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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La responsabilité des centres d'arbitrage / The liability of arbitral instituions

Elatafy, Sherif 23 May 2016 (has links)
Les litigants sollicitent les centres d’arbitrage pour diriger l’arbitrage dans toutes ses phases afin de donner une garantie supplémentaire qui assure la validité de la sentence arbitrale. Compte tenu du rôle important que les centres d’arbitrage jouent pendant l’instance arbitrale, les litigants mécontents de la sentence arbitrale ou du jugement annulant la sentence tentent d’engager la responsabilité du centre d’arbitrage dès lors qu’il a surveillé, dirigé et participé au rendu de la sentence.De plus en plus la responsabilité des centres d’arbitrage est mise en cause devant les juridictions étatiques différentes, les fonctions et les pouvoirs exercés par les centres d’arbitrage ainsi que le régime de responsabilité leur est applicable font l’objet d’une attention critique de la part de la doctrine dans plusieurs systèmes juridiques. On s’interroge sur l’origine des rapports qui lient les centres d’arbitrage aux autres acteurs de l’arbitrage, sur les obligations et les pouvoirs conférés aux centres d’arbitrage, et sur les fonctions exercées par les centres d’arbitrage pour établir enfin un régime de responsabilité homogène et pertinent à l’égard des fonctions exercées par les centres d’arbitrage qui a une vocation à s’appliquer dans la majorité des systèmes juridiques / Parties to arbitration seek arbitral institutions to administrate their arbitration in order to have an extra guarantee that ensures the validity of the arbitral award. Given the role that arbitral institutions play during the arbitral procedure, parties unsatisfied either by the arbitral award or the annulment of the award tend to claim the liability of arbitral institution for the awards it had supervised, administered and participated in.The more the allegations of liability raise against the arbitral institutions before courts, the more the issue of arbitral institutions’ functions, powers and liability becomes controversial in different jurisdictions. Therefore, the present study tends to clarify the origin of the relationship existing between arbitral institutions and other parties involved in the arbitration at issue, the duties and powers assigned to the arbitral institutions and the functions performed by the arbitral intuitions, which helps eventually in establishing a kind of liability that complies with the functions performed by the arbitral institutions and can be applied in many jurisdictions.

La capacité pénale / Criminal capacity

Margaine, Clément 28 October 2011 (has links)
Définie à l’origine comme l’aptitude à la sanction, la capacité pénale peut s’entendre plus largement comme résumant l’ensemble des aptitudes subjectives, c’est-à-dire propres au délinquant, indispensables à l’engagement et à la sanction de sa responsabilité pénale. Ces aptitudes sont de deux ordres. L’aptitude à l’infraction et l’aptitude à l’imputation de cette infraction conditionnent le jugement de responsabilité et contribuent à en assurer la dimension morale. L’aptitude à la sanction ou capacité pénitentiaire joue un rôle plus original puisqu’elle apparaît comme le fondement de la personnalisation de la peine, permettant d’adapter la sanction pénale à la personnalité et aux besoins de celui qui doit la subir. / Originally defined as the capacity to be punished, criminal capacity can be understood more widely as summarizing mental abilities that are required for criminal responsibility. Some are needed to commit the offense, others for criminal responsibility but both ensure the moral meaning of criminal law. Applied to the penalty, criminal capacity can be used to adapt the sentence to the personality and needs of those who must endure it.

Изменение показателей уровня тревожности как индикатор стратегии прохождения специального психофизиологического исследования с использованием полиграфа : магистерская диссертация / Change in indicators of the level of anxiety as an indicator of the strategy of passing a special psychophysiological examination using a polygraph

