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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anticipace a prožívání zrady v interpersonálních vztazích / Betrayal anticipation and experience in interpersonal relationships

Lačev, Alek January 2012 (has links)
"It's terrible. You can't trust anyone anymore." - Dawn Butler In this dissertation I concern myself with a phenomenon of betrayal within field of psychology. Despite the fact that examples of violations or betrayals of trust are manifold, relatively little theory exists regarding dynamics of trust, context-specific perception of betrayal or ability to predict violation of trust be- fore it actually happens. Overall there is significant gap in our knowledge about betrayal, despite its obvious prevalence in human behaviour. There are several approaches to betrayal ranging from evolutionary psy- chology to organizational psychology. Nevertheless this area lacks some unified approach and grasp of the problem. In my work I try to explore and build upon all these theories to answer following questions: (1) Is betrayal context-specific? Does certain context trigger perception of certain behaviour to be viewed as betrayal? (2) What role does intentionality play in perception of betrayal? In what contexts is intention even relevant? (3) Are we able to predict betrayal? Are there some emotional or communicational clues of upcoming betrayal? In the research part of this thesis I further examine betrayal in four differ- ent ways. I ask about colour-association to betrayal to examine their prevailing emotion...


Nainiger, Monica Ann January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

An evolutionary psychology perspective on responsibility attributions for infidelity and relationship dissolution

Edmonson, Kindra Lynn 01 January 2011 (has links)
This study investigated responsibility attributions for a partner's emotional infidelity and for a partner's sexual infidelity, and the likelyhood that the victim or partner would end the relationship. This study found a significant relationship between responsibility attributions for a romantic partner's unfaithfulness and the likelihood the relationship would end: the stronger the attributions of personal responsibility the more likely the relationship would dissolve.

Le langage humain est-il une adaptation biologique? : un regard critique sur une explication adaptationniste

Demars, Louis-Philippe 03 1900 (has links)
Pinker et Bloom (1990), deux représentants de la psychologie évolutionniste, soutiennent que le langage est une adaptation biologique ayant pour fonction la communication. Ils prétendent ainsi jeter un éclairage sur l’origine et l’évolution du langage. Le présent mémoire propose une analyse critique de leur argumentation, et ce, du point de vue de la philosophie de la biologie. D’une part, il tente de dissiper la confusion entourant la conception du langage adoptée par Pinker et Bloom, afin de mieux définir le trait censé constituer une adaptation biologique. Ce faisant, ce mémoire fait ressortir certains présupposés de leur conception du langage et en souligne l’aspect problématique. En ce sens, les concepts d’innéité, de modularité, de grammaire universelle et de systématicité sont abordés de façon critique. D’autre part, ce travail entend expliciter un concept clé de l’argumentation de Pinker et Bloom : celui d’adaptation. L’analyse montre que l’opposition entre adaptationnisme et anti-adaptationnisme tient, dans le cas présent, à une divergence quant à la façon de définir l’adaptation biologique. Une distinction importante doit être faite entre une adaptation résultant exclusivement de la sélection naturelle dans un contexte fonctionnel particulier et une adaptation qui n’exclut pas a priori d’autres facteurs évolutifs, dont l’exaptation. Dans la mesure où l’argumentation de Pinker et Bloom conduit à affirmer que le langage constitue une adaptation seulement au deuxième sens du terme, ce mémoire montre qu’ils ne sont pas à même de rendre compte de l’origine du langage. / Pinker and Bloom (1990), two proponents of evolutionary psychology, argue that language has evolved as a biological adaptation for the function of communication. In doing so, they claim to shed light on the origin and evolution of language. This paper proposes a critical analysis of their argument from the point of view of the philosophy of biology. On the one hand, it attempts to clarify Pinker and Bloom’s conception of language in order to better define the trait that is regarded as an adaptation. Thus, this paper brings to the fore several problematic assumptions underlying their conception of language. In this context, the concepts of innateness, modularity, universal grammar and systematicity are addressed in a critical manner. On the other hand, this paper aims to make explicit a key concept of their argument: the concept of adaptation. The analysis shows that the opposition between adaptationism and anti-adaptationism is due, in the present instance, to a divergence in the way biological adaptation is defined. An important distinction has to be drawn between an adaptation resulting exclusively from natural selection in a particular functional context and an adaptation that does not a priori exclude other evolutionary factors such as exaptation. In so far as Pinker and Bloom’s argument allows them to conclude that language is an adaptation only in the second meaning of the term, this paper shows that they are not in a position to provide an account of the origin of language.

