Spelling suggestions: "subject:"examination"" "subject:"eexamination""
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Le contrôle de l’activité du médecin en centre hospitalierLéger-Riopel, Nicholas 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Diagnostika železobetonových konstrukcí / Diagnostics of reinforced concrete structuresNápravník, Petr January 2022 (has links)
This thesis deals with the structural-technical survey of beam bridge no. 204c - M1, located in Bystřice pod Hostýnem. The theoretical part of the thesis is devoted to general characteristics of bridges, load capacity of bridges, beam bridges, concrete reinforcement, concrete, diagnosis of reinforced concrete structures, and laboratory evaluation. The practical part deals with carrying out a structural-technical survey on the bridge mentioned above, its evaluation and assessment, recalculation of the load capacity, and design of the necessary rehabilitation to maintain the functionality of the bridge.
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Is Periodontal Disease a Partial Mediator of the Association Between Depressive Symptoms And Cardiovascular Disease?Khambaty, Tasneem 28 August 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Epidemiological studies suggest that depression may be an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Although several possible mediators of this association have been proposed, the precise mechanisms are yet unknown. Accordingly, we examined periodontal disease as a novel mediator of the depression-CVD association, given its separate links with both depression and CVD. Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) I and its Epidemiologic Follow-up Study (NHEFS) were analyzed. Participants were 3,346 individuals aged 25-74 years free of CVD at baseline (53% female, 16% non-white). Depression was assessed by the, depressed mood subscale of the General Well-Being Schedule Based on the Russell Periodontal Index, periodontal disease (43%) was defined as the presence of four or more periodontal pockets identified by a licensed dentist during an examination. The primary outcome was incident CVD (n=727, 22%), defined as nonfatal or fatal coronary artery disease or cerebrovascular disease, identified during the follow-up period by interviews and death certificate records. All analyses were adjusted for demographic and cardiovascular risk factors. Logistic regression analyses revealed no association between the GWBS depressed mood score and periodontal disease (OR=1.05, 95% CI: 0.96-1.14, p=.24). Cox proportional hazard models revealed that both periodontal disease (HR=1.24, 95% CI: 1.06-1.46, p=.009) and depressed mood (HR=1.08, 95% CI: 1.01-1.17, p=.03) were significant predictors of incident CVD. However, Sobel analyses found that periodontal disease was not a partial mediator of the depressed mood-incident CVD association (t=1.01, p=.31). Overall, these mediation results suggest that (a) both periodontal disease and depressed mood are independent predictors of incident CVD and that (b) the effect of depressive symptoms on incident CVD is not mediated by periodontal disease.
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Selling "Dream Insurance" : The Standardized Test-preparation Industry's Search for Legitimacy, 1946-1989Shepherd, Keegan 01 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the origins, growth, and legitimization of the standardized test preparation ("test-prep") industry from the late 1940s to the end of the 1980s. In particular, this thesis focuses on the development of Stanley H. Kaplan Education Centers, Ltd. ("Kaplan") and The Princeton Review ("TPR"), and how these companies were most conducive in making the test-prep industry and standardized test-preparation itself socially acceptable. The standardized test most frequently discussed in this thesis is the Scholastic Aptitude Test ("SAT"), especially after its development came under the control of Educational Testing Service ("ETS"), but due attention is also given to the American College Testing Program ("ACT"). This thesis argues that certain test-prep companies gained legitimacy by successfully manipulating the interstices of American business and education, and brokered legitimacy through the rhetorical devices in their advertising. However, the legitimacy for the industry at-large was gained by default as neither the American government nor the American public could conclusively demonstrate that the industry conducted wholesale fraud. The thesis also argues that standardized test manufacturers were forced to engage in a cat-and-mouse game of pseudo-antagonism and adaptation with the test-prep industry once truth-in-testing laws prescribed transparent operations in standardized testing. These developments affect the current state of American standardized testing, its fluctuating but ubiquitous presence in the college admissions process, and the perpetuation of the test-prep industry decades after its origins.
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Die königliche Modellkammer der Georg-August-Universität GöttingenZauzig, Oliver 28 July 2022 (has links)
In dieser Forschungsarbeit geht es um die königliche Modellkammer der Universität Göttingen. Diese historische Lehrsammlung hat bis heute zahlreiche Spuren hinterlassen.