Баранникова, Т. А., Barannikova, T. A. January 2022 (has links)
Объектом исследования является тревожность. Предметом исследования стала связь изменений показателей уровня тревожности в результате предтестовой беседы со стратегией прохождения СПФИ. Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, списка литературы (61 источник) и приложения. Объем магистерской диссертации 99 страница, на которых размещены 16 рисунков и 16 таблиц. Во введении раскрывается актуальность проблемы исследования, разработанность проблематики, ставятся цель и задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируются основная и дополнительные гипотезы, указываются методы и эмпирическая база, а также этапы проведения исследования, научная новизна, теоретическая и практическая значимость работы. Первая глава включает в себя обзор иностранной и отечественной литературы по методу специального психофизиологического исследования с применением полиграфа. Представленные разделы посвящены описанию метода СПФИ и роли предтестовой беседы в СПФИ. Выводы по первой главе представляют собой обобщение по изучению теоретического материала. Во второй главе описаны представления о тревожности в психологии и обозначены методы диагностики тревожности в психологии. В выводах по второй главе обобщён материал по данной тематике. Третья глава посвящена эмпирической части исследования. В ней представлено описание организации и методов проведенного исследования и результатов, полученных по всем использованным методикам и методам: специальное психофизиологическое исследование с использованием полиграфа (СПФИ); метафорические ассоциативные карты (МАК); шкала ситуативной тревожности Спилбергера-Ханина; 10-и бальная шкала самооценки тревожности; измерение вегетативных показателей на основе данных тонометра. Также в главе представлен сравнительный анализ Манна Уитни и корреляционный анализ результатов исследования. Выводы по главе 3 включают в себя основные результаты эмпирического исследования. В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутым гипотезам и обоснована практическая значимость исследования. / The object of the study is anxiety. The subject of the study was the relationship of changes in anxiety level indicators as a result of a pre-test conversation with the strategy of passing the SPFI. The master's thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references (61 sources) and an appendix. The volume of the master's thesis is 99 pages, which contain 16 figures and 16 tables. The introduction reveals the relevance of the research problem, the elaboration of the problem, sets the purpose and objectives of the study, defines the object and subject of the study, formulates the main and additional hypotheses, specifies the methods and empirical base, as well as the stages of research, scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the work. The first chapter includes a review of foreign and domestic literature on the method of special psychophysiological research using a polygraph. The presented sections are devoted to the description of the SPFI method and the role of the pre-test conversation in the SPFI. The conclusions of the first chapter are a generalization of the study of theoretical material. The second chapter describes the concepts of anxiety in psychology and identifies methods for diagnosing anxiety in psychology. The conclusions of the second chapter summarize the material on this topic. The third chapter is devoted to the empirical part of the study. It describes the organization and methods of the study and the results obtained by all the methods and methods used: a special psychophysiological study using a polygraph (SPFI); metaphorical associative maps (MAC); the Spielberger-Khanin situational anxiety scale; a 10-point scale of self-assessment of anxiety; measurement of vegetative indicators based on tonometer data. The chapter also presents a comparative analysis of Mann Whitney and a correlation analysis of the results of the study. The conclusions of Chapter 3 include the main results of an empirical study. In conclusion, the results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work are summarized, as well as conclusions on the hypotheses put forward and the practical significance of the study is substantiated.

Maturitní zkouška z českého jazyka v úpravě pro neslyšící ve světle testování češtiny jako cizího jazyka / Adaptation of Czech Language Leaving Examination for the Deaf in Light Testing Czech Language as a Foreign Language

Andrejsek, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This diploma work focuses on Adaptation of Czech Language Leaving Examination for the Deaf, which deaf student in Czech republic pass as a part of the their Leaving Examination. As a background of this main theme examines also present situation in the research of reading literacy. In the main part of this work is this examination presented in detail and there are also presented the results of deaf students and some other statisticts information. Examples of test units and student's written works are attached too. The other part of this work describes examinations of Czech language as a foreign language and give some detail information about the most important exams. In conclusion, the author of this work is trying to explore the way how the deaf students language skills in other countries are examined in their Leaving Examination.

Contribution à la prise des décisions stratégiques dans le contrôle de la trypanosomiase humaine africaine / Contribution to strategic decision making in human African trypanosomiasis control