Da ameba ao psicólogo: diálogos de Popper com a psicologia / From the Amoeba to the Psychologist: Popper dialogues with Psychology

Doria, Nilson Guimarães 13 June 2011 (has links)
Pouco se conhece da obra de Popper entre os psicólogos à parte alguma informação sobre as suas contribuições à Filosofia da Ciência. Todavia as relações que Popper manteve com a disciplina, seja a sua formação inicial nesta área, ou seus escritos em que abordava matéria psicológica, foram várias e profícuas. Em sua pretensão mais modesta este trabalho é uma retomada do estudo destas relações, entretanto ele pretende não só recapitulá-las, mas também argumentar em favor da atualidade das contribuições de Popper para a Psicologia em diversos níveis: do metateórico à sugestão de hipóteses para testagem empírica. Os principais resultados aos quais a pesquisa conduziu foram: a) o rastreamento de Bühler e Selz como principais influências do campo da Psicologia sobre a obra de Popper. A Psicologia da Aprendizagem de Selz inspirando suas idéias sobre o problema do crescimento do conhecimento, e a solução pluralista de Bühler para a crise da psicologia, associada à sua Teoria da Linguagem, colaborando para a criação do pluralismo metodológico; b) a identificação do pluralismo metodológico popperiano como base de uma epistemologia interacionista. Seu pluralismo tem grande potencial para repercussões na Psicologia, especialmente na forma da Teoria dos Mundos e do papel concedido ao Mundo 3 tanto na constituição do psiquismo, quanto na mediação da relação entre seres autoconscientes; c) as incursões de Popper na Teoria da Evolução, como o modelo popperiano do Dualismo Genético, e a proposição de que seu esquema tetrádico do crescimento do conhecimento pode ser entendido como uma generalização da evolução darwinista enriquecem, colaboram com debate corrente no campo da Psicologia Evolucionista no que se refere ao papel desempenhado pelo comportamento ativo dos organismos na evolução e do alcance do dawinismo universal; d) A idéia de que o eu pode em grande medida ser entendido como um objeto de Mundo 3, com todas as suas propriedades, resulta em um fértil campo de especulação que lança luz sobre problemas contemporâneos em Psicologia Cultural, como o da interobjetividade, e a complementariedade dos processos de internalização e externalização; e) algumas propostas concretas de hipóteses a serem testadas são apresentadas ao conjugar-se a idéia popperiana de que a ciência é a um só tempo uma atividade criativa e crítica, com a perspectiva do Self-Dialógico. Eu- Crítico, e Eu- Criador, poderiam ser entendidos como I-positions dos cientistas concretos; f) a Epistemologia da maturidade de Popper, com sua ênfase na crítica do indutivismo e em determinado ethos científico, podem nos ajuda a enfrentar o problema da Crise da Psicologia. Apesar dos resultados acima não esgotarem toda a possibilidade de diálogo que se pode estabelecer entre a obra de Popper e a Psicologia (pois haveria ainda outros aspectos que poderiam ser abordados, como a relação de Popper com a Psicanálise; o problema do individualismo metodológico e suas conseqüências para a Psicologia Social; novas maneiras de se pensar o inconsciente a partir do entendimento do eu como um objeto do Mundo 3, etc.), acredita-se que o presente trabalho representa ganhos substanciais ao debate teórico acerca das relações que se propõe discutir / Popper oeuvre is mostly unknown among psychologists, besides a piecemeal of information about his contributions to Philosophy of Science. Nevertheless, Popper has always been in close and productive contact with Psychology, since his first academic studies in the area, to his later works on Mind Philosophy. The minor goal of this work is to retake from the History books the study of these relations, although it intends to go further defending their value to the contemporary Psychology, in different levels: from the metalevel, to the formulation of empirically testable hypothesis. The main results of my research are: a) identify Bühler and Selz as the main psychological influences over Poppers work. Selzs Learning Psychology had served as an inspiration to Popper thoughts about the nature of the processes involved on the growth of knowledge, as Bühlers pluralistic solution to the Crisis in Psychology problem, and his also pluralistic Language theory, had helped in the creation of his methodological pluralism; b) pointing Popperian methodological pluralism as the ground to an interactionist epistemology. His pluralism has great potential repercussions to Psychology mainly the form of his Worlds Theory, and the role given to the third world in the constitution of the psyche and mediation of the communication of sentient beings; c) Poppers flirts with evolutionary theory, as the genetic dualism model, and the proposition that his knowledge growth scheme could be understood as a general formula of the Darwinian evolution, contribute to the current discussion in Evolutionary Psychology about the role of the active behavior of the organism upon the evolutionary pathways, and the reach of the universal darwinism; d) the idea that the I can be understood as a world 3 object, results in a fertile field of speculation on contemporary Cultural Psychology problematic, as the concept of interobjectivity and the complementary nature of internalization and externalization processes; e) some concrete proposal of empirical testable hypothesis are presented trying to connect the Popperian idea that the scientific activity is at the same time a creative an critic activity with the Dialogical-Self perspective. I- Critic and I-Creator could be taken as concrete scientists I-positions; f) Poppers maturity philosophy, with its emphasis on the criticism of inductivism and in the prescription of a certain scientific ethos, can help us to face the old problem of the Crisis of Psychology. Although the results present dont exhaust all the possibility of dialogue between Poppers work and psychological inquiry (once there still being other aspects that could be explored, as the relationship among Popper end Psychoanalysis; the problem of the methodological individualism and its consequences to the Social Psychology; new ways to look at the unconscious from the Popperian assumption of the world 3 nature of the Self), we believe the present work represents substantian improvements to the theoretical debate about the relationships it discuss