Trotz Professionalisierung der Sammlungsarbeit und der ständigen Einbindung der Modelle ins universitäre Curriculum der philosophischen Fakultät, insbesondere der angewandten Mathematik, existierten fast zu keiner Zeit angemessene Nutzungsbedingungen. In den 1880er Jahren wurde die Sammlung aufgelöst, wobei der Prozess der Auflösung in den Akten detailliert dokumentiert ist. Darüber hinaus sind bis heute 24 Modelle der ehemaligen Sammlung erhalten.
Aufbau und Umfang der Göttinger Modellkammer korrespondieren mit den universalen Modellsammlungen der Zeit, deren Ursprung in höfischen, städtischen und bürgerlichen Kunstkammern zu finden ist. Genutzt wurden Modelle und Modellsammlungen zum Beispiel zu Zwecken der Machtdemonstration, zum Planen und Entwerfen, als Muster, zum Spielen und Experimentieren, aber vor allem in Lehre und Bildung.
Neben der Erforschung der alltäglichen Praxis der historischen Sammlungsarbeit steht die Untersuchung der curricularen Nutzung mit der königlichen Modellkammer im Fokus der Arbeit. Dazu wurden einige der heute noch vorhandenen historischen Modelle der Sammlung eingehend untersucht, analysiert, in Bezug auf ihre historische curriculare Praxis befragt und individuell kontextualisiert.
Besonders durch die Begegnung mit den Objekten ergaben sich vielfältige Fragestellungen. Letztendlich erzwingen die zahlreichen Informationslücken, die sich bei der Erforschung des alltäglichen Umgangs mit der historischen Lehrsammlung durch Schrifttum und Objekte zwangsläufig auftun, ein überwiegend heuristisches Vorgehen. / This research paper is about the königliche Modellkammer (Royal Model Chamber) of the University of Göttingen. This historical teaching collection has left numerous traces to this day.
Despite the professionalisation of the collection's work and the constant integration of the models into the university curriculum of the Faculty of Philosophy, especially applied mathematics, appropriate conditions of use existed almost at no time. In the 1880s, the collection was dissolved, and the process of dissolution is documented in detail in the files. In addition, 24 models from the former collection have been preserved until now.
The structure and scope of the Göttingen Model Chamber correspond to the universal model collections of the time, whose origins can be found in courtly, municipal and bourgeois art chambers. Models and model collections for example were used for purposes of demonstrating power, for planning and designing, as patterns, for playing and experimenting, but above all in teaching and education.
In addition to researching the everyday practice of historical collection work, the focus is on investigating curricular use with the royal model chamber. To this end, some of the historical models of the collection that still exist today were examined in detail, analysed, questioned in relation to their historical curricular practice and individually contextualised.
Especially through the encounter with the objects, a variety of questions emerged. Ultimately, the numerous gaps in information that inevitably open up when researching the everyday use of the historical teaching collection through written material and objects force a predominantly heuristic approach.
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Разработка методических рекомендаций для проверки цифровой информационной модели в ГАУ СО «Управление государственной экспертизы» : магистерская диссертация / Development of methodological recommendations for checking the digital information model in the State Autonomous Institution SO “Office of State Expertise”Литуева, Ю. Д., Litueva, Yu. D. January 2024 (has links)
Цель работы − разработка методических рекомендаций по проведению проверки цифровой информационной модели раздела АР, КР и ПБ формата ifc для ГАУ СО «Управление государственной экспертизы». Для достижения поставленной цели были поставлены следующие задачи: построить модель и наполнить ее требуемой информацией, используя возможности ПО Revit; выделить основные принципы подготовки ЦИМ к экспертизе; проверить информацию из модели в формате IFC с помощью ПО Tangl Control. Сформировать проверки валидации и верификации; сформировать методические рекомендации, описывающие проведение проверки ЦИМ АР и КР в ПО Tangl Control экспертизой. / The purpose of the work is to develop methodological recommendations for checking the digital information model of the section AR, KR and PB in the ifc format for the State Autonomous Institution SO “Office of State Expertise”. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: build a model and fill it with the required information using the capabilities of Revit software; highlight the basic principles of preparing CIM for examination; check the information from the model in IFC format using Tangl Control software. Create validation and verification checks; create methodological recommendations describing the verification of CIM AR and KR in Tangl Control software by expert examination.
