten years underline the numerous interfaces between the problematics of the treated children and the family and social fields implicit in the cultural treatment of their illness. As such, the reflection about these intercultural psychotherapies supports work already engaged by other clinicians on the articulation between intra- and inter-subjectivity and on therapeutic mediations. It allows for a more profound examination of meaning of the notions of symbolization, translation and transitional space, following the work of Roussillon, Berman and Winnicott.

Struggling and Coping with Life: Maternal Emotional Distress in a South African Township

Rubin, Sarah Ethel 02 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

La psichiatria coloniale italiana : teorie, pratiche, protagonisti, istituzioni 1906-1952 / Italian colonial psychiatry : theories, practices, protagonists, institutions 1906-1952 / La psychiatrie coloniale italienne : théories, pratiques, protagonistes, institutions 1906-1952

Scarfone, Marianna 12 June 2014 (has links)
Ce travail aborde les développements de la psychiatrie dans les colonies italiennes de la Corne de l’Afrique et de la Libye. La psychiatrie coloniale – que l’on appelle aussi ‘ethnographique’, ‘comparée’, ‘raciale’ – se nourrit de théories anthropologiques consolidées, de mensurations anthropométriques, d’observations cliniques ; c’est dans ce cadre complexe qu’elle émerge comme discipline autonome, en partie au moins, par rapport à la psychiatrie de le mère-patrie et qu’elle contribue au bon fonctionnement du régime colonial. Les protagonistes sont en premier lieu les médecins et les patients ; à l’arrière plan on trouve aussi les administrateurs et les hommes politiques, ou encore les familles et les communautés d’origine des patients. À travers des documents précieux comme les dossiers médicaux, il est possible de reconstituer les parcours des patients, de raconter des histoires de vie et d’identifier des éléments récurrents dans les différentes expériences. De plus, grâce à la documentation privée de certains médecins coloniaux, il est possible de saisir les motivations qui poussaient certains spécialistes à venir exercer dans les colonies. L’étude de la littérature psychiatrique de l’époque, associée à l’analyse des parcours des médecins, fait apparaître les échanges et les influences qui marquaient l’activité des psychiatres coloniaux. En ce sens il m’a semblé important d’analyser les modèles anglais et français dont les médecins italiens déclarent s’inspirer dans leur réflexion théorique et donc dans la construction de la discipline ainsi que dans les solutions pratiques mises en œuvre pour faire face à la question psychiatrique dès le début des différentes expériences coloniales. Le nœud de l’assistance aux colons et aux militaires qui présentaient des troubles psychiques, ainsi qu’aux indigènes considérés fous, a plus retenu l’attention dans la colonie libyenne (déjà en 1911-1912, avec des réalisations institutionnelles dans les années trente) tandis que dans les colonies de l’Afrique orientale italienne, la question de l’assistance psychiatrique a été moins débattue, débouchant par conséquent sur très peu de réalisations pratiques. / The dissertation reviews the ways in which psychiatry developed in the Italian colonies in the Horn of Africa and in Libya. Colonial psychiatry – variously called “ethnographic”, “comparative”, or “racial” psychiatry – drew on established anthropological theories, anthropometric measurements and clinical observations, the consistently-organized framework within which it emerged as an discipline supporting colonial government and at least partially independent of psychiatry in the home country. The primary interaction within this colonial psychiatry was that between doctors and patients; in the background were the colonial administrators, the political decision-makers, and the patients’ families and home communities. Precious documentary resources such as medical records let us trace patients’ careers, tell their life stories, reconstruct typical cases and confirm recurrent features in their various experiences; from the private papers of some colonial doctors we can gather the specialists’ motivations to move to the colonies; and an examination of the psychiatric literature of the day enables us to reconstruct the discussions and inspirations which fostered the work of the colonial psychiatrists. I have recognized the importance of analysing the British and (still more) the French models from which the Italian clinicians claimed to draw their inspiration, both in terms of theory (and the construction of the resulting discipline), and in the practical solutions implemented to tackle psychiatric issues from the earliest days of the various colonial experiments. This issue – of supporting psychiatrically-afflicted colonists and soldiers and natives regarded as “mad” – was paid most attention in the Libyan colony, starting in the very first months of the occupation (in 1911 and 1912) and then taking institutional form in the 1930s; in the colonies of what was known as “Italian East Africa”, on the other hand, there was less discussion of psychiatric support and correspondingly limited practical achievements. / La tesi percorre gli sviluppi della psichiatria nelle colonia libica e nelle colonie del Corno d’Africa. La psichiatria coloniale – che assume denominazioni diverse: ‘etnografica’, ‘comparata’, ‘razziale’ – si nutre di teorie antropologiche consolidate, di misurazioni antropometriche, di osservazioni cliniche ed è in questo quadro articolato che emerge come disciplina autonoma, almeno in parte, rispetto alla psichiatria della madrepatria, e funzionale al buon ordine del regime coloniale. Nella cornice della psichiatria coloniale interagiscono in primo luogo medici e pazienti; sullo sfondo ci sono gli amministratori e i decisori politici, le famiglie e le comunità di provenienza dei pazienti. Attraverso documenti preziosi come le cartelle cliniche è possibile tracciare le traiettorie dei pazienti, raccontare storie di vita, ricostruire casi esemplari e fissare dei punti ricorrenti nelle diverse esperienze. Grazie alla documentazione privata di alcuni medici coloniali è possibile cogliere le ragioni che spingevano gli specialisti in colonia. Infine la letteratura psichiatrica del periodo preso in esame permette di ricostruire gli scambi e le ispirazioni che alimentavano l’attività degli psichiatri coloniali. In tal senso si è ritenuto importante analizzare i modelli inglese e soprattutto francese a cui i medici italiani dichiarano di ispirarsi, sia nella riflessione teorica e quindi nella costruzione della disciplina, sia nelle soluzioni pratiche attuate per far fronte alla questione psichiatrica sin dai primi tempi delle diverse esperienze coloniali. Tale questione, ovvero il problema dell'assistenza ai coloni e ai militari che presentavano disturbi psichiatrici nonché agli indigeni ritenuti folli, ha ricevuto maggiore attenzione nella colonia libica, e questo sin dai primi mesi della sua occupazione, tra 1911 e 1912, per poi manifestarsi in realizzazioni istituzionali negli anni Trenta; mentre nelle colonie della cosiddetta Africa Orientale Italiana il tema dell’assistenza psichiatrica è stato meno dibattuto, sfociando pertanto in scarse realizzazioni pratiche.

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