Etnia e coalizão: um estudo sobre categorização social em um contexto de conflito grupal / Etnicity and Coalition: a study about social categorization in group conflict context

Nascimento, Leandro Luis Santos e 22 October 2009 (has links)
Para uma comparação intercultural das influências do contexto sobre a codificação de etnia, duas variações do Protocolo de Confusão de Memória (PCM) foram aplicadas em brasileiros. Ambas as variações consistem em uma exibição de slides de uma discussão entre duas equipes esportivas rivais, com membros negros e brancos em ambos os times, em duas condições: Controle (times com roupas de cores idênticas) e Experimental (times com roupas de cores distintas). As variações são: Traduzida, com fotos de jogadores de basquete usadas no experimento original e diálogo traduzido; e Adaptada, com fotos de brasileiros com camisetas de futebol e com o diálogo reelaborado visando consistência com o esporte. O estudo foi dividido em três fases: (I) exposição de 84 participantes, do estado de São Paulo ao PCM Traduzido (II) exposição de 569 participantes em sete estados brasileiros (BA, ES, MT, RJ, RN, SC, SP) ao PCM Traduzido (III) exposição de 77 participantes do estado de São Paulo ao PCM Adaptado. Na Fase I, a codificação etnia acompanhou o aumento da intensidade da codificação de coalizão (condição experimental), em contraposição ao experimento original (Kurzban et al., 2001). Na Fase II, a codificação de etnia diminuiu de intensidade quando a codificação de coalizão aumentou, em taxa similar à da aplicação original, mas a codificação de coalizão manteve taxa mais baixa, em ambas as condições, em relação aos dados originais. Na Fase III os resultados em ambas as dimensões foram análogos aos da aplicação original. O conjunto de dados reforça a teoria da universalidade do módulo de codificação de coalizão e que a codificação de etnia seja subproduto deste. Também refletem a importância de uma adaptação cuidadosa em estudos interculturais. / For a cross-cultural comparison of context influences in ethnicity encoding, two variations of the Memory Confusion Protocol (MCP) were applied on Brazilians. Both variations consist in a slide-show exposition of a discussion between two rival teams, with black and white players on both sides, in two forms: Control (teams with identical grey colour) and Experimental (teams with different colours). The two variations were: Translated Only, with photographs of basketball players used in the original experiment, and the respective translated dialog; and Adapted, with photographs of Brazilian models with soccer uniforms and a re-elaborated dialog, more fitting to this sport. The research was divided, then, in three different phases: (I) a 84 participants experiment with the Translated MCP, in the state of São Paulo (II) a 569 participants experiment with the Translated MCP, in seven different Brazilian states (BA, ES, MT, RJ, RN, SC, SP); and (III) a 77 participants experiment with the Adapted MCP, in the state of São Paulo. In Phase I, the ethnicity encoding, contrary to the original experiment (Kurzban et al., 2001), accompanied the intensity grown of the coalition encoding. In Phase II ethnicity encoding lowered in intensity during a the raise of intensity of coalition encoding, but coalition encoding kept a lower intensity, in both conditions, if compared to the original experiment coalition encoding rates. In Phase III, the results of both dimensions are analogue to those of the Kurzban et al., 2001 experiment. The data obtained strengthens the theory of a universal coalition encoding module, and encoding ethnicity as a byproduct of it. The data also reveals the importance of a carefully planned adaptation in order to run cross-cultural studies.