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Vybrané metody sociální práce s nesoběstačnými klienty ve zdravotnických zařízeních / The selected methods of social work with clients self - non sufficient in health care facilitiesKiliánová, Hana January 2016 (has links)
The main goal of the thesis entitled "The selected methods of social work with clients self-non sufficient in health care facilities" was to describe and to analyze methods used in activation of the elderly suffering from dementia. It draws a comparison of different settings and explores workers's attitude to the methods of activation. The text of the thesis was mapped out into five chapters. The first chapter was set into the context of old age and ageing. The second chapter is concerned with the issues of self-sufficiency and dependency of old age and other related issues. The topic of the third chapter is old age in relation with memory. It defines memory and memory disorders in the elderly suffering from dementia. The fourth chapter is crucial and gives an idea of non-pharmacological and other possible activities which are eligible for application in practice and are intended to reduce cognitive disorders of cognitive functions and behavior disorders. The theoretical part enters into research carried out in four facilities which care for clients with dementia. The research section is represented by a qualitative research where methods of a half structured interview and observation were opted for. The interviews were realized with eight practicing experts. The outcomes gathered from the...
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The application of a technique for enhancing recall to improve learning in the science classroomParsons, Darryl C January 2007 (has links)
There has existed for many years a memory enhancement technique ("memory pegs") that although having dramatic demonstrable success in some individual cases has not been generally applied in education. The emergence of constructivist epistemology has emphasised the notion that learning occurs as a result of connecting new material with previously learnt concepts. There is, therefore, the implication that effective learning requires some previous knowledge upon which to attach new concepts - and thus realisation of the importance of learning with respect to acquiring factual information as a prerequisite to learning new processes and/or skills. This issue has focussed my attention on the need to ensure that the more physiological skills of accessing 'memory', both for learning and recall, are optimised for maximum learning. Further, there are some indications that the physiological skills of memory access (storage and retrieval) may respond favourably to training and 'exercise'. This study was designed to find out whether or not a repeated 'exercise' using a simple memory enhancement technique would lead to a determinable and statistically significant increase in overall performance in a range of cognitive skills (as indicated by science and mathematics examination results), whether learning such a technique would affect a student's attitudes towards science, whether there was a relationship between the amount of time spent practicing the technique and the degree of effect, and whether the memory technique did actually improve the ability to recall lists of objects.
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Impact of educational policy on the National Senior Certificate : pre-1994 and post democracy South African caseMoropa, Malakia Shere 11 1900 (has links)
This study deals with the impact of educational policy on the National Senior Certificate: Pre-1994 and Post democracy South African case. The qualitative approach was used in this study, and the research findings were based on the analysis of documents. The transition from apartheid education to the present education system in South Africa has not been without challenges. In the past, South African education reflected the fragmented society in which it was based. Outcomes
based education (OBE)/Curriculum 2005 (C2005), since its inception, was riddled with challenges. OBE/C2005 by its nature is complex. It is not user-friendly for developing countries such as South Africa. The aim of this study is to explore the impact of educational policies on the
2008 National Senior Certificate results. Historical-educational research is undertaken with the view of putting the education phenomenon into proper perspective. Venter (1985) is of the opinion that historical education investigation refers to the systematic placing of historical education variables in the spotlight. The general, continual pedagogical and fundamental problems are accentuated against the multiplicity of historical detail. This then makes historical-educational research an orderly (systematic and controlled) process of knowledge enrichment (Venter & Van Heerden 1989:106). The National
Senior Certificate was established in terms of National Education Act 27 of 1996. Curriculum 2005 has been described in policy documents as a “paradigm shift” because it represents a radical departure from the previous curriculum in terms of the following: theoretical
underpinnings, structure and organisation, teaching and learning process, and assessment (South Africa, Department of Education 1997:1). Pre-1994, the researcher discovered that the education of black people in rural areas in particular and South Africa in general was, in most instances, negatively impacted by policies of the
previous government (1948-1953). The apartheid government used poor funding models to ensure that there were low teacher-pupil ratios and teacher qualifications were of unequal standard. Unequal pattern of spending continued well into the post-1994 democratic era.
This poor funding model which impacted negatively on rural schools made infrastructural provision in rural areas difficult.