Lutumba-Tshindele, Pascal 29 November 2005 (has links)
RESUME<p>La Trypanosomiase Humain Africaine (THA) demeure un problème de santé publique pour plusieurs pays en Afrique subsaharienne. Le contrôle de la THA est basé essentiellement sur la stratégie de dépistage actif suivi du traitement des personnes infectées. Le dépistage actif est réalisé par des unités mobiles spécialisées, bien que les services de santé fixes jouent un rôle important en détectant « passivement » des cas. Le dépistage reposait jadis sur la palpation ganglionnaire mais, depuis le développement du test d’agglutination sur carte (CATT), trois possibilités se sont offertes aux programmes de contrôle à savoir: i) continuer avec la palpation ganglionnaire ii) combiner la palpation ganglionnaire avec le CATT iii) recourir au CATT seul. Certains programmes comme celui de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) ont opté pour la combinaison en parallèle de la palpation ganglionnaire avec le CATT. Toute personne ayant une hypertrophie ganglionnaire cervicale et/ou un CATT positif est considéré comme suspecte de la THA. Elle sera soumise aux tests parasitologiques de confirmation à cause de la toxicité des médicaments anti-THA. Les tests parasitologiques classiques sont l’examen du suc ganglionnaire (PG), l’examen du sang à l’état frais (SF), la goutte épaisse colorée (GE). La sensibilité de cette séquence a été estimée insuffisante par plusieurs auteurs et serait à la base d’une grande perte de l’efficacité de la stratégie dépistage-traitement. D’autres techniques de concentration ont été développées comme la mini-Anion Exchange Concentration Technique (mAECT), la Centrifugation en Tube Capillaire (CTC) et le Quantitative Buffy Coat (QBC), mais ces techniques de concentration ne sont pas utilisées en routine. <p>En RDC, une interruption des activités de contrôle en 1990 a eu comme conséquence une réémergence importante de la maladie du sommeil. Depuis 1998 les activités de contrôle ont été refinancées de manière structurée. <p>Ce travail vise deux buts à savoir le plaidoyer pour la continuité des activités de contrôle et la rationalisation des stratégies de contrôle. Nous avons évalué l’évolution de la maladie du sommeil en rapport avec le financement, son impact sur les ménages ainsi que la communauté. L’exercice de rationalisation a porté sur les outils de dépistage et de confirmation. Nous avons d’abord évalué la validité des tests, leur faisabilité ainsi que les coûts et ensuite nous avons effectué une analyse décisionnelle formelle pour comparer les algorithmes de dépistage et pour les tests de confirmation.<p>Pendant la période de refinancement structurel de la lutte contre la THA en RDC (1998-2003), le budget alloué aux activités a été doublé lorsqu’on le compare à la période précédente (1993-1997). Le nombre des personnes examinées a aussi doublé mais par contre le nombre des nouveaux cas de THA est passé d’un pic de 26 000 cas en 1998 à 11 000 en 2003. Le coût par personne examinée a été de 1,5 US$ et celui d’un cas détecté et sauvé à 300 US$. Pendant cette période, les activités ont été financées par l’aide extérieure à plus de 95%. Cette subvention pourrait laisser supposer que l’impact de la THA au niveau des ménages et des communautés est réduit mais lorsque nous avons abordé cet aspect, il s’est avéré que le coût de la THA au niveau des ménages équivaut à un mois de leur revenu et que la THA fait perdre 2145 DALYs dans la communauté. L’intervention par la stratégie de dépistage-traitement a permis de sauver 1408 DALYs à un coût de 17 US$ par DALYs sauvé. Ce coût classe l’intervention comme « good value for money ».<p>Le recours au CATT seul s’est avéré comme la stratégie la plus efficiente pour le dépistage actif. Le gain marginal lorsque l’on ajoute la palpation ganglionnaire en parallèle est minime et n’est pas compensé par le coût élevé lié à un nombre important des suspects soumis aux tests parasitologiques. Les techniques de concentration ont une bonne sensibilité et leur faisabilité est acceptable. Leur ajout à l’arbre classique améliore la sensibilité de 29 % pour la CTC et de 42% pour la mAECT. Le coût de la CTC a été de 0,76 € et celui de la mAECT de 2,82 €. Le SF a été estimé très peu sensible. L’algorithme PG- GE-CTC-mAECT a été le plus efficient avec 277 € par vie sauvée et un ratio de coût-efficacité marginal de 125 € par unité de vie supplémentaire sauvée. L’algorithme PG-GE-CATT titration avec traitement des personnes avec une parasitologie négative mais un CATT positif à un seuil de 1/8 devient compétitif lorsque la prévalence de la THA est élevée.