Nós versus eles, eles e elas: comparação intercultural e intersexual na detecção de coalizões e alianças / Us versus them, male and female: cross-cultural and sex-group comparisons in detecting coalitions and alliances

Cosentino, Leonardo Antonio Marui 19 March 2008 (has links)
Duas visões diferentes podem ser identificadas na literatura sobre codificação de raça no processo de formação de primeiras impressões (categorização social): 1) A codificação de raça é um processo automático, inevitável e obrigatório; 2) é um processo dependente do contexto, que diminui com a explicitação de pistas visuais indicativas da afiliação a grupos, mostrando que a codificação de raça não é obrigatória. O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi: medir a codificação de coalizão e raça e seus efeitos na presença e ausência de pistas visuais de coalizão, confrontar o desempenho de uma amostra brasileira com uma amostra norte-americana e comparar os resultados de homens e mulheres. No primeiro estudo, foi usado o protocolo de confusão de memória, uma medida discreta para revelar quais dimensões os participantes estão categorizando dos indivíduos-alvo. Através deste protocolo, 569 participantes de sete estados brasileiros (BA, ES, MT, RJ, RN, SC, SP), 280 homens e 289 mulheres de 17 a 58 anos, foram expostos a uma situação experimental de rivalidade entre dois times em duas condições distintas: pista visual de coalizão presente (camisetas com cores diferentes para cada time) versus ausente (camisetas com cores iguais para os dois times). Foi encontrado que a codificação de coalizão aumentou e de raça diminuiu quando pistas visuais de coalizão foram amplificadas. Esses resultados são semelhantes aos obtidos na amostra norte-americana. Além disso, encontramos, de maneira geral, semelhança entre o desempenho de homens e mulheres, mas uma sutil diferença na condição onde todos os jogadores vestiam camisetas com cores iguais. Adicionalmente, foi realizado um estudo avaliando características atribuídas por juízes aos indivíduos-alvo do primeiro estudo. Verificamos que o indivíduo-alvo mais escolhido pelos homens no primeiro estudo foi julgado como o mais forte no segundo, enquanto o avaliado como mais rico e bem-sucedido tendeu a ser mais escolhido pelas mulheres quando todos os jogadores vestiam camisetas da mesma cor. Os resultados gerais sugerem a universalidade do mecanismo de detecção de coalizões e alianças, que codificação de raça pode ser um subproduto da psicologia da coalizão e que diferenças intersexuais na codificação de informações ambientais podem ter evoluído a partir de diferentes pressões evolutivas relacionadas às dinâmicas da seleção sexual. / Two different perspectives could be identified in literature about race encoding in the formation of first impressions (social categorization): 1) race encoding is an automatic, inevitable and mandatory process. 2) race encoding is a context-dependent process which decreases with the amplification of visual cues indicating group affiliation. The objective of this work was to measure the coalition and race codification and their effects in the presence and absence of coalition visual cues, to compare the results of the Brazilian sample with a North American sample, and to compare the results of men and women. In the first study, the memory confusion protocol - an unobtrusive measure developed to investigate how people use the features of others as a basis of social categorization - was used to assess encoding. 569 participants from seven different states (BA, ES, MT, RJ, RN, SC, SP), 280 males and 289 females, between 17 to 58 years old, were exposed to an experimental context of rivalry between two teams in two different conditions: shared visual appearance (each team wore jerseys of different colors) versus absence of shared visual appearance (all individuals were wearing jerseys of same color). We found that coalition encoding increased and race encoding decreased when visual cues of coalition were amplified, which implies that race encoding is not an inevitable and mandatory process. These results are generally similar with the North-American findings. Moreover, we found, in general, resemblance in men and women performances, but a slight difference in the conditions where all individuals were wearing jerseys of same color. Additionally, another study was conducted to assess features of the experimental models attributed by judges. We verified that the model chosen more by men was judged as the strongest, and the model tended to be chosen more by women was judged as the richest and well succeed, when all models were wearing jerseys of same color. The general results suggest the universality of the detecting alliance and coalitions mechanism; that the encoding by race could be a byproduct of coalitional psychology, and sexual difference in the codification of environmental informations could have evolved by sexual selection.