Post -1994 democratic dispensation, the researcher discovered that the government have competitive legislative policies in place, but the challenges lay in the fact that those policies were impulsively implemented. Hence the many challenges. This is shown by the frequency of curriculum changes which took place in a very short space of time. Stakeholders played a major role in insuring that schools received quality service by challenging some of the decisions the government was taking. The government has had to take the
recommendations into account. / Public Administration and Management / M.Admin. (Public Administration)
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Exame médico periódico e risco cardiovascular em trabalhadores de uma grande empresa do Rio de Janeiro / Periodic medical examinations and cardiovascular risk in workers of a large company in Rio de JaneiroBruno, Ana Cecilia Rocha January 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009 / Neste estudo, foi analisado o risco cardiovascular de trabalhadores administrativos de uma grande empresa do Rio de Janeiro. Para tanto, a Síndrome Metabólica foi considerada como marcador, por encerrar um conjunto de alterações associadas a um elevado risco de doença cardiovascular e/ou diabetes, tais como obesidade abdominal, resistência insulínica, dislipidemia e hipertensão arterial. Os critérios para Síndrome Metabólica da Organização Mundial de Saúde, do Programa Nacional de Educação para o Colesterol-Terceiro Painel para Tratamento do Adulto e da Federação Internacional de Diabetes foram utilizados para diagnóstico, assim como o algoritmo de Framingham foi calculado. Dados do exame médico periódico foram reunidos, no período compreendido entre janeiro de 2003 até dezembro de 2007. Dos 2.052 exames realizados em 2003, 1.260 foram considerados para análise por estarem completos. Um grupo de 123 trabalhadores foi diagnosticado pelo critério da Federação Internacional de Diabetes e acompanhado durante cinco anos. Estabeleceu-se a relação entre a síndrome e as diversas ocupações, bem como com o absenteísmo. A prevalênciade 9,7 por cento foi abaixo da encontrada na literatura. Não foram observadas diferenças entre os grupos ocupacionais e, quanto ao absenteísmo, as faltas por problemas do aparelho circulatório foram a segunda causa mais importante. Verificou-se a baixa participação dos trabalhadores nos programas de saúde oferecidos. Os trabalhadores que realizaram exame médico periódico em 2007 foram diagnosticados pelos três critérios. A prevalência observada de 3,8 por cento com base no critério da Organização Mundial de Saúde; 16,6 por cento no Programa Nacional de Educação para o Colesterol-Terceiro Painel para Tratamento do Adulto e 16,3 por cento na Federação Internacional de Diabetes, novamente, foi abaixo da encontrada na literatura. O algoritmo de Framingham foi calculado e ao considerar a Síndrome Metabólica como fator agravante, quintuplicou-se a parcela de trabalhadores em alto risco para doenças cardiovasculares. Esse grupo necessita abordagem especial para tratamento médico e modificação do estilo de vida, a fim de reduzir o risco de incapacidade ou morte prematura. / In this dissertation the cardiovascular risk among office workers from a large company in Rio de Janeiro was studied. So, the Metabolic Syndrome was considered as a marker because it is associated with a clustering of components that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and/or diabetes, like abdominal obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and elevated blood pressure. Among the several Metabolic Syndrome
criteria the following three were used: World Health Organization, National Cholesterol
Education Program - Third Adult Treatment Panel, and International Diabetes Federation. Also the Framingham Risk Score was calculated for this population and combined to the Metabolic Syndrome in order to improve the overall cardiovascular
risk marker. Data were collected from the periodic medical examination between January 2003 and December 2007. From 2.052 exams realized in 2003, 1.260 were considered. A group of 123 workers was diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome using the International Diabetes Federation criteria and followed during five years. The
prevalence found of 9,7% was lower than the one reported in the literature. The Metabolic Syndrome prevalence was uniformly distributed between the different occupational groups in the company. Circulatory disorders were the second cause for lost workdays. Poor participation in the health programs available was observed. The
workers who were submitted to the periodic medical examination in 2007 were diagnosed using the three criteria. The prevalence found were the following: World Health Organization - 3,8%; National Cholesterol Education Program- Third Adult Treatment Panel - 16,6%; and International Diabetes Federation - 16,3%. All the three
were lower than the one reported in the literature. When the Metabolic Syndrome was
added to the Framingham Risk Score as a grievance factor, a 5-fold increase in workers with high risk of cardiovascular disease was observed. This group is in need of a special approach for medical treatment and lifestyle change, in order to reduce disability and premature death.
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