<p>Il est donc possible dans le contexte actuel de réduire la prévalence de la THA mais à condition que les activités ne soient pas interrompues. Le recours à un algorithme recourant au CATT dans le dépistage actif et à la séquence PG-GE-CTC-mAECT est le plus efficient et une efficacité de 80%. La faisabilité et l’efficacité peut être différent d’un endroit à l’autre à cause de la focalisation de la THA. Il est donc nécessaire de réévaluer cet algorithme dans un autre foyer de THA en étude pilote avant de décider d’un changement de politique. Le recours à cet algorithme implique un financement supplémentaire et une volonté politique. <p><p><p>SUMMARY<p>Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) remains a major public health problem affecting several countries in sub-Saharan Africa. HAT control is essentially based on active case finding conducted by specialized mobile teams. In the past the population screening was based on neck gland palpation, but since the development of the Card Agglutination Test for Trypanosomiasis (CATT) three control options are available to the control program: i) neck gland palpation ii) CATT iii) neck gland palpation and CATT done in parallel .Certain programs such as the one in DRC opted for the latter, combining CATT and neck gland palpation. All persons having hypertrophy of the neck gland and/or a positive CATT test are considered to be a HAT suspect. Confirmation tests are necessary because the screening algorithms are not 100 % specific and HAT drugs are very toxic. The classic parasitological confirmation tests are lymph node puncture (LNP), fresh blood examination (FBE) and thick blood film (TBF). The sensitivity of this combination is considered insufficient by several authors and causes important losses of efficacy of the screening-treatment strategy. More sensitive concentration methods were developed such as the mini Anion Exchange Concentration Techniques (mAECT), Capillary Tube Centrifugation (CTC) and the Quantitative Buffy Coat (QBC), but they are not used on a routine basis. Main reasons put forward are low feasibility, high cost and long time of execution. <p>In the Democratic Republic of Congo, HAT control activities were suddenly interrupted in 1990 and this led to an important re-emergence or the epidemic. Since 1998 onwards, control activities were financed again in a structured way.<p>This works aims to be both a plea for the continuation of HAT control as well as a contribution to the rationalization of the control strategies. We analyzed the evolution of sleeping sickness in the light of its financing, and we studied its impact on the household and the community. We aimed at a rationalization of the use of the screening and confirmation tools. We first evaluated the validity of the tests, their feasibility and the cost and we did a formal decision analysis to compare screening and confirmation algorithms. <p>The budget allocated to control activities was doubled during the period when structural aid funding was again granted (1998-2003) compared with the period before (1993-1997). The number of persons examined per year doubled as well but the number of cases found peaked at 26 000 in 1998 and dropped to 11 000 in the period afterwards. The cost per person examined was 1.5 US$ and per case detected and saved was 300 US$. The activities were financed for 95 % by external donors during this period. This subvention could give the impression that the impact of HAT on the household and the household was limited but when we took a closer look at this aspect we found that the cost at household level amounted to one month of income and that HAT caused the loss of 2145 DALYs in the community. The intervention consisting of active case finding and treatment allowed to save 1408 DALY’s at a cost of 17 US$ per DALY, putting the intervention in the class of “good value for money”. <p>The use of CATT alone as screening test emerged as the most efficient strategy for active case finding. The marginal gain when neck gland palpation is added is minor and is not compensated by the high cost of doing the parasitological confirmation test on a high number of suspected cases. The concentration methods have a good sensitivity and acceptable feasibility. Adding them to the classical tree improves its sensitivity with 29 % for CTC and with 42 % for mAECT. The cost of CTC was 0.76 US$ and of mAECT was 2.82 US$. Sensitivity of fresh blood examination was poor. The algorithm LNP-TBF-CTC-mAECT was the most efficient costing 277 Euro per life saved and a marginal cost effectiveness ratio of 125 Euro per supplementary life saved. The algorithm LNP-TBF-CATT titration with treatment of persons with a negative parasitology but a CATT positive at a dilution of 1/8 and more becomes competitive when HAT prevalence is high. <p>We conclude that it is possible in the current RDC context to reduce HAT prevalence on condition that control activities are not interrupted. Using an algorithm that includes CATT in active case finding and the combination LNP-TBF-CTC-mAECT is the most efficient with an efficacy of 80 %. Feasibility and efficacy may differ from one place to another because HAT is very focalized, so it is necessary to test this novel algorithm in another HAT focus on a pilot basis, before deciding on a policy change. Implementation of this algorithm will require additional financial resources and political commitment.<p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences de la santé publique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Exploring the practice of quality control in the onscreen marking of ordinary level Biology in Zimbabwe