Approaches to an evolutionary personality psychology

Penke, Lars 07 August 2007 (has links)
Evolutionäre Herangehensweisen hatten in der Persönlichkeitspsychologie nicht den gleichen Erfolg wie in anderen Bereichen der Psychologie. In dieser Dissertation werden zwei alternative evolutionäre Herangehensweisen an die Persönlichkeitspsychologie diskutiert und angewendet. Die evolutionsgenetische Herangehensweise fragt, warum genetische Varianz in Persönlichkeitsunterschieden existiert. Im ersten Teil dieser Dissertation werden verschiedene evolutionsgenetische Mechanismen, die genetische Varianz erklären können, verglichen. Auf Grundlage evolutionsgenetischer Theorie und empirischen Befunden aus der Verhaltensgenetik und Persönlichkeitspsychologie wird geschlussfolgert, dass ein Mutations-Selektions-Gleichgewicht genetische Varianz in Intelligenz gut erklären kann, während ausgleichende Selektion durch Umweltheterogenität die plausibelste Erklärung für genetische Unterschiede in Persönlichkeitseigenschaften ist. Komplementär zur evolutionsgenetischen Herangehensweise beginnt die „Life History“-Herangehensweise damit, wie Menschen ihre Ressourcen in evolutionär relevante Lebensbereiche investieren. Im zweiten Teil der Dissertationsschrift wird diese Herangehensweise am Beispiel von Investitionsunterschieden in Langzeit- versus Kurzzeit-Paarungstaktiken (wie im Konstrukt der Soziosexualität abgebildet) erläutert. Zwei neue Maße zur Erfassung von Soziosexualitätskomponenten werden vorgestellt. Während das revidierte Soziosexuelle Orientierungsinventar (SOI-R) ein Fragebogen zur Erfassung der Facetten „Verhalten“, „Einstellung“ und „Begehren“ ist, wurde mit dem Single-Attribute Impliziten Assoziationstest (SA-IAT) eine neue Methode zur indirekten Erfassung impliziter Soziosexualität entwickelt. Beide Maße zeigten konkurrente Validität in Onlinestudien, aber nur der SOI-R erwies sich als prädiktiv für Paarungstaktiken, einschließlich beobachtetem Flirtverhalten sowie der Zahl der Sexualpartner und Veränderungen im Beziehungsstatus innerhalb der nächsten 12 Monate. / Evolutionary approaches have not been as successful in personality psychology as they were in other areas of psychology. In this thesis, two alternative evolutionary approaches to personality psychology are discussed and applied. The evolutionary genetic approach asks why genetic variance in personality differences exists. In the first part of this thesis, three evolutionary genetic mechanisms that could explain genetic variance in personality differences are assessed: selective neutrality, mutation-selection balance, and balancing selection. Based on evolutionary genetic theory and empirical results from behavior genetics and personality psychology, it is concluded that selective neutrality is largely irrelevant, that mutation-selection balance seems best at explaining genetic variance in intelligence, and that balancing selection by environmental heterogeneity seems best at explaining genetic variance in personality traits. Complementary to the evolutionary genetic approach, the life history approach starts with how people allocate their resources to evolutionarily relevant life tasks. In the second part of this thesis, differences in the allocation to long-term versus short-term mating tactics (as reflected in the construct of sociosexuality) are used as a case to exemplify this approach. Two new measures for the assessment of sociosexuality components are presented. While the revised Sociosexual Orientation Inventory (SOI-R) is a questionnaire that assesses the facets Behavior, Attitude and Desire, the sociosexuality Single-Attribute Implicit Association Test (SA-IAT) is a new methodic development aimed to assess implicit sociosexuality indirectly. Both measures showed concurrent validity in online studies, but only the SOI-R facets were predictive of mating tactics, including observed flirting behavior, as well as for the number of sexual partners and changes in romantic relationship status over the following 12 months.

Modeling the decision making mind: Does form follow function?

Jarecki, Jana Bianca 07 December 2017 (has links)
Die Verhaltenswissenschaften betrachten menschliche Entscheidungsprozesse aus zwei komplementären Perspektiven: Form und Funktion. Formfragen behandeln wie Denkprozesse ablaufen, Funktionsfragen behandeln, welche Ziele das resultierende Verhalten erfüllt. Die vorliegende Dissertation argumentiert für die Integration von Form und Funktion. Ein Schritt zur Integration von Form und Funktion besteh darin, Prozessmodelle aus der Kognitionspsychologie in die evolutionäre Psychologie und Verhaltensbiologie (welche sich häufig mit Funktionsfragen befassen) einzuführen. Studie 1 untersucht die Eigenschaften kognitiver Prozessmodelle. Ich schlage ein Rahmenmodell für allgemeine kognitive Prozessmodelle vor, mit Hilfe dessen Prozessmodelle entwickelt werden können. In Studie 2 untersuche ich Klassifikation aus Perspektive der Form und Funktion. Verhalten sich Menschen gemäss einer statistischen Annahme, die sich in der Informatik als robust gegenüber ihrer Verletzung herausstellte? Daten aus zwei Lernexperimenten und Modellierung mittels eines neuen probabilistischen Lernmodells zeigen, dass Menschen zu Beginn des Lernprozesses gemäß dem statistischen Prinzip der klassenkonditionalen Unabhängigkeit kategorisieren. In Studie 3 geht es um Risikoentscheidungen aus der Perspektive der Form und Funktion. Sind Informationsverarbeitungsprozesse abhängig von der Zielgröße der Entscheidung? Ich messe Prozess- und Verhaltensindikatoren in zehn Risikodomänen welche die evolutionären Ziele wiederspiegeln. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass Risikoeinstellungen domänenspezifisch sind. Insbesondere sind Frauen nicht universell risiko-averser als Männer. Auf der Prozessebene hat die Valenz der entscheidungsrelevanten Argumente geringeren Einfluss auf die Domänenunterschiede als die am häufigsten genannten Aspekte für/gegen das Risikoverhalten. / The behavioral sciences investigate human decision processes from two complementary perspectives: form and function. Formal questions include the processes that lead to decisions, functional aspects include the goals which the resulting behavior meets. This dissertation argues for the integration of form and functional questions. One step towards a form-function integration is introducing cognitive process models into evolutionary psychology and behavioral biology (which are mostly asking about the goals of behavior). Study 1 investigates the properties of cognitive process models. I suggest the first general framework for building cognitive process models. In study 2 I investigate human category learning from a functional and form centered perspective. Do humans, when learning a novel categorization task, follow a statistical principle which was been shown to perform the goals of correct classification robustly even in the face of violations of the underlying assumption? Data from two learning experiments and cognitive modeling with a novel probabilistic learning model show that humans start classifying by following the statistical principle of class-conditional independence of features. Study 3 investigates risk attitudes from the perspective of form and function. Does the information people process relate to the goals of risky behavior? I measure process- and behavioral indicators in ten domains of risks which represent different evolutionary goals. The results show that not only do risk attitudes differ across domains, but also that females are not universally less risk taking than males. Further, on the process level, the valence of the aspects related to perceived risks is less related to peoples’ risk propensities compared to the most frequently mentioned aspects.