Masiri, Ebba 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the practice of quality control in the onscreen marking (OSM) environment of Biology (5008) examinations between 2013 and 2017. Examination marking is gradually being migrating from paper-based marking (PBM) to OSM in a bid to improve the efficiency and quality of marking. The Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC) introduced OSM for some O Level subjects in June 2012, in a context characterised by a persistent economic crisis, patchy internet coverage, erratic power supplies and low digital literacy, among other challenges. The Council encountered some difficulties related to quality control, which triggered this qualitative instrumental single case study that was informed by the ontology, epistemology, methods and axiology of the constructivist philosophy. Data were collected through face-to-face and focus group interviews on the WhatsApp platform with 4 subject managers, 11 senior markers and 18 normal markers, and through document review. The findings of the study suggest that the quality of marking was influenced by the context in which the examinations were marked. The socio-political climate that prevailed in Zimbabwe impacted on the technological infrastructure for the OSM and the digital literacy of the examination personnel. The capacity of the examiners to work in the OSM environment was influenced by knowledge and skills transfer from training and standardisation to the live marking. The quality of marking was monitored by the seeds approach to script moderation, automatically generated reports and audit trails, and escalation of problem scripts. It was also influenced by the structure of the question papers, cognitive demands of the questions and mark schemes on the examiners, spaces provided for candidates’ responses and mark scheme features such as language and marks to marking points ratio. The assessment framework provided by the syllabus guided the design and marking of Biology examinations. From these findings, a framework that could guide the practice of quality control in the OSM environment was formulated. OSM technology could enhance the quality of marking Biology examinations, thereby eliminating challenges associated with PBM. Some of the opportunities were, however, reduced by the challenges encountered during the OSM of the examinations. It is recommended that ZIMSEC put in place policies and procedures that could guide specific quality control activities in the OSM environment and establish computer centres in the provincial capital towns. The Council could also consider benchmarking examiner recruitment, training and standardisation procedures with international examination authorities. / Tsvakurudzo ino yanga yakananga kuvandudza nharaunda yemakwenyero ebvunzo kubudikidza nemichina pachidzidzo cheBhayaroji, 5008 pakati pemakore a2013-2017. Vandudzo iyi iri kuuya zvishoma nezvishoma kubva pakukwenya pamapepa zvichienda mukukwenya nemichina (on screen marking :OSM ) nechinangwa chekuda kukwenenzvera mhando yebasa rezvekukwenya . Bazi rebvunzo reZimbabwe School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC) rakavarura kukwenya kubudikidza nemichina (OSM) kubvunzo dzedanho reOdhinari revhuru muna Chikumi 2012 , mumamiriro anozivikanwa ematambudziko ezveupfumi, masaisai eindaneti asingavimbiki anouya zvigamba zvigamba , magetsi asingawanikwe nguva dzose, nezivo yezvemichina muvakwenyi isina kupararira pakati pezvimwe zvimhingamupini. Kanzuru yezvebvunzo yakasangana nemamwe matambudziko ane chokuita nounaku hwezvemakwenyerwe ebvunzo hwakakonzera kuti paitwe tsvakurudzo ino yezveudzamu (qualitative) muchinzvimbo chiduku chakasarudzwa (case study) yaitungamirirwa nemaziviro evacho vanoona nezvekukwenya bvunzo (interpretivist epistemology) nemaziviro okuti chokwadi chinosiyana nekusiyana kwenharaunda nokuti chigadzirwa chevarimukati mekukwenya (constructivist ontology), nekuumba mufungo kubudikidza neumboo huchabuda mutsvakurudzo (inductive theory) nenzira nezvinokosheswa nenharaunda mukuumba ruzivo (constructivist philosophy). Umboo hwetsvakurudzo hwakawanikwa kubudikidza nebvunzurudzo ine udzamu padungamunhu nemumapoka nekupindurana padare reWatsiApu nevanotungamira zvidzidzo (Subject managers ) vana , zvidza mune zvokukwenywa bvunzo gumi neumwe, nevamwewo vakwenyi gumi nevasere uye kuongorora magwaro. Mamiriro ezvemagariro nematongerwo enyika mu / Ihloso yaleli rhubhululo bekukuphenya indlela ikhwalithi elawulwa ngayo ngehlelo lokutshwaya ngekhomphyutha kwe enhlahlubo zeBhayiloji (5008) phakathi komnyaka ka-2013 no-2017. Ukutshwaywa kwe enhlahlubo kancanikancani kuyasuka ehlelweni lokutshwaya iphepha ngesandla (PBM) kuya ehlelweni lokutshwaya ngekhomphyutha (OSM) ngomzamo wokuthuthukisa umsebenzi omuhle kanye nokuletha iqophelo eliphezulu lokutshwaya. Hlangana nezinye iintjhijilo, UMkhandlu wezokuTshwaywa kwe eNhlahlubo eZimbabwe (Zimbabwe School Examinations Council) (ZIMSEC) sewungenise ihlelo le-OSM kwezinye iimfundo zesigaba sika-O Level ngenyangaka Mgwengweni 2012, ngaphasi kobujamo obumbibe zomnotho, kobujamo obumaratha be-inthanedi, obuqokeme kobokuphakelwa ngegezi kanye na ngaphasi kwezinga eliphasi lefundo ye dijithali. UMkhandlu uhlangabezene nobunye ubudisi obumalunga nanokulawulwa kwekhwalithi, okubujamo obukhwezelele isizathu sokobana kube nerhubhululo linye elisebenzako elisebenzisa indlela yerhubhululo yekulumo, kanti lokhu kwabangelwayi-ontholoji, i-ephistemoloji, iindlela zerthubhululo kanye ne-akziyoloji yefilosofi i-constructivist philosophy. Idatha ibuthelelwe ngendlela yehlolombono yokubuza umuntu ngamunye ubuso nobuso kanye nokubuza iinqhema zabantu ezinqotjhiwe kokukundla yezokucocisana, i-WhatsApp platform kanye nabaphathi beemfundo aba-4 subject managers, abatshwayi abakhulu abali-11, kanye nabatshwayi abajayelekileko abali-18, kanti lokhu kwenziwa ngokubuyekeza umtlolo. Ilwazi elifumane keerhubhululweni liphakamisa kobana izinga lekhwalithi lokutshwaya laba nomthintela wobujamo/wendawo lapho iinhlahlubo zatshwaywa khona. Ubujamo bezehlalakuhle yabantu kezepolotik iebebusezweni leZimbabwe laba nomthelela phezu komthanga lasisekelo wethekinoloji, kanti kwathinta abasebenzi behlelo le-OSM kanye nezinga lefundo yedijithali. Amandla wekghono labatshwayi lokusebenza ebhodulukweni le-OSM lalilawulwa kudluliselwa kwelwazi kanye namakghonofundwa ukusukela ekubandulweni kanye nokwenza izinto ngendlela efanako ehlelweni elibonakala ngamehlo lokutshwaya. Izinga lokutshwaya lalitjhejwe yindlela yokulinganiswa kwamaphepha atshwayiwako, ihlelo le-seeds approach to script moderation, kanti ihlelwe lingokwalo lihlanganisa imibiko begodu lilandelela ukuhlolwa, kanti goduli yakwazi nokuveza amaphepha ane miraro. Leli hlelo begodula lilawulwa sisakhiwo sephepha lemibuzo, lilwazi elifunekako ephepheni lemibuzo kanye namaskimu wamaksi phezu kwabatshwayi bamaphepha, iinkhala ezenzelwako bana abafundi baphendulele kizo kanye namaskimu wokutshwaya okunje ngelimi kanye namamaksi asesilinganiswe nisamamaksi, phecelezi-marking points ratio. Isakhiwo sokuhlola sinikelwa yisilabhasi, okungiyo eyikombandlela yedizayini kanye nokutshwaywa kwe enhlahlubo zeBhayiloji. Ngalelilwazi elitholakeleko, kukghonakele ukuthi kutlanywe isakhiwo ebesingabayi kombandlela yendlela engalandelwa ukulawula ikhwalithi ebhodulukweni ye-OSM. Ithekinoloji ye-OSM beyinga siza izinga lokumakha iinhlahlubo zeBhayiloji, ngalokho lokhu bekungaphungula iintjhijilo ezihlobene nehlelo le-PBM. Nanyana kunjalo, amanye amathuba, aphungulwazi intjhijilo ekuhlangabezenwe nazo nakutshwaywa iinhlahlubo zehlelo le-OSM. Kuye kwa tjhukunyiswa ukobana i-ZIMSEC izene mithethomgomo kanye ne enkambiso ezingabayikombandlela elayela imisebenzi ethile koyokulawulwa kwekhwalithi ebhodulukweni le-OSM kanye nokuhloma iinkhungo zekhomphyutha kumadorobhahloko we emfunda. UMkhandlu begodu ungatjheja yokubeka izinga lokuqatjhwa kwabatshwayi, lokubandulwa kanye nehlelolokwenza izinto ngendlela efanako neyamaziko we entjhabatjhaba alawula iinhlahlubo. / Science and Technology Education / D. Phil. (Education)

Exploring the practice of quality control in the onscreen marking of ordinary level Biology in Zimbabwe

Masiri, Ebba 06 October 2020
Text in English, abstract in English, Shona and Xhosa / The purpose of this study was to explore the practice of quality control in the onscreen marking (OSM) environment of Biology (5008) examinations between 2013 and 2017. Examination marking is gradually being migrating from paper-based marking (PBM) to OSM in a bid to improve the efficiency and quality of marking. The Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC) introduced OSM for some O Level subjects in June 2012, in a context characterised by a persistent economic crisis, patchy internet coverage, erratic power supplies and low digital literacy, among other challenges. The Council encountered some difficulties related to quality control, which triggered this qualitative instrumental single case study that was informed by the ontology, epistemology, methods and axiology of the constructivist philosophy. Data were collected through face-to-face and focus group interviews on the WhatsApp platform with 4 subject managers, 11 senior markers and 18 normal markers, and through document review. The findings of the study suggest that the quality of marking was influenced by the context in which the examinations were marked. The socio-political climate that prevailed in Zimbabwe impacted on the technological infrastructure for the OSM and the digital literacy of the examination personnel. The capacity of the examiners to work in the OSM environment was influenced by knowledge and skills transfer from training and standardisation to the live marking. The quality of marking was monitored by the seeds approach to script moderation, automatically generated reports and audit trails, and escalation of problem scripts. It was also influenced by the structure of the question papers, cognitive demands of the questions and mark schemes on the examiners, spaces provided for candidates’ responses and mark scheme features such as language and marks to marking points ratio. The assessment framework provided by the syllabus guided the design and marking of Biology examinations. From these findings, a framework that could guide the practice of quality control in the OSM environment was formulated. OSM technology could enhance the quality of marking Biology examinations, thereby eliminating challenges associated with PBM. Some of the opportunities were, however, reduced by the challenges encountered during the OSM of the examinations. It is recommended that ZIMSEC put in place policies and procedures that could guide specific quality control activities in the OSM environment and establish computer centres in the provincial capital towns. The Council could also consider benchmarking examiner recruitment, training and standardisation procedures with international examination authorities. / Tsvakurudzo ino yanga yakananga kuvandudza nharaunda yemakwenyero ebvunzo kubudikidza nemichina pachidzidzo cheBhayaroji, 5008 pakati pemakore a2013-2017. Vandudzo iyi iri kuuya zvishoma nezvishoma kubva pakukwenya pamapepa zvichienda mukukwenya nemichina (on screen marking :OSM ) nechinangwa chekuda kukwenenzvera mhando yebasa rezvekukwenya . Bazi rebvunzo reZimbabwe School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC) rakavarura kukwenya kubudikidza nemichina (OSM) kubvunzo dzedanho reOdhinari revhuru muna Chikumi 2012 , mumamiriro anozivikanwa ematambudziko ezveupfumi, masaisai eindaneti asingavimbiki anouya zvigamba zvigamba , magetsi asingawanikwe nguva dzose, nezivo yezvemichina muvakwenyi isina kupararira pakati pezvimwe zvimhingamupini. Kanzuru yezvebvunzo yakasangana nemamwe matambudziko ane chokuita nounaku hwezvemakwenyerwe ebvunzo hwakakonzera kuti paitwe tsvakurudzo ino yezveudzamu (qualitative) muchinzvimbo chiduku chakasarudzwa (case study) yaitungamirirwa nemaziviro evacho vanoona nezvekukwenya bvunzo (interpretivist epistemology) nemaziviro okuti chokwadi chinosiyana nekusiyana kwenharaunda nokuti chigadzirwa chevarimukati mekukwenya (constructivist ontology), nekuumba mufungo