Etnia e coalizão: um estudo sobre categorização social em um contexto de conflito grupal / Etnicity and Coalition: a study about social categorization in group conflict context

Leandro Luis Santos e Nascimento 22 October 2009 (has links)
Para uma comparação intercultural das influências do contexto sobre a codificação de etnia, duas variações do Protocolo de Confusão de Memória (PCM) foram aplicadas em brasileiros. Ambas as variações consistem em uma exibição de slides de uma discussão entre duas equipes esportivas rivais, com membros negros e brancos em ambos os times, em duas condições: Controle (times com roupas de cores idênticas) e Experimental (times com roupas de cores distintas). As variações são: Traduzida, com fotos de jogadores de basquete usadas no experimento original e diálogo traduzido; e Adaptada, com fotos de brasileiros com camisetas de futebol e com o diálogo reelaborado visando consistência com o esporte. O estudo foi dividido em três fases: (I) exposição de 84 participantes, do estado de São Paulo ao PCM Traduzido (II) exposição de 569 participantes em sete estados brasileiros (BA, ES, MT, RJ, RN, SC, SP) ao PCM Traduzido (III) exposição de 77 participantes do estado de São Paulo ao PCM Adaptado. Na Fase I, a codificação etnia acompanhou o aumento da intensidade da codificação de coalizão (condição experimental), em contraposição ao experimento original (Kurzban et al., 2001). Na Fase II, a codificação de etnia diminuiu de intensidade quando a codificação de coalizão aumentou, em taxa similar à da aplicação original, mas a codificação de coalizão manteve taxa mais baixa, em ambas as condições, em relação aos dados originais. Na Fase III os resultados em ambas as dimensões foram análogos aos da aplicação original. O conjunto de dados reforça a teoria da universalidade do módulo de codificação de coalizão e que a codificação de etnia seja subproduto deste. Também refletem a importância de uma adaptação cuidadosa em estudos interculturais. / For a cross-cultural comparison of context influences in ethnicity encoding, two variations of the Memory Confusion Protocol (MCP) were applied on Brazilians. Both variations consist in a slide-show exposition of a discussion between two rival teams, with black and white players on both sides, in two forms: Control (teams with identical grey colour) and Experimental (teams with different colours). The two variations were: Translated Only, with photographs of basketball players used in the original experiment, and the respective translated dialog; and Adapted, with photographs of Brazilian models with soccer uniforms and a re-elaborated dialog, more fitting to this sport. The research was divided, then, in three different phases: (I) a 84 participants experiment with the Translated MCP, in the state of São Paulo (II) a 569 participants experiment with the Translated MCP, in seven different Brazilian states (BA, ES, MT, RJ, RN, SC, SP); and (III) a 77 participants experiment with the Adapted MCP, in the state of São Paulo. In Phase I, the ethnicity encoding, contrary to the original experiment (Kurzban et al., 2001), accompanied the intensity grown of the coalition encoding. In Phase II ethnicity encoding lowered in intensity during a the raise of intensity of coalition encoding, but coalition encoding kept a lower intensity, in both conditions, if compared to the original experiment coalition encoding rates. In Phase III, the results of both dimensions are analogue to those of the Kurzban et al., 2001 experiment. The data obtained strengthens the theory of a universal coalition encoding module, and encoding ethnicity as a byproduct of it. The data also reveals the importance of a carefully planned adaptation in order to run cross-cultural studies.

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