kubudikidza neumboo huchabuda mutsvakurudzo (inductive theory) nenzira nezvinokosheswa nenharaunda mukuumba ruzivo (constructivist philosophy). Umboo hwetsvakurudzo hwakawanikwa kubudikidza nebvunzurudzo ine udzamu padungamunhu nemumapoka nekupindurana padare reWatsiApu nevanotungamira zvidzidzo (Subject managers ) vana , zvidza mune zvokukwenywa bvunzo gumi neumwe, nevamwewo vakwenyi gumi nevasere uye kuongorora magwaro. Mamiriro ezvemagariro nematongerwo enyika mu / Ihloso yaleli rhubhululo bekukuphenya indlela ikhwalithi elawulwa ngayo ngehlelo lokutshwaya ngekhomphyutha kwe enhlahlubo zeBhayiloji (5008) phakathi komnyaka ka-2013 no-2017. Ukutshwaywa kwe enhlahlubo kancanikancani kuyasuka ehlelweni lokutshwaya iphepha ngesandla (PBM) kuya ehlelweni lokutshwaya ngekhomphyutha (OSM) ngomzamo wokuthuthukisa umsebenzi omuhle kanye nokuletha iqophelo eliphezulu lokutshwaya. Hlangana nezinye iintjhijilo, UMkhandlu wezokuTshwaywa kwe eNhlahlubo eZimbabwe (Zimbabwe School Examinations Council) (ZIMSEC) sewungenise ihlelo le-OSM kwezinye iimfundo zesigaba sika-O Level ngenyangaka Mgwengweni 2012, ngaphasi kobujamo obumbibe zomnotho, kobujamo obumaratha be-inthanedi, obuqokeme kobokuphakelwa ngegezi kanye na ngaphasi kwezinga eliphasi lefundo ye dijithali. UMkhandlu uhlangabezene nobunye ubudisi obumalunga nanokulawulwa kwekhwalithi, okubujamo obukhwezelele isizathu sokobana kube nerhubhululo linye elisebenzako elisebenzisa indlela yerhubhululo yekulumo, kanti lokhu kwabangelwayi-ontholoji, i-ephistemoloji, iindlela zerthubhululo kanye ne-akziyoloji yefilosofi i-constructivist philosophy. Idatha ibuthelelwe ngendlela yehlolombono yokubuza umuntu ngamunye ubuso nobuso kanye nokubuza iinqhema zabantu ezinqotjhiwe kokukundla yezokucocisana, i-WhatsApp platform kanye nabaphathi beemfundo aba-4 subject managers, abatshwayi abakhulu abali-11, kanye nabatshwayi abajayelekileko abali-18, kanti lokhu kwenziwa ngokubuyekeza umtlolo. Ilwazi elifumane keerhubhululweni liphakamisa kobana izinga lekhwalithi lokutshwaya laba nomthintela wobujamo/wendawo lapho iinhlahlubo zatshwaywa khona. Ubujamo bezehlalakuhle yabantu kezepolotik iebebusezweni leZimbabwe laba nomthelela phezu komthanga lasisekelo wethekinoloji, kanti kwathinta abasebenzi behlelo le-OSM kanye nezinga lefundo yedijithali. Amandla wekghono labatshwayi lokusebenza ebhodulukweni le-OSM lalilawulwa kudluliselwa kwelwazi kanye namakghonofundwa ukusukela ekubandulweni kanye nokwenza izinto ngendlela efanako ehlelweni elibonakala ngamehlo lokutshwaya. Izinga lokutshwaya lalitjhejwe yindlela yokulinganiswa kwamaphepha atshwayiwako, ihlelo le-seeds approach to script moderation, kanti ihlelwe lingokwalo lihlanganisa imibiko begodu lilandelela ukuhlolwa, kanti goduli yakwazi nokuveza amaphepha ane miraro. Leli hlelo begodula lilawulwa sisakhiwo sephepha lemibuzo, lilwazi elifunekako ephepheni lemibuzo kanye namaskimu wamaksi phezu kwabatshwayi bamaphepha, iinkhala ezenzelwako bana abafundi baphendulele kizo kanye namaskimu wokutshwaya okunje ngelimi kanye namamaksi asesilinganiswe nisamamaksi, phecelezi-marking points ratio. Isakhiwo sokuhlola sinikelwa yisilabhasi, okungiyo eyikombandlela yedizayini kanye nokutshwaywa kwe enhlahlubo zeBhayiloji. Ngalelilwazi elitholakeleko, kukghonakele ukuthi kutlanywe isakhiwo ebesingabayi kombandlela yendlela engalandelwa ukulawula ikhwalithi ebhodulukweni ye-OSM. Ithekinoloji ye-OSM beyinga siza izinga lokumakha iinhlahlubo zeBhayiloji, ngalokho lokhu bekungaphungula iintjhijilo ezihlobene nehlelo le-PBM. Nanyana kunjalo, amanye amathuba, aphungulwazi intjhijilo ekuhlangabezenwe nazo nakutshwaywa iinhlahlubo zehlelo le-OSM. Kuye kwa tjhukunyiswa ukobana i-ZIMSEC izene mithethomgomo kanye ne enkambiso ezingabayikombandlela elayela imisebenzi ethile koyokulawulwa kwekhwalithi ebhodulukweni le-OSM kanye nokuhloma iinkhungo zekhomphyutha kumadorobhahloko we emfunda. UMkhandlu begodu ungatjheja yokubeka izinga lokuqatjhwa kwabatshwayi, lokubandulwa kanye nehlelolokwenza izinto ngendlela efanako neyamaziko we entjhabatjhaba alawula iinhlahlubo. / Science and Technology Education / D. Phil. (Education)

Financial Analysis and Fiscal Viability of Secondary Schools in Mukono District, Uganda

Tanner, Janet Jeffery 08 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Within the worldwide business community, many analysis tools and techniques have evolved to assist in the evaluation and encouragement of financial health and fiscal viability. However, in the educational community, such analysis is uncommon. It has long been argued that educational institutions bear little resemblance to, and should not be treated like, businesses. This research identifies an educational environment where educational institutions are, indeed, businesses, and may greatly benefit from the use of business analyses. The worldwide effort of Education for All (EFA) has focused on primary education, particularly in less developed countries (LDCs). In Sub-Saharan Africa, Uganda increased its primary school enrollments from 2.7 million in 1996 to 7.6 million in 2003. This rapid primary school expansion substantially increased the demand for secondary education. Limited government funding for secondary schools created an educational bottleneck. In response to this demand, laws were passed to allow the establishment of private secondary schools, operated and taxed as businesses. Revenue reports, filed by individual private schools with the Uganda Revenue Authority, formed the database for the financial analysis portion of this research. These reports, required of all profitable businesses in Uganda, are similar to audited corporate financial statements. Survey data and national examination (UNEB) scores were also utilized. This research explored standard business financial analysis tools, including financial statement ratio analysis, and evaluated the applicability of each to this LDC educational environment. A model for financial assessment was developed and industry averages were calculated for private secondary schools in the Mukono District of Uganda. Industry averages can be used by individual schools as benchmarks in assessing their own financial health. Substantial deviations from the norms signal areas of potential concern. Schools may take appropriate corrective action, leading to sustainable fiscal viability. An example of such analysis is provided. Finally, school financial health, defined by eight financial measures, was compared with quality of education, defined by UNEB scores. Worldwide, much attention is given to education and its role in development. This research, with its model for financial assessment of private LDC schools, offers a new and pragmatic perspective.

Dealing with sexually abused children: a framework for social workers in the South African justice system

Makhubu, Lindiwe Yvonne 12 1900 (has links)
The South African Justice System is a broader system that brings law and order to society. This law and order also includes the constitutional rights of the sexually abused children. A special court dealing with cases of children who are sexually abused is functioning throughout the country. The purpose of this study is to develop a framework for social workers working with children in these special courts. The problem identified is that in these courts no framework exists for social workers focusing on the guidance of the child through the processes of the Justice System. This includes the therapeutic guidance by means of brief or directive therapy. The research methodology for this study focused on developmental research by using the Intervention research model of Rothman and Thomas (1994). The phases implemented in the study were Problem analysis and project planning, information gathering and synthesis and design. Qualitative data was gathered by means of semi-structured interviews and integrated in phase two of the research report. A proto-type guideline was developed and needs to be evaluated in future research. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Play Therapy)

Dealing with sexually abused children: a framework for social workers in the South African justice system

Makhubu, Lindiwe Yvonne 12 1900 (has links)
The South African Justice System is a broader system that brings law and order to society. This law and order also includes the constitutional rights of the sexually abused children. A special court dealing with cases of children who are sexually abused is functioning throughout the country. The purpose of this study is to develop a framework for social workers working with children in these special courts. The problem identified is that in these courts no framework exists for social workers focusing on the guidance of the child through the processes of the Justice System. This includes the therapeutic guidance by means of brief or directive therapy. The research methodology for this study focused on developmental research by using the Intervention research model of Rothman and Thomas (1994). The phases implemented in the study were Problem analysis and project planning, information gathering and synthesis and design. Qualitative data was gathered by means of semi-structured interviews and integrated in phase two of the research report. A proto-type guideline was developed and needs to be evaluated in future research. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Play Therapy)

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